RESUME 1. Name Dr.R.Satheesh kumar 2.Designation Associate Professor & Head of the Department &Vice Principal 3. Official Address Head P.G.Dept of Development .Economics St.Pius X College Rajapuram .P.O Kasaragod 671 532 Kerala State 4. Residential Address “Sai sree “, K.M.C XII/ 209 C Behind Mathoth Temple Kanhangad South .P.O : Kasaragod District 671 315 Phone no: 0467 2208744 ( R) 9447489393 (M) E-mail id :
[email protected] 5. Date of Birth 18-07-1963 6. Age 55 years 7. Status Married 8. Educational Qualification M.A (Economics) (From University of Kerala ,Thiruvananthapuram) B.Ed. (Social studies) (From university of kerala ,Tvpm.) Ph.D(Economics ) Awarded in1996 (From Dept.of Economics,University of Kerala) Topic of research:” Structure and Efficiency of Markets for cash crops-An Economic Analysis With Particular Reference to Coconut in Kerala” 9. Teaching Experience 23 years 10. Fellowships Received U.G. C Junior Research Fellowship(JRF) and U.G.C Senior Research Fellowship(SRF) 11. Other achievements 1) Received U.G.C Special Project (Grant amount Rs. 5 lakhs) “ Promotion of Ethics and Human values in education.” As part of this project organized the following: (a) Three two day workshops on values education (b) Two Certificate Courses for Teachers (c) 40 Awareness Programmes 2) As per the request of SEMAT ,Govt.of Kerala a Report was prepared and submitted for the Inculcation of human values in Kerala Schools in 2006. 3)Kannur University UG Examination Chairman 4) Kannur University P.G .Board member 5) Central University of Kerala ,Kasaragod Institutional Human Ethics Committee (IHEC)member from 2017 onwards .