Nepal’s largest selling English daily Vol XXVIII No. 325 | 8 pages | Rs.5 O O Printed simultaneously in Kathmandu, Biratnagar, Bharatpur and Nepalgunj 23.6 C -4.0 C Friday, January 22, 2021 | 09-10-2077 Dipayal Jumla Plans afoot to buy additional doses of Covid-19 vaccine, officials say Government to procure four million doses within a month, but some basic preparations like making guidelines and training health workers are yet to be completed.


After receiving one million doses of Covid-19 vaccine under grant assis- tance from India, the government has said it will procure additional four million doses within a month. At least two officials at the Ministry of Health told the Post that Health Minister Hridayesh Tripathi has con- veyed to those within his orbit that four million doses will arrive in Nepal within a month. “Preparations are underway to POST PHOTO procure additional doses, either at India delivered a consignment of 1 million subsidised rates or under govern- vaccine doses to Kathmandu on Thursday. ment-to-government deal or through direct procurement deals with India’s lised—the government is likely to vaccine manufacturing companies,” procure more of the same vaccine. POST PHOTO: ANISH REGMI said an official requesting anonymity Covishield vaccine can be stored in The main building of Singha Durbar complex is being retrofitted to make it earthquake resistant. Once complete, the government plans to use the eastern part of the building to house the Office because the discussion is at a prelimi- temperatures between 2 to 8 degrees of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers. Damaged in the 2015 earthquakes, works to repair the building, constructed in 1908 by Rana prime minister Chandra Shumsher, began in June, 2018. nary phase. Celsius. “As I understand, the current India has provided one million focus is on importing Covishield man- doses of Covishield, a Covid-19 vac- ufactured by the Serum Institute of cine produced by the Serum Institute India,” Dr Shyam Raj Upreti, coordi- of India. The vaccine was developed nator of Covid-19 Vaccine Advisory by the University of Oxford and phar- Committee, told the Post. Why KP Sharma Oli is behaving as though he is the state maceutical giant AstraZeneca. The government has decided to Officials say since Covishield is procure vaccines that have received Nepal’s preferred choice of vaccine— emergency approval and administer Ever since Oli dissolved the House of Representatives, all his statements have revolved around ‘I, me and myself’, the existing storage and transporta- them to people free of charge on the tion infrastructure used in the coun- basis of priority. as he has shown utter disregard for the checks and balances enshrined in the constitution. try to immunise children can be uti- >> Continued on page 2

BINOD GHIMIRE Observers say Oli has no knowledge KATHMANDU, JAN 21 of—or never gave two hoots about— the principle of separation of powers Louis XIV who ruled France with and the checks and balances enshrined absolutism expressed the spirit of in the constitution. Ever since dissolv- power he wielded with the phrase ing the House, he has been responding “L’État, c’est moi,” or “I am the state.” to his critics as if he were judge, jury Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli, who and executioner. has been prime minister for about The executive, the legislature and three years now, seems to be guided by the judiciary are the three branches roughly the same idea. of the state in a democracy and the Ever since assuming office in powers of each of the organs are February 2018, Oli has shown utter divided and balanced so as to main- disregard for the people’s fundamental tain the checks and balances. rights, the media, the system, the rule POST PHOTO There is a tendency among executive of law, the legislature and the constitu- KP Sharma Oli heads to forget that a government is tion. After dissolving the very House just an entity of the state, according to of Representatives that elected him to Maitighar. Then he brought various Meena Baidhya Malla, a former profes- the post of prime minister, Oli of late government agencies under the Prime sor at the Department of Political has been making statements which Minister’s Office in a bid to centralise Science at Tribhuvan University. revolve around “I, me and myself”. power in him. Oli tried to introduce a “Territory, population, government Some of his remarks directly insin- raft of bills aimed at curtailing civil and sovereignty constitute a state,” uate that the Supreme Court would liberties–individual freedom, freedom Malla told the Post. “The government decide—the House dissolution move is of expression and media freedom. His is just an organ of the state which being heard by the five-member contempt for the media and civil soci- works for the people and Oli was elect- Constitutional Bench—in his favour ety has never been a secret. ed as a custodian to work on behalf of and uphold his decision. After being cornered in the Nepal the people.” “No doubt Oli is so drunk on power Communist Party where his oppo- According to Malla, the constitu- that he is behaving as if he is the nents were demanding his resigna- tion has clearly ensured the principle state,” said Chadra Dev Bhatta, who tion, Oli on July 2 last year suddenly of the separation of powers and all writes political commentaries for the prorogued the House in a bid to elected representatives, including the Post’s sister paper Kantipur. “His preempt any possible no confidence prime minister, must function as pre- actions and statements show that motion against him. scribed by the law of the land. every individual in the country is Five and a half months later, Oli In principle, a government is made behind him and he can do anything.” took a drastic step of dissolving the by the people of the state. It, however, Oli’s authoritarian streaks were on House on December 20. Constitutional is put in place only by a portion of the display immediately after he became experts say the provisions in the con- population through the elected repre- the prime minister, as he tried to bar stitution do not allow Oli, as a majori- sentatives. people from holding protests at ty prime minister, to do so. >> Continued on page 2 Nepal to rely mostly on foreign aid to buy Covid-19 vaccines for its people, officials say Rs48 billion has been estimated for vaccines. Government, however, says it won’t have a resource crunch for midterm elections, which will cost it as much as Rs 20 billion.

PRITHVI MAN SHRESTHA gling to generate resources to procure Officials at the ministry, including KATHMANDU, JAN 21 Covid-19 vaccines for Nepali citizens Dhungana, however, refused to divulge and is lobbying with donors for funds. the exact amount of financial support The Covid-19 pandemic has hurt the “We are generating the maximum it expects to get from donors. economy and government revenue amount required for purchasing coro- On Thursday, Nepal received one has taken a hit resulting in a resource navirus vaccines from multilateral million doses of the vaccine from crunch. and bilateral donors,” said Finance India as a grant. Each person has to Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has, Secretary Sishir Dhungana. receive two doses of the vaccine with- in the meantime, announced midterm Multilateral donors such as the in 21 days to protect against the coro- elections which will require addition- World Bank and the Asian navirus. al funds. But the government is strug- Development Bank will be pouring a According to the Ministry of significant chunk of the resourc- Health, the country needs Rs48 billion es required to procure the vac- for inoculating 52 percent of its popu- cines, according to Dhungana. lation of around 30 million. Of Nepal’s Bilateral aid agencies such as total population, only 72 percent will Swiss Agency for International have to be vaccinated as the existing Development, Department for vaccines have not been tested on chil- International Development of dren up to 14 years of age, and this the United Kingdom, GIZ, an segment of the population will not be aid agency of Germany, and vaccinated. Japan International Cooperation The World Health Organization’s Agency have also pledged finan- COVAX facility will provide vaccines cial support to Nepal’s bid to for 20 percent of the population free procure Covid-19 vaccines, he of cost. told the Post. >> Continued on page 2

C M Y K FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 2021 | 02 NATIONAL Why KP Sharma ... Nepal to rely mostly ... >> Continued from page 1 India continues to construct So while Oli leads a government that is elected by some people, his duty is to act for the entire population. But in no way can he have the impression embankment despite objections that the entire population rallies behind him and he cannot blur the line between the government he leads and the state, say observers. One of the basic differences from local authorities between the government and state is a government is temporary, it comes The Indian authorities have been building an embankment on the Mahakali river and goes, but the state is permanent. Pushpa Raj Adhikari, a professor of that Nepali side claims to be an international border. Political Science at Tribhuvan University, said the problem started the very day when Oli was appointed REUTERS MANOJ BADU of Home Affairs but there has been no already dug a foundation to raise a prime minister, as he had taken the The government plans to soon procure additional four million doses of the Covid-19 vaccine. DARCHULA, JAN 21 formal response so far. 70-80 metres long embankment. Scores oath as the executive without being The technical team led by Jayananda of workers have been mobilised at the sworn in as a member of the House of >> Continued from page 1 lion that the Election Commission The Indian authorities have contin- Joshi, chief survey officer at the site. They have already laid the foun- Representatives. Officials at the Health Ministry said required to hold the polls. ued the construction of an embank- department, had inspected the dation work at around 20 metres area,” “The government is just an agency on Thursday that the government Understandably, the government’s ment along the Mahakali river in embankment construction site and Paudel said. of the state which needs to work as would soon procure additional four priorities have not gone down well. Khalanga despite Nepal’s request to prepared a report. Nepali officials say that the Indian prescribed by the statute,” said million doses of Covid-19 vaccine, “The government should have first halt the project, say local authorities “We submitted the report to the side should construct the embank- Adhikari. “In principle, Oli’s move is most probably from India. Different focussed on generating resources for in the border area of Darchula. Ministry of Foreign Affairs on ment as per the border points fixed by unconstitutional. However, when he modalities are being worked out, vaccines instead of elections,” said India has been constructing the January 18,” said Joshi. the Nepal-India joint survey team says it’s a political move, he isn’t including procuring the jabs at a sub- economist Keshav Acharya. “But, it is embankment across the district hospi- A high level team from the federal along the border between two coun- wrong because the constitution that sidised rate, under a govern- saying there is no money for the vac- tal in Khalanga since mid-December. Ministry of Energy, Water Resources tries. stands on the wrong foundation gives ment-to-government deal or direct cine and seeking donations Nepali officials have claimed that the and Irrigation, led by joint secretary “The technical team has deter- him a room for the claim.” deal with the manufacturer. while promising enough resources embankment is being built by Noore Mohammad Khan, had also vis- mined the border with India. We have In the letter to the President recom- Besides, the World Bank in October for the elections that may or may not encroaching on the river bank after ited the area recently and informed left enough area along the riverbank mending the House dissolution, Oli last year approved $12 billion for be held.” the river changed its course towards the line ministry about the embank- on the Nepali side while constructing has said that he was forced to take the developing countries—particularly The constitutionality of the the east during the devastating floods ment construction. embankment. India should also con- step because he was not allowed to low and middle income ones—to December 20 dissolution of the House of 2013. “I have also written to the Ministry struct the infrastructure accordingly,” work properly by his opponents in the finance the purchase and distribution of Representatives and the announce- “The Indian authorities have been of Energy, Water Resources and said an employee at the Mahakali party, that he wanted a two-thirds of vaccines, tests, and treatments. ment of snap polls is being decided by building the embankment on the Irrigation about the matter. Though River Control Project. majority so he could accomplish In December last year, the Asian the Supreme Court. international border by ignoring the we do not directly report to the According to technicians, the works without any hindrance and that Development Bank launched a $9 bil- “Ensuring resources for Covid-19 request of the District Administration Ministry of Foreign Affairs, they are Nepali side will be at high risk of a two-thirds majority government was lion vaccine initiative—the Asia vaccines either through domestic or Office of Darchula to stop the pro- abreast of the situation through the flooding if India constructs the required to amend the constitution. Pacific Vaccine Access Facility—offer- external resources should be the first ject,” said Shobhakar Paudel, director Ministry of Energy, Water Resources embankment. There is no clarity as to what makes ing rapid and equitable support to its priority,” said Rameshore Khanal, for- of the Mahakali River Control Project. and Irrigation,” said Paudel. “There is a risk that the embank- Oli assume that the elections, declared developing members as they procure mer finance secretary. “The govern- The district administration had According to him, the construction ment on the Indian side will further for April 30 and May 10, will hand him and deliver effective and safe vaccines. ment should not hesitate to take for- informed India in December that the work has continued since it began in push the river towards the Nepali a two-thirds majority. Shree Krishna Nepal, chief of the eign aid if it is available. But it should land where the embankment was December. side,” said Mahendra Prasad Badu, a Despite the House dissolution case international economic cooperation not shy away from spending domestic being constructed fell inside the “They [Indian authorities] have retired government engineer. being heard by the Supreme Court, Oli coordination division at the ministry, resources on vaccines to ensure their Nepali territory. has been repeating that it was a politi- said the ministry was finalising the early availability.” On December 17, the District cal move, hence it does not warrant project document regarding taking It is not that the government coffers Administration Office had written to any judicial review. He has been even aid from the two multilateral are empty. the Dharchula tehsil office of the making remarks confidently that the donors from their Covid-19 According to the Financial Indian state of Uttarakhand with a Supreme Court won’t restore the vaccination facilities. Comptroller General’s Office, the request to halt the embankment pro- House, which many say amounts to “If domestic resources are required agency that keeps record of the gov- ject. The office had also sent a copy of influencing the justices hearing the for meeting the resource gap, the gov- ernment’s incomes and expenditures, the letter to the Ministry of Home case. “There’s a saying that power ernment will inject its funds,” there is currently Rs73 billion in the Affairs in Kathmandu. corrupts and absolute power corrupts Dhungana said. government’s treasury. Two follow-up letters were also sent absolutely,” said Adhikari. “But blame Securing resources for the vaccines As of January 18, the government to the ministry on December 20 and the flaws in the constitution for the has become a priority for the govern- had collected revenues of Rs426.67 bil- January 4 as India had not halted the current mess and uncertainty than ment. On December 13, it published a lion, compared to Rs435 billion project as requested. Oli.” notice seeking contributions from received during the same period in the According to the Darchula district After the restoration of democracy businesses, philanthropic organisa- fiscal year 2019-20. The government’s office, the Ministry of Home Affairs in 1990, Nepal wrote a new constitu- tions and donor agencies to procure expenditure as of January 18 stood at had corresponded with its Indian tion, aiming to escape from absolut- vaccines. Rs413 billion. counterpart raising concern about the ism. The monarch was brought under “As it takes a huge amount of But with capital expenditure matter. the constitution. Eighteen years later, resources for giving Covid-19 vaccines remaining very low at 16 percent, the In the second week of January, a Nepal made a major leap forward, as it to targeted groups free of cost, busi- government treasury has savings of technical team from the Survey abolished the centuries-old monarchy. ness enterprises, philanthropic organ- Rs73 billion and this includes external Department had also visited the site, In 2015, the country promulgated yet isations and foreign aid agencies are and internal loans, according to the but there has been no response so far. another constitution, which places requested to deposit donations to vac- Financial Comptroller General. According to Chief District Officer sovereignty in the people to fulfil the cine funds created by the govern- But this amount has to be spent on Sharad Kumar Pokharel, his office POST PHOTO: MANOJ BADU aspirations of sustainable peace, good ment,” the notice read. budgeted programmes which leaves has repeatedly contacted the Ministry Officials say the embankment project poses the risk of flooding on the Nepali side. governance, development and pros- Reacting to the announcement, doc- the government without adequate perity through the federal democratic tors had said it is the government’s resources for the Covid-19 vaccines, republican system of governance. moral and legal responsibility to vac- according to the office. All these exercises were made to rid cinate Nepalis and save their lives. “The government currently has the country of absolutism, but On the other hand, the government adequate resources in its treasury but Plans afoot to buy additional doses of Covid-19 ... strangely, observers say, Oli has been is saying there would be no shortage they need to be spent for implement- displaying an uncanny penchant for of resources for the polls announced ing various budgeted programmes for >> Continued from page 1 doesn’t need to spend money for the “We can use the COVAX facility’s absolutism. As the head of the govern- for April 30 and May 10. which the budget has been assured,” The government plans to inoculate vaccines to be received under the vaccine for people in the third or ment, Oli’s allegiance should have During a recent meeting with secu- said Bhesh Prasad Bhurtel, deputy around six million people (20 percent COVAX facility. Officials say the World fourth phase,” Dr Bhagwan Koirala, been to the constitution, but he has rity agencies at the Ministry of Home financial comptroller general at the of population) in the first phase and Health Organisation has assured that chairman of Nepal Medical Council, torn the same constitution apart, Affairs, Finance Minister Bishnu Financial Comptroller General Office. frontline workers—health workers, vaccines to inoculate 3 percent of the told the Post. “The government should according to them. Poudel said there would be no short- The government in the last fiscal supporting staff, sanitation workers, population will be provided to Nepal try its best to fulfil its commitment Adhikari, however, says Oli’s move age of resources for the elections. year had created a fund for Covid-19 ambulance drivers, female communi- by April. and responsibility to save the lives of has just exposed the multiple flaws the He has asked security agencies to prevention, control and treatment. ty health volunteers, security person- The vaccines provided by India, people.” current constitution has. submit their budget requirements A total of Rs1.78 billion, including nel deployed on the frontline—have however, will be sufficient to inoculate The Indian consignment of “How can we expect the state organs considering the expenditure in the the unspent amount, had been trans- been prioritised. all on the first priority list prepared Covishield arrived in Nepal, six days to function effectively when there is a past elections and austerity measures ferred from the last fiscal year but The country needs to inoculate 72 by the Ministry of Health and after Nepal’s drug regulator granted problem with the constitution itself,” to be taken. In the general elections of with Rs1.4 billion of that spent already, percent of its 30 million people, as Population. emergency use approval for Oxford- said Adhikari. “The recent move by 2017, around Rs10 billion was spent for there is just Rs384.47 million left in it, children up to 14 years of age, who There are over 911,000 frontline AstraZeneca vaccine and five days Oli has proved that the Constitution security arrangements. according to the Financial Comptroller constitute 28 percent of the popula- workers, including health workers, after India rolled out its pan-Indian of Nepal needs to be rewritten.” This was in addition to the Rs8 bil- General Office. tion, can’t be immunised because vac- supporting hospital staff, ambulance vaccination drive, the world’s largest cines haven’t been tested on them. drivers, female community health vol- inoculation exercise. Covishield, however, can be adminis- unteers and security personnel Nepal received its first lot of vac- tered to only those who are above 18 deployed on the front lines and those cines just days before it marked one years of age. involved in handling infected people year since it reported the first Covid- Government of Nepal According to the Serum Institute of and the bodies of those who die of 19 case. The first coronavirus case in National Reconstruction Authorities India’s fact sheet, the vaccine has been Covid-19. Nepal was confirmed on January 24 given a restricted use licence for emer- The one million doses will be suffi- after a man who had returned from Central Level Project Implementation Unit (Building) gency situations. cient for inoculating around 400,000 Wuhan of China tested positive for the “It does not have a marketing people, as each person needs two virus. authorisation, however, this approval doses. Some doses of vaccine often go As of Thursday, Nepal has reported District Level Project Implementation Unit (Building) for the restricted use in emergency to waste due to various factors. 268,646 coronavirus cases with 1,979 Manthali, Ramechhap situations grants permission for the Officials said they are working to deaths. So far, 262,868 people have vaccine to be used for active immuni- ensure minimum wastage as a name recovered, according to the Health sation of individuals aged 18 years list of those getting the jabs has Ministry. Invitation for Bids and older for the prevention of Covid- already been prepared and vaccines Experts say the government must 19,” says the fact sheet. will be dispatched accordingly. also launch programmes so as to make Notice No:3-077/78 The company has said this vaccine If additional four million doses the people aware of the vaccines they will be closely monitored to allow arrive within a month, around two are being administered and the possi- Date of 1st Time Publication:2077/10/09 (Jan 22, 2021) quick identification of new safety million people will be immunised ble side effects. District Level Project Implementation Unit (Building) Manthali, Ramechhap invites electronic bids information. soon. The Serum Institute of India in its The vaccine vials that arrived on Once rolled out, people will be inoc- fact sheet has listed the possible side from eligible bidders for the following bids under National Competitive Bidding –Single Stage Two Thursday, according to officials, will ulated within seven to ten days with effects of the vaccine based on the be delivered to provincial vaccine the one million doses of vaccines, reports received after the rollout. Envelop Bidding Procedure. storage facilities, which will later sup- according to officials. But for the roll- According to the company, very ply them to district hospitals main- out, some preparations are yet to be common side effects include tender- S.N. Contract No. Description of Bid Cost of the Last Date and taining the cold chain. The process is made, they say. ness, pain, warmth, redness, itching, likely to be completed within two to “We have not yet printed the guide- swelling or bruising where the injec- Work Security Bidding Time three days, according to officials. A lines, which we have sent to the local tion is given. Document for Bid decision on vaccine rollout has to be level. Training for health workers has People may feel generally unwell, Amount taken by the Cabinet, they said. not started,” an official at the Child tired or can have chills or a feverish (Nrs.) (Nrs.) Purchase & “It’s a concern for all of us, as we Health Section at the Family Welfare feeling. Nausea and joint pain or mus- Submission have been waiting for the vaccines to Division under the Department of cle ache are other possible side effects. arrive, a political decision will be Health Services told the Post. Other common side effects, which NRA/DLPIU Construction of 83,00,000.00 10,000.00 Feb 21 2021/ made regarding its rollout,” Dr Samir “In-person training is necessary for may be seen in up to 1 in 10 people, 1. Kumar Adhikari, joint spokesperson health workers serving under the include a lump at the injection site, Ramechhap/Works/ Eleven Health 12:00 pm for the Health Ministry, told the Post. provinces.” fever, being sick (vomiting), flu-like Buildings at Officials believe there won’t be a The government also needs to work symptoms (high temperature, sore 2077-78/NCB03 long gap between the first and second out a different plan for inoculating the throat, runny nose, cough and chills). Ramechhap phases if the additional four million population that is above 14 but under Some uncommon side effects, which District. doses arrive within a month. 18 years of age. may be seen in up to 1 in 100 people, The government is planning to “The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine include feeling dizzy, decreased appe- launch the vaccination drive simulta- has not been trialled in the population tite, abdominal pain, enlarged lymph 2. NRA/DLPIU Construction 86,00,000.00 10,000.00 Feb 21 2021/ neously at all district hospitals. under 18,” Upreti, the coordinator of nodes, excessive sweating and itchy Ramechhap/Works/ of Eight Health 12:00pm Each team will administer the vac- Covid-19 Vaccine Advisory Committee, skin or rash. cine to 100 people in a day and plans told the Post. “The government has to Dr Mingmar Gyelgen Sherpa, for- 2077-78/NCB04 Buildings at are afoot to run immunisation sta- buy vaccines from other companies, mer director general at the Ramechhap tions at about five hospitals in densely which have been trialled in people Department of Health Services, said populated districts such as Kathmandu under 18, if it has to inoculate people authorities should not compromise on District. in the first phase. between 14 and 18 years.” the quality while procuring vaccines “Elderly people above 55 years will Experts say the government must and try to secure quality products as get priority when we launch the next not waste time in red tape and work on soon as possible. Eligible Bidders may obtain further information from the office of District Level Project Implementation phase of inoculation,” said Adhikari. a war footing to secure additional “As our existing vaccine storage Office (Building) Manthali, Ramechhap during office hour or may vist PPMO web Portal The government has estimated that doses of vaccines to protect its people facility is suitable for Covishield, it around Rs48 billion would be required from Covid-19. will not be very difficult to get the jabs https://bolpatra.gov.np/egp/. to inoculate 52 percent of the popula- According to them, the government and launch the inoculation drive,” tion, as vaccines for 20 percent of the also should not wait for the vaccines said Sherpa. “Authorities should try population will be provided by the to arrive under the COVAX facility, as their best to secure additional doses as Project Chief World Health Organisation under its vulnerable groups need to be vaccinat- early as possible for the people in the COVAX programme. The government ed as soon as possible. age group facing very high risk.”


BRIEFING Politicisation of Smuggled goods seized in universities takes Mahendranagar KANCHANPUR: Kanchanpur District Police Office seized smuggled goods toll on credibility worth Rs165,000 transported from Brahmadev border point on BINOD GHIMIRE Thursday. According to police, the KATHMANDU, JAN 21 consignment included ladies cos- tumes and tobacco products. It was A group of campus chiefs and directors under the seized at the Buspark area in Madhya Paschim University resigned en masse Mahendranagar. But, none of the on Thursday accusing Vice-Chancellor Nanda carriers were arrested. Illegal trade Bahadur Singh of using derogatory words against in the Nepal-India border points is on them during a meeting. rise even though the border points Chiefs from four colleges and directors from are closed since the pandemic began. two departments under the university said they thought it was better to quit rather than work under Singh, who doesn’t respect the dignity of Quake victims shifted to his colleagues and academic institutions. Singh, who is considered an ally of Prime incomplete houses Minister KP Sharma Oli, was appointed to the GORKHA: Twelve families have been position in March. shifted to new houses at a communal This is not the first time that people appointed settlement at Bhimsen Thapa Rural to high offices in various universities have been Municipality Ward No. 5, Lamachaur. accused of corruption and misdemeanor. But, the houses have not been com- In 2017 a team under the University Grants pleted yet. The houses are yet to be Commission had found irregularities at the plastered and coloured, residents say. Lumbini Buddhist University when it granted The construction of the settlement affiliations. The study conducted by a five-mem- was started four years ago. ber committee had found that most of the colleges granted affiliation had not fulfilled all criteria set for affiliated colleges. Roads tarmacked in Besisahar Though the university, established in 2006, was LAMJUNG: Around 29km of inner authorised to provide education on Buddhist roads have been tarmacked in Philosophy, Literature and Culture only, it was Besisahar within the last three years, found to have granted affiliations to engineering according to Guman Singh Aryal, and basic science programmes without any exper- mayor of Besisahar Municipality. The tise in such subjects. roads were upgraded with 60 percent The report said, “The university acted under investment from the municipality POST PHOTO: ANGAD DHAKAL influence and pressure and that it was also and 40 percent from consumers. The idol of Seto Machhindranath being given a bath with water, ghee and milk at Jana Baha, Kathmandu on Thursday. involved in irregularities while granting the affiliations.” Similarly, Tirtha Khaniya, former vice-chancel- lor at Tribhuvan University (TU) was accused of plagiarism. While he headed the English Education Department at Tribhuvan University in 2006, Khaniya had lifted a section of an article Universal Periodic Review: Nepal quizzed on written by Ferit Kilickaya, associate professor at Middle East Technical University and Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Turkey. In an email conversation with the Post in 2015, Kilickaya had said he was shocked to see that a transitional justice, rights, Tibetan refugee issue major chunk of his article was lifted by Khaniya. “I tried to get in touch with Khaniya, but could not reach him. I couldn’t file a legal case as I am Foreign Minister Gyawali reiterates Nepal’s commitment to human rights, deflects US queries on Nepal-China agreements as a bilateral matter. unaware of Nepal’s legal system,” he told the Post. ANIL GIRI of the Supreme Court and relevant interna- refugees, Chief Secretary Bairagi told the ses- of the proposed legislations, such as the Academicians say these incidents show how KATHMANDU, JAN 21 tional commitments, concerns of the victims, sion that Nepal had committed not to send Media Council Bill, Information Technology politicisation of appointments is gradually taking and the ground realities, the official said. back genuine asylum seekers or refugees to Bill, and the Mass Communications Bill, that a toll on the credibility of the academic sector. Nepal fielded questions related to the coun- On the status of Tibetan refugees in Nepal their country of origin in case their lives are have been deemed restrictive and shrinks When political affiliation matters more than try’s transitional justice process, human who lack proper documentation to work and in danger. media freedom and curtails free speech. merit, such irresponsible activities will continue. rights situation and refugees’ status, among access services, a concern raised by the US, “We are truly honoring the commitment we Countries like the United Kingdom, “I am saddened to see the increasing incidents others, at the 37th Session of the Human Nepal said that the country was hosting the have made in various international forums on Northern Ireland and Belgium asked Nepal of irresponsible activities on the part of different Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review refugees on humanitarian grounds. the issue of non-refoulement,” Bairagi told about the status of freedom for religion or university officials,” Kamal Krishna Joshi, for- Working Group. “We have not reached any additional agree- the session. belief, investigation mechanism to probe and mer chair at University Grants Commission, told The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on ment on refugees,” Gyawali told the session. The US also had a question related to some prosecute misconducts and human rights vio- the Post. “I would blame the politicisation of Thursday said Foreign Minister Pradeep Since Nepal is not a signatory to the UN agreements signed between Nepal and China lations committed by the law enforcement appointments of vice-chancellors and other offi- Gywali-led team replied to the concerns raised Refugee Convention, the Nepal side said that during the State Visit of Chinese President Xi agencies and security bodies, discrimination cials for such acts.” by the member nations at the session that was against minority and marginalised groups. Ever since the second people’s movement in held virtually. To these queries, Nepal responded by reiter- 2006, appointments in universities have been Ahead of the session, some member nations, ating its commitment to the promotion and made on political “sharing”, with the party in the including the United States of America, had protection of human rights and rule of law. government appointing people close to it to top submitted advance questions, mainly related “Nepal believes in universality, indivisibili- positions. Along with the post of vice-chancellor, to Nepal’s unfinished transitional justice pro- ty, interdependence, interrelatedness, and the positions of rector and registrar are also cess, human rights record, refugees and some mutually reinforcing nature of human rights, shared among political parties. legislative bills that critics have deemed including the right to development,” Foreign In March last year, Oli appointed his ally Singh restrictive and impinges upon freedom of Minister Gyawali said. to Madhya Paschim University and another ally press and expression. The Nepal government had submitted a Yadav Raj Koirala to Purbanchal University Foreign Minister Gyawali and Chief 26-page long report at the UN human rights The Nepali Congress and then-Pushpa Kamal Secretary Shanker Das Bairagi were among working group on the universal periodic Dahal faction within the Nepal Communist Party the team representing Nepal that answered to report. had expressed its serious reservations over the the queries raised during the session. Nepal seems to have prepared well for the appointments. The issue of transitional justice was promi- review and presented most of the important Following their pressure, Oli in September last nently raised by several countries at the ses- issues, said Santosh Sigdel, a lawyer following year appointed Prem Prakash Aryal, an ally of sion, particularly about Nepal’s international the ongoing session. the Nepali Congress as the vice-chancellor of obligations on war crimes and the 2015 “Nepal in general is good in adopting laws, Pokhara University. Similarly, Punya Prasad Supreme Court verdict on amending the laws policies, protocols but the problem is imple- Regmi was appointed to Agriculture and Forestry governing the transitional justice law so that mentation of those laws and policies,” he said. University from Dahal’s quota and Oli’s confi- grave crimes are duly and justly punished. PHOTO: PRADEEP GYAWALI /TWITTER “For example, it highlighted how inclusive dante Yadav Lamichhane got to lead Nepal Nepal has still not amended the transitional Foreign Minister Gyawali (centre) and Chief Secretary Shanker Das Bairagi were among the team members who the constitution is, how inclusive and repre- Sanskrit University. justice laws in line with the 2015 Supreme responded to queries raised during the Universal Periodic Review session on Thursday. sentative the elections were but shied away A group of former vice-chancellors led by Court verdict that states the current laws do reflecting on what it has been doing to address Kedar Bhakta Mathema, former vice-chancellor not fully conform to Nepal’s international the country was upholding the UN-led gentle- Jinping to Nepal in October, 2019, mainly the the grievances of the people on issues ranging at Tribhuvan University, have issued statements obligations. men’s agreement to provide safe passage to Borders System Management Agreement and from discriminatory laws in the constitution.” and pressured the party leadership to prioritise “In response, Foreign Minister Gyawali the Tibetan refugees to travel up to Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty. Sigdel said Nepal’s response and language merit over party affiliations in the appointment said Nepal government was steadfast in its Dharamshala, India. On the US concern on the proposed towards how it has been addressing the issue process. However, no government has paid atten- commitment that there would be no blanket “We are committed to what we have done extradition treaty with China which was of transitional justice system was “sloppy just tion to their demands. amnesty in cases of serious violation of with the refugees living inside our country dropped after protests from several interna- highlighting the number of complaints regis- “The incidents of malpractice and irregulari- human rights,” an official at the Foreign and as per the humanitarian ground. Our pol- tional quarters. tered in the two commissions related to transi- ties will continue until the present appointment Ministry said. icy towards the refugees living inside the To these queries, Nepal replied by saying tional justice”. process continues,” said Mathema. Gyawali aslo underscored that Nepal’s country is the same and will remain the that those were bilateral agreements between “While in reality, we know the two transi- “No party is concerned about improving the peace process was guided by the same,” Gywali said. Nepal and China. tional justice commissions are toothless,” education sector. Their only motive is to reward Comprehensive Peace Accord, the directives On the issue of non-refoulement of Tibetan Nepal also faced queries concerning some added Sigdel. their allies.” Wetlands across Nepal see decline in waterbird population Preliminary findings from the waterbirds census show that their population has gone down, mainly due to habitat loss and other human activities, according to experts.

CHANDAN KUMAR MANDAL Education Society, which led the count in has slightly increased compared to last year. recorded was the Common Teal (5,135) followed KATHMANDU, JAN 21 Chitwan. The count found 19,545 waterbirds represent- by the Lesser Whistling Duck (4.350). “We have completed the count and are now ing 63 species in Koshi Tappu and its adjacent Koshi and adjacent areas recorded 7,380 of The country has seen a decline in the popula- processing the data. But the number of water- wetland areas. 56 species of waterbirds, recording an increase tion of waterbirds this year, preliminary find- birds seems to have decreased this year,” said Last year, a total of 16,012 water birds were by 31.36 percent, and also one more species is ings from the waterbirds census 2021 show. Chaudhary. “The number of waterbird species recorded from 61 species. Here, the total popu- recorded than last year. While populations have increased in some has come down to 53 from 57 recorded during lation of waterbirds increased by 22.06 percent “Over the years, the number of waterbirds areas, others have registered declines, said the the 2020 census. However, some species that compared to the last year. saw a decline in the area, owing to the exces- organisers of the census, conducted mainly in were not sighted last year have also been sight- The annual count was conducted in Koshi sive growth of vegetation in the wetlands wetland areas of the Terai along with major ed this time.” Tappu Wildlife Reserve and its adjacent wet- areas, drying up of wetlands and farming in lakes, ponds, and rivers in the country According to Chaudhary, dunlin, which was lands in Barahkshetra Municipality, Koshi those areas, increasing human disturbances, “If we look at the wetland sites, then the never sighted during waterbird censuses in the Rural Municipality, Barju Lake and Tarahara fishing practices,” said Acharya. total number has gone down. At some sites, the past, was found during this year’s count. of Sunsari, Mangalbare and Betana wetland Nepal welcomes around 150 migratory birds number has increased as well. Still, the overall Likewise, greater white-fronted geese, a rare areas of Morang, Koshi Barrage, Bhardaha every year. However, more than 100 of them are population has declined compared to last year,” vagrant species, was also sighted this time. wetland areas and Kamalpur Lake of Saptari, waterbirds whereas the remaining ones are said Hem Sagar Baral, national coordinator for A similar decline in the number of water- and Bhagalpur wetland area of Udaypur. grassland and forest birds. These waterbirds the census. birds has been seen in the wetlands of Pokhara. “The number of waterbirds in the Koshi spend their trip in the wetlands of the country. Ornithologist Baral, who is also the national According to Mann Shanta Ghimire, presi- area has increased from last year but still According to Chaudhary, these migratory coordinator for Wetlands International that dent of Pokhara Bird Society, the count carried shows a decline from the past years,” said birds started entering Nepal in October and conducts the census in Asia, said, “Wetlands out in the lake clusters of Pokhara, which POST FILE PHOTO: MANOJ PAUDEL Sanjib Acharya, president of Koshi Birds stayed until March. This is when these aquatic sites like the Jagdishpur lake, which is a cru- includes the city’s nine lakes, and Bijayapur The Jagadishpur lake in Kapilvastu has also registered Society. “We have recorded some waterbird birds are counted. cial habitat for waterbirds, have registered Khola, showed the number has gone down sig- a decline in waterbird population, the census found. species which are not new for Nepal, but were Nepal had conducted its first waterbirds declines in the number of individuals.” nificantly. sighted after several years. For example, the counting in 1967. The last census showed 70,000 waterbirds— “Waterbird species look fine but the total river, 19 birds of six species in the Babai, 36 baikal teal was sighted after eight years.” Since then every year citizen scientists and both residents and migratory—belonging to number seems to have gone down significant- birds of nine species in Satkhaluwa, and 34 More than half of the total number was volunteers have been counting the waterbird almost 50 species were found in the country. ly,” said Ghimire. “We are still verifying our species, according to Ram Shahi, president of recorded in Barju Lake alone. Likewise, a total population in Nepal during the mid-winter This year’s total count of waterbirds is yet to data, but we can say that number surely has Bardia Nature Conservation Club. of 4,908 waterbirds representing 51 species waterbird count as part of the Asian Waterbird be compiled and published. decreased.” “Fewer individuals, as well as species, have were recorded in Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve. Census. Most of the sites—from east to west—have The count has also been disappointing in been recorded this time than the previous Similarly, a total of 2,472 waterbirds were This year nearly 300 volunteers took part in recorded a dwindling population of water- western Nepal. In Bardia, where the census year,” said Shahi. “A major habitat in Badhaiya recorded from areas outside the reserve area this annual event which was hosted by birds. was conducted in six sites, a total of 1,121 Lake has seen its water level decline, whereas and Koshi Barrage. Himalayan Nature from January 2- January 18. In Chitwan, waterbird populations in waterbirds were sighted this time. In the pollution has gone up in the Karnali. Also, Barju Lake of Sunsari is considered a cru- The declining number of waterbirds is Lothar-Golaghat, which were divided into four Karnali basin, 303 waterbirds of 21 species there is noise pollution around Badhaiya Lake, cial habitat for waterfowl species. A total of attributed to the damage and destruction to small patches, were also found to have declined, were recorded this time. Likewise, 860 water- which has become a picnic spot .” 11,025 birds representing 37 species were their wetland habitats in Nepal and elsewhere, said Ramesh Chaudhary, president of Bird birds of 35 species were found in the Geruwa In eastern Nepal, the number of waterbirds recorded from this area among which the most according to experts.

C M Y K FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 2021 | 04 OPINION EDITORIAL Who gets to write our history? The boar of Langtang The nationalist narrative Parks must find effective ways conveniently sets aside to lessen human-wildlife conflict. other histories that don’t see Nepal as a great nation. The goings on in the vicinity of Langtang National Park, where farmers in the Khanjing area have been complaining of being unable to secure their farmlands from wild animals, AMISH RAJ MULMI mostly wild boars, need immediate and serious attention. Locals have reported that the wild animals have wreaked havoc on their crops, including potato, buckwheat and barley, right when they are ready to be harvested. So much so that the distressed farmers have been leaving their farmlands barren because they don’t want their hard work to go to waste. Every year, without fail, all Nepalis The conflict between the imperative of wildlife and nature wake up to the ‘greatness’ of Prithvi Narayan Shah on the occasion of conservation and the practical necessities of sustaining life Prithvi Jayanti, now also known as and livelihood is an inevitable and everlasting phenomenon. Nepal Ekikaran Diwas, or unification The conflict is especially punishing for people living in the day. This year was no different. One vicinity of national parks and wildlife reserves that have commentator grandly declared ‘if ’ high animal density. For instance, the number of wild boars Prithvi Narayan Shah hadn’t defeated in Langtang National Park was estimated to be between 1,300 the evil Kinloch of the East India Company, Nepal would become a and 2,200 individuals, which is a massive number consider- British colony, and Tibet and China ing the damage they can cause to crops. too might have become British colonies With almost no defence mechanism and contingency plan within a decade had the great king at their disposal, locals may even be tempted to cull the ani- not halted the incorrigible Empire’s mals. Apart from being illegal, this practice ultimately leads lusty intentions. to an escalation, rather than mitigation, of human-wildlife Here, I shall digress a little to talk about the ‘ifs’ of history—a favourite conflict and requires solutions, both immediate as well as trope among all. It is said that Philip II long-lasting. While Langtang National Park has claimed to of Macedon, the father of Alexander, have distributed millions of rupees in compensation to farm- once wrote to Sparta, ‘You are advised ers—as many such national parks and wildlife reserves do— to submit without further delay, for if I the very idea of providing monetary compensation for the bring my army into your land, I will damage needs to be rethought when it comes to mitigating destroy your farms, slay your people, and raze your city’. The Spartans POST FILE PHOTO human-wildlife conflict. replied with a single word: ‘If ’. If is a Bakhat Man Singh Basnyat in the where believe a national mythos is The making of a national ‘Nepali’ Research has shown that the traditional method word fraught with connotations, full of middle of the 20th century; historians essential to unite a nation. Most times, narrative was a conscious decision to of providing compensation for crop and livestock damage seduction, and replete with fallacies. Baburam Acharya and Yogi however, such myths are created after turn Nepal into a ‘strong state’. Further, does not fully address the conflict. Not all damage To talk about what would have hap- Naraharinath published it first in 1953; the fact to solve a purpose. the Nepali language was made univer- can be compensated in monetary terms; neither can protec- pened if this or that hadn’t is nothing and the latter is said to have dated the As cultural historian Pratyoush sal to bring ‘greater national strength tion be provided in all situations. Importantly, the psycholog- but pure fiction. manuscript to 1882 BS (1826 CE), when Onta has documented, the National and unity’. Thus, all such histories that Now, back to the great Shah. Rajendra Bikram Shah reigned over Education Planning Commission was eroded or defeated this purpose were ical damage caused by the conflict cannot be quantified Every time the debate about whether Nepal. But such historical ambiguity is set up in 1954 to make a long-term edu- conveniently set aside or remoulded to in monetary terms. In many countries across the world, the Gorkha military campaigns initiat- discarded in favour of the simple nar- cational plan for Nepal. ‘Apart from the serve this higher purpose. As Onta the payment of compensation is disproportionately low, and ed by Prithvi Narayan Shah were a rative currently in favour. paucity of material resources, the concludes, ‘[T]he desire to read Nepal’s the waiting period for receiving reimbursement excruciat- conscious effort to ‘unify’ Nepal or an Nationalists believe Prithvi Narayan NEPC discovered a bewildering variety independence and sovereignty in its ingly long. act of imperial colonisation erupts, I stood on top of Chandragiri and wished of teaching curricula in the various past is so strong that Balbhadra’s Even if the farmers are compensated in a timely manner, return to the academic debate between to ‘unify’ all that he saw, bringing the types of schools…’ But the NEPC was temporary supremacy over the linguist Kamal P Malla and Nepali his- char jaat, chattis barna under a single tasked with building a curriculum for a British becomes the story of Nepali it does not always lead to an improved relationship torian Mahesh Raj Pant. I do not want umbrella that he came to call Nepal. nation ‘at the crossroads of two ancient bravery at work. The Gurkhas like between wildlife authorities and farmers. Even when they to recall the entire debate here Such a linear history emphasises the civilisations’. Accordingly, in its 1955 Gaje Ghaley have to be erased are compensated, the farmers have to depend on the market (although it is highly recommended for birta, bravery, of successive Shah kings report under the heading ‘Need for from public memory so that a non-am- for their food, leaving them with no option but to spend a students who like to keep an open and their noblemen in keeping Nepal Education in Nepal Today’, it wrote: bivalent and elegant rashtriya itihaas higher price for the food they would have produced on their mind); it would be sufficient to say safe from the depredations of the hun- ‘[O]ur isolation has made us proud and could emerge’. farmlands cheaply. This ultimately leads to an increased that, beyond the personal barbs gry English. The Ranas deserve scorn nationalistic, and we wish to remain Nationalist histories inevitably ren- between the two, the debate centres for plunging the country into a dark so… During the last few centuries we der inconvenient histories invisible, financial burden on locals, causing an adverse effect on the around the question of historiography. hole, but at least they retained Nepal’s have neglected these essential charac- such as that Balbhadra Kunwar surren- life and livelihood of humans as well as the livestock depend- In other words, who gets to write the sovereignty. Thus we arrive in the mod- teristics of all strong states—national dered to the British and went on to ent on them. history of this nation, and whose ver- ern age, where Nepal’s unique heritage pride, virility, individuality—because serve in Sikh king Ranjit Singh’s army The people living in areas adjoining national parks are sion is correct? and culture is unparalleled in the we have allowed ourselves to go into in Lahore. While the history of bir disproportionally disadvantaged as they stand to lose their Consider one of the points of their world, while Nepal itself is coveted by darkness. Education must restore these Gurkhas is appropriated in our nation- means of livelihood, and in several cases, the loss of lives and debate: the venerable Divyopadesh, the heirs of the British—India. Thus, values to our country’. A little later, on al myth, the story of the Gurkhas said to be narrated by Prithvi Narayan we have Prithvi Narayan to thank for why Nepali was made the medium of themselves are not. This desperation to livestock. Conservation programmes cannot become success- Shah on his deathbed. For his mod- everything today. This narrative unites instruction, the report stated, ‘The be acknowledged as a great nation root- ful without taking local people into confidence. National ern-day bhakts, the Divyopadesh con- forces as disparate as monarchists study of a non-Nepali local tongue ed in the past and shaped by an 18th parks and wildlife reserves must, therefore, find effective tains enough wisdom to sustain and and communists, and actresses and [emphasis in original] would mitigate century dynast’s purported words ways to mitigate human-wildlife conflict by locating conflict rule Nepal till the end of days. But ‘super-cops’. In this view, national sov- against the effective development outweighs all other considerations. hotspots and introducing various strategies apart from com- what about the fact that historians con- ereignty lends its citizens pride; as of Nepali, for the student would The histories of our many people and pensation including but not limited to adoption of preventive sider the earliest manuscript to be Nepalis, we must feel proud to be born make greater use of it than Nepali—at civilisations matter as much as the dated well after Prithvi Narayan Shah’s in this great nation. home and in the community—and history of Gorkha conquest; unfortu- management measures, alteration of land use practices, crop death? The manuscript was said to be Such exceptionalism, sadly, is not thus Nepali would “remain’’ a foreign nately, Nepali ‘pride’ dictates such his- switching, fencing and trenching. discovered at the home of courtier particular to us. Nation-builders every- language’. tories be ignored.

Navalny’s return

gence had nothing to do with it, and As Navalny and his yet he has claimed that Navalny is backed by ‘American special services’, supporters have and that the Bellingcat investigation is based on selectively leaked ‘US learned, life under intelligence materials’. Though he acknowledges that Navalny was under Putin is not so bad. surveillance, he points out that this is standard practice. But if the Americans are guilty only of giving EKATERINA KOTRIKADZE information to Bellingcat, there is still the question asked of Raskolnikov in Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment: Who did it, then? The Kremlin offers no answer to that. Among Putin’s greatest fears is that someone in his immediate circle will betray him, opening the door for a Alexei Navalny is about to disturb ‘colour revolution’ of the kind seen in Russia’s laziest month. As in Soviet Georgia and Ukraine in the early times, the New Year holiday stretches 2000s. He has repeatedly described halfway through January, allowing for mass political protests in post-Soviet Russians to drink, eat oranges, and states as ‘illegal coups’ arranged by watch nostalgic 1970s romantic come- the West. Though he never refers to dies. Politics usually gets put on Navalny by name in public, he regu- hold—but perhaps not this year, with larly compares him to Mikheil Navalny’s planned return from Berlin Saakashvili, one of the leaders of on January 17, following his poisoning Georgia’s 2003 Rose Revolution. last August. By contrast, Belarus’s dictator, The end of 2020 already signalled Alexander Lukashenko, falls into the that this January would be different, category of ‘our son of a bitch’, because we Russians learned that because he refuses to surrender to a Navalny, the country’s main opposi- ‘colour revolution’. tion leader, was the target of a murder Is a ‘colour revolution’ even possi- plot that was almost certainly carried ble in Russia, given that even a gov- out at the Kremlin’s behest. Instead of ernment operation to murder an oppo- protecting us, the FSB, the Russian sition leader is not enough to provoke intelligence service and successor to national indignation? Likewise, few the KGB, has been busy trying to elim- Russians batted an eye last summer inate the regime’s opponents. when Putin rewrote the constitution An investigation conducted by jour- GREGORY STEIN/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM to extend his rule at least until 2036. nalists from Bellingcat, The Insider, What more should be needed to pro- 19 percent agreed that it was ‘a provo- state of fearful denial about their own not offer ideal conditions for taking to Russia’s past—both Soviet and czar- and CNN has provided a clear picture voke public indignation? Surveying cation of Western intelligence agen- political leaders’ actions. the streets. And yet, back in the early ist—has taught today’s Russians that of the Kremlin’s operation to poison my own colleagues at the independent cies’. A mere 15 percent recognised it For similar reasons, most Russians 2010s, hundreds of thousands of separation from the leader generally Navalny with the nerve agent TV station Dozhd, most agreed that ‘as an attempt by the authorities to will not countenance mass protests. In Russians braved freezing tempera- comes only with his death. Under Novichok during his August trip to Navalny should be 2020’s person eliminate a political opponent’. December, following the investigation tures to protest Vladimir Putin’s Putin, many Russians—especially the Siberian city of Tomsk. It is of the year. His fearless quest to These findings demonstrate two into Navalny’s poisoning, only a few return to the presidency, following his older generations—have come to Navalny’s luck that the FSB’s hold the powerful accountable has things. First, a large share of Russians activists openly dissented. The film brief stint as prime minister. embody a combination of imperial former mastery of the dark arts has earned the respect of thousands, if still watch and believe state television, director Vitaly Mansky, for example, Moreover, in this day and age, longing and fear of the external (and atrophied over time. The operation not millions. and are not seeking alternative opin- showed up at the FSB building with a Russians could voice their objections eternal) enemy. Life under this leader failed, and Navalny is now openly— But in another recent survey, just 61 ions and news sources, such as on piece of underwear, in reference to the to the Kremlin’s actions online and may not be ideal; but, as Navalny and and sometimes almost comedically— percent of Russians report having YouTube, where more discerning revelation that this may have been the in many other ways. They could his supporters have learned, it isn’t exposing his assailants, one of whom, ‘heard something’ about Navalny’s Russian news consumers now turn. sartorial means by which Novichok demand an objective, independent bad enough. believing that he was speaking to poisoning, and only 17 percent said Second, and more disturbing, many was administered. Mansky’s witty investigation, and discuss the matter someone in the ‘system’, revealed they had been following the story Russians simply don’t care. Around 44 antic may have been noticed by other on social networks. Kotrikadze is a correspondent and operational details of the plot over the closely. Worse, 30 percent responded percent heard about this heinous creative types, but it fell far short of As president, Putin surely knows anchor at Dozhd TV, Russia’s only phone. It was Navalny, who recorded that there was no poisoning—believ- crime, but either are not bothered spurring a broader protest movement. the details of the assassination remaining independent network. the call. ing that it was all an act—and another enough by it to learn more, or are in a To be sure, a Russian winter does attempt. He knows that US intelli- —Project Syndicate

C M Y K 05 | FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 2021 MONEY Domestic airlines struggle to remain Sugarcane farmers in the air by discounting fares to resume protest Carriers are receiving around 7,000 passengers daily, down from 8,735 before the pandemic, officials say. to get paid in full SANGAM PRASAIN Domestic passenger movement KATHMANDU, JAN 21 dropped to an eight-year low of 1.36 Both the government and the sugar mills are refusing million in 2015 following the disaster Before the coronavirus, domestic that caused a severe economic down- to disclose the details of the payments made so far. aviation was on a high as Nepalis, turn. But the very next year, passen- lured by cheap tickets, took to the ger movement rebounded by 28.9 per- skies like never before and filled cent to 1.75 million. KRISHANA PRASAIN why doesn’t the Industry Ministry dis- planes to capacity. The sun shone brightly for domestic KATHMANDU, JAN 21 close the names of the farmers who On some routes, price competition airlines in 2017 too, and they recorded have received their money? The sugar between carriers reached a point a 39.47 percent jump in domestic air Agitating sugarcane farmers say they mills can also post a list of the farm- where the cost of air travel came close passenger movement as they expand- are going back on the warpath since ers, the amount paid to them and the to the price of a bus ticket, to the great ed their fleets to cater to growing the money owed to them has not been date the payment was made at the mill joy of travellers. travel demand. paid in full as promised, and both the gate so they can check with their All that changed after the pandemic Domestic airlines flew a record 2.45 government and the sugar mills are banks,” he said. grounded flyers and airlines. In less million passengers in 2017 as travel- refusing to disclose the details of the “The Industry Ministry says we than a year, the virus wiped out more lers chose to fly rather than drive over payments made so far. should ask the sugar mills, and the than half of the domestic passenger bumpy national highways which seem The Sugarcane Farmers Struggle sugar mills say we should ask the min- traffic. to be perpetually under repair. Committee on Thursday announced a istry. We do not know why the govern- Tribhuvan International Airport The year 2018 was another bumper series of protest programmes starting ment and the mills are creating an statistics show that domestic carriers year for domestic airlines when they with a farmer awareness campaign issue about revealing the payment lost 1.73 million passengers last year flew 2.84 million passengers, up 19.22 slated to be held from January 23 to details,” Mishra said. “This shows that translates to a loss of more than percent from the 2017 figure. The car- February 19. that the government is trying to pro- Rs5 billion in passenger revenue, POST FILE PHOTO riers received 459,169 new flyers During the second phase of the pro- tect the sugar mills,” he added. excluding losses in cargo revenue. A file photo shows a Tara Air plane preparing to take off at Lukla Airport. attracted by their low-fare schemes. test from February 19-26, they will According to Mishra, the Industry Domestic passenger traffic at In 2019, although international pas- work in the fields by wearing black Ministry has asked for a list of the Kathmandu’s Tribhuvan senger numbers at Tribhuvan armbands. farmers and the money owed to them International Airport in 2020 fell to its DOMESTIC AIRLINES PASSENGER TRAFFIC International Airport dropped for the From February 27 to March 5, dur- as the government only has the lowest level since 2009. But airline first time in four years, domestic pas- ing the third phase, the farmers will records provided by the sugar mills. officials said that domestic carriers AIRLINES 2019 2020 CHANGE (IN%) senger traffic increased by a solid work in their fields by giving up one The government has been asking for had recovered close to 90 percent of Buddha Air 1,591,402 765,708 -51.88 11.96 percent to 3.18 million. meal daily. Further programmes will proof about the outstanding payments pre-Covid passenger numbers. Yeti Airlines 833,942 380,379 -54.38 According to operators, flying to be announced subsequently, they said. as no action can be taken without it, According to the statistics, domes- Janakpur today costs Rs1,800 while “Our fight for justice will continue he said. Shree Airlines 475,069 230,646 -51.44 tic airlines carried 1.45 million pas- travel by surface transport costs until convincing proof is revealed that sengers in 2020, a 54.28 percent plunge Nepal Airlines 74,236 23,657 -68.13 Rs2,000. the farmers have been paid in full, from the 2019 figure. Saurya Airlines 78,387 16,459 -79.00 Buddha Air was the clear winner in since only the government and the Most of the farmers Aircraft movements also dropped to Tara Air 33,172 9,755 -70.59 passenger movement in 2020 although sugar mills have the particulars of the a multi-year low of 38,610 takeoffs and Summit Air 16,032 9,236 -42.39 the pandemic had caused the carrier monies owed to the sugarcane grow- have received only landings, representing a steep 57.94 to lose half its passengers. ers for their crops,” the committee percent fall from the year before. Sita Air 14,481 4,905 -66.12 It recorded a steep 51.88 percent loss said in a press statement. partial payments. When the pandemic started spread- Simrik Airlines 28,146 4,331 -84.61 in passenger numbers last year, flying “The Industry Ministry has not dis- ing, the government shut down all only 765,708 passengers. closed the details and only informed scheduled international and domestic (Source: Tribhuvan International Airport) Buddha’s closest rival, Yeti Airlines, us verbally about the payments made, “We will be collecting the records of flights from March 24, 2020. saw its passenger numbers plunge which has raised doubts, speculation farmers and continue the protest pro- “The heavy losses in passenger due to cheap tickets.” vices from September 17, but only if 54.38 percent to 380,379 in 2020. and confusion. We can’t believe them,” gramme.” numbers has eroded the financial sta- According to airlines, they are they kept half of the seats empty. Nepal’s largest helicopter operator, it added. The ministry said that it had start- tus of domestic airlines. We’re living receiving around 7,000 passengers Private operators were quick to Shree Airlines, which diversified into “The Ministry of Industry, ed work to verify the amount actually with the hope that flyers will come daily. Before the pandemic, the num- oppose the decision, saying they could fixed-wing services in April 2017, flew Commerce and Supplies has informed owed to the farmers as their claim back,” said Anil Manandhar, corpo- ber of domestic air travellers aver- not fly the planes half-empty. They 230,646 passengers, down 51.44 percent the committee that Rs570 million out exceeds Rs900 million, he added. rate manager at Shree Airlines. aged 8,735 persons daily. warned that they would not conduct year-on-year, to take the third spot in of the Rs650 million in outstanding According to the Industry Ministry, He added that passenger movement A Buddha Air official, which has any scheduled passenger flights until terms of passenger carriage last year. payments has been cleared, and the Shree Ram Sugar Mill has paid all its had picked up, but revenues were been flying nearly 5,000 passengers the government rolled back its deci- The year 2020 was a painful one for remaining Rs80 million has come into dues totalling Rs350 million, small as the tickets were priced very daily, said that domestic airlines sion. The government was forced to Nepal Airlines as it decided to ground its control,” said Rakesh Mishra, Annapurna Sugar Mill has paid low. Airlines are charging fares that had recovered to 90 percent of the back down, and airlines started flying all its six Chinese-made planes in a patron of the Sugarcane Farmers Rs100.88 million and deposited Rs10.73 they charged a decade ago, he said. pre-Covid level in terms of passenger from September 21. bid to cut losses. The national flag Struggle Committee. “But we do not million in a bank account out of the “It’s basically a survival strategy. occupancy. “The Dashain, Tihar and Chhath carrier flew 23,657 passen- agree with the Industry Ministry,” Rs170 million outstanding. Indira The prices we are charging currently “It’s all because of the low fares,” festivals helped airlines to fill their gers, down 68.13 percent year-on-year. Mishra told the Post. Sugar Mill has paid Rs10.5 million out does not even cover the cost of fuel,” said the official. “This shows that the seats in October and November. This Saurya Airlines, which started According to the protesting farm- of the total Rs40.70 million, and he said. Domestic airlines returned to price factor has remained a crucial was followed by the wedding season,” operations in November 2014, carried ers, the Industry Ministry has not Lumbini Sugar Mill has paid Rs50.16 the air on September 21 after keeping booster of passenger occupancy for said Manandhar. But with the winter 16,459 passengers, down 79 percent. cleared all outstanding payments even million out of the total Rs80.41 million their aircraft in the hangar for nearly domestic airlines.” Buddha Air is slat- season in full swing, which has seen Yeti subsidiary Tara Air, which only though the deadline has expired. and Rs30 million has been frozen. six months. ed to add another ATR-72 plane to its many flight cancellations because of operates on remote sectors, also The committee has repeatedly Sugarcane farmers had travelled “The passengers are coming back. fleet on Friday. bad weather, particularly in the Tarai, observed a sharp decline of 70.59 per- asked the government and the sugar from the Tarai and gathered in the While international airlines are strug- According to Tiwari, it was estimat- airlines have currently halved their cent in passenger movement. It flew mills for the details of the payments capital from December 13 to protest gling to get passengers, the occupancy ed that the fear of catching Covid-19 flights, said Manandhar. 9,755 passengers last year. made so far, but they have not received for the second time demanding that on domestic flights has been better from fellow passengers would impact Traveller movement has been fluc- Summit Air, another airline serving any response, it said. their outstanding dues be cleared. than expected,” said Pratap Babu commercial travel. “But the situation tuating since 2009 due to the airfare remote destinations, saw passenger Most of the farmers have received They called off their two-week-long Tiwari, general manager of has reversed.” structure and safety concerns, but the numbers drop 42.39 percent to 9,236. only partial payments, and they protest on December 28 following an Tribhuvan International Airport. On September 15, 2020, the govern- domestic airline industry went on a Sita Air flew 4,905 passengers, down are yet to receive all their money, assurance from the government that “The trend shows that domestic ment announced that domestic air- record breaking spree after the 2015 by 66.12 percent. Simrik Airlines flew Mishra said. the delinquent mills would pay them airlines are making a faster recovery lines would be allowed to resume ser- earthquake. 4,331 passengers, down 84.61 percent. “If the payments have been made, within 21 days.

FOREX Jack Ma’s reappearance fails Ncell takes responsibility for greening US Dollar 117.09 Euro 142.16 Pound Sterling 160.80 to calm investor concerns Japanese Yen 11.32 a section of the Ring Road Chinese Yuan 18.12 Qatari Riyal 32.16 about regulatory crackdown Australian Dollar 91.03 corporate positions, he retains signifi- Malaysian Ringit 29.05 cant influence over Alibaba and Ant, Saudi Arab Riyal 31.21 and the regulatory crackdown on his Exchange rates fixed by Nepal Rastra Bank business empire coupled with his absence was a concern for some inves- Shares tors. There was scepticism that Ma’s brief reappearance meant all was well Nepse 2,374.64pts 1.36% with his businesses. “The coast is not all clear for HIGHEST GAINERS Alibaba and it is a judgment call SMB SMFBS SIL GBLBS ALBSL MSMBS 10% 9.98% 9.97% 9.96% 9.96% 9.96% whether you believe the company can still thrive in the changing environ- MODERATE GAINERS ment,” said Dave Wang, a portfolio ILBS GLBSL SLBS UIC SNLB UMRH 9.94% 9.94% 9.94% 9.93% 9.92% 9.91% manager at Singapore’s Nuvest Captial, which owns Alibaba stock. MODERATE LOSERS UFL NMBHF1 TRH SAND2085 NEF MFIL “Without some skepticism, the -1.5% -1.5% -1.55% -1.63% -1.63% -1.65% price would be a lot higher,” he said,

HIGHEST LOSERS adding his firm had increased expo- SFMF BOKL NIBPO BARUN NHDL NABBC REUTERS sure to China and with it Alibaba, -1.96% -2.13% -2.33% -3.33% -4.25% -6.7% Alibaba Group co-founder and executive which he believes can prosper over the chairman Jack Ma. medium to longer term. Two of the company’s investors in REUTERS the United States who have sold out or PRICE PER TOLA BULLION NEW YORK/BOSTON/HONG KONG, JAN 21 reduced positions in Alibaba said they needed more reassurance about the Fine Gold Rs 93,100 Billionaire Jack Ma’s 50-second company and the regulatory environ- video reappearance has done little to ment before reconsidering the stock. Silver Rs 1,275 resolve Alibaba Group’s troubled rela- “One of our top criteria is leader- PHOTO COURTESY: NCELL AXIATA LIMITED tionship with regulators that is mak- ship and we were investing in Alibaba The project aims to transform this segment—covering approximately an area of 10.2 kilometres—into an exemplary green belt area. SOURCE: FENEGOSIDA ing some investors hesitate about because I really respect Jack Ma as a owning the Chinese e-commerce leader,” said William Huston, founder POST REPORT will ensure the maintenance of the General of the DoFSC said, “It giant’s stock. and director of institutional services KATHMANDU, JAN 21 green belt stretch and take care of remains the government’s broader GASOLINE WATCH Relief at Ma’s first public appear- at independent investment advisory more than 6,000 trees for five years. priority to drive and promote green- ance added $58 billion in market value firm Bay Street Capital Holdings in Ncell Axiata Limited has taken up the “Ncell’s collaboration with the ing the environment across the coun- on Wednesday as Alibaba’s Hong Palo Alto, CA, with assets under man- responsibility for building and main- Department of Forest and Soil try. I am delighted that Ncell has come Kong-listed stock soared, though agement of $86 million. taining the greening of Koteshwor- Conservation represents a major forward to demonstrate their leader- doubts crept in a day later and the “We all know that just because he Kalanki Ring Road stretch in collabo- change in the way organisations can ship by contributing to meaningful stock fell more than 3 percent as the showed up ... doesn’t necessarily ration with the Department of Forest create an impact by working together. environmental outcomes on a signifi- broader market steadied near two- explain what is going on.” and Soil Conservation (DoFSC). Our partnership with the DoFSC to cant scale during these challenging year highs.Ma had not appeared in Huston, whose firm cut its holding The project aims to transform this roll out the 10.2 Greening of Ring times as a part of their corporate public since October 24, when he blast- in the Chinese firm last year from 8 segment—covering approximately an Road initiative provides a great exam- social responsibility.” ed China’s regulatory system. That set percent of its portfolio to less than 1 area of 10.2 kilometres—into an exem- ple of a public-private partnership,” Ncell is also implementing a sepa- him on a collision course with offi- percent, said the halting of the Ant plary green belt area fostering a clean said Andy Chong, chief executive rate project to build a green park at cials and led to the suspension of IPO in November had caused uncer- and green Ring Road as part of its officer of Ncell. the heart of Kathmandu. Previously, Alibaba fintech affiliate Ant Group’s tainty, and that Alibaba was “not a corporate social responsibility initia- He added, “This greening initiative the company had supported reforesta- blockbuster $37 billion IPO. prudent investment” for it going for- tive (CSR). Ncell believes that the will contribute to a healthy environ- tion by planting 50,000 trees in A source familiar with the matter ward. David Kotok, chairman and greenery around Ring Road will con- ment for the community as a whole 33 hectares of barren areas of said Ma cleared his schedule late chief investment officer at tribute towards an improved environ- and support to deliver Ncell’s climate Dhanushadham Protected Forest last year to keep a low profile, Cumberland Advisors, Florida, which mental quality across the community. action goals. Greening of Ring Road is (DPF) and implemented environmen- prompting discussion at Alibaba has about $4 billion in assets, said he The initiative is already underway one of our efforts to address climate tal awareness programme in about when and how he should reap- held Alibaba last year but also sold as with Ncell beginning landscaping and change, along with the need to reduce Dhanusha, contributing to awareness pear to assure investors. It was decid- the Ant IPO was pulled. building the green belt area. The pro- carbon footprint. and conservation of the environment. ed he should do something that would “When you don’t know what to do in ject began in November with the com- Furthermore, we aim to contribute After the implementation of this appear as part of his normal routine, an evolving situation like this you pletion of the Balkhu-Ekantakuna towards more sustainable projects project, DPF was declared as ‘Illicit rather than anything overt that could can’t use traditional securities analyt- stretch as a pilot phase. As part of the that can create larger long-term Felling and Open Grazing Free Zone’ irk the government. ics to reach decisions. We are standing initiative, the company supported the impacts countrywide.” by the government for the conserva- While Ma has stepped down from aside and watching,” Kotok said. plantation of trees in this stretch and Man Bahadur Khadka, Director tion and development of the forest.

C M Y K FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 2021 | 06 WORLD BRIEFING Hopes for renewed cooperation as Indian government At least 28 dead as twin suicide offers to suspend farm bombings rock central Baghdad BAGHDAD: Twin suicide bombings Biden enters White House reforms; farmers may ripped through a busy market in the Iraqi capital on Thursday, killing at Governments targeted and sanctioned under Trump embrace the chance for a fresh start with Biden. least 28 people and wounding 73 oth- call off protests ers, officials said. The rare suicide more realistic hope for improved bombing attack hit the Bab al-Sharqi relations: Biden was in the White REUTERS commercial area in central Baghdad House for the historic thaw in NEW DELHI, JAN 21 amid heightened political tensions relations in 2014, and various over planned early elections and a officials expressed willingness to India’s government on Wednesday offered to suspend severe economic crisis. No one imme- reopen a dialogue with implementation of three new farm laws that have trig- diately took responsibility for the Washington if there was respect gered the biggest farmers’ protests in years, which farm attack. Iraq’s military said at least 28 for Cuba’s sovereignty. union leaders said they would now consider calling off. people were killed and 73 wounded in President Miguel Díaz-Canel The cornerstone of the reform, introduced in September, the attack and said some of the railed against Trump via Twitter, allows private buyers to deal directly with farmers. injured were in serious condition. citing “more than 200 measures Angry farmers, who say that will make India’s tradition- that tightened the financial, com- al wholesale markets irrelevant and leave them at the mercial and economic blockade, mercy of big retailers and food processors, have camped Twitter locks account of China’s the expression of a despicable out on major highways outside New Delhi for more than US embassy over its defence of and inhuman policy.” two months. Xinjiang policy In Mexico, President Andrés Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Minister Narendra Manuel López Obrador, who cul- Singh Tomar said the government was open to suspending SHANGHAI: Twitter has locked the tivated an unexpectedly friendly the laws for up to 18 months, during which time represent- account of China’s US embassy for a relationship with Trump and atives of the government and farmers should work to tweet that defended China’s policy was one of the last world leaders “provide solutions” for the industry. towards Muslim Uighurs in Xinjiang, to recognise Biden’s victory, read Bilateral talks have so far failed to break the deadlock - which the US social media platform from a letter he sent to Biden in landing Prime Minister Narendra Modi with one of his said violated its stand against “dehu- 2012, calling for reorienting the most significant challenges since he was re-elected in 2019. manising” people. China’s Foreign bilateral relationship away from The next round of talks is due on Friday, and farm lead- Ministry said on Thursday that it was security and military aid and er Dharmendra Malik said the unions would let the gov- confused by the move and that it was toward development. ernment know then if they would accept the offer and call the embassy’s responsibility to call He urged Biden to implement off the protests. out disinformation and clarify the immigration reform, and added: The government was “sympathetic to farmers’ concerns truth. The Chinese Embassy account, “We need to maintain a very good and is trying to end the stalemate,” it said in a govern- @ChineseEmbinUS, posted a tweet relationship with the United ment, thanking them for maintaining “peace and disci- this month that said that Uighur States government and I don’t pline” during the protests. women had been emancipated and AP/RSS have any doubt that it’s going to Farmers plan a tractor rally through New Delhi on Jan were no longer “baby-making A man wearing cut-outs of US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris walks on a street in Chennai, India. be that way.” 26, India’s Republic Day, which the Supreme Court on machines”, citing a study reported by US allies in the Asia-Pacific Wednesday declined a government petition to ban. state-backed newspaper China Daily. ASSOCIATED PRESS frustration in Washington over planet,” Macron wrote on region expressed anticipation of The tweet was removed by Twitter MEXICO CITY, JAN 21 its human rights record and Twitter. “Welcome back to the strengthening those alliances and replaced by a label stating that it accusations of technology theft, Paris Agreement!” under a Biden administration. was no longer available. Although World leaders welcomed into expressed hope about the change Other European allies saw a Japanese Prime Minister Twitter hides tweets that violate its their ranks the new US President in the White House. chance to come in out of the cold Yoshihide Suga, Taiwan’s policies, it requires account owners Joe Biden, noting their most “I think after this very difficult after strained relationships with President Tsai Ing-wen and oth- to manually delete such posts. pressing problems, including the and extraordinary time, both the the Trump administration. ers highlighted their shared val- Covid-19 pandemic and climate Chinese and American people European Council President ues as leaders of democracies. change, require multilateral deserve a better future,” Foreign Charles Michel said trans-Atlan- South Korean President Moon Mongolian prime minister cooperation, an approach his pre- Ministry spokesperson Hua tic relations have “greatly suf- Jae-in said: “America’s new submits resignation after decessor Donald Trump ridi- Chunying said at a daily briefing. fered in the last four years” while beginning will make democracy Covid-19 protests culed. Biden “understands the impor- the world has become less stable even greater.” Many expressed hope Biden tance of cooperation among and less predictable. Former Australian diplomat ULAANBAATAR: Mongolia’s Prime would right US democracy two nations,” said former Colombian “We have our differences and Rory Medcalf said Biden would Minister Khuresukh Ukhnaa has sub- weeks after rioters stormed the president Juan Manuel Santos. they will not magically disap- likely find diplomatic partners mitted his resignation to parliament Capitol, shaking the faith of “As a matter of fact, if we don’t pear. America seems to have across the Indo-Pacific region after protests in the capital those fighting for democracy in cooperate to fight climate changed, and how it’s perceived ready not for American leader- Ulaanbaatar about the government’s their own countries. change, then we will all perish.” in Europe and the rest of the ship but partnership in “collec- handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, Governments targeted and French President Emmanuel world has also changed,” added tive action” against Chinese the state news agency Montsame sanctioned under Trump Macron and Tibetan spiritual Michel. “strategic assertiveness.” reported on Thursday. The protests embraced the chance for a fresh leader the Dalai Lama were In Latin America, Biden faces World leaders also acknowl- erupted on Wednesday in response to start with Biden, while some among those welcoming US immediate challenges on immi- edged the history of Vice allegations that the government had heads of state who lauded attention to climate change. After gration, and the leaders of the President Kamala Harris taking mishandled the relocation of a Trump’s blend of nationalism Trump withdrew the US from the two most populous countries— office. She is the first woman, the Covid-19 patient and her newborn and populism were more Paris climate accord, Biden Brazil and Mexico—were chum- first Black woman and the first baby, Montsame said. After earning restrained in their expectations. reversed the move in the first my with Trump. The Trump South Asian to hold that office. praise for its handling of the corona- But the chance to repair frayed hours of his presidency. administration also expanded Indian Prime Minister virus in the early stages, Mongolia alliances and work together on With Biden, “we will be strong- painful sanctions against govern- Narendra Modi on Twitter con- has recently been battling an out- global problems carried the day. er to face the challenges of our ments in Cuba, Venezuela and gratulated both Biden and REUTERS break caused by an infected driver China, whose US relations time. Stronger to build our Nicaragua. Harris, whose maternal grandfa- Farmers take part in a protest against the newly passed farm laws entering from Russia. (AGENCIES) nosedived due to widespread future. Stronger to protect our Cuba’s leaders perhaps have a ther was Indian. on the outskirts of Delhi, India, on December 17. US, staying in WHO, to join Covid-19 vaccine push for poor nations: Fauci

REUTERS GENEVA, JAN 21 Fire breaks out The United States under President Joe Biden at building of intends to join the COVAX vaccine facility that aims India’s vaccine to deliver coronavirus vaccines to poor countries, producer his chief medical adviser, Anthony Fauci, told the ASSOCIATED PRESS World Health Organization PUNE, INDIA, JAN 21 on Thursday. Fauci, speaking to the A fire broke out on WHO executive board, con- Thursday at a building firmed that the United under construction at States would remain a Serum Institute of India, member of the UN agency the world’s largest vaccine and said it would work manufacturer, possibly multilaterally on issues affecting its future expan- from the Covid-19 sion of Covid-19 vaccine pandemic to HIV/AIDS. production. “This is a good day for Firefighters were WHO and a good day for extinguishing the flames, global health,” WHO direc- the fire office in Pune city tor-general Tedros in southern Maharashtra Adhanom Ghebreyesus AP/RSS state said. The cause of the said. Smoke rises from the Serum Institute of India, the world’s largest vaccine maker that is manufacturing fire and extent of damage the AstraZeneca/Oxford University vaccine for the coronavirus, in Pune, India, on Thursday. were not immediately clear. The company said “WHO is a family of issue a directive later today under the COVAX scheme the fire was restricted to a nations and we are all glad which will include the run by the WHO and the new facility it is construct- that the US is staying in the intent of the United States GAVI vaccine alliance, ing to increase production family,” Tedros said. to join COVAX and support WHO officials said this of Covid-19 vaccines. Austria, speaking for the the ACT-Accelerator to week. It said the fire did not European Union, Britain, advance multilateral “We welcome the deci- affect existing facilities Canada, Kenya and South efforts for Covid-19 sion by the United States to making Covid-19 vaccines Korea also welcomed the vaccine, therapeutic, and join the COVAX facility, or a stockpile of around 50 US turnabout and pledged diagnostic distribution, because vaccinating our million doses. to work together to equitable access, and own populations is not Serum Institute of India strengthen multilateral research and develop- enough scientifically or is the world’s largest maker cooperation. ment.” morally,” Britain’s of vaccines and has been Fauci, speaking from The first batches of ambassador, Julian contracted to manufacture Washington a day after coronavirus vaccines are Braithwaite, told the board. a billion doses of the Biden was inaugurated, expected to go to poorer “We need a global vacci- AstraZeneca/Oxford said: “President Biden will countries in February nation campaign if we are University vaccine. Its

to overcome this global CEO, Adar Poonawalla, pandemic.” said in an interview with Austrian ambassador The Associated Press last Elisabeth Tichy- month that it hopes to Fisslberger said on behalf increase production capac-

of the EU: “It is time to ity from 1.5 billion doses to renew joint EU-US efforts 2.5 billion doses per year by aimed at strengthening as the end of 2021. The new well as reforming interna- facility is key to the tional organisations such expansion.

as the World Health Of the more than 12 Organization.” billion vaccine doses The United States will expected to be produced “fulfil its financial obliga- this year, rich countries

tions” to WHO, Fauci said, have already bought about adding it would work with 9 billion, and many have the other 193 member options to buy even more. states on reforms.

C M Y K 07 | FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 2021 SPORTS | MEDLEY Dhamala, Airee guide Police to second win Retaining ODI status and beat Lumbini Province by 74 runs to pull off their second victory in three matches in Prime Minister Cup. SPORTS BUREAU Krishna Karki cracked an unbeaten improving ranking top KATHMANDU, JAN 21 40 off 24 while Rajbir Singh was the other major contributor scoring 24 Sunil Dhamala and Dipendra Singh runs for Lumbini. Airee starred with the bat for Nepal Police bowler Rashid Khan and priorities of Whatmore Police Club as they beat Lumbini Pawan Sarraf claimed two Province by 74 runs to register their each. second consecutive win in the Prime Minister Cup national one-day APF thump Gandaki for second tournament at the TU cricket grounds straight victory in Kirtipur on Thursday. Nepal Armed Police Force (APF) Opener Dhamala cracked 104 runs Club thumped Gandaki Province by while middle-order batsman Airee six wickets at the Mulpani grounds to scored 85 runs. register their second victory from as Police, invited to bat first, posted a many matches in Group ‘A’ of the challenging total of 310-4. In reply, Prime Minister Cup. Lumbini could only muster 236-7 in With a match in hand, APF are two their allotted 50 overs. points behind rivals Tribhuvan With the result, Police have climbed Army Club, who lead the standings. to the second spot in Group ‘B’ with Gandaki are fourth in the five-team four points from three matches. They table with two points after playing are behind Bagmati on net run rate. four matches. Lumbini are third in the five-team APF bowler Kamal Airee claimed pool with two points from as many four wickets from the Gandaki squad, matches. invited to bat first. They were bowled POST PHOTO: HEMANTA SHRESTHA Man-of-the-match Dhamala hit out for 106 runs in 46 overs. In reply, Dav Whatmore, who guided Sri Lanka to 1996 World Cup trophy, was formally introduced by seven boundaries and a six in his 145- APF chased down the target in 17.3 the Cricket Association of Nepal as national team head coach on Thursday. ball knock. He shared a 129-run part- overs for the loss of four wickets after nership for the fourth with opener Asif Sheikh scored the highest SPORTS BUREAU the players.” Airee before being by wicket- 78 runs. KATHMANDU, JAN 21 “There are certain principles that keeper Sushant Thapa in 43.5 overs. Gandaki opener Sameer Kandel work and I know what they are and I Airee, the next wicket to fall, hit six contributed 36 runs, the highest in the Newly appointed national cricket am going to apply that with Nepal sixes and a boundary in his 61-ball innings. Bishnu Pandey (15), Dinesh team’s head coach Dav Whatmore said cricket. The immediate job is to pre- knock. He was caught by Pranit Thapa Budhamagar (12), Deepesh Khatri (15) on Thursday that retaining the ODI pare the group of boys together to win Magar off Saurav Khanal. were the only other bowlers to touch status of Nepal and improving rank- the games,” said Whatmore, who Pawan Sarraf smashed an unbeaten double figures. ings were his top priorities. played seven Tests and a lone ODI for 50 runs facing just 13 deliveries—the APF bowler Airee gave away 11 “We must ensure that Nepal retain Australia between 1979 and 1980. fastest half-century in national crick- runs in his 10 overs spell with three their ODI status and improve their As coach, Whatmore’s first assign- et. His innings included a four and six maiden overs. Abinash Bohara and rankings and I am very much happy to ment is to prepare the squad for the sixes. Sarraf hit Bikram Bhusal for 17 Sharad Vesawkar grabbed two wickets accept these challenges. The immedi- ICC World Cricket League 2, a gateway runs in five balls in the penultimate apiece. ate job is to prepare the boys to win to ICC World Cup, against Oman and over while he smashed Khanal for In the run chase, Sheikh made the the game,” said the 66-year-old who the US set to take place in March 2021 28 runs, including four sixes, in the work easy for APF with his 78 runs guided Sri Lanka to the World Cup in Oman. final ove r. despite losing his opening partner trophy in 1996 at his first press confer- Talking about Nepal’s prospects of Police batsmen Aarif Sheikh Subash Khakurel out in the first ball. ence as the head coach of the men’s playing in the World Cup, Whatmore remained unbeaten on 29 runs while POST PHOTO: HEMANTA SHRESTHA Sumit Maharjan was the other major national team. said, “Reaching the world cup level is Amit Shrestha was the other remarka- Nepal Police Club opener Sunil Dhamala scored 104 runs in his 145-ball knock. contributor with 18 runs in his The International Cricket Council very difficult and a lot of countries ble contributor with 28 runs under account. (ICC) had granted Nepal the ODI sta- are trying what we are trying. I can’t his kitty. Sandeep Sunar for a duck and Sushant Lumbini’s Khanal, who came to bat Gandaki bowler Chandra Paudel tus for four years beginning June 2018. promise where you get, but you get Lumbini bowlers Khanal, Dipendra Thapa for four runs. But Sandeep at number 7, took the challenge to the and Bishal Paudel claimed two wick- This has been extended by another better chance when you do certain Rawat, Anil Kharel, and Krishna Rajali and Dev Khanal played a 66- run opponents as he made 74 runs. He hit ets apiece. year owing to the Covid-19 pandemic. things and get the right results. Karki claimed a wicket apiece. partnership for the third wicket. six boundaries and five sixes in his On Friday, Karnali play Province 1 Cricket Association of Nepal (CAN) Nevertheless, unless we dream and During the run chase, Lumbini Rajali hit 40 off 79 and Khanal contrib- 60-ball knock before being caught by at the TU grounds, and Bagmati take President Chatur Bahadur Chand have aspirations to reach high level it made a shaky start losing openers uted 49 off 71. Kushal Bhurtel off Airee. on Province 2. expressed his satisfaction that Nepal is never going to happen. But each day, had finally got a results-oriented one game at a time, one week at a time coach. “We are hopeful that Nepal will is the way for improvement.” make a leap under his leadership. We Whatmore, who has coached the will try to gain more heights in his national sides of Bangladesh, Pakistan tenure,” he said. and Zimbabwe and the Indian Premier Samba nets hat-trick as APF hit Chandrapur for six Whatmore arrived in Nepal on League franchise Kolkata Knight Sunday following his appointment to Riders, was in Nepal for high perfor- the hot seat beginning on January 1. mance training in February 2017. SPORTS BUREAU team’s fourth two minutes later, before scoring her team for coming under pressure following her injury. But he was self-isolating owing to CAN secretary Ashok Nath KATHMANDU, JAN 21 hat-trick with a powerful right-footed shot following “We could not handle the game after Ghimire was the Covid-19 pandemic and came Pyakurel said retaining the ODI sta- a solo run in the 72nd minute. injured. More goals came in and we could do noth- out after he tested negative for the tus, improving rankings and getting Sabitra Bhandari scored a hat-trick as Nepal Armed “I am happy to have scored against such a strong ing,” Kafle said. “Our players also lacked fitness in coronavirus. results were the targets given to him. Police Force (APF) Club thumped Chandrapur team as Chandrapur and bag a win against them,” the ground which needs to be improved.” “I would like to thank the Cricket “He will also work as the consultant Municipality 6-0 in the National Women’s football the 23-year-old striker said after the match. In another match of the day played at the same Association of Nepal (CAN) board for coach for the women’s national and league on Thursday. Substitute Preeti Rai then completed the rout cap- venue, Biratnagar Metropolitan City and Waling having confidence in me and will try U-19 teams,” said Pyakurel, adding National team striker Bhandari put the depart- italising on a mistake from goalie Rai three minutes Municipality shared spoils in their 1-1 draw. to use my expertise to improve cricket that they would work closely with him mental side in front when she blasted in a right-foot- from time. Samjhana Sharma put Waling ahead through a in the country,” said Whatmore. for formulation of plans and policies ed shot past Chandrapur goalkeeper Yunisha Rai “The players played really well and showed they header from a corner in the second minute. But Speaking about his challenges, he from the grassroots level and reviving collecting a cross from Anjali Yonjan in the 14th are the title favourites,” said APF coach Bhagwati Biratnagar’s Indian signing Asha Kumari pulled an said: “This is not an easy position cricket in the country. minute at the ANFA Complex. Yonjan doubled the Thapa. “The first match is always important and I equaliser in the 68th minute which came after and there are challenges both at the “Nepali cricket will reach greater lead eight minutes later heading a corner kick from am happy we won.” Waling goalkeeper’s weak attempt to save Kumari’s associate level and full member level heights with a coach having such Saru Limbu into the net. Chandrapur had to replace their key defender long-range free kick. to be able to improve rankings. I will experience and exposure. His tenure Bhandari got her second goal of the game 17 min- Samikshya Ghimire at the start of the second half Chaudandigadhi Municipality will take on Nepal try to help with my knowledge and will be best for Nepal cricket,” said utes after the break and then fed Anita Basnet for the and coach Noorraj Kafle was quick to blame the Police Club in Friday’s only fixture. expertise and share everything with Pyakurel. HOROSCOPE ARIES (March 21-April 19) **** CANCER (June 22-July 22) *** LIBRA (September 23-October 22) *** CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19) **** After doing your best to hold a grudge a peaceful The chance to climb a ladder, corporate or otherwise, Something could cause you to say some uncharacter- No matter where you go, what the circumstances wave washes it away, even if a friend did something has just arrived, and if you can manage to negotiate, istic things, and putting your foot in your mouth are, or why you happen to be there, more often that feels like absolute treason to you. You’ll wake up you might be able to make a name for yourself as could result in awkwardness, even regret. You’re than not you’re likely to be made the honorary feeling compassionate and ready, finally, to accept well as a comfortable mark on the world at large. Go only human, though, so your verbal faux pas should principal. Most times you don’t mind. In fact, you the apology. get ‘em. be forgiven in time. often enjoy it.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) *** LEO (July 23-August 22) *** SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) *** AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) *** You’re torn between two very strong impulses. You’re just about ready to tend to the dilemma you’ve The poise and assurance that oozes out of every pore When you least expect it, someone you’re One side of you wants to shout your news to the been trying so hard to work out. In fact, if you can doesn’t only work from nine to five, you know. It’s quite fond of could call with one objective in world at large. The other side can’t stand the thought manage it, take some time now before things pretty much a 24/7 kind of thing, and it pertains mind: persuade you to take their side in a of letting a soul know anything. But it’s time you really heat up. Spend some time with your significant even more to your behavior once you punch out of tricky dispute. You, of course, won’t hesitate to decide! other. work. agree.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21) **** VIRGO (August 23-September 22) **** SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) *** PISCES (February 19-March 20) *** Believe it or not, that exotic new acquaintance is The universe is enhancing critical thinking. Let the rest of the world deal with problems. Tell everyone all what you think even if you more than ready to meet your crew, and the feelings Negative thinking can be a hindrance to forward Your job now is to forget about anything that’s suddenly realise that it’s going to startle them by are mutual. Both sides are curious, and both are progress. Look on the bright side as much as possi- serious and enjoy some time with family simply revealing a romantic secret. Your list of priorities eager to see if everything you’ve said about the other ble. You can be direct without coming on too strong, because you can. You can sometimes be set in your has changed drastically recently. It’s okay. It’s not all is true. which is a helpful skill to have. ways. that odd. CROSSWORD SUDOKU


C M Y K FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 2021 | 08 CULTURE & LIFESTYLE (C.R.P.D.) - 3/052/053 Home is where the heart is In the latest exhibition by Siddhartha Galley, artists Jagdish Moktan and Priyanka Singh Maharajan not only create personal artworks, but also experiment in medium and approach.

POST PHOTOS: ANKIT KHADGI The ongoing exhibition will be held until February 15 at Siddhartha Gallery, Babar Mahal Revisited.

ANKIT KHADGI difficult to interpret, when they are floor is based on his idea of home and the (aunt) not only become a mere exhibition graph creates a life-like effect, the detail- KATHMANDU viewed together, their meaning becomes values attached to it, on the first floor, we of the person, rather through the art- ing of the embroidery of the traditional clear. The artist isn’t just recreating the are presented with creations of Priyanka work, she also makes a commentary on symbols in the gate is exemplary as she hen one enters physical landscape of his village. Rather, Singh Maharjan, who through her exhibi- the social rules that restricts widows to masterfully fills the space of the symbols, Siddhartha Gallery, through his work he is trying to dissemi- tion, ‘In the Realm of Recollections,’ take wear red colour clothes. beautifying it with the help of colourful they will instantly nate an underlying message attached to us on a journey of reliving the old good In the artwork we can see the black and threads. notice the changes to it: the soil isn’t carved neatly, there are no memories presented through an innova- white photo of her phupu who’s standing. The efforts put by the gallery to show- the gallery. The walls roads; instead, the soil is flowing, like a tive medium. The black and white photo here doesn’t case both Maharjan and Moktan, awar- aren’t plain white river, signifying the landslides and the On every corner of the room, there are only become the quality of the photo- dees of the Himalayan Light Art Wanymore. On the ground floor, there are ecological damage haphazard develop- old black and white pictures of her and graph, as it also symbolises the lack col- Scholarship, also deserves applause. The hues of grey painted on the corners, ment work brings to the land. her family members hanging in the ours in her phupu’s life, both literally and gallery doesn’t only provide a physical while all the walls of the first floor are For someone for whom “home” has embroidered hoops. But these aren’t just figuratively, because of the social norms. space for the artists to exhibit their work, painted in blue. always been a central theme of his artis- plain pictures. The artist has scanned the However, in the photograph, on its side, they have also taken care of using availa- The gallery looks fresh, new and there’s tic pursuit, it is evident from his works photos and transferred them into a fabric there are red dot-like embroideries spread ble resources to amplify the efforts and a sense of bewilderment and excitement that these developmental changes bother and embroidered the edges. over. Here through the red embroideries, impact of the artworks of the two artists, in the air. And in this gleaming newness, Moktan deeply. Haphazard development Maharjan challenges the system, by by allowing them to use the space in a what is paradoxical is the artworks that is snatching away the beauty of his home, embracing the red colour on her phupu, way that can increase their effectiveness are present, which are based on themes of the originality of his home, but most through which she conveys her resilience of the artworks. the past and the memories of the yester- importantly, the identity of his home. But What stands out the against the system that prevents a woman For instance, the grey background on years. there’s nothing he can do because it’s not to wear red colour clothes if their hus- some of the walls on the ground floor The ground floor of the gallery is dedi- in his hands. He’s just an observer, a wit- most among Moktan’s band is dead. serves as a contrast to the ‘Traces’ series cated to exhibiting the works of Jagdish ness to these changes. The only thing he Similarly, in another work, in a photo- of Moktan, which are earthy and have Moktan. Titled as ‘The Way Home is Away can do is highlight this restrained state, creations is the 108 graph featuring her ajis (grandmothers), warm colours in them. Likewise, the blue from Home’, Moktan displays his versatil- and that is what he does in his self-por- she makes halos with the help of embroi- colour, on the first floor, creates a calming ity as he uses various mediums to depict trait, ‘Marks On Hill II’. frames of charcoal deries to pay a tribute to them. and cosy atmosphere, elevating the sto- his artistic expressions. But what stands out the most among on paper. The beauty of her works, however, is ry-telling of the personal photographs of For instance, in the series Traces, he his creations is the 108 frames of charcoal that it transcends beyond the personal Maharjan, whose old house was also uses the medium of soil to depict the on paper which are displayed on the walls expressions, as through her artworks, she painted in blue colour. ongoing changes that are taking place in of the gallery. Titled as ‘Fragmented also depicts the culture and traditions of From paying attention to the details his birthplace, Ramechhap. Clouds’, the series, which was created However, as per the artists, the embroi- her Newa community. like providing adequate information to The high demand for connectivity has during lockdown, is deeply personal. dery also carries another purpose—it’s For instance, we get the glimpse of her visitors so they can understand the art- forced the government to build roads When lockdown forced people to stay her way of including a form of art and grandparents wearing traditional Newa works to even tiny little things like add- there. But are roads doing any good? Or indoors, Moktan too had to live in his skill she learnt from her grandmother. attires, her family members performing ing a sukul for visitors to sit on and look are they only causing locals to lose their room, far away from nature. Out in The photos she exhibits give us a peek Mha puja and so on. And this makes her at the art in the middle of the first floor, culture, their flora and fauna, and their nature, he would often enjoy time looking into her private life. We see pictures of works more significant and poignant, as there’s hardly any issue that affects the homes? at the open skies, but under lockdown, her when she was a child, her dog (who’s besides preserving and depicting her per- impact of the artworks. Both artists not Moktan’s works dwell on these themes, even if he wanted to look at the sky, the no more), photos of her parents, her sonal stories, her works serve as a reposi- only create personal artworks, but also which he is able to visually translate. For only view he got was of its reflection on grandparents, uncles and aunts. Every tory in telling stories of her community, experiment in medium, in approach, and instance, in ‘Traces I’’ and ‘‘Trace II’, by his windows. picture has its own story and the embroi- its people, their culture and arts as well. most importantly, in depicting their emo- using images from Google maps as a ref- Recreating the same experience, dery in them adds not only aesthetic For instance, in one of her best works tions and experiences in an effective man- erence, he paints the geographical terrain through the series, he depicts the visuals value but also reflects her views and emo- displayed for the exhibition, she recreates ner that can be understood by a larger of his village, where he uses soil to denote that were stored in his mind of the open tions. the main door, the traditional entry gate, audience, making this exhibition a the roads. skies, which are in fragments. For instance, the embroidery and the Lukhaa Dvaa, of her old home. While the must-visit one among the recent physical While the paintings individually are While Moktan’s work on the ground stitches in the photograph of her phupu size of the fabric as well as the photo- art exhibitions held in the city. Inauguration fashion: Purple, pearls, American designers Kamala Harris gave a nod to women’s suffrage, Shirley Chisholm and her beloved sorority in pearls and purple.

LEANNE ITALIE particular time, when all small businesses, including WASHINGTON fashion businesses, are in need of support and spot- lighting.” oe Biden and Kamala Harris showcased Harris’ choice to wear pieces by Black designers American designers at their inauguration “felt particularly significant in light of her triply his- Wednesday, and Harris gave a nod to women’s toric title as the first female, Black and Asian American suffrage, Shirley Chisholm and her beloved vice president of our country,” Hyland added. sorority in pearls and purple. As for the colour purple, it was a symbol of unity Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton and and bipartisanship. Republican Red and Democratic JLaura Bush also donned hues of purple. Harris blue make purple. has cited Chisholm, a Democrat from New “If there’s a message to be taken from today’s inau- York, as an inspiration for her career. Chisholm was guration fashion, it’s that those who attended are the first Black woman elected to Congress and the signalling faith in unity and bipartisanship, as well first Black major-party candidate to run for US presi- as restoring truth and trust,” Torgerson said. dent. Hillary Clinton confirmed she wore “purple with a Pearls had a strong fashion showing, in line with a purpose,” telling The Associated Press: “I want to social media campaign that had inauguration watch- just send a bit of a symbolic message that we need to ers donning strands in support and celebration of come together.” Harris. Nobody in attendance did them quite like Jennifer Lopez—from earrings to bracelets—as she sang “This Land is Your Land” in head-to-toe white Chanel. Michelle Obama, Hillary Rep. Barbara Lee, a California Democrat, wore a pearl necklace owned by Chisholm herself. It was a Clinton and Laura Bush also gift from Chisholm’s goddaughter. donned hues of purple. “Because of Shirley Chisholm, I am,” Lee, who is Black, posted on Twitter. “Because of Shirley Chisholm, Vice President Harris is.” The pearls Harris wore, by Wilfredo Rosado, were Lady Gaga went for red and let her pin do the talk- also a symbol of unity with her sisters in Alpha ing. She sang the national anthem in a lavish custom Kappa Alpha, the first African American Greek-letter Schiaparelli gown designed by Daniel Roseberry with sorority, said Rachel Torgerson, fashion features a full red skirt and a navy coat adorned with a director for Cosmopolitan. The sorority’s founders humongous gold dove holding an olive branch. Garth are referred to as the “Twenty Pearls.” Every new AP/RSS Brooks went another way: country. He performed member receives a badge adorned with 20 pearls. Harris is sworn in as vice president by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor during the 59th Presidential Inauguration at the “Amazing Grace” holding his black cowboy hat and Harris attended Howard University, one of the US Capitol in Washington. dressed in blue denim jeans paired with a black suit nation’s historically Black colleges and universities. jacket and shirt. “There’s no doubt that every part of her look today coat and dress included a velvet collar and cuffs on 41 of the 46 American presidents, including Barack Another inauguration fashion star on Twitter was celebrates who she is, where she came from and the coat, and a chiffon bodice and scalloped skirt on Obama during his inauguration in 2009. Nikolas Ajagu, the husband of Harris’ sister, Meena where she hopes to lead the country. Every piece was the dress. The neckline of the dress is embellished Brooks Brothers fell on hard financial times last Harris. Sharp-eyed sneakerheads noted his ultra-rare carefully considered and packed with meaning,” with Swarovski pearls and crystals. The same crys- year, when it filed for bankruptcy reorganization and and pricey Air Dior Jordan 1 shoes. The Dior 1s, a Torgerson said. tals adorn the coat. The outfit was handcrafted in announced a planned sale. Ralph Lauren has a histo- collaboration between Dior and Jordan, debuted last Like Harris, Rosado is the child of immigrants. New York City. ry of nonpartisan dressing, including moments with year and retail for $2,000. They’re reportedly going Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders drew fashion Aides said Harris was dressed in Christopher John Michelle Obama and outgoing first lady Melania for up to $7,000 on some sneaker resell sites. praise on social media for his cozy, comfortable inau- Rogers and Sergio Hudson. Both are Black designers, Trump. Joe Biden wore Polo shirts, emblazoned with Harris’ stepdaughter, Ella Emhoff, schooled some guration wear: His signature beige parka and a pair Rogers from Louisiana and Hudson from South the label’s pony and polo player logo, to take both of of the older folks in her embellished Shetland Miu of knit patterned mittens. The look earned him his Carolina. Harris’ husband, Doug Emhoff, wore a his Covid-19 vaccinations on television. Véronique Miu coat in a pied de poule pattern with a large own inauguration Bobblehead to mark his viral fash- Ralph Lauren suit. Hyland, fashion features director for Elle magazine, brown button at the neck and a pointed collar. ion moment. It’s now on pre-sale for $25 at the Michelle Obama, a fashion icon, drew praise from noted the wins for young American designers. “To put it quite plainly, over the last four years National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum’s fans on social media for her belted pantsuit in plum, “They chose a diverse group of talents— we’ve been starved for fashion choices from the online store. also by Hudson. Christopher John Rogers, Pyer Moss’ Kerby Jean- White House that are thoughtful and intentional for Jill Biden wore an ocean blue wool tweed coat over Joe Biden wore a navy blue suit and overcoat by Raymond, Markarian’s Alexandra O’Neill and the sake of the greater good,” said Nikki Ogunnaike, a dress by American designer Alexandra O’Neill of Ralph Lauren. It was a change from Brooks Brothers, Jonathan Cohen-to be a part of this historic moment,” digital director for Harper’s Bazaar. the Markarian label. The new first lady’s matching the oldest US clothier at 202. The brand has outfitted she said. “It made for a meaningful statement at this — Associated Press

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