Eye on the News
[email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:X Issue No:193 Price: Afs.15 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimes www.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 10. 2016 -Dalwa 21, 1394 HS Yo ur Yo ur ad ad he re he re 0778894038 0778894038 WASHINGTON: Afghanistan is them,” Saikal said, without elabo- preparing a set of proposals for rating. There were a number of res- action against state actors violat- olutions on counterterrorism and ing the UN Security Council reso- resolutions against the Taliban, Al lution on the Taliban and Al Qaeda Qaeda and ISIL, he said, adding and aiding terrorism in the war- they nicely drafted. torn country. “They are comprehensive, In an exclusive interview, a top they cover wide aspects of terror- diplomat told Pajhwok Afghan ism. What is important is the im- News: “There are people within plementation of these resolutions. state structures, in particular with- We feel its implementation is not in the security apparatus, who as strong as it should be. The time believe in the use of violence in has come that we focus on its real AT News Report pursuit of political objectives.” implementation,” Saikal insisted. Afghan Ambassador to UN “We have to make sure the AT News Report AT News Report Mahmoud Saikal said: “I feel that countries present reports to the KABUL: At least 32 Taliban fight- the UN resolutions are not strong UN Counter Terrorism Executive KABUL: The European Union on The new bylaw issues mini- ers were killed and 44 others enough to target these people and Directorate and those reports must Tuesday has lauded the Afghan mum requirements in a number of wounded in different operations in to really stop them from what they be checked thoroughly.