Hua Xia

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By: BankTrack Created before Nov 2016 Last update: May 24 2016


Yu Xiaogang, Founder of Green Watershed

About Hua Xia Bank

Hua Xia is a state-controlled bank which began its operations in 1992 in Beijing. In 1995 it underwent restructuring and transformed itself into a country-wide joint stock commercial bank. In 2003 Hua Xia bank became the fifth Chinese bank to be publicly listed on the . By 2008, the bank had created an extensive network of office branches throughout China and overseas. The bank provides a variety of personal and corporate banking services, and engages in activities such as credit analysis and asset assurance.


Headquarters Hua Xia Bank Plaza, No.22 Jianguomennei Street, Dongcheng District 100005 Beijing China

CEO/chair Jian Wu Chairman


Annual report 2013 Annual Report

Ownership listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange Partially State Owned. has an equity stake of nearly 20% in Hua Xia bank.

Complaints and grievances


Voluntary standards Hua Xia Bank has committed itself to the following voluntary standards: Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB)

Investment policies The bank declared in its CSR policy improvements listed below. You can find policy texts under "Documents" section if the bank has disclosed any of them.






The Bank:

Established “Huaxia Bank Compliance Risk Management Procedures”, clearly defining the bank's risk management goals and refining compliance risk management requirements. Prepared “Huaxia Bank Compliance Manual”.




As a guide for the future development of the long-term, strategic direction of green credit business, the preparation and implementation of the "China Green Credit Bank Guidelines" actively promotes green credit, cutting wasteful consumption, and efficient and sustainable operations. In 2012, Nanning Branch, along with other regional branches, drafted the "Nanning Branch of Huaxia Bank Green Credit Product Guide."

Good moves

Related Dodgy Deals

Hua Xia Bank has been linked to the following "Dodgy Deals", e.g. as a current or past financier or through an expression of interest. Find out more about dodgy deals here. See the project or company profile for more details on the nature of the bank's link to the Dodgy Deal.


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