31 August 2021 Life Fund Halifax Smaller Companies

Halifax Smaller Companies single priced. This document is provided for the purpose of information only. This factsheet is intended for Asset Allocation (as at 30/06/2021) individuals who are familiar with investment UK Equities 94.9% terminology. Please contact your financial adviser if you need an explanation of the terms Money Market 5.1% used. This material should not be relied upon as sufficient information to support an investment decision. The portfolio data on this factsheet is updated on a quarterly basis.

Fund Aim The fund aims to achieve long-term capital growth through investing mainly in smaller companies, principally in the UK. Basic Fund Information Fund Launch Date 01/10/1990 Fund Size £25.3m Sector Breakdown (as at 30/06/2021) Sector ABI UK Smaller Industrials 31.7% Companies Consumer Discretionary 20.4% ISIN GB0031020778 Technology 10.3% MEX ID H9SCSP Financials 7.6% SEDOL 3102077 Basic Materials 7.4% Manager Name Iain Staples Real Estate 7.2% Manager Since 01/06/2021 Cash 5.1% Consumer Staples 3.6% (as at 30/06/2021) Other 3.4% Top Ten Holdings SCHRODER STERLING LIQUIDITY 4.4% Healthcare 3.3% FUND X INCOME DISCOVERIE GROUP PLC ORDINARY 2.6% 5P PLC ORDINARY 1P 2.4% Regional Breakdown (as at 30/06/2021) PLC 2.4% ORDINARY 5P XP POWER LIMITED ORDINARY 1P 2.4% GROUP PLC 2.3% ORDINARY 1P NCC GROUP PLC GBP1 2.3% PLC ORDINARY 2.2% 50P The composition of asset mix and asset allocation may change at any time and exclude cash unless otherwise stated ORDINARY 25P 2.2% GROUP PLC ORDINARY 2.5P 2.2% TOTAL 25.4%

Page 1 Past Performance Fund Rating Information 100% Overall Morningstar - Rating 75% Morningstar Analyst - Rating FE fundinfo Crown 50% Rating

The FE fundinfo Crown Rating relates to this fund. However, the Morningstar ratings are 25% based on the underlying fund. These are supplied by the respective independent ratings agencies and are the latest available at the 0% time this factsheet was issued. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

Sep 16 Dec 17 Mar 19 Jun 20 Sep 21 Other Information 31/08/2016 - 31/08/2021 Powered by data from FE fundinfo The views, opinions and forecasts expressed Halifax LIFE Smaller Companies in this document are those of the fund manager. Investment markets and conditions ABI UK Smaller Companies can change rapidly and as such the views Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Investment value and income from it may expressed should not be taken as statement of fall as well as rise, as a result of market and currency movements. You may not get back the fact, nor should reliance be placed on these amount originally invested. views when making investment decisions. Discrete Performance For further information Please contact: OEIC/ Life/Pension - 0345 366 1513 30/06/2020 - 30/06/2019 - 30/06/2018 - 30/06/2017 - 30/06/2016 - or visit our website: 30/06/2021 30/06/2020 30/06/2019 30/06/2018 30/06/2017 www.halifax.co.uk/investments. Halifax Smaller 32.6% -11.7% -8.9% 17.3% 25.4% Companies Not all products have access to this fund, please refer to the relevant product literature. ABI UK Smaller 42.1% -6.6% -6.3% 12.9% 31.7% Full terms and conditions are available on Companies request from us using the contact details Information is shown as unavailable if prior to the launch of fund. provided. Charges, terms and the selection of funds we make available may change. Cumulative Performance Information on the general and specific risks associated with investing in this fund is 31/07/2021 - 31/05/2021 - 31/08/2020 - 31/08/2018 - 31/08/2016 - available in the relevant fund guide, or KIID 31/08/2021 31/08/2021 31/08/2021 31/08/2021 31/08/2021 where applicable. We may change the Halifax Smaller 2.8% 3.8% 34.6% 14.9% 53.2% investment approach rating for the fund. All Companies information is sourced from Scottish Widows or the relevant fund management group unless ABI UK Smaller 3.8% 5.6% 43.2% 31.6% 75.0% otherwise stated. Companies Quartile 4 4 4 4 4 Source: FE fundinfo as at 31/08/2021

Performance figures are in £ Sterling on a single pricing basis, with income (where applicable) reinvested net of UK tax and net of total annual fund charges. These figures do not include any initial charge or other product charge(s) that may be applicable.

Quarterly Fund Manager Review UK equities performed well in the second quarter, driven by the successful roll-out of Covid-19 vaccines, although beneath the strong headline figure the quarter was mixed. Markets were largely driven by lowly valued and economically sensitive sectors during April and May, continuing a trend in train since November which has beneficial to the UK. Amid improving sentiment global fund managers reported being “overweight” the country for the first time since 2014. Small and mid cap (SMID) equities outperformed during this phase. Among them were domestically and internationally exposed SMIDs set to benefit from recovering global and domestic economies. The UK economic outlook brightened considerably as GDP forecasts were upgraded while the Bank England said it was to slow the pace of quantitative easing. The market, however, struggled over June amid a rise in Covid-19 infections and falling inflation expectations. Defensive large cap equities were very much in favour in June, a trend amplified as sterling fell against a very strong US dollar. The healthcare and consumer staples industries achieved a resilient performance over the month. While energy also performed well in June, in the main lowly valued and economically sensitive sectors did not. Financials performed poorly as market interest rates fell – the UK’s banks and insurance companies, which dominate the sector, typically benefit as rates rise, as they had in the first quarter of 2021 due to concerns about rising inflation. A number of the domestically focused areas which had performed very well on re-opening hopes also fell back quite sharply in June. This was partly due to concerns around the impact of the delta variant of Covid-19 on plans for the re-opening of the economy. Retailers and travel and leisure sectors performed poorly as the UK government delayed the date to further lift social distancing laws following a rise in Covid-19 infection levels.

Iain Staples 30/06/2021 The views, opinions and forecasts expressed in this document are those of the fund management house. Investment markets and conditions can change rapidly and as such the views expressed should not be taken as statements of fact, nor should reliance be placed on these views when making investment decisions.

Halifax is a division of Bank of Scotland plc. Registered in Scotland No. SC327000. Registered Office: The Mound, Edinburgh EH1 1YZ. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Financial Services Register number 169628. Telephone calls may be monitored or recorded. Page 2