BONES OF CONTENTION THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF HEIGHT INEQUALITY Carles Boix* and Frances Rosenbluth ** * Princeton University. Email:
[email protected]. ** Yale University. Email:
[email protected]. Acknowledgements: We have incurred many debts of gratitude in undertaking this project. Gary Aronson and Rose Drew provided some hands-on instruction on skeletal identification and measurement, and Rose Drew made trips to the Duckworth Collection at Cambridge and the Tirup Collection in Denmark to measure countless bones. For access to their data, we thank Joerg Baten, Jesper Boldsen, Chryssa Bourbou, Richard L. Jantz, Spencer Clark Larsen, Jurek Kozak, Takahiro Nakahashi, Donald Ortner, Richard Steckel, andYasuhiro Yamada. For advice on measurement and interpretation and for suggestions on where to find more data, we are grateful to Melvin Ember, Sherry Fox, Trenton Holliday, Iain McLean, Mary Miller, John Murray, Anastasia Papathanasiou, Aleks Pluskowski, Charlotte Roberts, Laura Sinfield, Malcolm Smith, Jay Stockton, Judith Sture, Gen Suwa, Thomas Tartaron, Anastasia Tsaliki, and John Verano. For able research assistance we thank Sheena Arackwal, Lin Nie, Nathaniel Smith, Teruo Utsumi, and Shiru Wang. Abstract Human osteological data provide a rich, unmined source of information about the distribution of nutrition, and by extension, the distribution of political power and economic wealth, in societies of long ago. On the basis of data we have collected and analyzed, we find that the shift from a hunter–gatherer to a labor-intensive agriculture opened up inequalities that had discernible effects on human health and stature. But we also find that political institutions intervene decisively in affecting the distribution of resources within societies.