The Hunger Games & the Amazing Spiderman

The Hunger Games

 Name list: -Katniss Everdeen -Peeta Mellark -Gale Hawthorne -Haymitch Abernathy -Primrose Everdeen

 Katniss Everdeen-

Age: 16

Occupation: Mockingjay of the Rebellion, Tribute (74th & 75th Hunger Games)

Home: District 12

Gender: Female

Portrayed by: Jennifer Lawrence

Height: 5'7" (film)

 Peeta Mellark-

Age: 16

Occupation: Tribute (formerly), Baker, Painter, Soldier

Home: District 12, District 13 (briefly)

Gender: Male

Portrayed by: Josh Hutcherson

Height: 5'7" (film)

 Gale Hawthorne-

Age: 18

Occupation: Coal miner, Government official, Soldier, Hunter

Home: District 2, District 12, District 13 (briefly)

Gender: Male

Portrayed by: Liam Hemsworth

Weapon: Snares, bombs, bow and arrows

The Amazing Spider-Man

 Name list: -Spider-Man / Peter Parker - -The / Dr. Curt Connors -Captain

 Spider-Man/Peter Parker

A soft-spoken and awkward nerd from Queens, Peter has been lovingly raised by his and ever since his parents disappeared when he was a little kid. The resurfacing of some of Richard Parker's mysterious research prompts Peter to look for his father's former colleague Dr. Curtis Connors at Oscorp, where an encounter with a genetically altered spider changes his life forever.

 Gwen Stacey

Smart, charismatic and confident, Gwen is the chief intern at Oscorp, working in the same department as her mentor Dr. Connors, and takes her job very seriously. She becomes Peter's first and only real friend at school, and they awkwardly and clumsily grow closer to each other. Her life takes a complicated turn as she watches both Peter and Dr. Connors undergo radical transformations and finds herself becoming Peter's Secret Keeper.

 The lizard/ Dr. Connors

One of Oscorp’s leading scientific minds and Gwen's mentor. He used to work alongside Peter's father, Richard Parker, and they were engineering a revolutionary serum to re-grow limbs and human tissue, which would change the lives of millions — including that of Connors himself, who lost his right arm. Richard, however, disappeared and was found dead taking a good part of the research with him, rendering Connors unable to finish the project by himself — until Peter entered the scene.

 Captain George Stacy

Adaptation Personality Change: In the comics, he was openly supportive of Spider- Man. Here, he considers him a dangerous vigilante. He is a by-the-book Cop; who isn't pleased by the presence of a vigilante running in the streets. This version of George Stacey seems to share a few of J. Jonah Jameson's characteristics. Namely, whilst in the comics, George Stacey was much more respectful of Spider-Man, here he openly voices his distrust of Spider-Man for wearing a mask and at one point even calls him "a menace", two things which have been more commonly associated with Jameson's various incarnations.