Census Taking . Started Here Yesterday A. M. 1 Rotary
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Your relationship to the family (whether the head of fam • i f Tax Collector Francis A. Burke The Eight Enumerators ily, wife, son, daughter, or uncle, etc.) 3. Whether your home is this morning. In the hurried owned or rented. 4. The estimated value of your home, if owned, or Several Youths of Town Visiting Nurse Ass'n Is compilation, following several Work of Changing Code That Are to Take Cen the monthly rental, if rented. 5. Is there a radio set in your home? Are Guests in Honor of days of strenuous work as the 6. Do you live on a farm? 7. What is your sex? 8. What is your One of 24 State Organ end of the collection period ap Has Been Nearly Com sus of Enfield Get Un proached, Collector Burke found color or race? 9. What was your age at last birthday? 10. Are Boys' Week —Address izations to Participate pleted and Will be Sub derway—Will Require you married, single, widowed, or divorced? 11. What was your age that the amount received for at first marriage? (For married persons only.) 12. Have you at by Assistant Scoutmas in Nation-wide Tuber this tax year since March 1st, mitted to Electors in a About Ten Days. tended school or college any time since Sept. 1, 1929? 13. Are you was close to $418,000 on the to able to read and write? 14. Where were you born? 15. Where was ter Arthur Adams. culosis Movement. tal amount of the list of $465,- 819, which would leave the bal Couple of Weeks. Bright and early yesterday morn your father born? 16. Where was your mother born? 17. What is The Rotary Club took cognizance The Enfield Visiting Nurse Asso ance of uncollected taxes ap ing the eight enumerators who are your native language? (For foreign-born persons only.) 18. In what A revision of the town zoning laws year did you immigrate to the U. S. (For foreign-born.) 19. Are of Boys' Week by having as its ciation is one of the twenty-four or proximately $47,000. Consider taking the census of Enfield got un guests several boys at the weekly ing the financial strain that the j which has been in progress for sev- derway, each covering a particular you naturalized? (For foreign-born.) 20. Are you able to speak ganizations in this state that is par luncheon at the Enfield Inn yester ticipating in the nation-wide move general business and industrial i eral weeks is practically complete, part of the town to which he has English? 21. If you are a gainful worker, what is your occupation? conditions have placed upon the 22. In what industry are you employed? 23. Are you an employer, day. The members were privileged ment during the month of April to |and will be officially advertised, and been assigned. The job is expected to have one boy guest each at the taxpayers. Collector Burke was to take about ten days, although employee, or working on your own account? 24. Were you actually prevent tuberculosis. The announce ; submitted to the electors within the at work yesterday? 25. Are you a veteran of the U. S. military or luncheon and most of them took ad ment of this activity was made this gratified at the response they some of the enumerators expect to vantage of it, and the result was one made, which he felt was re jnext two weeks. It is expected that finish their territory long before that naval forces, and if so, in what war or expedition did you serve? week by the State Tuberculosis Com of the most pleasing meetings that mission, and the fact that the under markable. i the new code will prove more satis- time. The local enumerators are op If you answered "No" to question 24, you will also be asked has been held since the local club was The usual interest penalty, erating under the supervision of Wil taking is directed particularly to the j factory in many l-espects. The mat whether you have a job and are merely temporarily out of work, or organized. The address which fol children is stressed in the following retroactive to March 1 will be ter in it has been considerably cur liam M. Harney of Hartford, and will whether you have no job at all. If you have a job, you will be asked: lowed the luncheon was by Arthur imposed on the amount unpaid. be paid four cients per capita for the statement issued by the commission: tailed, and arranged in such a way 1. How many weeks since you have worked on your present job? Adams of Hartford, Assistant Scout "With comparatively recent studies Collector Burke will be at his ias to make it more comprehensive. person listed. The taking of the cen 2. Why were you not at work yesterday (or on the last regular work master of Hartford County, and was office in the town building all sus here will cost the government ap indicating the necessity of protect iThe various district classifications, ing day) ? 3. Did you lose a day's pay by not being at work ? 4. directed to the boys especially. ing children from tuberculosis, the day tomorrow and Saturday, I and what is permissible and what proximately $700, while the expense How many days did you work last week? 5. How many days in a He stressed the need of adult in after which he will go on a •of this job throughout the entire na State Tuberculosis Commission and | prohibited, will be more easily under- full-time week? If you have no job at all, you will be asked: 1. Are terest also in the boy movement, and its local agencies throughout Connec schedule of two evenings a ; stood under the new form in which tion will be $40,000,000. you able to work? 2. Are you looking for a job? 3. For how many that in this age of specialized activ week, Saturday and Monday, at Not only will the enumerators here ticut, will participate in a nation j the regulations will be laid out. weeks have you been without a job? 4. Reason for being out of a ities all communities were behind in wide campaign of prevention during the town building, for the con I While the exact wording or the and elsewhere count noses while on job, or for losing your last job. this work, and compared with other venience of those who desire to the job, but the general status of the the entire month of April. The cam provisions of any of the changes are endeavors. Mr. Adams has just re paign, one of the many projects made pay qp. not yet available, it is understood family will be tabulated, and the turned after two years of boys' work question of owned or rented homes possible by the sale of Christmas .that the commission, in formulating in South Africa and told many in- Seals during last December, will be the new rules, have sought to remove and other such data will be listed to teresting incidents of his experiences entirely an educational effort, seek most of the objectionable features of determine the economic status of the SCHOOL BOARD ANNIVERSARY there. One of the very pleasing fea ing to impress upon the public the THE FUNERAL OF ithe code, and at the same time given nation. Additional information re tures of the program was the render fact that tuberculosis usually begins the various residential areas the full garding unemployment, which is be ing of several musical numbers by a protection for which the zoning laws ing sought this year, adds somewhat TO ECONOMIZE in childhood, and that people are urg PARADE PLANS harmonica quartette, consisting of ed to protect the children from in MRSC0NB0YWAS were created. The new rules, accord to the burden of the enumerators. four boys from Hazardville Gram fection by keeping them away from ing to the members of the commis The effort on the part of the head of Tentative Plans For the Active Steps Taken for mar School. sick people, by insisting on plenty of sion, will solve some of the problems •each family should be to co-operate The program was in charge of the rest;- by training them in health hab HELD YESTERDAY that are in existence at the present in every manner possible with the Year's Budget Call For This Feature of Cele Community Service Committee, and its, and by consulting the doctor reg time.