All You Need to Know About Shashlik

Shashlik is a hugely popular picnic food across Central Asia, the Caucasus, and . Alternatively known as shish , it simply consists of marinated grilled over hot coals and has been part of Central Asian food culture for thousands of years, with variations of this dish being popular with the Romans! Although it’s hugely popular in Russia nowadays, this food has only been a large part of Russian food culture since the late 19th century when it quickly became a local favorite in St. Petersburg and other large cities throughout the country. The simplicity of this dish has made it a modern favorite around the world, and if you haven’t tried it before, we think it’s about time you did!

What is Shashlik?

Shashlik is traditionally made using lamb or meat, but nowadays variations include , chicken, and . It’s made by marinating cubes of meat in a yogurt or vinegar-based sauce that penetrates the meat due to its acidity, infusing the flavor and tenderizing the meat. The cubes are threaded on a and then grilled over hot wood or coals until cooked through and slightly charred on the outside. Depending on the region, vegetables such as onion, bell pepper, tomato, or mushrooms are added to the skewer to create a variety of flavors. It’s also usually served with either flatbreads or rice, again, depending on the region. The great thing about shashlik is that it’s a sociable food, with large families and groups of friends gathering in local parks and outdoor areas for a shashlik grill in many Central Asian countries – much like a cookout or grill here in the US! How to make traditional Russian shashlik at home

Making shashlik at home is not difficult, but it does take some organization and preparation, so it’s important to get everything sorted well ahead of time to allow for marinating and planning!


1lb boneless lamb (or beef) – cut into 2-inch cubes (they will shrink when cooking), 1 onion – sliced, ¼ cup red wine vinegar, ¼ cup red wine (dry), 3 cloves garlic – chopped, ½ teaspoon of ground cilantro, ¼ teaspoon chili powder, ½ bunch flat-leaf parsley – chopped, ½ teaspoon salt, ½ teaspoon pepper, ¼ cup vegetable oil. How to make:

In a large mixing bowl, mix together all of the ingredients. Then cover and allow to stand in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours (up to 48 hours) Pick out the meat chunks from the marinade, keeping the marinade for basting. Thread the meat evenly on four metal – adding in vegetables if you’d like to make the go further and to add some variation. Get a charcoal grill going, ensuring that the coals turn white. Place the skewers across the grill, using a meat brush to add extra marinade for the first 5 minutes of cooking. If you don’t have a grill (or it’s storming or snowing outside), you can place the skewers in the oven at 425F for around 20 minutes – turning once after 10 minutes. Ensure the meat is cooked right through (about 15 minutes) and serve immediately.

Shashlik is proof that the simple dishes are truly the best, and there are few that are better than this one! If you’re looking for something a little different this summer, why not bring some homemade shashlik to your family grill or picnic? It’s simple, easy, and incredibly tasty. What’s more, NetCost Market has a great selection of high-quality ingredients for making the best shashlik, so head down to your nearest NetCost Market to get everything you need to make this brilliantly tasty dish! Choosing Meat for The Grill

Putting on a BBQ is like holding a theater performance, with the meat as the star of the show and the grill meister as the director! And like any performance, you want the best possible showman in your starring role. This is why it’s important to ensure you do your research to find the best cuts of meat for your BBQ. To make this choice easier, we have compiled some key tips that if followed, will make your BBQ run without a hitch… at least in the food quality department, we’re leaving the to you!

The simple and obvious – BBQ classics like burgers, hotdogs, chicken thighs and wings should not be overlooked! Everyone loves these classic comfort foods, and what’s better is they’re very simple and easy to cook. Think of them as the supporting cast to your performance; they’re not the main attraction, but they will keep the interest of your guests while they wait. To really impress, make your own burgers at home using a base of high-quality beef mince, salt, and pepper, and you’ll never go wrong! Explore new additions every time to keep your burgers interesting. For a small audience – For a small crowd, Rib-eye is perfect. The marbled that runs through this cut gives it a rich flavor but means it keeps its texture even when cooked well-done. It should not be undercooked (anything less than medium-rare), as this will not give the fat a chance to melt into the soft tender meat. Due to the price of this cut, you may want to keep it for an exclusive crowd of a select few.

For a larger crowd – So, you’ve invited over 25 people for a great summer BBQ and you’ve just realized you don’t know what to cook for so many people! Never fear, there are cuts perfectly designed for such an occasion. The two we would suggest are beef brisket, which slow-grilled turns into the melt-in-your-mouth ultimate luxury, and pork belly, which grilled with a classic BBQ sauce goes down a treat! What’s better is that these cuts are relatively inexpensive. Just be aware that due to their high-fat content, they will shrink to almost half the size, so make sure you buy enough to feed EVERYONE! The grand finale! – You know your way around burgers, rib-eye, brisket, and belly and now it’s time for the final curtain; the ultimate end to a BBQ. We suggest whole beef or pork tenderloin. The sight of the whole cut sizzling away on the grill is awe-inspiring in itself, but the soft, fall-apart texture and the smooth meaty flavor of these cuts really take the party to a whole new level. You’ll have people talking about your infamous BBQ for years to come!

So, there you have it, BBQing is like putting on a stage show…kind of. Either way, we hope you’ve found some of these tips useful and inspiring, and that they will bring together your friends and family for some truly awesome BBQs this summer! Best , Cuts and for Your BBQ

Memorial Day falls on May 29 this year, and we expect that most of you out there will be enjoying the national holiday with a customary BBQ in the sunshine (we hope). To ensure you host the best BBQ this year, we are going to give you some invaluable knowledge about what meats, cuts, and fish work best on the BBQ.

Beef: No BBQ is complete without beef. The rich flavor and texture (in our opinion!) is matched by no other meat. Beef is often and with good reason the key part of the Memorial Day dish of the day!

Brisket – This cut comes from the shoulder at the front of the animal. It is a firm cut that is best done slow cooked, under a BBQ hood. Doused with rich BBQ sauce, this cut soaks up smoky flavors from the BBQ well, while providing a beautiful melt in the mouth texture. Ribeye Steak – Ribeye is a juicy, high flavor cut of beef that is ideal for the BBQ. The marbled fat melts into the meat as it cooks, adding to the flavor of the meat while also ensuring it doesn’t dry out during the process of grilling. Best served Medium to well done.

Pork: Pork has a delicate flavor and tender texture, it responds very well to marinades and glazes such as honey, maple & mustard and balsamic.

Loin Roast – An often overlooked cut for the BBQ, the Loin is perfect for cooking over an indirect heat. This cut keeps its texture well while holding in the meat juices for a full flavor cut. Back – Ribs are a BBQ classic, and rightly so! The fat and bone in this cut packs flavor into the meat, and the soft, supple texture makes this cut the pinnacle of BBQing perfection. Cook on the BBQ for about 30 minutes, brushing with BBQ sauce or glaze generously to prevent burning. Great for sharing with friends and family.

Chicken: For those that prefer the delicate flavor of chicken, there are plenty of great options for the BBQ that make this meat a must buy!

Whole Leg (skin on) – the whole leg (drumstick and thigh) is a tasty cut as flavor enters the meat from the fat and skin from one side, and the bone from the other. Add a jerk or BBQ rub to the skin for extra flavor, and make sure you leave the skin on for the meat to lock in the tasty juices. Chicken Breast Kebabs – Dicing chicken breast and adding it to a metal skewer is a great way of making smoky, charred and healthy chicken kebabs. Marinade them in a tasty yogurt and mint dip to lock in the moisture and add flavor to the delicate texture of the breast.

Seafood: When it comes to seafood and BBQ, you need to be careful not to overcook the meat, but providing you get it just right, the results can be exquisite!

White Fish – White fish such as cod, , and monkfish hold their form very well on a BBQ, and the meat soaks in the smoky flavors of the coals without losing moisture. – Is a BBQ even a BBQ without shrimp? We don’t think so… and the bigger the better! Try dousing them in a mixture of salt, pepper, lime juice and olive oil to give them that fresh flavor. The olive oil will help prevent the outside from burning while not overpowering the delicate flavors of the shrimp.

Memorial Day is without a doubt the No.1 BBQ day of the year, so head down to your local Netcost Market store, and discover the range of meats on offer in order to impress your friends and family at this year’s Memorial Day celebrations!