publication. and reuse for required Permission DFMS. / Church Episcopal the of Archives 2020. Copyright

VOL. 63, NO. 10 OCTOBER, 1980

Married Clergy, Separated Churches • Robert L. DeWitt On the Ordination of Gays • Louie Crew The Spirit of • William J. Wolf agrees that both Matthew and Mark as would start that way — and I know quite well as Luke say thaf'only Jesus and the a few who are serious about their life in Twelve sat or recli ned at the table." Were the church. I think they would they lying to back up some chauvinistic acknowledge their limited under- idea? standing of church politics and get on No, Miss Piccard, you may have a D.D. with proposing a working agenda. Even but you also have a clouded mind unable more to the point, they understand that to accept the facts as they are, and not they have a lot of work to do inside their what you would like them to be. own limited, human institutions The Rev. Brian J. Stych, L.Th. (unions) and assume that other people Northcote, Auckland have the same task. New Zealand What is it that causes Christian liberals and progressives to be so Challenges Piccard Piccard Responds preachy about the labor movement? We publication. know very little about the best work that I was doubtful about writing to you, but I would like to thank the Rev. Brian J. they do among the poor and and my wife feels I should, so I must reply to Stych, L.Th. for bringing out another unorganized. We have an image of labor Jeannette Piccard's article, "Was Mary refutation of Pope John Paul M's leaders but we don't know enough of reuse Present at the Last Supper," (March reported argument for refusing them personally to be able to assess for WITNESS). First, she says, "None of the ordination to women; i.e., that there their pluses and their minuses. We have four Gospels says explicitly that any were no women at the Last Supper. a very limited understanding of the women were present." This says nothing Whether women were present or not is,

required factors that cause them to make the except that the writers were not as the Rev. Stych insinuates, basically decisions they do. Are we so engaged concerned with Women's Lib, Gentiles, irrelevant. We must all agree, I think, that with the struggles of the working class Africans, Arabs, etc. Are we to arg ue that there is nothing in Scripture to indicate that we can judge the role of unions and

Permission they were present, too? that there were any Gentiles, Africans, their leaders? To argue as she does, that two Arabs, etc. present at the Last Supper. It My central point is this: Why don't we disciples went to "prepare the is also evident that their absence has work on reforming our own institutions, DFMS. / passover," and got bogged down with never been used as a reason to refuse shut our mouths about what we know details of cooking is nonsense. I am the them ordination. (and don't know) about labor unions and President of our Theological College The Rev. Jeannette Piccard, Church start working with unions and their Association, and as such have prepared Ph.D., D.D., D.H.L. leaders on issues we can work together for a meal for 40-50 people. I have , Minn. on — e.g., unemployment, plant arranged a hall (a room) and for caterers closings, the farm workers' boycott of Episcopal to cook and deliver the meal. This does Red Coach lettuce, the struggles of the the not make the caterers a part of the 'Glass Houses' Approach J. P. Stevens workers, the Coors of association, nor does it make them I have just read Henry Morrison's boycott, labor law reform, national partakers of the meal or included in the interesting and informative article health insurance, etc. after meal speeches, etc. Miss Piccard entitled "Time for a New Church, Labor Archives Wayne C. Hartmire, Jr., Director concludes that because "the Cup" was Alliance" in the July WITNESS. What National Farm Worker Ministry distributed to "all" after the meal, others bothers me about the article is its basic 2020. Los Angeles, Cal. were brought in. The writers of both approach. Morrison uses quite a bit of Matthew's and Mark's Gospels made it space making value judgments about quite clear that only "the twelve" sat the labor movement and giving his Morrison Responds Copyright down to that Supper. Only members of blessing to "rank and file" actions within Chris Hartmire rebukes me for allegedly our Association will partake of our unions and then has the gall at the end to holding precisely the concept of a dinner and of the ceremonies associated tell us we should not preach to or conservative labor movement and labor with it. interfere in the internal affairs of unions. leadership that my article was intended Miss Piccard says that the Passover I wondered to myself: "If a labor leader to demolish. My whole point was to meal is always shared with the women were proposing' an effective, new demonstrate that the labor movement folk. She says, "It is inconceivable that church-labor alliance would he/she and labor leaders are not the mass of Jesus or any of the Twelve . . . would spend a major part of the article conservative and corrupt bureaucrats have sat down. . . withoutthe members analyzing the weaknesses, foibles, that some people still unfortunately of their families." This she says was trivialities and internal battles of the consider them to be. Jewish practice only. Luke, a Greek major denominations, religious orders In answer to Mr. Hartmire's rhetorical would have thought otherwise, but she and their leaders?" I don't know any who Continued on page 18 Robert L DeWitt. Editor; Mary Lou Suhor. Managing Editor; Kay Atwater, Robert Eckersley. Richard W Gillett. Ann Hunter, Susan Small. Lisa K Whelan, Hugh C White, Jr. Editorial and Business IHE WITNESS Office: P.O. Box 359, Ambler. PA 19002. Telephone (215) 643-7067. Subscription rates: $9 00 per year. $1 00 per copy The Witness is published monthly by the Episcopal Church Publishing Company. Board ol Directors: Wesley Frensdorff. Steven Guerra. Barbara Harris. Suzanne Hiatt. John E Hines. Mattie Hopkins. Joan Howarth, James Lewis. H. Coieman McGehee. Joseph A. Pelham, Robert S. Potter, and Helen Seager Copyright 1980 by the Episcopal Church Publishing Company. Printed in USA

Married Clergy, Separated Churches publication. by Robert L. DeWitt and Anglicans have fresh reason to ponder both their short term. Further, the statement that the cases will be reuse traditional closeness to and their deep divergences considered "on an individual basis" makes it clear that for from the Roman Catholic Church. In August the U.S. the clergy are not being dealt with as a group, although Catholic hierarchy announced that the Vatican was it does not make clear the questions involved in open to receiving a number of clergy who recently left considering the individuals. required the Episcopal Church in protest over the ordination of In short, the meaning of Rome's gesture toward women and the adoption of a new prayer book. These these clergy is uncertain and ambiguous. And, clergy, some of them married, had petitioned Rome to needless to say, the move abounds with the Permission be allowed to serve in that church as priests. The inscrutability and confusion associated with any answer, with qualifications, is affirmative. massive bureaucracy. The venerable Roman Catholic

DFMS. Several reasons could be posed for this response by communion will have to negotiate the passage of these / the Vatican to the dissident Episcopal clergy. First, current problems as best it may. there is an acute shortage of Roman Catholic clergy, A quite different question is the reaction of the Church and any acceptable male priests, though small in Episcopal Church, since the publicity surrounding this number, would be welcome. Second, it could provide a move has made it by no means a disinterested test of Rome's using married clergy. A departure from bystander. Rome has sent a message — indistinct but Episcopal the celibacy requirement could make a significant discernible — that Anglicans who object to the the change in its clergy shortage, and Rome has been

of are to be commended, and under increasing pressure on this issue. Most received (albeit with less than open arms). How should significantly, the Episcopal priests involved, like the Episcopal Church react to this message?

Archives Rome, reject the ordination of women. This move is This event recalls the Lambeth Conference of therefore seen as a rebuke to the Episcopal Church for Anglican bishops in 1958, at which Bishop Stephen 2020. having "broken rank" with the other two major Bayne presented a report on "The Family and churches in the Catholic tradition — the Roman Contemporary Society." This report said that it had Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox — by ordaining been common in Christian theology to place the Copyright women. procreative function of marriage first. The report then That Rome, however, has not made much more than proceeded to displace procreation as the number one a gesture toward these clergy is evident from the purpose of marital sex by placing it alongside mutual strictures which hedge the announcement. There is love and support, and other concerns as well. The nothing exceptional in Rome's accepting a convert report went on to stress the importance of wise family who fully accepts Roman Catholic doctrine and the planning and endorsed the responsible use of authority of the Pope and bishops. Unmarried clergy contraceptive measures as a means of doing so. who convert will be required to take the customary vow Lambeth enthusiastically approved. When asked what of celibacy, and married clergy will not be allowed to the response of Rome would be to a position so sharply remarry, if and when widowed. Consequently, if these at variance with its own, Bishop Bayne responded that married priests were to prove a problem, it would be Continued on back cover God's Left-Handers ost of us are fussy about some rather silly things. As a composition M teacher, I like to receive all essays written only on the front side of the paper. This requirement has not always sat well with my students, as I vividly remember from one episode some 17 years ago, when I was teaching at St. Andrew's School in . One rather bright lad repeatedly turned in all of his work written only on the back side of the notebook paper. Whenever I stacked the papers from the entire class, this lad's paper would turn up publication. On the backwards, at first appearing to have no identification. Daily I would write the and Ordination same complaint, Use front side only! But he persisted. reuse Exasperated, I summoned the offender to my study. "Philip, why do you for insist on writing on the back side of your papers when I have expressly asked of Gays you not to do so?" I asked. required by Louie Crew "But sir," he said gravely, "I don't ever use the back side. I have wondered why you write notes about this to me." "Philip," I interposed, "Don't be cheeky. Look, here is the paper you turned

Permission in this morning as you ripped it from your spiral notebook. The frayed edges are all on the right-hand side. The frayed edges on your classmates' sheets are

DFMS. on the left-hand side. They have written on the front; you have written on the / back!" "But they are all right-handed!" Philip exclaimed. Church "What does that have to do with it?" I asked. Episcopal the am delighted that our church has never remind us that our Lord sits at the right of I gotten around to writing an official hand of God. Of equal importance is the theology about left-handedness and fact that God, too, is right-handed, as

Archives left-handed persons. Judging from our the psalmists emphasized repeatedly. practice with other minorities, I doubt For example, of God they said, "Thy

2020. that we would welcome participation in right hand is filled with victory" (Ps. the dialogue from one so militant with 48:10), "And thy right hand supported the truth as was Philip. Philip was what me" (Ps. 18:35), "Give victory by thy Copyright we might call, if charitable, "a self- right hand and answer us" (Ps. 60:5), affirming" or, if uncharitable, "a self- and "In thy right hand are pleasures professing" left-handed person. Even evermore" (Ps. 16:11). Similarly, Jesus so, such persons as he would be no stressed his own claims to God's right- match for the biblical and other handed favor when he was asked by the traditional evidence that we could high priest if he were the Christ. Jesus dredge up to keep left-handed people in said, "1 am, and you will see the Son of their place, requiring as many Man sitting at the right hand of Power, Louie Crew is founder of Integrity, a and coming with the clouds of heaven" national organization of gay adjustments as possible to the right- Episcopalians, and the author of over handed standards of our Hebrew- (Mark 14:61-62). 200 published items. Christian tradition. Theologians could Furthermore, only one left-handed Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate them one from another as a shepherd "The location of the spiral determines which side is the front and which side separates the sheep from the goats, and he will place the sheep is the back," Philip explained. "The side to the right of the spiral is the front at his right hand, but the goats at side for right-handed people, so that they can avoid getting their hands caught the left. Then the king will say to in the spiral or the hooks of a loose-leaf notebook. The side to the left of the those at his right hand, "Come, O spiral or hooks is the front side for left-handed people for the same reason." blessed of my Father, inherit the "Really," I muttered, wondering whether Philip had ever noticed that 1 am kingdom prepared for you from

left-handepublication. d myself and had been catching my hand in spirals for years. the foundation of the world. . ." "Yes, sir. There are even some left-handed folks who don't know the front Then will he say to those at his left and from the back, but of course, that is because we are usually taught by right- hand, "Depart from me, you handereuse d people. Why, some left-handed folks even have their lamps on the left cursed, into the eternal fire sidfor e of their writing desks just as you do, sir, only because a grade-school prepared for the devil and his health book said they should be there. Those books were written for right- angels ..." Against such evidence, surely the left- handerequired d people like you, to keep the shadow behind your hands; left-handed people need their lamps on the right for the same reason." handed are stupid to claim that they are included equally in any of the other It was with no little embarrassment that I paused and quietly moved my promises of the New Testament. Surely flooPermission r lamp from the left to the right side of my desk. Philip looked on, much God did not mean, "Whosoever believes troubled. in God shall have everlasting life" (John "Thank you," I said.

DFMS. 3:16). The clearer implication is that / "But I hadn't noticed, sir. 1 really hadn't!" such blessings are reserved for "Philip, 1 would be a real fool only if I didn't listen to your good sense,.. "whosoever is right-handed" or yoChurch u observed, we left-handed folks are usually taught all that we know about "whosoever has the proper psycho- ourselves by right-handed people. I am very glad that you came along." sexuality and believes!" How dare anyone suggest that such second-rate

Episcopal folks be considered for ordination? the How could they possibly "image" forth of person in all of Scripture is given any The evidence for God's preference for a God who is at once right-handed and honor. That was Ehud, in Judges, right-handed people is truly formidable. heterosexual?

Archives Chapter 3, who put his sword on his The preacher reminds us: "A wise man's Of course the analogy of right side, the easier to stab fat Eglon, heart is at his right hand; but a fool's homosexuality to left-handedness is

2020. the King of Moab. Nevertheless, right- heart is at his Ieft"(£cc7. 10:2). St. Paul imperfect, as are all analogies. Notably, handed Hebrew scholars should have talks about the "right hand of acts of left-handedness have never been no difficulty in glossing this one lapse fellowship" (Gal. 2:9). Jesus suggests crimes in our culture, while homosexual

Copyright from right-handed standards, perhaps that the left hand is untrustworthy: "But acts are still felonies in over half of our by discovering evidence that Ehud when you give alms, do not let your left United States. My humor may be risky might at least have had the decency to hand know what your right hand is in a discussion of such grim reality, but be celibate or in some other way to doing" (Matt. 6:3). Note that the right humor can perhaps preserve us. "image" right-handed supremacy. After hand enjoys the privilege of agency. The 1 firmly believe that in raising the all, just 17 chapters away in Judges the Latins were so wise as to name the left issue of whether to ordain lesbians and offending Benjaminites, warring direction sinister, suggesting the evils gay males we are as silly as we would be against their brother tribes, mustered that attend it. Yet nowhere is the correct in asking whether to ordain left-handed 700 left-handed men—"everyone could theological indictment of left- people. Knowingly and unknowingly sling a stone at a hair and not miss!" handedness clearer than in Christ's we have been ordaining persons from (20:16)—but the victory went instead to vision of the Last Judgment in Matthew both groups — the left-handed and gays Israel and "the men that drew sword." 25:32-24, 41: — throughout all Christian history. Members of both groups have served as In the past five years 1 have talked not about to challenge the hetero well and as badly as anyone else. Their with at least a dozen bishops who majority and thereby risk their only claims to special attention are the admitted that they have knowingly bishoprics and cures. (Some of us left- examples of stupid prejudice which the ordained persons who are gay, some handed folk still fork our food with our right-handed and heterosexual with the tacit understanding that the right hands, just to avoid the hassles.) majorities have heaped upon them. gays were committed to celibacy, others Nevertheless, sexuality embraces with the hope that the gays would deeper recesses of one's identity than To debate even the possibility of exercise discretion. Many scores of does left-handedness, and thus ordaining persons by such secondary heterosexual bishops and other clergy accommodations to hetero expecta- criteria is to obscure the important have acknowledged their awareness of tions are potentially more threatening principle that ordination is a privilege, many gifts to our church from gay to one's wholeness, one's integrity, than not a right, and it is a privilege the persons, both bishops and priests, are accommodations the left-handed publication. church bestows upon those in whom it through past and current ministries. make to the world of the right-handed. The 1976 General Convention stated: In counseling scores of gay clergy and in and recognizes God's calling. Neither heterosexuals nor homosexuals, neither "We make grateful recognition of the becoming friends to dozens more over reuse males nor females, neither blacks nor substantial contributions which the last five years, I marvel at the for whites, as categories, can lay any homosexual persons have made and are strength that most of them muster, legitimate claims to special rights of making to the life of our church and often through very dire circumstances. I ordination. Bishop William White society." Certainly we are foolish to would like to see us prepare a space for required affirmed this principle in 1795, when he debate whether to do what we have been the candor of those who are ready to be ordained Absalom Jones, a black; doing for centuries and what we will candid. Those committed to celibacy Bishops Robert DeWitt, Daniel continue to do for more centuries, seem no less desirous and in need of

Permission Corrigan, and Edward Welles affirmed whether we know it or not, whether we such a space for candor than are those this principle when they ordained 11 want to or not. Ordination of committed to relationships. homosexual persons is a simple matter DFMS. women to the priesthood in 1974; and / Bishop Paul Moore affirmed this of fact. People often grow irrational in principle when he ordained the Rev. estimating what a space for candor Church Ellen Barrett, a lesbian, in January, More Credible Focus might mean, say, for a parish priest. I 1977. Even Presiding Bishop John asked a close friend who is vicar of a Allin, hardly a revolutionary, told me What is at issue is not ordination, but mission in the Westside how Episcopal only recently, "Of course anybody who a narrower, more political phe- his parishioners had taken his the had the decency to read Paul Moore's nomenon: the fact that more and more increasing visibility as a gay of own explanation of what his diocese left-handed people are learning to avoid spokesperson, and he chuckled: was doing knew that he was ordaining a the spiral wires and notebook hooks, "Darling, I have been at the side of every that more and more gay bishops, person in that parish at a time of real

Archives person, not a class!" priests, deacons, ordinands, professors, crisis many times over our 17 years People frequently ask my gay male and seminarians are asking why together. We have never made it our 2020. spouse, "Why did you marry a white heterosexual outsiders should be business to hide our humanity and our man?" He didn't: he married a person allowed to set the sexual parameters for common needs from one another. They

Copyright who is white. Likewise, I couldn't marry a group whom they do not know or would never think of being hostile upon Ernest Clay's blackness even if I were understand. We would have a more learning a bit more about my humanity, fool enough to want to. We ordain credible focus if we debated whether the and many rejoice at the obvious growth persons. We marry persons. God loves church should allow ordinands to be that I am experiencing as a full person." persons. candid or what kinds of penalties Another parish priest who lives with Of course one's color, gender, and should or should not be imposed on his lover as a racially integrated couple sexual orientation are important gifts those gay clergy who are becoming in another city has shared reports of the that one brings to ordination, marriage, candid after ordination. Better still, we slow but clear progress that is being baptism, and confirmation. Color, might discuss how the church can made as more and more parishioners gender, and sexual orientation become a safer place for gay and lesbian discern that they are not merely potentially augment who we are, but we honesty. roommates and that the warmth of their are not reduced to them. At this time in history most gays are relationship together is even more

6 beautiful than was the warmth which risks the fierce penalties Christ would have encountered at almost any they had shared as individuals within promised to those who would interfere equivalent heterosexual bar where they the same parish setting. with little ones. might have taken their prurient Another gay friend invited me to a interests. full day of festivities with his wife and Dollar Commitment Another spokesperson actively three of his four children, each of whom opposing gays in our church is a individually took me aside at different Up to this point, the church has been theologian who has gained most of his times in the day to tell me how very particularly egregious with any claims information by reading gay beautiful life had been with the priest- to be really concerned about any gay pornography. I would hesitate to learn father since he had decided to be open people, priests or laity. "I love you" about heterosexuals even through their with his sexual orientation. His wife always carries a dollar commitment. serious literature, of which I am a told me that at first she had considered When our church really cares for folks, "professor," since that literature usually divorce, especially since she had felt it builds missions, even if leper colonies celebrates hetero adultery and hetero publication. devalued in the first shock of his at the antipodes. Those who claim to promiscuity more than heterosexual's and revelation. "Then I realized what a "love the homosexual sinner, but not spirited realization of the love of Christ. special husband I have, how very much the sin of homosexuality" have so far Just because the heterosexual reuse he has always loved me and the children been very cheap in this sentiment. The orientation is marketed with for even above what are his more vital would-be healers have not built so much toothpaste, automobiles, and just about biological promptings. His wanting to as one clinic or half-way house even for any other commercial product, I am not required share with me the fullness of who he is those homosexuals who claim, as scores about to reduce heterosexuals per se to has made him seem to love me more used to claim, that they want to try to crass animals; and I deeply resent than ever he could have when he had to become heterosexuals. One of the new insensitive and reductive observations hold back so important a part of diocesan "healing" ministries hired an which most heterosexual clergy make Permission himself." untrained "ex-gay" and set him up in a when taking brief forays into our These priests uniformly have had to two-bit practice which he used as a base lesbian and gay community. DFMS. / face real losses of respectability with for seducing his clients; and another Do not misunderstand me. I believe some parts of the community when the "healing" agency in the Episcopal that heterosexuality is fine, for

Church word has gotten out, but they have Church is staffed by folks with no heterosexuals. I spend most of my time experienced a corresponding deepening professional credentials. Surely the and energy teaching offspring of of their understanding of real Episcopal Church can do better than heterosexual unions; and often I have

Episcopal community, of genuine religion. this! more time to care for them than their

the Some of their closeted counterparts I am amazed at how few contacts with parents have had or have used. I of are often much more troubled, even gay peers have been maintained by strongly support the family and would though much more comfortable those religious people who most like to see the institution restored to financially and socially. Many of them frequently are quick to judge us. The more vitality, especially to find it a safer Archives have lost a sense of vitality in their faith bishop who wrote the pastoral which place for the 20 million gay Americans and in their commitment, often whose families have flagrantly denied 2020. influenced the House of Bishops at St. retaining a strong desire for proper Lucie to urge a moratorium on their care and concern. form or for a position of power in ordinations until after General 1 am troubled that instead of a vital

Copyright ecclesiastical politics. Convention, has told me that he has and caring model of heterosexuality, Of course not all who are candid almost no known gay acquaintances; our culture often preserves an idol, experience personal growth and and his major information about us has especially among church people. Both freedom, and not all who are secretive come from books by folks who often heterosexual and homosexual experience a spiritual diminution. Life had no more personal contact, except intercourse by themselves seem paltry is much more complex than that. Some perhaps with those of us so unfortunate images for the love of God unless divine of us have been companions with misery as to need a therapist. He did get some and human personalities are so long we don't know how to take vivid reactions from a group of superimposed. Surely one is idolatrous Grace when it waits in front of us for the seminarians who dashed off to one of to claim to see the likeness of God's love asking. Nevertheless, a church which our bars and came back with stories for the church every time any man and avoids preaching to gays, as gays, that about our special problems, notably no woman couple. By the same token, Amazing Grace is thus readily available different from the problems that they when any two human beings witness through their coupling something of the love and caring which God makes possible, an outsider is extremely perverse to turn on the light to check out the genital plumbing. Certainly Holy Orders should be more purposeful than merely to idolize sexual imagery of whatever sort. Once early on in my relationship to Ernest, my vicar called me in to shout, "By living as if you are married, you two are making a mockery of the Christian home. Why don't you each go get you a Sincerely Yours . . . publication. woman and marry?"

and Letters to the Editor in this issue of Toward that end she enclosed a check "Father, would you want one of us to THE WITNESS provide a lively for two subscriptions "for women in choose your daughter?" reuse exchange between you, our readers, and prison." We offer THE WITNESS free "That's beside the point. The Bible for three of our authors: Jeanette Piccard, to any prisoner who requests it, but we says, 'Be fruitful and multiply.' " Henry Morrison, and Harold Freeman. deeply appreciate her gesture. "But father, you have not been The letters exemplify the tradition of The aged and the young are among required fruitful and multiplied," I reminded dialog and debate which has our most respected correspondents. him. characterized THE WITNESS in its Gray Panther Ruth Haefner sent a "We've had six children!" he shouted. earlier history, and over the past seven cassette of the unique funeral service

Permission "But I understood that those were all years of its re-birth. This particular held recently for her 96-year-old adopted?" I asked. month, the controversy centers around brother, Henry, who died in Portland, "Well, we raised them!"

DFMS. the issues of sexism, the church and Ore. Henry Haefner, a noted forester, / "But Ernest and I could do that." labor, and socialism. was author of a publication entitled, When I met with Bishop George Incidentally, we don't want to The First 94 Years. Our staff mourned,

Church Murray's Commission on the Church belabor the point, but Carolyn Taylor and celebrated, Henry's passing. and Human Affairs as they drafted their Gutierrez, who together with you, our The Rev. Theodore Weatherly of supportive statements later passed at readers, brought an Associated Church Macon, Ga., forwarded us a letter from

Episcopal Minneapolis, I was deeply moved by Press Award to THE WITNESS last a 97-year-old parishioner to whom he

the Bishop M urray's hesitancy at one point: year for our articles on the oppression had sent a brochure about the magazine of "We are falling into the same old trap of clergywives, still enjoys a dramatic who said: "I enjoyed reading it and it which the church often falls into; response (See "WITNESS Readers brought back many memories, for we namely, we are busy telling the rest of

Archives Liberate Clergywife," July issue). Her subscribed to THE WITNESS for the world to do what we are not latest mail brought a query from years. I was a great admirer of Bishop prepared to do ourselves. We tell others, 2020. Abingdon Press as to whether she might Irving Peake Johnson and read the 'Don't discriminate,' yet we refuse to be do a book on the subject. And the magazine from cover to cover and open in our ordination processes." religion editor of the Florida Times- enjoyed every article. I believe Bishop

Copyright Let us not be naive. The church gives Union in Jacksonville, who is doing a Johnson must have done much to guide to gay males and lesbians with one hand series on marriage, also called to my thinking. What a long time ago that ("We love you") and takes away with interview her about clergy marriages. was! I will be interested in seeng the the other ("but . . ."). By such tactics Ad astra, Carolyn. 'new' WITNESS." the church currently leads in Frequently, we are as proud of the Student Jim Ackerman sent us authorizing the stigmas which letters that do not make the pages of the greetings from Gardena, Cal., and hooligans translate into more tangible magazine as those which do. Some offered this critique of his first year's harassment. I simply cannot feel that examples: subscription: "First, I thought it was a heterosexuality is now so insecure and Recently Jane Mara of Alexandria, most provocative periodical, and that heterosexuals are so loveless as to Va., wrote that she liked our feminist although it was most irritating at times, require these processes to continue outlook and wanted to support us. it did provide some good ideas. This indefinitely. • letters. Like this one from David B. miss you so much and I am clearly Barth of Los Altos, Cal.: "You and beside myself without your input THE WITNESS stand for everything (especially after having just returned poisonous and destructive of from a most conservative Diocesan Christianity and Western Civilization. I Council meeting where my delegation had known for a long time that the was clearly in the minority). I have not PECUSA was and is sick in morals and received THE WITNESS since last May and borrowing my chaplain's spirit but just how sick I had not copies is just not the same as having by Mary Lou Suhor realized until reading the past few issues my very own! I moved several times of THE WITNESS. You promote class publication. this summer and am fairly settled at year I served in student government at warfare in the classic teaching and the enclosed address. I realize not and school and found that THE WITNESS tradition of communism. In short, you providing you with a forwarding was a real aid in my work." are not Christian but anti-Christ agents address at first probably cost you reuse of Satan. In my judgment you are men something so please bill me . . . for Some of our readers have developed a more intimate and personal and women, cynical and of evil intent reprimand me. . . ANYTHING, but relationship, forwarding family news or and I tell you now, DO NOT send any start sending my WITNESS, (including back issues I've missed). required more of your trash to my mail box." sending Xeroxes of articles with I'm having painful withdrawal recommendations that we reprint them. Or, from the east coast, from W. symptoms. Kenneth Tibbens of Steelton, Pa.: An illustration of the latter is the article Your magazine is such a burst of

Permission by Gregory Baum in this issue, "Please remove my name from your light and breath of fresh air — it feeds forwarded to us by Charles Long of mailing list because as a Christian I my energy to work within our church. Forward Movement publications, who cannot compromise my ideals with Please reply as promptly as you can. DFMS. / saw it in The Ecumenist. most of the writers of your publication. Desperately yours. Perhaps our most prolific cor- May I point out a few of my objections Karen enclosed the following

Church respondent is Abbie Jane Wells of and observations: 1) If a Christian illustration at the bottom of her letter, Juneau, Alaska, who hand-copies Congregation has a message of the with the caption: "Example of the articles from various journals and keeps "Good News" it will grow and flourish; 'WITNESS withdrawal syndrome' as

Episcopal us posted on a variety of subjects, as 2) Christ makes all things new, seen in a progressive Episcopalian the well as sharing her engaging, homespun therefore, lesbians and homosexuals are primate." of theological reflections on liturgical still an abomination in the eyes of the seasons of the year, which we use for Lord; 3) The National Council of meditations and sometimes share with Churches supports all sorts of things, Archives our readers. murderers and leftists openly engaged in closing our churches and schools and 2020. The unusual always crops up: An anonymous donor sent us a flyer from killing our priests and the faithful; 4) American Atheists, Inc., in Austin, Tex. After 30 years of giving to mission churches and mission schools it appears Copyright Curiously, we found it as sexist as many church publications: "Atheism teaches our church leadership has let us down." that: There is no heavenly father. Man But to offset those come scores of must protect the orphans and others. Karen Kobey of Madison, foundlings, or they will not be Wise, sent this gem, written with a protected. There is no God to answer bold, felt pen, which remains our prayer. Man must hear and help favorite: man . . ." Dear Witness, Atheists of the world, shape up. I have written you before but Of course we get our share of perhaps you did not receive my outraged "cancel my subscription" inquiries. Oh please, hear my plea!! I hristians often lament the break- Our public values are not freely chosen; Cdown of values in our society. They they are part and parcel of the process of tell us that we no longer share a production, the organization of labor common vision, that each person and the distribution of goods. It is promotes his or her own career, that wholly illusory to think that we can selfishness and apathy have become infiltrate the market system with dominant characteristics, and that the Christian values. social intercourse between persons at Let me clarify this assertion by giving work and in the neighborhood is a few examples. We need food today for defined by impersonal, purely many people who are hungry. Would it contractual relations. We become not be lovely, Christians say, if we could isolated, preoccupied exclusively with produce more food and make it our own affairs, we lose the sense of available to people who are hungry? But publication. solidarity, and even the intimate ties of how can we increase the production of and marriage and friendship are easily food? Individual farms can produce undermined by the pressure of social more food only if they can sell it at a reuse life. good price. If they don't, they lose for Some church people claim that we money. Then they will not be able to pay must make a new effort to introduce their mortgage, purchase fertilizer for

required Christian values into society. What the following year, and repair their counts, they argue, is the conversion to agricultural machinery. If a large God and the godly life, and once more agricultural company is asked to produce more food, it too can do so Permission people become committed to Christian faith and love, they will influence only if it can make a reasonable profit. society, reintroduce Christian values, If the president of a company decided, DFMS. / and make it work again as it did in the out of Christian generosity, to increase past. the production of food and distribute it

MoraChurch l People, One point I want to make is that the in a manner that does not bring in a hope to insert Christian values into profit, he would lose his position very Immoral society is wholly illusory. The Christian quickly. After all, the shareholders have Episcopal ideals of love and loyalty, mutuality and invested their money to get good returns, and if a president does not look the sharing, justice and equity are of course of Society very beautiful. They are rooted in after their interests, he must go. What biblical tradition venerated by determines the production of food in Christians and Jews alike and are part society is profit. Archives by Gregory Baum of our cultural heritage. But in our What about housing? Generous people with a sense of justice believe

2020. society, these ideals are private values. Gregory Baum, noted Roman Catholic They express how Christians — and that there should be housing for author and theologian, isonthefaculty sensitive people anywhere — want to everyone in society. Would it not be of St. Michael's College, University of lovely, they feel, if there were enough Copyright Toronto. This article is excerpted from relate themselves to their neighbors, one which appeared under the title, their families and people closely houses to go around. But when we "Values and Society," in THE associated with them. These ideals ECUMENIST, Vol. 17, No. 2. Copyright pervade the private lives of many by Paulist Fathers, Inc. Used by dedicated persons, religious or permission of Paulist Press. otherwise. But the hope that these private values can become public values is wholly illusory. Why? Public values are determined by the inner logic of the institutions that support our life and well-being, especially the economic institutions.

10 inquire how decisions regarding the tions, and there are in fact Christians on economists have argued that it is construction of houses are made, we the boards of directors who insure that important to raise the living standard of find the same basic rule: it is related to these corporations are concerned with working people since then they too profit. Owners of construction the well-being of society and serve the become customers. The ideal of a companies may have the highest values public good. As proof of this assertion business civilization such as ours is that in their private lives. But when they sit these people point to the beautiful all people are producers and consumers. in their board rooms and decide how policy statements made by some Social reforms supported by the large many houses and apartment buildings corporations, revealing a sense of social corporations do not go against the logic they shall construct, they make up their responsibility. More than that they of the market; they are in accordance minds on the basis of the profit to be point to measures of social reform that with it. The public values remain the gained. They want to serve the have been supported by the same. community, of course, but the logic of corporations. More is involved here, it Sociologists tell us — and since our the economic system determines that is argued, than the competitive morality experience confirms their findings, we publication. they can do this only if they make a of the market. have no difficulty believing them — that and profit. But are these convincing arguments? public values have an enormous impact The production and distribution of We have learned not to attach too much on people's private values. For a while reuse goods in our society follow the laws of importance to policy statements; they people may nourish their ideals of life for the market. It is wholly illusory to think are only too often written by the public from a great religious tradition, but by that Christian values can be inserted relations department and are part of a participating in economic life, they into this process. Of course, the market tactic to disguise the logic operative in acquire a new self-understanding, and, required system has been modified, but the major the institution. Since in democratic even without realizing it, they are pressure on it comes from monopolies societies the large economic transformed in accordance with the and the coordination of various types of corporations must seek the support of public ideals of profit and competition. Permission production in the same giant public opinion, they have become We become concerned with promoting corporations. These corporations often concerned with their image and try to our own career; we think of our own

DFMS. control the market and determine the spell out their policy in terms of social advantage; we regard other people, if / price they demand for their goods. The responsibility. Still, the market has a they are not related to us, as free market becomes an illusion here. logic of its own, which kind words do competitors, remain aloof from them, Church Already in 1931, Pope Pius XI wrote the not alter. It is quite true, of course, that even suspicious, and seek a life that startling sentence: "Free enterprise has large corporations have often involves us as little as possible with the committed suicide; economic supported social reforms for the community at large. We dream of a Episcopal dictatorship has taken its place." The betterment of human conditions. government that keeps society tidy, the free enterprise system is still praised by Reform policies, we insist, are not protects property and investments, and of the chambers of commerce in our necessarily against the logic of the leaves us alone to live out our private society, but in fact the market is largely market, for what corporations need for life without disturbance. Apart from the

Archives under the control of the giant their prosperity is a stable society, work we do to make money and corporations, and they, following the untroubled by political radicals and a promote our career, we want to live a

2020. law of increasing profit, make decisions restless, discontent population. The private existence, have a good time, regarding the production and best way to assure social stability is to enjoy our hobbies, escape suffering and consumption of goods in accordance promote social reform. From the remain free of obligations. A lovely

Copyright with their own rational interests. We middle of the 19th century on, liberal weekend at the summer house on the now have a market that is largely lake — this makes it all worthwhile. controlled, but the logic of this control We began this essay by referring to remains profit and competition, even the growing lament on the part of many though on a higher organizational level. Christians that our society is suffering a The public values remain the same. dangerous decline of values. People Some people, Christians among become self-centered and unconcerned, them, disagree with this analysis. They they seek only their own satisfaction, claim that it is possible to insert they no longer experience loyalty and Christian values into the running of dedication to the common good. industrial and commercial corpora- Sociologists tell us that the reason

11 for this is not an endless series of be working at the time, generates the values can be interjected into society. personal failures but rather the impact desire for equality and participation What they contend is that the public of public values, defined by the system and to this extent affects people's values generated by democracy be made of production, on the consciousness personal consciousness. the dominant public values. They want of individuals. Institutions create Reformists insist that the logic of democratic government to guide, consciousness. capitalism is at odds with the logic of restrain and foster the system of What follows from this is that democracy. There is no room for production and distribution, in Christians (and in general people whose equality and participation in capitalism; accordance with some sort of New Deal vision of life is determined by sharing on the contrary, capitalism operates out economics. This is in fact the economic and cooperation) must become critics of of a hierarchical logic, with the owners program pursued by the social the present society. To promote the and possibly the managers hired by democratic parties in the capitalist illusion that personal piety and personal them as the only ones entitled to make societies of the West. They believe that conversion can interject Christian the important decisions. Neither active political engagement aiming at publication. values into society blinds people to the workers (the producers) nor the the reform of the economic system will inherent power of society over and customers (the consumers) have give the values of equality and consciousness. To the extent that anything to say about the running of the participation greater social impact and reuse Christians preach personal conversion economy. Reformers argue that actually produce a new consciousness, a for and hold out the hope for the extension modern society is characterized by a new, community-oriented ethos, and a of private values to the public order, basic contradiction between capitalism vision of life beyond egotism. they pull the wool over people's eyes and democracy, and that through Reformists would argue that the required and in this sense actually help to political effort it should be possible to preaching of higher values is useless and perpetuate the system that generates increase the power of democracy and even blinding and reactionary unless it egotism. The recommendation of virtue democratic public values and in this be accompanied by active participation Permission can be, under certain circumstances, the way restrain the bent toward profit and in the reform of the social order. legitimation of an unjust social order. competition and lessen its impact on And what do the "radicals" propose? What Christian preaching must do

DFMS. personal consciousness. The reformists, They argue that the democracy we have / instead is to make people critics of we note, do not suppose that private inherited does not in fact generate ideals society.

Church Before mentioning the social teaching of the contemporary churches, let me briefly examine the two possible Episcopal strategies people adopt when they the discover the present economic system is of responsible for the decline of values and the emergence of universal selfishness.

Archives There are two options, which I shall call "reformist" and "radical."

2020. "Reformists" claim that competition and profit are not the only public values in society. In addition to the economic

Copyright system there is the political system, democracy, which produces public values in keeping with its own institutional logic, namely equality and participation. Reformists do not think that the democratic institutions we have inherited in fact produce equality in society and allow people to participate in collective decisions that affect their lives, but they argue that the logic of the institution, however imperfectly it may Those inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have a tendency to alienate the government.

12 of equality and participation and does The "radicals" were at odds with the hands of an even smaller elite. The not constitute a counterforce to "reformers" even though until World present system, we are told, no longer capitalism. At the beginning, War I they belonged to the same serves the majority of people. What democracy was the government of the political parties; but they did agree on then must Christians do? They must owning classes, to whom the vote was one thing, namely that to preach a reread the Bible to discover the social restricted; and even when the vote was morality of love and justice without at meaning of the Christian message. They extended to non-owners, that is, to the same time actively working for the must listen to "the victims of society," property-less workers, the government reconstruction of society was for without their voice society cannot retained the power to protect the promoting an illusion and engaging in come to self-knowledge. Then interests of the owners of industry and reactionary politics. On the European Christians must speak out against commerce. continent, reformers and radicals injustice, inquire into the causes of Radicals claim that, to be elected, tended to agree that the churches on the poverty and oppression, and engage in considerable capital is required, and, to whole were dedicated to reaction. Their political action to remove these causes publication. the extent that parties accept funds beautiful sermons created false hopes from society. What is demanded, and from industrialists and businessmen, and hence upheld the existing order and according to this document, is critique they will be open to their influence once the power of the ruling classes. In and corresponding action. What is reuse they get into power. In fact, the party Britain, however, where Christians were demanded is a new praxis, and it is only for machinery of the traditional parties divided between the establishment and in this context that the Christian (and of social democratic parties as the free churches, we find reformers and message reveals its authentic meaning. radicals who were actually inspired by required soon as they become successful) is so The Canadian bishops admit in their deeply intertwined with the economic the Christian message. They believed in Labor Day Statement that at this time elite that no democratically elected the unity of faith and action. To use only a minority of Catholics follow this government can escape their power. contemporary terminology, they way of life, but they regard this minority Permission The growth of the welfare state and the realized that the preaching of love and significant since it challenges the whole creation of labor legislation which we justice is ideological unless it flows church to greater fidelity. The bishops

DFMS. from, and is part of, a critical social / have witnessed in the Western also admit that this minority is severely democracies are not at odds with the engagement. To ask for new values in criticized by sections of the Catholic interests of the owners of industry and our society is politically responsible community. By what sections? The Church commerce. The most far-sighted among only if this request is founded upon a bishops claim they are "the more them realized that a growing economy corresponding praxis. affluent and powerful" sections of the must extend purchasing power to all community. Episcopal To be a Christian today, I argued sectors of society — workers and the earlier, means to be a critic of society. What precisely should Christians do farmers must also become customers — of Now I must add that to be a Christian in order to change the system we have and that the extension of welfare to the today demands that one act out of this inherited? The Catholic bishops victims of society and legislation to critical stance. It is curious that, in our acknowledge that socially-concerned Archives provide workers with a measure of day, this is not an extreme view held by Catholics are divided on matters of security makes even the lower classes maverick Christians at the margin; it is strategy. In a subsequent Labor Day 2020. feel that they are part of the whole and in fact the position endorsed by the Statement (1977), the bishops spell out benefit from the progress of society. leaders, of the major Canadian at greater length the political options But, the radicals argue, any of the social churches. Let me document this for the

Copyright made by dedicated Christians at this reforms that have been made have been Catholic Church in Canada. In their time. Allow me to explain the three of greater benefit to the owners than Labor Day Statement (1976), distinct groups the bishops mention in those who work for them. The characteristically entitled "From Words their document. They acknowledge the institutional and cultural orientation to Action," the Canadian Catholic distinction made in this talk between toward profit and competition cannot bishops begin with a critique of the "reformists" and "radicals." be stopped, they argue, by the strategy present economic system. They tell us Some Catholics, we are told, believe of the reformers. The only thing to do is that it produces maldistribution of that the capitalist system can be to replace the present economic system wealth. It increases the gap between rich reformed and made to serve the based on profit and competition by and poor, especially between rich and common good. It would, in fact, be easy another one, based on sharing and poor nations, and permits the control of to point to individual Christians in the cooperation. the world's resources to pass into the Continued on page 17

13 would like to present in compressed mission, it suggests the need for I form a description of Anglican iden- Anglicans to take themselves more tity in terms of a distinctive Christian seriously than they often do and to look archetype. Anglicanism may be defined up from the internal squabbling to a as a way of being Christian that involves deepened sense of their vocation. What a pastorally and liturgically oriented that vocation may actually be needs dialogue between four partners: greater precision than we have yet

publication. catholics, evangelicals and advocates of achieved. The Spirit reason and of experience. The word The Anglican Communion is pledged and partner has been deliberately chosen to to represent in a pastorally- and emphasize the need of the groups to reuse liturgically-oriented dialogue the four

for of remain in cooperative relations with partners — catholics, evangelicals and each other. liberal advocates of reason and of As we have seen in the development experience. The only way this can be

required Anglicanism of this definition, many, if not all, of its done is to become, through the leading constituent phrases can be found in of the Holy Spirit, in Bishop Henry B. by William Wolf non-Anglican writers. Prof. W. H. Van Whipple's phrase, the "church of the

Permission de Pol, a Roman Catholic, goes well reconciliation." It means to be open and The Rev. William J. Wolf, professor of beyond his chosen discipline of attentive to all the partners and not just theology at Episcopal Divinity School, phenomenology to prophesy about the to the favorite one. Reconciliation at DFMS. / Cambridge, was an Anglican observer future role of Anglicanism: "All home and within Anglicanism is the at Vatican II in 1962-63 and is the author of numerous books. This article Anglican Churches, however, are one in presupposition to becoming a

Church is excerpted from Chapter 4 of The their conscious endeavor to preserve the reconciling agent abroad and within Spirit of Anglicanism, which he edited. apostolic faith and character of the Christendom and humanity-at-large. Other contributors to the book were church's worship of the first centuries, This spirit can best be defined as a spirit John E. Booty and Owen C. Thomas. Episcopal though trying to incorporate in it the of comprehensiveness. Lambeth has Reprinted with permission of the the author and Morehouse Barlow Co., contributions of the Reformation and many times attempted a definition of of Inc., Wilton, Conn. Copyright 1979. those of their own time so far as they this quality as, for example, in 1948, but have positive and permanent value. its effort in 1968 is particularly useful This typical Anglican attitude in respect for it arose in the context of ecumenical Archives to tradition and enrichment is at the discussions with the Eastern Orthodox basis of the moderation and churches. They found "comprehensive- 2020. comprehensiveness of Anglicanism. It ness" simply incredible and said so marks world-Anglicanism as being, as it despite its obvious affinities to their were, a provisional prototype of the own undefinable orthodox concept of Copyright reunited Ecumene, the world- "sobornost" ("conciliarity" or Christianity of the future. That "catholicity"). It is interesting that Anglicanism comprises only a small Roman Catholicism since Vatican II number of Christians does not detract has also begun to show more and more from that fact." the spirit of comprehensiveness without Whatever may be said of the insight giving official recognition to it as yet. of this analyst and of his prediction in The following description and defense the face of the sorry realities which often of Anglican comprehensiveness (from characterize Anglicanism when it The Lambeth Conference, 1968) is breaks down under the pressures of its likely to become a classic statement well

14 beyond its special focus in the dialogue Comprehensiveness can, however, from it. The tone of the resolutions with Orthodoxy. become a snare and delusion when it is suggests a weak plea to them to Comprehensiveness is an attitude assumed that everything can be continue dialogue even if some of us of mind which Anglicans have learned subjected to it. There are issues and have been a little naughty. The from the thought-provoking sides to an issue that are not bound resolutions offer no theological controversies of their history. We are together by authentic complementarity. interpretation for the ordination of grateful to the Orthodox for making Such an issue is the ordination of women. publication. us think once more what we mean by women. It is either right or wrong and One would think these other churches comprehensiveness, and shall be glad and must be decided by careful theology and would want to hear such theology and to study the matter afresh with their a determination to win through to that they would be more likely to reuse help; for we realize that we have been decision. It cannot simply be postponed continue dialogue if they felt we were too ready to take it for granted. We for under a flourish of episcopal trumpets not mindless compromisers, but offer the following reflections to aid blaring the notes of comprehensiveness actuated by faith and capable of an discussion. Comprehensiveness and diversity as it was by the Lambeth articulate theology. The resolution on required demands agreement on fundamentals, while tolerating disagreement on Conference in 1978. "We recognize that "women in the episcopate" in effect matters in which Christians may differ our accepting this variety of doctrine seems to imply that only male bishops without feeling the necessity of and practice in the Anglican can serve as "a focus of unity." Even on Permission breaking communion. In the mind of Communion may disappoint the the pragmatic level the overwhelming an Anglican, comprehensiveness is Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Old support for these motions (316 for, 37 not compromise. Nor is it to bargain Catholic Churches, but we wish to make against, 17 abstentions) suggests that DFMS. / one truth for another. It is not a it clear (1) that the holding together of the conference could have asked for and sophisticated word for syncretism. diversity within a unity of faith received a much firmer endorsement of

Church Rather it implies that the and worship is part of the Anglican the ordination of women. Such an apprehension of truth is a growing heritage. ..." endorsement might conceivably have thing: we only gradually succeed in been just enough to stimulate a "knowing the truth." It has been the The issue, however, is precisely about Episcopal favorable vote on the issue some tradition of Anglicanism to contain "the unity of faith and worship" for the the months later in the Church of England within one body both Protestant and Anglican priesthood cannot be divided of instead of the defeat of the issue in the Catholic elements. But there is a into a male branch acceptable continuing search for the whole truth everywhere within the Anglican priestly order. Sometimes the abandonment of the responsibility for

Archives in which these elements will find Communion and a female branch, a complete reconciliation. Comprehen- local priesthood as it were, accepted leadership simply makes the continuing tasks of leadership and pastoral care 2020. siveness implies a willingness to allow within the ordaining Anglican liberty of interpretation, with a churches, but subject to grievous more difficult. certain slowness in arresting or discrimination elsewhere in It is important here to establish restraining exploratory thinking. We Copyright Anglicanism. Our lack of self- clearly the difference between the way tend to applaud the wisdom of the confidence and our nervous concern for Lambeth 78 handled the ordination of rabbi Gamaliel's dictum that if a thing what Roman Catholics, Orthodox and women by an improper resort to the is not of God it will not last very long concept of comprehensiveness and the (Acts 5:38-9). Moreover we are Old Catholics will think of us is a one- alarmed by the sad experience of too sided "ecumenism." If we really believe proper use of this great principle in the hasty condemnation in the past (as in in the apostolicity and catholicity of our decision of Anglicans to live together the case of Galileo). For we believe orders and that we are not any more with varying conceptions of episcopacy that in leading us into the truth the defective without them than they are and divergent views on the Virgin Birth. Holy Spirit may have some surprises without us, we should act with In the latter cases there has been a in store for us in the future as in the confidence in the expectation that they thorough theological wrestling with the past. will respect our action even if they differ issues and a resolution to-live-and-let-

15 live in which no person is discriminated Church, and that it is taking a and disillusionment with organized against in the exercise of that person's destructive toll." One can understand religion. Anglicanism, in committing ministry in the church. Lambeth 1978 Knox's concern and admit that any itself to follow the way of failed to set its resolutions in a broad church "unitarianism" embraced comprehensiveness, has dared to face theological context and adopted under the supposed rubric of up to the need to die to what is motions that seriously discriminate comprehensiveness would be an specifically Anglican in order to be against women priests and the irresponsible position. The therapy, raised up by the power of God in an possibility of women bishops* in their however, for this situation is continuing ecumenically resurrected church ministries within the Anglican theological debate and confrontation comprehensively Christian and human. Communion. Much of the vitality and with the issues in the conviction that The Anglican vision to be not Anglican authenticity of the Lambeth 1968 truth is great and that it will prevail catholics in a denominational way, but statement on comprehensiveness has without too nervous action by "mere" catholics in a future church, been compromised by this misuse of the "defenders of the faith" who may simply both catholic and evangelical, was aptly publication. principle as an expedient dodge for have mistaken some culturally described by Michael Ramsey in The and resolving this really difficult issue. conditioned expression of Christian Gospel and the Catholic Church: There is another aspect of truth for that very truth itself. The past "While the Anglican Church is reuse comprehensiveness in which the finger history of theological conflict warns us vindicated by its place in history, with a for of accusation should not be removed against undue haste in condemning strikingly balanced witness to Gospel from the bishops at Lambeth and innovative teaching. If comprehensive- and church and sound learning, its greater vindication lies in its pointing

required pointed to many theologians of the ness can be wrongly used by through its own history to something of liberal or of the broad church category. which it is a fragment. Its credentials are They may be too ready, in their zeal to its incompleteness, with the tension and protect freedom of inquiry, not to "Not only must Anglicanism Permission travail in its soul. It is clumsy and challenge presentations by writers who be prepared to die to its own untidy, it baffles neatness and logic. For really have given up the historic faith of denominational structure, it it is sent not to commend itself as 'the DFMS. the church on such central issues for / must be prepared to die to its best type of Christianity,' but by its very Anglicanism as the Incarnation and yet 'Englishness.' The days of the brokenness to point to the universal who seem to want to maintain their

Church Church wherein all have died." standing as Anglican Christians. The British empire and American issue here is not the suppression of imperialism are over." Some Anglicans have vociferously truth, heresy trials or the denial of the repudiated this ecumenical vocation by Episcopal imaginative attempt, say, to understand ridiculing it as "a Freudian deathwish" the the divine dimension of Christ through ecclesiastics to dodge responsible action or "Anglican hari-kiri." Even Lambeth of the Jewish categories of Jesus or of the and by theologians to avoid responsible 1948, after commending "the vision" of early Jewish Christian communities as theological activity that witnesses to the Anglican churches joining with others

Archives against the very different later historic faith in Christ, there is still in their areas in a reconciled church "no "incarnational" categories of Graeco- another challenge in the appeal to longer simply Anglican, but something

2020. Roman culture. There is an entirely comprehensiveness that touches every more comprehensive," felt it necessary appropriate inquiry into the place of the member of the Anglican Communion in to warn against premature severance ambiguous word myth with respect to his or her ecumenical responsibility for from the Anglican Communion. Bishop

Copyright the Incarnation. There is also a possible other Christians and for all humankind. Stephen Bayne, the first executive conclusion from such an inquiry that In order to follow its Lord who officer of the Anglican Communion, would deny the truth of Christ's became a servant to humanity, the spoke and wrote tirelessly about the mission. church must be willing to let go its hold mission of Anglicanism not to believe in John Knox has argued in Theological upon its self-serving institutionalism. itself, but only in the catholic Church of Freedom and Social Responsibility that This is not easy, for churches, like all Christ. Paraphrasing Augustine, he a denial of the truth presented in the institutions, are notoriously described Anglicans as restless until redemption of Christ, human and conservative and self-protective. The they find their place in that one ecumenical body. divine, should perhaps not be treated inability of the church to give credible "as heresy" but "as acknowledged evidence of following Christ in this Not only must Anglicanism be apostasy." He affirms that "such fundamental area is probably the prepared to die to its own teaching is going on, even within the greatest source of people's contempt for denominational structure; it must be

16 prepared to dietoits"Englishness."The When it is most alive to its mission power belongs to God and not to us"(II second death may actually be harder and its insights the Anglican spirit is Corinthians 4:7). The spirit of than the first because it reaches into aware that the only unchanging reality Anglicanism combines tentativeness of subconscious aspects of the psyche. The is "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, statement about itself with finality of days of the British Empire and today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8) and commitment to Christ. It is a prophetic American imperialism are over. that fidelity to the act of God in Christ spirit daring to act and witness for the Actually, Anglicanism has made to which its favorite doctrine of the liberation of the oppressed. The spirit of encouraging progress in authentic Incarnation points is what provides the Anglicanism ought in its rich resources indigenization, especially in Africa ultimate orientation of spirit and the to find the wisdom to retain its identity where the Anglican churches express strength for pressing on in adventurous and yet to develop through constructive local customs and culture. Now at pilgrimage toward new spiritual change to meet the demands of the fast- Lambeth there is a mixture of languages discovery and toward combat with the approaching world of the 21st century. and colors as the older Anglicanism, forces of evil and oppression. Knowing Unless one changes one cannot even with its too heavy burden of "Anglo- that the center is firm in Christ and his publication. remain the same; yet the change must Saxonism," tries to die in order that its liberating power, the Communion will remain continuous with what went and really catholic heritage may be born courageously face change under- before. The spirit of Anglicanism is the anew in the emerging Anglicanism of standing that its time-honored

reuse spirit of one way of being Christian in the future — which may someday even sanctities are carried in earthen vessels.

for today's world. It needs all the other have to abandon the name "Anglican" "But we have this treasure in earthen ways too that the Holy Spirit has as an embarrassment. vessels to show that the transcendent revealed and will reveal. • required

Continued from page 13 co-ownership of economic enterprises traditional parties who are dedicated to CREDITS and the empowerment of the ordinary Permission serious reform and use their influence to Cover, page 4, Beth Seka; page 10, people. They may also have in mind affect party policy. graphic from Plain Speaking, ecological movements that work magazine section of the Rebel Worker;

DFMS. There is, however, a second group against the expansion of industry to try

/ page 12, cartoon by Doug Brunner. mentioned by the Catholic bishops. to protect the environment. The bishops They are Christians who have despaired may also have in mind recent industrial Church over the present system and participate socialism they can participate in a experiments in Quebec where workers in socialist movements. In this context, movement of world-historical assumed responsibility in operating the Canadian bishops insist that importance. Needless to say, the Pope their own factory. Episcopal Christians may not favor socialist was not speaking of the Eastern bloc I have documented from the Roman the movements that are wedded to Marxist nations where bureaucratic centralism Catholic Church in Canada how of philosophy. Why? Because this has created a system that is closer to Christians answer the question of what philosophy includes authoritarianism, state capitalism than to socialism. The to think and what to do in today's

Archives contempt for persons, and atheism. Pope refers here, I think, to recent world. From the policy statements of Still, it is remarkable that while developments in Africa, Asia, Latin the Anglican Church, the United

2020. "socialism" was a bad word for America and parts of Western Europe. Church and the other major churches in Catholics for such a long time, it has Pope Paul recognized the existence of Canada it would be easy to show that been rehabilitated in the recent papal many forms of socialism and insisted these Christians have come to the same

Copyright and episcopal teaching. In 1931, Pope that Christians can cooperate only with conclusions. Christians can no longer Pius XI taught that Christians had to those that do not violate Christian seriously defend the idea that spiritual reject socialism in all its forms, both principles and do uphold human rights. values can be extended to the operation revolutionary and democratic, while What is the third group of Christians of the large economic institutions on in 1971 Pope Paul VI recognized that in mentioned by the Catholic bishops? which depend the well-being of many parts of the world Catholics have There are Catholics, the document says, Canadians and the survival of the become very attracted to socialist who work for a social justice beyond world. What is demanded today is movements and see in the socialist capitalism and socialism. What prophetic criticism of the present order reconstruction of the economy the Christian groups do the bishops have in and a corresponding praxis, either realization of their Christian ideals. mind? They may be thinking of the reformist or radical, that aims at a new They think that by struggling for cooperative movement that advocates economic order. •

17 Continued from page 2 Socialism is so juvenile it's pathetic. I past 50 years is 'the transformation of question: if a labor leader felt that "the certainly won't tell Mr. Freeman if he the economy from one of free enterprise weaknesses, foibles, trivialities and likes Socialism then go to a Socialistic to one of government guided internal battles" of the churches were country, but I urge him to look at the enterprise.' " Prof. Freeman might also standing in the way of a church-labor suicide statistics of Socialist countries, recall the judgment of Russell alliance, I believe that leader would have the contentment of the people — or lack Davenport (in U.S.A. The Permanent not merely the right but the obligation to of it through frustration, and the Revolution), "what counts is that the old point them out, and that such frankness, alcoholism of these countries. concept that the owner has the right to met on both sides by an openness to Isn't it exciting to read an article about use his property just the way he pleases constructive criticism, could only Henry Morrison screaming about has evolved into the belief that strengthen the alliance. I do not think, McCarthyism and quoting C. E. Wilson? ownership carries social obligations and however, that weaknesses in the labor Is Mr. Morrison serious that the Church that a manager is a trustee not only for movement are primarily responsible for Labor Alliance can be influenced today the owner but for society as a whole. the current weakness of ties between the by what someone said in 1946? Why not Such is the transformation of American capitalism. In all the world there is no publication. church and labor, but rather an image of discuss some of the other events and more hopeful economic phenomenon." the labor movement in the minds of people in Government since '46 or is Mr. and church people which may have been Morrison so old or so limited in his views If, however, there were any one partly true of some labor leadership in that he can only cover Labor and what statement in his article which ought to reuse the past but is increasingly less true they want — in the '40s and '50s? send cold chills along the spines of his for readers, in my judgment it is, "There can today and was in fact never entirely true We are heartsick over this publication be no claim that socialism will be free of of labor leadership generally. My brief and we never want another issue in our review of labor history was intended to losses. Socialist society must face the required home. It has nothing to do with the problem of personal liberty versus the explain how that false image arose, not promulgating of Jesus Christ's control needed for planning." to belittle the significant contributions message. unions and union leadership made to Considering the ways in which existing Mary H. Atkinson Permission social justice struggles, even when hard socialist economies have abridged, Wellesley Hills, Mass. pressed by McCarthyism. denied, reduced, even eliminated the rights — and often the lives — of

DFMS. I dealt at some length with rank-and- individuals in the name of better / Challenges Freeman file movements, first, because they are a planning, this is hardly an encouraging key element in the current labor picture If the United States were living underthe or heart-warming statement. For myself,

Church and may well represent the direction unrestricted, unreformed capitalism of I can only respond to such an invitation labor will take in the future, and, second, the 19th century, I might find Prof. in the gin-clear phrase of Sam Goldwyn, because I am convinced that contact Freeman's idealistic view of humanity "Include me out." and of socialism ("If Socialism Comes to Episcopal between church and labor needs to take No economic system is better than the place not only on the leadership-to- the United States . . .") more appealing. the That, fortunately, is not the case. If all individuals who plan it, construct it, of leadership level but also on the rank- were economically well in the socialist operate it and tinker with it. The inherent and-file level on both sides. I myself countries of the world, I might find his problems of the system are complicated would not be pleased if labor people article in your July issue more hope by the fact that those individuals have

Archives limited their communication with the producing. That, however, is not the their perceptions and goals distorted by Episcopal Church to the House of case either. If I were attempting to sin which infects both the mind and the

2020. Bishops. defend capitalism and American will. There is no fail-safe economic To Mr. Hartmire's final comment that economic life in 1980 as free from sin, system because there are no fail-safe labor and church people must now move pain, injustice and even greed, I would human beings. Until there are, the

Copyright forward to developing a common be as unrealisticabout their condition as transformed, post-socialism capitalism working agenda, I can only say "Amen!" he is about socialism's promises. of the United States seems to me to offer Henry Morrison the best hope for each person as well as It is surprising to see that Prof. for all persons. Madras, Ore. Freeman has not grasped the truth carefully pointed out by Frederick Lewis The Rev. John R. Frizzed, Jr. Allen as far back as 1952 (in his book Annandale, Va. Disgrace to Church The Big Change) that "the United States May I tell you what my family thinks of is not evolving toward socialism but past the July WITNESS? It's a disgrace to the socialism." Allen quotes Prof. Sumner Re: Private Property Episcopal Church, or rather to any Slichter, no mean economist, who states Harold Freeman, writing of socialism, people you hope to bring TRUTH to. that "one of the basic changes which states that socialism begins with certain The article by Harold Freeman on have taken place in America during the assumptions, to which "are added the

18 beliefs that the desire to own anything Freeman Responds valuable instrument for my class in privately is not 'human nature,' but American Minorities. rather, human nature historically Socialists are hardly blind to the many Lou Jeanne Walton, Chairperson conditioned by early capitalism . . ." errors made by socialist governments. Department of Social Work The basis for this statement escapes The latter have much to learn, and note Valparaiso University me. The desire to own things privately that they have not had much time to was so thoroughly entrenched by learn. But one does not condemn Moses's time that the giver of the Ten motherhood because some children are Commandments forbade the coveting of beaten. IHE WITNESS others' property. Was "early capitalism" Careful (non-socialist) research already around in those days, and was suggests that the higher levels of suicide Back Issues Available: the commandment designed to protect and alcoholism in some socialist • THE BLACK CHURCH AND it? Or was the commandment given in countries are the consequence of SOCIAL CHANGE: This special 24- recognition of the individual human meticulous record keeping, not the page issue presents lessons to be publication. being's right to be secure in his own consequence of socialist political forms. learned from three decades of civil private possessions? and rights in a lead article by Anne Braden; It seems to me that Prof. Freeman's I do not wish to offend Mrs. Atkinson plus articles by William Howard on or Mr. Johnstone, but I would conjecture reuse socialism would be on a sounder "Gospel Liberation Themes: A that if Jesus or Moses found it possible Challenge to Blacks;" Mattie Hopkins, for foundation if it held the belief that the desire to own things privately is indeed to endorse any modern political "Seven Tensions Enroute to Social "human nature"; that capitalism is one of ideology, it would be socialism. Mr. Revolution;" Cornel West, "Black Johnstone's letter deserves more space Theology and Socialist Thought;" and required several politico-economic systems that have evolved as a means of satisfying than I have. I would only say here that Jesse Jackson, "In Partnership With Apartheid." $1.00. that desire; and that any socialistic 5,000 years of male-dominated society system, if it is to be viable, must take that had much to do with the world of private

Permission • HISPANICS: Richard Gillett, desire into account. Public ownershipof property encountered by, and in my view unfortunately accepted by, Moses. founder of the Puerto Rican Industrial essential production and essential Mission, presents in his leading article service industries, yes; but beyond that DFMS. The first paragraph above also applies a penetrating analysis of the growing / socialism had best not go, lest its to the Rev. Frizzell's thoughtful letter. I importance of Hispanics to work, idealistic dream become a nightmare. would have to take issue with his final culture and religion in the United

Church I am not mounting a spirited defense paragraph. One hardly needs to be a States; Tom Quigley reflects on the of capitalism. But the system is at least Marxist to observe that political forms significance of the life of assassinated pragmatic; it recognizes "human have great impact on the philosophy and Archbishop Oscar Romero of El nature" for what it is. Socialists would be behavior of the people within them, as Salvador to Christians in the United Episcopal well advised to do the same. well as the other way around. Moreover, States and Latin America; and Gar the Alperovitz of the National Center for Don Johnstone no socialist I have ever met has imagined of Economic Alternatives muses on Albuquerque N.M. socialism to be fail-safe. As I wrote, choices U.S. citizens face beyond the socialism "is not an infantile dream of elections. $1.00.

Archives problem-free perfection. It is a viable Coming Up ... political alternative with strength and • THE TIGHTENING NOOSE:

2020. weakness, an ideology to be exposed to Theologian John Gessell analyzes the criticism and amendment." alarming scenario in which U.S. tax m IHE WITNESS For the Rev. Frizzell, capitalism offers dollars are spent to convince people of an external threat so menacing that

Copyright • WHY BOYCOTT NESTLE'S? Mary the best hope. His choice may be the only the most advanced state of Jane Baker updates the boycott correct one. But not a single developing military readiness, including first strike initiated in 1977 because of Nestle's nation on the face of the earth would capability, will meet it. And a black marketing practices of baby formula agree. rector, the Rev. Paul Washington gives overseas, and discusses the questions: Harold Freeman "A View From the Ghetto" of his trip to Why single out Nestle? Why punish a MIT Iran with Ramsey Clark's delegation. company for marketing a product that Includes Ramsey Clark's address to is essential when mothers can't Cambridge, Mass. the Iranians. $1.00. breastfeed or don't choose to do so? In the November WITNESS. Valuable for Class Payment must accompany order. Subscribe today! Use postage free I wish to purchase 20 copies of THE THE WITNESS, card enclosed. WITNESS, "Black Church and Social Box 359, Ambler, PA. 19002 Change" (April, 1980) as this is a

19 NONPROFIT ORQ. The Episcopal Church Publishing Company U.S. POSTAGE P.O. Box 359 PAID Ambler, 19002 North Wales, Pa. Address Correction Requested Permit No. 121 publication. and reuse for

Married Clergy, Separated Churches Continued from page 3 required Rome did indeed have a problem, and would have to find it less than desired. Regardless, the Anglican work it out as best it could. Rome did so by following Church has shown itself capable of making Lambeth's pioneering lead. At the Second Vatican fundamental changes in its practices and policies.

Permission Council in 1962-65, the decree on "The Church in the No doubt, the ordination of women by the Anglican Modern World" adopted a position on the purpose of Church casts a shadow across relations with Rome

DFMS. marriage essentially the same as that of Lambeth. and Orthodoxy. But issues which touch on justice and / However, the Vatican has yet to deal with its pastoral concern are not negotiable, neither in the incongruous and insensitive policy on contraception. most earnest concern for comprehensiveness within a

Church As the National Catholic Reporter editorialized particular church, nor in the desirable effort to seek a recently, "Rome has shown itself incapable of dealing deeper unity within Christendom. with human sexuality cogently and pastorally." The Anglican Communion in a typically English, Episcopal Another historic moment is relevant. At the time of long and painstaking process has reached the settled the the English Reformation in the 16th century, the conviction that any of its member churches which of Anglican Church took the giant step of allowing its desire to ordain women may do so. And the Episcopal clergy to marry, after 1,000 years of required celibacy. branch of that communion, in a typically U.S., stormy

Archives It is ironic that the married dissident clergy now and polemical process has done so, followed by the seeking refuge in Rome are leaving the church which Anglican Church of Canada and others. By the same

2020. made it possible for them to marry. Further, in "making token, they have recognized the unfaithfulness of their an exception to a rule" about celibacy in order to prior exclusion of women from those orders. This view accommodate these clergy, and at the same time was not lightly won, and is not lightly to be

Copyright wrestling with a rising clamor amongst its own clergy compromised or slighted. Anglican conviction, in the for the right to marry, Rome is groping for a solution words of Dr. William Wolf elsewhere in this issue, is not which the Anglican Church implemented over 400 to be diluted by a weak plea to Rome and Orthodoxy to years ago. To compound the irony, the dissident continue dialogue "even if some of us have been a little clergy are leaving the Episcopal Church because it has naughty." abandoned tradition by ordaining women. Yet they To the contrary, a church which frees its clergy to have been the beneficiaries of a married state made marry if they wish, which encourages its people to plan possible by that same church's having broken with a their families wisely, which opens its sacred orders of long-standing practice centuries ago. ministry to women, is a church which is showing a These are close parallels to the matter at hand. By pastoral sensitivity essential to the cure of souls. Let virtue of its less rigid hierarchical structure, a part of its the Episcopal Church not waver in its determination to legacy from the protestant reformation, Anglicanism continue to follow where God leads it. It owes that has an openness to new perceptions of the truth, even steadfastness not only to the God who leads, but also though those within the Anglican family frequently to the other churches which will yet follow. •