ICES CM 2010/L:17 Modeling copepod populations in the Gulf of Maine: building prediction capability through a process-oriented approach Rubao Ji, Cabell S. Davis, Christoph Stegert Abstract Zooplankton are sensitive to climate change and may amplify subtle environmental signals due to their non-linear responses to environment forcing. It is critically important to understand the underlying biological-physical mechanisms that control the variability of zooplankton populations, such that the predictions on how the climate change might affect plankton and higher trophic levels become possible. In this study, we use a coupled hydrodynamics/food-web/population-dynamics model to identify the key processes controlling the observed seasonality and distributional patterns of key copepod populations in the Gulf of Maine region including Pseudocalanus spp., Centropages typicus, and Calanus finmarchicus. The importance of life-history traits (e.g. development, reproduction, mortality, diel and seasonal migration) vs. physical processes (e.g. advection and diffusion) are examined. The implication of this modeling study on data-need, observing system design, and climate change scenario testing will also be discussed. Keywords: plankton, copepods, modeling, biological-physical interaction, life-history traits Contact author: Rubao Ji, Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, MS #33, Redfield 2-14, Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA. Email:
[email protected] Introduction Copepods have the highest abundance among the meso-zooplankton in the northern Atlantic Ocean and play an important role in marine food webs (e.g. Davis, 1987; GLOBEC, 1992). Copepods are also sensitive to environmental changes and therefore can be considered as important climate indicators (e.g. Richardson, 2008). Increasing efforts have been made to build the prediction capability of coupled biological-physical models, so the influence of climate change on plankton phenology and biogeographic boundaries can be quantitatively assessed (Ji et al., 2010).