Delia Derbyshire's Creative Process
MUSC40110 Dissertation Candidate 71040190 Delia Derbyshire’s creative process Delia Derbyshire’s creative process 1 Delia Derbyshire’s creative process Preface Delia Derbyshire (b. Coventry, 5 May 1937; d. Northampton, 3 J ly !""1# is $idely re%arded as a pioneerin% &i% re in the early development o& ele'troni' m si'. (er posth mo s a''laim ($ith s 'h honori&i' titles as )the %odmother o& modern ele'troni' dan'e m si'*# ho$ever, rests pon a relatively small body o& 'ommer'ially released m si'.1 +he dis'overy o& a 'olle'tion o& lar%ely n,no$n $or, by Derbyshire, in the &orm o& !-7 analo% e a dio tapes and aro nd 5"" items o& do' mentation and 'orresponden'e, &ollo$in% her death in !""1, prompts a 'riti'al re.assessment o& her 'ontribution to the &ield o& ele'troni' m si', and raises broader methodolo%i'al con'erns for the writin% o& the history o& the same. The &ollo$in% essay / broadly, an histori' analysis o& Derbyshire0s 'reative pro'ess, $or,in% methods and m si'al lan% a%e – builds on the wor, o& the writer0s previo s dissertation on her m si' in li%ht o& a detailed examination o& the 'ontents o& the 'olle'tion (here, in&ormally ,no$n as the )Derbyshire ar'hive*#, in addition to the re'ent se'ondary literat re on Derbyshire0s $or,, the o tp t o& the 22C 3adiophoni' 4or,shop, and a n mber o& tan%entially related areas on $hi'h her $or, to 'hes, in'l din% radio drama and the 'ontemporary arts s'ene and avant.%arde o& 19-"s 5ondon.
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