A Consistent Description of Kinetics and Hydrodynamics of Systems of Interacting Particles by Means of the Nonequilibrium Statistical Operator Method
Condensed Matter Physics, 1998, Vol. 1, No. 4(16), p. 687–751 A consistent description of kinetics and hydrodynamics of systems of interacting particles by means of the nonequilibrium statistical operator method M.V.Tokarchuk, I.P.Omelyan, A.E.Kobryn Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 1 Svientsitskii St., 290011 Lviv–11, Ukraine Received December 14, 1998 A statistical approach to a self-consistent description of kinetic and hydro- dynamic processes in systems of interacting particles is formulated on the basis of the nonequilibrium statistical operator method by D.N.Zubarev. It is shown how to obtain the kinetic equation of the revised Enskog theory for a hard sphere model, the kinetic equations for multistep potentials of in- teraction and the Enskog-Landau kinetic equation for a system of charged hard spheres. The BBGKY hierarchy is analyzed on the basis of modified group expansions. Generalized transport equations are obtained in view of a self-consistent description of kinetics and hydrodynamics. Time corre- lation functions, spectra of collective excitations and generalized transport coefficients are investigated in the case of weakly nonequilibrium systems of interacting particles. Key words: kinetics, hydrodynamics, kinetic equations, transport coefficients, (time) correlation functions PACS: 05.20.Dd, 05.60.+w, 52.25.Fi, 71.45.G, 82.20.M 1. Introduction The problem of a self-consistent description of fast and slow processes which are connected with both linear and non-linear fluctuations of observed quantities for various physical systems, such as dense gases, liquids, their mixtures and plasma, remains an actual problem in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics.
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