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10-3-2006 The iH lltop 10-3-2006 Hilltop Staff

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\ ILLT The Daily Student Voice of Howard University ,


T 11 BREAKING NEWS 1 · LIFE & STYLE I U ~ ' ' TRUCK DRIVER KILLS 3 AMISH GIRLS I FITORFLY "IU~l0/3: "'ltlOI~ E ~ I I MOS(L,Y.SUNtlfY SIJlll.•W' s ~ DRIVER ENTERED AN AMISH SCHOOL, BOUND AND EXECUTED SEE HOW STUDENTS HAVE TO CHOOSE BETWEEN BEING HIGH: 83, LoW: 60 HIGH: 85. LOW: 61 D ~ 3 GIRLS AND THEN KILLED HIMSELF. THE GUNMEN CLAIMED IT HEALTHY OR APPEARANCE UPKEEP IN LIFE &STYLE. A O WAS REVENGE FROM 20 YEARS AGO, ACCORDING TO CNN. P610 y ~ H.omecom i ng Ticket Li neS Draw Legions of Students . BY JANAE WILSON began pushing, shoving. and year. Waiting in line. Missing Contributing Writer yelling. Some stildents fell to class. I'm just going to pay the ground and were trampled the extra money online," The line to buy home­ in the uproar. Ca111pus Police said. senior advertising major co111ing tickets formed at 6:45 calmed the · situation and · Nellisha Gregory. a.m. on Monday morning, and .finally put up the barricades One of the reasons people continued to get longer at a to separate the lines, wbidi were waiting in line for such rapid rate as the hours passed. kept passing students who a long time was because there By 10 a.m., when Cramton were not in line away from the .were hundreds of students try­ Auditorium opened, the line students in line. ing to get tickets with only two stretched past Cook Hall to "I don't understand why people at the ticket window to the fence surrounding the can1pus police are here. They distribute them. football field. Many students are not doing anything to Many students were very were complaining about other stop the fights," said Robyn frustrated at the a111onnt of people trying to cut them in Nelson, a sophomore unde­ time they had to wait in line line. cided major. and how many classes they "I have been waiting here On the contrary, one were missing because of it. since 7 o'clock this rnorning, Campus Police officer said Rayna Atkins, a sopho­ and you think you can come that they had to put a stop to more political science major here at 10 o'clock and I'm students giving their friends said, "I have been standing in going to let you in front of in line their debit cards to buy this line since 9 a.m., so [for] me? You've lost your n1ind," their tickets for them. Students about two and a half hours said freshman crin1inal justice eventually learned that the now. I have already missed • major Kenese Clay. box office was not accepting one of my classes." Students who tried to any credit or debit cards with­ Some students decided to cut were often snitched on by out the ID of the person to take the loss and faced the l)roM Oemons • Stat? Phocog:raphe:r their fellow classmates in line whom the card belonged. fact that they were probably Although some students decided not to brave the homecoming ticket- lines yesterday, there resulting in Campus Police The long line deterred not going to be able to get were still hundreds of others who spent hours waiting In the queue pictured above. escorting them out of line. many students from waiting to their tickets, like junior print A fight allegedly occurred get their tickets, so they opted journalism maJor Pharroh really mad that I probably at how unorganized the line mittee make the line set up when several students getting to buy their tickets online at Martin. won't be able to get rny tickets was to get into Cramton. One to be more accommodating to off the shuttles tried to get in www.ticketmaster.com. "The line to get the tick­ now," Martin said. ca1npus police officer suggest-, students in the future. the front of the line. Students "I can't be doing that this ets is very inefficient and I'm Campus Police were upset ed that the homecoming com-

Miss Howard Reflects Facebook May be Worth $1 Billion

BY TRAVER RIGGINS Contributing Writer BY CORTNEY CLEVELAND Analysts agree that if the reports are Contributing Writer Miss Howard, Shayna Students true, Facebook represents a great opportu­ Rudd, a senior print journal­ often intend to visit Facebook briefly, only nity for Yahoo to eclipse its competitors such ism major, has specific words going to dteck their messages. But two hours as Google and Viacon1 in its battle for don1i­ to describe her reign since later, they finally click "log out" and won­ nance over the web .. The previously men­ Homecoming 2005. der where a days time went. This series of tioned social-networking sites are attracting "God has been so awe­ actions has become a daily routine for col­ talks of buyouts and partnerships because some," she said. lege students across the country. The obses­ of great profitability through website adver­ Over the past year, sion so many students have with Facebook tisements. According to CBS News, two of Rudd has worked to rep­ has some companies seeing dollar signs. every three people in the United States visit resent Howard and to act Since the publication of an article in the a social-networking site. In addition to the on her platform, 'Project Wall Street Journal, reports have been swirl­ traffic vohune, advertisers are drawn to the T.E.S.T.I.M.O.N .Y.' ing around the business world as Facebook a111ount of time users spend online. While The project is an acronym and Yahoo negotiate selling the website for a users are browsing their friends' sites, they for 'Telling Each Story To startling $1 billion. are exposed to a plethora of ads. These ads Inspire More of Our Nation's The consensus among Howard students have the potential to generate millions of Youth' to succeed. The proj­ is that Facebook shouldn't go tl1rough with dollars a year for the owner of a website. ect is geared toward youth the buyout, regardless of the price offered. The most alluring quality Facebook pos­ who 'come from backgrounds Nursing major, Martina Witcher, fears sesses for potential buyers is its audience. and circumstances that cause that customer service will become lax. "It Market researcher comScore Media Metrix many to assume· they will not will be better if they didn't. [Currently,] when ranks the site as the seventh most frequented succeed. people have a problem, they just e-mail the site on the world wide web. In addition, the "The goal is to renew our people [in charge of the site] and they try to site boasts 14.8 nlillion unique visitors this youth through our stories," have it fixed," she said. "Larger corporations past August. More than 85 percent of stu­ said Rudd, who has-personal won't pay attention to the users." dents participate on Facebook, if tl1ei.r can1- l·ile Photo exper.ience v.rith bleak fore­ Reigning Miss Howard, Shayna Rudd, thanks those who Sopho1nore Joshua Mitchell agrees. "A pus has a network on the site. Companies casts. have helped her carry out her T.E.S.T.l.M.O.N.Y. platform. merger will compr:omise what Facebook is. are ~ager to capitalize on the young audience "I came from a back­ Soon it will just be Myspace." that serves as Facebook's foundation. For ground • that said 'Shayna Public relations rnajor Soledad Richards corporate America, holding the attention of should not be at Howard.' Let Weekend in· Philadelphia on of her ability and has been a does not think Facebook is worth the billion students is worth $1 billion. alone to be Miss Howard," how to escape the corruption 111odel Howard woman." dollar price tag. Rudd said. of the world. Rudd described being "I definitely do not think its worth $1 Her commitment was With the 2006 pageant Miss Howard as a humbling billion. If anything, Myspace is worth .apparent to others. "Her plat- this Friday, Shayna is ready experience. She said the more tlian Facebook because it form was her passion and that to relirtquish her crown but future Miss Howard should 'appeals to 111ore people." made it much easier for her to not her duties. not let the crown get to her. Apparently, the business follow it," said Phillip Murray, 'Tm riot done," Rudd "It's a hard lesson to learn world disagrees. Myspace was a good friend of Rudd and a said. In January, she will host because you think evei·ything recently purch~sed by News Howard Alum. a T.E.S.T.I.M.0.N.Y. youth comes easy, but it takes a lot Corporation for a mere ·$580 Through.out her reign, conference. "There is always of energy," she said. million. she has worked at a local more you can do," she said. Rudd thar1ks the peo­ Sophomore Stephanie youth advocacy center pro- Alicia Criner, a junior ple who helped her through Kennard also disagrees with the viding youngsters with life marketing major, had good her reign. "I really identify proposed value of Facebook. She .. skills, journalism tips and words to say about Rudd. with the scripture in Ezekiel cites Facebook's recent expan­ self-esteem talks. "Shayna was Miss Howard thllt talks about being tried sion as a reason for its d·windling Rudd has used her posi- long before she got the title through the fire and coming value. tion as Miss Howard to and she will continue to be," out pure gold," Rudd said. involve herself in nun1erous she said. The role of Miss Howard projects all around tl1e coun- Rudd is optimistic about takes more than good looks try. Over the summer, she the future lady's sense of and talent. While 40 percent worked in her hon1etown of responsibility. "Each year this of the event is the contestant's Philadelphia at the Methodist . thing needs to be taken up a essay, another 30 percent is Services for Children and because I worked hard the question and answer por­ Families Center. to pave the way for tl1e next tion. She also was the keynote Miss Howard," Rudd said. - Murray offered that the speaker at the "We Rise" con- Regarding Rudd, Criner new Miss Howard should def­ ference for high school girls added, "To Shayna, being initely talk to Rudd. [J... . where she spoke about rising Miss Howard means rnore of "There are things that no r'IH>CO totirthj ot pll('(r.ucm.t'du above one's circumstances. a leadership opportunity than one understands about the Some question whether Facebook can maintain Its cus­ Recently, she spoke at one of glory. She has repre­ position · except those who on rumors." tomer service Integrity If bought out by a larger company. the Youth Empowerment sented Howard. to the best have held it befoi:e you."


• l O CTOBER 3 I 2006

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TI-IE I IILLT OP ------·~---···~------~-----~---~-~----~~------..

O C IOBER 3' 2006 SPORTS I 7 Injuries Create Bison Qu rterback Carousel \t BY SETH MCGEE SCOREBOARD Contributing W11te1 season wi th three losses may suggest that rotating & \\ ith injurirs plagumg his multiple quarterbacks SCHEDULE rostu· during the prescaliOn, is not the solution to L) nwood Frrgusc i Bison Howard's offensive prob­ SCORES offensive coordinator, could lems, Ferguson ,·iews the foresc.' th!.; problem afttcting situation as a learning the team's offense into the sea­ experience that will bring None son. Fron1 his quarterbacks success in the future. to running backs, injuries ha\'e "We're definitely a been the story of the season for work in progress. This TODAY'S GAMES the Bison. is a young group of quar­ " \II but two of my quar­ terbacks, most of which Men's Soccer @ terbarks were hurt during the have ncYer played in a Georgetown preseason." Ferguson said. college game or been a ''I'm just thankful to have.: a starter," Ferguson said. 3 p.m. deep ro\;ter." Subbing the quarter­ 1 icse injured qu .ncr­ backs gives each player backs include sophomore more experience, which Martin Decembcrt, who "as will help them in the future. also scored one of the teams reco\ cring from surp,el") Furthermore, Ferguson two rushing touchdowns.

Dcccmhert leads the team tlus u~ .. JOW<&. """i ..- PhoC.o F.cbeor continues to look to his upper­ As for the rest of the sea­ season in passing yards per Sophomore Martin Decembert has been sharing quarterback duties with seniors Wiii classmen, such as junior son, injuries ,,;11 be the decid­ ganw ( 148) and touchdowns Blenden and Darrell Turner, and freshman Foyd Haigler in the first games of the season. Darrell Turner and senior Will ing factor as to who will piny. (2). Blanden. for leadership. This upcoming week, Considering his players' The first three games of getting mto a comfortable Floyd Haigler assures that this ··wm is here to get the job sophomore Floyd Haigler is ailments. Ferguson has chosen the season were no cakl'wnlk rhythm in till' game. Chcmistr) is not the case amongst the done, if he can stay healthy. expected to return after sus­ an unorthodox approach and for the Bison. They faced hatd­ hcl\\CCn pas ers '.Ind r•"'Ci\'ers group. Behind Blanden. Turner is our taining a shoulder injury last has begun rot~ting multiple hitting Florida A&~1 (2-2), big is crucial and is not possible !he chemistl') heh,·een next ·~o-to-guy· ... we»k at Rutgers. qua1 terbacks to l'Usurc that n nntlll'S such a5 PutgLrs (4-0) "llC · a l Iferenl quarte1 !Jal k all of us is great. \\·c don't hate Coach Ferguson has Fron1 the 011Lc;ide look healthy passer is always on the and defending MEAC l'luunpi­ is passing the ball all the time. on each other," Haigler said. much faith in Blanden upon ing in, it may seem as though field on Hampton (4-0). wl o Coach ·\nothcr possible conflict "Sure it may be hard to find a his return, referring to him this "quarterback carousel" is 1\\'0 weeks ago in a game Ferguson helicYcs may have could arise '' ithin the group rhythm, but we keep in mind as a "complete quarterback." not helping the Bison ,,;n, but against Rutgers, Ferguson was thl'ir best tenm in years. of quarterbacks regarding who that we arc helping the team. Blanden is second in passing Ferguson guarantees that it is fm·cl•d to play five of the six The main concern with the leader is and who gets the That is our main focus. We yards (114) and leads the team best for the well-being of his quarterbacks on the Bison ros­ subbing quarterbacks so often most playing time. want the best for each other." in rushing yards (193) averag­ players, as well as the team. ter. is that it disables the1n from Freshman quarterback Although opening the ing 9-4 ) ards per carry. He has ......


• • On October 3, 1974, Frank Robinson became Major League Baseball's first black • • •

manager when he was hired by the Cleveland Indians. •

• • ...... Around the MID !Af TERN

Hampton Holds off Hornets, Remains No. 1

The Pirates managed to ~~~~;;;;;;~~~~ remain undefeated, as they !'I · held off Delaware State, despite being down, 14-9, at the half.

The No. 1 ranked Pirates scored 20 unanswered points and held the Hornets to just 23 yards of total offense in the second half, brinqing their record to 5-0 (4-0, MEAC).

Blenden Receives MEAC Weekly Honorable Mention

Bison quarterback William Blanden rushed for a career­ high 107 yards and threw for three touchdowns, also a career-high, against Ft. Valley State, as he earned MEAC weekly football hon- ors.

His performance helped lead the Bison to their first win of the season.

Former Hampton Pirate Signs as Free Agent with LA Lakers

Devin Green, a former Pirate, has signed a free agent contract with the Los Angeles Lakers.

He played limited minutes as a rookie last year with the team, after finishing his career at Hampton fourth in all·time scoring (1,757), second m ste<.ils (168), anrl fifth in made three-point­ ers (148) and free throws (385).


·~ ~ ~ .....__ ..... ------~- - - - 81 ECCANISMS O CTOBER 3, 2006 He Said She Said • • • • • • • • The Ratio '

All over campus, from the perspective of an under­ Madam, we are all aware or perhaps create a few initia­ the classroom to the Yard and graduate student. According that there are more women ti\'es to make sure that more even when it comes to hous­ to enrollment, the undergrad­ than men on campus, but just brothers go to college and ing, guys are outnumbered. uate is ratio is about eight to because you perceive a higher fewer go to prison. Girls always complain about one. Regardless of the actual level of competition fo r these But if nothing else, at the ratio but let's examine the proportion, it doesn't really limited "resources," does not least use the golden rule. And disparity in numbers more breakdown like the numbers mean that you should resort by that I mean "Do unto oth­ closely. would have one think. to underhanded or extra ers as you would have them As a freshman male, one For starters, there are the behaviors to snag one. do unto you," and not that is told all kinds of different girls who come to school with Sir, we understand that rule that some people seem variations of the female to a boo still at home. They're off you may be viewed by some to be living by of "All's fair in male ratio. I remember being the market so you can count as a type of commodil:), but lo\'e and the ratio." told figures like seven to one them out of the ratio. just because the ratio is a bil­ And really, the ratio is not or nine to one and I even Then there are those lion to one does not mean that bad. According to my col­ heard someone assert, "vith who broke up with their man that you must take up with ull league, the ratio currcntl) sits confidence, that there were before leaving for school, but of the billion allotted to you at a 1noderate three to two. l3 girls to every guy here at still carry around a lot of that This economical thinking Now, I know in some classes, Howard. emotional baggage. Those can about the gender situation on it rnay feel worse, but take This presents the first be counted out as well. campus has a tendency to get hl:!art. They are out there. problem. Without actual The biggest equaliz­ ridiculous. Since freshman Now, whether or not you statistics, students are apt ers are the Annex Hermits. year, I've been hearing people want them should be based to believe what they hear, Upperclassmen should all use the ratio to rationalize upon various factors, but especially when the misin­ know what this term refers everything. there's no need to act like formation is coming courtesy to. These are the girls who are "Yeah, he had a girl, but this guy may be the last guy. of upperclassmen that they housed in the Annex fresh­ v\lhen it comes down to Ah, the good ol' ratio. what about the ratio?~ Ahd gentlemen (and I use the respect and look up to. man year and almost literally it, the ratio really isn't a help The subject of many a heated "I mean. sure, she thinks term in an atten1pt to speak The actual ratio is three don't leave. They eat in the for whack guys who couldn't conversations. The justifica I'm her man, but think about it into being), please do not to two. This includes under­ Annex cafe, escape briefly for get girls before and re.ill) lion of many a "'illing "other the rati o . ~ let the O\'erblown. made up grad as well as all the gradu­ class and go right back to their isn't that bad for girls. At least woman." The excuse of many We shouldn't be using the statistics be your reason for ate population. solitude. I don't mean every here, there is a pool of goal­ a falandering fellow. unfo rtunate fact that fewer hurting others. The ratio for the grad girl that stays or stayed in the oriented, intelligent black Frankly, I think a lot of black males go to college than People ... cairn down. schools is nearly even, which Annex, but there are quite a men who have managed to what people ti) to blame on females as an excuse to wrong Please. skews the actual ratio from few who fit the description. keep themselves out the trap. the ratio is just pure 'stank.' others. \'\'e should engage in

From the i\finds of Joshua Thomas & Jana Homes D ft IJ S I~ 11 ll ft I{ I~ N u NOT TOO c: 9-5 MAt..IK! E THe.Y ce.JI! CHe.e.J< UP DAY OF L.IKe. eve.RY.. ~ I THOUGHT THAT e co .0 YOUJ< ONe. e.1..se. IS MIGHT Q,) SCHOOL. CHe.e.J< (J) PRINCIPAL.. A MONTH AHe.AD ~ ~ GOIN'? YOU UP. 0 ::? .c OF Me. AL.Re.ADY. >. E \ ~ I

. . :: : : :: : : :: : ::: :: =~=::

r ------, 1 Overheard ® fhe Mecca I I I "Slavery 101: How to Say 'Yes, Massa: Attd Meatt It" Aries: It's time for you to step out on your own and put your unique ideas into ac­ I Overheard at !he Restaurattt I tion. Pull it all together, detail by detail, before unleashing it onto the world. So I I don't hesitate to throw that program or start that petition, just make sure it's solid Girl 1: What are you studying for? Your slavery class? first. I Girl 2: Um, what? I Taurus: Old ways are hard to shake, especially when it refers to how you think. How­ I Girl 1: Don't you have a slavery class? I ever, times change and so must you. Don't be afraid of something new. Girl 2: This book is for social psychology. I I Gemini: Most of us don't know what we really want, so when something else comes, - - - - embrace it. It may be better than what your imagination could conceive. Don't write I ------I off that admirer too quick, you never know what might con1e of it. "Matt, Mr. 0-aittes threw dowtt ott that tMeat loaf!., 1 Overheard ott the West Coast I Cancer: Things are rarely what they seem. Take a deeper look at your friends who seem the strongest. They may really need your aid now. Everyone needs support. I I I White female: You go to Howard?! Oh, I've heard of that. Leo: It feels you're an attention magnet, but now niight not be a good time to be in I the spotlight. Sometimes solitude isn't so bad, so opt for some "n1e" tin1e. I So .... Is it really like "a Different World?" I Howard student: .... (sighs deeply and saunters away) Vi110: New things can be great, so don't be afraid to try son1ething new. It can just be I I temporary but at least give it a shot. There are millions of dubs and activities. Your ------niche could be in any one them if you only try them out. 1 "Eve's CottfessiottsN I Libra: Take the time out to brighten someone's day. Taking that spontaneous extra I Overheard itt the West rowers I step could also bring some light to your life as well. I I Scorpio: The wildest ideas sometimes work. Don't be so quick to write them off. I'm I Distressed Girl: fvtan this is the worst cramps I've ever I pretty sure Mark Zuckerberg's friends thought Facebook was dumb at first. had. And the worst thing is ... I have like 30 more years of I this mess. Sagittarius: Stand up for what you believe in. Trust your instincts now and act upon I your feelings. I Friend: That's if Jesus doesn't come before that, and He I probably will. Capricorn: There's no substitute for a good idea and some elbow grease. You've been I Distressed Girl: And if He does, I have just one request; I blessed with endurance so use it. The Mecca is full of bright ideas but hard work can set you apart from the masses. I I need to ask Eve something. Because alls I know is that I damned apple/pomegranate better had been good! Aquarius: When it comes to being extra and random, you are royalty. You alone I I knows that you're not as odd as "they" think you are; they're just lames. The world Check out 1ttore at Overheardatthe1Mecca.blogspot.co1tt attd needs those who westside walk to the beat of a different drum. I sub1ttlt to Overhearatthe1ttecca6>g1ttall.co1tt I L----~------~~ Pisces: The world is in danger and you recognize the growing problem. There is just so much to do that it can be too much to take on at once. The longest jolirney starts Please se1ld any respo1lses to Mecca1lis111s; 'He Said . .. Size with just one step, so start small. Donate your change to Africare or star~ a petition. Set an example for others to follow and make a change. Said' topics, Howardite Horoscopes or a1ly other co1ltributions to Adapted from horoscopes courtesy of yahoo.com [email protected]



VOLUME 90, NO. 26 OCTOBER 3, 2006 WWW.THEIDLLTOPONLINE.COM Daily Directions: Each row, each column, and each 3x3 box must contain each and every digit 1-9 exactly once.

" ll Ii ·~ 5 "' 1 3 • t . . 3 2 7 · 4 --- ' 2 . 8 l " ' ~ • NEWS COVERAGE 3 ~ I NEWS COVERAGE 6 5 . ' ·- ·-· - I I ( 1 2 ·~ ' ~ - School Shootings All Tragic 5 7 9 Just yesterday three peo­ is even more reason for news school shootings reveals the ple were shot to death at a organizations to focus on this disparities between black and one room Amish school in issue and alert the public to white victims in the media. 4 1 ,, , _ - Pennsylvania, and three girls ongoing problems. From kidnapped children • ' ·= ages six to twelve were hospi­ Another reality of the lat­ lo women attacked by their talized. est outbreak of school shoot- husbands, black victims are The school------seen as second-class 5 ·7 3 8 ' house massacre Our View: citizens too often. was the third dead- Another huge . ly school shooting The current outbreak ofschoo l issue in media CO\'- 3 9 4 in less than a week. shootings is sad and disturbing. erage and society's Before the gun · awareness of our smoke had settled The loss of inner city black Stu- tragedies is eco- in each of these dents is just as hearl-brealdng and nomics. Whereas Do you want to write for THE HILLTOP? cases, the media neighborhoods with descended with should be a concern to both the higher income levels Come to our budget meeting school shootings as black COllllllllnily and the tlledia. have mothers that the top story of news can afford to miss Monday @ 7 P. m. programs around ------work (if tl1ey work) the country. ings is the heinousness of the and dedicate themselves to However, just two weeks crimes. their cllildren's safety, our ago right up to the street from As many Hilltop staff neighborhoods don't always us at Cardozo High School, a members stated, shooting allocate the money and time teen was shot. This incident schoolmates with no direct to make sure that our voices THE HILLTOP received marginal local media motive and shooting whom- are heard. attention, at best. There were ever is in the vicinity is not The black community The Nation's Only Black Daily Collegiate Newspaper also two or three other shoot- as common in the black com must be champions of our own ings involving teens locally munily. safety and that of our children. Ayesha Rascoe with no national mention. The overwhelming trag- Our communities must spread Editor-/11-Chief It is a tragedy when young edy of the man walking into the attitude that shootings Jana Homes Christina M. Wright people kill eacll other regard- a Colorado school and killing al "inner cityr (read: Black) Managing Editor Managing Edit1Jr less of race. The shootings of a 16-year-old girl and him- schools are not to be accepted Joshua Tbon1as black students at inner-city self, and a 15-year-old boy in as the status quo. A life is a Deputy Ma11agi11g Editor schools in, low-income areas Wisconsin killing his principal life. around the country are often for being punished is definitely 'If it Bleeds it Leads' is the Drew Costley Sean Mosley Caryn Grant given little media coverage and newsworthy nationally. But mantra for many news orga­ Carnpus Editor Copy Chief Sports Editor often even considered business just as appropriate to put on nizations on what stories will as usual. the 6 o'clock news is the storv be featured; the blood of all Shanae Harris Angela Bacon Elliott Jones Campus Editor Asst. Copy Chief Sports Editor \\'ith school shootings of shootings right here in tht should be valued regardless of occurring more often at pre- city. race. Famble Janelle Jolley dominately-black schools, that The recent occurrence ol Life & Style Editor· Tomi Akinmusuru fl1en·o Editor· Stacy Anderson Brittney Johnson Willette Elder Sesoo lgbazua Life & Style Editor Simone Pringle Business & Technology Copy Editors Editor Morgan Nevilles-Moore Life & Style Editor Deren Smith Laura Aderotoye Vanessa Mizell Senior Photo Editor Read The Hilltop Nation & World Business Manager Editor· Bryan Jones Ashley Marshall Amber English Asst. Photo Editor· Nation & World Asst. Business Manager Editor Jessica Detiege Tyrone Clemons James Murray Charreah Jackson Advertising Manager Editorials & Perspectives Atrice Williams Editor· Photographers Lauren Pass Office Manager Courtney Eiland Layout Designer Tiffani Bell Morgan Brown Online Editor Cara Douglas Marcus Bird Cartoonist Office Assi!ltants

111e Ililltop encourages its readers to share their opinions with the nc\\spaper through Letters to 1be Editor or Perspectives. All letters should include a complete address and telephone number and should be sent electronically on our website at www.thchilltoponline.com. Any inquilies for advertisements or Hilltopics should be directed to 'lbc Hilltop Business office. The l-lilltop: 2251 Sherman Avenue NW Washington, DC 20001 Editorial Office: Business Office: (202) 806-4724 (202) 806-4749 WW\v.thehilltopo1iline.com hilltopbusincss@)ginail.com

Now in il~ 83rd )CUI", '11w llilltop is publisht-d l\londa) thrC>ugh l~ridu~ h) Howard L'nh-cr.;lty student... \\'itl1 a readership of more tlum 7,000, '/11c I lilltop is the lurgt.-:.1 hl•u~k c:<>Ucgiate nC\\SJ>llJlCI" in tl1c nulion. fhc opinionscxprc..... '>Ctl on the Editorial & Pcrspet'tiH.., page arc tl1c 'ie\\., of'fhc Hilltop I::ditori11l Boan! and tltc>.'>C of tltc autl1ors and do not net.X"'S'k1rily rcprc.o;cnt Howunl Unhcrsity OI" its admini.tm­ .Gorn tion. 1111.' llilllop n.-scn<.-;, tJ1e tight to edit letters for ... piu..-c and gr.un'muticul errors nnd any inappro­ pn11te, libelous Ol" dcfunuatol") content. All letters mno;t be submitted 11 wcx·k priol" to publication.

• I , '\•'.,. .':"·.""''"i"": • ~"\l.. •11'\••~ ~·-", 1 •• ' THE HILLTOP 10 I LIFE & STYLE O CTOBER 3, 2006 'T'lie Way '1 See 'lt ... ' The Little Things Count. .. Students Choose Not to Choose Either One

BY DANIELLE KWATENG expensive than it is. Hilltop Staff Writer Fra11klin said going to the gym is not necessary to It is often hard to main­ stay fit. "Honestly, to sustain tain a workout regimen while a good fitness level you don't focusing on schoolwork and need a gym, you can do push­ jobs, but what about staying ups and crunches anywhere," fit to look fly? Franklin said. The bottom line Many students on is, anyone can exercise any­ Howard's campus dress where." well. Having many stores Each dorm has Fit Tv, easily accessible from the which has programs dedi­ BY CIARA FAMBLE ca1npus makes shopping an cated to working out from Ute & Style Editor everyday activity for some. the comfort of a bedroom. Admittedly, it is important Pilates, aerobics and yoga are And another thing about to look fly because you never instructed during programs senior year... you realize it's all know who may be watching on the fitness channel. Burr about the little things. The little you or whom you may meet. Gymnasium, located on cam­ things make you or break you. Howard is the cultural ' pus, is open from 6 a.m. to A small detail like forget­ .Mecca and many people 9 p.m. and has a swimming ting to do a homework assig11- want to be sure that they pool, basketball courts and

1nent falling asleep, or work­ are representing themselves Photo courtts) ul w~w.bttt>t.bb: and w"''w.nb..ltt.cM"R weight roon1 and a cardio area ing oul can leaYe you with the appropriately, as anyone Many Howard students struggle with trying to stay fit and fly in attempts to resemble called "The Pulse". same result- flailing around could be walking around their favorite celebrities such as Tyra Banks (left), and pop icon (right). Kavell Ferguson, a fresh­ like a fish out of water, try­ campus. On the other hand, man sports medicine major, ing to play ca~ch-up and make you don't want to have to problem is just motivating and unhealthy. Fly will only but when walking and talking works out and maintains up for all your mistakes at the struggle while walking up the myse~f to do it and finding the take you so far. When your fit­ with friends, it becon1es a lot his flyness with simple tech­ end. hills. time in my busy day." When ness habits are bad, you won't easier. niques. Same goes for things that Student opinions varied faced with a choice between stay cute for long. I work out Bryan Franklin, the gen­ "I work out. I go running you have had a high tolerance when deciding the importance being fit or flashy Washington sometimes. I used to work out eral manager of Washington and I do sit ups and push­ for in the past. I'll be the first to of fitness over fashion. said, "I value my life enough regularly, but since I've been Sports Club on Connecticut ups. That's usually my work­ admit that I've been enthralled Tijeerah Washington, a to sacrifice being fly to be fit. at Howard, I haven't taken Avenue, thinks there are lots out. I would railier be fit, but with some of the little things senior nursing major, admits I think we focus too much on the initiative in making it part of ways students can work out I don't want to be rough. I that make Howard, Howard. I that she is not as motivated our appearance than what of my schedule." in their dorm rooms and on would rather just look okay," love the Fridays on the Yard, a she should be, but would really matters." It is possible to maintain campus. Ferguson said. "If you are try­ the professors who really care, rather be fit. Freshman biology 1najor both your health and looks, "A lot of students don't ing to look fit and stay fly then and I even secretly enjoy wait­ "I don't actually take time Aarin Ables has similar senti­ but it takes a lot of work. come to our gym because they I advise that you work out ing in line for large events. to work out, but I do a lot of ments and also has issues with Another technique is walk­ can't afford it," Franklin said. daily, and also keep your shoe \\Te all know that Howard walking and take advantage motivation. ing to your dorm instead of "It's not that it's expensive game and jean game up and has a lot of lines, of many dif­ of the chances I do get to be "I woulc;l definitely rather using the shuttles. It sounds but, compared to the free gym just make sure your shirts are ferent sizes and levels of seri­ active," Washington said. "My be fit and look rough than fly like a big sacrifice for many, on campus, it seems way more not ridiculous." ousness. The 1nost serious line of all, in 111y eyes, is tlie line to buy Homecoming tickets, with the step show line coming in at a close second. Never do Blogs Changing the Way Review you see so many young black people working together and so trusting of one another. Students Express Views CHJNGY: Yes, it's a really tight squeeze, but alliances and BY ERIN EVANS "Once I started, it "The Swamp." This blog BY DANIELLE KWATENG a relationship with longevity, Hilltop Staff Writer Hilltop Staff Writer friendships are cultivated in really grew on me, [I] just is dedicated to cover­ because of his career. that bunched line. And even reading about friends' ing news in Washington, He said, "If you've got a though you may get mad at Blogger. Xanga. Live lives," Hunter said. "I D.C. The nation's capital woman in this business, you the people who get there 15 Journal. Notes. To some eventually started meet­ was founded partly on a The self-proclaimed are not going to be able to give 1ninutes after the tickets go on people, these words are ing people online with swamp, so this blog con­ "Hoodstar", also knoWJ1 as her that quality time. You're sale, if you yell loud enough, meaningless. However, whom I shared inter­ centrates on " ... culling a , recently released his going to try, but you're also on they move to the back. for people who are knowl­ ests." path through it" and shed­ third album. Following much the road, and it's hard to keep People always complained, edgeable about the blog­ There are several ding light on news from criticism and bashing after the relationship going." but to me it was alwavs one of ging world, these words sub-categories of wcblogs the capital, according to his last album, this St. Louis The first single released, the little things. Thal is, until arc more than just funny including pholoblogs like the Chicago Tribune's native is trying to reclaim his "Pulling Me Back," 1s the yesterday. Crammed in the name'>. "Pink is the New Blog," website. spot in the hip-hop arena. For only sentimental song on the Homecoming ticket line for Wcblogs, comn1on­ audio biogs like podcasts "We are a creature of tlrn last week it's ranked #2 on album. It is inspired by a real­ over five hours, I was exhaust­ ly known as biogs, are on iTunes and video logs the vVashington bureau, Billboard's top rap . life turbulent relationship he ed from heat, hunger and lack Internet journals com­ or 'vlogs.' so what we do is cover "Hoodstar" portrays the had with a woman thac he of personal space. I made it posed of commentary The black blog com­ politics and policy, the rapper in a 111ore adult image, didn't want to leave. all tile way up to the side of about any topic that munity is made up of sev­ things we think would rather than the young and The lyrics read: "Good Cramton Auditorium before the author or 'blogger' eral black writers who talk be of interest to readers wild persona seen in his ear­ times led to bad times :\nd I decided that I had it up to desires. about an array of topics, and national audience," lier work. But don't let his first you ain't see it coming/Try the here. These words are the ranging from black con­ said Frank James, staff single 'Pullin' Me Back' (fea­ best to make her happy/But For the first time ever, realm of expressing opin­ servatism with LaShawn writer and blogger fron1 turing singer Tyrese) fool you; it wasn't enough/Cuz mam1na I left. I just walked out. I ions, thoughts and daily Rarber·s '"Corner" to the \\Tashington Bureau Chingy is still about told me in relationship the couldn't take one more minute acth ities. pop culture with Jason of the Chicago Tribune. partying and promiscuity. He road gets rough." of the incompetence. I thought Several people use Toney's "Negro Please." James finds that just shows a little more discre­ Although it may seem that to 1nyself, 'Why is this going them to rant about soci­ Richard Prince writes "The Swamp" reaches out tion than in the past. Chingy may be ready to set­ on? There is no se111blance of ety, politics, lack of love "Jo:lfnal-isms," an online to citizens interested in The whole album gives tle down, track number three order here. vVhy are the cam­ life and manifested hatred column for the Robert public affairs by covering the listener a glimpse into gives you insight into what pus police here if they aren't for one's careers. Others C. Maynard Institute of topics that may not make Chingy's everyday lifestyle. he prefers now. Called "Club doing anything?' use them to rave about Journalism Education. the newspaper. The stereotypical club-hop­ Getting Crowded" this song is a I wondered why the pro­ 'celebrity happenings, Prince does not consider '"There was a feeling ping, random women, and perfect example of his lifestyle cess had changed so 1nuch film reviews and recent himself a blogger. His that there were a lot of drug/ alcohoJ use associated and rapport with women. since freshm~n year, when on successes in life. column focuses on diver­ things that we see and with rappers is shown as his For Janet Jackson fans, one random day, I just walked \\hat ever bloggers sit) in the news media observe and think about normal style of life, to which there is the track "U a Freak", into Cramlon and bought all decide to write about, and receives about 2,400 that we couldn't always he's accustomed. It seems that which was inspired by her my Homecoming tickets. How biogs are everywhere and hits per day. get into the paper," James most of the album is club hits "Nasty" single, inspired by her did it evolve in three short available to anyone with "Biogs arc unregulat­ said. in which the rapper uses bla­ boyfriend . years to an angry, hot mob Internet access and an ed and unedited," Prince Courtney Payne of tant profanity in many of his Once again, Chingy has col­ crowding, cursing and pushing original thought. said. "A lot of bloggers Fort Washington, MD, songs. Chingy, who was born laborated with his producer, each other? Of the many recent create rumors without founded ww,v.Six24.com and raised in Walnut Park in Jermaine Dupri. The duo col­ Just when I couldn't take changes to Facebook, verifying, [but] a lot blog­ in January to unite black Nortll Side St. Louis, credits laborated for a couple of the it any1nore, an unexpected students can now share gers do raise important bloggers into a black the inspiration for this album songs on the album and are event saved the day. Just when thoughts, poems, and issues and it forc::!s the blogosphere. to his upbringing and rise to both rapping on the track I couldn't take it anymore, the common issues e\·cryone mainstream media to "I wanted to make it stardom. On his official web­ "." girl in line next to me offered is talking about. report these things." easier for people looking site Chingy says, "I'm from the The albmn also features to stay in line and bu) my titk­ "I'm not really f~eling Jennifer Occean, fo1: black biogs by mak­ ghetto and I wanted to show popular hip-hop artists like ets for me while I went about [Facebook notes]," said junior broadcast jour­ ing them available on one my appreciation for where I , my way. I was so grateful that Vince Hunter, junior tele­ nalism major, feels that site," Payne said. come fron1. Even if you've had and . Chingy also someone was willing to stand vision production major. blogging and real news Payne says he's a success, you don't ever forget made the album a family affair in iny place. This girl didn't "It seems like a blog sub­ are two different things. "lurker" of biogs. He where you come from." by having his cousin, rapper know 1ne well. vVe've seen each stitute." "There's a definite reads biogs daily, but The rapper seems deter­ Young Spiffy featured on one other several times over the Hunter, who fre­ difference between a blog doesn't have one of his mined to let his listeners in of the tracks. The album is years but have never become quents Xanga daily, and a hard news story," own due to lack of time. on all aspects of that lifestyle, really catered to Chingy fans close. Yet she was still willing caught onto the blog she said. "Anyone can "I would love to start both personal and public. and people from his home­ to do a kind act for me, a vir­ bandwagon in high school read and write a blog and a blog," he said. "It takes When he isn'ttalking about town that can identify with the tual stranger. Even as I was when all of his friends say what they want." ti1ne and dedication to his partying lifestyle, he's a bit lifestyle. walking away to recover from began talking about their Professional writers keep biogs interesting. of a romantic. Chingy lets his that line, I remembered why dail} drama. have recently also become You often need to con­ listeners know he has found Grade: C- I always had a secret love for He is also a part of contributors to the blogo­ tribute a few times a day (or thinks he has found) that that line. Like I said, it's about the Howard University sphere. In January, the to keep people interest­ one "special woman" while ris­ the little things. group on the website. Chicago Tribune began ed." ing to his success. Like many Ciara can be reached at others before, Chingy claims [email protected]. to have difficulty in sustaining


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