Expert Assessment of Stigmergy: A Report for the Department of National Defence Contract No. W7714-040899/003/SV File No. 011 sv.W7714-040899 Client Reference No.: W7714-4-0899 Requisition No. W7714-040899 Contact Info. Tony White Associate Professor School of Computer Science Room 5302 Herzberg Building Carleton University 1125 Colonel By Drive Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6 (Office) 613-520-2600 x2208 (Cell) 613-612-2708
[email protected] Expert Assessment of Stigmergy Abstract This report describes the current state of research in the area known as Swarm Intelligence. Swarm Intelligence relies upon stigmergic principles in order to solve complex problems using only simple agents. Swarm Intelligence has been receiving increasing attention over the last 10 years as a result of the acknowledgement of the success of social insect systems in solving complex problems without the need for central control or global information. In swarm- based problem solving, a solution emerges as a result of the collective action of the members of the swarm, often using principles of communication known as stigmergy. The individual behaviours of swarm members do not indicate the nature of the emergent collective behaviour and the solution process is generally very robust to the loss of individual swarm members. This report describes the general principles for swarm-based problem solving, the way in which stigmergy is employed, and presents a number of high level algorithms that have proven utility in solving hard optimization and control problems. Useful tools for the modelling and investigation of swarm-based systems are then briefly described.