No. 32716 2 No
Vol. 533 Pretoria, 20 November 2009 No. 32716 2 No. 32716 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 20 NOVEMBER 2009 CONTENTS INHOUD Page Gazette Bladsy Koerant No. No. No. No. No. No. Transport, Department of Vervoer, Departement van Cross Border Road Transport Agency: Oorgrenspadvervoeragentskap aansoek Applications for permits: permille: Hatfield . 3 32716 Hatfield 3 32716 Applications for Public Road Carrier Per Aansoeke om Openbare Padvervoerper mits: mille: Goodwood . 16 32716 Goodwood 16 32716 Potchefstroom . 87 32716 Potchefstroom 87 32716 STAATSKOERANT, 20 NOVEMBER 2009 No.32716 3 CROSS-BORDER ROAD TRANSPORT AGENCY APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS Particulars in respect of applications for permits as submitted to the Cross-Border Road Transport Agency, indicating, firstly, the reference number, and then- (i) the name of the applicant and the name of the applicant's representative, if applicable; (ii) the country of departure, destination and, where applicable, transit; (iii) the applicant's postal address or, in the case of a representative applying on behalf of the applicant, the representative's postal address; (iv) the number and type of vehicles, including the carrying capacity of each vehicle; and (v) a full route description Particulars concerning any existing authorization of the applicant must be available for scrutiny at the offices of the Agency. In terms of the regulation 3 of the Cross-Border Road Transport Agency Regulations, 1988, written representations supporting or opposing these applications must within 21 (twenty-one) days from the date of this pUblication be lodged by hand with or dispatched by registered post to the Regulatory Committee in five fold or lodged by hand with or dispatched by registered post to the applicant at his advertised address in single copy.
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