Dr. Mary M. Crawford

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Dr. Mary M. Crawford VOL. XXVII, No. 12 [PRICE TWELVE CENTS] DECEMBER 11, 1924 Dr. Mary M. Crawford '04 First to Be Nominated for Alumni Trustee Vacancies Athletic Association Announces Year's Basketball and Wrestling Schedules Bond Club Honors George F. Baker, Named by Judge Gary as New York's First Citizen Football Team to Lose Five Regulars by Graduation—The Season Summarized Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August at 123 West State Street, Ithaca, New York. Subscription $4.00 per year. Entered as second class matter May 2, 1900, under the act of March 3, 1879, at the postoflice at Ithaca, New York. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS PROVIDENCE HARTFORD Hemphill, Noyes C& Co. Trustee Executor 37 Wall Street, New York ESTABROOK βδ CO. Investment Securities "For the purpose of accommodat- Philadelphia Albany Boston Baltimore ing the citizens of the state" Sound Investments Pittsburgh Rochester Buffalo Syracuse Chartered 1822 New York Boston 24 Broad 15 State Jansen Noyes ΊO Clifford Hemphill ROGER H. WILLIAMS, '95, Stanton Griffis ΊO Harold C. Strong New York Resident Partner Walter S. Marvin Kenneth K. Ward Farmers' Loan SPRINGFIELD NEW BEDFORD Members o- the New York Stock Exchange and Trust Company The Cascadilla Schools New York GRADUATES GO TO CORNELL Ithaca College Preparatory Boarding School No. 16-22 William Street SEPTEMBER TO JUNE Trust Company A High-Grade School for Boys—Small Fifth Avenue Office Classes—All Athletics—In- 475 Fifth Avenue, at 41st St. I dividual Attention Special Tutoring School Madison Avenue Office Resources Over OCTOBER TO JULY 901 Madison Avenue, at 72nd St. Private Instruction in any Preparatory Five Million Dollars Subject Letters of Credit Trustees Foreign Exchange F. C. Cornell Ernest Blaker Cable Transjers C. D. Bostwick President Charles E. Treman Our latest Catalog will appeal to that Administrator Guardian Vice-Pres Franklin C. Cornell school boy you are trying to Vice-Pres. and Sec, W. H. Storms interest in Cornell Member Federal Reserve Bank and Treasurer Sherman Peer A postal will bring it New York Clearing House The Registrar, Cascadilla School Box A, Ithaca, N. Y. Rothschild Bros. Complete Assortment §f Cornell Banners, LEHIGH VALLEY SERVICE Pennants, Pillow Covers, Between New York Wall and and Ithaca Table Skins at Three through trains daily between Pennsylvania Sta- tion, New York and Ithaca at convenient hours. Parlor, Attractive Prices Sleeping, Dining and Buffet-Lounge Car service. You will feel at home on The Route of The Black Diamond. Leϊiigli \£dley Railroad • The Route of The Black Diamond Rothschild Bros. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. XXVII, No. 12 ITHACA, N. Y., DECEMBER 11, 1924 PRICE 12 CENTS INTER came to Ithaca with a Mrs. Farrand will review with the visitors Other speakers were Whitney M. Trous- vengeance on the first day of the annual efficiency competition of the dale '25 of Rome, Pennsylvania, president WDecember, bringing with it snow Cornell Corps. of the C. U. C. A., and Richard H. Ed- and cold weather which lasted through the OFFICERS of the Cornell Student wards, chairman of the staff. week. A November with more hours of Fellowship Group which had charge of ITHACA'S ANNUAL Charity Ball for the sunshine than any since 1899 has allowed entertaining the New York Student benefit of the local hospital, held in the later work than was to be expected on the Volunteer Convention, which met on the new Savings Bank Building on December new roof of the Drill Hall, the new Union Campus on December 5 and 6, are Janet 5, attracted many of the Hill community, building, and the new concrete road and B. Nundy '26 of Westfield, president; both Faculty and students. bridge over Cascadilla Creek at Dwyer's L. H. Willisford, Grad., of Ithaca, secre- TEN MANUSCRIPTS have been submitted Dam. A few hardy souls braved the thin tary; and Zaida M. Hanford '27 of by students in the College of Agriculture ice on Beebe Lake and the Athletic As- Ithaca, treasurer. for the annual Kermis play to be given in sociation's announcement that it would THE SAGE CHAPEL Preacher for Decem- Bailey Hall in Farmers' Week. Profes- not be responsible for accidents. ber 14 will be the Rev. Dr. Lynn Harold sors George A. Everett '99, Robert P. A PRESS CLUB at Lafayette College has Hough, minister of the Central Methodist Sibley, Helen Monsch, Dwight Sander- written to the Cornell Chapter of Sigma Church in Detroit. son '98, and Byron B. Robb Ίi are the Delta Chi for suggestions for making it- DR. AND MRS. WILLIAM ELLIOTT committee which will award the prizes of self effective. The local chapter described GRIFFIS, who lived in Ithaca for more seventy-five and twenty-five dollars. some of its activities as the annual con- than twenty years, and are well known GEORGE F. BASON Ί6, instructor in ference of high school editors, the annual to older Cornellians, sailed from New electrical engineering, submitted the only "Delicate Brown'' stunt dinner, and its York for Holland on November 29. Dr. correct answer of one hundred and nine- discussions of journalistic matters. Griffis was invited by the Chamber of teen contestants to a crossword puzzle A SUNDAY spent in Ithaca by three Commerce to deliver an address in Ams- advertisement contest of an Ithaca clo- gentlemen from New York posing as two terdam on December 19 on the founding thier last week. fathers of prospective students, and their of New Netherlands. He has also been THE WOMEN'S Dramatic Club was rep- chauffeur, may cost seven alleged local chosen by the trustees of St. John's resented at the annual conference of the Volstead law violators dearly. Inquiring Cathedral in New York to help with the Intercollegiate Women's Dramatic As- for rooms for their sons, these Federal iconography of the Stuyvesant Baptistry, sociation, held this year\t Mount Hol- agents made the rounds on Sunday, which will bear statues of eight Dutch yoke, on December 5, 6, and 7. The promising their new-made friends they religious leaders and the coats of arms of Cornell representatives were Florence E would be back. They went back on Mon- as many Dutch cities. Dahme '25 of Long Island City and Pauline day and arrested seven, including the THE COSMOPOLITAN CLUB on Novem- J. Schmid '25 of Easton, Pennsylvania. proprietor of a poolroom on the site made ber 30 celebrated its twentieth birthday, Last year the conference was held here. famous by Theodore Zinck on North with a banquet at which Professor Nathan- KAPPA BETA PI, one of the two national Aurora Street, and of several shoe shops iel Schmidt was toastmaster and Profes- legal societies for women, has been re- and grocery stores. sors George L. Burr '81 and Othon G. established this year at Cornell after a THE FOURTH MEETING of Delta Theta Guerlac and Richard D. Beck, Grad., period of inactivity. Three women stu- Phi, held on December 3 at the Telluride president of the Club, spoke. The first dents initiated this term are Mary E. House, was addressed by Professor George meeting to discuss the plan of a "Little Brown '25 of Oneonta, Victoria A. L. Burr '81, on "The Third Degree." League of Nations" at Cornell was Rountree '25 of Brooklyn, and Irma C. called by Modesto Quiroga, a graduate Ulrich '26 of New York. CORNELL was represented by Harold student from Argentina, on November 10, THE SUBJECT for the first trials for the Flack '12 at the annual conference of the 1904. This meeting was also addressed by Association of College and University '94 Debate Prize, held on December 8, Professors Vladimir Karapetoff, George Unions, held at Houston Hall, University was: "Resolved, that Cornell University P. Bristol, and Liberty Hyde Bailey. It of Pennsylvania, on November 28 and 29. has Maintained the Educational Ideals was not until November 30, however, At this meeting Brown, Iowa State, and Set Forth in the Addresses of,Ezra Cornell that a constitution was formally adopted. the University of Utah were admitted to and Andrew D. White at the Inauguration Although a similar organization had been membership in the Association. Cornell of the Latter as First President." founded at Wisconsin the previous year, has been a member for three years. LECTURES for the week include "Sociaj Cornell's Cosmopolitan Club has the Life in Hungary Before and During the PROFESSOR MARTIN W. SAMPSON is honor of being the first to be founded as a War" by the Countess Catherine Karolyi, giving again this year his reading course chapter of a larger organization; it is the on the Goldwin Smith Foundation, on in English literature for engineers. These "mother chapter" of the Association of December 9; "Controlling Electric Motors', readings were resumed last year after a Cosmopolitan Clubs of America as well by F. R. Fishback, vice-president and lapse of several years. They are held as a leader in Cordra Fratres, the in- secretary of the Electric Controller and once a week after the regular classes of the ternational federation of students. Manufacturing Company of Cleveland, Engineering College, and last week had an HAROLD F. KNEEN '25 of Cleveland an illustrated lecture before the Ithaca atendance of one hundred. Heights, Ohio, right end on the football Section of the American Institute of THE COMMANDANT of Syracuse Univer- team, is the chairman of the student Electrical Engineers, on December 11; sity's R. 0. T. C. and his staff are this committee engaged in collecting funds on "Le Chateau de Chantilly" by M. Emile year to select the best drilled unit of the Campus for the C. U. C. A. At a Villemin, lecturer of the Alliance Francaise, Cornell's Military Department, on Decem- meeting to start the campaign, on Decem- on December 12; and "Crete," illustrated, ber 13, and to this unit Mrs.
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