Impact of Time on Detecting Spammers in Twitter Mahdi Washha, Aziz Qaroush, Florence Sèdes

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Mahdi Washha, Aziz Qaroush, Florence Sèdes. Impact of Time on Detecting Spammers in Twitter. 32ème Conférence Gestion de Données : Principes, Technologies et Applications (BDA 2016), Labora- toire d’Informatique et d’Automatique pour les Systèmes (LIAS) - Université de Poitiers et ENSMA, Nov 2016, Poitiers, France. ￿hal-03159076￿

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Mahdi Washha Aziz Qaroush Florence Sedes IRIT Laboratory Birzeit University IRIT Laboratory University of Toulouse Birzeit, Palestine University of Toulouse Toulouse, France [email protected] Toulouse, France [email protected][email protected]

ABSTRACT events, news, and jokes, through a messaging mechanism al- Twitter is one of the most popular microblogging social sys- lowing 140 characters maximum. Statistics states that, in tems, which provides a set of distinctive posting services November 2015, the number of active users that use Twitter operating in real time manner. The flexibility in using these monthly is about 320 millions with an average of 500 million services has attracted unethical individuals, so-called ”spam- tweets published per day [1]. This popularity is because of mers”, aiming at spreading malicious, , and mislead- the set of services that Twitter platform provides for the ing information over the network. The behavior users, summarized in: (i) delivering in real time manner the results non-ignorable problems related to real-time search users’ posts (tweets), which allows their followers to spread and user’s privacy. Although of Twitter’s community at- the posts even more by re-tweeting them; (ii) inserting URLs tempts in breaking up the spam phenomenon, researchers pointing to an external resource such as web pages and im- have dived far in fighting spammers through automating the ages; (iii) permitting users to add hashtags into theirs posts detection process. To do so, they leverage the features con- to help other users to get the relevant posts; (iv) retriev- cept combined with machine learning methods. However, ing tweets through real time search service, letting Twitter, the existing features are not effective enough to adapt the Google, and other memetracking services to find out what spammers’ tactics due to ease of manipulation, including the is currently happening in the world in minimum acceptable graph features which are not suitable for real-time filtering. delay. To get much insight in the strengths of such services, In this paper, we introduce the design of novel features Twitter has been well intended to be adopted as an alert sys- suited for real-time filtering. The features are distributed tem in the context of crisis management such as Tsunami between robust statistical features considering explicitly the disaster [2]. time of posting tweets and creation date of user’s account, The power of spreading information mechanism and the and behavioral features which catch any potential posting absence of effective restrictions on posting action in Twitter behavior similarity between different instances (e.g. hash- have attracted some unethical individuals, so-called ”spam- tags) in the user’s tweets. The experimental results show mers”. Spammers misuse these services through publish- that our new features are able to classify correctly the ma- ing and spreading misleading information. Indeed, a wide jority of spammers with an accuracy higher than 93% when range of goals drive spammers to perform spamming be- using Random Forest learning algorithm, outperforming the havior, ranging from spreading advertisement to generate accuracy of the state of features by about 6%. sales, and ending by disseminating pornography, viruses and phishing. As a consequence, spreading of spam material af- fects negatively in different areas, summarized in [3]: (i) Keywords polluting real-time search; (ii) interfering on statistics intro- Twitter, Social Networks, Spam, Legitimate Users, Machine duced by tweet mining tools; (iii) consuming extra resources Learning, Honeypot, Time from both systems and humans; (iv) degrading the perfor- mance of search engines that exploit explicitly social signals 1. INTRODUCTION in their work; and (v) violating users’ privacy that occurs because of viruses and phishing methods. Twitter 1 has recently emerged as one of the most pop- Obviously, the negative impacts of spam are not ignor- ular microblogging social networks, which allows users to able and are getting rapidly increasing everyday on social publish, share, and discuss about everything such as social networks. To address the spam issue, a considerable set 1 of methods has been proposed to reduce and eliminate the spam problem. Most existing researches [4, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] are dedicated for detecting Twitter spam ac- (c) 2016, Copyright is with the authors. Published in the Proceedings of the counts individually or spam campaigns. The works rely on BDA 2016 Conference (15-18 November, 2016, Poitiers, France). Distri- extracting a set of features from the available information bution of this paper is permitted under the terms of the Creative Commons associated with the user account (e.g. number of followers, license CC-by-nc-nd 4.0. account age), features related to the content of the posts (c) 2016, Droits restant aux auteurs. Publié dans les actes de la conférence (e.g. number of URLs, number of characters), or features BDA 2016 (15 au 18 Novembre 2016, Poitiers, France). Redistribution de cet article autorisée selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons CC- associated to the graph theory (e.g. local clustering). The by-nc-nd 4.0. other less used approach [14, 3] detects spam tweets instead BDA 2016, 15 au 18 Novembre, Poitiers, France. of spam accounts. However, this tweet level approach is not features. Section 4 describes the procedure adopted in crawl- effective as not enough information available in the individ- ing our data-set with a detailed description, including some ual tweet itself. Moreover, the existing attempts that based statistics about the data-set. Section 5 evaluates our fea- on spam account detection have critical limitations and ma- tures proposed in this work using machine learning algo- jor drawbacks. One significant drawback is derived from fo- rithms, including a deep comparison with the state-of-art cusing on using features that are easy to manipulate, leading features. At last, section 6 concludes the paper with giving to avoid detection when using these features. As a motivat- some insights about future direction in spam detection. ing example, the number of followers (i.e. the accounts that follow a user) is one of many features used mainly in detect- 2. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK ing spammers with considering the small number of followers Spammers exploit three services provided by Twitter in tend to be spammer more than a normal user (legitimate). performing their spamming behavior: (i) URL ; (ii) Hash- However, the followers number is easy to be increased by tag ; (iii) Mention . Since the tweet size is limited, shorten spammer and that by creating a huge number of recent ac- URL services (e.g. Bitly and TinyURL) are permitted in counts with letting each account follow each other, resulting Twitter to convert the long URL to small one. Spammers a set of recently created accounts having high number of abuse this service through posting spam websites with short- followers. Similarly, the number of words in the tweets is ing first the desired URL to hide the domain. As a textual considered as a feature to discriminate between spammer feature, hashtag is widely used in social networks as a ser- and legitimate user. Unfortunately, most of the features de- vice to group tweets by their topic to facilitate the search signed in the literature exploited in detecting spammers are process. Spammers also misuse this service by attaching completely similar to the given examples in regards of ease hashtag in their tweets, that may contain URLs, to step-up of manipulation. Also, the high time computation of some the chance of being searched by users. The Mention service features (e.g. graph based features) makes them not appro- provides a mechanism to send a direct message to a par- priate for real time filtering, raising a strong motivation to ticular user, through using the @ symbol followed by the conduct this work. screen name of the target user. Differently from URLs and By examining the information that can be gathered from hashtag , spammers misuse this service to send their tweets social networks in which they cannot be changed overtime for a defined target of users. Besides these services, Twit- and also not optional for the user, we found that the time of ter provides APIs for developers to be used in their third either creation date of the account or the posting time is the party applications. Spammers exploit this strong service as only property that the user cannot modify. Intuitively, it is an opportunity to automate their spamming behavior, in not modifiable since the servers of the social network plat- spite of the constraints imposed on the API calls that can form store it one time when the user takes the action. The be requested in 15 minutes time window. time property is the biggest enemy against spammers since In order to fight spammers, Twitter allows users to re- it is the only feature that can capture the spammers’ be- port spammer simply by clicking the ”Report: they are post- havior overtime (e.g. tweeting speed). Hence, in this paper, ing spam” option available on the profile page of the spam- we introduce the design of 20 novel features suited for real- mer. Users, alternatively, can report spammers by posting time filtering, distributed between robust statistical features a tweet mention @ spam account with the spammer’s screen leveraging explicitly the time property, and behavioral fea- name [15]. Once an account is reported, the administra- tures that catch any potential posting behavior similarity be- tors of Twitter will review manually this account to make tween different instances (e.g. hashtags) available in tweets. the suspension decision. However, such a way in combat- In validating the features robustness, we first crawled a data- ing spammer requires a considerable effort from both users set from Twitter, containing 7,189 users labeled manually and administrators, rather than the fake reporters who send with almost 300k tweets. Then, various classification algo- reports about legitimate users. In addition to the manual rithms are investigated to identify spammers from legitimate reporting mechanism, Twitter has released some rules to re- users. Based on the experiments conducted on the crawled duce the spamming problem, with suspending permanently data-set, we found that our new features are able to classify the accounts that violate those rules [16]. The Twitter’s correctly the majority of spammers with a detection rate rules define the spamming behavior at three levels: (i) be- higher than 93% when applying Random Forest as a classi- havioral; (ii) social relationship; (iii) tweet contents. In the fication algorithm which produced the best results against behavioral level, intensive automation such as posting tweets other classifiers. Besides, we implemented the state of art without any human participation is completely forbidden. features, estimated at 70 features, that have been widely In the same level, using multiple accounts to post a dupli- used in identifying individual spammers and then experi- cated tweets is also categorized as a spamming behavior. At menting them on the crawled data-set. The results show the social relationship, following a large number of users in that our features have outperformed the existing features a short time may subject the user’s account to permanent by about 6% of detection rate. With such high detection suspension, or having high number of friends (followings) rate, our features are adoptable in real time spammer de- compared to the number of followers. In the content level, tection and filtering because of their simplicity in regards of it is disallowed users to post malicious URL or any content time complexity, as well as it validates our hypothesis about containing spam. Also, using large number of mentions and time property. hashtags are prohibited. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section Twitter’s rules are easy to avoid by spammers. For exam- 2 presents the Twitter rules followed in fighting spammers ple, spammers can coordinate multiple accounts with dis- as well as the related work in Twitter spam research area. tributing the desired workload among these accounts to mis- Section 3 shows the formalization and the definition of the lead the detection process since individual separated ac- problem we study, in addition to the design of the proposed counts tend to exhibit invisible spam behavior. Beyond that, using multiple accounts can spread spam to more users, and local clustering. Song, Lee, and Kim [19] examined which is one of the major spammers’ goals. Another critical some relational features such as the connectivity and the limitation existing is that the spam accounts detection or the distance between a message sender and a message receiver. spam content filtering process is not achieved in real time The authors concluded that the messages that comes from way, making these solutions not effective for real time Twit- distance more than two have high probability to be spam. ter based services. These flaws have motivated researches to Although of the high detection rate when using features ob- propose more powerful methods that can be suitable for real tained by graph metrics, the extraction of such features is time filtering. Mainly, Twitter spam detection approaches not suitable for real time filtering since it is computation- can be categorized under two different types based on the ally intensive and it requires the complete Twitter network automation detection level, including machine learning level graph to get accurate results. At the campaign level, Chu et as a fully automated approach, and social honeypot as a al. [11] detected spam campaign through clustering users’ manual approach requiring human interaction. accounts based on the URLs retrieved from their posted Machine Learning Approach. Most of the existing tweets, and then a set of features are extracted from the studies followed the learning approach since it automates clustered accounts to be incorporated in identifying spam the detection process and it keeps away the human partic- campaign via employing machine learning algorithms. Chu, ipation as well. Researchers in this approach built their Gianvecchio, Wang, and Jajodia [20] proposed a classifica- methods through employing three levels of detection dis- tion model trained over a set of accounts having a size of tributed between tweet-level detection, user-level detection, 500k to observe the difference among bot, human and cy- and campaign-level detection. At the tweet level, Martinez- borg with taking into account, tweet content, and tweeting Romo and Araujo [14] identified spam tweet through apply- behavior. Indeed, working at the campaign level are effec- ing probabilistic language models to determine the topic of tive to detect big campaigns only. Even more, spammers the considered tweet. Then, the decision about the tweet nowadays are smart enough in designing spam campaigns is made through calculating the divergence of the identified such that it is difficult to detect the correlations between topic with respect to the relevant trending topic by using accounts that belong to the same campaign. language models of the considered topics. At the same level, In the same context of machine learning approach, how- Benevenuto [3] has identified spam tweet via extracting a set ever, without doing any contributions at features level, there of features such as number of words and number of charac- are some studies that addressed the spamming problem from ters from each tweet individually with employing then SVM the learning approach point of view. The motivation be- learning algorithm on manually created data-set to get a bi- hind that view returns to the fast evolving of spammers’ nary classifier. Besides the simplicity of using the tweet level pattern, and thus the traditional batch-mode learning algo- in regards of time complexity, it is an inefficient solution to rithms (e.g. SVM) cannot quickly respond to new spamming identify spammers, since one tweet does not provide ”infor- patterns since it requires long time to rebuild the classifica- mative” information to robustly distinguish the spamming tion models. In [21, 22], the authors presented an opti- behavior from the legitimate users’ behavior. This limita- mization framework that considers tweets content and the tion of tweet level has enforced the researchers to turn their basic network information to detect social spammers using attentions to user-level detection. For instance, Yardi et al efficient online learning approach. However, the main chal- [17] studied several features related to the account age, the lenge of this approach is in finding features suitable for real tweeting behavior, and the network structure for the spam- time filtering as well as they cannot be fooled by spammers. mers and the legitimate users, with highlighting that these Honeypot Approach. Social honeypot is defined as an features are not enough to classify spammers correctly be- information system resource that can monitor spammers’ cause of the considerable overlapping between these features. behavior by logging their information such as profiles’ in- More deeply, the work accomplished in [4, 3, 6, 7] focused formation and any available content. Such monitoring is on extracting more of the account features including the accomplished by first creating multiple accounts on the tar- account age, number of friends, number of followers, simi- geted social network and then these accounts are set to wait larity between tweets posted or re-tweeted by the user, ratio for spammers to establish a connection with them. Once of URLs in tweets. A dedicated study has been performed a user falls in the accounts’ trap, the user’s profile is for- on detecting spam URLs based on analyzing the URLs’ be- warded to manual annotation by honeypot’s administrator havior, instead of relying on traditional black-listing filters or to be exploited directly in training classifier used in real and on analyzing the content of the landing page [10]. For time filtering, with considering blindly the user’s profile as each URL, fifteen click and posting-based features have been social spammer [5]. Although of effectiveness this approach exploited, then machine learning algorithms have been em- in detecting accurately spammers because of the manual an- ployed to identify the type of URLs. However, as mentioned notation; however, there is no major difference between the previously, such features are easy to avoid and manipulate by Twitter’s mechanism in fighting spammers and social hon- spammers. For instance, the behavior analysis of the URLs eypot approach. Both of them require administration con- can be fooled by automating the clicking action on the de- trol to take the final decision about the users’ accounts that sired posted URLs through using different URLs pointing to downed in the honeypot trap; rather than classifying blindly the same spam content. all users as spammers leads to have high false positive rate. The ease of manipulation in the user-level features by Our motivations are derived from the fact that performing spammers gives a reasonable motivation to obtain much real time spam filtering in an automated way requires simple more complex features using graph metrics. For example, robust features in regards to time complexity. Thus, we turn the authors of [8, 18] studied the relation between users our attention to improve the robustness of the features that through some graph metrics to measure three features, in- are used at user-level detection only. As an intuition behind cluding the node betweenness, bi-directional relation ratio, this proposition, user-level features can be involved to detect spam campaigns as well as individual spammer detection. able information inside the description field by 3-tuple < Hashtags, URLs, Words > , where the definition of Hashtags , 3. FEATURES DESIGN URLs , and W ords is similar to the corresponding one used in defining tweet element. This section introduces notations, definitions, and formal- HashTags Similarity(HTS) ( H , H ): Given two sets ization of the problem we study. Then, we present the design 1 2 of hashtags, we measure the similarity between them using and the formalization of the features that will be exploited in Jaccard similarity coefficient [23] defined as HT S (H , H ) = distinguishing spammers from legitimate users, distributed 1 2 |H1∩H2| . between user, content, and graph features. To the best of |H1∪H2| our knowledge, the design of the features proposed in this URLs Similarity(URLsS) ( U1, U 2): Given two sets section are novel. We highlight the difference between our of URLs, we measure the similarity between them using features and the available ones in the state of art, to show Jaccard similarity coefficient defined as URLsS (U1, U 2) = |U1∩U2| their novelty. |U1∪U2| . Kullback–Leibler Divergence(KLD) ( W1, W 2). Given 3.1 Notations and Problem Definition two sets of words with the probability distribution of the

Let G = ( V, E ) be a directed graph representing Twitter word occurrence of each set PW1 , P W2 , we measure the sim- social network, where the node set V = {vi| 0 < i ≤ n} rep- ilarity between the sets using Kullbackˆa A¸S-Leibler˘ Diver- resents the network’s users (or accounts), n is the number of gence [24] method, computed as: users, and the edges set E reflects the following relation di- rection property between users. For example, eij = 1 means PW1 (w) KLD (W1, W 2) = X PW1 (w) log (1) that the user i follows user j, while the opposite is not true. PW2 (w) w∈W1 Each user registered in Twitter, vi ∈ V , can be modeled by 6-tuple < Tweets,Followers,Followees,V erified,Age, where is PW• (w) is the occurrence probability of the word Bio > where each element inside the tuple is described as w. follows: Weighting Function(WF) ( t). For a given value t ∈ R, Tweets: We consider the tweets that the user vi has we use a non-linear function f selected from a set of func- tions to transform t to a new value, defined as W F (t) = f(t) posted them as a finite list, defined as T weets = {tj | 0 < j ≤ t∗t t∗t t∗t λ λ − λ − λ R k} where tj represents a tweet object and k is the number of where f ∈ { t , exp , exp , 1 − exp }, λ ∈ . The tweets that the user vi has posted them on his account. As selection of f and λ is determined through an optimiza- each tweet holds various information, we model each tweet tion process described in section 5 where this process is by 6-tuple < Time, Retweeters, Hashtags, URLs, Mentions, applied separately on each feature that leverages explicitly W ords > , where T ime is the posting date of the tweet rep- W F . This family of functions can boost-up the weights in resented in seconds time unit computed since 1970 /1/1 as a non-linear way. a date reference, Retweeters ⊆ V is a finite set correspond- With the presented notations and definitions, our main ing to the users that have re-tweeted the considered tweet. problem is to detect social spammers on Twitter network. Hashtags is a finite set containing all hashtags available in Formally, given a training set {(vi, y i)}i=1 ,...,N of N instances the tweet extracted through searching for the words that consisting of an user vi associated with a class label yi ∈ start by # symbol, URLs represents also a finite set of {spammer, legitimate user }, and given a set of M user fea- all URLs posted in the tweet, Mentions ⊆ V is a set of tures X = {xj |0 < i ≤ M, x j ∈ R} extracted from the users that mentioned in the tweet extracted by looking for training set, the problem is turned to learn or build a binary the words that start by @ symbol, and W ords is a finite classification model y using the given training set such that set containing the words that posted in the tweet such that it takes user’s features X as an input and predicts the class W ords ∩ Hashtags ∩ Mentions ∩ URLs = ∅. label of the user (Twitter account) as an output, defined as Followers: Each user might be followed by subscribed y : X → { spammer, legitimate user }. users. We define those users who follow the user vi as One contribution of this paper is the definition and the F ollowers = {vj |vj ∈ V, e ji ∈ E}. formalization of the features set X . Thus, in the followings, Followees: Users can follow any user they want as long we show the design and the formalization of the features as the desired user is not protected. We define the users using the notations introduced. followed by the user vi as F ollowees = {vj |vj ∈ V, e ij ∈ E}. Verified: The accounts of the famous characters (e.g. 3.2 User Features athletes) or the well known organizations like BBC take spe- Followers and Followees: The number of followers, cial treatment from Twitter by verifying their accounts man- number of followees, ratio of followers to followees, num- ually with adding special feasible symbol on their accounts. ber and percentage of bi-directional following users are used We model this property as a boolean attribute defined as widely in the literature [4, 3, 6, 8] as features distinguish- V erified ∈ { T rue, F alse }. ing between spammers and legitimate users. When a user Age: The creation date of each account is registered has small number of followers, low ratio of followers to fol- one time on Twitter’s servers without allowing the user to lowees, and low percentage of bi-directional following users, change it in the future. We compute the age of an account in they give an indication that the user has high probability for a unit of days through calculating the difference between the being spammer or spam account. However, spammers can current time date ( T ime now ) and the creation date of the ac- easily step up these values by creating multiple accounts si- count ( T ime creation ), defined formally as Age = T ime now − multaneously with letting each account to follow each other, T ime creation . resulting a network of spam accounts having properties of Bio: For each account, an empty field is given to write legitimate users’ accounts. Since those accounts are recently brief description about the account. We model the avail- created and almost in the same period, the age of the created accounts can be leveraged to handle such a phenomenon, search for each word in the description field. Formally, let since the account’s age is unchangeable compared to the the function search (text ) ⊆ V returns the users that contain other features like number of followers and followees. Thus, a given text inside the profile description field. For a con- we propose three measures as new features which utilize the sidered user v, the potential set of similar users is given as account’s age. Given a user (or account) v and given a set sim (v) = {m|w ∈ v.Description.W ords ∧ m ∈ search (w)}. of users (e.g. followers, followees), we compute the mean of Then, we use the set returned to compute the description the differences between the ages of the users set and the v’s similarity with taking into account the similarity of hash- user age, as first feature. As spammers tend to create recent tags and URLs as well. Since spammers tend to behave like accounts, the small value of age mean difference gives an in- a legitimate user to avoid detection through filling their de- dication that the user v has significant probability for being scriptions from legitimate users’ profiles, we include explic- spammer. In the second feature, we measure the variance of itly the users’ age in the computation as a weighting factor. the difference between the users’ set ages and the v’s user Therefore, description similarity is weighted based on the age. The low value of variance means that the users in the age difference between user v and the other potential users, given set and the user v have been created in same period. defined formally as: At last, instead of computing the size of users such as the number of followers which treats users uniformly, we modify the computation of the size through involving explicitly the P DS (v) = X W F (|v.Age − u.Age |) ∗ D Sim (v, u ) user’s age as a weighting factor with giving high weights for u∈sim (v) old accounts. The low value of this feature gives a strong in- where dication that the users in the given set might be spammers. D Sim (v, u ) = KLD (v.Bio.W ords, u.Bio.W ords )+ We model mathematically the mean, Mean (v, users ), vari- ance, V ar (v, users ), and time weighted users, T W U (users ), URLsS (v.Bio.URLs, u.Bio.URLs )+ as follows: HT S (v.Bio.Hashtags, u.Bio.Hashtags ) (5) P (u.Age − v.Age ) u users Mean (v, users ) = ∈ (2) |users | 3.3 Content Features 2 P (u.Age − v.Age − Mean (v, users )) u users Posting Behavior. The state of art features are sta- V ar (v, users ) = ∈ |users | tistical ones more than being behavioral, since the existing (3) behavioral features such as the maximum time between two consecutive tweets are not too discriminative [3]. As an in- T W U (users ) = X W F (u.Age ) (4) tuitive fact, spammers usually follow a particular defined u∈users and systematic pattern in posting tweets, while legitimate We apply these time features on three different sets of users have kind of randomness in posting since their mood users: (i) followers = v.F ollowers ; (ii) followees = {g|g ∈ are changing overtime. Moreover, spammers cannot adopt v.F ollowees ∧ v.V erfied = F alse }; (iii) bi − directional = the random approach in posting their tweets to behave as {g|g ∈ v.F ollowers ∧ g ∈ v.F ollowees }, resulting 9 features legitimate user because such an approach cannot maximize in total from the above three equations. The definition of the the spammer’s benefits. Thus, we model the posting be- followers and the bi-directional set is straightforward, while havioral feature through a generic temporal behavior de- for the followees set we consider only on the accounts that tection framework applicable on different tweeting services, are not verified. We exclude the verified accounts since the including hashtags, URLs, and mentions. For each tweeting Twitter’s user has a full control to follow unlimited number service, the framework measures the similarity of posting of users regardless whether those accounts are verified or not, behaviors between all possible unique instances of a ser- and thus spammers tend to follow huge number of verified vice available in the considered user’s tweets (i.e. posting accounts to look like as a legitimate user. behavior similarity of different hashtags). As an illustra- Profile Description (Bio): Two features are extracted tive example, for the hashtag service, suppose we have three from this property used in the literature [3, 11]: (i) check- hashtags instances (# h1, # h2, and # h3) found in a given ing whether the description containing spam words; and (ii) user’s tweets and for each hashtag the probability distribu- testing if the existing URLs are blacklisted or not. Spam- tions of the posting time is given, the framework measures mers can simply avoid the spam words features by using the similarity of posting behavior of all possible pairs of the alternative words. Also, the blacklisting method is avoid- three hashtags using their posting probability distributions able with much more cost than avoiding spam words, that drawn overtime. through putting new URLs in the description field, hav- In a formal way, let Is represents a set of all unique in- ing a new not blacklisted domains. Beyond these two fea- stances available in the user’s v tweets and posted by a tweet- tures, in spam campaign especially and based on our obser- ing service s. Also, let Pi and i ∈ Is represents the proba- vations, spammers use almost the same description words bility distribution of posting time for an instance. Since the and URLs. Thus, we model this spamming behavior by probability distribution of the posting time can be viewed 2 computing the user’s profile description similarity with other as time shifted signal, we adopt the correlation method to users. As twitter provides a search API service for users, measure the maximum available similarity between all in- hashtags, words in tweets, and URLs, we employ such an API to search for the users that have potential similar de- scription. Instead of searching for the exact profile descrip- tion, which might return empty set of matched users, we 2 stances, defined as: resulting duplicated tweets. The related features existing in the literatures checks the similarity between tweets without P Area (Pi1 ⋆ P i2) considering the posting time between them. Intuitively, the i1∈Is IS v(Is) = user who posts too similar or duplicated tweets in short time |Is| ∗ Area (Pimax ⋆ P imax ) has high probability for being spammer, while the opposite (6) is not true. We model such behavior by involving, with the i2 = arg max Area (Pi1 ⋆ P i3) textual similarity, the difference between the posting date i3∈Is∩i36=i1 of two tweets as a weighting factor. For a given user v, the imax = arg max Area (Pi ⋆ P i) time weighted tweets similarity, T W T S (v), computed as: i∈Is P P T sim (t1, t 2) where Area (•) is a function that computes the area of the t1∈v.T weets t2∈v.T weets ∩ signal or the new distribution resulted after applying correla- t1.T ime>t 2.T ime T W T S (v) = |v.T weets |∗ (|v.T weets |− 1) tion (i.e. zero area means dissimilar distributions), P• ⋆P ∗ is 2 a cross-correlation between two different distributions, and where P• ⋆ P • is the correlation for the same distribution known as auto-correlation. The intuition behind i2 is to get the in- T sim (t1, t 2) = KLD (t1.W ords, t 2.W ords ) ∗ stance that has the maximum correlation with the instance W F (|t1.T ime − t2.T ime |) i1. (8) The summation of the maximum areas is normalized by The tweet similarity function T sim (t1, t 2) compares be- the the area of the instance that have the maximum self- tween two tweets through textual words without taking into similarity multiplied by the number of instances. Thus, the account the similarity value that come from hashtags and IS value is ranged between zero and one where the zero value URLs sets. We use only Kullback-Leibler Divergence (KLD) means that there are no instances having the same posting which gives indication on how much two tweets are close to- behavior, while the one value means that all instances have gether even though the tweets are not exactly duplicated. similar posting behavior. The value that return by T W T S is ranged to be between We leverage the behavioral detection framework to get zero and one, where zero means that there are no similarity the similarity posting value as a feature for three tweeting between user’s v tweets or the user does not have any tweet services, including hashtags, URLs, and mentions. The in- posted yet, while the value one means that all tweets posted stances set of each service is defined as Ihashtags = {h|t ∈ are duplicated as well as they have been posted in the same v.T weets ∧h ∈ t.Hashtags }, Imentions = {m|t ∈ v.T weets ∧ short period. m ∈ t.Mentions }, and Iurls = {r|t ∈ v.T weets ∧ r ∈ Re-tweeters Diversity. Spammers often collaborate to- t.URLs }. gether in performing a spamming behavior. For example, Posting Diversity. Legitimate users and spammers are one spammer posts a tweet and other spammers react by re- using sometimes hashtags, URLs, and mentions tweeting tweet the posted tweet directly, aiming to propagate tweets services in an intensive way. In such a common scenario, the over the network as fast as possible. Given that the proba- classical statistical features existing in the literature such as bility of having legitimate user to re-tweet a spam tweet is number of URLs, number of hashtags, number of mentions, low, we model such a behavior through examining the di- and percentage of URLs [3, 25] in tweets don’t contribute versity of re-tweeters in the re-tweeted posts. We exploit significantly in distinguishing between users’ types. Our fea- the biodiversity index 3 measure to get the diversity in the ture goes beyond the statistical ones through computing the re-tweeters, computed as: posting diversity for each service separately such as the di- |{ t.Retweeters |t ∈ v.T weets }| versity of the hashtags used in the user’s tweets. As an intu- RT Diversity (v) = (9) ition, spammers post their tweets intensively with focusing P |t.Retweeters | t∈v.T weets on a single instance of a tweeting service (e.g. hashtag), while legitimate users have a kind of diversity in posting where the numerator represents the size of unique re-tweeters their tweets without focusing on a particular instance or set, and the denumerator is the summation of all re-tweeters. even tweeting service. By using the same definition used in Obviously, the RT Diversity produces a real number ranged posting behavior feature extraction part, the diversity of an between zero and one where the value one indicates that the instances’ set Is for a given user v is computed as re-tweeters of the tweets are completely different, while zero value means that all tweets of the user v are not tweeted |Is| yet. P D (v, I s) = (7) |v.T weets | 3.4 Graph Features The zero value of P D means that the instances set is empty, Local Clustering Coefficient. This graph metric while the one value means that each instance in Is is used quantifies how much the neighbors (followers and followees) only one time in the user’s v tweets. We apply this feature of a user are close to form a clique [11]. It is defined as the on four different tweeting services, including hashtags, men- proportion of edges between the users within their neigh- tions, URLs, and textual words services, where the instances borhood divided by the number of edges that could exist set definition of each service is similar to the corresponding between them. According to the literature intuition [11], one defined in the posting behavior part, and the set of tex- spammers tend to have small local clustering value. On the tual words is defined as I = {w|t ∈ v.T weets ∧ w ∈ words contrary, legitimate users have high value, since the legiti- t.W ords }. mate users’ have high probability to make a direct relation- Tweets Similarity. Legitimate users might post a tweet and then after not short period post again the same tweet, 3 of biodiversity ship with the their followers’ and followees’ friends, which is friend with spammer, we extended the crawling algorithm to not the case of spammers. However, spammers can simply include users’ that fall at distant three from the input spam- boost up this metric value by letting a considerable num- mer node. Retrieving users’ that fall at distant three allows ber of spam accounts to follow each other. Thus, to over- us to extract accurate features when using graph metrics as come this issue, we improve the metric through involving the well as it reduces the crawling time that grows exponentially users’ ages as a weighing factor, since the spam accounts when going far in the distance. To make the process consis- often are recently created and close to each other. For a tence, the followers and the followees of the considered user given user v, the time weighted local clustering coefficient, are added to a queue identified by their distance value. To T W LC (v) is computed as follows: handle the growing size of the graph, we add all followers and followees if the distance value is zero (spammer user). T W U (users (v)) T W LC (v) = 2 ∗ For the distances one and two , we constrained the adding Kv ∗ (Kv − 1) process to be based on the number of unified names list of where (10) both followers and followees. So, we condition the length of

users (v) = {ui, u j : ui, u j ∈ Nv, e ij ∈ E} , the list to be less than 500 at distance one , and 100 at dis- tance two . These values are enough to have near complete Nu = u.followers ∪ u.followees, graph that can give accurate results. We add also to the Kv = |v.followees | + |v.followers | is the number of users queue the re-tweeters and the replied-to users without any that the user v has direct relation with them, and T W U is condition, however, with setting the distance to infinity the time weighted users computed by equation 4. since those users might not be in a direct relation with the considered user, and thus we don’t add their followees and 4. DATA-SET DESCRIPTION AND CRAWL- followers to the queue. At last, the retrieved information for each user which include user’s profile, tweets, re-tweeters, ING names of followers, name of followings, and replied-to users As the features designed are quite novel and advanced are stored in an already created database to be used later in compared to the existing ones used in the literatures, the feature extraction process. It is important to mention that available crawled data-sets [4, 26, 3, 17, 5, 6, 7, 27, 8, 10, the user’s profile object consists of all information required 28, 22, 14, 19, 12] are not suitable to verify the robustness to extract the proposed features such as the creation date of of our features. Crawling individual users’ profiles for col- the account. lecting data-set without considering their followers’ and fol- We launched our crawler in February for two weeks using lowings’ profiles are the main reasons for not using them in a prepared list containing names of 200 spammers. In total, our experiments. Besides, the crawling mechanism adopted we collected 7,189 users with almost 300k tweets. To vali- in the existing researches uses the tweet streaming approach date our features using machine learning algorithms, we need which provides low latency access to 1% of Twitter’s global to create an annotated data-set from the crawled informa- stream of Tweet data, making the probability to collect tion. To do so, we entered all accounts collected in a manual spam tweet posted by real spammer too low. Thus, we de- annotation process, to assign the correct class, Spammer or veloped our crawler in Java which uses the REST API 4 as Legitimate User , to each account, because the crawled users a mechanism to run specific real-time searching methods on may have spammers not considered in the input list. Thus, indexed tweets and users, making the crawling process more beyond the given list of spammers, we assigned the class deterministic and controlled. In spite of those advantages of each account using three-levels of observations. First, if in REST API, Twitter platform constraints the number of the account was suspended in the time of annotation, we API’s calls that can be requested in 15 minutes time window, labeled that account as spammer. Second, we labeled the imposing challenges on having a big annotated data-set. We account as legitimate user in case the account is verified by have reduced the API rate limits problem through creating Twitter community. At last, when the account is neither multiple authenticated accounts scheduled intelligently to suspended nor verified, we examined precisely each account switch automatically between accounts when exceeding the before deciding to which class belongs, starting from the limit rate in one account. As the typical majority of users posted tweets, profile description, and ending by the follow- on social networks are legitimate users, using random ap- ers and followings. Obviously, the third level of filtering is a proach in collecting data is not an efficient way to have a subjective process, requiring an explicit definition of the con- data-set consisting of a considerable number of spammers ditions that must be examined before judging on the user. to conduct deep analysis. Thus, in crawling profiles pro- Thus, we consider the following rules to label a given user cess, we prepared first a list of spammers using their screen as spammer: (i) containing phishing or malicious URLs in names as an ID. Then, for each spammer in the list we re- the user’s posts; (ii) spreading pornography materials; (iii) trieve his profile, top 200 tweets available, followers’ names, misusing of hashtags or replied-to services in the posts; (iv) and followings names. Also, we get all re-tweeters whom re- duplicating posts in an intensive way. With these conditions, tweeted the retrieved users’ tweets. As some tweets might the annotation process has resulted in 1083 users labeled as be a reply to a user, we extract from the retrieved tweets the spammer including the spammers of the input list, and 6106 users’ names that the considered user has replied to them. users labeled as legitimate users. Table 1 shows statistics The intuition behind considering re-tweeters returns to the about our annotated data-set based on user’s class. We plan fact that sometimes spammers work together such that one to make our labeled data-set available online to the research spammer posts a tweet and the others re-tweet it. As one of community in due time. the designed features is graph based, so instead of consider- ing only the users who have direct connection as follower or 4 Table 1: Statistics of the crawled Twitter accounts. Table 2: Accuracy of each feature used individually in the de- tection task, compared to the corresponding ones in the state of Spammer Legitimate User art, categorized based on the property or service.

Number of Users 1082 6106 Pro perty/Service Feature Name Accuracy(%) Function Number of Tweets 47094 264746 Number of Followers [4, 3, 6, 8] 66.6% - t∗t 301 Number of Hashtags 72697 152814 Follower Weighted Followers 79.4% exp Number of URLs 27140 186468 Followers’ Age Mean 67.5% - Followers’ Age Variance 66.7% - Number of Geo- Tweets 86 1096 Number of Followees [4, 3, 6, 8] 56.7% - t∗t 401 Followee Weighted Followees 81.2% exp Followees’ Age Mean 64.9% - 5. RESULTS AND EVALUATIONS Followees’ Age Variance 63.8% - Bi-directional Percentage 62.8% - Followers to Followees Ratio [5, 7] 64.5% - t∗t 5.1 Experimental Setting Bi-directional Weighted Bi-directional 76.8% exp 1 Metrics. To assess the effectiveness and robustness of Bi-directional Age Mean 63.2% - Bi-directional Age Variance 62.7% - our proposed features using a machine learning algorithm, Spam Word in Bio [3, 11] 59.1% - we adopt the accuracy and the standard existing informa- Bio t∗t Weighted Bio Similarity 72.2% exp 101 tion retrieval metrics of precision, recall, and f-measure as All Hashtags’ Features [4, 3, 6, 25, 8] 66.6% - defined in [3]. We compute the retrieval metrics only for the Hashtag Posting Hashtags Behavior 81.5% - spammer class only since the main problem is spammers Hashtags’ Diversity 70.1% - detection, not legitimate users detection. All URLs’ Features [4, 3, 6, 25, 8] 58.2% - Data-sets. The crawled data-set is not balanced from URL Posting URLs Behavior 77.6% - URLs’ Diversity 60.8% - classes distribution point of view. According to the ma- All Mentions’ Features [4, 3, 6, 25, 8] 61% - chine learning principles, performing learning must be ac- Mentions Posting Mentions Behavior 69.3% - complished on totally or almost balanced data-set. There- Mentions’ Diversity 66.4% - fore, in order to utilize all examples we have, we created five All Tweets’ Features [4, 3, 6, 25, 8] 58.8% - Tw eets t∗t data-sets where each has 1082 examples of spammer’s class Weighted Tweets Similarity 65.5% exp 1 and 1221 randomly selected examples of legitimate user’s Words Diversity 76.6% - All Re-Tweets’ Features [9, 11] 58.7% - Re-Tweets non-duplicated in other sets. The distribution of spammer Re-Tweeters Diversity 62.1% - and legitimate classes in each resulted data-set is about 53% Local Clustering [11] 57.1% - Graph t∗t and 47%, respectively. Weighted Local Clustering 66.7% exp 101 Learning Algorithms. We used Random Forest, Sup- port Vector Machine (SVM) with kernel trick method, J48, and Adaboost learning algorithms implemented well in WEKA [29] tool, to build or learn the binary predictor function y. been ignored because the ratio of tweets that have enabled We report here the results of Random Forest only which has utilized this property is less than 1% according to our data- shown the best results in terms of evaluation metrics when set statistics. setting number of trees parameter to 1000, using 10-cross Table 2 shows the resulting accuracy obtained when using validation. one single feature in learning process, grouped at property Weigthing Functions. For each feature that uses weight- or service level. As there are some features (e.g. URLs, ing function, we selected the optimal function f and the pa- Hashtags) extracted from one property, we averaged the re- rameter λ through following steps: (i) a particular function sulting accuracy by those features. The effect of weighting and parameter value are picked from a defined list viewed as function is obvious in follower, followee, bi-directional prop- a search space; (ii) the feature vector is extracted from the erties; it boosted up the accuracy by more than 12% com- five data-sets using the selected f and λ; (iii) the Random pared to the classical state of art features. However, the use Forest learning algorithm is applied on the feature vector ex- of mean and variance has not increased the accuracy too tracted with averaging the accuracy values that results from much compared to the state of art ones. As an interpreta- five data-sets, using 10-folds cross validation; (iv) the first tion, the distribution of users’ ages may follow more than step is repeated until the list becomes empty; (v) the best one Gaussian distribution, rather than there are legitimate f and λ that have the highest accuracy are considered as users having recently created followers or followees which the optimal function and parameter, respectively. In defin- leads to be similar with spammer behavior. The posting be- ing the list, we use different values of λ ∈ [1 , 1000] with 100 havior features have shown their strength in detecting spam- steps increment. The optimal weighting functions of the mers, especially the hashtag and URL services, with little time weighted features are shown in Table 2. contribution added by mention service. Indeed, this does not mean that the mention service is ineffective; however, 5.2 One Feature Results based on our observation, the mention service had not been We compare our 20 features designed with 70 features ex- used in the same volume of URLs and hashtags by spam- isting in the literature distributed between 11 user features, mers. The diversity feature has not the same discriminant 58 content features, and 1 graph feature. We implemented power of posting behavior, in particular URL and hashtag these features with experimenting them on our crawled data- services. We associate this degradation in results with the set to have fare comparison. However, we excluded some of fact of having legitimate users posting sometimes hashtags graph features such as distance, connectivity, and node be- and URLs in some short period as interaction with partic- tweenness since they are not suited for real time filtering. ular events on Twitter. Conversely, words’ diversity had Also, the features extracted from geo-tag property [30] have captured the spamming behavior of using same words in the Figure 1: Performance of our 20 features compared with the state of art features and a baseline using different evaluation metrics. most of tweets. 6. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS By these results, we can conclude that the leveraging In this paper, we approached the problem of detecting of time either explicitly in designing features or implicitly spammers on Twitter social network in a real time manner. through posting behavior and diversity has defeated and Thus, we introduced a design of 20 robust features, suitable outperformed the corresponding features in the state of art, for real time filtering, through leveraging explicitly and im- which verified our hypothesis about the time property. plicitly the time property as an unmodifiable value by users. 5.3 All Features Results The experimental results, conducted on crawled and man- ually annotated data-set, shown that our features proposed Differently from one feature experiment, we experimented are able to classify correctly both legitimate users and spam- all 20 features together with comparing them to the per- mers with accuracy of more than 93%, defeated 70 features formance of the state of art features. Also, we include in used in state of art by about 6%. Our work has answered on the comparison the concept of baseline, which is computed the question of how to identify spammers only. As a future when predicting blindly any user as legitimate user. There- work, we intend to search for spammers through predicting fore, since our data-sets are almost balanced, we set approx- the spammy naming patterns as a search-able information imately the baseline to 50% for all metrics used. in Twitter. According to Figure 1, our features outperform the 70 fea- tures of the state of art with about 4.5% in accuracy, 3.3% in precision, and 6% in recall. The 90.1% precision of the 7. REFERENCES state of art features indicates that their features can detect successfully spammers more than legitimate users, however, [1] Formerly Digital Marketing Ramblings. By the without having high classification rate of legitimate users as numbers: 170+ amazing twitter statistics. http: spammers. 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