The Irrational Atheist
Praise for The Irrational Atheist “In a day when too few of the recently published ‘New Atheists’ get hoisted on their own petard, it is gratifying to see Vox Day undertake that assign- ment with warmth and enthusiasm.” —DOUGLAS WILSON , Christianity Today “Vox Day frags the New Atheism movement with the kind of logic and fact that Dawkins, Harris, Hitchens, and Onfray only claim to use. The impor- tant factor is that Day makes his challenging assertions without faith-based cross-waving.” —DR. JOHNNY WILSON , Editor-in-Chief, Computer Gaming World “The Vox is in the henhouse, with the scent of Dawkins’s blood in his nos- trils and a mouthful of Hitchens’s feathers! Harris, alas, doesn’t make it out of the book alive and the emergency team is still waiting to see if Dawkins will pull through after receiving one of the most visceral literary lobotomies ever inflicted in publishing. In the culture wars between New Atheism and The Rest of the World, The Irrational Atheist is ‘must-read’ material.” —IAN WISHART , Investigate Magazine “Day’s work is a healthy kick in the head to the comfortably numb. Using their own claims against them, he uses logic, reason, and rhetoric to reveal that atheists are the new fanatics, and that we should all—religious or ir- religious—be very wary of their schemes. G. K. Chesterton once remarked that without God, there would be no atheists; Day updates this by showing how atheism itself is an evolutionary dead-end. A provocative, gutsy, and in-your-face book, but eminently enjoyable reading.” —REA D MERCER SCHUCHAR D T , Assistant Professor of Communication, Wheaton College “In The Irrational Atheist, Vox Day plays the card that the atheists consid- er their trump—reason—against them in a devastating and highly enter- taining manner.
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