Last Day to Pay Indicted on Attempted Escape Charges
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Friday Herald-Citizen The Daily Newspaper of the Upper Cumberland 114th Year — No. 48 Cookeville, Tennessee, February 26, 2016 20 Pages — 2 Sections • 50¢
Weather Tonight Tomorrow Baxter city recorder to leave position By MEGAN TROTTER called meeting last night that she be close to my family and have a pos- a house on. ... I want you to know HERALD-CITIZEN Staff would be leaving her position in itive impact on my health,” she said. that I have prayed reverently the last April. “As many of you know, my husband few months about this. This opportu- BAXTER — After nearly 12 years “I’ve accepted a job opportunity and I own property outside the city nity came before me and I felt led to of service as the Baxter city recorder, that will allow me to live outside the limits of Baxter, next to my parents’ 28º 54º Stacey Austin announced at a special- city of Baxter, work from my home, property, that we’d soon like to build See EXIT, Page 2
Complete forecast, Page 2 Austin
Sports Inmate Last day to pay indicted on attempted escape charges
By TRACEY HACKETT Dashed HERALD-CITIZEN Staff Loss to Morehead dashes PUTNAM COUNTY — A Put- title hopes for nam County Jail inmate has been Tech men /B1 indicted on charges of attempted escape, vandalism and two counts of intro- duction of con- traband into the facility. Living Daniel Clay Bull, 29, of Gainesboro, was Bull indicted by the Putnam County Grand Jury on those charges this week. The incident for which he is in- dicted happened on Jan. 10. He was being held in a maxi- mum-security cellblock at that time, awaiting sentencing for two Ty Kernea | Herald-Citizen counts of aggravated assault, two Putnam Trustee Office Clerk Nancy Williams, left, and Trustee Freddie Nelson assist Angela Ribera with paying counts of vandalism and a count Teacher property taxes this morning. The last day to pay property taxes without late penalties is Monday. of burglary. Those charges came in late Murphy in town 2015 after Bull reportedly broke tomorrow to give into and vandalized Mt. Pleasant ‘pawtographs’ /A7 Baptist Church on Buck Moun- tain Road and pulled knives and Fair board recruiting gate workers a gun on two people there. While awaiting follow-up on Nation By LINDSAY McREYNOLDS ginning July 28 through Aug. 6. who work the admission gates must be at those charges, however, Bull at- HERALD-CITIZEN Staff “We want to give back to the community least 18 years old. tempted to carry out a scheme to and try to get them involved,” said Tephany In exchange for collecting admission for escape from jail, authorities say. PUTNAM COUNTY — Groups who are Randolph, who is in charge of operations at the fair, Randolph said they will donate With the assistance of an wanting to raise funds for their business, the Putnam County Fair. “This will give $500 per night to groups who work. unidentified outside accomplice, church or non-profit organization may wish them the opportunity to fundraise and make “There are a lot of groups who fundraise he had obtained saw blades and to apply with the Putnam County Fair money for themselves.” and need the money,” Randolph said. “This was using them to try to cut Board. The fair board needs groups of 12 or might be a solution to that.” through the bars of his cell win- The fair board is looking for groups of 12 larger to work at the gates each week night For more information or to apply to work dow, but Bull’s scheme was un- or more to work at the gates collecting ad- beginning about 3:30 or 4 until 10 p.m. and mission fees throughout the 10-day fair be- on weekends from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Those See FAIR, Page 2 See ESCAPE, Page 2
4 dead Gunman, three killed in Monterey unveils rail trail concept design Kansas /A14
By AMY DAVIS City grant writer Dawn HERALD-CITIZEN Staff Kupferer of Kwill Consultants also expressed her enthusiasm MONTEREY — Could Mon- for the project. Index terey be a destination for adven- “We’ve got the infrastructure Abby...... A7 ture seekers? here to attract people for recre- If “adventure” includes walk- ation, especially since we have Calendar...... A6 ing and biking, the answer is a business in town that sells Crossword ...... A13 yes. And for that to happen, the bikes — that’s a neat thing,” she town’s rail trail must go on. said. “So hopefully we can con- Living ...... A7 And that was the topic of a tinue this trail and make this a Obituaries ...... A5 public presentation Monday at really good destination for peo- Mary Gibson city hall when landscape archi- ple interested in outdoor activi- tect Randall Morgan of Farmer- ties.” Frances Dixon Morgan Engineers out of Monday’s presentation pro- Hassie Maberry Pikeville, the firm tasked with vided officials and citizens the Charles Ross designing the town’s long- opportunity to offer feedback in awaited rail trail extention, un- the design phase. Opinion...... A4 veiled the concept design. “Once we get past this process, Sports ...... B1 “Adventure tourism is some- we’ll be bidding it out,” Sudoku ...... A13 thing our firm has done quite a Kupferer said. bit of work on throughout the Morgan presented concept im- Weather ...... A2 state,” Morgan said. “And the ages of the 10-foot wide asphalt one thing we know for certain is rail trail extension from where the more miles of trail you have, the trail ends now, which is be- the higher your chances of eco- hind the library on Commercial Amy Davis | Herald-Citizen nomic impact are. There’s a di- Avenue, to Crossville Street Landscape architect Randall Morgan of Farmer-Morgan Engineers, the design and con- rect correlation between those struction firm now over Monterey’s rail trail extension project, unveils the concept design two.” See TRAIL, Page 2 in a public presentation Monday.
(931)528-0474 Insurance at the lowest possible cost! • Why not make us prove it? A-2 — HERALD-CITIZEN, Cookeville, Tenn. — — Friday, February 26, 2016 LOCAL READER CRMC board approves CVOR expansion items
SERVICES By LAURA MILITANA tectural and engineering design in the $80,260. log monitoring service in the amount of HERALD-CITIZEN Staff amount of $93,250, equipment planning The renewal of various items were also $144,800 for five years, and the Midas+ services in the amount of $28,692 and approved, including the chest pain accred- Live CQM in the amount of $16,500 were Contact us: COOKEVILLE — The first of many equipment planning in the amount of itation in the amount of $21,500 for the also approved, along with the replacement Address: steps in getting more space for the cardio- $27,330. three-year term, total maintenance system of the Cisco ASA firewall in the amount vascular operating rooms at Cookeville The funding to expand the outpatient annual maintenance in the amount of of $31,083 and renewal of the deflectable 1300 Neal St. Regional Medical Center received the pharmacy was also approved in the $12,655 for three years, Aesyn Pak-Plus tip scopes repair service agreement in the Cookeville, Tenn. green light from the board of trustees dur- amount of $54,505, along with the re- pharmacy packaging in the amount of amount of $19,377 for three years. ing Thursday’s meeting. placement of 160-series scopes with 190- $509,100 for five years, and Dolbey tran- The Cookeville Regional Medical Center Mailing Address: The board approved the finance commit- series scopes in the amount of $274,512, scription and dictation system annual board of trustees is scheduled to meet tee’s recommendations allowing Gresham and the furniture in the same day surgery maintenance in the amount of $91,604. again March 24 at 6 p.m. The public is in- P.O. Box 2729 Smith and Partners to conduct the archi- and OB waiting area in the amount of The purchase of server security and event vited to attend. Cookeville TN 38502
Phone: 931-526-9715 Fax: 931-526-1209 EXIT: Baxter Email: News recorder [email protected] Sports leaving [email protected] Advertising [email protected] From Page 1 Living [email protected] do it.” Circulation While making her formal an- [email protected] nouncement to the Board of Business News Mayor and Aldermen, Austin [email protected] talked about how honored she Church News was to have played a part in help- [email protected] ing the city to grow and prosper. School News Seeing Baxter celebrate its 100th [email protected] anniversary was especially Classified Ads meaningful for her. [email protected] “That’s something I’m going to be telling my children and grand- children about,” she said. Letter Guidelines The mayor and aldermen ex- pressed their sadness at her deci- All letters to the editor must sion to go, but their happiness be signed and include the that Austin will be taking a posi- writer’s name, address and tion that will improve the life of phone number. Letters are herself and her family. subject to editing and/or re- “I’ve worked with you since jection. A strict 400-word limit will be enforced. Send letters 2004. It just blows my mind how to the mailing address listed well that you have been able to above, or email to perfect your profession,” Mayor [email protected]. Jeff Wilhite said. “You’ve taken the position of city recorder to higher levels. You’ve taken on re- Order a Photo sponsibilities that aren’t defined in the charter. You’ve done things Every photograph taken by a Amy Davis | Herald-Citizen that you didn’t have to do, be- Herald-Citizen photographer cause you love the town. There’s and published in the paper is This aerial image shows the concept design of Monterey’s rail trail extension project, which will take the trail 1,305 just no way that we can thank available for purchase. Go to linear feet beyond where the trail ends now behind the community center on to Crossville Street. The new asphalt you for everything that you’ve and trail will be 10-feet wide. click on “Photo Gallery.” done. There’s no way we can put into words what you have meant to us.” One of the original purposes of Subscriptions TRAIL: Monterey unveils plans the special-called meeting was to To subscribe, call 931-526- discuss changing Baxter’s charter 9715. Visa, MasterCard and to make city recorder an ap- Discover accepted. From Page 1 “Even though the portion of the trial we’re services. pointed position instead of an Rates: near Burks Elementary. He also discussed talking about is only 1,300 linear feet, it is “This is just a start,” Kupferer said of the elected position. 3 mo 6 mo 1yr such issues as signage, drainage and addi- a substantial connection — a big step for- trail extension. “When you guys had the vi- “This changes the whole ball Carrier or tional aesthetics like benches, trash recepta- ward — particularly with this being a rails sion for building the depot and the first sec- game, knowing that Stacey is Mail: 385 cles and shrubbery. with trails project as opposed to a rails to tion of the trail, I knew we’d bring a lot of leaving in April,” Wilhite said. Zip Code $28 $54 $95 Print & The already-existing portion of the trail, trails,” Morgan said. people here. You guys have really brought “All of this is happening really E-Edition $29 $56 $98 which is about half a mile long and eight- Monterey officials had gotten word back in a ton.” quickly, and I don’t have a plan Anywhere Only feet wide, begins on Poplar Street near the in October that the federal funding they had Cultural administrator and Monterey spelled out yet.” E-Edition $21 $42 $84 farmer’s market and already connects sev- been waiting for was at hand and anticipated Depot Museum curator Julie Bohannon said The board was in favor of re- Mail: Outside eral downtown attractions such as the depot breaking ground on the project this spring that in the four years the depot has been questing the charter change. 385 Zip $49 $85 $143 museum, community center, pool, library — nearly a year beyond the time Monterey open, nearly 40,000 visitors and train enthu- “We have to hire somebody Mail: Outside and eateries. first learned it had received the $90,000 siasts from all over the world have stopped who has a degree and knows Tenn. $82 $132 $220 The trail extension, which will include a Recreation Trails Program grant from the by to have a look at the exhibits as well as what they’re doing,” Alderman small bridge over a drainage area, is ex- Tennessee Department of Environment and the antique caboose and railcar outside. Willie Alison said. “Somebody pected to provide Burks students a safe Conservation. Officials anticipate the rail trail extension who has no experience at all Miss Your Paper? route toward town. Plus, it’ll give others The total cost of the project is $122,500. to be complete by the beginning of the could be elected, and the City of Your carrier is an independent who enjoy walking and biking more terri- Monterey is responsible for the rest, match- school year in late July so that students can Baxter would be in trouble.” contractor. However, as a serv- tory to cover. ing the $90,000 grant with cash and in-kind begin taking advantage. The board unanimously voted ice to our subscribers, our to start the process to get the circulation department is open charter changed as soon as possi- from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. Mon- ble and to start the process of day-Friday and from looking for the individual who 7-9:30 a.m. each Sunday to will take Austin’s place in April. answer calls. “I am forever grateful to the cit- Call 931-526-9715. ESCAPE: Inmate indicted izens of Baxter who have elected me to serve them,” Austin said. Herald-Citizen “I am greatly humbled by their on attempted escape charges faith and confidence in me.” USPS 313-680 ISSN 8750-5541 From Page 1 “Even with hourly inspections of every oners and their friends and family try to in- FAIR: Gate The Herald-Citizen is pub- cell block and 24/7 video surveillance, pris- troduce into the jail. With a jail population lished daily except Saturdays, successful after being discovered and oners have a lot of time on their hands, and that changes daily, this is a constant threat workers New Year’s Day, Independence stopped by jail deputies Austin Ahrens and they are constantly thinking of ways to cir- that our deputies work tirelessly to prevent. Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving James Murphy. cumvent the system,” Nash said. That’s their job,” he concluded. In addition needed Day and Christmas Day by “I’m proud of the work our deputies do to And while those attempts don’t always in- to the contraband saw blades in his posses- Cookeville Newspapers, Inc., keep everyone safe. If this case, they acted volve contraband blades or other weapons sion, Bull was also reportedly found with a From Page 1 at 1300 Neal St., P.O. Box quickly to prevent the threat and were able smuggled into the jail, inmates whose minds pill of a commonly abused prescription nar- 2729, Cookeville, TN 38502. to stop this individual without harm to him- are set on such schemes will creatively use cotic, according to the indictment. at the fair, email info@putnam- Periodicals postage paid at self, other prisoners or the deputies,” said whatever materials are available to them. The indictment also alleges that the cell, or call Randolph Cookeville TN. POSTMAS- Jail Administrator Tim Nash. “They will use paper products, tin foil window to which he caused damage in his at (931) 349-0514. TER: send address changes to Herald-Citizen, P.O. Box 2729, Even though jail deputies conduct hourly from juice cartons and other seemingly botched escape attempt is valued at more The Putnam County Fair Board Cookeville TN 38502. inspections of every cellblock and perform harmless products to make weapons that than $1,000. will meet again to finalize events The Herald-Citizen is a mem- video surveillance monitoring around the could potentially harm other inmates or According to the warrant served on him for for the main arena on Thursday, ber of the Tennessee Press clock, it doesn’t always prevent inmates like deputies,” he said. the current charges, his initial appearance in March 3, at 7:30 p.m. at the Association and the Associ- Bull from attempting to gain advantage of “We maintain constant vigilance against Putnam County Criminal Court is set for county extension office at 900 S. ated Press. The Associated the system, he said. these threats, as well as contraband that pris- March 22. Walnut Ave. Press is entitled exclusively to use for publication news printed in the Herald-Citizen. Weather Tonight Saturday Night Sunday Night Monday Night Readings: Thursday’s high in Cookeville Mostly cloudy. Low Mostly clear. Low A 30% chance of A 20% chance of was 55, low 33, with 0.07” of Mike DeLapp around 28. West around 40. South rain after midnight. rain. Low around rain, sleet and snow. Thurs- Editor & Publisher wind around 5 wind around 5 Low around 49. SW 49. Calm wind. day’s high in Monterey was mph. mph. wind 5 to 10 mph. 37, low 29, with a trace of Buddy Pearson snow. Managing Editor Almanac: Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Friday is the 57th day of the Roger Wells Sunny. High near Sunny. High near A 20% chance of A 30% chance of year with 309 remaining. The Advertising Director 54. Calm wind. 64. Gusts as high as rain. Partly sunny. rain and thunder- sun sets at 5:34 p.m. and will rise at 6:16 a.m. on Saturday. 20 mph. High near 60. West storms. Mostly The moon is a waning gib- Keith McCormick wind around 5 cloudy High near Circulation Manager bous with 86% of the visible mph. 65. disc illuminated. HERALD-CITIZEN, Cookeville, Tenn. — — Friday, February 26, 2016 — A3 STATE/NATION State U.S. consumer spending up solid 0.5 percent in Brief By MARTIN CRUTSINGER Janet Yellen had been predict- AP Economics Writer ing that inflation would start to Elvis Presley's move higher this year as the doctor, 'Dr. Nick' WASHINGTON (AP) — The impact of last year’s steep de- economy got off to a good start clines in energy prices start to dies at 88 in the new year. Americans fade. boosted their spending in Janu- The Fed boosted a key interest MEMPHIS (AP) — A funeral ary at the fastest pace in eight rate by a quarter-point in De- home says Elvis Presley’s for- months, while their incomes in- cember, the first increase in mer personal doctor has died. creased by the largest amount nearly a decade. But Fed offi- Memorial Park Funeral since June. cials left rates unchanged in Home in Memphis said in an Consumer spending rose 0.5 January and are not expected to obituary posted on its website percent last month, up from 0.1 raise rates at their next meeting that 88-year-old George C. percent in December, the Com- in March. Nichopoulos died Wednesday. merce Department reported Private economists have Known as “Dr. Nick,” Friday. Incomes also grew 0.5 trimmed their forecasts for rate Nichopoulos was Presley’s percent in January, up from 0.3 hikes this year from four to just doctor for 11 years before the percent in December. two, with the first hike ex- singer’s death from heart dis- Consumer spending accounts pected in June. However, if in- ease on Aug. 16, 1977. for two-thirds of economic ac- flation rises more quickly than The Tennessee Board of tivity, and the solid showing is expected, they may adjust Medical Examiners later sus- likely to bolster expectations those forecasts. pended and ultimately revoked that consumers will fuel overall A separate report Friday his medical license after it economic growth this quarter. showed that the overall econ- ruled he had over-prescribed A key price gauge increased omy grew at an annual rate of Danny Johnston, File | AP potentially addictive drugs to 1.3 percent in January com- 1 percent in the final three 13 patients, including Presley pared to 12 months ago, nearly A woman pays for merchandise at a Kohl’s department store in Sherwood, Ark. months of 2015. Economists and fellow singer Jerry Lee double the 0.7 percent gain believe stronger spending will Lewis. seen in December. The Federal factor determining the pace of the Fed’s target of 2 percent an- months is significantly closer boost GDP growth to around 2 A jury in 1981 acquitted Reserve has said an accelera- future interest rate hikes. nual increases. But a 1.3 per- to that goal than the readings percent in the current January- Nichopoulos of criminal tion of inflation will be a key Inflation is still running below cent gain over the past 12 over the past year. Fed Chair March quarter. charges of indiscriminately and negligently prescribing drugs to Presley. Renewed bill would Florida’s 24- allow stores to stock wine before July 1 hour abortion
”NASHVILLE (AP) — All isn’t lost for consumers hoping waiting period to buy their first bottle of wine at a Tennessee supermarket on July 1. to take effect An effort to give stores spe- cial permission to start taking wine deliveries before the new TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — session, abortion was the subject law goes into effect collapsed A Florida appeals court on Friday of emotional debate. Democrats this week over an unrelated ordered the enforcement of a complained the bill was simply provision seeking to impose a state law that that requires an effort to put up roadblocks to two-license limit for liquor women to wait 24 hours before infringe on women’s rights to an stores owners. getting an abortion. abortion; Republicans said When pro-competition law- The 1st District Court of Appeal women should have to wait be- makers defeated the cap on lifted an injunction that blocked fore making such a major deci- liquor store ownership, Repub- the waiting period from taking sion. lican Rep. Curry Todd of Col- effect. In its decision, the three- The law has exceptions for vic- lierville withdrew the judge panel contended that a cir- tims of rape, incest, domestic remainder of his bill from con- cuit judge did not have enough abuse or human trafficking if sideration. But on Thursday, AP Photo/Bruce Smith facts or evidence to support women present their doctors with Republican Rep. Jon Lundberg Officers stand outside a house in North Charleston, S.C., on Friday, where police say blocking the law. a police report, restraining order of Bristol took over another a man died of an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound after wounding a Berkeley Judge Charles Francis had or similar documentation. bill left dormant when Ryan County Sheriff's Deputy earlier in nearby Goose Creek, S.C. Police say the deputy was blocked the law one day before The American Civil Liberties Haynes left the House to be- in serious condition at a hospital after undergoing surgery. the waiting period was scheduled Union challenged the law on be- come Republican Party Chair- to take effect. Francis is chief half of a Gainesville abortion man last year. judge for the north Florida circuit clinic. The lawsuit argued that Lundberg plans to amend the that includes the state capital. the 24-hour waiting period cre- bill to only apply to the issue South Carolina deputy shot, The waiting period law was ated a burden that violated a right of wine deliveries to supermar- passed last year by the Florida to privacy included in Florida’s kets. wounded; suspect found dead Legislature. During last year’s constitution.
Woman faces 5 years NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. Mike Cochran said she is in sta- the North Charleston Police De- for trying to bribe (AP) — A South Carolina sher- ble condition and expected to re- partment. iff’s deputy was shot and cover. The SWAT team then moved in Police: Rape suspect in shooting victim wounded early Friday during a He said she was doing remark- and found the man dead. The scuffle with a suspect who later ably well and is in good spirits small beige house is located on custody after high-speed chase NASHVILLE (AP) — A barricaded himself inside a following surgery. a side street in an industrial area Nashville woman is sentenced home before apparently killing The suspect was black and so of the city not far from a rail CHATTANOOGA (AP) — 20-year-old woman at gunpoint to serve five years in prison for himself, authorities said. is the deputy. line. Authorities say a man accused earlier that day at a Nashville trying to bribe a shooting vic- The scuffle occurred when a Gist called a dispatcher shortly The name of the dead man has of rape has been taken into cus- residence. tim. According to the U.S. At- female deputy from Berkley after 12:30 a.m. to say she had a not yet been released. Cochran tody after leading police on a Police say Caldwell fled the torney’s Office for the Middle County stepped out of her suspect in custody and then said the officer had worked as a high-speed chase through Chat- home and stole a car after offi- District of Tennessee, cruiser to investigate a suspi- called later to say there had been correctional officer for a couple tanooga that involved multiple cers responded to a call about a Laquanda Boyce and Michael cious vehicle with two people in a fight. Dispatchers lost contact of years and had been a patrol crashes. woman screaming. Calloway were assaulting a it behind a grocery store in with the deputy, who authorities officer for about a year. Multiple media outlets report The Tennessee Highway Patrol woman on April 12, 2015, nearby Goose Creek, said State say was helped by a passer-by. The State Law Enforcement 20-year-old Cordarius Caldwell, says Caldwell then led officers when a man intervened and Law Enforcement Division Berry said that information Division has taken over the in- who was wanted on charges of on a pursuit before crashing into tried to protect her. spokesman Thom Berry. She provided during the stop led po- vestigation. aggravated rape and false im- a concrete barrier wall. Later that day, Boyce and had placed a passenger in her lice to an address in North It is the second time in less prisonment, was arrested Police say during the chase, Calloway returned to the cruiser and was returning to take Charleston, where they found than a year that a Berkeley Wednesday. Caldwell struck at least 15 vehi- scene, and Calloway shot at the the driver into custody when a the man barricaded inside. County deputy has been Nashville police spokesman cles, including the patrol car of man eight or nine times, strik- fight broke out. Three people who were in the wounded on the job. Don Aaron says Caldwell is ac- Trooper Calvin Naipo, who sus- ing him once in the leg. Cal- The deputy, identified as Cpl. house were able to get out safely Last May, sheriff’s Lt. Will cused of sexually assaulting a tained minor injuries. loway and Boyce then devised Kimber Gist, was shot twice and told officers the suspect was Rogers was shot by a masked a scheme to pay the man below the protective body armor injured and bleeding, Pryor said. man at a gas station. $1,200 if he would refuse to she was wearing, Berry said. Hostage negotiators spent The man suspected of wound- testify or give false testimony. The deputy fired her gun at more than two hours talking ing Rogers was later shot and The Putnam County Fair Boyce was sentenced Thurs- some point, but it’s not clear with the suspect in an attempt to killed by police in Charleston Association, Inc. - a non-profit day in the witness tampering whether she hit the suspect. convince him to surrender, said when he emerged from an apart- organization dedicated to conspiracy. Berkeley County Chief Deputy Spencer Pryor, a spokesman for ment shooting at officers. showcasing Putnam County Calloway was sentenced last and Tennessee heritage, week to 15 years for being a felon in possession of ammu- agriculture and the arts for nition, witness tampering and over 90 years. obstructing justice. Board of Education to formalize Putnam County Fair Looking For Workers.... Memphis church teacher discipline policy The Putnam County Agriculture and Industrial Fair, cancels appearance Inc. is looking for groups that have 12 or more NASHVILLE (AP) — In an deciding how to punish teach- cense after North Carolina of- by Ben Carson effort to prevent inconsistent ers found guilty of wrongdo- ficials revoked it because of individuals to work gates at this year’s fair. Our punishments, Tennessee Board ing. The board’s executive staff love letters to a 16-year-old dates are July 28th - August 6th. Groups must be MEMPHIS (AP) — A Mem- of Education members are hopes to present a draft for first student. able to meet at the fairgrounds at 3:30pm on all phis church says an upcoming seeking to formalize a teacher reading in April. Swafford’s attorney, however, weekdays and start work at 4:00pm and must be appearance by Republican disciplinary policy. Board member Wendy Tucker was able to get the decision presidential hopeful Ben Car- The board affirmed support said she hopes the formal doc- overturned when he demon- willing to stay until at least 10:00pm. On Saturdays son has been canceled. last week for punishment ument will help create clear strated that there have been 20 and Sundays the hours are from 9:00am to perhaps The Commercial Appeal re- guidelines after a recent inves- guidelines and tougher punish- others instances in which the as late as 11:00pm. ports that Carson’s appearance tigation by the USA Today ments than have been set in the board had allowed teachers in at Highpoint Church scheduled Network and The Tennessean past. similar scenarios to be either Individuals must be 18 years of age or older, must be for Sunday has been called off. showed flaws in the teacher Without a set policy, board reinstated or apply for rein- people persons and be able to follow instructions. Church teaching pastor Andy background check system, the members said, they have been statement. Savage said in a video state- newspaper reported. hamstrung by the standards set “This is developing a new This is not a volunteer position. All groups will ment Thursday that Carson’s Staff attorney Philip Cramer by previous boards. precedent with a matrix that receive a financial donation for every night that is security requirements would said he will help develop new In the case of James Aaron says ‘This is what it means to worked. If you are interested please email have disrupted the church’s recommendations that future Swafford, the Tennessee board be a professional educator in [email protected] or call 931-349-0514. services. board members can use when decided not to reinstate his li- Tennessee,’” Tucker said. Herald-Citizen
Friday, February 26, 2016 OPINION 4 Herald-Citizen The Daily Newspaper of the Upper Cumberland
Established 1903 Mike DeLapp, Editor and Publisher Buddy Pearson, Managing Editor Donald Trump’s greatest faith has always been in Donald Trump few words about Donald of surrender, the subordination of Trump’s faith. It was, as human ego to divine will. It is, put- Ayou know, called into ques- ting it mildly, difficult to imagine tion last week by Pope Francis. this fellow ever subordinating his Aboard the papal plane returning ego to ... anything. Donald Trump’s from a visit to Mexico, the pontiff greatest faith has always been in was asked about the mercurial bil- Donald Trump. lionaire turned Republican presi- Yet his threadbare impersonation dential candidate who has vowed to of a Christian seems not to have build a wall along America’s border hurt him a bit. That’s startling given with Mexico and somehow make that faith has always been a primary the Mexicans pay for it. litmus test of American politics. In- The pope’s response: “A person deed, every major elective office who thinks only about building might as well have a sign at the walls, wherever they may be, and door: The Non-Religious Need Not not building bridges, is not Chris- Apply. tian.” Yet the respected political blog Somehow, the FiveThirtyEight reports that in Vesuvius of Id romping over the rest of the GOP that is Trump field in last weekend’s South Car- did not erupt olina primary, Trump commanded Socialism: Worshipping (“This pope is a 34 percent of the evangelical Chris- loozah! Worst tian vote, considerably better than pope ever!”). the more believably Christian Ted the god of government Instead, Trump Cruz, Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush. confined him- The apparent willingness of evan- self to calling gelical voters to give him a pass t takes more faith to depend on the me to say “I am socialism and communism likely fol- the pope’s leaves you wondering if perhaps a government than it does to trust in thankful that I low. Leonard words “dis- candidate’s faith no longer matters IGod’s provision, but you’d never came from here, America doesn’t have a capitalism Pitts graceful” and so much to them. Or maybe it’s that know it watching Progressives wor- but I’m headed problem; America has a first com- suggested Fran- his anger matters more. Maybe ship at their government golden calf someplace else.” mandment problem: “You shall have cis would want him to be president those voters have opted for expedi- that owns nothing at all unless it takes The “came from no other gods before me.” In the if ISIS ever stormed the Vatican. By ence over religious purity. Maybe it from you. here” perspective name of social justice, religious left- his standards, that was downright they are unhappy with the social Thanks to capitalism, Bernie helped me to un- ists try to guilt people into accepting restrained. and demographic changes the coun- Sanders went from being an unem- derstand that hum- socialism by suggesting that is what This being the Bizzaro World try is undergoing, and he represents ployed middle aged socialist hippie ble means is not a Jesus would do. When asked which of campaign of 2016, this contretemps their last best hope of forestalling living in a shack with dirt floors to free pass to re- God’s laws was greatest, Jesus didn’t was soon subsumed by others. But that change or, failing that, their living the D.C. dream while giving Susan ceive government hesitate; it is the first commandment. let’s not move on without thanking primal scream of protest. Hillary a run for her money in the Brown assistance nor is it And he said the second greatest is to the pope for saying what has Fine. But let’s not call that faith. race to the White House. an excuse for me love and care for others like you do needed saying for a while. After all, As the pope said, faith is about Both Democrat Party presidential to pass on to the government my per- for yourself. He didn’t instruct us to Trump’s inauthenticity is hardly a bridges, not walls. It is potting soil candidates overlook the fact that sonal obligation to assist others. Trips pass that responsibility off to the gov- revelation, given how painfully for the things we hope. It is an obli- thanks to God’s grace and good old with my dad to the local rescue mis- ernment. awkward have been his attempts to gation to serve and protect” the American capitalism, the sky is the sion showed me that there’s always How true are William Penn’s words: pass himself off as a man of faith. least of these.” limit in the United States. No matter someone out there less fortunate and “Those who will not be governed by We are talking about a guy who And it is an assurance that at the your skin color or which side of the the little we have can be stretched a God will be ruled by tyrants.” We’re tap dances like Sammy Davis when end of the day, no matter how bad it railroad tracks you were born, every long way if we’re creative and care not there yet, but we’re pretty close, discussing the Bible, who when looks, we win. person has an equal chance to define enough to try. given the popularity numbers of some asked his favorite verse, declined to You see little of that in politics. his own definition of the American The public displays of self-centered- of the more unsavory characters run- give it “because to me, that’s very And the pope was right: you see Dream. Bernie should know better. ness amongst the hopelessly unin- ning for president. The day Moses de- personal,” who replied “probably none of it in Trump. Sure, at times the system seems formed at Bernie’s campaign rallies scended from Mount Sinai, God made equal” when asked if he prefers the Monday night found him cam- rigged to advantage the rich, but if we make me nauseous. Obviously it mat- it unmistakably clear how he feels New Testament or the Old. Then paigning in Las Vegas when a man let that become an excuse rather than ters not that Bernie’s promises would about breaking his first command- there’s his mangling the name of in the audience apparently staged a source of motivation to achieve our be fulfilled by way of ill-gotten gain. ment. We are reminded that exchang- the Bible book containing the some kind of demonstration. Don- dreams, we’ll spend our lives running The constitution charges the govern- ing God for government never ends Apostle Paul’s second letter to the ald Trump, man of faith, watched as in place blaming our failures on ment with the duty to provide protec- well in the rise and fall of nations. church at Corinth: Did he really call security guards hauled the protester someone else. tion to the citizens and the Bible The choice in this election is evident. it “Two Corinthians!?” Don’t even out. Though he was fairly uneducated by charges citizens to provide for the To whom shall we bow, to God or the most atheists know that it’s called “I’d like to punch him in the today’s terms, my father was the wis- helpless and poor, no matter what government? Second Corinthians? face,” he said. est man I know. Not accepting gov- Pope Frances says. The Pontiff pon- Generally one should avoid ques- ernment assistance, although at times tificates about the “evils” of capital- Susan Stamper Brown is a syndi- tioning another person’s religious Leonard Pitts is a syndicated he could, he worked long days and ism, but if he were honest he’d admit cated columnist. Her email ad- conscience. But Trump merits an columnist. His e-mail address weekends to put food on the table and the real problem is spiritual. Any time dress is exception. Faith, after all, is an act is [email protected]. make ends meet. His actions taught a nation makes government its god, [email protected].
The Twitter police target conservatives Moderately Confused his month, Twitter announced it has keesian — who has & Safety Council, the tech giant also sus- a Trust and Safety Council because, sparred with McCain pended the account of George Zimmerman Tas CEO Jack Dorsey tweeted, “Twit- — is on the Twitter — yes, the guy who killed Trayvon Martin ter stands for freedom of expression, speak- Council. “So it sure — for posting topless photos of an ex-girl- ing truth to power, and empowering seems like that mo- friend. dialogue. That starts with safety.” Appar- ment Twitter gave Sar- In addition, every user has the ability to ently the social media platform’s powerful keesian the power to mute or block unwelcome voices — and CEO hasn’t figured out that when you pat do so, she started hence can shield themselves from ha- yourself on the back for speaking truth to blackballing her crit- rassers. There’s even a Twitter account that power — and at the same time, protecting ics,” Robert Tracinski blocks accounts like McCain’s old one and the masses from unsafe speech — you wrote in The Federal- his followers. So I don’t see why Twitter sound like the Politburo. Or a modern uni- Debra J. ist. needs a council — unless its real purpose is versity that uses speech codes to muzzle Saunders I’ve seen tweets from to limit the speech of others. dissenting — that is, conservative — opin- the now shuttered I reached out to Sarkeesian: no response. I ions. @rsmccain account. If reached out to a woman who tweeted that Shortly after announcing its new council, they crossed Twitter’s lines by actually McCain harassed her friend: no reply. Mc- Twitter suspended the account of blogger threatening or harassing someone, I missed Cain would talk. He noted that of the 40 or- and anti-feminist Robert Stacy McCain. it. McCain is best known for his posts on ganizations on the Twitter Council, many Why? A spokesperson explained in an #GamerGate — the hashtag for critics of a are left-leaning and none is conservative or email that Twitter doesn’t comment on in- feminist crusade against sexism in the libertarian. The Twitter Council is an echo dividual accounts “for privacy and security video game industry. GamerGate is one of chamber. “There are some people who just reasons.” I requested the tweets that got those controversies that draws grievance can’t stand the idea that someone could McCain blocked. No dice. Techies love to seekers and social media trolls. Both sides have access to Twitter or anything, or a talk about transparency, but not for them- — McCain included — have been known platform to be able to criticize them,” Mc- selves. to get overly personal. Last year, Twitter Cain told me. They don’t believe in free- McCain posted a tweet that informed him suspended McCain’s account after he outed dom of expression for others. Free speech he had violated “rules around participating a feminist critic as a transexual. McCain is not safe. And Jack Dorsey has made in targeted abuse.” Because Twitter won’t told me, “I had to delete some tweets and I them Twitter’s bouncers. provide documentation for that abuse, con- was back in business.” servative media have been left to guess Twitter has an absolute right to decide Debra J. Saunders is a syndicated why the platform silenced McCain. who can use its platform and what consti- columnist. Her e-mail address is They’ve noted that feminist Anita Sar- tutes over-the-top speech. Before the Truth [email protected]. HERALD-CITIZEN, Cookeville, Tenn. — — Friday, February 26, 2016 — A5 LOCAL/NATION Nation The missile is the message, Pentagon hopes in Brief VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, California (AP) — Like a Teen faces life giant pen stroke in the sky, an un- sentence in killing of armed Minuteman 3 nuclear mis- sile roared out of its underground high school teacher bunker on the California coast- line Thursday and soared over SALEM, Mass. (AP) — A the Pacific, inscribing the signa- teenager who raped and killed ture of American power amid his high school math teacher growing worry about North faces a sentence of up to life in Korea’s pursuit of nuclear prison when a judge hands out weapons capable of reaching his punishment Friday. U.S. soil. Philip Chism was convicted When it comes to deterring an in December in the 2013 death attack by North Korea or other of Danvers High School potential adversaries, the missile teacher Colleen Ritzer. He was is the message. 14 when he followed her into At 11:01 p.m. Pacific Standard a school bathroom, strangled Time Thursday, the Minuteman her, stabbed her at least 16 missile, toting a payload of test times and raped her. instruments rather than a nuclear A judge in Salem Superior warhead, leaped into the dark- Court was expected to sen- ness in an explosion of flame. It tence Chism after hearing nine arced toward its test range in the victim-impact statements from waters of the Kwajalein Atoll, an Ritzer’s family and friends. island chain about 2,500 miles Many of them wore pink, her southwest of Honolulu. favorite color. About 30 minutes later the re- The 17-year-old Chism faces entry vehicle that carries the mis- life on the murder charge but sile’s payload reached its target, would be eligible for parole Col. Craig Ramsey, commander after 15 to 25 years. He also of the 576th Flight Test faces lengthy sentences on Squadron, told an assembled charges of aggravated rape and group of observers, including U.S. Air Force via AP, File robbery. Prosecutors have Deputy Defense Secretary An unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile launches during an operational test at Vandenberg Air asked that he stay in prison for Robert Work and Adm. Cecil Force Base, Calif. at least 50 years. Haney, the top nuclear war-fight- At his trial, the defense ad- ing commander. The Air Force operates 450 way of sharpening the message the Associated Press documented He also said the Vandenberg test mitted Chism killed Ritzer but The missile test, dubbed “Glory Minuteman missiles — 150 at that forms the foundation of U.S. morale, training, leadership and launches are critically important. said he was suffering from se- Trip 218,” was the second this each of three missile fields in nuclear deterrence theory — that equipment problems in the Min- “It is a signal to anyone who has vere mental illness and wasn’t month and the latest in a series Wyoming, Montana and North if potential attackers believe U.S. uteman force, and in January the nuclear weapons that we are pre- criminally responsible for his designed to confirm the reliabil- Dakota. nuclear missiles and bombs are Air Force acknowledged to the pared to use nuclear weapons in actions. A psychiatrist who ity of the Cold War-era missile A few times a year, one missile ready for war at all times, then no AP that errors by a maintenance defense of our country, if neces- testified for the defense said and all its components. The Min- is pulled from its silo and trucked adversary would dare start a nu- crew damaged an armed Minute- sary,” he said, adding later, “We Chism, who had just moved to uteman 3, first deployed in 1970, to Vandenberg, minus its nuclear clear fight. man in May 2014. do it to demonstrate that these Massachusetts from has long exceeded its original 10- warhead, for a test launch. The credibility of this message Work said in an interview ahead missiles —- even though they’re Clarksville, Tennessee, was year lifespan. Aside from confirming techni- can be damaged by signs of of Thursday’s launch that he sees old — they still remain the most hearing voices and in the It is so old that vital parts are cal soundness, Minuteman test weakness or instability in the nu- good progress in fixing the prob- effective, or one of the most ef- throes of a psychotic episode no longer in production. launches are the U.S. military’s clear weapons force. In 2013-14 lems in the nuclear missile corps. fective, missiles in the world.” when he killed Ritzer.
U.S. consumer spending up solid High school coach pleads guilty in child sex abuse case 0.5 percent in By RANDALL CHASE child by a person in a position of trust, a the brief plea hearing, answering the graphic photos and videos of Howell on Associated Press felony that carries a minimum mandatory judge’s questions in a subdued voice. the girl’s cell phone. January sentence of two years in prison. Prosecutor Kathy Dickerson and defense Howell was later indicted on 50 felony DOVER, Del. (AP) — A former high He also pleaded guilty to three counts of attorney Alexander Funk declined to com- counts of sexual abuse of a child by a per- WASHINGTON (AP) — school teacher and wrestling coach fourth-degree rape, a felony that carries no ment after the hearing. son in a position of trust and sexual solic- Americans boosted their charged with sexually abusing a female mandatory prison time. Howell was arrested in January 2015 itation of a child. The remaining charges spending in January at the student faces at least six years in prison Howell, who faces a maximum sentence after a 17-year-old student at Caesar Rod- were dropped as part of the plea agree- fastest pace in eight months, after pleading guilty Friday to six felony of 120 years in prison, was immediately ney High School reported that he had sex ment. while their incomes increased counts. taken into custody pending sentencing with her over several months in 2014, in- His trial, which was repeatedly post- by the largest amount since Richard “Dickie” Howell II pleaded April 26. cluding encounters at school and his poned, had been scheduled to begin June. Both are signs that the guilty to three counts of sexual abuse of a Howell, 51, showed no emotion during home. Investigators reportedly found March 8. economy got off to a good start in the new year. The Commerce Department says consumer spending rose Obituaries 0.5 percent last month, while incomes also grew 0.5 percent Charles “Charlie” his sisters, Mildred Ross Roberts services on Sunday at the funeral Hassie Sue Maberry her home. in January. and Amanda Ross King; his home. Presley Funeral Home in Consumer spending accounts Edward Ross grandchildren, Andrea Andrews Frances passed away on Thurs- DODSON BRANCH — Fu- Cookeville is in charge of for two-thirds of economic ac- FRANKLIN — A graveside Kline, Matthew Ross and Klar day, Feb. 25, 2016, in Signature neral services for Hassie Sue arrangements, (931) 528-1044. tivity, and the solid showing service for Charles “Charlie” Ed- (Jim) Sullivan; and his great- HealthCARE of Putnam County Maberry, 83, of the Dodson are likely to bolster expecta- ward Ross, 91, of Cookeville grandchildren, Catherine, Sarah in Algood. Branch community, will be held tions that consumers will bol- Tenn., will be held at 1 p.m. on Jane and Andrew Kline, and Cookeville chapel of Hooper- at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 28, at ster overall economic growth Saturday, Feb. 27, at Williamson Khloe Sullivan. Huddleston & Horner Funeral Dodson Branch Free Will Baptist this quarter. Memorial Gardens. Pallbearers will be Andrew Home is in charge of arrange- Church. Burial will be in Dodson A key price gauge increased The family will receive friends Kline, Mitchell Ross, Stanley ments, (931) 526-6111. Branch Cemetery. 1.3 percent in January com- from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. on Saturday Ross, Perry Pratt, Jack Pratt Jr., The family will receive friends pared to 12 months ago, nearly at Williamson Memorial Funeral Bill Andrews, Edward Jones, from 6-9 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. double the 0.7 percent gain Home in Franklin, Tenn. James (Baby) Baker and Jim Fer- 27, at Presley Funeral Home in seen in December. The Federal Mr. Ross passed away on rell. Cookeville, and from 1 p.m. until The Reserve has said an accelera- Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016. In addition to his parents, he time of services on Sunday at the Herald-Citizen tion of inflation will be a key He was born Oct. 19, 1924, to was preceded in death by a church. No. 1 in local news factor determining the pace of the late John D. Ross and Della daughter, Wanda Claire Ross Ms. Maberry passed away Call 526-9715 future interest rate hikes. Futrell Ross, and loving step- Bennett; and his brothers, Davis today, Friday, Feb. 26, 2016, at to subscribe mother Thelma Ross. Ross and Joe Ross. At age 18, after graduating high Pastor Pat Smith will officiate at Mary Lelia Gibson Superintendent who school, Charlie enlisted in the the services. KENTUCKY — Graveside You are invided to.... checked on student Navy, where he served his coun- Memorial contributions can be services for Mary Lelia Gibson, try honorably and proudly in the made to Algood United 69, of Cookeville, will be held at inside home Pacific Theater until his dis- Methodist Church. 1 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 29, at S h a r e Y o u r charge in 1946. In 1950, he mar- Services in care of Williamson Highway Cemetery in Albany, loses job ried Constance Pratt Ross, and Memorial Funeral Home, (615) Ky. they were inseparably devoted to 794-2289, www.williamson- The family will receive friends MASHPEE, Mass. (AP) — each other for 65 years until her from 5-7 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. H e a r t A Massachusetts school super- death last year. 28, at Presley Funeral Home in intendent who entered a stu- In 1948, Charlie began a long Cookeville, Tenn. dent’s home during a career with the United States Frances “Fran” Dixon Ms. Gibson passed away on residency check and rum- Army Corps of Engineers which COOKEVILLE — Funeral Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016, in th maged through her belongings he enjoyed until his retirement. services for Frances “Fran” Cookeville Regional Medical Sunday, February 28 is out of a job. Charlie loved his family, his Dixon, 71, of Cookeville, for- Center. 9:00am - The Providence of God After a 4 ½-hour meeting on cabin in the Smokey Mountains merly of Monterey, will be held Presley Funeral Home in & Thursday night, the Mashpee and a good practical joke. He at 1 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 28, Cookeville is in charge of 10:00am - The Love of God School Committee and super- also enjoyed traveling in the sun- from the Cookeville chapel of arrangements, (931) 528-1044. intendent Brian Hyde an- shine and his barbecue skills Hooper-Huddleston & Horner Fellowship Meal To Follow nounced that they had were legendary. Charlie was a Funeral Home. Burial will follow “amicably agreed to end their member of Algood United in Welch Memorial Cemetery. employment relationship.” Methodist Church. The family will receive friends The Cape Cod Times reports Charlie is survived by his son, from 5-8 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. that Hyde left the meeting Charles Edward Ross Jr. (Judy); 27, and from 11 a.m. until time of B l o o m i n g t o n S p r i n g s without comment. Prosecutors say Hyde went to Church of Christ the home in September with- out permission and dug 6120 Hulon Ferrell Road Features: through a 17-year-old girl’s Model# KUDS30IXSS 3 Rooms Carpet and Pad belongings while trying to de- • • SaniSani RinseRinse • Pro Scrub *FINANCING AVAILABLE* *468 sf and termine whether she really • Pro Scrub i n s t a l l a t i o n , lived there. plus tax, see Dr. Bill Flatt, Guest Speaker A judge acquitted him last THE THE $ 00 store for Minister, Author, Dean Emeritus & Retired Professor week of misdemeanor tres- detaIls. Harding University, Retired Psychologist and LMFT passing and breaking and en- Appliance Appliance MartMart tering, saying he couldn’t be 749 S. Jefferson Installed Help Us Reach Our Goal convicted of trespassing be- 528-6467 528-6467 699 275 S. Willow Ave. cause he wasn’t expressly 75 FULL LINE OF KITCHENAID APPLIANCES Bowman’s Carpet Outlet 931-528-5728 barred from the home. “WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL” A6 — HERALD-CITIZEN, Cookeville, Tenn. — — Friday, February 26, 2016 LOCAL/NATION In Florida, Trump looms as cloud in Rubio’s Sunshine State MIAMI (AP) — Donald Trump is a part-time Florida.” The 44-year-old former speaker of the Florida leg- compared Trump favorably to himself. “Voters have Florida resident — and a full-time problem for the Trump has a different assessment. When he spoke islative body was elected senator in 2010. He enjoys been choosing new ideas and new energy over the home-state senator running for president, Marco at a mega-rally last month in Pensacola, he ex- high favorability ratings, and people know his old formula of sheer time served in political office,” Rubio. pressed surprise at how well he seemed to be doing name. With Jeb Bush, the ex-governor, out of the he wrote. Rubio is counting on Florida to reshape the Re- in the state. way, it seems clear, at last, that Rubio has the state’s Orlando businessman KC Craichy said he never publican contest that Trump has dominated by win- This week, Florida has sent a wave of support to- inside track. One problem: Florida loves political imagined he’d support someone as “overbearing” ning three of the first four states to vote. A loss in ward Rubio, replete with endorsements from politi- outsiders. and “brash” as Trump. Now he sees those as “nec- Florida on March 15 could doom Rubio’s chances, cians and campaign cash from donors. And Rubio This state twice elected as governor a wealthy essary characteristics for the next president to shake his campaign acknowledges. directly took on Trump in Thursday’s debate in businessman who mostly paid for his own cam- up the status quo” and plans to vote for Trump. “We’re going to be fine in Florida,” Rubio said Houston, a strong performance that had his senior paign. Sound familiar? Trump, whose beachfront palace Mar-a-Lago aboard his campaign plane this week. “I feel very strategist Todd Harris declaring afterward: “We are Florida Gov. Rick Scott thinks so. He penned a serves as a second home, seemed to identify his po- good. We know how to run and win campaigns in going to win Florida. Take it to the bank.” glowing column last month in USA Today that litical opportunity here early on.
THE MARKET IN REVIEW STOCK EXCHANGE HIGHLIGHTS DAILY DOW JONES Dow Jones industrials 16,720 uu Close: 16,697.29 16,100 Change: 212.30 (1.3%) 9,625.28NYSE +119.21 15,480 10 DAYS 18,000 GAINERS ($2 OR MORE) 17,500 Name Last Chg %Chg PowerSec 18.54 +8.67 +87.8 17,000 Navios pfG 3.38 +.73 +27.5 DiamdRsts 23.21 +4.10 +21.5 WLyonHm 10.81 +1.87 +20.9 16,500 Metaldyne 14.24 +2.32 +19.5 EnPro 50.99 +7.72 +17.8 16,000 TeamHlth 44.52 +6.51 +17.1 15,500 NStarR pfA 21.49 +3.04 +16.5 AFS ONDJ VinceHldg 6.46 +.91 +16.4 NStRFn rs 12.47 +1.74 +16.2 LOSERS ($2 OR MORE) Name Last Chg %Chg STOCK MARKET INDEXES Bankrate 7.28 -5.40 -42.6 52-Week YTD 12-mo RestorHdw 38.49 -13.43 -25.9 High Low Name Last Chg %Chg %Chg %Chg PHH Corp 8.83 -3.06 -25.7 18,351.36 15,370.33 Dow Industrials 16,697.29 +212.30 +1.29 -4.18 -8.33 PatriotN n 4.54 -1.57 -25.7 9,214.77 6,403.31 Dow Transportation 7,369.58 +78.70 +1.08 -1.85 -18.86 SummitMP 12.37 -3.61 -22.6 631.00 539.96 Dow Utilities 637.80 +7.60 +1.21 +10.38 +7.40 Gerald Herbert | AP Unit 4.41 -.97 -18.0 11,254.87 8,937.99 NYSE Composite 9,625.28 +119.21 +1.25 -5.11 -13.15 FstMarblhd 3.25 -.56 -14.7 5,231.94 4,209.76 Nasdaq Composite 4,582.21 +39.60 +.87 -8.49 -8.13 AMidstrm 4.99 -.69 -12.1 North Carolina state Sen. Marlon Kimpson, D-Charleston, greets Democratic presidential NatRsPt rs 7.52 -1.02 -11.9 947.85 809.57 S&P 100 869.61 +9.46 +1.10 -4.59 -6.37 candidate Hillary Clinton as he introduces her to speak at a campaign event at the Royal Imax Corp 28.50 -3.65 -11.4 2,134.72 1,810.10 S&P 500 1,951.70 +21.90 +1.13 -4.51 -7.53 1,551.28 1,215.14 S&P MidCap 1,334.29 +14.53 +1.10 -4.60 -11.78 Baptist Church Family Life Center in North Charleston, S.C., Thursday. MOST ACTIVE ($1 OR MORE) 22,537.15 18,462.43 Wilshire 5000 19,998.52 +219.13 +1.11 -5.52 -10.23 Name Vol (00) Last Chg 1,296.00 943.09 Russell 2000 1,031.58 +9.50 +.93 -9.18 -16.75 BkofAm 1013443 12.32 +.19 SunEdison 693494 1.72 +.46 TOCKS OF OCAL NTEREST Clinton gives blunt talk on race Pfizer 511236 30.59 +.57 S L I EgyTrEq s 476508 6.80 -.37 YTD YTD ChesEng 392552 2.56 -.13 Name Div Yld PE Last Chg %Chg Name Div Yld PE Last Chg %Chg GenElec 353909 29.23 +.50 HP Inc 351625 10.34 -.48 AFLAC 1.64 2.7 11 60.33 +.70 +.7 IBM 5.20 3.9 9 134.50 +1.70 -2.3 where Obama tread lightly FrptMcM 349706 7.12 -.08 AT&T Inc 1.92 5.1 16 37.37 +.27 +8.6 IntPap 1.76 5.1 13 34.79 +.08 -7.7 WhitingPet 340364 3.53 -.19 AllegTch .32 2.7 ... 11.78 -.03 +4.7 Kroger s .42 1.1 20 39.46 +.76 -5.7 Penney 321288 8.36 +.66 Altria 2.26 3.6 23 62.38 +1.02 +7.2 Lowes 1.12 1.6 21 68.70 +.08 -9.7 COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Ste- blunt terms, talking about dis- bia, South Carolina, Clinton sat BkofAm .20 1.6 9 12.32 +.19 -26.8 MktVGold .12 .6 ... 19.39 +.28 +41.3 fanie Brown James, the director crimination and inequality in beside five black mothers whose DIARY B iPVixST ...... 24.16 -.86 +20.2 McDnlds 3.56 3.0 24 118.37 +1.31 +.2 Advanced 2,262 ChesEng ...... 2.56 -.13 -43.1 Microsoft 1.44 2.8 33 52.10 +.74 -6.1 of African-American outreach ways that haven’t been heard on children were killed by gun vio- Declined 839 CocaCola 1.40 3.2 25 44.16 +.25 +2.8 NorthropG 3.20 1.7 19 192.93 +2.91 +2.2 for President Barack Obama’s re- a presidential stage since civil lence and urged white voters to Unchanged 87 CrackerB 4.40 3.0 21 147.90 +1.13 +16.6 Penney ...... 8.36 +.66 +25.5 Total issues 3,188 CSVLgNG rs ...... 88 -.09 -63.9 PepsiCo 2.81 2.8 28 100.67 +.99 +.8 election campaign, thought that rights leader Jesse Jackson’s “practice humility” and “do a New Highs 93 CSVLgCrd rs ...... 1.67 +.11 -57.7 Pfizer 1.20 3.9 18 30.59 +.57 -5.2 the changes must have been 1988 run. better job listening.” New Lows 40 Cummins 3.90 4.0 11 97.70 +1.57 +11.0 PhilipMor 4.08 4.4 19 92.45 +.99 +5.2 Volume 4,032,192,901 Disney 1.42 1.5 17 95.65 +.22 -9.0 RegionsFn .24 3.2 11 7.51 +.09 -21.8 typos. Calls to tackle the problem of “That’s too many deaths. Too EgyTrEq s 1.14 16.8 7 6.80 -.37 -50.5 S&P500ETF 4.13 2.1 ... 195.54 +2.34 -4.1 The statement she’d written for “systemic racism” have become many young lives cut short,” she FedExCp 1.00 .7 35 135.98 +2.49 -8.7 SearsHldgs ...... 17.52 +.55 -14.8 FstHorizon .24 2.0 14 12.17 +.22 -16.2 SPDR Fncl .46 2.2 ... 21.17 +.29 -11.2 the president honoring Black a standard part of Clinton’s cam- said, prompting a few “amens” Flowserve .76 1.8 18 41.61 -.30 -1.1 SunEdison ...... 1.72 +.46 -66.2 History Month had been immedi- paign speech, followed by a long from the audience gathered in a ASDAQ uu FordM .60 4.8 7 12.39 +.31 -12.1 Textron .08 .2 14 34.51 +.51 -17.9 4,582.21N +39.60 FrontierCm .42 7.9 ... 5.31 +.01 +13.7 TractSupp .80 .9 29 85.50 -.09 0.0 ately returned with every in- list of areas, like housing and Baptist church. “Something is GenElec .92 3.1 ... 29.23 +.50 -6.2 US Bancrp 1.02 2.6 12 39.14 +.70 -8.3 stance of the word “black” health, where she says disparities very wrong.” HP Inc .50 4.8 9 10.34 -.48 -12.7 US OilFd ...... 8.80 +.21 -20.0 OR MORE GAINERS ($2 ) HomeDp 2.76 2.2 23 126.86 +1.25 -4.1 VerizonCm 2.26 4.4 12 51.11 +.29 +10.6 crossed out. They’d been re- are prevalent. She says the lead- Clinton’s frank language under- Name Last Chg %Chg iShJapan .13 1.2 ... 11.07 +.13 -8.7 WalMart 2.00 2.9 15 68.04 +.92 +11.0 placed by “African-American,” a poisoned water in Flint, Michi- scores how the conversation KEYW Hld 6.34 +1.70 +36.6 iShEMkts .84 2.8 ... 30.36 +.10 -5.7 Wendys Co .24 2.6 25 9.40 -.09 -12.7 TOP Ship rs 2.80 +.75 +36.5 term, she was later informed, was gan, wouldn’t have happened in around race has shifted after EnerNOC 6.39 +1.37 +27.3 considered by his team to be a “wealthy white suburb” and seven years of the first black LendgTree 85.50 +15.56 +22.2 ONEY ATES URRENCIES Connecture 3.09 +.44 +16.6 M R C “more generally acceptable.” calls on white voters to “recog- president, a period some critics ChartInds 19.92 +2.77 +16.2 Last Pvs Week Last Pvs Day “It was my first example as to nize our privilege.” say marked little progress on SprtnNash 25.22 +3.14 +14.2 Prime Rate 3.50 3.50 Australia 1.3805 1.3886 how nuanced the conversations “For many white Americans, criminal justice abuses and black LeMaitreV 15.11 +1.79 +13.4 Discount Rate 1.00 1.00 Britain 1.3977 1.3913 DixieGrp 4.21 +.49 +13.2 Federal Funds Rate .25-.50 .25-.50 Canada 1.3524 1.3728 had to be,” she said. “It was a it’s tempting to believe that big- poverty. But it also captures the Burcon g 2.61 +.30 +13.0 Treasuries Euro .9059 .9077 tight wire act.” otry is largely behind us,” she relative freedom Clinton, a 3-month 0.33 0.29 ($2 OR MORE) Japan 112.81 111.65 LOSERS 6-month 0.45 0.43 Four years later, Hillary Clinton told civil rights leaders in a wealthy white woman from a Name Last Chg %Chg 5-year 1.17 1.20 Mexico 18.1134 18.1844 seems far less worried about that Harlem speech last week. “Race Chicago suburb, has to aggres- Eco-StimE 2.42 -.53 -18.0 10-year 1.72 1.74 Switzerlnd .9890 .9879 British pound expressed in U.S. dollars. All others ArgosTher 3.56 -.77 -17.8 30-year 2.57 2.61 show dollar in foreign currency. balancing act. still plays a significant role in de- sively discuss race. SkySolar 2.69 -.54 -16.7 As the race turns to Southern termining who gets ahead in “If President Obama said the Relypsa 14.24 -2.54 -15.1 NetEase 136.23 -23.67 -14.8 states, where black voters make America and who gets left be- same thing she said, he would be ZebraT 59.78 -10.26 -14.6 MUTUAL FUNDS up a significant portion of the hind.” attacked,” Jackson said in an in- FDaves 5.33 -.82 -13.3 Zais Grp 4.51 -.69 -13.3 Total Assets Total Return/Rank Pct Min Init Democratic electorate, Clinton is At an unusually emotional terview with The Associated Staff360 rs 2.33 -.35 -13.1 Name Obj ($Mlns) NAV 4-wk 12-mo 5-year Load Invt addressing race in increasingly event Tuesday night in Colum- Press. PGT Inc 9.41 -1.37 -12.7 AB GlbThmtGrB m WS 10 65.13 +0.4 -13.5/D -1.0/E 4.00 2,500 AB GrB m LG 14 32.89 +2.3 -3.7/A +9.9/B 4.00 2,500 OST CTIVE ($1 OR MORE) M A AB IntlGrB m FG 2 12.55 -0.4 -17.3/E -1.8/E 4.00 2,500 Name Vol (00) Last Chg AllianzGI FcGrC m LG 219 27.64 +2.4 -3.7/A +10.6/A 1.00 1,000 FrontierCm 396467 5.31 +.01 American Century ValueInv LV 1,897 7.32 +6.1 -9.4/C +8.6/B NL 2,500 Community Calendar SiriusXM 308591 3.69 +.09 American Funds AmBalA m MA 48,214 23.34 +2.8 -2.9/A +8.5/A 5.75 250 Facebook 289554 108.07 +1.19 American Funds CapIncBuA m IH 66,929 55.28 +3.7 -7.1/A +5.9/A 5.75 250 Apple Inc 267952 96.76 +.66 The Community Calendar is This is a library event. convenience centers will be Microsoft 263843 52.10 +.74 American Funds CpWldGrIA m WS 49,538 40.79 +2.1 -12.1/C +5.1/B 5.75 250 a daily list of announcements FLAG RETIREMENT: closed on Tuesday in observance Yahoo 197743 31.36 +.41 American Funds FnInvA m LB 42,264 48.07 +3.5 -5.8/A +8.9/C 5.75 250 Cisco 182469 26.60 +.28 American Funds GrthAmA m LG 68,237 37.98 +1.7 -7.4/B +9.2/C 5.75 250 of one-time events hosted by There will be a flag retirement of county and presidential pri- Netflix s 176960 94.53 +2.92 American Funds IncAmerA m MA 68,651 19.85 +3.7 -6.2/B +7.2/A 5.75 250 nonprofit groups. To include ceremony on Saturday at 10 mary election. There will be no Intel 169515 29.62 +.43 American Funds InvCoAmA m LB 52,513 32.39 +4.7 -7.3/B +9.2/C 5.75 250 MicronT 160335 10.72 +.08 American Funds WAMutInvA m LV 47,650 37.16 +5.0 -6.0/A +10.3/A 5.75 250 your information, call 526- a.m., at the Veterans Memorial community service. Dodge & Cox Income CI 43,367 13.28 +0.3 -1.7/E +3.4/C NL 2,500 9715 and ask for the news- Building in Cookeville. Hosted LBJ&C: The monthly meeting DIARY Dodge & Cox IntlStk FB 51,575 31.85 -0.6 -26.2/E -0.6/D NL 2,500 room secretary, fax 526-1209 by Veterans of Foreign Wars of the L.B.J.&C. Head Start Pol- Advanced 1,668 Dodge & Cox Stock LV 50,943 151.13 +3.9 -12.3/D +8.7/B NL 2,500 Declined 1,065 Fidelity BlChGrow LG 14,218 62.31 +0.2 -9.2/C +10.9/A NL 2,500 or email bbs@herald- Post 6296 and BSA Troop 20. icy Council will be on Tuesday Unchanged 164 Fidelity Contra LG 73,007 92.21 +2.3 -4.6/A +10.3/B NL 2,500 Total issues 2,897 Be sure to include The public may turn in flags for at 6 p.m., at 1150 Chocolate Fidelity Magellan LG 12,529 82.94 +2.0 -7.4/B +8.1/D NL 2,500 New Highs 29 Fidelity Spartan 500IdxAdvtg LB 48,827 68.82 +4.3 -5.7/A +10.4/A NL 10,000 your name and number as well retirement at the flag retirement Drive, Cookeville. New Lows 51 as a time, date and location of box at the Veterans Memorial LIVINGSTON: The Liv- Volume 1,612,561,738 FrankTemp-Franklin IncomeA m CA 41,656 2.01 +3.1 -13.4/E +3.4/C 4.25 1,000 FrankTemp-Templeton Fgn A m FV 3,540 5.78 +1.8 -19.9/E -1.5/D 5.75 1,000 the event. Building or to the P.C. Veterans ingston American Legion and Janus EnteprsT MG 1,996 82.04 +4.7 -7.0/A +9.6/A NL 2,500 Service Officer at the Veterans Auxiliary will meet on Tuesday AGRICULTURE FUTURES Lord Abbett AffiliatA m LV 5,088 13.63 +5.3 -9.5/C +6.8/D 5.75 1,000 Open High Low Settle Chg. MFS GrowB m LG 130 55.19 +1.5 -4.3/A +9.9/B 4.00 1,000 Feb. 26 Memorial Building, Monday at post headquarters, 121 S. CORN MFS HighIncA m HY 396 3.07 +0.2 -8.4/C +3.2/C 4.25 1,000 DINNER: Cookeville First through Friday, from 8 a.m.-4 Church St. The auxiliary will 5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushel MFS TNMuniBdA m SL 102 10.70 +0.3 +3.4/B +4.7/D 4.25 1,000 Mar 16 359.75 361.50 355 355.50 -4.25 MFS TotRetA m MA 4,398 16.93 +3.5 -3.7/A +6.9/A 5.75 1,000 Church of God Youth invites p.m. up until the ceremony. meet at 5 p.m. and the legion May 16 364.50 366.50 360 360.50 -4 Jul 16 369.75 371.50 365.25 365.75 -4.25 Metropolitan West TotRetBdI CI 44,335 10.75 +0.8 +0.8 +4.7 NL 3,000,000 you to join them in the Kornfield DEMOCRATS: The Putnam will meet at 6 p.m. Sep 16 375.25 377 371 371.50 -4 Nuveen TNMuniBdA m SL 289 12.07 +0.2 +3.8/B +5.6/A 4.20 3,000 on Friday. BBQ dinner from County Democratic Party will SENIORS: Seniors can get Dec 16 383.25 385.25 379.50 379.75 -4 Oppenheimer CapIncA m CA 1,671 9.36 +1.5 -3.4/A +4.8/A 5.75 1,000 Mar 17 392.50 393.75 388.50 388.75 -3.75 PIMCO TotRetIs CI 58,942 10.06 +0.1 -0.7/D +3.5/C NL 1,000,000 5:30-6:45 p.m. Hee Haw show have their monthly meeting on free manicures from Genesis May 17 397.75 397.75 392.50 393.25 -3.50 SOYBEANS Pioneer PioneerA m LB 4,184 30.77 +4.3 -6.8/B +7.5/D 5.75 1,000 starts at 7 p.m. Tickets $10 per Saturday at 10 a.m., at party of- Career College students from 5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushel Prudential Investmen BlendB m LG 12 15.59 +1.3 -13.6/E +5.0/E 5.00 2,500 Mar 16 867 871 858.50 859 -8.50 Putnam EqIncomeA m LV 3,126 18.30 +4.9 -10.4/C +9.1/B 5.75 0 person and $30 for a family of fice at 111 N. Cedar Ave. 12:30-2:30 p.m. at the May 16 872 876.25 865 865.50 -6.75 Putnam MultiCapGrA m LG 3,125 62.76 +2.5 -11.7/E +8.4/D 5.75 0 four. For ticket info., call Kim at March 1 Cookeville Senior Center. Jul 16 878.25 882.50 871.50 871.75 -6.75 Vanguard 500Adml LB 146,311 180.64 +4.3 -5.7/A +10.4/A NL 10,000 Aug 16 880.75 884.25 873.50 873.75 -6.75 (931) 979-1132. PARENT-CHILD: The March 2 Sep 16 879.50 884 873.75 874 -6 Vanguard HltCrAdml SH 36,605 84.23 -1.7 -4.8/A +18.4/B NL 50,000 Nov 16 882.50 887 876.25 876.75 -6 Vanguard InstIdxI LB 100,346 178.86 +4.3 -5.7/A +10.4/A NL 5,000,000 Feb. 27 Stephens Center Spring 2016 LIVINGSTON: Millard Oak- Jan 17 886.75 891 881.50 882 -6 Vanguard InstPlus LB 85,157 178.88 +4.3 -5.7/A +10.5/A NL 200,000,000 GENEALOGY: The Overton Series I Parent-Child Connec- ley Public Library in Livingston WHEAT Vanguard InstTStPl LB 36,124 43.68 +4.1 -7.5/C +10.0/B NL 200,000,000 5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushel County Historical Society is tion classes are held Tuesdays will be the location of a meeting Mar 16 443.25 446.75 440.50 445.25 +2.50 Vanguard IntlStkIdxAdm FB 35,932 22.45 +1.8 -16.3/D -0.7/D NL 10,000 May 16 452.50 456 449.50 454 +2.75 Vanguard IntlStkIdxIPls FB 52,857 89.80 +1.8 -16.2/D -0.7/D NL 100,000,000 hosting a Grandparent/Grand- from 9-10:30 a.m., at St. of Girl Scout Troop 1060, on Jul 16 459.75 464 458 462.25 +2.50 Vanguard MuIntAdml MI 42,832 14.40 +0.4 +3.9/A +4.9/B NL 50,000 child Day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Michael’s Episcopal Church, Wednesday, at 6 p.m. This is a Sep 16 473.25 475 469.25 473 +1.75 Vanguard TotBdAdml CI 62,206 10.84 +1.3 +1.4/A +3.6/B NL 10,000 Dec 16 489.25 491.50 485.25 489.50 +1.50 at the Millard Oakley Public Li- 640 N. Washington Ave., community event. Mar 17 501.25 503.25 498.50 502.50 +2.25 Vanguard TotIntl FB 73,995 13.42 +1.8 -16.3/D -0.8/D NL 3,000 May 17 508 509.50 506 509.50 +1.50 Vanguard TotStIAdm LB 120,312 48.26 +4.1 -7.7/C +9.9/B NL 10,000 brary in Livingston. The free Cookeville. The curriculum for UDC: The United Daughters CATTLE Vanguard TotStIIns LB 56,830 48.27 +4.1 -7.6/C +9.9/B NL 5,000,000 event is a chance for children to this series will be “Nurturing of the Confederacy, Captain 40,000 lbs.- cents per lb. Vanguard TotStIdx LB 92,592 48.24 +4.1 -7.7/C +9.7/B NL 3,000 Feb 16 ...... 137.87 +.90 interview their grandparents so Parenting Skills for Families.” Sally Tompkins 2123 will meet Apr 16 136.20 137.87 136.10 137.35 +1.20 Vanguard WelltnAdm MA 65,584 62.12 +3.2 -4.2/A +7.8/A NL 50,000 Jun 16 125.22 126.47 125.10 125.80 +.53 they can learn more about their Certificates will be awarded to on Wednesday at noon in the Aug 16 121.42 122.22 121.10 121.47 +.15 Stock Footnotes: g = Dividends and earnings in Canadian dollars. h = Does not meet Oct 16 ...... 121.37 -.05 continued-listing standards. lf = Late filing with SEC. n = New in past 52 weeks. pf = family history. Antiques will be those completing eight sessions upper level of the P.C. Library. Dec 16 121.55 122.02 121.27 121.50 -.05 Preferred. rs = Stock has undergone a reverse stock split of at least 50 percent within Feb 17 ...... 120.72 -.03 the past year. rt = Right to buy security at a specified price. s = Stock has split by at set up for them to look at. Sons within this series. No charge. If you have a Confederate ances- HOGS-Lean least 20 percent within the last year. un = Units. vj = In bankruptcy or receivership. wd of Confederate Veterans will For info., call 1-800-635-5199. tor or have questions, call (931) 40,000 lbs.- cents per lb. = When distributed. wi = When issued. wt = Warrants. Apr 16 71.60 71.80 70.72 71.12 -.35 also have artifacts set up. The Today’s class is Implementation 738-5869. May 16 ...... 77.10 -.12 Mutual Fund Footnotes: b = Fee covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d purpose of the event is to get of Nurturing Parenting. RETIRED TEACHERS: Put- Jun 16 80.95 81.17 80.17 80.65 -.27 = Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. f = front load (sales charges). m = Multiple Jul 16 ...... 80.17 -.25 fees are charged. NA = not available. p = previous day’s net asset value. s = fund split more kids interested in geneal- LIVINGSTON: Millard Oak- nam County Retired Teachers Aug 16 79.50 79.75 78.87 79.42 -.35 shares during the week. x = fund paid a distribution during the week. Oct 16 68.30 68.50 67.82 68.12 -.25 ogy and the history of the Upper ley Public Library in Livingston will meet on Wednesday, at 10 Dec 16 63.50 63.67 63.00 63.22 -.35 COTTON 2 Objectives: CA -Conservative Allocation, CI -Intermediate-Term Bond, FB -Foreign Cumberland. will have a Crafters Club meet- a.m., at American Bank & Trust, 50,000 lbs.- cents per lb. Large Blend, FG -Foreign LargeGrowth, FV -Foreign Large Value, HY - High-Yield LIVINGSTON: Millard Oak- ing from 9-10:30 a.m. on Tues- 1450 Neal Street. Lunch will be Mar 16 58.01 58.16 57.97 58.16 +.46 Bond, IB -World Bond, IH -World Allocation, LB -Large Blend, LG -Large Growth, LV - May 16 57.44 58.19 57.27 57.76 +.35 Large Value, MA -Moderate Allocation, MB -Mid-Cap Blend, MG -Mid-Cap Growth, MV ley Public Library in Livingston day. Then, at 11 a.m., they will provided by the bank. Speaker Jul 16 57.44 57.97 57.27 57.61 +.27 - Mid-Cap Value, SB - Small Blend, SG -Small Cap Growth, SH -Specialty-heath, WS Oct 16 ...... 57.21 +.19 -World Stock. will have genealogy for kids have their book club: “The will be Jerry Boyd, director of Dec 16 57.21 57.75 57.16 57.40 +.20 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. This is a Prince of Tides.” Both of these Putnam County Schools. Newly Mar 17 58.07 58.40 58.05 58.27 +.22 Total Return: Chng in NAV with dividends reinvested. Rank: How fund performed vs. May 17 58.85 59.07 58.84 59.02 +.27 others with same objective = A is in top 20%, E in bottom 20%. Min Init Invt: Minimum community event. Then, at 6 are library events. retired teachers are invited to at- Tables show three most current contracts for each future. $ needed to invest in fund. Grains traded on Chicago Board of Trade; livestock on p.m., they will have a free CLOSED: The recycling cen- tend. For more info., call Sue Chicago Mercantile Exchange; and cotton on the Source: The Associated Press and Morningstar. Sales figures are unofficial. Intercontinental Exchange. movie: “The Good Dinosaur.” ter, transfer station, landfill and Ann Smith at 432-2306. Herald-Citizen
Friday, February 26, 2016 LIVING 7 Inevitable Spring illness Unusual dog teaches children forward overshadows By MEGAN TROTTER HERALD-CITIZEN Staff at Baxter man’s COOKEVILLE — Murphy, the unusual Senior personal white boxer with a heart-shaped spot on his ear is now the focus of his very own chil- relationships dren’s book, “Murphy’s Heart.” He belongs Center to Tamara Keas of Silver Point, who used EAR ABBY: I have to teach preschool. arch is here and just separated from “A little over a year ago, I was thinking the beginning of Dmy wife. I don’t plan Murphy would be pretty marketable be- MDaylight Savings on dating anytime soon, but I cause he’s white — you don’t see a lot of Time. March 13 is the date will eventually. white boxers — and then there’s a heart- to set your clocks forward, I have a disease that caused shape on his ear. One day when I was with and forward is the way the my immune system to de- my aunt, I told her, ‘I wish I could get a Baxter Senior Center is stroy my liver cells. There is children’s book written about Murphy.’ And moving. Spring begins on no way to predict whether she said, ‘I’ll write that for you!’” Keas March 20, so that helps us my liver will fail in five days said. to remember to spring for- or five years. Would it be Keas started to email her aunt, Joy Duke of ward with our clocks. wrong to date knowing I Virginia, and tell her about things Murphy March is so full of activi- have this disease? There is no liked to do and stories about things he did. ties and holidays, besides cure, just a liver transplant if Duke took all this and turned it into a story Daylight Savings Time, my liver fails completely. about celebrating your differences, with il- there is also St. Patrick’s Also, if it’s OK to date, lustrations by Knoxville artist Mike Taylor. Day, Red Cross Month, when should I tell someone “In the book, Murphy felt different be- Good Friday and Easter. about my illness? I have no cause he was white in a litter of puppies that Time to shake off the win- friends because at some point are usually fawn or brindle colored, but he ter dol- they will becomes a loving member of a family,” drums Dear see me Keas said. Senior and get jaundiced The subject of celebrating differences is Corner active. Abby and sick, especially dear to Keas’ heart, as she was a There and I special education teacher. will be would “That’s an issue I saw sometimes in my blood have to work, kids being made fun of because they pres- burden were different,” Keas said. sure them In addition to having a positive message Murphy the white boxer will be in Cookeville tomorrow to “pawtograph” clinics with my for children, the book is also helping out books. and health is- local animals in need. All of the proceeds Bingo sues or are going to the I Am Joy Foundation, head- the books,” said Karen Rogers, Foundation about 10 a.m.-2 p.m. to “pawtograph” spon- lie. — quartered in Silver Point, which is dedicated president. “The book sales, we thought, books. Books will also be available from a sored NEWLY to distributing grants to non-profit animal would be a novel way — no pun intended Foundation representative from 11 a.m.-1 by Barbara Abigail SEPA- rescue organizations. Last year, they — to help raise money and also to affect p.m. at Foxleaf Books on West Broad Street Upper RATED awarded more than $2,500 to non-profits children and their perspective of animals.” in Cookeville, and Murphy may drop by to Lee Cum- Van Buren IN through donations alone. Now, with the A book signing for “Murphy’s Heart” will say hello sometime during the day. berland MON- sales of “Murphy’s Heart,” they hope to be be held tomorrow in two locations. The For more information about the book, to Hospice and Pallative Care TANA able to raise even more. book’s star, Murphy, will be at Petco on order a copy online, or to hear the book’s on Thursday, March 10, and DEAR NEWLY SEPA- “We hope to be able to do a lot of good West Jackson Street in Cookeville along author read her story aloud, visit Silver Angels on Tuesday, RATED: You are allowing with the funds that we raise for the sale of with a Foundation representative from March 15. Thanks to our your illness to rule your life, sponsors for their support. and that’s not a prescription Thursday, March 17, the that’s healthy for anyone. Center will have a special Many people suffer from St. Patrick luncheon so health problems, but they come and join us and don’t don’t cut themselves off from forget to wear the green. relationships as you have. The luncheon will have a Yes, you can date. If it looks St. Patty’s themed menu, as like there could be a future, always lunch is at noon. you should bring up the sub- Book club will be on March ject of your health at that 18 at 11:15 a.m. The book time. But in the meantime, for March is “Room” by my advice is to make every Emma Donaghue. The book effort to enjoy the time you club meets every third Fri- have. day in the Center in con- DEAR ABBY: In my junction with Sarah Lewis, mother’s opinion, I have a the Baxter librarian. Come problem. I have prominent join us all and read with us. nipples that show through The Second Harvest Food shirts. I wear a padded bra, Pantry will be on Thursday, but it doesn’t help. I don’t March 24. This food pantry want to wear a heavier is for seniors who meet the padded bra because I am big- requirements, which is busted already. based on income. If you or Honestly, the situation does- anyone you know needs n’t bother me. It’s part of this help please call the being me and no different Baxter Senior Center at than having a unibrow or ears 858-5657. that stick out. It’s not sexual. Megan Trotter | Herald-Citizen Exercise is each Monday Should I worry about what Jennette Gahlot displays a copy of her first novel, “Alias Pandemonium.” and Friday at 10:30 a.m. others think about this? — with Karen. She teaches MY EYES ARE UP HERE! Tai-Chi and aerobic exer- DEAR UP HERE: No. As cises. If you have physical you are probably already limitations she will work aware, anyone’s nipples can Cookeville author writes about 1875 marshal with you, adjusting the ex- become rigid if there’s a ercises to fit your needs. change in the temperature. It By MEGAN TROTTER said. “You hear about the same ones over “It’s a fictitious character based on some The Tai-Chi is an evidence- doesn’t necessarily signal HERALD-CITIZEN Staff and over again. But what about the guys true tales, true incidents and some histor- based program and is called arousal. If you are comfort- who brought them in? You never hear ical people — like Judge Isaac Parker — Tai-Chi for Arthritis. able, then keep dressing the COOKEVILLE — When Cookeville au- about them. who played major parts in shaping the law We haven’t talked about way you do. This appears to thor Jennette Gahlot sat down to write her “I started reading some of their stories, west of Portsmith,” Gahlot said. the Tennessee Yellow Dot be your mother’s problem. first novel, she intended to write a story and they have some wild tales that are bet- She is now hard at work on the sequel, program in awhile. This Do not let her anxiety rub off about an outlaw. She had been researching ter than fiction.” and hopes to create a series around various program is for seniors and on you. her genealogy and had been delighted to The result was her first historical fiction deputy marshals. sponsored by Tennessee DEAR ABBY: As an older find the unusual mix of people in her fam- novel, “Alias Pandemonium.” It tells the “Alias Pandemonium” is available at Department of Transporta- male retiree, I frequently en- ily tree: outlaws, Union Soldiers, Native tale of Rex Redfern, a U.S. deputy mar- major book sellers both online and in tion. By participating in this counter people at social gath- Americans and more. She wanted to write shal working to bring in the outlaws of stores, as well as at Foxleaf Bookstore in program, in case of emer- erings who tilt their heads a story that would capture the type of in- Arkansas in 1875 while working for Judge Cookeville, located on West Broad Street gency while you are driving back, narrow their eyes and teresting life these people held. At first, Isaac Parker, known as “The Hanging She will have a book signing tomorrow first responders can always ask, “Exactly what was it that she thought she wanted to write about an Judge” for his extreme punishments. from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at Foxleaf books. review your photo and you did at XYZ Corpora- outlaw. While Rex is rounding up outlaws, his sis- For more information about Gahlot and name for identification pur- tion?” When they find out I “But when I got to thinking about it, I re- ter goes missing, leading him on a desper- her work, visit or poses and it also makes was what they consider to be alized that outlaws are so overdone,” she ate search to find her before it is too late. search for her page on Facebook. them aware of any medical “just a paper-pusher,” they conditions that would be abruptly turn their backs and helpful to be aware of for walk away. Can you suggest your safety. an appropriate response to Covered dish lunch will be this form of snobbery? — Oscar animation nominees talk facing their fears on Good Friday, March 25 PAPER-PUSHER IN ARI- with Linda McDearman of ZONA By DERRIK J. LANG fears of working in the fragile medium tor Duke Johnson. “It took six months to TN SHP and Medicare, giv- DEAR PAPER-PUSHER: AP Entertainment Writer during an event Thursday celebrating their animate. We didn’t know actually until we ing us an update called When someone asks that creations. screened the film if it worked.” “Medicare Moments.” question, you might smile BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) — Ale “Inside Out” filmmakers Peter Docter Other nominees vying for the animated Come listen to our good and respond, “You know, I’m Abreu wasn’t confident about his animated and Jonas Rivera noted there was origi- feature film trophy at Sunday’s 88th an- music and speaker and par- having such a great time in film “Boy and the World” after screening nally concern children wouldn’t under- nual Academy Awards include the Japan- take of some really good retirement, I can’t really re- it for an audience for the first time. The stand the concept for their Pixar flick about ese adaptation “When Marine Was There” country cooking. Lunch at call what I did there!” Or, if imaginative parable about a stick figure’s a team of personified emotions working to- and the stop-motion comedy “Shaun the noon with music beginning you’re feeling mischievous, search for his father left viewers feeling gether inside a young girl’s noggin. Sheep Movie.” The category was first in- at 10:30 a.m. you could call out after the sad. “In the end, we had to simplify the film troduced at the 2002 ceremony with The Baxter Senior Center person, “Just kidding! I was “I realized it wasn’t the film I had ex- for the executives, but the kids loved it,” “Shrek” winning the inaugural trophy. is open Monday, Tuesday, the CEO.” And if the person pected to make,” the Brazilian filmmaker joked Docter. Despite the more emotional of this year’s Thursday and Friday from 9 turns to come back, turn said through a translator at the motion pic- The creators of “Anomalisa” said con- animated nominees, none cracked the best a.m. to 3 p.m. and our YOUR back and walk away ture academy’s headquarters. “The solu- structing the film’s stop-motion sex scene picture category for a spot alongside the phone number is 931-858- because, if your perception is tion was to change one scene.” was one of the biggest challenges of bring- likes of “Spotlight,” “The Big Short” and 5657. correct, you have been con- It worked. “Boy and the World” is among ing writer-director Charlie Kaufman’s “The Revenant.” (Only three animated versing with someone who the five nominees up for the animated fea- script — originally written as a radio play films have ever been nominated for best Barbara Lee is the direc- has terrible manners and no ture film Academy Award on Sunday. — to life with puppets. picture at the Oscars: “Beauty and the tor of the Baxter Senior class. Abreu and the other nominees shared their “That scene took the longest,” said direc- Beast,” “Up” and “Toy Story 3.”) Center. Herald-Citizen
Friday, February 26, 2016 RELIGION 8 Will Battle plans Yes, it you could stand happen or fall? again In 1942, over 120,000 people of a I must have been 22 when I met particular ancestry were incarcerated Jere, a most impressive minister from in concentration camps. Men, Florida who was at least a decade my women, children, and babies were senior. With graduation certificates yanked from their homes, jobs, adorning his office walls, he was in schools, and families with only what line to receive yet another, his PhD. they could carry and were assigned To say Jere was handsome doesn’t to barracks with tar-papered walls do the term justice. I dropped in and straw-stuffed bedding. Families unannounced and were assigned found the tall, numbers that slender man they had to keep seated at his on their clothing church office at all times. desk dressed in Talking about Spiritual Renewal 2016 activities slated for this weekend at Tennessee Bible College are, Barbed wire and full attire. His left, Paul Wilmoth, Instructor of Preaching at TBC, minister at Northeast Church of Christ and Oliver guard towers suit and tie ap- Anderson, long-time elder at Northeast Church of Christ in Cookeville. The annual revival meeting con- with sentries, peared to be fresh ducted by TBC in association with the Northeast Church of Christ begins Friday night through Sunday who were sta- from the tailor night, February 26-28. It is 3 days, 10 speakers, times of singing, prayer, and Christian fellowship. All tioned with and his shoes activities are open to the public. firearms, sur- were spit-shined. rounded the en- Jim Even his finger- Karen campments. Rogers nails looked as if Langford These families the manicurist TBC ‘revisiting the battle’ suffered signifi- had just left. cant economic When my Mollie and I were invited losses and experienced extreme psy- to their house for dinner, I was very chological traumas. Some died be- uncomfortable. I was going to cause of inadequate medical care school and my Mollie worked to help at annual lectureship and from the emotional stress, and keep us in groceries. Compared with some were killed by military guards these new acquaintances, we must By AMY DAVIS Saturday high-caliber individuals.” for allegedly resisting orders. have looked like we just came from a HERALD-CITIZEN Staff • 9 a.m. — “For a New Generation” Also on the lectureship agenda are a The Holocaust? No. This happened rescue mission. with Justin Newell of Cookeville couple of meals. in our very own country…America! Mrs. Jere greeted us warmly at the COOKEVILLE — It’s a battle worth • 10 a.m. — “With Modernism” The Friends of TBC fundraising din- After the Japanese attacked Pearl door while Jere remained in his high- revisiting. (men) with Elwin Mahan of Spencer ner will be held Saturday at 7 p.m. at Harbor in 1941, President Roosevelt backed chair. She, as beautiful as he Which is what Tennessee Bible Col- • 10 a.m. — “For the Family” American Bank and Trust. For ticket issued an Executive Order to round was handsome, appeared a bit nerv- lege officials plan to do at their 37th (women) with Francis Sapp of Sumter, information, call the school at 931- up all Japanese, most of who were ous and kept glancing toward her annual Spiritual Renewal lectureship, S.C. 526-2616. The President’s Chicken American citizens or had permanent husband. She whisked my Mollie off which kicks off tonight. • 11 a.m. — “In the Mission Field” Dinner will take place Sunday at 5 p.m. legal status, and put them all in to the kitchen while I became the au- “It’s a spiritual battle,” David Hill, • 1 p.m. — “With Denominational- at Northeast Church of Christ, which is guarded camps. These Americans, dience as Jere related his life story. TBC president, said. “And a spiritual ism” (men) with Ron E. Gilbert of next door to TBC. half of whom were children, were We never saw them again. I later battle has marks much like a physical South Pittsburg “We’re always excited about the lec- kept in these camps without due learned Jere had dropped his wife battle in that you have to access where • 1 p.m. — “For the Family” (women) tureship,” Hill added. “It’s the high- process of law for up to four years. and their two children off at her par- you are. Are we accomplishing what • 2 p.m. — “For Moral Purity” with light of our year. It was later proven that not one ents’ house and their personal items we should be accomplishing?” Matt Clifton of McCrory, Ariz. “It’s spiritual renewal — a revival Japanese American or non-American delivered by truck. Two weeks later The lectureship, which continues Sunday meeting — where we can come to- had engaged in any kind of espi- he offered his resignation to the through Sunday, will focus on “Revis- • 9 a.m. — “For the Word of God” gether to be encouraged to be better onage or act of sabotage, but in- church, along with a story that was iting the Battle,” a topic that goes back (Romans 3:4) with Earl Alverson of Christians and be challenged a little stead, this act was “motivated highly suspect. His mother made an to the mid-1990s at TBC. Sparta bit.” largely by racial prejudice, wartime apartment for him in her house and “We had a lecture program dealing • 10 a.m. — “With the Doctrine of Everyone is invited to “revisit the bat- hysteria, and a failure of political he practically dropped out of sight. with all the changes that were taking Devils” (I Timothy 4:1) with George tle.” leadership.” Some twenty years later, while in place in religion,” Hill said. “So this King of McMinnville “There’s been a battle going on for Could this happen in our country Jere’s home town, I decided to see if year’s theme revisits that. Have we • 6 p.m. — “For the Kingdom of quite some time in our nation,” Hill again? At one time, Justice Antonin I could locate him. Finding someone made progress? Have we seen a Heaven” (Matthew 19:23, Mark 10:23, said. “It’s a battle for the hearts and Scalia told the University of Hawaii in the phone book by the same last change in the culture?” Luke 18:24) with Tim McHenry of souls of individuals, and we are right law students, “You are kidding your- name, I was told how I could locate The schedule is as follows: Tompkinsville, Ky. in the middle of it.” self if you think the same thing will Jere’s older brother, but both Jere and Friday “We want everyone to understand that TBC is located at 1616 McCulley not happen again. In times of war, his mother were deceased. • 7:30 p.m. — “For the Souls of Men” this is like an old-time gospel meet- Road in Cookeville. To learn more, the laws fall silent.” Brother was hesitant to talk with me with Melvin Sapp of Sumter, S.C. ing,” Hill said. “The speakers are all visit Why am I writing about this? Peo- since he had never before heard of ple call our country a Christian na- me. After fully identifying myself, tion, but to me, treating people like he shared how the family had mort- this is anything but Christian. We’re gaged everything to fund Jere’s Speaking In Stories: How to spend a million dollars already seeing some politicians, reli- dream of being a theology professor. gious leaders, and others propagat- However, he had chosen an alternate NBC news recently aired an interest- The attorney grow up and become whatever he ing fear and violence towards others lifestyle, and since the Bible con- ing “Making a Difference” story about thought to him- wanted, because he will have a quality they see as different and they’re al- demns that way of life, he decided to a highly successful and wealthy Cali- self, “I can buy a education. ready talking about getting rid of deny the validity or the authority of fornia attorney. He was about to pur- million dollar boat Like many others, I felt inspired by certain groups of people. I definitely the Scriptures. chase an incredible new boat that cost for myself. Or, I this story. This man realized that he al- do not mean for this to be a political Like every other person, Jere had well over a million dollars. However, can fund a college ready had more than enough posses- article; instead, I am speaking about the right and privilege of choosing to before purchasing the boat, he and his education for sions. our humanity, who we are as accept the fundamental beliefs of or- wife attended church. They heard their twenty-six chil- So instead of spending more on him- human/spiritual beings, and what thodox Christianity or to reject pastor preach a sermon about extrava- dren.” He decided self, he decided to invest in something definition we give to the term Chris- them. He apparently chose to under- gant generosity. The pastor challenged to invest in the bigger than himself. tianity. This is NOT the Christianity, mine them. his congregation to spend less on them- children instead of His generosity brought great joy to nor the America, that I believe in! On the last Sunday of March most selves and to give more to others. Martin the boat. As he ex- him and his wife, to God, and to As Christians, we need to decide if Christians will celebrate the resurrec- After the service the man asked him- Thielen plained his re- twenty-six children and their families, we are really following the teachings tion of Jesus as he predicted. This is self, “What else could I do with a mil- markable decision forever changing their life for the good. of Jesus or the egotistical powers of considered the cornerstone of the lion dollars?” While thinking about to the news re- May his tribe increase! men. Jesus made it very clear that Christian faith. Without it, Jesus is a that question, he visited his local public porter, he teared up as he shared how we are to love one another and he fraud and Christianity a false reli- school kindergarten class. He discov- much joy it brought him. Martin Thielen, senior pastor at made no exceptions. He also said gion. ered a room full of twenty-six low in- Then NBC interviewed the kinder- Cookeville First United Methodist that we will know his followers by Apostles of Jesus Christ had been come Hispanic children, most of who garten teacher. Speaking through tears, Church, is the author of seven how much we love one another. I am with him for about three and a half came from single parent families. she explained how radically life chang- books including “Searching For certainly not seeing this love in years. They had seen him during his These families didn’t have enough ing this was going to be for her stu- Happiness,” “The Answer to Bad many of those who claim to be funds for lunch money, much less the dents. They also interviewed a mom Religion Is Not No Religion,” and Christians. Instead, in them I am See JIM, Page 10 ability to save for their children’s col- from the class who worked as a seam- “What’s the Least I Can Believe only seeing the propagation of fear, lege education. stress. She said her son could now and Still Be a Christian?” violence, hate, and wanting to harm so many beautiful children of God just because of any perceived differ- In Our Churches ences. Special speaker My heart goes out to all those who Ongoing Christ Scientist in Boston (The ences. Don’t go through separation or are facing so much hatred and vio- coming to AGLOW: Aglow International is a Mother Church), holds church serv- divorce alone. Meets Wednesdays at lence, especially Muslims, people of dynamic, global organization, made ices at 10:30 a.m. Sundays at 118 E. 7 p.m. at Trinity in Algood. (205 W. color, immigrants, those in the up of women and men with a single 1st St. at Holly, Cookeville, Tenn. For Wall St.) LGBT communities, and many oth- Living Hope purpose: to see God’s will be done on info., call 854-0916. FOOD PANTRY: New Beginning ers. I cannot imagine the fear and in- earth as it is in heaven, through COMPASSIONATE COMMUNI- Fellowship Church has started a food security they are feeling not COOKEVILLE — Living Hope prayer, local groups, events and out- CATION: Unitarian Universalist pantry for those in need. It will be the knowing what their future may hold. Church invites the public to join it on reaches. For more information about Congregation of Cookeville’s Com- third Saturday of every month from At some point, this could be any one Sunday, Feb. 28 at 10:30 a.m. and the Cookeville Aglow Community passionate Communication circle 9-11 a.m. Bring a photo ID. Located of us for any reason. p.m. and Monday, Febr. 29 at 6:30 p.m. Lighthouse, contact Karen at (931) meets at 6 p.m. on the first and third at 775 West Cemetery Rd., I recently saw a post on Facebook to hear Christy Mitropoulos minister. 979-0727 or go to Wednesdays at 31 W. 1st St. Compas- Cookeville. For more info., call 931- with a picture of Jesus saying, “I She is a dynamic, Holy Ghost-filled, CHILDREN’S PROGRAM: A sionate Communication is based on 432-6232. was thinking about coming back, but awesome preacher of God, said Living creative children’s program at New Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent FREE CLOTHING: West View when I saw how much my followers Hope pastor Ron Allen. Thought Unity Church (823 10th St., Communication method. This is a Baptist Church will give away free hate brown-skinned, non-English Mitropoulos will also be sharing at Cookeville) is held every Sunday at tool for resolving differences. For clothing the first and third Monday of speaking, Middle Eastern immi- Women of Purpose on Tuesday, March 11 a.m. info., go to the month, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Lo- grants, I thought they might crucify 1 at 6:30 p.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: The DIVORCE CARE: DivorceCare is cated at 427 Laurel Ave., Cookeville. me again, so I changed my mind.” Living Hope Church is located at Christian Science Society of a friendly, caring group of people GRIEF: Heart of the Cumberland I’m sure many found it offensive, 1020 E. Spring Street, Cookeville, TN Cookeville, one of the worldwide who will walk alongside you through 38501. branches of The First Church of one of life’s most difficult experi- See CHURCHES, Page 9 See KAREN, Page 10 A9 — HERALD-CITIZEN, Cookeville, Tenn. — — DayName, MonthDay, YearHere RELIGION Practice your faith if you want to change the world
I have had the dubious misfortune/priv- to put into practice what we understand earth. Whatever must understand the climate and chal- can empower Christian service. I can ilege of pastoring several end-time spe- concretely, and the foundational truths changes the future lenges they face. These things are make a difference and so can you. cialists. You know, the ones who’ve got faith and practice in the Bible are pretty may bring, you and changing all the time, so it’s no easy task, There’s no time to lose. Someone is run- everything figured out. The ones believ- clear. What is may not resemble what I have a great say but the basic needs of mankind remain ning out of time even now. Certain an- ing they understand the complexities of will be, but there is nothing new under by the way we live the same. If Christ-followers will prac- cients believed that people had a limited the last days that Bible scholars have the sun. One of the reasons that I have now. Heaven will tice their faith it will help. The Holy number of breaths. We tend to count been arguing about for centuries. Those not chosen prophetic musings (and I be wonderful one Spirit is best able to work in the unregen- minutes and hours, but no one is long for who love highly-symbolic passages of have preached the entire book of Reve- day, but the eternal erate as they observe genuine Christian- this world. Change needs to occur, and Scripture with few supporting texts. The lation) as my staple is that, as a pastor, I state will also spell ity in action. John the Baptist cleared a it can occur. God’s Word is replete with ones who elevate important and interest- necessarily spend most of my time trying the end of hope path for the entry of Jesus into the world. stories of redemption and reform uplift- ing (read obscure) issues to the level of to help people deal with the present. If and help for some. Add to practice preparation. It is not true ing the unlikely. Will it happen in our essentiality. they’re ready to go, the manner doesn’t Sterl This thought is that sincerity will accomplish everything. day? The world is waiting. It’s hard to understand the changes we matter quite as much. Paramore ever before me. Believers must learn to communicate observe in our world, let alone those that Crises and charts aside, the strength of Many are discon- their faith in clear terms to people wan- Sterl Paramore is the pastor of may be. The problem is they can’t let it Christianity is that it prepares the tempo- certed at the cur- dering in a mist. Faith Fellowship in Cookeville. He go. ral for the eternal. Nothing really matters rent state of affairs, but it is not enough Potential is not production, and no teachers classes at Progressive I don’t decry study of time to come, but if people lose their souls, but we need to curse the darkness. We must believe change will occur until we try. Under- Sentencing Inc. and is married to there is great room for leeway in under- also remember that Jesus purposed to we can change the world. standing that we are part of the great plan Debi and is the father of Brian and standing the prophetic. It’s hard enough teach us how to live and live well on the In order to change the world, believers of God to reconcile the world to Himself Brandon.
In Our Churches
From Page 8 seminars and support groups are United Methodist Church of compassionate comfort needed THE GROVE: The Grove, or go to provides hope and healing for led by people who understand Cookeville continues to offer a to move forward in the journey Little Tree Learners, Mother’s HAVURAH: Cookeville Jew- the grieving through Christ-cen- what you are going through and faith-based grief support at var- of grief. For locations, dates and Day Out Program, Tuesdays and ish Havurah meets regularly to tered peer support. Bereavement want to help. There are 13 ses- ious locations throughout times, see, Thursdays from 8:30 a.m.-2:30 celebrate Shabbat and other oc- and divorce groups for ages 4- sions — Tuesdays at 6 p.m. at Cookeville. Through the leader- enter your ZIP code and click on p.m., now enrolling. Infants to casions. Worship is informal but adult. Please call the office Trinity in Algood (205 W. Wall ship of God’s Comfort Grief “find a group.” Select the group preschoolers will enjoy a lov- in the tradition of Reform Ju- (931-525-2600) for more info. St., Algood). Ministry, participants will re- to find more info. on that group. ing, safe and caring environ- GRIEF SHARE: Grief Share GRIEF SUPPORT: First ceive materials, knowledge and Or call 931-854-0806. ment. For info., call 526-9355 See CHURCHES, Page 10
Pastor: Andrew Smith Principal: Jacqueline L. Illian ENROLL NOW Elementary School: Grades K-8 Church Directory Early Childhood Center: OTHER BAPTIST CHURCH OF CHRIST CHURCH OF CHRIST CHURCH OF CHRIST 9 months-age 5 NEW ZION MISSIONARY Church: 526-3423 United Church of BAPTIST CHURCH 8:00 & 10:30 am Worship Bro. Larry S. Gregory, Pastor Algood 9:15 am Sunday School Cookeville Hwy. 56 • Bloomington Springs, TN 7:00 pm Wed. Night Devotion 502 Gould Drive Call 931-528-1684 for info. School/Center: 520-3766 931-260-5939 SUNDAY SCHOOL - 10 A.M. Church of Sunday Services 777 S. Willow Ave., Cookeville WORSHIP SERVICE - 11 A.M. Visit us and see what a 8:00 a.m. - Adult Bible Study WELCOMING, Christ 395 W. M ain, Algood, TN 9:00 a.m. - Morning Worship PROGRESSIVE ROCKY POINT 10:15 a.m. - Bible Classes For All Ages NON-DENOMINATIONAL church looks like. Sunday Bible Study 9:00 AM Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 AM 5:00 p.m. - Evening Worship Sunday morning worship - 11AM MISSIONARY BAPTIST “We’re not the church nearest but the church dearest” Sun. Evening Bible Study 5:25 P.M. Wednesday Services Pastor: Scott Williamson Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 PM Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 PM 7:00 p.m. - Bible Classes For All Ages Nursery Available 1144 Crescent Drive, 1530 Woodland Ave., Cookeville, TN Minister David Dalton Cookeville ADVENTIST 537-6221 931-526-5427 Cookeville Nolan Cantrell, Pastor “Free Bible Lesson by Buses run for all services. Call the Seventh-day Adventist Church Mail Upon Request” church office if you would like a ride. “Come and Give Us A Try Everyone Is Welcome” Meets Saturday morning Lesson study - 9:30 a. m. • Worship - 11 a.m. 2700 Hwy. 111 - 931-537-3100 Cookeville Christian Elementary EPISCOPAL Grade K-8 931-537-3561 Life Talk Radio WJNU - LP 96.9 FM COOPERATIVE BAPTIST St. Michael’s Episcopal Church 640 N. Washington Ave. Cookeville, TN 38501 BAPTIST (931) 526-4654 MONTEREY Church of Christ 308 W. Crawford Ave. SUNDAY WORSHIP: Monterey, TN 38574 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite I (931) 839-2660 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite II SUNDAY (Nursery Provided) Bible Study 10 AM Worship 11 AM & 6 PM SUNDAY SCHOOL WEDNESDAY 9:00 a.m. ALL AGES Bible Study 7 PM PRESBYTERIAN Minister: Tim Singleton WEDNESDAY WORSHIP: Algood Cumberland 12:00 PM Holy Eucharist Rite II Presbyterian Church SMYRNA Harp Ave. Algood, TN SERVICES ON CABLE CHANNEL 192 VISITORS WELCOME Minister-Rev. Richard Bond 10:45 AM AND 7:00 PM CHURCH OF CHRIST HOLLADAY Worship-9:30 AM 3698 Dodson Branch Road Sunday School-10:30 AM Cookeville, TN 38501 • 931-526-5403 CHURCH OF Monday-7:00 PM Sunday Bible Study...... 9:00 AM METHODIST Sunday Worship...... 10:00 AM CHRIST CATHOLIC Evening Worship...... 6:00 PM 1765 Mine Lick Creek Rd. ALGOOD Wednesday Bible Study...... 7:00 PM Cookeville, TN UNITED SUNDAY Sunday Bible Study...... 10 a.m. METHODIST St. Thomas Aquinas Studies In The Word 780 AM / 106.1 FM Sunday Morning Worship...11 a.m. CHURCH Your AT 7:30 AM Catholic Church Sunday Evening Worship...... 6 p.m. 421 N. Washington Ave., Cookeville The Bible Way FIRST CUMBERLAND 1600 AM / 110.9 FM Wednesday Bible Study...6:30 p.m. Church 526-2575 AT 9:00 AM PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 565 East 10th Street Fr. Chad Puthoff, S.D.S. Minister, James Rogers Nursery Available Cookeville, TN 38501 Pastor Associate Minister, Sammy Webb 931-526-6585 Church Office Johnny Fox, Minister 931-528-8587 Nursery School should MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Schedule: Saturday 5:00 p.m. 432-4751 135 West Main St., Algood, TN. Worship - 8:45 and 11:00 AM Sunday 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. Church School - 9:50 AM be here! 12:30 p.m. Spanish Mass Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Evening Worship - 6:00 PM Call to place Everyone is invited to attend: Sunday Worship at 11 a.m. Wednesday Worship: Please Call for Holy Days Antioch NURSERY PROVIDED The Connection - 5:00 PM your ad today! Northeast Ministers: Schedule Brent Davis, Pastor Dr. Charles McCaskey 931-526-9715 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Church of Christ Church of Christ 537-6111 •␣ Christian Smith, Associate Minister Saturday, 4:00 or by appointment 4711 Old Sparta Rd. Off Highway 111, Cookeville, TN Weekday Masses 8:00 a.m. Daily Bible Study 9:00 AM Cookeville, TN Worship...... 10:00 AM First Sunday School...... 10 AM Evening Worship...... 6:00 PM FIRST Worship...... 11 AM P resbyterian Wednesday UNITED Church Evening Worship...... 5 PM Bible Study...... 7:00 PM METHODIST CHRISTIAN CHURCH MINISTER - Paul Wilmoth 20 N. Dixie 613 W. Broad Wednesday Bible Study.....6:30 PM CHURCH & Hwy. 70W Assoc. Minister - David Hill Church School: 9:45am Calvary Christian A warm welcome awaits Morning Worship: 11:00am 931-520-0439 Earl Dirkson, Pastor 165 EAST BROAD, Church Willow Avenue everyone - 526-2535 COOKEVILLE, TN 38501 Come2Gather Worship: 5pm Sunday Schedule Where Coming To Church Phone: (931) 526-2177 SoulSong Fax: (931) 372-9905 Is Like Coming Home Church of Christ Parent’s Day Out Sunday School 9:30 AM Sunday a.m. 9:00 Mon & Thurs 8:30am-2:30pm Worship10:45 AM 4801 Poplar Grove Rd, Cookeville Bible Study 10:15 *Radio Broadcast - AM 1600 and FM 100.9 Wed. Evening Bible Study 6:15 PM 931-528-0047 P.M. Worship 6:00 1x1.5” Pastor: Rev. Pat Handlson •Martin Thielen Wed. Bible Study 7:00 Means 1 column by 1.5 Senior Pastor “But Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of Sunday Morning Worship Services Church office: 931-526-4424 God, And His Righteousness” inches. •Whitney Mitchell Sunday Services Broadcast on WHUB 1400 at 10 a.m. Associate Pastor email: Matt. 6:33 Prayer Service - 8 a.m. Bible Study - 9 a.m. 1150 South Willow Avenue Too small to be noticed? [email protected] Worship Service: “The Church Where Everybody M orning Service - 10 a.m. Jeremiah Tatum, Minister You read this one. website: W ednesday Services 8:30 a.m. & 10:55 a.m. - Sanctuary is Special” Bible Study - 6:30 p.m. 432-2333 11:00 a.m. Wesley Chapel Intentionally Inclusive A10 — HERALD-CITIZEN, Cookeville, Tenn. — — Friday, February 26, 2016 RELIGION Clear evidence: The Bible was faithfully handed down The New Testament is a collection of with one another, there can be great con- and rarely is there garded as one of the greatest thinkers, For those individuals who are 27 books written during the span of a fidence in the reliability of that docu- any question about and his writings are praised widely. prompted by evidence, the considera- few decades in the middle to late first ment generated from those manuscripts. its textual reliabil- The original documents of the New tions of this article are compelling. Few century. That means that these Bible Second, how many years elapsed be- ity; students and Testament were written approximately people would question the historical ve- books were written over nineteen cen- tween the original document and the professors accept in the middle of the first century. There racity of works by Homer, Aristotle, or turies ago. This observation prompts a oldest copy now available? If copies that the Iliad as com- are about 5700 Greek manuscripts of Plato; yet, the textual evidence for these profound question. How textually reli- are dated very near in time to the origi- pletely reliable. sections of the New Testament books, works is feeble in comparison to the tex- able is the Bible? In other words, given nal are consistent with one another, one Similarly, Aris- and the oldest copies date to less than tual evidence for the New Testament. that the Bible was originally revealed by can have great confidence in the relia- totle lived approxi- 100 years after the original documents. The New Testament is by far the most God nearly two thousand years ago, how bility of that document. On the other mately 350 BC, and These are astounding figures and are reliable document from antiquity; it certain can one be that the Bible avail- hand, if the oldest copy of a document is there are 49 copies overwhelmingly convicting in regard to should be regarded as it claims. “All able so readily today is the set of docu- far removed in time from the original, Randy of his writings, the New Testament reliability. scripture is given by inspiration of God, ments delivered to those first-century there can be reason to question seriously Bybee oldest of which In these particulars, the textual evi- and is profitable for doctrine, for re- inspired writers? the reliability of the present document; dates to 1100 AD. dence for the New Testament is far more proof, for correction, for instruction in Many of the precepts used in this dis- for, the copies generated over the inter- This means that impressive and far more abundant than righteousness: that the man of God may cussion can be applied to any ancient vening years may have changed signifi- there are few copies of Aristotle’s works the textual evidence for the other highly be perfect, throughly furnished unto all document. For example, consider the an- cantly from the original document. and the oldest one dates to about 1400 regarded non-Biblical documents men- good works.” (2 Timothy 3:16,17) May cient work by Homer known as the Iliad Some data concerning the documents years after the time of the original writ- tioned earlier. one and all study the New Testament; or consider the writings of Aristotle or mentioned earlier are now presented. ing. Despite these troubling figures, the One obvious advantage of the large for, only in obedience thereto can one be Plato. The same question asked relative The source of these data is the Chris- writings of Aristotle are held in high re- number of New Testament manuscripts approved by God. (2 Timothy 2:15) to the Bible can be asked of these books: tian Apologetics & Research Ministry gard by academics and other re- is that it is possible to compare exten- "But grow in grace, and in the knowl- how textually reliable are they? There (CARM). Homer, the author of the Iliad, searchers. sively the documents and determine how edge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus are several considerations that might be lived approximately 900 BC. There are Similarly, Plato lived approximately consistent their contents are. This has Christ. To him be glory both now and for included in a discussion of this topic, but presently 643 known manuscript copies 400 BC, and there are 7 copies of his been done by textual critics, and the con- ever. Amen." (2 Peter 3:18) two of the central ones are critical and of the Iliad, and the oldest one dates writings, the oldest of which dates to clusion is clear. These data suggest that worthy of reflection for this article. from 400 BC. Note that several hundred 900 AD. This means that there are ex- the New Testament is completely reli- Randy Bybee is the preacher for First, how many manuscripts, either in manuscripts exist but that the oldest one tremely few copies of Plato’s works and able, and the message of God as pre- Pippin Church of Christ at 1701 part or in total, of the original documents is 500 years removed from the time of the oldest one dates to about 1300 years sented in the Bible is trustworthy, having Pippin Road in Cookeville. He is exist? Obviously, with a larger number Homer, the original author. The Iliad, as after the time of the original writing. De- been faithfully preserved by God also a professor of physics at Lip- of manuscripts that consistently agree a literary work, is regarded very highly spite these shocking figures, Plato is re- through the centuries. scomb University in Nashville. All faiths welcome at synagogue’s Torah study
JOLIET, Ill. (AP) — Which of the 10 Although Turk is a lifelong member of Ju- homeland,” Turk said, “instead of exiting at Commandments is most important to you? daism, he said Lunch and Learn is enlight- their own request.” That was a question Rabbi Charles ening to him. Rubovits said he was introduced to Lunch Rubovits posed two weeks ago at “Lunch The perspectives shared by a diverse group and Learn when he served another congre- and Learn,” a group of 10 to 20 members of - about a third of attendees are not of the gation in the Quad Cities. The program, various faiths who meet for 75 to 90 minutes Jewish faith, Turk said - combined with Rubovits said, was already in place; he sim- most Thursdays at Joliet Jewish Congrega- Rubovits’ penchant for exploring the history ply kept it going. tion to study the Torah and enjoy a light with the spirituality makes the discussion in- “When I came here, I thought, ’Let’s try lunch. teresting. this again,’ “ he said. “It caught on and re- Mark Turk of Joliet, who said he has at- Such is the case, Turk said, with the recent mained.” tended since Rubovits began Lunch and study of the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt, Rubovits said he follows a syllabus pro- Learn six years ago, said that for him, the which included a deep study of the plagues duced by the United Synagogue of Conser- most important commandment is “honor that spurred the decision and the mechanics vative Judaism from its school in Jerusalem. your father and your mother.” of moving hundreds of thousands of people The syllabus addresses the portion of the “The respect to those that have come be- out of a country to wander in a desert for 40 Torah that will be read at the upcoming Sab- fore you and have helped you is, I think, a years. bath - what Christians refer to as the Old deeper meaning into the respect we should It reminded Turk of the European refugees. Testament, Rubovits said - and then poses be showing each other,” Turk said. “Except they’re being forced out of their questions for discussion.
Inspirational speakers and performing artists Armand and Angelina will be at Unity Church of the Cumberlands on JIM: March 13 and 14. Stand with Jesus or fall From Page 8 There is better evidence for the historic- They reported that he had appeared to International ity of Jesus than for almost any other his- them three days after his crucifixion and trial and some of them saw him die on the torical figure. As one example, the that he was alive; accordingly, he was per- cross. After his resurrection, they associ- non-Christian Jew, Flavius Josephus, haps the messiah concerning whom the ated with him for about forty days. Then wrote the following in 93-94 A.D.: prophets have recounted wonders.” — speakers, all those apostles went out and preached “At this time there was a wise man who Antiquities of the Jews, XVIII.iii.3. that Jesus Christ had been raised from the was called Jesus. And his conduct was Of course, some for whatever reasons dead. With the exception of one, all of good, and [he] was known to be virtuous. choose to disbelieve and to persuade oth- musicians to visit them paid for this testimony with their And many people from among the Jews ers to follow them. What about you? Will lives. and other nations became his disciples. you stand with Jesus or fall with his de- Only fools would have suffered such per- Pilate condemned him to be crucified and tractors? secution and cruel deaths for what they to die. And those who had become his Unity Church knew to be a lie. disciples did not abandon his discipleship. Jim Rogers is a local minister. COOKEVILLE — Unity playshop after lunch. Partici- Church of the Cumberlands pants can learn to play the Na- will host Armand and An- tive American flute. Practice KAREN: gelina, international inspira- flutes will be provided, or Yes, it could happen again today tional speakers and performing available for purchase from Ar- artists, on March 13 and 14. mand and Angelina. From Page 8 always trusts, always hopes, always perse- no peace, it is because we have forgotten Sunday, March 13, they will Monday, March 14, Armand veres. Love never fails.” THIS is the that we belong to each other.” be offering a morning of music, and Angelina will offer a up- but in reality, it makes a point. (To be Christianity I believe in, this is the love In the meantime, I will continue to hold message and mirth in the 11 lifting show, full of humor, pas- clear, not all Jesus’ followers feel this that Jesus taught, and this is the love that all people, as well as our beautiful, mag- a.m. Sunday service. They will sion for life and love for each way. There are many more who do not.) should be lived by example and not be nificent world, in loving consciousness, speak and sing inspiring words other at 6:30 p.m. Their music 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 states, “Love is pa- forced on anyone. and seeing us united in love, peace, and and music from their personal is a unique blend of rock an tient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does It is said that united we stand, divided we harmony. And so it is! journey of love and transforma- opera while incorporating Na- not boast, it is not proud. It does not dis- fall. I believe that love will prevail, and it tion. tive American flute. honor others, it is not self-seeking, it is is my dream that we will come together to Rev. Dr. Karen Langford is an Inspira- Following the service thre Unity Church of the Cumber- not easily angered, it keeps no record of unite in the light of love and to embrace tional speaker, ordained minister and will be a potluck lunch down- lands is located at 823 E. 10th wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but all of God’s children as our brothers and writer. She may be reached at stairs and then a native flute Street, Cookeville. rejoices with the truth. It always protects, sisters. Mother Teresa stated, “If we have [email protected].
In Our Churches
From Page 9 Tuesdays and Fridays from 8:45 Roberts Matthews Highway in Catholic Church. Chesnut Mound, Tenn.) will be Free Will Baptist Church will a.m.-2:45 p.m., is now en- Sparta, one block from High- Feb. 27 held at 5 p.m. Featuring singing have a singing on Sunday at daism. For info., call 526-4126 rolling. For info. call Linda way 111 at O’Connor Road exit. SINGING: Algood Cumber- by Right On Time, Joyful 5:30 p.m., featuring the Joyaires or 979-5898. Huddleston at 526-7119. For more info., call Larry or land Presbyterian Church will Praises and Singing Believers. from Harriman. HEBRAIC ROOTS: Hebraic RESTORING HOPE: Lana Pratt at 931-314-7214. have a congregational singing Food: pinto beans, cornbread, MARCH 14-19 Roots Bible Study at our home Restoring Hope, a Christian- Feb. 11-March 25 on Saturday at 6 p.m. Located dessert and drinks. Raffle tick- REVIVAL: Cornerstone Free in Algood every Saturday at 3 based help center, is accepting LENTEN SERVICES: Com- on Harp Ave., Algood. ets available. For more info., Will Baptist Church, 200 p.m. For more info., contact non-perishable and monetary munity Lenten services will be Feb. 28 call Susie Ramsey at 931-858- Muddy Pond Rd., Monterey, Karl and Rose Ann Lopez at donations to help those in need. at different locations with min- LENTEN HYMNS: Heavenly 4461 or Louise Bush at 931- will have a rivival from Mon- (931) 651-1179 or email us at Located at 7311 Baxter Rd. in isters from various groups on Host Lutheran Church and 268-1944. day-Saturday, at 7 p.m. nightly. [email protected]. Baxter, and open Saturdays Thursdays. A brief service will School of Cookeville, in con- March 13 Bros. Caleb Bryant, Rick Tinch MEDITATION: Unitarian from 9 a.m. to noon, except on be held at noon, followed by a junction with First Cumberland SINGING: Hardy’s Chapel and Eric Beaty. Universalist Congregation of holiday weekends. Call for an light meal served by the host Presbyterian Church in Cookeville’s meditation group appointment for after-hours de- churches, at 12:30. The Cookeville, will host “O Holy meets at 6 p.m. every Tuesday liveries. For more info., call churches participating are: Feb. Wounds, O Mighty Vicotry: A Silver Point church of Christ at 31 W. 1st St. It does not mat- Leecoe at 239-3040, Becky at 11, at Sparta First United Festival of Lenten Hymns” on ...pointing the way to the cross since 1929 ter whether you are just curious, 931-303-2676 or Janie at 510- Methodist Church; Feb. 18, at Sunday, Feb. 28, at 4 p.m. Held 6701 Smithville Highway a novice, or a long-time practi- 1834. First Presbyterian, held at at Heavenly Host Lutheran Silver Point, Tennessee tioner. Come and experience a SALEM OUTREACH: Crossroads Cathedral; Feb. 25, Church; free admission. Public sense of calm in an accepting, Salem Outreach Center will at Christpoint Church; March 3, invited. Church located at 777 Time of Services: supportive environment. For ONLY be open on the first and at First Christian, held at Kynett W. Willow Ave., Cookeville. Sunday Bible Study 9 AM info., go to third Wednesday of each month, 1st UMC; March 10, held at March 12 Worship 10 AM & 6 AM from 9-11 a.m. Christian Life 1st Assembly of FUNDRAISER: A benefit for Wednesday Bible Study 7 PM MOTHER’S DAY OUT: First YESHUA’S SABBATH: God; March 17, held at First the steeple and a lighted sign for Minister: John Whitson (931-858-2390/239-1794) Baptist Church Cookeville’s Yeshua’s Sabbath Church meets Church of the Nazarene; and Dillards Creek Community Mother’s Day Out program, Saturdays at 1 p.m. at 4199 March 25, held at St. Andrew Church (201 Granville Hwy., Visit us on the web at HERALD-CITIZEN, Cookeville, Tenn. — — Friday, February 26, 2016 — 11 PUTNAM COUNTY DEVOTIONAL PAGE Hometown Family Care Where We Care About You and Your Family Charles Stone Heating & Cooling, LLC 526-5023 SERVICE • INSTALLATION • SALES COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Wanda Keagle, FNP HVAC - PLUMBING 586 Suite L South Jefferson Ave., Cookeville 931-854-0050 315 Transport Dr., Cookeville, Tn 38506 Your home deserves
THE BEST. MOULDINGS HARDWOODS Your home deserves Lumber Grown And Manufactured In Tennessee Serving The Area Since 1968 Poplar & Oak Mouldings Custom Flooring Air Conditioning • Heating • Duct Cleaning • Indoor Air Quality 510 WEST JACKSON • COOKEVILLE, TN 38501 931-372-WOOD FAX 526-4995 ( 931) 528-1247 / [email protected]
APPLIANCE MART, INC. 749 S. JEFFERSON AVE. COOKEVILLE, TN 38501 30 N. Dixie 228 3rd Ave. South KEITH ALRED FINANCING Cookeville, TN Baxter, TN 528-6467 OR 528-6468 AVAILABLE 1-800-294-8862 FREE DELIVERY 931-526-2151 Hall Funeral Home, LLC iator Shop Cookeville Radbuilding Our Family Caring for your Family •Repairs •Re •Recording Owner Manager, Jerry D. Hall Automotivee,d IndRaudisatortrial ,Core FarSmtocs k h [email protected] New & Us Cores in Radiator Heaters & m Installatieraondi aatorvailable cookevill 2106 Cookeville Highway www. Gas Tanks Cleaned & Repaired P.O. Box 337, Livingston, TN 38570 526-2013 Phone: 931-823-5010 Since 1935 435 W. Broad Cookeville Obit Line 931-823-1020 • Fax: 931-823-5012
Thomasville Drexel La- Z- Boy G allery Heritage Gallery D. T. Mc C all & Sons Jamie Broadway 1300 S. JEFFERSON AVE. Managing Partner 713 S. JEFFERSON AVE. • COOKEVILLE, TN 38501 COOKEVILLE, TN 38506 This devotional directory page is made possible by the listed businesses and PHONE: 931.528.1069 Cris Mccall 931-526-1103 Tim Long individuals who encourage all of us to attend worship services. Jerry Long FAX (931) 526-3484 Mandy Schloesser FAX: 931.372.0294 Cindy Lee DELIVERY (615) 735-0165 Ann Blodgett Bruce MacL ead Kayla Johnson CHURCH OF GOD LUTHERAN PRESBYTERIAN OTHER website: ALGOOD CHURCH OF GOD HEAVENLY HOST LUTHERAN FAITH PRESBYTERIAN NEW BEGINNING FELLOWSHIP 106 Thompson Lane, 537-9927 777 S. Willow Ave., 526-3423 9177 Roberts Rd. Silver Point, Tn 931- 775 WEST CEMETERY RD., 432-6232 303-3366 BAXTER CROSSROADS CHURCH METHODIST FIRST PRESBYTERIAN NEW COVENANT TABERNACLE OF GOD 20 N. Dixie Ave., 526-4424 771 S. Jefferson Ave. 1250 Main St. ALGOOD UNITED METHODIST Baxter, 858-4480 135 W. Main St., 537-6111 GRACE PRESBYTERIAN ONE AGAIN MINISTRIES BARGAINS ON UNREDEEMED MERCHANDISE 2226 Burton Branch Rd., 520-0893 2553 Isaacs Path STEREOS - TV - GUNS - JEWELRY BAXTER FIRST CHURCH OF GOD ALMYRA UNITED METHODIST MANY OTHER ITEMS 446 Elm St. 1610 Bunker Hill Rd., 738-3548 MT. HERMAN CUMBERLAND ONE ELEVEN FELLOWSHIP ACROSS FROM RALPHS DONUTS MON-FRI 8AM-5PM; SAT 8AM-3PM; OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Baxter, 858-4137 PRESBYTERIAN 6200 Hwy. 111 N., 537-3003 42 S. CEDAR AVE., COOKEVILLE, TN 38501 • 931.526.3343 BAXTER UNITED METHODIST 5544 Mt. Herman Rd. BOMA FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 102 Main St., Baxter PARTNERS IN MISSION INTL’ 10630 Old Baxter Rd., Baxter 858-4334 or 858-4431 POST OAK PRESBYTERIAN 1225 Buckingham Pl., 526-7480 Now Offering 858-5119 1174 Post Oak Rd., 528-7758 Towing BURTONS CHAPEL UNITED PRAISE CATHEDRAL CHURCH The Tire Shop Service! BRINDLEY’S CHAPEL CHURCH OF METHODIST PRESBYTERIAN STUDENT ASSOC. 719 S. Jefferson Ave., Cookeville GOD 133 Mill St., 537-9404 629 N. Cedar Ave., 526-5772 528-8701 Located at the CO-OP 1012 Burgess School Rd., 432-4151 COOKEVILLE UMC SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST PRIMERA IGLESIA EVANGELICA Tallent’s Auto Service CHURCH OF GOD OF PROPHECY 271 E. 9th St., 526-1343 200 S. Chestnut St., Monterey 541 West Broad Street 4573 Eller Ridge Rd., Cookeville 1580 S. Jefferson Ave., 526-9953 GERHART MEMORIAL SEVENTH- 839-3399 Cookeville, Tennessee 38501 FIRST UNITED METHODIST DAY ADVENTIST Monday - Friday 7:00am-5:00pm Jeff Tallent COLONIAL HILLS CHURCH OF 165 E. Broad St., 526-2177 27000 Hwy. 111 N., 537-3100 RAY OF HOPE STREET MINISTRY GOD 515 E. Broad St. 931-526-7147 Greg 931-265-3897 931-432-1170 or cell: 931-644-5779 1691 Burgess Falls Rd., 432-7729 FRIENDSHIP UNITED METHODIST SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 5445 S. Jefferson Ave., 525-3555 2700 Hwy. 111 N. Restoration Of Hope Ministries COOKEVILLE FIRST CHURCH OF 2553 Issac's Pass, Cookeville 372-7413 Anderson - Upper Cumberland GOD FRIENDSHIP UNITED METHODIST MORMON 1223 Fisk Rd., 526-5108 2729 Churchill Dr., 432-1035 REVIVAL FIRE MINISTRY Coming Home FUNERAL HOME LATTER-DAY SAINTS 1225 Shag Rag Rd., 372-0810 Jimmy Anderson CORNERSTONE PENTECOSTAL MONTEREY UNITED METHODIST 981 S. Walnut St., Cookeville Funeral Director CHURCH OF GOD 124 N. Holly St., Monterey RIVER COMMUNITY to Healthcare 3121 Eaton Rd., 525-6777 839-2597 OTHER 1200 Miracle Rd., 528-3660 345 S. Jefferson Ave., Ste 201 OBIT LINE 931-268-1551 C ookeville, TN 38501 2131 S. Grundy Quarles Hwy. FAITH HARVEST CHURCH OF GOD Mt. Union Methodist CHRISTS COMMUNITY SERVANTS OF CHRIST 931.525.3511 Gainesboro , TN • P. O. Box 398 931-239-9991 17615 Dodson Branch Hwy. 1530 Woodland Ave., 528-5904 1201 Virginia Ave., 525-1615 Intake 866.219.6511 • Fax 931.525.3516 931-268-0266 • 931-268-1550 • 931-858-7474 FRIENDSHIP CHURCH OF GOD PARAN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ON THE HILL UNITED CHURCH OF 2990 Mine Lick Creek Rd., 432-0011 3812 W. Paron Rd., 498-3379 3001 Phillips Cemetery Rd., Algood COOKEVILLE, UCC 537-9504 502 Gould Dr., 432-2577 MONTEREY CHURCH OF GOD SALEM UNITED METHODIST 625 S. Poplar St., Monterey 1011 Salem Church Rd., 526-2588 COOKEVILLE CHRISTIAN (EN- UNITY CHURCH OF THE 839-2182 GRAFTED WORD) CUMBERLANDS SHIPLEY UNITED METHODIST 9 W. Broad St., 528-1305 823 E. 10th St., 520-1017 PENTECOSTAL TEMPLE CHURCH 923 Indian Hills Rd., 432-1035 Rick Smith, General Manager OF GOD CROSSROADS COMMUNITY VICTORY CHRISTIAN CENTER South East Region 931-520-1200 245 4th Ave., 537-6339 SUMMERFIELD UNITED 6099 Nashville Hwy., Baxter INC. 1848 Browns Mill Road, Cookeville, TN 38506 1030 So. Maple Ave., Cookeville METHODIST 858-5433 125 S. Oak St., Monterey Phone 931-372-1320 PRAISE CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF 530 E. 20th St., 526-2724 Fax 931-372-1877 Cell 931-260-3734 GOD FAITH VOICE IN THE WILDERNESS [email protected] EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SUSAN DALTON 719 S. Jefferson Ave., 528-8701 WESLEY FOUNDATION UMC 145 S. Jefferson Ave., #A, 372-8001 DODSON BRANCH COMMUNITY 271 E. 9th St., 526-4353 CHURCH PROPHECY CHURCH OF GOD GRACE POINTE 148 ROBERTS HOLLOW RD., 204 E. Railroad Ave., Monterey NAZARENE 155 East Spring St., 528-5080 COOKEVILLE 931-268-3189 EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE HEARTS OF FAITH Air Duct • Carpet • Area Rug 110 N. Poplar St., Monterey 108 N. Washington WEST MICHIGAN CONFRENCE ST. MICHAEL’S EPISCOPAL 839-2609 UNTO MDS • Cleaning • Moisture Control for Crawl 640 N. Washington Ave., 526-4654 HIDDEN IN CHRIST FELLOWSHIP 133 Mill St. Spaces & Basement FIRST CHURCH OF THE 1681 A S. Jefferson, 520-1757 GOSPEL NAZARENE WHERE GOD LEADS 86 S. Willow Ave., Cookeville, TN 360 S. Old Kentucky Rd., 526-4371 LILLYS CHAPEL 4501 Forrest Hill Rd., 537-2020 931-372-0755 • 800-367-2648 FULL GOSPEL ASSEMBLY 4302 Baxter Rd., Baxter, 858-5914 Please call 888-401-CARE 9396 Monterey Hwy., Monterey PENTECOSTAL WORD INTERNATIONAL 839-6411 LIVING HOPE 701 Horace Lewis Rd., 526-9673 FIRST UNITED PENTECOSTAL 1020 E. Spring St., 520-8812 RALPH’S HOLINESS 875 S. Walnut Ave., 526-1575 WORLD LIGHTHOUSE MARSH CHAPEL OF COOKEVILLE 1810 Foreman Dr., 525-3750 BIBLE HOLINESS UNITED PENTECOSTAL RESCUE MISSION DONUT 144 Dripping Springs Rd., Monterey 875 S. Walnut Ave. 1331 S. Jefferson Ave. 839-6268 SHOP MONTEREY COMMUNITY 46 YEARS EXPERIENCE JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES PRESBYTERIAN 301 E. Commercial Ave, Monterey 681 S. Willow Ave. Cookeville, TN 38501 839-2119 931-528-8050 • Fax 931-526-6369 59 S. Cedar Ave. • Cookeville JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN 526-4231 3850 Gainesboro Grade, 528-3850 565 E. 10th St., 526-6585 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Mon.-Sat.
® 23100 Jim Nunnally 931-520-7500 Steve State Farm Clarkrange Hwy. Providing Insurance and Agent Carter Financial Services Monterey Owner , , Home Office, Jim Lynn Carolyn Harris Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Roy Williams, President B roker/Auctioneer Affiliated Broker 839-6675 931-528-1966 9 31-979-9698 9 31-265-4475 ® 759B S. Willow Ave., Cookeville, TN 38501 j [email protected] [email protected] R Elwood Ervin CPCU , Agent 1999 EAST SPRING STREET 931-528-6441 108 W. Jackson St., Cookeville, TN 38501 [email protected] COOKEVILLE, TN 38506 250 S. Jefferson Ave., Cookeville, TN 931-526-2600 Business 931-526-9693 AUTO • HOME • LIFE Cell 931-261-0108 Fax 931-526-7970 210 B W. Spring St., Cookeville, TN • Cleanings Preschool, Boys & Girls • Fillings • Root Canal Parent/Child Classes Therapy • Extractions S ERVICE • R EPAIR • A CCESSORIES • U SED B IKES • Oral Surgery We Service Safety Certified Staff • Crowns ( (931)) 528-9110 • Partials Tumbling, After School Programs, • Dentures 595 Mason Road M IKE A USTIN • Orthodontics Cookeville, TN 38501 School Break & Summer Camps! 80 Parkside Place 1 1 00 Neal St., Ste. B • Pediatric 931.372.0485 Dentistry Hours: Tue. thru Sat. 9am-6pm Crossville, TN Cookeville, TN 526-4960 M IKE @C ARDINALCOMPUTER . COM Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 931-456-4569 931-526-1146 1095-A SOUTH WALNUT AVE. • COOKEVILLE, TN 38501 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. 1060-A Willow Industrial Ct., Cookeville Friday 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. and more GOD BLESS Life is great with Braces! WWW.CARDINALCOMPUTER.COM VAUGHN’S State Farm ® MONUMENT WORKS, INC. Providing Insurance and Financial Services MONUMENTS Home Office, V MARKERS Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Home Health MAUSOLEUMS U tility/ P ipeline Contractor Town & Country Overhead Doors, Inc. 1150 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite C Specializing In Gas/W ater/ S ewer Line Installation 8139 Rocky Point Road, Cookeville D avid C. Bush, V P Suzanne Worrell , Agent Cookeville, Tn 38501 931-526-4917 595 E. 10th St., Cookeville, TN 38501 O ffice: (931) 526-3223 • Cell: (931) 261-3590 Sales, service, and installation 567 East Spring Street, Cookeville P . O . Box 808, Cookeville, Tn 38503 Business 931-526-8795 931-528-5936 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 931-839-2886 B rewington Auction 4 0 Y e a r s & Realty s t i a n E d u c a 1851 S. Jefferson Ave., C h r i t i o n Cookeville, TN 38506 NATALIE STOUT Your One Stop ® K yle Bradley 931-520-1783 • 931-260-6663 • 931-260-6406 REALTOR Printing & Auto Wrap Partner 931-520-7750 office 931-520-7728 fax 102 East Commercial, Monterey, Tn 38574 G ary Brewington - Auctioneer 931-267-9509 cell 3412 Burgess Falls Rd., Cookeville Monday- F riday 9:00am-5:00pm D avid Poston - Broker/Auctioneer 410 E. SPRING STREET, SUITE G “A Tradition of F irm No: 2239 Auctioneer No: 2153 & 761 COOKEVILLE, TN 38501 931-432-4448 931-584-0111 • 931-584-0111
Trust For 85 Year s” S TEVE C OOPER TENNESSEE Cookeville General Manager 560 Neal St. BIBLE COLLEGE w Cookeville, TN 38501 444 One Eleven Place, Cookeville 1616 M C C ULLEY R OAD 24 HOUR OBITUARY LINE 823-1232 ( 931) 528-6009 ( 800) 639-4663 9 31- 525-6655 OOKEVILLE Cell (734) 777-1724 C , TN 38506 931-823-1201 931-526-2161 Fax (931) 526-4629 [email protected] 300 North Church Street 300 E. Spring St. Rm. 8 T.J. Leitch “God Mends Broken Hearts. Livingston, Tn 38570 Cookeville ACCORD Administrator We Mend Broken Parts.” (931) 526-2616 A12 — HERALD-CITIZEN, Cookeville, Tenn. — — Friday, February 26, 2016 FRIDAY COMICS SATURDAY COMICS
Dilbert Dilbert
Peanuts Peanuts
Snuffy Smith Snuffy Smith
Shoe Shoe
For Better or for Worse For Better or for Worse
Zits Zits
The Born Loser The Born Loser
Garfield Garfield
Frank & Ernest Frank & Ernest
Arlo & Janis Arlo & Janis HERALD-CITIZEN, Cookeville, Tenn. — — Friday, February 26, 2016 — A13 ENTERTAINMENT Diversity not the only issue with ‘Gods of Egypt’ By JOCELYN NOVECK denly here comes Horus’ uncle Set, the with much of the screenplay by Matt AP National Writer god of darkness (Gerard Butler, boldly Sazama and Burk Sharpless: We’re al- making the case that Egyptian deities ways wondering if it’s silly and self- First things first. Could the timing be had strong Scottish accents.) Set thinks aware, or just plain silly. any worse for a movie with a diversity HE should be king. To achieve this, he So, when a character says, “That’s not problem as extensive as “Gods of stabs Osiris to death and maims Horus, worth the papyrus it’s written on,” is it Egypt”? Only two days before #Os- tearing out his eyes. safe to laugh? One wonders whether the carsSoWhite Sunday, a movie comes out A very bad period ensues for both gods filmmakers actually resolved this ques- set in ancient Egypt and starring white and mortals. But there are only two mor- tion for themselves. actors from Australia, Scotland and tals we’re supposed to care about: Bek The performances are serviceable at Denmark. (Brenton Thwaites) and Zaya (Courtney best. Butler is all rage and bluster. It’s worth noting, of course, that both Eaton), an extremely attractive young Thwaites is sweet, but seems way too re- Lionsgate and director Alex Proyas couple who are much in love. laxed and even-keeled for someone con- apologized back in November, saying For reasons not worth explaining, Zaya stantly facing death, or the afterlife, or their casting choices should have been suggests that Bek, whose main occupa- both. Then there’s Chadwick Boseman, more diverse. tion is being handsome, but also is ap- so memorably good in both “42” and They deserve credit for that, but it turns parently a talented thief, should steal “Get On Up” that you feel for him. Is he out they had even more to apologize for. Horus’ eyes. These eyes (now glowing enjoying himself in this silly part, or Because “Gods of Egypt” is also a just jewels) are being stored in a super-secret aching to get out? plain bad movie. The plot is confusing, vault belonging to Set. As for the visuals: can something look yet boring. The visuals look expensive, The idea is to return them to the so expensive and so cheap at once? It yet cheesily fake. And the performances wounded Horus, so he can fight back looks like those pyramids were sketched are uninteresting, yet ... well, they’re just and retake the throne. But tragic compli- in yesterday as an afterthought, despite uninteresting. cations develop. Bek and Horus become the $140 million budget. Mostly, it seems like the producers set sort of a god-mortal buddy team, each It’s obvious the filmmakers were gun- out to make a video game for the preteen with his own urgent agenda. ning for a sequel here. But this bloated set, got lost and ended up in your neigh- And suddenly they’re in outer space! enterprise is so tiresome by the end, it borhood multiplex. On a space ship! We think! But we can’t seems more likely headed for a long rest We begin, as we said, in ancient Egypt promise! somewhere in the cinematic afterlife. — but in this Egypt, gods live among AP This is where Ra (Geoffrey Rush), the “Gods of Egypt,” a Summit Entertain- the mortals (and in one case, in outer Chadwick Boseman in a scene from “Gods of Egypt.” sun deity and grandfather of Horus, ment release, is rated PG-13 by the Mo- space. Yes. More on that later.) The gods lives, and occasionally bursts into tion Picture Association of America “for look just like the humans, only they’re probably. Horus (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, of flames. Rush is entertaining even when fantasy violence and action, and some much taller, and in really good shape, We’re told in a voiceover that the good “Game of Thrones”), king. A vast crowd you’re not quite sure you’re supposed to sexuality.” Running time: 127 minutes. too — all those centuries in the gym, god Osiris has decided to crown his son, assembles for the coronation. But sud- be laughing. This is, actually an issue One-half star out of four. ‘Fuller House’ may please fans (but no one else) By FRAZIER MOORE audience soundtrack. House” alumnae) along with reuniting “Heroes Reborn”! The forthcoming (Cue the laughter.) AP Television Writer “Full House” was full of it, no ques- Saget, Coulier and Stamos as well as “Twin Peaks” and, headed for Netflix, Force-fed cloying moments also re- tion. But who could argue with success? Lori Loughlin, still happily wed to Sta- a revived “Gilmore Girls” and a Latino main part of the act — although the NEW YORK (AP) — If you like this Since so much time has passed, the mos’ character. “One Day at a Time” — from Norman most heartrending sight is the guest ap- kind of thing, odds are you’ll want to original conceit has been deftly warmed (Notably, twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Lear, no less! pearance by erstwhile pop star Macy cancel weekend plans and binge on over for the 21st century. That is, the Olsen — who from toddlerhood Make no mistake: The original “Full Gray, who is found headlining at a club “Fuller House.” original “Full House” followed the ad- swapped off playing Michelle, the House” triumvirate apparently won’t where the girls land during a night on Meanwhile, everyone else is strenu- ventures of widower Bob Saget after he youngest daughter of Saget’s character have much of a presence in what’s as the town. ously cautioned against Netflix’s spin- recruited brother-in-law John Stamos — are not participating in the spin-off, much a handoff as a spin-off. After the “What am I doing here?” Gray asks off of the 1987-95 sitcom “Full House,” and best friend Dave Coulier to share his apparently acknowledging, much to all-star premiere, Stamos (whose char- herself with what might very well be whose arrival has been awaited with un- San Francisco digs and help raise his their credit, that they have outgrown acter has now moved to Los Angeles) genuine remorse. “I won a Grammy!” accountable waves of excitement from three girls. this piffle. Their absence is pointedly appears in just one episode, with Of course, that was way back when, some quarters. Fair warning to the rest: This go-around, Saget’s widowed addressed by Saget when informing the Coulier (supposedly now a Las Vegas which is where “Fuller House” resides. “Fuller House” will be available — all daughter D.J. (Candace Cameron Bure), others that “Michelle sends her love, but resident) seen in just one other, among The show may be cloaked in the veneer 13 episodes — starting Friday. enlists her sister Stephanie (Jodie she’s busy in New York running her the six half-hours made available for of currency (the characters have smart- Back when “Full House” was riding Sweetin) and her best friend Kimmy fashion empire.” With that, the entire preview. phones and a Donald Trump joke is de- high on ABC, I engaged in the folly of (Andrea Barber), a single mother with a ensemble pivots to the camera for a But “Fuller House” revives the com- livered). But this new show is designed criticizing a critic-proof series, publicly sassy teenage daughter, to share that long, knowing pause.) fortably familiar formula of old. to repeat sitcom history. cringing at what, even then, was retro- same house and help raise her three TV has never been shy about copying The dialogue again seems generated Pressing forward by taking a big step grade domestic comedy: a loving but boys, ages 12 and 7 plus a newborn. itself. (”Imitation is the sincerest form by a comic algorithm: “I’m having an backward, “Fuller House” picks up pre- wisecracking family anchored in a living All this is established in the first of television,” as humorist Fred Allen acid flashback,” says Kimmy, amazed dictably where “Full House” left off. room and propelled by saccharine story episode, which sets the stage by reintro- famously declared more than 60 years to see everyone. “But I never dropped Soon to be installed in the Netflix lines that concluded with life lessons, ducing the three female characters ago.) And the current TV scene is acid. I did take an antacid once. I must gallery, it beckons to all viewers who hugs, and appreciative awwws from the (played by its all-grown-up “Full clearly in repeat mode: “The X-Files”! be having an ANTACID flashback.” want a sugar fix. You know who you are. Horoscope Saturday, Feb. 27, 2016 ARIES (March 21-April 19) — will mount if you are Cut corners or look for SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. Use your imagination and don’t Your benevolence will be re- insensitive. a second income. A few — Concentrate on ways you can 19) — A reunion or reconnection be afraid to do things differently. warded. Finding solutions and GEMINI (May 21- alterations to your make your home and personal re- with someone you haven’t seen Don’t worry about what others doing your part to improve the June 20) — You will lifestyle will be helpful, lationships better. Share your for a long time will lead to unex- think, do or say. Contemplate environment, your neighborhood be popular with most as will discipline and concerns and your ideas, and be pected suggestions that will help your desired results and do not or a cause you believe in will of your peers, but common sense. willing to compromise in order to you move forward with a stag- give in to outside pressure. Be bring you greater acclaim. Self- someone will be jeal- VIRGO (Aug. 23- keep the peace. nant situation. true to your dreams. improvement is favored. ous of your accom- Sept. 22) — Your com- SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) — TAURUS (April 20-May 20) plishments and will mitment to home, 21) — Don’t take on too much or — Re-evaluate your current po- Your relentless courage will help — Be creative with how you go challenge you. Stand family and friends will suggest that you can do the im- sition and consider what you you accomplish what you set out about getting things done, but tall and do your best in result in popularity and possible. Being honest and help- would like to do next. Put to- to do, but it will also lead to con- don’t cause discord with some- order to excel. Eugenia opportunity. Don’t be ful will be a winning gether a proposal or to-do list that troversial backlash. Be prepared one you love; get his or her OK CANCER (June 21- Last afraid to do things dif- combination. Balance and mod- will encourage you to start some- to deal with opposition. before you proceed. Emotions July 22) — Get in- ferently. Be true to your eration will lead to victory. thing new. volved in activities beliefs and to those you Sudoku that include romance or the love. youngsters in your life. The ex- LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — A Crossword perience you have will spark an pick-me-up will do you good. idea that will improve your sur- Buy a new outfit or do something roundings. that makes you happy. Enjoy LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Do being with people who make you your best to ease financial stress. laugh. Romance is encouraged. World Almanac Databank
Friday, February 26, 2016 Cash (1932-2003), singer-song- TODAY’S HISTORY: In writer; Michael Bolton (1953- ), 1815, Napoleon Bonaparte es- singer-songwriter; Erykah Badu caped from exile on the island of (1971- ), singer-songwriter. Elba and began his return jour- TODAY’S FACT: Levi ney to France. Strauss, a Bavarian immigrant In 1935, Adolf Hitler secretly who went to San Francisco dur- ordered the Luftwaffe to be re- ing the Gold Rush, made his first formed, in violation of the Treaty pair of “jeans” out of canvas. of Versailles. TODAY’S SPORTS: In 1935, In 1987, the Tower Commission an aging Babe Ruth was released released its report on the Iran- by the New York Yankees and Contra affair, rebuking President signed a contract to become an Ronald Reagan for not control- assistant manager and player ling his national security staff. with the Boston Braves. In 1993, a truck bomb exploded TODAY’S QUOTE: “To put in the parking garage of the everything in balance is good, to World Trade Center in New York put everything in harmony is bet- City, killing six people and injur- ter.” — Victor Hugo, “Ninety- ing more than 1,000. Three” TODAY’S BIRTHDAYS: Vic- tor Hugo (1802-1885), author; Levi Strauss (1829-1902), Lottery tailor/inventor; William “Buffalo Bill” Cody (1846-1917), fron- Thursday tiersman/showman; Tex Avery (1908-1980), animator; Jackie Cash 3 Evening 4-5-6 Gleason (1916-1987), actor/co- Cash 3 Midday 3-3-1 median; Tony Randall (1920- Cash 3 Morning 1-7-0 2004), actor; Fats Domino (1928- Cash 4 Evening 8-6-8-4 ), singer-songwriter/pianist; Ariel Cash 4 Midday 4-3-7-0 Sharon (1928-2014), Israeli Cash 4 Morning 5-6-1-0 prime minister; Robert Novak Cash4Life (1931-2009), columnist; Johnny 02-16-19-33-39, Cash Ball 3 A14 — HERALD-CITIZEN, Cookeville, Tenn. — — Friday, February 26, 2016 NATION/WORLD
World in Brief Gunman, 3 others dead after shootings By ROXANA HEGEMAN In push ahead of Associated Press truce, Syrian troops HESSTON, Kan. (AP) — A sheriff in south-central Kansas take villages from IS said Thursday that four people, including a gunman, are dead BEIRUT (AP) — Syria’s after a series of shootings at a state media and an opposition business, its parking lot and two monitoring group say govern- streets nearby. ment forces have captured Harvey County Sheriff T. Wal- several villages from Islamic ton said at a news conference that State extremists in the north- all the dead were shot inside ern province of Aleppo. Excel Industries, a plant in Hes- The SANA news agency says ston that makes lawn mower government troops on Friday products. He said 14 were injured took three villages near the in the shootings. town of Khanaser, which they Law enforcement officers killed recaptured from the IS group the gunman, who worked at the the previous day. plant, after he began shooting at The Britain-based Syrian them, Walton said. Observatory for Human Before driving to the plant, the Rights reported that two vil- man fired from his vehicle, the lages were taken by the gov- sheriff said. ernment troops, saying they The shooting comes less than a are working to open the only week after authorities say a man road linking the city of Aleppo opened fire at several locations in with central and western Kalamazoo, Michigan, leaving Syria. six people dead and two severely The fighting comes ahead of wounded. a cease-fire brokered by the Martin Espinoza, who works at U.S. and Russia, which is to Excel, was in the plant during the Fernando Salazar/The Wichita Eagle via AP go into effect at midnight. IS shooting. Police look for a possible second shooter in the parking lot of Excel Industries in Hesston, Kan., Thursday, where a is not included in the cease- He heard people yelling to oth- gunman killed 3 people and injured many more. fire. ers to get out of the building, then IS attacked the Khanaser heard popping, then saw the different gun and Martin took off one person being loaded into an in 2013 from the Kansas Depart- A spokeswoman for the Kansas area Monday, capturing the shooter, a co-worker he described running. ambulance. A college nearby was ment of Commerce. The com- City office of the FBI did not im- town only to lose it Thursday. as typically pretty calm. “I looked right at him and he briefly locked down. pany manufactures Hustler and mediately return a call seeking Espinoza told The Associated looked right at me,” Espinoza Hesston is a community of Big Dog mowing equipment and comment Thursday night. Press the shooter pointed a gun at said. about 3,700 residents about 35 was founded in Hesston in 1960. “This is just a horrible incident. Swedish media say him and pulled the trigger, but KSN-TV footage showed a miles north of Wichita. Excel In- Walton said the FBI and the ... There’s going to be a lot of sad minor freed from the gun was empty. large law enforcement presence dustries was awarded the Gover- Kansas Bureau of Investigation people before this is all over,” At that point, the shooter got a at Excel Industries and at least nor’s Exporter of the Year award had been called in to assist. Walton said. Islamic State back home Enter your bundle of joy in The Herald-Citizen COPENHAGEN, Denmark U.S. military (AP) — Media in Sweden are reporting that a Swedish minor — a 16-year-old girl — Beautiful who was rescued from Islamic launches aggressive State territory in Iraq this month has returned home. B a b i e s C o n t e s t ! The Foreign Ministry only cyberwar against IS confirmed on Friday that a Swedish minor has returned to WASHINGTON (AP) — The fort is classified. All photos will be published! Prizes will be awarded! the Scandinavian country, U.S. military has launched a Carter mentioned the opera- without identifying the indi- newly aggressive campaign of tions briefly Thursday, telling a vidual or giving further de- cyberattacks against Islamic House Appropriations subcom- tails. State militants, targeting the mittee only that Cyber Com- The teenager was reported group’s abilities to use social mand is beginning to conduct Tuesday to have been rescued media and the Internet to recruit operations against the Islamic by Iraqi Kurdish special forces fighters and inspire followers, State group. He declined to say from IS near the extremist- U.S. officials told The Associ- more in a public setting. controlled city of Mosul ear- ated Press. The more aggressive attacks lier in February. The surge of computer-based come after months of pressure Mosul is about 360 kilome- military operations by U.S. from Carter, who has been frus- ters (225 miles) northwest of Cyber Command began shortly trated with the belief that the the capital, Baghdad. after Defense Secretary Ash Pentagon — and particularly Ministry spokeswoman Carter prodded commanders at Cyber Command — was losing Veronika Nordlund says the Fort Meade, Maryland, last the war in the cyber domain. return “was a result of cooper- month to ramp up the fight Late last year Carter met with ation between Swedish au- against the Islamic State group commanders, telling them they thorities and international on the cyber front. had 30 days to bring him options partners.” U.S. officials confirmed that for how the military could use its operations launched out of Fort cyberwarfare capabilities against Meade have focused on disrupt- the group’s deadly insurgency Global stocks gain ing the group’s online activities. across Iraq and Syria, and following The officials said the effort is spreading to Libya and getting under way as operators Afghanistan. Officials said he reassurances from try a range of attacks to see what told commanders that beefing up works and what doesn’t. They cyberwarfare against Islamic China on yuan declined to discuss details, other State was a test for them, and than to say that the attacks in- that they should have both the MANILA, Philippines (AP) clude efforts to prevent the group capability and the will to wage — Global stocks rose Friday from distributing propaganda, the online war. P u b l i s h e s : M a r c h 23, 2016 after China’s central bank gov- videos, or other types of recruit- But the military cyber fight is Mail to The Herald-Citizen, P.O. Box 2729, Cookeville, TN ernor pledged not to devalue ing and messaging on social limited by concerns within the ContestContest RRules:ules: 38502; or bring to 1300 Neal Street; or email photo and the yuan for the sake of export media sites such as Twitter, and intelligence agencies that block- 1. Age category is determined by information to [email protected] competitiveness. But gains across the Internet in general. ing the group’s Internet access age of child on date of were limited as oil prices fell Other attacks could include at- could hurt intelligence gathering. p u b l i c a t i o n . Deadline to submit entries is noon, Thurs., March 10, 2016. back and G20 financial leaders tempts to stop insurgents from Officials said Carter told com- 2. Age groups are 0-1, 2-3, 4-5. All (Save $3 by submitting entries before Monday, February 29, 2016) meeting in Shanghai offered conducting financial or logistical manders that he wanted creative photos must have been taken no mixed messages over the po- transactions online. options that would allow the longer than six months prior to Child’s Information: Child’s Birth Date: tential for new stimulus to Several U.S. officials spoke U.S. to impact Islamic State c o n t e s t . Child’s Full Name: 3. Entry fee of $15 is required for stave off the risk of recession. about the cyber campaign on without diminishing the indica- P a r e n t ’ s N a m e : Most European indices were condition of anonymity because tions or warnings intelligence of- each photograph submitted. All prepaid entries must be received G r a n d p a r e n t ’ s N a m e : up in early trading. Britain’s they were not authorized to dis- ficers can glean about what the by noon Thurs. March 10, 2016. FTSE 100 climbed 1.2 percent cuss it publicly. Much of the ef- group is doing. (Early deadline price is $12.00) to 6,086.03. Germany’s DAX 4. Immediate relatives of employees gained 2 percent at 9,523.50. or participating advertisers of France’s CAC 40 rose 1.9 per- The Herald-Citizen may appear cent to 4,330.63. Dow and Apple: FBI seeks ‘dangerous in publication but are not eligible Person Submitting Entry: S&P futures both rose 0.5 per- f o r p r i z e s . Relationship to Child: cent, suggesting an upbeat power’ in fight over phone 5. Contest decisions are final. Address: start to trading. 6. Black and white or color Daytime Phone #: Zhou Xiaochuan, governor WASHINGTON (AP) — In its built upon those voiced by the photographs up to 8x10 are of China’s central bank, told a first salvo in a court fight that pits company’s chief executive and acceptable. Photographs I hereby authorize The Herald-Citizen to publish the above information conference on the sidelines of digital privacy rights against na- supporters in the last week and set may be picked up at The Herald- and the enclosed photograph in the Beautiful Babies Contest to be Citizen office after March 24, published on March 23, 2016. a meeting of financial leaders tional security, Apple Inc. asked a the stage for a prolonged fight 2016. Any photos not picked up No ads will be published without signature of person submitting entry form. of the Group of 20 industrial federal magistrate to reverse her with legal arguments that may by April 29, 2016 will be nations that Beijing would not order forcing the company to help take the issue as far as the d i s c a r d e d . Signature:______Date:______engage in devaluations for the the FBI hack into a locked Supreme Court. The Justice De- sake of its export competitive- iPhone. partment is proposing an un- ness. Zhou urged that the gath- The Thursday filing — a day be- precedented and “boundless P ering focus on managing fore its formal objection was due interpretation” of the law that, if $$5050 GGiftift CCertificateertificate lackluster global demand, and as FBI Director James left unchecked, could bring disas- structural economic reforms Comey defended the FBI stance trous repercussions, the company R Most Beautiful Baby and promoting “sustainable on Capitol Hill — accused the warned in a memo submitted to and balanced” growth. federal government of seeking Magistrate Sheri Pym in Califor- I “Taken alongside Ministry of “dangerous power” through the nia that aggressively challenges Z $$2525 GGiftift CCardard Finance proposals that China courts and of trampling on the policy justifications put forward (per each category) can afford a fiscal deficit of 4 Cupertino-based company’s con- by the Obama administration. 0-1yrs 2-3yrs 4-5yrs percent of GDP, further stim- stitutional rights. “The government says: ‘Just this E ulatory support does look The arguments by Apple attor- once’ and ‘Just this phone.’ But Cutest Boy Cutest Girl forthcoming in 2016,” Angus neys, outlined a day before the the government knows those S Nicholson of IG said in a com- company’s annual shareholders statements are not true,” lawyers mentary. meeting scheduled for Friday, for Apple wrote. Call 931-526-9715931-526-9715 for more information. Herald-Citizen
Friday, February 26, 2016 SPORTS B Tech women host EKU in Senior Night finale
By HOLLY WEBER ior Night and their to tie her career-high previously set assists. TTU Sports Information final game before in the season against Lipscomb. In the contest, the Golden Eagles possible postsea- Two other Tech players scored in shot 50 percent from the field, 30.8 COOKEVILLE — The time has son play. double-figures in the contest: Can- percent from the 3-point range, and come: the final game of the regular Earlier in the sea- dace Parson with 12 points in her 83.3 percent from the line, while season. Women’s son, the Golden season debut and Hannah Goolsby the Colonels shot 52.7 percent from TTU Photo The Tennessee Tech women’s bas- Basketball Eagles defeated with 11 points. the floor, 21.4 percent from down- Tennessee Tech’s Na’Asha Robinson ketball team (10-18, 6-9 OVC) will the Colonels 77-72 Jalen O’Bannon led Eastern Ken- town, and 73.3 percent from the was named the Ohio Valley Conference host Eastern Kentucky (15-10, 9-5 in Richmond. tucky with 28 points and seven re- charity stripe. Both Tech and East- female freshman of the year for indoor OVC) in a 5:30 p.m. contest on Sat- In the Jan. 23 game, Samaria bounds while teammate Shameekia track and field on Thursday. urday in the Eblen Center for Sen- Howard hit a game-high 31 points Murray posted 20 points and five See WOMEN, Page B2 TENNESSEE TECH MEN’S BASKETBALL Robinson named OVC freshman of Streak snapped the year Title hopes TTU Sports Information COOKEVILLE — Tennessee Tech’s Na’Asha Robinson has been named the Ohio Valley Conference Female Freshman gone as of the Year for the 2016 indoor track & field season. The honor was one of six an- nounced Thursday morning in advance of Tech men the OVC Championships that will be held Friday and Saturday on the campus of Ten- nessee State University. lose to Robinson, a freshman from Huntsville, Ala., who attended Butler High School, owns the top 400-meter time in the OVC Morehead this year, posting a 54.14 at the Com- modore Invitational. She is also ranked By THOMAS CORHERN fifth in the league with a 200-meter time of HERALD-CITIZEN Assistant Sports Editor 24.64. Robinson was part of the 4x400- meter relay team that is third in the confer- COOKEVILLE — The 13-game home ence this year. winning streak is over. All three of those times are Tennessee The chance of a share of the Ohio Valley Tech school records. She also owns the Conference regular-season title is gone. school record in the 55-meter dash. Following the Golden Eagles’ 69-59 loss “Na’Asha has worked very hard this sea- to Morehead State at home on Thursday son and it’s gratifying to see her hard work night at the Hooper Eblen Center, the is starting to pay off,” said Golden Eagle only thing left Tech has head coach Wayne Angel. ”For my peers to to play for is seeding. Tech still has one con- See ROBINSON, Page B2 test to play — Saturday night at home against Eastern Kentucky (15- Men’s 15, 6-9 OVC) — and Basketball currently stand in a four- Tech track way tie for second, meaning that the Golden Eagles could finish as high as third or as looking for low as fifth depending on what happens. Belmont and UT Martin already have best OVC the top two seeds in next week’s tourna- ment locked up by virtue of being divi- sion leaders, while the Golden Eagles finish in can’t drop down to the final three seeds, regardless of what happens. But Thursday’s game came down to two school history things — getting dominated inside and a poor shooting night. TTU Sports Information “They’re a good team and they just beat you up physically,” said Tech head coach COOKEVILLE — Optimistically eyeing Steve Payne. “We’re not the most physi- the best showing in school history, the Ten- cally strong bunch in the world and that’s nessee Tech track & field teams heads to where we’ve had some weaknesses all Nashville this weekend to compete in the year. They’re good at that. I’m disap- 2016 Ohio Valley Conference Indoor Cham- pointed that we took too many tough pionships. The meet will be held Friday and shots and we shouldn’t shoot 35 percent Saturday at the Gentry Center on the campus by taking tough shots.” of Tennessee State Univer- Morehead State outscored the Golden sity. Eagles 40-16 in the paint and brought “We are very excited about down 41 rebounds, including 16 offensive the upcoming Indoor cham- boards. pionships this weekend,” Tech had to pull together 17 of its 59 said head coach Wayne points from the charity stripe — Torrance Angel. “We are a very Rowe was a perfect 9-for-9 and Ryan young and talented team Track and Martin was 6-for-9 — and eight of its 17 with high aspirations. field goals were 3-pointers. “We will have a lot of un- Field That meant that the Golden Eagles were derclassmen chasing points, only able to get nine field goals inside the or wins or whatever it takes, but it certainly arc out of 27 attempts. Morehead hit 24 bodes well for the future of Tennessee Tech out of 50. Track and field,” he said. “You get whipped in the paint like that, While his squad probably lacks the depth yet you’re going to lose,” Payne said. “That’s to challenge for the title, Angel expects the what we did. They whipped us in the Thomas Corhern | Herald-Citizen Golden Eagles to make a impact on the event. paint.” “On paper it appears that Eastern Illinois And the shot selection wasn’t the great- Tennessee Tech’s Shirmane Thomas looks to pass the ball to an open teammate after getting and Tennessee State will be battling for the stopped under the basket during the Golden Eagles’ 69-59 loss to Morehead State on Thursday title, with Southeast Missouri in a strong See MEN, Page B2 night at the Hooper Eblen Center. third,” Angel said. “Beyond that it’s open for fourth through eighth. It will be very close.” TENNESSEE WOMEN’S BASKETBALL The highest previous finish by a Golden Eagle track & field team at the OVC Indoor Championship is seventh, coming in both 1992 and 1993, when the league included Alabama women end 42-game skid against Tennessee nine teams. Under the current lineup of teams, Tech’s best showing is eighth in 2010. TUSCALOOSA, Ala. (AP) — record 12th loss of the season. since 1985, a string of 565 weeks. game of the season, going 0 for 11 That year the Golden Eagles earned first Karyla Middlebrook scored 13 points Hannah Cook added 10 points for Quanetria Bolton opened the fourth from 3-point range and finishing at 26 place finishes in the 3,000m and distance and Alabama the Crimson Tide (15-13, 4-12), who quarter with a 3-pointer after a Ten- percent (18 of 69) overall. The Lady medley relay. The most points Tech has pro- scored its last 14 hadn’t beaten Tennessee (16-12, 7-8) nessee turnover to put the Crimson Vols also made their lowest scoring duced at this event is 37. points from the foul since the 1984 Southeastern Confer- tide up 40-29. The Lady Vols used an quarter of the season when they were Only four events in which Tech is scheduled line to end a 42- ence Tournament. 8-0 run to pull within 45-42 on a bas- outscored 13-3 in the second quarter to compete will be determined Friday, while game losing streak Bashaara Graves had 15 points, ket by Te’a Cooper with 2:21 to play. to fall behind 28-17 at the half. They Golden Eagle student-athletes running in four against Tennessee Jaime Nared 13 and Mercedes Rus- Alabama made 9 of 10 free throws finished 10 of 17 from the line, 5 of preliminary heats Friday with the hope of ad- with a 54-46 victory sell had 10 and 11 rebounds for the from there to finish 12 of 18 in the 11 in the second half. Leading-scorer vancing to the finals on Saturday. on Thursday night, which also sent Lady Vols, who were playing their quarter. Diamond DeShields (13.6) missed all the Lady Volunteers to their school first game without a Top 25 ranking Tennessee had its worst shooting seven of her shots and failed to score. See OVC, Page B2 B2 — HERALD-CITIZEN, Cookeville, Tenn. — — Friday, February 26, 2016 SPORTS WOMEN: MEN: Tech leads Martin gets double-double in defeat From Page B1 home. I feel like I took a lot of bad shots and I let my team down. I can’t do that series with est as the Golden Eagles rushed a lot of as a leader.” shots and took some pretty bad looks. Martin completed a double-double EKU 57-24 Tech shot 31.8 percent in the first half with 12 points and 14 rebounds, while and 37.0 in the second. Aleksa Jugovic ended the game with 12 “It looks good when it’s going in,” points. From Page B1 Payne said. “We’ve hit shots like that all Morehead took advantage of 14 Tech season. I want them to play free and turnovers, leading to 20 points, while ern Kentucky grabbed 29 re- loose. When we execute, we’re good. also converted the 16 offensive boards bounds, but the Colonels gave When we don’t, we’re not. We did not into 17 second-chance points. up 19 turnovers and committed execute offensively (Thursday). When Morehead also had four double-digit 21 fouls to the Golden Eagles’ we had good shots, we missed them. I’m scorers as Lyonell Gaines led the Eagles 12 turnovers and 15 fouls. proud that we gave ourselves a chance, with 15 points, while Brent Arrington Howard continues to lead but I’m disappointed that we weren’t scored 12. Anthony Elechi added 11 and Tech averaging 20.9 points and able to finish it off.” DeJuan Marrero scored 10. 5.3 boards per game. She ranks Tech overcame a 13-point deficit in the MSU shot 51.7 percent from the field second in the OVC in scoring first half to tie the game and even take a in the first half and ended the contest and her 20.9 points per game 28-24 lead before halftime, but More- with a 43.8-percent night. rank her 21st in the NCAA. head State surged back out, taking a 37- The Golden Eagles close out the regu- Howard’s 585 points and 149 31 advantage at halftime. lar season on Saturday night with a 7:30 made free throws this season The visiting Eagles then built a 14- p.m. contest against Eastern Kentucky. rank her ninth nationally, while point lead at the 14:47 mark in the sec- “That’s a totally different game now,” her 207 made field goals rank ond half for Morehead State’s largest Payne said. “They’re more offensive ori- her 13th. lead of the game. Tech was able to cut ented and they’re as talented as anyone Another key player on the the deficit to four points — 63-59 — else in the league. They have four guys Golden Eagle lineup is senior with 2:33 left in the contest, but that was that could have been on the all-confer- Mariah Dean. After being out the closest the Golden Eagles were able ence team. If we don’t play better exe- for the first half of the season, to get. cution-wise and more alert, then we’re Dean has made herself a huge Rowe led the Golden Eagles with 21 going to struggle. We’ve got to play bet- asset to the Tech team. On the points, but the senior shouldered much ter than we played (Thursday). We’re Thomas Corhern | Herald-Citizen season, she averages 6.1 points of the blame for the loss. playing for seeding now. That loss took and 6.1 rebounds per game. In “We didn’t execute at all,” Rowe said. us out of the championship, so we’re Tennessee Tech’s Ryan Martin is fouled as he comes down with a re- OVC play, Dean ranks 10th in “They came out with more energy than playing for one of those byes. If we bound during the Golden Eagles’ 69-59 loss to Morehead State on rebounding (6.7 per game) and us and that’s not supposed to happen at don’t win, we can’t get one of those.” Thursday night at the Hooper Eblen Center. second in blocked shots (2.1 per game) proving why she is a huge presence below the hoop. O’Bannon leads Eastern Ken- tucky averaging 17.4 points OVC: and 9.8 boards per game. She Finals to be held on Saturday ranks fifth in scoring and first in rebounding in the OVC, From Page B1 6:40 p.m. Murray’s season-best will compete in the 800m pre- list in the event, but at 60 me- The 4x400m relay will in- making her a threat both offen- of 17:46.19 ranks 10th in the lims at 3:30 p.m. Heading into ters, Robinson’s mark of 7.61 clude a Tech foursome that sively and defensively. The high jump and weight OVC, while Bezuidenhout has Friday, Brandt’s school-record ranks fifth in the league. holds the school record of Murray is another key player throw get underway at 2:30 a season-best of 19:04.63. time of 2:11.00 heads the OVC The final preliminary in which 3:48.29, which is third in the on the Colonel team. She aver- p.m., with Na’Scottisha Drum- In addition to points up for list of times, while Jackson’s Tech has entries Friday is the OVC this season. ages 14.7 points and 5.2 re- mond competing in the high grabs in those three events, one season-best of 2:11.78 ranks 200-meter dash at 5:30 p.m. bounds per game. Murray is the jump and Makayla Kington in relay will take place on Friday third and Stremler owns the The field will feature Robinson, FRIDAY OVC’s eighth leading scorer the weight throw. Drummond, and Tech owns the fourth-best sixth-best time in the OVC at Morgan O’Neal and Hymon. 2:30 p.m. — High Jump Finals (Drummond) and Eastern Kentucky’s sec- a freshman from Duncan, S.C., time in the conference this year 2:14.73. Robinson’s 24.64 school record 2:30 p.m. – Weight Throw Finals (Kington) 3:30 p.m. – 800m Prelims (Brandt, Jackson, ond. has a career-best of 5 feet, 3.25 in the distance medley relay at Next are the 400m dash pre- ranks fifth in the OVC. Retano, Stremler) 4 p.m. – 400m Prelims (Leibenberg, Robin- As a team, the Golden Eagles inches in the event, which 12:07.21. The lineup for coach lims at 4 p.m., with Robinson For Tech, Saturday’s finals son) average 61.6 points, 37.6 ranks 10th in the league this Wayne Angel’s team in the and Leibenberg in the field. will include Raven Smith in the 4:30 p.m. – 55m Prelims (Hymon, McGee, Morgan) boards, and 17.4 turnovers per year. Kington, a sophomore DMR includes sophomore Robinson owns the best time in triple jump at 11 a.m., and 5:30 p.m. – 200m Prelims (Hymon, Morgan, game. Tech shoots 38.5 percent from Crossville, Tenn., has a Madison Stremler, freshman the conference so far this year Murray in the 3,000-meter run Robinson) 6:10 p.m. – Distance Medley Relay (Strem- from the field, 28.8 percent season-best toss of 37 feet, Crystal Leibenberg, freshman with a 54.14 school record ef- at 3:15 p.m. The event will ler, Leibenberg, Jackson, Brandt) 6:40 p.m. – 5,000m Finals (Bezuidenhout, from the 3-point range, and 3.75 inches. The only other in- D’Airrien Jackson, and junior fort at Vanderbilt, while conclude with the 4x400-meter Murray) 71.5 percent from the line. dividual event to be decided Sarah Brandt. Leibenberg’s best time of 57.48 relay at 3:45 p.m. The Colonels average 73.4 Friday is the 5,000-meter run. Also set for Friday are four ranks 14th. Smith has a career-best of 38 SATURDAY points, 40.7 rebounds, and 16.2 Sophomore Sonel Bezuiden- events in which Tech has run- Robinson, Hymon and Brit- feet, 10.25 inches, which is (plus any who qualify on Friday to compete turnovers per game. Eastern hout and junior Purity Murray ners in the prelims. tany McGee will race in the 55- listed sixth in the OVC this in Finals Saturday) 11 a.m. – Triple Jump Finals (Smith) Kentucky shoots 42.8 percent will represent Tech in the Brandt, Jackson, Stremler meter dash prelims at 4:30 p.m. year. Murray’s best of 10:34.72 3:15 p.m. – 4x400m (Brandt, Hymon, Jack- from the floor, 34.1 percent event, which is schedule for and freshman Andrea Retano The OVC doesn’t record a best at 3,000m is 27th in the league. son, Leibenberg, Robinson, Stremler) from beyond the arc, and 71.1 percent from the charity stripe. SCOREBOARD The Golden Eagles lead the series 57-24 over the Colonels, I Pickett County at Watertown, 7 p.m. 0-2 0-0 0, Jugovic 4-10 0-0 12, Rowe 5-21 Georgia Tech 66, Pittsburgh 60 Columbus 6, New Jersey 1 On Television Jackson County at Goodpasture, 7 p.m. 9-9 21, Henderson 0-0 0-0 0, Rogers 2-7 0- Monmouth (NJ) 76, Rider 61 Toronto 3, Carolina 1 while also holding the 30-6 ad- Gordonsville at Clarkrange, 7 p.m. 0 6, Alexander II 0-0 0-0 0, Ramsey 2-2 0- Siena 60, Marist 56 Florida 3, Arizona 2 vantage for games played in Friday, Feb. 26 at Livingston Academy 0 4. Totals 17-49 17-22 59. Syracuse 71, Boston College 55 N.Y. Rangers 2, St. Louis 1 Cookeville. AUTO RACING Tuesday, March 1 Halftime-Morehead St. 37-31. 3-Point Goals- Vermont 63, New Hampshire 59 Nashville 3, Chicago 1 8 a.m. Merrol Hyde/Clay winner vs. Pickett/Water- Morehead St. 4-14 (Harris 1-1, Maitland 1- SOUTH Winnipeg 6, Dallas 3 For additional information on FS1 — NASCAR, Xfinity Series, Heads Up town winner, 6 p.m. 2, Dicent 1-4, Arrington 1-5, Moon 0-2), Alabama 54, Tennessee 46 N.Y. Islanders 2, Calgary 1, OT Georgia 250, practice, at Hampton, Ga. Jackson/Goodpasture winner vs. Gor- Tennessee Tech 8-22 (Jugovic 4-7, Rogers Appalachian St. 68, Georgia Southern 62 Vancouver 5, Ottawa 3 any of the events scheduled 9 a.m. donsville/Clarkrange winner, 7:45 p.m. 2-5, Rowe 2-10). Fouled Out-Ramsey. Re- Florida 82, LSU 56 Los Angeles 2, Edmonton 1 that night, or ticket information FS1 — NASCAR, Camping World Truck Se- Thursday, March 3 bounds-Morehead St. 41 (Gaines 8), Ten- Florida St. 56, NC State 52 Friday’s Games ries, Georgia 200, practice, at Hampton, Boys championship, TBA nessee Tech 38 (Martin 14). Georgia 72, Arkansas 57 Tampa Bay at New Jersey, 7 p.m. for the remainder of the season, Ga. Assists-Morehead St. 16 (Arrington, Mait- Kentucky 69, Missouri 59 Minnesota at Washington, 7 p.m. please call (931) 372-3940. 10 a.m. land 7), Tennessee Tech 9 (Thomas 4). Louisiana-Monroe 67, South Alabama 54 Boston at Carolina, 7 p.m. FS1 — NASCAR, Sprint Cup Series, Folds of Region 4-AA Tournament Total Fouls-Morehead St. 22, Tennessee Louisville 79, Miami 51 Edmonton at Anaheim, 10 p.m. Tech 21. A-2,567. Marshall 73, UAB 65 Buffalo at San Jose, 10:30 p.m. Honor QuikTrip 500, practice, at Hampton, Girls bracket Ga. Maryland 83, Wisconsin 77 Saturday’s Games Friday, Feb. 26 Mercer 80, Wofford 32 Arizona at Philadelphia, 1 p.m. 11:30 a.m. at campus sites FS1 — NASCAR, Xfinity Series, Heads Up Men’s scores Mississippi St. 66, Vanderbilt 61 Winnipeg at Pittsburgh, 3 p.m. Smith County at Signal Mountain, 6 p.m. Northwestern St. 73, SE Louisiana 58 Florida at Columbus, 3 p.m. ROBINSON: Georgia 250, practice, at Hampton, Ga. Bledsoe County at Livingston Academy, 7 EAST 12:30 p.m. Samford 77, Furman 63 St. Louis at Nashville, 3 p.m. p.m. Canisius 65, Niagara 60 South Carolina 66, Mississippi 45 N.Y. Rangers at Dallas, 4 p.m. FS1 — NASCAR, Camping World Truck Se- Chattanooga Notre Dame at Upperman, 7 Drexel 74, Delaware 64 ries, Georgia 200, practice, at Hampton, Texas A&M 57, Auburn 49 Toronto at Montreal, 7 p.m. 400-meter time p.m. Fairleigh Dickinson 67, Mount St. Mary’s 54 Troy 90, Louisiana-Lafayette 83 Detroit vs. Colorado at Denver, CO, 8 p.m. Ga. DeKalb County at Sequatchie County, 7 p.m. LIU Brooklyn 80, CCSU 74 1:30 p.m. Virginia 72, North Carolina 68 Ottawa at Calgary, 10 p.m. at Tennessee Tech Northeastern 58, Coll. of Charleston 57 Virginia Tech 54, Wake Forest 48 Buffalo at Los Angeles, 11 p.m. FS1 — NASCAR, Xfinity Series, Heads Up Monday, Feb. 29 Penn St. 56, Nebraska 55 ranks 52nd Georgia 250, final practice, at Hampton, W. Kentucky 62, Middle Tennessee 51 Signal/Smith winner vs. Livingston/Bledsoe Robert Morris 73, Sacred Heart 63 MIDWEST Ga. winner, 6 p.m. Seton Hall 70, Providence 52 I Transactions 3 p.m. Green Bay 70, Wright St. 55 nationally Upperman/Notre Dame winner vs. Se- St. Francis Brooklyn 79, Bryant 72 IUPUI 63, S. Dakota St. 60 FS1 — NASCAR, Camping World Truck Se- quatchie/DeKalb winner, 7:30 p.m. Towson 69, James Madison 67 Thursday ries, Georgia 200, final practice, at Hamp- Milwaukee 78, N. Kentucky 71 Wednesday, March 2 Wagner 69, St. Francis (Pa.) 54 Notre Dame 71, Clemson 52 ton, Ga. Girls championship, TBA SOUTH BASEBALL 4:30 p.m. Purdue 74, Rutgers 68, OT American League From Page B1 Charlotte 114, UTSA 108, 2OT S. Illinois 68, Illinois St. 55 FS1 — NASCAR, Sprint Cup Series, Folds of Boys bracket Coastal Carolina 68, Charleston Southern 60 BALTIMORE ORIOLES — Designated Honor QuikTrip 500, qualifying, at Hamp- South Dakota 90, IPFW 63 1B/OF Efren Navarro for assignment. Saturday, Feb. 27 Duke 80, Florida St. 65 W. Illinois 100, N. Dakota St. 89 recognize this young lady ton, Ga. York Institute at Chattanooga Notre Dame, 6 E. Kentucky 76, Jacksonville St. 54 Agreed to terms with RHP Yovani Gallardo COLLEGE BASKETBALL SOUTHWEST on a two-year contract. p.m. ETSU 80, Furman 75 Arkansas St. 87, Texas St. 50 speaks volumes in terms of 6 p.m. Sequatchie County at Macon County, 7 p.m. Georgia Southern 88, Appalachian St. 63 DETROIT TIGERS — Agreed to terms with CBSSN — Bowling Green at Akron Charlotte 64, UTSA 54 LHPs Blaine Hardy and Jairo Labourt, C where this program is headed.” Signal Mountain at Upperman, 7 p.m. High Point 87, Winthrop 85 Louisiana Tech 78, North Texas 67 ESPN2 — Valparaiso at Milwaukee Smith County at Chattanooga Christian, 6 Hofstra 70, UNC Wilmington 69 James McCann, INFs Nick Castellanos and ESPNU — Iona at Manhattan Oral Roberts 67, Nebraska-Omaha 58 Dixon Machado, OF Wynton Bernard and Robinson works on a day-to- p.m. Kennesaw St. 73, Lipscomb 57 Rice 76, Southern Miss. 74 FS1 — Harvard at Yale at Tennessee Tech Louisiana Tech 73, North Texas 62, OT RHPs Jeff Ferrell, Michael Fulmer, Shane day basis with Tech assistant 8 p.m. UALR 49, Texas-Arlington 43 Greene, Montreal Robertson, Jose Valdez, Tuesday, March 1 Louisiana-Lafayette 73, Troy 63 UTEP 70, Old Dominion 64 coach Eugene Frazier. ESPN2 — Rider at Monmouth York/Notre Dame winner vs. Louisiana-Monroe 66, South Alabama 59 Drew VerHagen and Alex Wilson on one- ESPNU — Detroit Mercy at Oakland FAR WEST year contracts. Sequatchie/Macon winner, 6 p.m. Morehead St. 69, Tennessee Tech 59 BYU 84, Portland 59 “Coach Frazier has done a COLLEGE HOCKEY Signal/Upperman winner vs. Smith/Chat- North Florida 81, Jacksonville 80 KANSAS CITY ROYALS — Agreed to terms 6:30 p.m. CS Bakersfield 76, Grand Canyon 67 with LHP Scott Alexander; RHPs Miguel Al- wonderful job with this young tanooga Christian winner, 7:45 p.m. Old Dominion 74, UTEP 53 Hawaii 70, Cal St.-Fullerton 50 NBCSN — Boston U. at Notre Dame Thursday, March 3 Presbyterian 74, Longwood 73 monte, Alec Mills and Kyle Zimmer; INFs GOLF Montana 62, Idaho St. 47 Cheslor Cuthbert and Raul Mondesi; and lady,” Angel said. “Na’Asha Boys championship, TBA Radford 60, Campbell 56 Montana St. 92, Weber St. 71 4 a.m. Rice 76, Southern Miss. 74, OT OFs Jorge Bonifacio, Brett Eibner, Terrance has established herself as one GOLF — European PGA Tour, Perth Interna- North Dakota 75, Portland St. 62 Gore, Jose Martinez and Bubba Starling on SC-Upstate 72, NJIT 71 Sacramento St. 83, N. Colorado 72 of the top 400 meter runners in tional, second round, at Perth, Australia Region 3-AAA Tournament SMU 69, Memphis 62 one-year contracts. (same-day tape) Saint Mary’s (Cal) 78, Santa Clara 70 TORONTO BLUE JAYS — Agreed to terms Stetson 80, Florida Gulf Coast 73 San Diego 58, Gonzaga 57 the country. She definitely is 1 p.m. Girls bracket UAB 95, Marshall 91 with OF Domonic Brown on a minor league GOLF — PGA Tour, Honda Classic, second Friday, Feb. 26 San Francisco 81, Pacific 71 contract. deserving of this recognition. I UConn 81, South Florida 51 UC Santa Barbara 66, UC Irvine 37 round, at Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. at campus sites UNC Asheville 73, Liberty 56 National League Midnight (Saturday) Stone Memorial at Bradley Central, 6 p.m. Washington 73, Utah 60 ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS — Agreed to speak for all the Tech family UNC Greensboro 92, The Citadel 63 Washington St. 83, Colorado 70 when I say we are all so proud GOLF — LPGA Tour, Honda Thailand, third East Hamilton at Cookeville, 7 p.m. UT Martin 72, Tennessee St. 56 terms with RHP Edgar Martinez on a minor round, at Chonburi, Thailand Walker Valley at Cumberland County, 7 p.m. VMI 91, Mercer 82 league contract. of Na’Asha.” NBA BASKETBALL White County at McMinn County, 6 p.m. W. Carolina 53, Wofford 48 I National Basketball Association CHICAGO CUBS — Traded OF Chris Cogh- 7 p.m. at Cookeville High School W. Kentucky 78, Middle Tennessee 72 lan to Oakland for RHP Aaron Brooks. In addition to being ranked ESPN — Chicago at Atlanta Bradley/Stone winner vs. Cookeville/East William & Mary 75, Elon 65 Schedule Placed LHP Zac Rosscup on the 60-day tops in the OVC, her 400-meter 9:30 p.m. Hamilton winner, 6 p.m. MIDWEST DL. Agreed to terms with OF Dexter Fowler ESPN — Memphis at L.A. Lakers Cumberlland/Walker Valley winner vs. Austin Peay 80, SIU-Edwardsville 75 All Times EST on a one-year contract. time ranks 52nd nationally and SOCCER McMinn/White winner, 7:30 p.m. Cleveland St. 63, N. Kentucky 58 Thursday’s Games BASKETBALL has Robinson ranked No. 3 1:20 p.m. Wednesday, March 2 DePaul 83, St. John’s 75 Golden State 130, Orlando 114 National Basketball Association FS1 — Bundesliga, Hertha BSC Berlin at Girls championship, TBA E. Illinois 85, Murray St. 74 Boston 112, Milwaukee 107 BROOKLYN NETS — Waived G Joe John- among freshmen in the nation. Koln IPFW 87, W. Illinois 75 New Orleans 123, Oklahoma City 119 son. WOMEN’S COLLEGE BASKETBALL Boys bracket Indiana 74, Illinois 47 Brooklyn 116, Phoenix 106 MEMPHIS GRIZZLIES — Reassigned F The awards were selected in a 8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 27 Nebraska-Omaha 102, Oral Roberts 98 Houston 119, Portland 105 Jarell Martin to Iowa (NBADL). vote among the conference FS1 — Xavier at Villanova at campus sites North Dakota 80, Portland St. 77 San Antonio 96, Utah 78 MINNESOTA TIMBERWOLVES — Waived G Cumberland County at Walker Valley, 6 p.m. S. Dakota St. 71, N. Dakota St. 59 Friday’s Games Andre Miller. head coaches. I High School Basketball Cleveland at Cookeville, 7 p.m. South Dakota 85, IUPUI 82 Charlotte at Indiana, 7 p.m. WASHINGTON WIZARDS — Signed F J.J. Among the other award win- McMinn County at White County, 7 p.m. Wright St. 87, Youngstown St. 81 Washington at Philadelphia, 7 p.m. Hickson. Warren County at Bradley Central, 6 p.m. SOUTHWEST Cleveland at Toronto, 7:30 p.m. HOCKEY ners, Eastern Kentucky’s Jaime Region 4-A Tournament at Cookeville High Texas St. 71, Arkansas St. 60 Orlando at New York, 7:30 p.m. National Hockey League Perales earned Male Track Ath- Girls bracket Walker/Cumberland winner vs. UALR 72, Texas-Arlington 60 Chicago at Atlanta, 8 p.m. ANAHEIM DUCKS — Claimed C Chris Wag- Friday, Feb. 26 Cookeville/Cleveland winner, 6 p.m. FAR WEST Denver at Dallas, 8:30 p.m. ner off waivers from Colorado. lete of the Year while SIUE’s at campus sites White/McMinn winner vs. Bradley BYU 99, Portland 81 L.A. Clippers at Sacramento, 10 p.m. DALLAS STARS — Reassigned G Philippe Pickett County at Gordonsville, 7 p.m. Central/Warren winner, 7:45 p.m. Cal St.-Fullerton 78, Cal Poly 77 Memphis at L.A. Lakers, 10:30 p.m. Desrosiers to Idaho (ECHL). Julian Harvey was tabbed the Clarkrange at Watertown, 7 p.m. Thursday, March 3 California 75, UCLA 63 Saturday’s Games LOS ANGELES KINGS — Recalled Fs Male Field Athlete of the Year. Clay County at Goodpasture, 7 p.m. Boys championship, TBA Gonzaga 82, San Diego 60 Miami at Boston, 3 p.m. Maxim Kitsyn and Scott Sabourin from Red Boiling Springs at Jackson County, 7 Montana 90, Idaho St. 77 Minnesota at New Orleans, 7 p.m. Manchester (ECHL) to Ontario (AHL). Male Freshman of the Year p.m. I College Basketball N. Colorado 72, Sacramento St. 67 Portland at Chicago, 8 p.m. NASHVILLE PREDATORS — Recalled D at Livingston Academy Pacific 79, San Francisco 70 San Antonio at Houston, 8 p.m. Garrett Noonan from Cincinnati (ECHL) to honors went to Belmont’s Ben Detroit at Milwaukee, 8:30 p.m. Milwaukee (AHL). Monday, Feb. 29 Morehead State 69, Saint Mary’s (Cal) 75, Santa Clara 50 Weisel. On the women’s side, PCHS/GHS winner vs. Clarkrange/Water- Stanford 84, Southern Cal 64 Golden State at Oklahoma City, 8:30 p.m. WINNIPEG JETS — Acquired F Marko Dano, town winner, 6 p.m. Tennessee Tech men 59 UC Santa Barbara 78, CS Northridge 63 Brooklyn at Utah, 9:30 p.m. a 2016 first-round draft pick and a 2018 Tennessee State’s Amber Memphis at Phoenix, 9:30 p.m. conditional draft pick from Chicago for Fs Goodpasture/Clay winner vs. Jackson/RBS MOREHEAD ST. (17-11) Utah 81, Arizona St. 46 winner, 7:30 p.m. Weber St. 68, Montana St. 60 Andrew Ladd and Matt Fraser and D Jay Hughes was named both the Elechi 4-5 3-4 11, Gaines 7-8 1-4 15, Mait- Harrison. Wednesday, March 2 land 1-8 1-2 4, Moon 2-7 0-0 4, Arrington 5- I National Hockey League Female Track and Field Athlete Girls championship, TBA 14 1-2 12, Bitting 0-1 0-0 0, Dicent 3-10 0-0 COLLEGE of the Year. It marks the first 7, Harris 1-1 1-2 4, Marrero 4-8 2-4 10, Women’s scores Schedule Boys bracket BRADLEY — Named Carol Price-Torok Williams 0-1 0-0 0, Beamon 1-1 0-0 2. To- EAST women’s volleyball coach. time in OVC history that a stu- Saturday, Feb. 27 tals 28-64 9-18 69. All Times EST at campus sites Albany (NY) 88, Mass.-Lowell 57 Thursday’s Games SAINT ELIZABETH — Named Kaman Hung dent-athlete won both awards. TENNESSEE TECH (18-10) Canisius 54, Niagara 45 men’s volleyball coach. Merrol Hyde at Clay County, 7 p.m. Martin 3-4 6-9 12, Morse 1-3 2-4 4, Thomas Philadelphia 3, Minnesota 2
HERALD-CITIZEN, Cookeville, Tenn. — — Friday, February 26, 2016 — B3
001 Legals 001 Legals 001 Legals 001 Legals 121 Pest Control 135 Yard Work/Related
INVITATION TO BID SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S The Town of Monterey will be livered. Greener Grass Landscaping & SALE accepting “Sealed Bids” for a This property is being sold with Lawncare. Veteran owned & op- The Putnam County 911 District Zero Turn Lawn Mower, 52 inch the express reservation that the erated, Res./Comm., free estim- invites sealed bids for computer Sale at public auction will be on deck, 20.5 horsepower, until sale is subject to confirmation by ates, yearly contracts available, server hardware and software; March 17, 2016 at 12:00PM Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 2:00 the lender or trustee. This sale Kyle Farley 931-239-6183, digital radio and telephony re- local time, at the front door, Put- p.m. at which time the bids will may be rescinded at any time. Wesley Goff 931-265-8841 corders; as well as computer nam County Courthouse, 421 be opened. All bids can be workstations and monitors until East Spring Street, Cookeville, dropped off at Monterey City Shapiro & Ingle, LLP 140 Other March 9th,2016, at 12:00 PM Tennessee, pursuant to Deed of Hall, 302 E Commercial Avenue, a Tennessee limited liability part- ALL STAR PEST CONTROL CST. The equipment specifica- Trust executed by Dianna Cox, Monterey, TN 38574 between nership Substitute Trustee OF TENNESSEE "JACKSON'S MOVING SERVICE" tions can be obtained by email- to Douglas R. Johnson, Trustee, the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 10130 Perimeter Parkway Complete Termite Service Need to move? We have the 20' ing on September 27, 2006 at Re- p.m. Monday – Friday. All bids Suite 400 Lic'd/Ins'd. Bonded. box truck & men to do the job. No [email protected] cord 344, Page 373, Instrument must be marked “SEALED Charlotte, NC 28216 All work guaranteed stress for you & your furniture. Ref's or by contacting Penny Foister at No. 66962; all of record in the BIDS – ZERO TURN LAWN Phone: (704) 333-8107 Free Estimates. Avail. Call for free Est. 931-268-9102 (931) 525-2115. Bids must be in Putnam County Register's Of- MOWER”. The Town of Fax: (704) 333-8156 MARTY KELLY LADIES, a sealed envelope clearly fice. Monterey reserves the right to 931-526-8550 Do you need time to just relax marked as Party entitled to enforce security reject any and or all bids. Charter # 4252 and be stress free? Can!t afford “03092016SRVWRK” interest: CitiMortgage, Inc., its 2/21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28,29, 3/1 File No. 16-104878 the high costs of going to the The bids may be delivered to: successors and assigns 2/19, 26, 3/4 125 Home Renovation spa? If so call me today to book The following real estate located SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE your FREE spa party for you Penny Foister in Putnam County, Tennessee, 005 Public Notices BOULDIN HOME REPAIR & and your friends!!! 700 County Services Drive will be sold to the highest call REMODELING. Plumbing, electri- (931) 349-1352. Cookeville, TN 38501 bidder subject to all unpaid Sale at public auction will be on March 14, 2016 at 12:00PM cal, painting, dry wall, bathroom & Ask for Rebecca. 2/26 taxes, prior liens and encum- kitchen remodels. Carpentry work. local time, at the front door, Put- Some secrets need DISABLED? Having trouble brances of record: to be shared. 30 yrs exp. Free Est. 239-6061 NOTICE OF ANNUAL Located in the 14th Civil District nam County Courthouse, 421 getting your social security or MEETING of Putnam County, Tennessee, East Spring Street, Cookeville, SEXUAL !!! VA disability? and more particularly described Tennessee, pursuant to Deed of THE BLESSED CARPENTER We can help! Call Disability The Industrial Development as follows: Trust executed by Michael D Honest. Dependable. Helping the Consulting @ 877-453-9151 Board of the City of Cookeville, Sagers and Kristy Sagers, to ASSAULT world get better one job at a time. Tennessee (the IDB) will hold an Kevin Jones, Trustee, on July it's not Let Me Help You! Rodney Hogue Beginning at a stake at the road your fault! Owner/Operator 931-881-5851 Annual Meeting on Thursday, 145 feet East of Davis northw- 13, 2007 at Record Book 406, March 10, 2016, at 8:00 a.m. in est boundary line of the Davis Page 90; all of record in the Put- the Boardroom of the Cookeville- nam County Register's Office. For confidential help home tract, and running thence or information, call Putnam County Chamber of East 70 feet with said road to a Party entitled to enforce security Commerce at One West First stake and oak pointers; thence interest: U.S. Bank National As- Street, Cookeville, Tennessee, sociation as Indenture Trustee South 208 feet to a stake and REPLACEMENT WINDOWS & for the following purposes: two maple pointers; thence West for Springleaf Mortgage Loan Trust 2013-2, Mortgage-Backed DOORS. Call today for free in- 66 feet to a stake, being the home Est. Serving Cookeville for 1. To review proposed changes corner of a tract of land con- Notes, Series 2013-2, its suc- to the City of Cookeville Resolu- cessors and assigns over 15 yrs. 931-Windows veyed previously to Clara Davis (931)526-5197 • 1-800-707-5197 GANTT'S AUTO TRIM tion delegating certain PILOT Lee; thence northward about The following real estate located & UPHOLSTERY powers to the IDB, and consider 208 feet to the beginning, con- in Putnam County, Tennessee, 127 Sheetrock,Drywall Complete Auto and Boat Interiors. acceptance of the powers gran- taining in all about one-third of will be sold to the highest call 020 Owner Wayne Gantt ted therein. an acre, be the same more or bidder subject to all unpaid Statewide Classifieds LUNA'S DRYWALL 931-372-7606 2. To consider and authorize an less, and being the Eastern por- taxes, prior liens and encum- Sheetrock Work: Hang, finish, Application to the City of DISH TV 190 channels plus tion of a tract of land heretofore brances of record: touch up. No job too big/small. 210 Child/Elder Care Cookeville City Council for Per- conveyed by R.L. & R.C. Walker Being a certain tract or parcel of Highspeed Internet Only Insured. 931-212-6899 mission to Amend the Certific- to Parazetta Davis under the land lying and being in the Tenth $49.94/mo! Ask about 3 year ate of Incorporation of the IDB to Civil District of Putnam County, price guarantee & Netflix in- I WOULD LIKE TO SIT date of September 6, 1918. This 130 Tree Service/Related with the elderly conform the stated purposes of also being the property con- Tennessee and being more par- cluded for 1 year! the IDB to the types of Projects ticularly described as follows: CALL 1-800-423-6015 Call Mary @ (931)319-3538 veyed to Hessie Davis Neal from OLD TIMERS TREE SERVICE authorized by T.C.A. 7-53-101 et Parzetta Davis by Warranty Beginning at a 1/2" rebar set in seq. 4 generations of tree care. I WOULD like to house clean Deed dated April 16, 1928, re- the east right-of-way of Lafay- 025 Special Notices or sit with elderly people part- 3. To authorize and execute Art- ette School Road, said point be- Specialize in dangerous tree corded February 14, 1984, in removal. Grind stumps. Lic/Ins. time. 931-252-3893, 372-2540. icles of Amendment to Charter of Book 254, page 427, Register's ing located S 27 deg. 40' 44" E the IDB to conform the stated 112.43' from the southernmost FOR YOUR T. Bowman 537-2466;260-5655 Office of Putnam County, Ten- CONVENIENCE 215 Employment Opp. purposes of the IDB to the types nessee. The said Hessie Davis corner of the lands of M & M TREE SERVICE of Projects authorized by T.C.A. Neal being the same person as Winchester (292/455), said point We trim, top & remove trees. 7-53-101 et seq. being the southernmost corner The Herald Citizen has installed ADMINISTRATIVE ASST: 40 Hessie Emalene Carter, now de- an after hours drop box for Also stump removal. hrs/wk, M-F. Must have excel- 4. To consider and approve pro- ceased, whose Will was pro- of the lands retained by the Free Est. Lic/Ins posed revisions to The Industri- Grantors and the westernmost ! Circulation Dept. payments lent communication and com- bated in the Probate Court for ! Classified Dept. payments Call 432-4382 or 260-6304 puter sklls and at least 5 yrs of- al Development Board of the Davidson County, Tennessee, in corner of the property described City of Cookeville, Tennessee herein; thence, leaving said ! Letters to the Editor ALLEN'S TREE SERVICE fice exp. Call (931)537-2230 1980. ! Community News Bulletin Policies and Procedures for Pay- right-of-way and creating a new Stump grinding, tree re- ANSEI AMERICA has immedi- ments-In-Lieu of Taxes (PILOT). severance line with the lands re- ! I Like to Know Questions The previous and last convey- ! News & Sports Info & Photos moval, topping.Lic'd/Ins'd. ate openings for the following 5. To consider and approve pro- ance being a Quit Claim Deed tained by the Grantors for two Roger Allen owner, postions. posed changes and updates to (2) calls as follows: N 54 deg. 54' from Michael David Cox to Di- YOUR LOCAL NEWS SOURCE 537-6493 / 979-6493 •Assembly 1st & 2nd shift the June 14, 2012 Amended and ana Faith Cox (f/k/a Diane Sand- 10" E 214.97' to a 1/2" rebar set, •Production Assistant Restated By-Laws of the Indus- S 39 deg. 02' 49" E 195.25' to a lin) executed on February 17, Herald-Citizen FARLEY TREE SERVICE •Quality Supervisor trial Development Board of the 2005 and recorded on October 3/8" rebar found, said point be- •Accounting Supervisor City of Cookeville, Tennessee. ing the northernmost corner of 1300 Neal Street Trimming & Removal. 2, 2006 at 2:05PM in Record Cookeville, TN 38501 Free Est. Lic'd/Ins'd. Accepting applications & re- 6. Election of Officers for the Book 344, Page 371, Register's the lands of Mathis (296/475) sumes M-F 8A-3P at 1659 N. coming year. and the easternmost corner of All wk guaranteed Office, Putnam County, Ten- 103 (931)520-0114, Grundy Quarles Hwy, G'sboro 7. Such other business as may nessee. the property described herein; Auto Svc. & Repair come before the Meeting. thence leaving the lands re- cell 239-6184 Best Western Thunderbird Parcel Number: 71G-D-7.00 Motel looking to hire for week- Current Owner(s) of Property: tained by the Grantors and run- J & A AUTO SERVICE Great Allen Ray, Secretary ning with the northwestern line of service at discount prices! TOW- EVERGREEN TREE service We end part time front desk night Dianna Faith Cox, fka Diane top, trim, prune & remove trees. auditor. Apply in person between Sandlin the lands of Mathis and a fence ING AVAILABLE 931-260-6459 The meeting will be open to the S 72 deg. 21' 14" W 288.70' to a Jeff Burchett & Shawn Rober- 9am-2pm, M-F. public. 1/2" rebar set in the east right-of- son. Satisfaction guaranteed Street Address: 513 East New 105 Cleaning Fully Ins'd (931)319-1199, 261-8870 2/26 Ave, Monterey, Tennessee way of Lafayette School Road, Weekly Job NOTICE TO CREDITORS 38574 said point being the western- 0 FIRST CARPET CARE 0 ARBOR MEDICS Tree Service ESTATE OF FRANK OWEN most corner of the lands of TOM'S CARPET CLEANING Owner: Scott Winningham. HADLOCK, DECEASED Notice Any property address provided is Mathis and the southernmost ++ 25YRS EXP++ LIC'D++ ISA Certified Arborist, Fairs and is hereby given that on 18TH not part of the legal description corner of the property described + PUTNAM GUARANTEED + #SO-5152-AT day of FEBRUARY 2016, Let- of the property sold herein and in herein; thence, leaving the lands 537-6829 / 261-1967 Hiring Events! of Mathis and running with said 349-2288 ters TESTAMENTARY in re- the event of any discrepancy, Same day service/Saturdays spect of the Estate of FRANK the legal description referenced right-of-way for two (2) calls as THE TREE GUYS OWEN HADLOCK, deceased herein shall control. follows; N 05 deg. 25' 13" W TREE SERVICE Call or stop by today to who died JANUARY 23RD 2016 SALE IS SUBJECT TO TEN- 56.38' to a 1/2" rebar set, N 17 108 Concrete,Masonry FREE ESTIMATES were issued to the undersigned ANT(S) RIGHTS IN POSSES- deg. 14" 12" W 62.22' to the Call (931)267-6191 or 319-7572 find out who is hiring! by the Probate Court of Putnam SION. point of beginning and contain- ing 0.861 acres by survey. Actu- BELLIS! CONCRETE LOCAL LOGGING Company County, Tennessee. All right of equity of redemption, Complete Concrete Work looking for timber to cut. Free All persons, resident and non- statutory and otherwise, and al field survey performed by Phil- 565-C S. Jefferson Ave. lip M. Staton, R. L. S. # 1636, on Slabs, driveways, bsmts, sidewalks Estimates. Call (931)808-5347 resident, having claims, ma- homestead are expressly waived Stamped & colored concrete, tured or unmatured, against the in said Deed of Trust, and the June 20, 2002. acid staining, exposed aggregate. (931) 520-8789 estate are required to file same title is believed to be good, but Serving Cookeville Area Since 1997 135 Yard Work/Related with the Clerk of the above- the undersigned will sell and Subject to easements, restric- Licensed, insured. Drug free work- named Court on or before the convey only as Substitute Trust- tions, and covenants of record, if place. 858-6240 / 528-6240 RHETT BUTLER's any. earlier of the dates prescribed in ee. COOKEVILLE CONCRETE LAWN CARE INTERNATIONAL SPECIALTY (1) or (2) otherwise their claims If you purchase a property at Driveways, slabs, all types of Mowing, Landscaping, Mulching, SUPPLY will be forever barred: the foreclosure sale, the en- This being the same property Yard Maintenance conveyed to Michael D. Sagers stamped concrete, all types of has immediate opening to ex- (1)(A) Four (4) months from the tire purchase price is due and metal bldgs. 20% disc to all Sr Call local cell 544-3303 pand our seed & equip. sales date of the first publication of this payable at the conclusion of from Bob Johnson & Judy John- son herein by Deed dated Citizens. Winter time special. LAWN MOWING: Gutter clean- team. This sales person will ser- notice if the creditor received an the auction in the form of a 40 yrs exp. Lic/Ins. (931) 284-8663 vice existing accts, obtain or- actual copy of this notice to cred- certified/bank check made 05/05/04 and recorded 05/13/04 ing, light hauling. odd jobs, re- in Deed Book RB 149 at Page move old barns & buildings, gar- ders, establish new accts by itors at least sixty (60) days be- payable to or endorsed to 110 planning/organizing daily work fore the date that is four (4) Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No per- 361 . Construction Work age cleaning. Free Est, Reason- schedule to call existing & poten- months from the date of the first sonal checks will be accepted. Parcel Number: 035 011.04 able rates. 432-0863 / 510-4040 tial new customers via phone & publication; or To this end, you must bring Current Owner(s) of Property: BOB'S Construction: Specializ- email. No travel necessary. The Michael D Sagers, an unmarried ing in concrete, brick/block, addi- MOWING, LANDSCAPING, (B) Sixty (60) days from the date sufficient funds to outbid the Pressure Washing, hauling, successful candidate will have the creditor received an actual lender and any other bidders. person tions, remodels, hardwood/tile, prior exp. in sales, customer ser- roofing, building packages, and cleaning, odd jobs. Free Est. copy of the notice to creditors if Insufficient funds will not be Call 265-5775 vice, general computer skills, the creditor received the copy of accepted. Amounts received Street Address: 185 Lafayette all your construction needs. knowledge of MS Office, & ex- the notice less than sixty (60) in excess of the winning bid School Road, Baxter, Tenness- Lic'd/Ins'd. Quality Work • Afford- cellent written communication days prior to the date that is four will be refunded to the suc- ee 38544 able Prices 931-319-6107. skills. Initial salary based on (4) months from the date of first cessful purchaser at the time B&B ROOFING YARD MAN qualifications, will transition to publication as described in the foreclosure deed is de- Any property address provided is FREE Est., experienced full commission when fully not part of the legal description Roof Repairs & Replacements. (1)(A): or livered. Home Repairs & Remodeling, Low rates, great work. trained. Pls mail resume to 1011 (2) Twelve (12) months from the This property is being sold with of the property sold herein and in Mowing. Volunteer Dr, Ckvl TN 38506. the event of any discrepancy, Comm/Res. Lic'd/Ins'd. Free Est. decedent's date of death. the express reservation that the Call (931)526-6557 931-432-2494 or 931-261-4629 Resume can be emailed (as a sale is subject to confirmation by the legal description referenced PDF, pls, not a Word document) This 18TH DAY OF FEBRUARY the lender or trustee. This sale herein shall control. FLATT CONSTRUCTION For WOULD LIKE to do yard work to [email protected]. 2016 may be rescinded at any time. SALE IS SUBJECT TO TEN- all your building needs. Any Call ANT(S) RIGHTS IN POSSES- home repair, plumbing, garages, (931)650-1005 SION. Signed THOMAS JON HAD- Shapiro & Ingle, LLP decks, porches, siding, roofing, DODSON LAWN CARE! LOCK EXECUTOR a Tennessee limited liability part- All right of equity of redemption, additions.(931)265-5687 statutory and otherwise, and • Commercial - Residential nership Substitute Trustee • Mowing Attorney for the Estate 10130 Perimeter Parkway homestead are expressly waived ALL TYPES of Backhoe Work, in said Deed of Trust, and the All types of Water lines, Footers; • Landscaping Cookeville office opened in 1987 GARRETT KNISLEY Suite 400 • Sod by Arnold E. Lefkovitz 2122 21ST AVENUE SOUTH Charlotte, NC 28216 title is believed to be good, but all types of Basement Water the undersigned will sell and Proofing; Top soil, Field Dirt de- • Seed & Aerate ALL TYPES OF NASHVILLE, TN 37212 Phone: (704) 333-8107 • Mulch Fax: (704) 333-8156 convey only as Substitute Trust- livered. (931)252-1486, 510-0696 ee. • Fertilize BANKRUPTCIES Marcia Borys, Circuit and 15 years experience. Chapter 7 • Chapter 11 • Chapter 12 • Chapter 13 Probate Clerk If you purchase a property at 120 Painting/Wallpaper the foreclosure sale, the en- Use Commercial More than 35 years of experience filing 421 East Spring Street File No. 16-104757 Equipment Call (931) 260-8646 tens of thousands of bankruptcies. Cookeville, TN 38501 2/19, 26, 3/4 tire purchase price is due and PAINTING/ STAINING / P. payable at the conclusion of • STOP Garnishments • STOP Foreclosures 2/26, 3/4 WASH, window screens, BUSHHOGGING • STOP Repossessions • STOP Debt Harassment the auction in the form of a Plumb., Elec., Storm Doors. 38 certified/bank check made FREE ESTIMATES yrs exp. Exc. Ref's. Call David, (931) 510-8505 payable to or endorsed to 931-445-3796 or 265-0639. Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No per- BUSHHOGGING GARDEN ADOPTIONS sonal checks will be accepted. BUDGET PAINTING CO. TILLING, FRONT END LOAD- DIVORCE To this end, you must bring Int/Ext Painting & Log/Deck ER, DIRT & GRAVEL WORK CHILD CUSTODY sufficient funds to outbid the Staining, Power Wash Vinyl, LAWNMOWING,Reasonable lender and any other bidders. Driveways. FREE EST. Lic./Ins. Rates. Exp'd(931)261-7871 WILLS & PROBATE Insufficient funds will not be Call 931-525-6482 312-A East Broad St., Cookeville accepted. Amounts received AFFORDABLE LAWN CARE Serving Cookeville & the Entire Upper Cumberland Area in excess of the winning bid KERBY PAINTING Mowing, Aerating, Over Seed- 528-5297 will be refunded to the suc- CHECK OUT MY WORK ing, Mulching, Trimming cessful purchaser at the time Go to Make Appt. (931)260-1659 We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for relief. the foreclosure deed is de- Ask for Mike (931) 979-3122 Lic'd/Ins'd FREE Estimates © 2014 Lefkovitz & Lefkovitz l
B4 — HERALD-CITIZEN, Cookeville, Tenn. — — Friday, February 26, 2016 215 Employment Opp. 215 Employment Opp. 215 Employment Opp. 215 Employment Opp. 215 Employment Opp. 215 Employment Opp.
City of Cookeville Cookeville Regional Medical HOME CAREGIVERS is seek- P&T HEALTHCARE: Seeking Customer Service Clerk I Center seeking ing experienced, mature, com- FT & PT DIRECT CARE STAFF EXPERIENCED HVAC passionate, dependable care- in Lebanon, Mboro, Nashville, High school education or equi- • Food Service Aides givers to work in-home care in Cookeville, & Smithville to INSTALLERS NEEDED valent required. Experience in EXPERIENCED SPRAYER and Duties may include stock receiv- the Putnam Co. area. Duties provide health services, person- R e s i d e n t i a l a n d clerical work involving consider- PAINT MIXER ing and delivery, food prepara- would include personal care, al care, & housekeeping for able contact with the public and tion, patient tray line and cafe light housekeeping & meal prep. people with mental disability. commercial experience. handling money preferred. Suc- Cabinet manufacturer is looking service, patient tray deliver, dish If you are interested & have a REQ: 18 yrs old, HS Salary based on cessful applicant will respond to for experienced spray person. room duties, and cleaning as- genuine desire to assist the eld- diploma/GED, & Pass back- customer inquiries and resolve Minimum two years experience signments such aserly give us a call at 931-528- ground checks. NO EXP experience, including complaints concerning utility spraying, mixing & matching col- sweeping/mopping, trash and 8585 or send resume to NEEDED. Pay $8.50-$10. Apply Retirement, vacation and bills; receives, opens and pro- ors. Benefits include: good pay cardboard removal. High school at www.paulineandtho- cess mail; process customer util- based on experience, paid holi- diploma or equivalent preferred. Orientations are beginning soon or call 615- i n s u r a n c e . ity payments; balance cash days, paid vacations, health, Previous experience preferred. so please give us a call. 896-8231. Apply in person @ boxes daily; process and pre- dental & life insurance. We are a Kill of all trades. Must know Charles Stone Heating & pare accounts for utility billing; Tennessee drug free workplace. • Cashiers take requests for letters of credit; Assumes daily responsibility for computers. Variety of duties. R&B Metals in Gainesboro, Please apply in person or send Must be detail oriented. Cross- TN. Looking for carport in- Cooling, LLC maintain landlord and rental resume by fax, email or mail. performing routine tasks that in- property files; maintain active clude duties for production, pa- ville area. Call aft 10AM 931- stallers, some contractors and/or 315 Transport Drive, utility files; interviews the public tient line, catering/special 456-8505 Co. crew leaders. Also looking SMITHPORT CABINETRY for helpers. We install garages & A l g o o d on matters requiring the inter- 1045 WEST BROAD STREET events, coffee cart and/or retail. pretation of office policies and Duties may include stock receiv- carports in TN, Alabama, Missis- Or email resume to SMITHVILLE, TN 37166 sippi, Kentucky. So travel is a procedures; processes custom- 615-597-5890 ing and delivery, food prepara- [email protected] er applications for utility ser- tion, patient tray line and cafe MUST. Contractors must have 615-597-2193 FAX Ins., Workers Comp. liability, vices; must have ability to read [email protected] service, patient tray delivery, and analyze service orders and cashier assignments, dish room truck trailer, tools & own help. utility bills; must have good F/T IT Help Desk: Cash Ex- duties, and cleaning assign- Local Cookeville Co. is looking Co. crew leaders will work for hand-eye coordination. Ability to press Hiring in Cookeville ments such as sweeping/mop- for a warehouse/box truck driver/ R&B & will be supplied with speak clearly on the telephone Cash Express is hiring a full-time ping, trash and cardboard re- 18 wheeler as well. Must have everything. Pls email if inter- and in person essential. Will per- IT Help Desk position to join a moval. CDL's. Home every night, 40+ ested form related work as required. growing team that supports the High school diploma or equival- hrs/week. Must be able to lift 50- [email protected] SALESMAN DRIVER Applications/resumes must be company’s 350+ stores. Re- ent required. Previous experi- 75 pds & forklift experience is a or fax 931-268-6779 received by 4:30 p.m., Monday, sponsibilities include software in- ence preferred. plus. Company offers Insurance, INSTALLER March 14, 2016 to: Human Re- stallation, network setup, hard- 401K & vacation after 1 yr. Ap- A & C Propane Gas in sources Department, City of • Clinical Dietician ply 25 So. Whitney Ave, Ckvl. SOMEONE NEEDED for com- ware preparation and support mercial cleaning in the even- Cookeville has an opening Cookeville, P.O. Box 998, over the phone. Job includes ac- This position is responsible for Cookeville, TN 38503-0998 or e- nutrition assessment, care plan- LOOKING FOR P/T Job? Look- ings, 5 days per wk, 3-4 hrs per for a local propane gas cess to medical, dental, vision ing for your first job? Bobby day, Ref's req'd. 526-7328 mail [email protected] EOE and life insurance. Email re- ning, monitoring, education and delivery salesman truck counseling of hospitalized pa- Q's now hiring kitchen help & sume to dishwashers. Pls come in & fill driver and tank installer. City of Cookeville [email protected] tients and outpatients in a vari- SUBCONTRACTOR: ABOVE Dept. of Leisure Services & ety of settings. Conduct in-ser- out application @ 428 E. Broad Ground Pool Installer Must have CDL-HazMat off the square. No Ph. calls pls. Public Facilities Cookeville Regional Medical vice training. Plans, implements, Tanker, best job with is now accepting application for Center seeking and evaluates means to im- Pool & Spa Depot of Ckvl, TN is Cane Creek Park Host/Hostess. prove customer satisfaction on a Cookeville Regional Medical looking for Exp'd subcontractors excellent pay and benefits. Center seeking A valid driver's license and abil- • Housekeepers and Floor continuous basis. Places orders for above ground pool installa- Please call (615)525-6584 ity to deal effectively with the for equipment and supplies, and tions for the 2016 season. Sub- Techs Full-Time Master Plumber or 1-800-874-4427 ext. 144 public are required. Some exper- Successful candidates will per- arrange for the routine mainten- contractor must provide their ience in concession operation or form daily cleaning procedures ance and upkeep of the equip- own worker's compensation, li- or [email protected] working with money preferred. ment and facility. This position is responsible for in accordance with CRMC train- the upkeep of all plumbing sys- ability insurance & equipment. Greeting and assisting people ing. High school graduate pre- Position is F/T & weekends are LEGITIMATE JOB placement using shelters, cleaning, closing EDUCATION: Bachelor of Sci- tems consistent with the Medic- firms that work to fill specific po- ferred, but may be waived if able al Center’s strategies and object- req'd. Excellent pay & career op- & securing park as req’d; must to read, write, follow oral and ence Degree in Nutrition or Di- portunity. Please apply in per- sitions cannot charge an upfront be able to handle complaints etetics, as well as the comple- ives. Included: Assist the Main- written communications and do tenance Supervisor of Plant Fa- son at 1470 Interstate Dr, Ckvl, fee. For free information about and problems regarding custom- simple math calculations. Experi- tion of an Academy of Nutrition TN 38501 or send resume to avoiding employment service ers. Must be able to do light lift- and Dietetics approved intern- cilities in meeting compliance ence preferred. with city, state, federal, NFPA [email protected] scams, write to the Federal ing. Will be using cleaning sup- ship or clinical experience. Suc- Trade Commission, 600 plies such as: detergents, cessfully passed RD exam. Li- and JCAHO regulations relating • Full-Time 3rd shift Environ- applicable codes. Installation, al- Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, brooms, mops, etc. Must be able mental Services Supervisor censed in the State of Tenness- Warehouse/Driver Position Washington, DC 20580, or you to work in all weather conditions ee by the Board of Dietitian/Nu- teration, relocation, replacement, Duties include: Drive Straight This position is responsible for troubleshoot, design, preventive can go online to and assist with special events & reporting to the Environmental tritionist Examiners. Certified Truck to transort materials/Pull boat rentals. Must be able to Diabetes Educator (C.D.E.) re- maintenance, repair and service Orders/Schedule Truck for pick- Services Manager and or Direct- to all plumbing systems. Per- This message is a public service of work flexible schedule including or for work and scheduling. Per- quired for the Diabetes Educa- ups. Must have good communic- the Herald-Citizen & weekends. Position open until tion Program. forms as lead plumber, per- ation skills & computer know- Regional Buyers Guide. form daily cleaning procedures forms boiler watch, safety sur- filled. 15-25/hpw @$7.25/hr. An- in accordance with CRMC train- ledge, must be able to bend & ticipated start date April 1, 2016. EXPERIENCE: Prefer minimum veillance, and helps other trades stoop & lift 75#. ing videos in assigned areas. as needed/requested. Maintains 241 Health Care Emp. ATTN: HR Dept., PO Box 998, Day to day operations on the pa- of 3-5 years previous related ex- Cookeville, TN 38503 or e-mail perience, training or equivalent complete safety records. Apply in person only (NO tient floors and ancillary/support EDUCATION: High school dip- CNA/RESIDENT Assistant, FT, [email protected]. EOE areas. Record work completed combination of education and PHONE CALLS PLEASE). experience. loma or equivalent required. medical/dental/vision insurance on Area Assignment Checklist, and paid time off after 90 days; Customer Service Rep Must have a current Tennessee Apply at 465 Universal Dr, Ckvl, maintain, employee scheduling, Master Plumber license. Work in a rewarding job with complete quality assurance pro- • Cook/Baker TN 38506 Tues-Fri 12P-1P. Eagle Credit LLC, is looking for Under the direction of the Lead EXPERIENCE: Five years of great people. Apply in person, gram daily and complete patient plumbing school or five year of Morningside Assisted Living, a motivated; results oriented surveys daily. Police assigned Chef and Immediate Supervisor CSR. The ideal candidate must this skilled individual assumes OJT. Experience in another WE CURRENTLY have a full 1010 East Spring Street, Ckvl. areas at the beginning of each health care facility desirable. time position open in our A/R have high school diploma and shift, respond to Housekeeping daily responsibility for preparing IMMEDIATE CAREGIVER customer service/ retail experi- all menu items using recipes Computer experience needed. Dept. Duties will be daily charge pages and perform other tasks entry, payment posting & light in OPENINGS ence. Experience operating cash provided by the Lead Chef. En- Medical Gas certification prefer- Full & Part time positions available as assigned by Director. able (welder/installer). house collections. We offer drawer a plus. Must be able to EDUCATION: High school dip- sures that customers are served for mature, experienced caregivers work independently and as a properly and in a timely manner. 401K, group health insurance & who have a passion for providing loma or equivalent education Apply online at: short term disability. Please team member. Self motivated preferred. Ensures quality is maintained care for our senior population in Put- with a desire to succeed, goal and safety and sanitation email resume & any questions nam, Overton, Jackson, Macon, & EXPERIENCE: Must have three E.O.E. about the position to White Counties. We prefer applic- oriented and have the ability to year’s previous supervisory ex- guidelines are observed. meet deadlines. The successful o High school diploma or equi- [email protected]. ants who can offer a flexible sched- perience in Environmental Ser- Now accepting applications for You may also fax your resume to ule, may include some weekends & candidate will be able to multi vices Management or 5 years valent required. Requires minim- over night, and willing to be on call task, handle multiple accounts, um of 1-year previous related the following positions: 888-990-1227 previous supervisory experience • Operators & Laborers for for emergency fill-in cases. We offer posses excellent communica- in related fields, i.e. Hospitality, experience, training or equival- very competitive wages as well as a tion and organizational skills. ent combination of education undergound utility construction very lucrative incentive program. Ap- Building Management, and/or We do water lines, sewer, storm Interested applicants are asked Food Service Industry. and experience. EXPERIENCED ply Mon-Fri 9A-4P. to email resume to drains & grading. Come to the Visiting Angels [email protected] Apply online at following address to put in your P L U M B E R S N E E D E D 1151 So. Willow Ave, Suite B For more information and to application bwtn 8A-4P Mon-Fri or stop by our office at 349 apply go to 931-372-7777 • 9am - 4pm Foutch Dr. Cookeville, TN E.O.E. @ H&H Underground Services, R e s i d e n t i a l a n d Cookeville, TN 8555 Old Baxter Rd, Baxter, TN. E.O.E. commercial experience. D&S Community Services is FRONT DESK Clerk needed: Phone: 858-5850 MEDICAL ASSISTANTS hiring for responsible DSP / Apply in person at LaQuinta Inn Salary based on needed for medical practice. Cookeville Regional Medical Bring resume to 586-L So. Jef- Caregiver’s in Ckvl, TN. Must Center seeking and Suites, must be able to work experience, including ferson Ave, Ckvl. have valid driver’s license, liabil- 4 days per week, weekends and Retirement, vacation and ity ins & be able to pass a back- Full-Time & PRN Registration holidays. NEEDED: Dental Hygienist, ground check. Starting pay $9 Representatives i n s u r a n c e . Dental Asst & front office person Apply in person 805 West Jack- Handy Mart Laundry seeking Now Hiring Warehouse: Re- Apply in person @ with billing exp. Send resume to son, Ckvl TN 38501 or contact This position is responsible for someone who can work nights & quires forklift exp, assembly [email protected] Brandi at 931-526-5003 serving as first impression of the weekends, fold clothes & ironing skills, able to lift 50 lbs, & able to Charles Stone Heating hospital while initiating the regis- req'd.. Application on site. must pass drug test 401(k) avail, & Cooling, LLC STAR PHYSICAL Therapy is EXP'D Concrete Finishers. tration processes in a profes- be able to work nights & week- health ins. Apply in person 25 looking for a full time Licensed Bellis Concrete sional and consistent manner by ends Call (931)261-0273 So Whitney Ave, Ckvl. 315 Transport Drive, Physical Therapist at our 1870 W. Broad, Ckvl. 528-6240 assuring prompt and proper Algood Cookeville clinic. Great pay, ex- treatment for all patients. Will HEAVENLY HOST Lutheran NURSERY WORKER P/T: Ap- cellent benefits. Please submit FSDC Assistant Manager perform certain functions on the School is searching for a P/T plicants must be at least 18 yrs Or email resume to cover letter & resume to Advertisement front end of the registration pro- bookkeeper. The individual old, be currently certified in CPR [email protected] [email protected]. cess, which decreases the wait needs to have experience in & First Aid, infants & children. Four Seasons Resort and Mar- time for patients and hospital de- QuickBooks, processing payroll, Required hrs are Sundays, 8:15 ina in Smithville, TN is seeking partments. generating invoices, Microsoft a.m.–12:15p.m., & Wednesdays, an Assistant Manager for full- Office, & must have a general 3:45–8:3 p.m., w/additional & time, seasonal employment from EDUCATION: High School Dip- understanding of accounting special event hours req'd. Apply April through October with the loma or GED. practices. Customer service is in person to Cookeville First potential for additional off-sea- key when working with parents. United Methodist Church, 165 E. son employment. It is preferred EXPERIENCE: Previous experi- 25-30 hrs/wk. Applicants should Broad St. or online at NHC the applicant have skills in ence preferred in a medical set- call HHLS at (931 520-3766 equipment use, mechanical, ting involving clerical and basic general repairs, pool mainten- medical terminology. Minimum of N ATIONAL H EALTH C ARE C ORPORATION ance, painting, minor electrical, one year of clerical office setting TRANSPORTATION LOAD plumbing, and carpentry. Minim- required. um High School diploma re- PLANNER / BROKER quired. Please send resume by Apply online at February 29, 2016 to CB Trucking is an asset based truckload carrier with primary service [email protected] E.O.E. lanes within a 1000 mile radius of Cookeville, TN. We pride ourselves in doing the small things right, taking care of our employees and offering unmatched service to our customers. Our commitment to excellent service and above average retention has allowed our company to grow and we are currently looking for a Load Planner/Broker to be located in our Cookeville, TN operations center.
Primary Responsibilities : Independent Opportunities, Inc. is a nonprofit • Secure 3 rd party trucks (broker trucks) to move customer freight. organization providing community based services to • Secure loads for company trucks, manage needs for drivers and persons with intellectual disabilities and the elderly. We customers. NHC HealthCare of Cookeville is are accepting applications for the following position: • Manage routing, time management and departmental campaigns to ensure company objectives are achieved. Now Accepting Applications for • Process driver messages and questions. P ROGRAM COORDINATOR • Work across all departments to centrally disseminate information the Following Positions: to the driving fleet including safety, maintenance and dispatch We are seeking a mature, dependable, team oriented information. professional with managerial experience, computer Certified Nursing Assistants proficiency, and good written and oral skills. Ideal Requirements : • Self-motivation. (CNA) FT/PT All Shifts candidates will be well organized, have experience • Listening skills. working with people with developmental disabilities, • Independent worker. have reliable transportation, and the ability to be on-call. • Computer literate. Registered Nurse (RN) • Required minimum 45 hours weekly. • Must have excellent employee relations skills. Monday-Thursday 11-7 Shift This position offers health insurance, paid vacation, paid • Must have excellent communication skills, both written and verbal. holiday, and travel reimbursement. Salary commensurate • Must have good interaction with our customers, vendors and with shipping personnel at our customer facilities. Please apply in person: with education and related experience. Bachelor’s degree • Must have knowledge of DOT rules and regulations. p r e f e r r e d . E . O . E . • Ability to adapt easily to change. 815 South Walnut Avenue • Must have strong problem solving abilities. Interested applicants may apply online at • Must have an impeccable work ethic. Cookeville, TN 38501, or submit a resume • Must have geographical knowledge of the United States. in person, or by mail to: • Current transportation experience a plus. Applications Accepted Independent Opportunities, Inc. • Education; high school or equivalent. C/O: Burlinda Wright If you are self-driven in achieving the goals set by management, and Monday-Friday 8:00AM-4:00PM. 25 West Broad Street, Suite 11 have the capability of managing truck drivers, please submit resume with work and pay history to [email protected] , or apply in person at Equal Opportunity Employer Cookeville, TN 38501 7052 Roberts Matthews Hwy., Cookeville, TN 38506. HERALD-CITIZEN, Cookeville, Tenn. — — Friday, February 26, 2016 — B5 241 Health Care Emp. 510 Misc. For Sale 720 Apts/Duplex For Rent 740 Comm & Indus/Rent 830 Open Houses 830 Open Houses
HAVING A HARD TIME SEE- 2BR, 1BA. Stove, refrig, DW, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 ING the print in your favorite CH/A, cable pd. $360/mo. Small 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM 1PM - 3PM Newspaper, Magazine or Bible pets OK!! Call 526-1988. 114 Brook Lane, 38506 829 Oaklawn Court or ever had trouble reading the 2BR Ranch Duplex. Attached From PCCH: E on Spring St, N No. Washington, R on E 6th, L telephone directory or a map? carport, city water & elec, on Hwy 111, R on Paran Rd, L on Breeding, R on Oaklawn, L $315/mo. 261 S. Franklin, Apt 1 on Hwy 42, R on brook Ln, home on Oaklawn Court. $289,000. Now Available city of Ckvl. 931-738-9042 on R. $250,000. Host: Julio Un- Hosting Agent: Donnita Hill. See RN Family Birth Unit Full Time Northgate Business Park: zueta. Listing Agent: Jane Flatt. our display ad in Sunday's Feb- RN Mental Health Full Time Deluxe Framed 2BR, 1.5BA Condo in middle of 4800 SF Ground level & See our display ad in Sunday, ruary 28th's Herald -Citizen RN Emergency Room Full Time MAGNIFYING SHEET town. 15A Denton Ave. 3000 SF Suite avail. 261-7903 February 28th's Herald-Citizen Classifieds for more details. To apply go to $650/mo, $650/dep. Call classified for more details. Hill Realty (931)979-7014 ONLY $3.25 EA. PLUS TAX !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIRST REALTY CO. Office: (931)526-4455 RETAIL & OFFICE SPACE 528-1573 Cell: 261-1500 283 Trucking Emp. GET ONE TODAY!! Great locations, competitive Julio: 979-0141 Fax: 526-4300 rents. Call 372-8720 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 CDL DRIVER: Class A OTR ! Start Seeing SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 1PM - 3PM w/good record needed. Flexible ! Start Reading 1:00PM - 3:00 PM 2897 Hyder Mountain time out & routes. For more info, 825 Homes For Sale 437 Kenway St From PCCH; E on Spring/Hwy call business hrs: 615-390-2787 N on Washington, L on Freehill, 70E, L on Poplar Grove, R on Herald-Citizen $0 CASH to Move In!!! L on Kenwy, house on L. Rocky Point Rd, L on Hyder DRIVERS WANTED. 18 mos 1300 Neal Street New custom built homes at spec $112,900. Host: Scott Weaver. Mountain Rd. $199,900. Hosting: flatbed experience. CDL license. Cookeville, TN. 38501 home prices! Ready for you and Listing Agent: Delores Ford. See Kayla Wooley. See our display Home weekends. 931-686-2977 931-526-9715 your family. New Home, full war- our display ad in Sunday Feb- ad in Sunday, February 28th's FOR RENT ranty, extra nice large home ruay 28th's Herald-Citizen Clas- Herald-Citizen Classified for 290 Schools/Instruction WHY NOT SUBSCRIBE 1 , 2 & 3 Bedroom Apts, Houses. sites, fully landscaped. Prices sifieds for more details. more details. TODAY? Many locations start at $133,900. FIRST REALTY CO HILL REALTY NO HIGH SCHOOL DI- FALCON REALTY, Call Now! 528-1573 Office: (931)526-4455 PLOMA NEEDED. How often 515 Garage/Yard Sales 528-2158 Very Limited Number For Sale! Delores: (931)260-6223 Cell: 931-704-9180 do you see that? Putnam Call Greg Baugh Construction Scott: (931)239-3130 Fax: 526-4300 at 931-261-3110 County Adult High School can CYPRESS CREEK APTS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 show you a way to complete PLANNING A Leasing 1, 2, & 3 Bedroom Apts SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 1PM - 3PM the credits you missed when Security Deposit only $250! 12:00PM - 2:00 PM 4025 Juanita Drive you were in school before. YARD SALE??? 600 W. 8th Street • Cookeville 1039 Rivervend Dr 38506 From PCCH: E on Spriing/Hwy Flexible schedule -- days or 931-372-1605 - EHO* E on Spring, R on 111, L on Old 70, L on Poplar Grove, R on evenings. Individualized Live within the city limits Sparta, L at 2nd entrance of Rocky Point Rd, L on Shelby, L study. Possible credit for work DUPLEX - 3 lrg BR's, 2BA's River Road, house on L. on Juanita Dr. $219,000. Host- or armed services training. of Algood or Cookeville? In City - $900/mo $229,000. Host: Donna Gattis. ing: Kelly Morgan. See our dis- Relaxed atmosphere. Free. Call (931)528-1689 1830 BAYVIEW $170,000: 3BR, 2BA under construction. Listing Agent: Delores Ford. See play ad in Sunday, February If you are between 18 and You MUST go to your DUPLEX: 2 lrg BR's, 2BA, our display ad in Sunday Feb- 28th's Herald Citizen Classi- 118 and want information 260-4227 or 261-7979 single car gar, appls, DW, ruay 28th's Herald-Citizen Clas- fied for more details. about registering, call city’s business office to front/back porches, No pets. sifieds for more details. HILL REALTY 528-8685. This could be your obtain a permit. Close to TTU/H.S. $700/mo. 716 FIRST REALTY CO 526-4455 year to graduate. If you can Bradley Dr, Apt A. Shown by appt 528-1573 Kelly: (931)349-4492 dream it, you can do it. City of Algood only. (931)261-5826 aft 5P or lv msg Delores: (931)260-6223 Fax: (931)526-4300 Donna: (931)881-8577 215 W Main St. FOR RENT 1, 2, & 3 BR Apart- SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 315 Financial Services Algood, TN ments, 3BR Homes. Clean, & 1PM - 3PM well maintained, conveniently SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 129 Maxwell Street IT'S ILLEGAL for companies or located. NO PETS. Call for avail- 1PM -3PM From PCCH: No on Washington, doing business by phone to ability Mon- Fri 665 Julia Dr R on E. 10th, 10th turns into promise you a loan and ask you City of Cookeville JUDD PROPERTIES 526-2119 From PCCH: So on Jefferson, L Main St, R on Maxwell. to pay for it before they deliver. 45 E. Broad Street Gray Hunter Arms: 2BR, 1BA. on Julia Dr, turn L to stay on Ju- $136,000. Hosting Agent: Ron For free information about avoid- lia Dr, home on L. $179,900. Williams. See our display ad in Cookeville, TN Peaceful, cable/water pd. 5820 Southern Hills Dr. (adja- ing advance fee loan scams, $595/mo. 528-1441. Hosting: Amy Lee. See our dis- Sunday, February 28th's Herald- write to the Federal Trade Com- cent to Southern Hills golf play ad in Sunday February Citizen classified for more in- ESTATE SALE course) New 2 story, Stone/Sid- mission, Washington, D.C., FRI, SAT .. 8AM-4PM 28th's Herald Citizen Classi- formation. 20580 or call the National Fraud IN TOWN. Clean 1BR fully ing 4BR, 3BA, 2456 SF+ garage. fied for more details. Hill Realty 3225 Haney Dr, 38506 furn'd efficiency. All utilities, dish $215k, 931-544-3849, Ditty Rd/ Information Center,4 rooms of bedding, tools, office, FIRST REALTY CO Office: 526-4455 1-800-876-7060. This message network, W&D, DW, FS kitchen, Ben Jared Rd/ Southern Hills Dr. 528-1573 Cell: 265-5209 household, & other MISC private patio, approx 600SF. Ref is a public service of the ITEMS! Amy: (931)881-6717 Fax: 526-4300 Herald-Citizen & Regional Buy- req'd $700/mo (931)261-3890 ers Guide. NOW OPEN SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 840 Lots & Acreage 540 Firewood/Stoves GREENWOOD PLACE FEDERAL LAW allows you to 1:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M. 1, 2, 3 Bedrooms 580 E 3rd St, Ckvl 32.3 AC - Swafford Rd, creek correct your credit report for FIREWOOD SALE Office Hrs: 8:30-5:00 .. Mon-Fri free. For more information about From PCCH: Travel E on Broad front, fire hydrants, bwtn TTU & $45 or $55/rick. We can deliver 265 Quinland Lake Rd, Ckvl St, L at Maple St, R at E 3rd St, new I-40 exit. $8750/ac, 10% dn. credit repair scams, write to the Call (931)349-4219 (931)451-1355 Federal Trade Commission, home on L. $138,500. Hosting: Call 432-1718 7157 COLEMAN CIRCLE Janice Moores. See our display Washington, D.C., 20580 or call OAK FIREWOOD SMALL 2BR Apt, Market $199k. New & Ready to Move LOT 4 SALE: Hawkins Hill S/D, the National Fraud Information $65/rick delivered Square, 41 E. 4th St. $425/mo. ad in Sunday February 28th's .48 acres $16,000. Buffalo Val- Into! 3BR, 2BA Craftsman Style. Herald-Citizen classified for Center, 1-800-876-7060. This Call 931-808-5347 Water incl'd. (931)267-3594, 260-4227 or 261-7979 ley Rd just off Hawkins Craw- message is a public service of 526-8504 more details. ford. Call (931)432-1092. FIRST REALTY CO. the Herald-Citizen& Regional 545 Pets & Supplies TERRACE VIEW Town Homes Buyers Guide. 528-1573 offers 3BR town homes in a Janice: 260-2605 LOOKING FOR A PET? Adopt country setting. Call for availabil- 410 Cycles & ATVs your new best friend! ity…931-528-7633. 1366 Cres- Visit us online at www.aarf- cent Dr, Ckvl. Office hours Tues- SUNDAY FEBRUARY 28 12:30PM - 2:00PM 2007 HARLEY DAVIDSON to see all of our rescued day & Thursday DYNA Super Glide, dogs, cats, puppies and kittens! 2424 Herbert Garrett Rd 38506 garage kept, alarm system, Meet the dogs and cats for ad- EHO So on Willow, R on Herbert Gar- lots of chrome. $9,500. option at our adoption events - 7161 COLEMAN CIRCLE rett, home on L. $92,929. Host: (931)528-0348 / 260-0405 call, email or visit our website for 725 Houses For Rent $199k. 3BR, 2BA under con- Tyler Wilson. See our display ad our event schedule. All pets are struction. 260-4227 or 261-7979 in Sunday February 28th's Her- ald Citizen classified for more 425 Autos for Sale fully vetted and already fixed. 1, 2, 3, & 4 BR Houses & Apts A.A.R.F. is a 501(c)(3) non- details. Starting at $325/mo or Beautiful Craftsman Cottage. AMERICAN WAY R.E. profit, no-kill animal $81.25/wk . Pets OK. 2400 SF, 3BR, 2BA, 7 chan- rescue/foster organization run by 526-9581 Stevens Realty LLC deliers, completely furnished Tyler: (931)349-2012 volunteers. Please be part of the 866-806-3815 O/A w/antiques. Look at Craftsman solution to end animal overpopu- Cottage in Ckvl on Facebook. lation - spay or neuter your pets. "We Now Offer Weekly Rentals" $199,900. (931)260-5762 SUNDAY FEBRUARY 28 A.A.R.F. (All About Rescue and 22:30PM - 4:00PM Fixin' Inc.) 1506 Tiffany Place: 4BR, 2161 Wynd Walker Dr 38506 931-260-8018 (voicemail only) • 2.5BA. Office/den, hdwd & tile, So on Willow, L on Burgess 2c garage. $1200/mo. 526-4118, School, R on Wynd Walker, 2006 FORD E-350XL Cargo 260-6868 home in cul-de-sac. $143,929. Van: 6.8L V10, AC, cruise, BLUE PITS 13 wks, $300. If in- Host: Tyler Wilson. See our dis- 163K. Good tires. Excellent terested call 931-349-0185. Not 3BR , 2.5BA. 1,460SF one story play ad in Sunday February shape. $8,395. Call Registered house, 2c gar, LG yard. 28th's Herald Citizen classified 931-372-2775 or 931-979-7879 for more details. FREE BLACK FEMALE PUPPY $1050/mo + dep. 3718 Brook- wood Dr. Call Denis 931-267-1922. AMERICAN WAY R.E. approx 6 mos old to an experi- 526-9581 enced home only due to her con- 3BR 2BA, full bsmnt, in Colonial READY TO BUILD? 6 lots on Tyler: (931)349-2012 fidence issues. (931)858-2020. Est behind the mansion. Boyd Farris Rd. Let us build your $950/mo.Lease req‚d. leave home. 260-4227 or 261-7979 POM- A -POO shots & wormed msg. 644-3582 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 written health warranty. $400. 1:00PM - 3:00PM (931)319-0000 3BR, 2BA 135 Craighead Dr off 2010 Grademere Dr 38501 Dixie. Garage, W/D HU, close to From PCCH: No on Washington, SEEKING Very special person TTU/Hosp/Dogwood Park. L on 12th, cross Willow, contin- for an extremely shy, 7 mo old Newly remodeled $850, 700/dep ue on G'sboro Grade past Hy- female cat. Good mouser, very (931)265-0651, 615-972-5995 2011 FORD Taurus: 1 owner, playful, indoors only, litterbox der Burks, L on Grademere. black/light int, AC, PS/PB/PL, trained. FREE. Call (931)268- 3BR, 2BA home, nice area. Lots $180,000. Hosting: Paul keyless entry, CD, 65k orig miles 2592 of wood flrs, lrg fenced back- Nettleton. See our display ad in $16,500. Call 865-310-6620. yard. $850 + dep. (931)319-0271 Sunday February 28th's Herald Citizen Classifieds for more de- 705 Wanted To Rent 4BR, 2.5BA house, 46 Proffitt tails. 430 Trucks For Sale St. Carport, deck, full bsmnt, AMERICAN WAY R.E. Equal Housing Opportunity park setting. $975/mo. + sec 526-9581 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate adver- dep. Non smoking/pets ok. Avail 1995 CHEVY Silverado Exten- tised in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Paul: 931-337-9086 ded Cab. New transmission, Fair Housing Act of 1968 and the Tennessee Hu- 3/1/16. (931)267-3594, 526-8504. truck needs minor work. $1,500 man Rights Act which makes it illegal to adver- tise "any preference, limitation or discrimination 5BR, 3BA historic house 2600 obo. Call (931)303-2011 based on race, color, religion, sex, familial status SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 or national origin, handicap/disability or an inten- SF, 290 E. Jere Whitson Ave, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM tion to make any such preference, limitation or totally renovated. Bsmnt, Lrg discrimination." This newspaper will not know- 1644 So Jefferson, Ckvl ingly accept any advertising for real estate which yard, wrap-around porch, close So on Jefferson past movie is in violation of the law. Our readers are in- to TTU. Non-smoking/pets ok. formed that all dwellings advertised in this news- theatre, home on L. $229,900. paper are available on an equal opportunity ba- $1200/mo (931)267-3594, 526- Host: Christopher Cunningham. sis. Equal Housing Opportunity, M/F. 8504. See our display ad in Sunday Herald-Citizen & BRICK 3BR, 1BA. Carport, DW, February 28th's Herald-Citizen Regional Buyers hdwd flrs, new paint. $750/mo, Classified for more details. Guide $700/dep. (931)510-2694 AMERICAN WAY R. E. 1300 Neal St., Cookeville, TN BRICK RANCH 3/1.5. No 830 Open Houses 526-9581 931-526-9715 (FAX) 526-1209 smoking/pets. Dep, ref's req'd. Christopher: 510-2680 $800/mo. Call (931)260-3800. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 715 Rooms for Rent MONTEREY 3BR, 1BA. CHA, 2:30PM - 4:00PM 2001 ISUZU FRR: $13,750: 6cyl appls, W/D HU. detached gar- 613 Charles Golden Road turbo diesel, 6sp, 123k, Exc. STAR MOTOR INN age, hardwood floors $600 + Sparta 38583 FOR SALE OR TRADE cond. Locally driven, xtra cab, Weekly, starting at $180 dep. No pets. 839-6259 From PCCH: E on Spring, R on clean int, storage boxes, ramp, free internet, frig, guest laundry, Hwy 111, So toward Sparta, take chrome wheels. 7,000lb movie rentals. Pet Friendly - 730 Mobile Homes/Rent exit 289, R off exit, L on Charles F O R D J U B I L E E front/14,000lb rear. (931)979-0736 Construction Crews welcome. Golden Rd, home on R w/sign. 526-9511 1BR MOBILE Home, vinyl sid- $319,000. Hosting: Maegan & 505 Misc. Wanted ing, shingle roof, Exc. Cond, nice Addison Smith. See our display 720 Apts/Duplex For Rent community inside city limits of ad in Sunday February 28th's Ckvl. $350/dep, $350/mo. Ref's Herald Citizen Classified for OLD MUSIC RECORDS. will more details. pay $1 - $25 each or by the 1, 2, 3 & 4 BR APTS / req'd. Danielle 931-528-2804 ext 3120 or text Mike 931-265-8454 THE REALTY FIRM group. pls. call (931)261-2502 HOUSES NEW $280 - $800 520-7750 Cable, Water/Appl's Furnished 2 & 3BR, city Limits Ckvl, Exc. Maegan: 349-6629 WANTED OLD APPLIANCES & OVER 100 LOCATIONS Cond, lawn care provided, Ref's Addison: 349-9554 JUNK - WILL PICK UP req'd. Danielle 931-528-2801 CALL 931-510-4138 Kids Welcome; Some Pets in Designated Apts. ext 3120, Mike 931-265-8454 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 2BR 1BA in town, water/appls 1:00PM - 3:00PM 510 Open Mon - Fri 905 Green Meadow Misc. For Sale SOARD PROPERTIES furn'd. NO PETS. $300/mo + Hard to find classic tractor that will dep. Ref's req'd. (931)260-2032 From PCCH; No on Washington, FREE 526-1988 R on Green Meadow, 2nd en- make good restoration project. WOOD SKIDS Storage units available trance to Creekwood, home on 740 Comm & Indus/Rent R w/sign. $199,900. Hosting: Available at the rear of the 1BR APT $400 1841 N Dixie; In- $1700 or will trade for ATV or 6’x10’ or Herald-Citizen Tammy Atkins. See our display cls water, trash. Non- 3,000 SF Mfg Space ad in Sunday February 28th's larger trailer and possibly some cash. 1300 Neal Street, smoking/pet friendly near TTU 2 offices, 2 docks - $575/mo. Cookeville, TN. 38501 (931)267-3594, 881-6877 Herald-Citizen Classifieds for 528-8173 more details. TWO BURIAL Plots in 2 BEDROOM APT OFFICE / RETAIL SPACES AMERICAN WAY R. E. 931-644-1182 before 10:00 P.M. Cookeville Crestlawn Cemetary! Good Location, Well Kept. Locations on S. Jefferson 526-9581 Located in Cookeville $2500 for both! 931-247-8382. Call (931)260-8323 $395-$850. 979-5550 Tammy: (931)881-5105 B6 — HERALD-CITIZEN, Cookeville, Tenn. — — Friday, February 26, 2016 SPORTS
Craig Delk | Contributed Ben Craven | Herald-Citizen The Clay County boys pose after winning the District 7-A championship at Livingston The White County Warriors pose after winning the District 6-AAA championship on Tues- academy on Tuesday. day at CHS.
Craig Delk | Contributed Contributed The Clarkrange Buffaloes pose after taking second place in the District 7-A tournament The Cookeville Cavaliers pose after taking second place in the District 6-AAA tournament Tuesday night at Livingston Academy. at CHS on Tuesday.
National Hockey League
Craig Delk | Contributed Posing after being selected for the District 7-A all-tournament team are: (back row, from left) John Michael Ferrell (Pickett County), Issac Phillips (Jackson County), Dawson Rus- sell (Clay County), Clay Copass (Clay County), Wyatt Mabry (Clay County), Hunter Crouch (Clarkrange), Tyreke Key (Clay County, MVP), (front row, from left) Trent Young (Pickett County), Coleman Linkous (Clarkrange), Austin Monday (Clarkrange), and Jon Wayne Browning (Clay County).
David Banks | AP Nashville Predators center Paul Gaustad (28) checks Chicago Blackhawks center Andrew Desjardins (11) duiring the second period Thursday in Chicago. Jarnkrok scores in 3rd as Predators top Blackhawks Thomas Corhern | Herald-Citizen
The Upperman Bees won the District 8-AA boys tournament at the Hooper Eblen Center By JAY COHEN best period, just defensively and methodically tak- on Tuesday. AP Sports Writer ing care of the minutes and eventually we were able to chip one in,” Nashville coach Peter Lavio- CHICAGO (AP) — With Pekka Rinne in goal, lette said. the Nashville Predators travel quite well. The Predators played without All-Star defense- Rinne made 38 saves and Calle Jarnkrok scored man Shea Weber for the second straight game. with 1:51 remaining, sending the surging Predators Weber, who has 15 goals and 21 assists, is day to to a 3-1 victory over the Chicago Blackhawks on day with a lower-body injury. Thursday night. But Nashville still managed its second win in five “We’re playing some good games this season against Chicago. The Predators hockey, we’re competing, we’re were eliminated by the Blackhawks in the first getting contributions from a lot of round of the playoffs last year. guys,” said Mike Fisher, who had Ladd could be in uniform for Chicago as soon as two assists. “We’re definitely Sunday against Washington. The Blackhawks sent playing a better game all around. prospect Marko Dano and two draft picks to Win- It’s obviously showing.” nipeg for Ladd, forward Matt Fraser and defense- Viktor Arvidsson scored in the first and Miikka man Jay Harrison. Salomaki added an empty-net goal as Nashville Ladd previously played for Chicago for two-plus won for the fourth time in its last five games and seasons, helping the Blackhawks win the Stanley extended its point streak to eight in a row. The Cup in 2010. He had 17 goals and 17 assists in 59 Predators also extended their franchise-record road games with the Jets this season. Thomas Corhern | Herald-Citizen point streak to 10 games. “I’m excited to have another chance to go back The Macon County Tigers were the boys runner-up at the District 8-AA tournament at the “We’re gaining some confidence all the time,” there and have another chance to win,” Ladd said Hooper Eblen Center. Rinne said. on a conference call. It was a lousy ending to a big night for Chicago, Rinne made 13 saves in the first period, including which bolstered its shot for a second straight Stan- three great stops on Jonathan Toews alone. He also ley Cup title by reacquiring forward Andrew Ladd denied Andrew Shaw on a breakaway in the final in a trade with Winnipeg announced right before minute of the second. the game. “The save at the end of the second period was “It’s a great acquisition,” Blackhawks coach Joel probably the biggest, it might have been the turning Quenneville said. “There’s a lot of familiarity. I’m point of the game,” Laviolette said. “That save was sure his old teammates are pretty excited in a lot of huge.” ways. He brings the intangibles that you look for. The game was scoreless before Seabrook skated He knows his way around our team. I’m sure he’s into an opening in the high slot and drove a slap excited to come to Chicago as well.” shot past Rinne on the stick side for his 12th of Brent Seabrook scored for the Blackhawks, who season at 5:27 of the second. The big defenseman have lost two in a row and five of seven. Corey has five goals and two assists in his last nine Crawford had 29 saves. games. The game was tied at 1 before Jarnkrok one-timed The Predators responded with Arvidsson’s sev- a slick pass from Fisher over Crawford’s right enth goal at 9:08. Fisher sent the puck off the back shoulder for his 12th goal. It was Jarnkrok’s first boards and Arvidsson was there to stuff it home Thomas Corhern | Herald-Citizen point since he scored two goals in a 5-0 win at from the right side. The District 8-AA boys all-tournament team included: (front row, from left) Austyn Florida at Feb. 13, stopping a five-game drought NOTES: The Blackhawks observed a pregame McWilliams (Upperman), Austin Shrum (Upperman), Ben Guffey (MVP, Upperman), Cam- for the third-year center. moment of silence for Eddie Einhorn, a minority ron Huff (Smith County), Jaylon Shepperson (Smith County), (back row, second from Salomaki tacked on his fourth goal 48 seconds owner of the Chicago White Sox who died late left) Tyler Carlisle (Macon County), Michael Ashburn (Macon County), Seth Carlisle later, prompting some of the fans to begin heading Tuesday following complications from a stroke. ... (Macon County), Josh Endicott (Upperman), Johnny Hayden (Smith County) and Colton for the exits. Fraser and Harrison will report to Rockford in the Blevins (York Institute). “The third period was our smartest period and our AHL.