November 6, 1931
~s to'!"1ca 68 St. Providence, R. I. THE.- JEWISH HOME NEWSPAPER OF RHODE ISLAND Entered as Second-Class Matter, Nov. 7, 1929, at the Po, t 0(. THE JEWISH HERALD, PROVIDENCE, R. I.. OVEMBER 6, 1931 5 Cents the Copy Vol. III. No. 6 lice at Providence. R. 1., Under the /',ct of March 3. 1879. I By the Way I The J wu h H raid Hitler Rehearses ung Juda a :> PIERRE E ' Tidbits and News of nle t BPgin , (SpH:1 ... Jl i\Jr!tt raph1c 1 Jewish Personalities T wr hur, . boyi, :..nd girls, I By DAVID SCHWARTZ m rf Young J uda.- Clu Rhc, will par It I!, Dr. P,..lbert C, Thomas of the First lic1pal.(; m a contesl be mnin Baptist Church of FaJI River will be 1 Ionda:Y, ? o•.. ~ and con mum Looking m an effor to pla . , ' ' the gue:,t ,spcaJcer at the annual peace until D :n. Backward 'Ih Je H rald in very J w ' h thE: "tat Two Ix· A rather friendly reader of this col- tifol S n Radio Rece1 Mr. Jacob Turner, of Chicago, offered a major pn some time ago, indicated that his ap I actinl! bt1y and on..-. lo petite for ·this department waxed as gi rl. Joi-cr h ,1 Finkle, it became historical. Give us I some Th J<:vnl"h H,·rald, ou more of the old cliggings, was his rul s of 1h er_, t, plea. m1:elin~~ of tne Well, we have been browsing and he Y,,ung Ju through .the meadows of the nineti s girls will officfaliv -in the old magazines and news fort.! on · • papers of the library of Congre s.
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