38 september 2011

Mota-Engil celebrates 65th anniversary Interview António Mota Chairman of the Group

SOCIAL NETWORKS 1st Half results Group increases turnover and reinforces http://www.facebook.com/motaengil internationalisation

http://www.flickr.com/photos/mota_engil 2011 september 38 Moza mbique http://twitter.com/motaengil Olympic Village built in record time

http://www.youtube.com/motaengilsgps A scendi Opens two new stretches http://www.linkedin.com/company/mota-engil of the Douro Interior Subconcession RUSSIA





SUM mary 06 INDICATors Results 1st Half 2011: Group increases turnover and reinforces internationalisation 08 the group news Peru: new contracts to the value 08 of Euro 125 million th Mota-Engil Is The Best M ota-Engil celebrates the 65 anniversary. Construction Company António Mota: “our strategy is on the right way, the course is remarkable” 16n busi ess areas Mota-Engil Central Europe: This project in the city of Lublin is one of the biggest in the country Mota-Engil Engenharia: Pisão-Beja Feeder 1st Stretch Completed Vibeiras requalifies gardens in 40 SusTAINAbility Manuel António da Mota 14 40 Award 2nd Edition The Mota-Engil Group has expanded M anuel António da Mota Award Sustainability Publication 2010 motorway business in Mexico dedicated to Volunteering 46 TECHNOlogy & INNOVATION Ascendi commitment to technological innovation system with MLFF 48 People Mota-Engil Active-School: A new activity cycle Mota-Engil HR Reporting Project: Creating value through People 60 compaNIes 56 Ta r nsITEx, logistics operator Carlos Santos Pato Interview A symbol in the Major Road Projects

TECHNICAL RECORD Text written in accordance with the Spelling Agreement DIRECTOR Jorge Coelho HEAD OFFICE R ua do Rego Lameiro, 38 PRINTER LEGAL DEPOSIT 4300-454 Porto O ndagrafe, Artes Gráficas,L da. 307551/10 EDITOR R ui Gomes DESIGN | EDITING PRINT-RUN PUBLICATION M ota-Engil, SGPS, SA W hite_Brand Services 700 Units Free-of-Charge

THE FOLLOWING CO-OPERATED IN THIS EDITION Adelaide Martins · Alexandra Martins Andrez · Ana Pires · Angela Ferreira · Catarina Teixeira · Eduardo Pimentel · Elsa Campos Fernando Lima · Hugo Maçãs · Ivone Santos · Joana Santos · João Costa · Maria Antónia Cadilhe · Pedro Arrais · Rita Cabral · Rui Gomes Rui Pedroto · Sena Santos · Sofia Vasconcelos

September 2011 04

Ope nING message


› Chairman of the Executive Committee Jorge Coelho This edition of SINERGIA celebrates the able to achieve the objectives that we set 65th anniversary of Mota-Engil, an Eco- via a strategy which had the potential to nomic Group that is currently leader in anticipate scenarios and ensure sustai- Portugal in most of the sector in which it nability for the Group’s future. operates, integrating also the major Eu- ropean Groups that derive from the Engi- We are reinforcing Mota-Engil as an in- neering and Construction sector. creasingly International and Diversified Group, achieving goals that allow us to We are reinforcing A history filled with success but also occupy a more consistent and compe- Mota-Engil as an increasingly with a lot of work and a lot of sacrifice titive position in each region. It is as so International and Diversified along a course highlighted by Ambition, in Angola, Mozambique, Poland, Peru Cohesion, Audacity and Solidarity very and this is how it will increasingly have Group, achieving goals well expressed in an interview with An- to be in each of the markets in which we that allow us to occupy tónio Mota in this edition. operate. a more consistent and competitive position in each This edition also features another chap- Only this way will we be able to create ter in the history of Mota-Engil. In Mo- the balance, whilst Group, that will allow region. It is as so in Angola, zambique the company was able to us not to depend only on one market or Mozambique, Poland, build the Olympic Village of the African business. Peru and this is how it will Games in a record time of ten months. increasingly have to be in This is an emblematic work for all that The 1st half result clearly show the achie- it stands for in Mozambique and for its vement of this aim. each of the markets in which innovative nature that Mota-Engil intro- we operate. duced at Engineering level for its design But we are under no illusions. and construction. The demands placed by the national We therefore demonstrated, as we are economic Framework, with obvious con- doing in other places in which we ope- sequences in the financial markets, will rate, the Engineering know-how that require that each one that comprises the Mota-Engil boasts and which distingui- Mota-Engil Group be aware that we have shes us. We also presented the 1st Half to do more and better to continue to be Results in SINERGIA. These results ex- internationally competitive. press what we have referred lately. The national base as the Internationa- We have been able to withstand adver- lisation platform has to be the drive in sity, and even in difficult times as those the search for new opportunities, in we are crossing in Portugal we have been an integrated Vision whilst Group and


within the Internationalisation Strategy we are now doing and will have to do and We boast the ambition defined, resulting in the geographical if we are up to the challenges set and are and audacity which is mobility of our people as a key factor for able to meet them, we will be consolida- already part of the Group’s success. ting a Group whose 65 years of success and the memory of the Founder are well DNA and of its development Currently due to the poor liquidity and worthy of it. path. But more than increase in capital costs, we have to be ever it is at these times more than ever selective and rigorous that we have to show in Investments, and enhancing what we have best: our ability to achieve and our strategic and Governance Engineering and Management know- cohesion, a factor which -how to promote the organic growth that is always determining allows the Engineering & Construction and gains growing and the Environment & Services areas to hold 68% and 28% respectively of its relevance in proportion business at International level. to the development and diversification of the Group. We boast the ambition and audacity which is already part of the Group’s DNA and of its development path. But more than ever it is at these times that we have to show strategic and Governance cohesion, a factor which is always deter- mining and gains growing relevance in proportion to the development and diver- sification of the Group.

If the national market was not enough for the ambitions of Mota-Engil a decade ago then today it is even less in a Group that has unfortunately seen its country of origin retracting in its core market since 2002.

Tough times require more cohesion and capacity to change and we have to be aware and trust that by doing everything

September 2011 06 indicaTors

KE Y EVENTS 1st HALF Mt o a-EnGIL Group 2011 increases turnover R ESULTS and reinforces 974 millionfu o e ros internationalisation › 8.2%-increase in turnover › 19.9%-growth in EBITDA The success of internationalisation is confirmed by the figures R EiNFOrcEMENT of internationalisation presented by the Mota-Engil Group 2 bILLION in the first half of Euro fmro On 31st August, the Mota-Engil Group in EBITDA up to Euro 123.8 million, international presented the results of the first half. featuring a 12.7% margin. markets Highlight goes to the 8.2%-increase in › International turnover represents turnover, particularly at international level. Highlight also goes to the order book 60% of Engineering and Turnover amounted to Euro 974 million, that totalled Euro 3.4 million, 2 billion of Construction business and 28% of 74 million up on the value corresponding which are from international markets. to the same period in 2010. Environment and Services. The success of internationalisation is › By geographical areas, a The Environment and Services business confirmed by the figures presented. 45%-increase in turnover in area contributed toward the turnover International turnover represents 60% Central Europe and 364% in increase. In this area earnings increased of the Engineering and Construction America was registered. more than 27% and in Engineering business and 28% of Environment and and Construction a 3.37%-growth was Services. registered. By geographical areas, a 45%-growth in "we have now moved into Note that the net income attributable to turnover in Central Europe and 364% Colombia and we are the Group was Euro 15.7 million, 19.9% in America. studying other countries down on 2010, discounting the Martifer in Africa. We are always effect, would be equivalent to Euro 21.3 Given the international performance analysing other countries.” million, 8.9% up on the same period last and the commitment to business Jorge Coelho year. diversification, the Chairman of the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Mota-Engil Group Executive Committee of the Mota- Another relevant figure of the Mota-Engil Engil Group, Jorge Coelho, said that the Group first half results is the 19.9% growth strategic plan “Ambition 2013”, adopted


Turnover Sales and Services Rendered Group 1st half 2011

1.000 974 900 800 878




Millionseurosof 0

2009 2010 2011

three years ago, was a decision “taken In the first half of this year it increased in good time and the strategy is correct”. to 15% and the aim is to reinforce this EBITDA The CEO said that the Group is studying strategy. Eitd b a Group 1st half 2011 various markets, “we have now moved 150 into Colombia and we are studying Bearing in mind these results, the 120 other countries in Africa. We are always perspective for 2011 is to maintain a 123.8 analysing other countries.” The aim is to 2-digit growth and a turnover of over two 90 103.2 give continuity to the internationalisation million euros. 92.3 process, thus reducing the 60 impact of investment contraction The first half results were presented in 30 which is happening in Portugal. Lisbon by the Chairman of the Executive 0 Another objective is to increase the Committee, Jorge Coelho, the CFO of the Millionseurosof financing in the countries where the Mota-Engil Group, Luís Silva and the 2009 2010 2011 Group is investing. A year ago only 1% of Manager of Relations with the Capital the Group’s projects were locally financed. Market, João Vermelho.

1st half 2011 Millions of EUR Ore d rs Portfolio

TU RNOVER 2010 2011 Group Orders Portfolio st Portugal 498 484 -2.9% 1 half 2011 Central Europe 91 131 43.8% Africa 298 260 -13.0% 14% America 21 105 407.8% 9% Outros, Elim. & Intra. -8 -5 33% Group 900 974 8.2%

EBITDA 2010 mg.% 2011 mg.% 28% Portugal 41.9 8.4% 50.6 10.4% 16% Central Europe 1.9 2.1% 5.8 4.4% Africa 58.3 19.5% 52.9 20.4% America 3.9 18.8% 14.6 13.8% Engineering & Construction Portugal Engineering & Construction Africa Outros, Elim. & Intra. -2.8 0.0 Engineering & Construction Central Europe Environment & Services Group 103.2 11.5% 123.8 12.7% Engineering & Construction America

September 2011 08 the Group News

Ant M ónIO ota: “our strategy is on the right way, the course is remarkable”

O n the occasion of the 65th anniversary of Mota & Companhia, António Mota, Chairman of the Group, in an interview to SINERGIA, recalls the history of the Group and highlights how “over time, we have always transformed crises into opportunities”

Our strategy is Mota & Companhia “appeared and grew in and so we are going to carry on treading the crisis period immediately after World this path”. on the right way, War II; then when Angola was crossing the course the colonial war crisis, we grew there by António Mota enthusiastically invokes the developing infrastructures; when Angola culture that his father, Manuel António is remarkable. became independent everyone left but da Mota, implemented in the founding we stayed and expanded”. António Mota company of the Group, as early as 1946: expresses significant concern in relation “To make the right decisions implies having to the current crisis in Portugal and in strong teams and well outlined strategy. Europe but shows great confidence in the Strong teams means to have the right Mota-Engil Group: “It is in a better people. Nowadays we talk about human situation than the country to face this resources but I prefer to use the word: challenge. We learned to act in due time”. people. My father created teams that had He ensures: “The results of the Mota- people with very strong ambitions, cohesion Engil Group show that its strategy is on and boldness. Also people with solidarity in the right way, the course is remarkable their minds – an ever fundamental value.


“The Group Mota-Engil is in a better situation than the country.”

This culture seeped into the company and this interview, in addition to other places find light and if not in Europe then we have is decisive for our success”. Combined with and expansion sectors, there is a great many opportunities to dig in other places”. a good definition of strategy. commitment to mining, focusing on Malawi. MOVING TOWARD CONSTRUCTION Diversification and internationalisation are, SOUTHE RN AFRICA, LATIN IN BRAZIL according to António Mota, two strategic AMERICA, CENTRAL EUROPE We must know how to pave the way: “We keys for consistent success: “The Mota-Engil The Chairman of the Group's Board of weren’t able to enter the construction sector Group, in due time, diversified its businesses, Directors refers three geographic areas in Brazil due to specific circumstances of creating know-how and dimension that led fundamental for the current expansion the Brazilian market. We entered Brazil to internationalisation”. He highlights: “The of the Mota-Engil Group: Southern Africa via a concession, then we passed to growth of the Group abroad compensates the (where his father, Manuel António da Mota, the environment area, and this way the downfall provoked by the crisis in Portugal”. in the 40’s immediately after Second World doors opened to other sectors. We wish to Pursues: “In the construction sector, we War started the history of the Group with a announce our entry in the construction produce well over 50% outside Portugal company dedicated to the exploitation of sector in Brazil”. and the order book abroad stands at wood in Angola), Latin America (“a market 70%”. António Mota highlights the “apport” of great potential, the fastest growing one at COMMITMENT TO MINING introduced by the Executive Committee the moment”) and Central Europe (“where Mota-Engil has been in Peru for many in the last three or four years: “Until three we have a very consistent position, starting years and it was in this Andean republic or four years ago we were international in Poland and expanding to other countries that the Group developed know-how but only in the construction sector; today with a very appealing turnover”). The aim to expand exploration in the mining we are international in all business areas. has been clearly outlined: “To replicate sector. António Mota acknowledges that We are operating in 19 countries. We are in the model that we have in Portugal in all investing in the mining sector is complex the ports in Peru. We are in the concessions countries where we are trying to attain but “It is a consistent investment that we of highways in Mexico (a large project), in leadership positions in many of these are making, we are mining operators in Brazil and in Mozambique. We are in the markets”. This is an example that António Malawi, we have already been in mines in solid waste treatment area in Brazil and Mota recommends for the country: “We Angola, we are trying to enter Mozambique in Angola”. And, as we shall see later in must keep digging the tunnel under we and in Zimbabwe”. Growth is practically certain: “We have full capabilities as mining operators. As investors we have to grow in the We wish to announce our entry in the business and we can’t put aside production construction sector in Brazil.” and industrial processing of mining. At this

September 2011 10

the Group News

“Latin America, a market filled with potential and the fastest growing one at this moment.”

“Consistent commitment to mining.”

moment, we have an important contract with Malawi, a uranium mine where we do everything from operation to the industrial area. From here onward, the investor selects the mining ore. This was the know- internationalisation, replacement of imports have leaders such as Kohl, Mitterand or -how that we acquired in Peru and which by local production, this together with the Thatcher. Today, I’m not really sure which we are strengthening in Malawi and this resumption of activities we have already is Europe’s political project. The European allows us to have good prospects to move had, from agriculture to fisheries. We have project is at risk. It is going to be difficult into other countries, namely Angola (where to make up for the mistake that was made to solve the problems of the peripheral we have already opened a diamond mine by abandoning these sectors”. countries, be it Greece, Portugal or Ireland for ESCOM), Mozambique and Zimbabwe, or others that due to their vulnerability to with investments which are currently in António Mota insists that the Portuguese the crisis will be considered peripheral. advanced talks”. economy lacks dimension: “What the There is lack of strategic vision. There is country needs, namely in the construction lack of politics”. PO RTUGAL AND THE GOOD AND sector, is a movement of concentration, BAD COMPANIES allowing for the creation of three or four About Portugal: “We are a small and The Chairman of the Board of Directors groups with the dimension of Mota-Engil”. peripheral country but we have good raw- of the Mota-Engil Group expresses, in this Question: “How many friendly mergers were materials, we have capable people who interview to SINERGIA, concern due to made in Portugal. Not only in construction. just need to assume that here they can do the lack of dimension of the Portuguese In the various sectors: how many friendly the excellence that is obtained abroad”. companies: “This country classifies the mergers?”. António Mota insists: “The sacrifices we companies as small, medium and large, are going to have to make are quite big but it talks of internationalisation, but, except TSTRU we have all the conditions to overcome the for one or two cases, the Portuguese Ambition, audacity and cohesion are crisis and come out stronger”. He once again companies are not big at international level. recurring expressions and motivations invokes the wisdom of the founder of the Mota-Engil, the largest company in the in the speech of the Mota-Engil Group Group: “My father used to tell me that there service sector in Portugal is merely a Chairman. Similarly to the idea of trust: “If are two ways of living. One is to earn more medium-sized company when compared we do not trust our capacity to overcome than what we spend. Another is to spend less to the big companies in Spain or France. difficulties, we will always be defeated. This that what one earns. For now in Portugal we Thus, the first thing that has to be done can’t happen. We have to trust ourselves”. will have to cross that phase in which we in Portugal is to reclassify the companies, have to spend less than what we earn. Only assess the ones that are good and those that António Mota expresses a lot of concern after we have created the necessary wealth are not, irrespective of being small, medium in relation to the direction that Europe will we be able to improve the standard of or large. What is important is to support is taking: “There is a lack of project and living. For now we will all have to lower our the good companies on the correct path to cohesion, probably because we do not standard of living. All of us”.


the company and in 1987 he became because until then we had only worked Executive Vice-Chairman. In August in Angola. 1995 he became Chairman of the AT N ÓNIO MOTA company. In 2000 the companies of António Mota’s eyes twinkle when he the Mota Group and of the Engil Group recalls: “All the airports in Angola were IN THE FIRST merged and he became Chairman of made by Mota & Companhia, in the PERSON: Mota-Engil, SGPS. 60’s and 70’s. Other companies have already made extension or renewal P ROJECTS IN THE MEMORY AND works but they were all built by Mota & THE FAMILY IN THE HEART Companhia”. “We are four brothers, half opted for “When my children were around engineering and the other half for 10, I took them by car to Lucefécit, Another work we are proud economy”. António Mota was born in in the Alentejo, to show them: the of: “Everything that has to do with 1954, eight years after this father, Manuel first project carried out by Mota & Expo 98, including the magnificent António da Mota, had launched the Companhia in Portugal and the only Oceanarium”. Also the Vasco da Gama company: “In 1946 my father created one, when I started working. Now I bridge (“at the time we were minority two companies, together with his have two granddaughters and I hope shareholders, today we are the major brother-in-law, Joaquim da Fonseca. to take them there too”. shareholder”). António Mota wishes to One of the companies was oriented to mention a reference work: the Trafaria the construction sector and was based Another project that is quite vivid in Silos. in Portugal, the other, was dedicated my memory: “The regularisation of to logging and was based in Angola. the Lower Mondego was a reference He also adds to the Mota-Engil assets, My father who was younger than work. This big work was aimed at the building of the Champalimaud his brother-in-law was responsible international companies and all the Foundation inaugurated less than a year for the business abroad. Childhood major dredging companies were ago, the Ascendi highways and the loads memories? My sisters and I felt the here. We were pioneers. I had just of projects that the Group is carrying out lengthy absences of my father who was finished my university degree and I all over the world. working in Angola. He spent more time saw how a man who was way over 60 there than here. It was a great joy when had the vision, the ambition and the SOLIDRT A I Y he arrived and total sadness when he audacity to take on a project that many “The culture of solidarity comes from had to leave again. The legacy that my considered impossible. The history of my father and today the Manuel Antonio father left for all of us, whilst we were in the Group is made of transforming da Mota Foundation keeps this culture primary school and then in high school, crises into opportunities”. alive. Our aim is to allocate part of the was that to have a good life we had to company profit to the Foundation so work very hard. And so we have.” Today we say that Mota-Engil that the latter can develop solidarity, is a company with vocation for starting with our own people”. EDUC ATION internationalisation; note that our first “First I wanted to be a fireman then a internationalisation was in Portugal Sena Santos policeman and finally an engineer”. António Mota was 23 when in 1977 he finished His degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Oporto. He started “Up to 3 or 4 years ago Mota-Engil was only working at Mota & Companhia as an in the international panorama in construction. intern and worked in various operational departments of the company. In 1981 Diversification extended internationalisation - he took on the general management of the key to success.”

September 2011 12 the Group News

O VlymPIC iLLage Inaugurated in Mozambique

A consortium led by the Mota-Engil Group presented the keys of the Olympic Village to the Organising Committee of the 10th All-Africa Games, on 20th August, on schedule

The project, is located in Several members of the government of the District of Zimpeto, on Mozambique attended the ceremony, the outskirts of Maputo. It together with senior representatives from the Mota-Engil Group, including Chairman, took 10 months to build and Antonio Mota, and CEO, Jorge Coelho. received about six thousand athletes, coaches and officials The project, located in the District of who participated in the 10th Zimpeto, on the outskirts of Maputo, consists of 106 buildings with 843 All-Africa Games which took apartments in an area of ​15 hectares. It place in Maputo from the 3rd took 10 months to build and received to 18th September. about six thousand athletes, coaches and meters deep, has eight lanes. These pools officials who participated in the th 10 All- are covered and can hold 1500 spectators. -Africa Games which took place in Maputo The Mota-Engil Group CEO told the Lusa from the 3rd to 18th September. news agency that the participation of Portuguese companies in building the In addition to the buildings, the Olympic Olympic Village in Mozambique is a sign of Village also has two Olympic swimming “Mozambique’s credibility” as a destination pools built by the consortium, consisting of for foreign investment. the Mota-Engil Group and Soares da Costa. The competition pool (50 × 25 meters) According to Jorge Coelho, the venture is has 10 lanes and is two meters deep. The a testament to the strong investment in training pool, 50 × 20 meters long and 1.5 the Mozambican market, “It is a source of


“This work fills us – construction company - with pride. This project is huge and of great difficulty and it was completed in a very short period of time. While talking to Minister of Sports I told him that those who don’t believe will continue not believing because this project just shows that when a man believes things happen.” António Mota

Youth and Sport, Pedrito Caetano, stressed decking. Quality materials were selected “the friendly cooperative relations with for each apartment, ensuring simplicity Portugal” as the factor that made it possible and comfort. to build the “majestic Olympic Village”. Metinge with “Some people expressed scepticism about the Prime Minister the timely construction of the Olympic Before the Olympic Village inauguration Village, but we always believe in meeting ceremony, the Prime Minister of deadlines and achieving quality targets.” Mozambique, Aires Ali, held an audience emphasized Pedrito Caetano. with a delegation from the Mota-Engil Group. “This time, it is also a courtesy Mozambique assumed responsibility for visit, when we come to say that one of hosting the 10th All-Africa Games two years the commitments which we had taken earlier, after the withdrawal of Zambia. on, is completed: the Olympic Village,” Given the tight schedule, the consortium led said Mota-Engil Group’s Chairman. by the Mota-Engil Group adopted a leading In statements gathered by the Lusa news role in completing the various works of the agency, Antonio Mota also said, “I think the great pride for the Mota-Engil Group and Olympic Village. One of the factors which Prime Minister is satisfied, starting from the Soares da Costa to have accomplished the enabled this commitment to be achieved moment he began to follow the work every goal of constructing such a complex and was the adoption of an innovative building day, making several field visits, which technologically advanced building”. technology used for the first time in Africa: was essential to overcome some difficult construction using cold formed steel. situations that arose during the project.” In the words of the Mota-Engil CEO, For Antonio Mota, the construction of the instead of thinking of it in terms of The buildings with ground floor and three Olympic Village and Olympic Swimming investment, Portuguese companies are upper floors, have a reinforced concrete Pools, which was completed in a record in Mozambique with a mission to help foundation which supports the stressed time of 10 months, symbolizes “a success the country in its development process, structure of the residential floors. The for Mozambique” and has also represented because of “confidence in its present and structure is metallic with cold-formed an “excellent track record” for the its future”. The Mozambique Minister of sections and self-levelling with composite Mota-Engil/Soares da Costa consortium.

September 2011 14 the Group News

Mt o a-EnGIL moto rway Group PEROTE-XALAPA in Peru in MeXICO

W ins awards to The Mota-Engil Group has the value of Euro expanded its Perote-Xalapa 125 million motorway business in Mexico

Mota-Engil Peru won the award The Mota-Engil Group has extended the the Mexico City-Veracruz motorway and for four project contracts that concession period and the portfolio of forms part of an Atlantic logistics corridor comprise construction and works on the Perote-Xalapa motorway in that links the Mexican capital to Veracruz, recovery works of access roads to Mexico. After almost a year of negotiations Mexico’s main Atlantic port and the a mine in the region of Cusco, in with the Mexican state, Mota-Engil has closest to Europe. Peru. reached an agreement for an addendum to the contract that establishes “an increased Ascendi participates in Copexa – The The amount in the total of awards investment of around Euro 165 million in Perote Xalapa Concession - through is 494 million nuevos soles the concession (total investment of Euro a 50% consortium with the Spanish (approximately Euro 125 million). 570 million)”. group Isolux Corsán; the concession With this contract, the Mota-Engil contract was signed on the 14th group now has an Order Book of The renegotiation of this contract “allowed February, 2008. Euro 360 million in Peru - 82% up the concession period to be extended from on the order book presented in 30 years to 45 years and meant that it was The construction of the Perote-Xalapa December 2010 thus allowing to expanded to an A4 profile [four lanes, two motorway is the first project executed by consolidate the ongoing growth in each direction]”. Mota-Engil Engenharia in Mexico. that this Mota-Engil Group stakeholder has registered in the In a communiqué sent to the Securities The orographic conditions of the area past years. Market Commission (CMVM), the represent significant difficulties in the Mota-Engil Group explains that “the funds execution of the project, as the road Peru has become the Group’s needed to realise the additional investment has an altitude variation of around 1600 third largest international market, will be guaranteed by a subordinate metres (between 830m and 2420m). surpassed only by Angola and financing agreement signed with the Poland. “National Infrastructure Fund (FONADIM), Given that the road runs along slopes that so it does not require investment efforts are difficult to engineer, a large volume of The dynamism of the Peruvian to be made by the concession holder’s earth has been moved (9.9 million m3 of economy in the last few years shareholders”. FONADIM is an investment excavation and 5.8 million m3 of infill), coupled with the investment fund belonging to the Mexican state. several bridges and viaducts have been that the company has made to constructed (17 in total), and overpasses, reinforce its capacity to perform Construction will be carried out by the underpasses and railway crossings have and Mota-Engil credibility within Mota-Engil and Isolux Corsán Groups, through been built (53 in total), along with a this market, in which it has been a company in which each group has 50% 342m-long road tunnel. operating since 1998, has led to holdings. The value of the new construction the growth of its business. contract is around Euro 75 million. The Mota-Engil Group is continuing to expand its operations in America, and The Perote-Xalapa motorway link, with its current construction portfolio in this a length of 60 km, is the last section of market totals close to Euro 316 million.


Mota-Engil Engenharia is the Best MOT A-ENGIL Construction Company in Portugal according to the edition of the 2011 IS THE BEST Construir Awards and Carlos Pascoal, Member of the Board, who received the CONSTRUCTION prize. The award ceremony was held COMPANY at the Oceans Auditorium at the Lisbon Casino on 11th June and the gala was presented by comedian and entertainer 2011 Construir Awards Nilton. In addition to being considered the best Construction Company, Mota-Engil Engenharia’s work was also recognised when In addition to being considered the Champalimaud Foundation centre won the award for the category Best Private Project. the best Construction Company, Mota-Engil Engenharia’s work Voting for this initiative was carried out by was also recognised when the the readers of Jornal Construir which aims Champalimaud Foundation at distinguishing companies, individualities and works which stood out in the past year centre won the award for the in the country. category Best Private Project.

Mt o a-EnGIL P ROJECT ranks amongst QATAR the 100 top 2011 companies

International Construction The Group occupies the Trade Fair took place 30th place amongst in Doha the top European construction companies The Mota-Engil brand was present at Economic Forum“ and it is one of yet another international event in the the Middle East economies that most According to the annual ranking of Construction area, this time in Doha expanded in the last decade. the 100 largest European construction for Project QATAR 2011. Integrated companies, carried out by Deloitte, in a mission of AEP – Portuguese The construction projects programme the Mota-Engil Group is as in previous Entrepreneurial Association -, our party is an ambitious one which aims at the editions, the best classified company comprising Paulo Nunes (Mota-Engil creation of an economy less dependent amongst the Portuguese ones and Ambiente e Serviços) and Rui Campos on petrol and its derivatives. occupies the 30th place at European (Mota-Engil Engenharia), established level. Mota-Engil Group went from 71st contacts with the aim of getting to know New urban areas, universities, the place in 2008 to 45th in 2009 and now better Qatar’s potential and projects. underground, port, airport, roads and 30th in the European ranking. As pertains the 2022 World Football Championship EBITDA, the Mota-Engil Group occupies This emirate occupies the 17th position comprise the future challenges of this the 20th place at European level. of the ranking published by the “Word emerging Arab country.

September 2011 16

B susINes Areas

E NGINEerING M eETING of the African Development Bank

A Mota-Engil Engenharia stand, which Mota-Engil Energia associated itself M ota-Engil brand to, marked the presence of the Group at the Annual Meeting of the African present at the Lisbon Development Bank Congress Center

A Mota-Engil Engenharia stand, which Institution which aims at sustainable Mota-Engil Energia associated itself economic development and social to, marked the presence of the Group progress in the regional member States, at the Annual Meeting of the African thus contributing toward the reduction ADB is an International Development Bank (ADB) which took of poverty in the African continent. The Financial Institution place between the 6th and 10th June at the respective Annual Meetings are considered which aims at sustainable Lisbon Congress Centre. Under the theme the most comprehensive discussion “An Agenda for Sustainable Development initiatives on economic development in economic development in Africa”, the event featured the Africa. Highlight also goes to the growing and social progress in the participation of employees of the holding number of projects that have been funded regional member States, company as well as of all its business areas by ADB, thus representing a business thus contributing toward the that together with other government and opportunity for the internationalisation international institution representatives, of companies, consultants and national reduction of poverty in the shared ideas on Europe and Africa. banks. African continent. ADB is an International Financial



This project in the city of Lublin The contract to rebuild the Śródmieście II complexity involved. The investment is one of the biggest in water supply and sewage disposal systems, project totals around Euro 3.6 million and awarded to Mota-Engil Central Europe, is the reconstruction of around 6 km of the the country to have been already underway and the contract was water supply system and 3 km of the sewage awarded in 2011 signed at the MPWiK head office in Lublin. disposal network has also been planned. This work is one of the major investment projects of the year in that city due to its The project is expected to be concluded by location and technical and organisational August 2013.




Cooperation between departments generates great dynamics in its development

The Geotechnics services of Mota-Engil former Prospecting Unit in the Department An excellent quality and versatility Engenharia have strongly focused on of Foundations and Geotechnics (DFG) indicator of the work produced are the innovation thus following the company’s and the creation of the Technical Unit of documents published in conferences strategic guideline to lead the national Soil Mechanics and Rocks (TUSMR) which and national and international renowned market and invest in the expansion to together with the Central Laboratory magazines of the Geotechnics field, international markets. (CLAB) stayed under the tutelage of the specially because they reflect a nature of DENGR. The cooperation spirit developed direct application in industry, revealing In 2008 following a remodelling process, between the two departments allowed not the high technical capacity of the the Geotechnics Department was only to pursuit these goals but generated company. Within this scope, between dissolved leading to the framing of the greater dynamics in its development. 2004 and 2010, 30 articles were published (19 international and 11 national). Initially, the main objective as pertains In 2008 following a innovation focused on geotechnical The latter are available at the company characterisation (probes and in "situ" library (TUSMR of DENGR and DFG). remodelling process, tests), but it quickly expanded to other In addition to these, reflecting the most the Geotechnics Department areas, namely Geophysics, Foundations, recent work, in 2011 seven papers have was dissolved leading Soil Treatment and more recently already been submitted to conferences to the framing of the former turned to mathematical tools applied and three articles to international to engineering (error propagation and magazines (of which seven have already Prospecting Unit in the neural networks). been accepted for publication), whilst five Department of Foundations abstracts were submitted to the world’s and Geotechnics (DFG) and On the other hand these programmes largest event of In "Situ" Tests (In "Situ" the creation of the Technical have been totally developed by human Conference) to be held in Brazil in 2012. resources of the two departments, Unit of Soil Mechanics boosting even more this work via the Less than a decade after, the results and Rocks (TUSMR) which enhancement of its staff (a doctorate thesis achieved express success, given the together with the Central and four master’s theses presented in this leading position that the company Laboratory (CLAB) stayed period). Note that the most recent interest occupies in the national geotechnical in neural networks has already led to an field and the quick and efficient response under the tutelage of article in an international magazine in the capacity to requests of several types the DENGR. mathematical area. placed by the international market.

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Two of the projects with the Mota-Engil Engenharia brand - Metropolis and Western Tower are now more environment friendly and their construction contemplates top sustainable technology

E NGINEerING Two of the projects with the Mota-Engil However, the Western Tower, a reference Engenharia brand - Metropolis and of optimisation in the reduction of energy MET ROPOLIS Western Tower are now more environment consumption, comprises amongst the friendly and their construction main technical solutions, façades with AND WESTERN contemplates top sustainable technology. double glass with low emission tempered exterior, sun factor 0.23 and coefficient of TOWER MORE In the first case, where the company is thermal transmission 1.6. Lighting and responsible for the Structure, Special the saving of water were not forgotten. SUSTAINABLE Foundations and Topometry, ecologically clean and certified coating materials Note that the reduction in consumption are being used as well as sustainable is of around 4.9 million litres/year due to Techniques applied energy building systems. Still underway, the use of automatic taps with flow control in the construction are the Metropolis project features various and still control device for dual flushing. environment friendly practices: integration of large shade visors to reduce sun exposure of the The Western Tower was inaugurated in south façades and minimise the energy- February this year and it is the second -related costs of the building; use of structure of the Colombo Towers project low consumption lighting systems and that involved the construction of two automated control; amongst others. similar buildings, the Eastern Tower and the Western Tower at the top of the This office building, classified as one of Colombo Shopping Centre in Lisbon. the largest and most qualified real estate projects in the Centre of Lisbon promises to revitalize the surrounding area of the José Alvalade Stadium and the Campo Grande intermodal terminal.



N hew Coac Museum

The contract totals Euro 15.85 million and is to be concluded within M ota-Engil Engenharia a period of around 10 months continues works with special finishings and installations

Following the contract for special to be concluded within a period of around approximately 44.000 m2 of wall and foundations, reinforced concrete 10 months. Finishing and landscaping ceiling covering, more than 8500 m2 of structure and steel structure, the new works and Special HVAC, Electricity, suspended ceiling railing (metallic) and Coach Museum is in the process of Communications, CCTV and Hydraulic more than 11.000 m2 of Industrial Pavings special finishings and installations that Installations have been planned. will be applied. Highlight also goes to the the Sociedade Frente Tejo awarded to approximately 16.000 m2 of sidewalk (in the Consortium formed by Mota-Engil In this building that the Project Manager granite blocks), more than 16.500 m2 of Engenharia and FDO Construções. The wishes to transform into an architectural Wall Systems, 2438 m2 of Silicate Masonry contract totals Euro 15.85 million and is landmark of the city of Lisbon, and more than 6500 m2 of Roof.

E NGINEerING The stretch of the S7 Expressway, between The 17 kms of the project included Skarżysko-Kamienna and Występa, has four overpasses, eight viaducts, two already opened to traffic after its official bridges, ten small bridge structures, two S ftreTCH o the inauguration in Suchedniów. Now the pedestrian walkways and two specific S7 Expressway connection between the two cities is not passageways for animals. only safer but travel time is down to half opened to traffic and the speed limit is of 120 km/h.

B etween Skarżysko-Kamienna e Występa, in Poland

The 17 kms of the project included four overpasses, eight viaducts, two bridges, ten small bridge structures, two pedestrian walkways and two specific passageways for animals.

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E legance and Cultural Integration of excellence

The shopping centre Forum Sintra, inaugurated on 11th April is the first large infrastructure of the type in the Contention, Excavation and Structure, Finishings and Landscaping totalled Euro Municipality. The Mayor defines it as 34 million. The Shopping Centre occupies a Construction area of 119 mil m2 “a unique area of opportunities and a significant investment during a very special period that Portugal is crossing.” With the architectural concept and execution of the responsibility of ARX Mayor of the Sintra Town Council, project 170 million resulting from the expansion and Chapman Taylor, respectively, the managers, as well as elements of the and remodelling of the former Feira Nova project, built by the Consortium formed in Mota-Engil Engenharia Production in Sintra, the promoters guarantee around equal parts by Mota-Engil Engenharia and Department, amongst others. The 3300 jobs. Opway, has in its surroundings the IC19, dimension of this project once again the Serra de Sintra and the Pena distinguishes the brand Mota-Engil. Forum Sintra features 182 stores, allowing it to conciliate contemporary which occupy three floors, including a construction with other distinct ones in Contention, Excavation and Structure, hypermarket (Pingo Doce), a restaurant time and space. Finishings and Landscaping totalled area with 20 restaurants and seven Castello Euro 34 million. The Shopping Centre Lopes cinemas. The infrastructure also The inauguration of the new space counted occupies a Construction area of 119 000 features 2520 underground parking spaces with the presence of Fernando Seara, m2. With an investment of around Euro and 130 outside parking spaces.

E NGINEerING The Kianda Bridge which connects the because only there did they find firm land. Luanda Coastline Road to the Cabo Island The construction method was the shoring and to Avenida Dr. Agostinho Neto was of land and the three meeting points and KIDB AN A RIDGE open to the public on 27th May this year. 21 pillars of the deck were supported on IN ANGOLA Built in eight months by the consortium indirect foundations. formed by Mota-Engil Engenharia and Soares da Costa, it is considered of great The Kianda Bridge comprises the works for Infrastructure integrates complexity as pertains engineering works. the Requalification of the Luanda Bay which The works which were estimated at Euro is expected to be completed during 2012. the Requalification of the 94.4 million feature an infrastructure with Luanda Bay six lanes in each direction, two independent The President José Eduardo dos Santos prestressed decks with an average height of crossed the bridge by car, and several 7 metres. members of the Angolan government, members of the Parliament and António Due to the sandy nature of the lands, the Mota, Chairman of the Group were present Foundation attained 22 metres of depth at the inauguration ceremony.



E lECTroMECHanics first half of 2011

Awarded works up to Euro 19 million

The beginning of 2011 marked the completion of the Extension of the W Platform and TWY ‘D’ and ‘E’ at the John Paul II Airport in Ponta Delgada.

Until the end of 2011, the Electromechanics Department predicts the continuation of positive results and its acknowledged professionalism.

A wind farm, the extension of three Sub- ground support to aircrafts was also in- lected the Electromechanics Department stations, together with the award of instal- stalled by installing ground power units, to carry out the extension of the three Sub- lations in a factory and in an office build- plates of coordinates, lighting of plate W stations: the one in Paraimo, in Anadia, for ing are just some of the examples of good and the remodelling of the Command and Euro 830 thousand, the one in Pereiros, in performance that the Electromechanics Control System of Light-signalling devices. Coimbra, and the one in Rio Maior, both for Department presented in the first half of The services were carried out by the Elec- Euro 270 thousand. this year. tromechanics Department in one year and eight months and totalled Euro 2.9 million. More recently, in June, the contract for the The beginning of 2011 marked the comple- In March, this Department of Mota-Engil Lagoaça Substation was completed. It was tion of the Extension of the W Platform and Engenharia was awarded the general elec- also awarded by the National Electricity TWY ‘D’ and ‘E’ at the John Paul II Airport trical installation of the Vale Grande Wind Network for approximately Euro 800 thou- in Ponta Delgada. Carried out for ANA - Farm in the municipality of Arganil. The sand. The works carried out by the High Aeroportos de Portugal, SA, the contract contract that was awarded by Vestiparque Voltage sector of the Electromechanics comprised the extension of taxiways D and for Euro 560 thousand is now nearing com- Department comprised yet another 400 E and the remodelling of taxiway C with pletion. In the same month but in Aveiro kV-connection to the Bemposta station and the installation of the innovative system the Electromechanical Installations of Nis- another 400/220-kV auto-transformer. The in Portugal of AGLAS airport signalling (of san Battery Plant were secured. work lasted around four months and its the Belgian company ADB), which allows completion was anticipated in two months a significant saving of wire and to provide The implementation period for the latter is upon request of the customer. Until the end the installation with further functionalities of 19 months and will amount to around of 2011, the Electromechanics Department and versatility for future changes to ground Euro 14.7 million. However, already in predicts the continuation of positive results movement of aircrafts. All equipment for May, the National Electricity Network se- and its acknowledged professionalism.

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E NGINEerING totals Euro 131 million and the station is scheduled to start operating at the end of POWER the first half in 2015. The first Raise Boring, of the planned REINFORCEMENT seven, aims at the construction of the Surge Chamber and consisted of a OF VENDA NOVA III previous excavation of the tunnel and enlargement chamber and at the same time on the surface a pre-restraint ring First of seven Raise was made from which it was then possible Boring completed to install the Raise Boring equipment. Then the pilot hole (11” diameter) was made up to the enlargement chamber, 63 m underground, where the 2.44m in diameter head was installed for The first Raise Boring (drilling process) further execution of reaming (bottom-up of the contract for the Reinforcement excavation), creating a well that allows of Power of Venda Nova III, of the the debris resulting from the excavation, responsibility of Mota-Engil Engenharia currently underway, made via the in partnership with MSF, Somague and traditional method to be collected in the Spie Batignolles has been concluded. gallery below. The final section of this The civil construction works at the new well has a 13m-diameter. hydroelectric power station consist of an The first Raise Boring, underground installation that uses the The remaining Raise Boring works start of the planned seven, aims reservoirs created by the Venda Nova and as soon as the underground excavations Salamonde dams, in the municipality feature the appropriate conditions for at the construction of the of Vieira do Minho. The investment such. Surge Chamber.

E NGINEerING The Mota-Engil Engenharia Aggregates Division celebrates its 17th anniversary this year and to mark this date it AG G RE ATES HAVE presented a new website. NEW WEBSITE In addition to the restyling and reorganisation of the layout, this platform created from scratch by P latform created by company employees is easy to surf internal resources and aims to afford the customer more objective and interesting information.

To improve and enhance communication with the outside world, investing in internal human resources thus meeting customer needs, are the goals of this Go to Division. Go to http://agregados.mota- http://agregados.mota-engil.pt/ engil.pt/ for all the news. for all the news.




H ydraulic Infrastructure integrates Alqueva projects

Similarly to what has occurred in recent catching water at the Alvito-Pisão electrical installation. Note that all the years, Mota-Engil Engenharia continues Channel, said feeder feeds the Álamo hydro-mechanical equipment was of the to mark its presence in the Alqueva Reservoir via a 3100-m gravity pipeline. responsibility of the Electromechanical Multipurpose Enterprise now with the Department of Mota-Engil Engenharia. construction of the 1st Stretch of the Pisão- By the Reservoir there is a Pumping -Beja Feeder which is now completed. The Station with six 750-kW electro pump During these works several property works which began in July 2010 totalled groups, with capacity to pump up to 46 occurrences were noted (see box text) Euro 13 million. m a flow of 7.460 litres/sec., up to the which conditioned the progress of said Beringel Reservoir. works along a seven-month period. The Pisão-Beja Feeder of the Primary Irrigation System allows water supply Inherent to the Pumping Station was also In this sense and as to meet the deadline to the western area of Beja as well as the construction of the control building for the completion of the work there was to Cabeceiras do Roxo, feeding around and substation, as well as the filtration need to reanalyse the Work Plan and 11.000 hectares or irrigated land. By system, compressed air tanks and the reinforce the means.

The 1st Stretch of the Pisão/Beja (Chalcolithic and Iron Age), pits from IMPO RTANT Feeder revealed a strong historical various ages, hedges, a cemetery with ARCHAELOGICAL component – the start of the clearing burials for the late Roman period as ITEMS FOUND and scouring works disclosed several well as ceramic kilns of the same age. archaeological and ethnographic Various water drains and an inactive occurrences. The area of the Reservoir well filled with rubble of more recent and of the Pumping Station turned out periods (Modern/Contemporary Period) to be a highly sensitive area. Featuring were also identified. a favourable geographical location for populations to settle, with water and All these occurrences were intervened a mild relief, as well as the proximity on and unblocked as required by the of the Roman city of (Pax Julia), the project. The work was jointly carried whole area registers expressive human out by the Project Department, Project occupation since Pre-history up to Manager (EDIA – Company for the more recent times. Development and Infrastructures of the Alqueva) and Nova Arqueologia, We identified several items, such as the the company responsible for the bottoms of Pre and Proto-Historic huts minimisations.

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E NGINEerING E NNVIRO M NT & SERVICES The article on the experimental work developed by the Technical Unit of Soil AR TICLE ON Mechanics and Rocks (TUSMR) on the 11th PortUGUESE potential of the use of neural networks Maintenance NEURAL in predicting the behavior of solid and rocky earth was published worldwide. Conference NETWORKS In addition to being published at the PUBLISHED 12th Engineering Applications of Neural Networks Conference, the article entitled M anvia participated in WORLDWIDE “G0 prediction using Neural Networks: The Marchetti’s Dilatometer Case” was Conference in also disclosed in Springer, a renowned W ork developed by the science magazine that integrates the Web of The 11th Portuguese Maintenance Technical Unit of Soil Science (the main quality regulating entity of Conference was held recently scientific publications). in Tomar, organised by the Mechanics and Rocks Portuguese Industrial Maintenance The pilot experience (pioneer) to assess the Association (APMI in Portuguese), distortional module (G0) was only possible and was attended by around 250 due to the adequate use of the great amount participants. of numerical information available at Mota-Engil Engenharia, enhanced by the Manvia participated in the work possibility of using an international database and presented two reports: “Legal In addition to being published associated to the DMT test (rendered obligations in building maintenance at the 12th Engineering available by Prof. Silvano Marchetti, management” and “maintenance Universitá di l’Áquila). risk prevention and control. Applications of Neural Partnerships to minimise risks”. Networks Conference, the The work carried out results from the article was also disclosed in implementation by the TUSMR of a set The 11th Portuguese Springer, a renowned science of measures with the aim of boosting the use of mathematical tools to analyse the Maintenance Conference magazine that integrates the geotechnical behaviour of solid and rocky was attended by around Web of Science. earth. 250 participants.



Amo ad ra-Sintra hospital

M anvia wins the The Complementary Grouping of The services are provided by a team maintenance Contract worth Companies (CGC) comprising Manvia and with 28 members and include the Euro 3 millions EFACEC has been awarded the contract maintenance of medical equipment and to provide preventive and corrective support equipment, specifically electricity, maintenance services for the general medicinal gases, lifts and other equipment. equipment, support systems and medical- -hospital systems at the Prof. Doutor The Prof. Doutor Fernando Fonseca EPE Fernando Fonseca hospital, also known (public business entity) hospital was With just 15 days to prepare as Amadora-Sintra. The contract has a inaugurated in 1995 and has been under for taking over the contract, duration of 3 years and is worth Euro private management for 13 years. A new the experience of both 3 million. legal statute for a public business entity was defined in 2008. companies was vital in With just 15 days to prepare for taking order to guarantee that the over the contract, the experience of both This hospital has been integrated into the handover of services from companies was vital in order to guarantee National Health Service network for the the previous service provider that the handover of services from the districts of Amadora and Sintra, serving a previous service provider to the new CGC population of approximately 600 thousand to the new CGC did not did not disrupt the hospital. inhabitants. disrupt the hospital.

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E NNVIRO M NT & SERVICç ES The global Cement and Concrete Although this is a new market for the conference which was held in Saudi company, local cement groups showed Arabia, aimed at raising awareness an interest and some orders were about all the state-of-the-art products and placed. Manvia’s innovative system for Cement and services for the cement industry. classifying grinding balls and loading Concrete mills in grinding units through the Manvia was represented by José Esteves, classifier - a machine developed by the conference along with its partners AGC-Ceramics - a company’s engineering department to manufacturer of high quality refractory allow customers to optimise their mills material for use with alternative fuels in - provides increased productivity and M anvia at a conference the cement industry - and Toyo Grinding reduced energy costs (one of the main in Saudi Arabia Ball - a manufacturer of grinding balls costs involved in cement production). and wear-resistant parts for diaphragm At this exhibition there was also the mills. possibility to make contact with factories in Dubai, Qatar and Egypt, who also All of the Jeddah Advertisement cement showed an interest in the service. The conference represented an companies had a strong presence at this event. The conference represented an To take full advantage of his time in opportunity to promote Manvia opportunity to promote Manvia and this Saudi Arabia, José Esteves repeated and this business area. This new business area. This new market and its the presentation he had made at the market and its new opportunities new opportunities does not just involve conference at eight local cement factories. does not just involve Saudi Saudi Arabia, but also other countries in In the European market, Manvia is a the Persian Gulf, such as the United Arab leader in supporting cement factory Arabia, but also other countries Emirates, Jordan, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait customers and is an internationally in the Persian Gulf. and Egypt. recognised brand in the industry.

ENVIRONMENT & SERVICES Ílhavo, Vila Nova de Gaia, Caminha beach and various awareness material and Alcobaça were the municipalities – story books; colouring and drawing “CeB l an eaches where SUMA developed the most recent books; pencils, t-shirts, thermal bags and environmental awareness campaign backpacks – distributed with a view of Cost Money” specially catered for the bathing season: approaching the public in a qualitative and “Clean Beaches Cost Money”. The main easy manner. focus is to call the attention of vacationers SUM A draws attention to the toward individual and collective To complement the project’s impact, costs of cleaning up beaches monitoring routines in order to preserve widely disseminated actions were also the marine ecosystem and biodiversity. included with messages of environmental and civic nature, namely on large banners, The advantages of a pro-environmental advertising boards and mobile awareness conduct and the perception that the panels. behaviour adopted on the beach has huge implications for cleaning-up costs which are – albeit indirectly – borne by the actual The main focus is to call the user is the main thrust of the campaign. attention of vacationers toward individual and collective “Clean Beaches Cost Money” is an monitoring routines in order action focused on direct and imperative communication. It is targeted at holiday to preserve the marine camps, families and people on the ecosystem and biodiversity.


E NNVIRO M NT & SERVICES Manvia has renewed its maintenance As part of its strategic guidelines that place service provision contract for the Águas an emphasis on partnerships, Manvia Residuais do Oeste Multi-municipal Water has associated with EFACEC through the and Sewage Supply system, with a value of formation of a Complementary Grouping Euro 3 millions. of Companies (CGC), which it leads ÁuoOg as d este with a 70% share. This 3-year contract As customer loyalty and satisfaction is one of contributes towards strengthening Manvia’s M anvia renews contract the driving forces for sustainability, reflected commitment to the environment. The CGC in the policy of the group’s companies, has 31 professionals, distributed between the with Águas do Oeste the fact that this new contract has been management team and the technical team. It awarded for the second time running shows is responsible for the maintenance of all the the high level of recognition of the work that equipment belonging to Águas do Oeste at has been done and the technical capacity of the facilities owned by this company. the companies associated with it. In order to conduct this work, Manvia has acquired tools, consumables and various This 3-year contract contributes support resources, of which an emphasis should be placed on the acquisition of 15 towards strengthening vehicles for direct contract support, 13 Manvia’s commitment to the of which are equipped with workshop to environment. make work quicker and more efficient.

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E NNVIRO M NT & SERVICES VIBEIA R S requalifies gardens in lisbon

Vibeiras is in charge for the requalification of the gardens of , in Lisbon

These gardens which were of the Marquês de Pombal. This is one of the responsibility of Vibeiras for various most elegant spaces in Lisbon that years once again present the cared for preserves many of the original building look of the past. The flower beds were and mansions and where many offices, The flower beds were recovered with grass mats, the irrigation hotels and worldwide renowned stores recovered with grass mats, network was restored and flowers were are located. It is also stage to various the irrigation network was planted based on the old designs of the and important festivities throughout restored and flowers were Avenida and the respective planting the year and thousands of people pass plan. here every day. It is classified as the 35th planted based on the old most expensive avenue in the world. designs of the Avenida and the The 1.5-km long avenue connects Following the 1755 earthquake, within respective planting plan. the Praça dos Restauradores to Praça the scope of the urban reorganisation


The requalification works of the responsibility of Vibeiras were carried out in three weeks by a team of around 30 employees. The work was successfully carried out and greatly appreciated by the Lisbon Town Council. carried out by the Marquis of Pombal, works of the responsibility of Vibeiras the famous “Public Sidewalk” was were carried out in three weeks by a created for the high society of the time. team of around 30 employees. The work At the beginning of the 19th century it was successfully carried out and greatly was open to everyone and redesigned appreciated by the Lisbon Town Council. like the Champs Elysées in Paris. The same design is maintained to date. Vibeiras was once again present in this place to ensure the irrigation at the fair The gardens with around a hectare, the of fruits and vegetables, installed in the magnificent trees and the elongated middle of the Avenue, between 16th and lakes are important features of this true 19th June which was visited by around Hallmark of the city. The requalification 500 thousand people.

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at Real Club Puerta de Hierro

The Real Club de la Puerta de Hierro is one of the oldest clubs in Spain – founded in 1895.

On 20th, 21st and 22nd June Áreagolfe Course, more recent, designed by the sports, such as Horse-Riding, Tennis, was responsible for the aeration of the famous architect, Robert Trent Jones Jr. Polo, Padel and Bridge. greens of 3 golf courses of one of the most and still another 9-hole course PAR 3, prestigious golf clubs in Spain, the Real used as a training course and to train The Dryject method was applied to two Club de la Puerta de Hierro, in Madrid. youngsters. 18-hole golf courses, in the 9-hole one and in the puttings greens, totaling an The Real Club de la Puerta de Hierro is The Upper Course was redesigned and area of around 28.000m2. one of the oldest clubs in Spain – founded subject to changes, namely in 2001, in 1895. It comprises 3 golf courses – the by Kyle Philips. This course is private, The changes made at Puerta de Hierro Upper Golf Course, built in 1904 and reserved to members and guests who were greatly appreciated by those projected by architects Tom Simpson must be accompanied by a member. Note responsible for the golf club. In merely and John D. Harris; and the Lower Golf that amongst the renowned members of 3 days the necessary maintenance works the Real Club Puerta de Hierro are His were carried out on the greens without Excellency the King of Spain Juan Carlos disturbing the activities of the Real Club. and the former Prime-Minister José Dryject is an American technology to Maria Aznar. aerate sports lawns, represented by Áreagolfe for the Iberian Peninsula. The club is situated just 4 km from Its principle is to inject water at high Madrid, in an oak forest region and other pressure for an explosion effect in local vegetation affording an atmosphere depth, originating airing channels in of rare beauty. The three golf courses the soil profile which are simultaneously which feature a bold design, rolling filled with sand. The surface becomes greens, vast fairways, beautiful water smoother, harder and improved and surfaces and intelligently positioned immediately playable. bunkers make of Real Club Puerta de Hierro one of the best in Spain Amongst the Dryject operations carried affording players the best conditions for out by Áreagolfe are the ones to the St a wonderful golf game. Andrews and Gleneagles golf courses in the United Kingdom and on football In addition to Golf, the club is also known lawns of Manchester City, Sporting Clube worldwide for the practice of other de Portugal, amongst others.


Vibeiras in Mozambique is incorporated under Mozambican law, and in which Electrotec SA and Vibeiras in Portugal holds stakes

E NNVIRO M NT & SERVICES The inauguration ceremony of the The company aims to develop projects Vibeiras facilities in the city of Matola in and works throughout the country, in the Mozambique took place on 2nd June. The public and private sector, in the following V aniBEIr s i event marked the start of activity of this specific areas: young company. Mozambique › Project, construction, requalification and The ceremony counted with the presence maintenance of parks and gardens; of distinguished guests, such as the Mayor › Project, construction and maintenance Inauguration of the Matola Municipality, Arão Nhancale, of sports areas; of the Vibeiras facilities the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Production of decorative plants in Mozambican Vibeiras, Salimo Abdula, ›  in Mozambique nurseries; and one of the Executive Directors of › Design and installation of irrigation and Portuguese Vibeiras, Luís Pereira. drainage;

Following the speeches there was a toast › Supply and assembling of urban to the success of Vibeiras in Mozambique equipment, furniture, lighting, children’s and then cultural activities, amongst playground and ornamental fountains. which the performance of a Group of The company which started operating The company which started Traditional Dances and Songs. in September 2010 is at the moment in charge of the maintenance of the exterior operating in September This event was reported in the national spaces of a hotel chain in Maputo that 2010 is at the moment in Mozambican press. includes the maintenance of gardens, charge of the maintenance pavings, exterior infrastructures and the of the exterior spaces of a Vibeiras in Mozambique is incorporated requalification of new leisure areas. under Mozambican law, and in which hotel chain in Maputo that Electrotec SA and Vibeiras in Portugal Vibeiras, in Mozambique, has increased includes the maintenance of holds stakes. It was established in 2010, in importance in the top quality private gardens, pavings, exterior based on the experience developed in market with the award of works right infrastructures and the Portugal over more than 20 years of from their design, such as the recent activity within the scope of Landscape execution of the gardens of the official requalification of new Architecture. residence of the Ambassador of Brazil. leisure areas.

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ASE C NDI GROUP Ascendi, responsible for the Douro Interior Valebenfeito and Bornes with 2.7 km subconcession, recently opened a series of was open to traffic. Special highlight road stretches, in timely compliance with goes to the fact that the opening of this DuI o ro nTErior the work plan approved by the license stretch took place 4 months ahead of wins two new holder. that scheduled in the Work Plan, thus representing a significant advance in the stretches Douro Interior, therefore wins two completion of the works. new stretches. The subconcession had already opened two stretches to traffic The subconcession represents a project Ascendi opens two new since December: IC5 – Murça/EN212 and construction investment of Euro 623 stretches of the Douro and IP2 – Trancoso/Celorico. These million. The work is a clear instrument stretches totalled 19.7 km of lane and 9.8 of the important desertification fighting Interior Subconcession km of connections. On 1st July 2011, in policies, revolutionising the accessibility compliance with the approved Work Plan, time to the municipalities involved via the the IP2 stretch between Longroiva and construction of two axes – IP2, between Trancoso was open to traffic, a total of 35 Macedo de Cavaleiros and Guarda ( which km that includes three nodes (Longroiva, will be completed in November 2011) Á-dos-Ferreiros and Marialva), and was and IC5 between Murça and Miranda do built in 21 months. More recently, on 29th Douro (which will be completed in April July 2011 the IP2 sub-section between 2012). On 1st July 2011, in compliance with the approved Work Plan, the IP2 stretch between Longroiva and Trancoso was open to traffic, that includes three nodes and was built in 21 months.

The subconcession represents a project and construction investment of Euro 623 million



DuI o ro nTErior Subconcession

Raise awareness amongst workers and enhance their daily attention Ascendi launches Safety in connection with safety is the main purpose of this campaign at Work campaign

Ascendi, responsible for the Douro Interior in a different manner than usual, more subconcession, started a safety at work emotional, which captures the attention of campaign in 2010 that will go through right employees and motivates them to greater until the completion of the work, scheduled caution in their safety-related behaviour. for 2012. A campaign that crossed the entire work and consequently all the constructing Each stage of the Campaign is divided into companies that covered in 2010 around two moments. In the first, 35 outdoors in a 2,700 employees spread over 242 km. teaser format are placed at all building sites and main accesses to work fronts in order to Raise awareness amongst workers and call the attention of the employees. enhance their daily attention in connection with safety is the main purpose of this In the second stage, the 35 outdoors are campaign, which will be complemented changed and the previous message is A campaign that by technical training given either prior to revealed. Alongside this action the Initiative or through the actions of safety technicians 60 days > Zero Accidents is launched and crossed the entire on the ground that verify compliance. To each employee is given a communication kit. work and consequently this extent, the campaign aims to contribute This kit functions as a Reminder of Safety at all the constructing companies toward end of work accidents. Work and comprises a communication tool that covered in 2010 around pertaining to the stage, a leaflet explaining The implementation of the campaign the 60 days > Zero Accidents competition, a 2 700 employees spread addresses the issue of safety at work promotional gift and a sticker. over 242 km.

September 2011 34

B susINes Areas


SUMA, within the scope of its activity of Integrated Management of Waste, Mar tIFEr Metallic develops various complementary Constructions E dUCatION and services, namely in the Environmental Environmental Education area. In this sense, it defined once again its Intervention Strategy Invests in Brazil Awareness for the Education and Environmental Awareness area, featuring over sixty Martifer Metallic Constructions campaigns for school year 2011/2012. started to build its new SUM A with continued metallic structures factory in commitment with more than Social Responsibility, Innovation and Pindamonhangaba, São Paulo, Active Citizenship are company’s basis Brazil. sixty campaigns of performance. This company was to make a difference in the behaviour of Covering a total area of 18 000 m2, the populations covered by its contracts. it will have capacity to produce The campaigns that focus on domestic 12,000 tonnes of metallic structures management of waste take form via the per year. introduction of shared responsibility schemes and hetero supervision practices Brazil is currently one of the on the individual polluter. countries with highest growth worldwide and it is already the Amongst a wide range of opportunities seventh largest economy in the to raise awareness, eight new campaigns world with prospect of becoming and dozens of new information material the fifth largest in the medium term. aimed to meet the intervention needs of the various municipalities were Martifer Metallic integrated. Constructions started to build its new factory in “Way Ahead”, “A Standstill”, “Q of Intelligence” and “Clean Beaches Cost Pindamonhangaba, São Money” are the new actions that focus on Paulo, Brazil. the preparation and depositing rules. The campaign “Pay or Reduce” focuses, in turn, on the practices to reduce the amount of produced waste, “Garden Tales” focuses on valorisation whilst “Wisdom Flower” covers transversal themes pertaining to waste, its management and still civic behaviour.

The strategic plan for the next school year will also count on a new Awareness Mobile Unit, the “Ambitáculo”, based on waste-related cross-cutting issues.


MTFRG AR I E ROUP Martifer Alumínios won the award for Euro 12 million, is the assembling of the façades of the new BBVA Head Office, approximately 20 000 m2 of façades, Phase 1, located in Las Tablas, Madrid. of which 6 000 m2 are Blast façades It was designed by Herzog & De Meuron, (explosion proof) and the shaders molded a renowned Swedish architecture office in composite material. BBVn A i Madrid with works recognised worldwide. Gerens Hill International is the customer Martifer Alumínios is also responsible of this project. for the curved façades, with EI-30 Façade of the new Head and EI-60 fire resistance, with blinds, Amongst the works to be carried out skylights, GRC prefabricated products, Office in Madrid by Martifer Alumínios, amounting to amongst others. involved Martifer Alumínios

Amongst the works to be carried out by Martifer Alumínios, amounting to Euro 12 million, is the assembling of approximately 20 000 m2 of façades, of which 6 000 m2 are Blast façades (explosion proof) and the shaders molded in composite material.

MTFRG AR I E ROUP design, engineering, procurement and construction of the park.

Mar tIFEr Solar This project is installed near Rajkot and in india will be completed, in various phases, until the end of the year.

First photovoltaic Henrique Rodrigues, CEO of Martifer project in India Solar, said: “we are very pleased with this agreement and with our success in India. This project is just the Martifer Solar signed an agreement beginning of operations of Martifer with Louroux Bio Energies Ltd., of the Solar in one of the most promising Inspira Infrastructure Ltd. group, for photovoltaic solar markets. This is a the development of a turnkey project sign of the reinforcement of the excellent of 25MW photovoltaic solar energy in partnership established with Loroux Gujarat (India). The agreement comprises this year and confirms the expectations the whole technical component of the for future cooperation between the two responsibility of Martifer Solar, including companies”.

September 2011 36

B susINes Areas

MTFRG AR I E ROUP Martifer Solar created MPrime, a brand business and seeks the highest quality that aims to win a leading position in the standards beyond its competitors. Mar tIFEr Solar distribution of photovoltaic equipment: modules, kits ( plug & play solutions) and Flexibility, service excellence and launches a vast range of photovoltaic components. continuous development are the guidelines MPrime of this new distribution company, created MPrime features a vast and adjustable to offer installers, EPC (companies portfolio of products, created to meet the dedicated to Engineering, Procurement M artifer Solar created needs of each customer. It is supported and Construction) and OEM (Original MPrime, a new brand of by an experienced and motivated team Equipment Manufacturers) worldwide the photovoltaic equipment oriented toward the customer and best portfolio, services and guarantees. after-sales service. The company also distributes its own modules, produced at With commercial presence in Belgium, in the Oliveira de Frades factory – one of the the Czech Republic, in France, in Germany, best equipped factories in Europe. in Italy, in Portugal, in Slovakia and in Spain, MPrime aims to be, in the next five years, MPrime intends to develop the concepts one of the major European players in the of efficiency and service in the distribution distribution of photovoltaic solar equipment.

MTFRG AR I E ROUP Navalria recently completed the of the Martifer Group, highlighted construction of the new Douro Azul hotel the success of Navalria for Martifer: ship – the Douro Spirit. “Amidst a general decline of the DOU RO AZUL national shipbuilding industry, Martifer HOTEL SHIP Featuring 65 double rooms and the capacity identified a new opportunity which it for 130 people, it is prepared with all the addressed in a business-like manner with comfort for one-week trips, including a professionalism. Proof that the investment Navalria completes heated swimming-pool, SPA, hairdresser, in the revitalization and redevelopment Douro Spirit gym and an optic fiber network. of the Navalria shipyard was fruitful, is the excellence noted in the successful During the christening ceremony of challenge set by Douro Azul to build a the hotel ship, Jorge Martins, CEO ship with such innovative features.”


MTFRG AR I E ROUP Prio Foods inaugurated the new plant This plant represents for the extraction of oil and bran for an investment of Euro ProF i oODS industrial and food purposes in Lehliu- -Gara, in Romania. 93 million and it has in Romania the capacity to process With this new plant, Prio aims to become 1800 tonnes of sunflower Inaugurates new plant a renowned European integrated player seeds and 800 tonnes of in the sector. The company is in the in Lehliu-Gara, production area, via the farming of soybeans on a daily basis, in Romania. oilseeds, the extraction of oil and bran and employs around and the production of biofuels, edible oils 90 workers. and animal feed.

Carlos Martins, CEO of Prio Foods, highlighted the “commitment of Prio Foods with Romania, specially in the Calarasi This plant represents an investment of Region. We started operations in Lehliu in Euro 93 million and it has the capacity to 2005, with the construction of our biodiesel process 1800 tonnes of sunflower seeds production plant and we continued to and 800 tonnes of soybeans on a daily believe in this region’s potential.” basis, and employs around 90 workers.

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Ma nUEL ANTónio da Mota Award 2nd EdITION

M erit in the European Year of Volunteering

In Portugal over 1 million The European Union declared 2011 as the and solidarity, health, education and persons are involved European Year of Volunteering under the professional training, science and culture, in voluntary activities in motto “Volunteer! Make a difference.”. safeguarding heritage, the environment and the consumer, civil protection, the fields of social action, The main objective of the European amongst other activities of social and reintegration and solidarity, Year of Volunteering is to encourage and community interest. health, education and support efforts developed by the European professional training, community, by the Member-States and by The European Year of Volunteering follows the local and regional authorities in order the European Year for Combating Poverty science and culture, to create conditions in the civil society and Social Exclusion. Portuguese society safeguarding heritage, the conducive to volunteering. It shall further has changed greatly in recent decades. environment and allow to provide organisations the means the consumer, civil to promote volunteering, promote the The aging population, the increase in life recognition and visibility of volunteerism expectancy, falling birth rates, changes protection, amongst other and raise the people’s awareness to the in family structure, the increase of single- activities of social and value and importance of volunteering. parent families, the new forms of couples, community interest. the reinforcement of the role of women In Europe, 94 million people spend their in the labour market are just some traits free time carrying out voluntary activities, that characterise the sociological map of working without pay and in favour of their modern Portugal. communities; 3 in every 10 European do voluntary work and 8 in every 10 feel it is This new framework has led to important to do so. important consequences. In spite of the significant material progress achieved, In Portugal over 1 million persons are a considerable number of citizens face involved in voluntary activities in the serious problems that affect their well- fields of social action, reintegration being and quality of life. Poverty and social


exclusion and, in general, situations of In the 2nd edition, In its various forms and intervention social and economic deprivation are often the Manuel António areas the essential volunteering model is associated to phenomena of social and da Mota Award will based on a relationship of great proximity emotional isolation, loneliness, illness, with persons and the establishment of dependence and loss of autonomy. The reward the organisations emotional bonds that make the voluntary breakdown of family ties, the decline of that promote volunteering, action mutually gratifying for those who informal solidarity networks, in particular specially proximity exercise it and for all those who benefit in the large urban centres and the lack volunteering and other from it. or inadequacy of the existing social responses contribute to exacerbate these volunteering activities. In the 2nd edition, the Manuel António da problems. Mota Award will reward the organisations that promote volunteering, specially The European Union officially declared proximity volunteering and other 2011 as the European Year of Voluntary volunteering activities thus aiming to Activities that promote Active Citizenship their fellow citizens, based on the unselfish solve problems and meet the needs whose or European Year of Volunteering as it is and solidary spirit that social cohesion response can be adapted to the voluntary more commonly known. and the harmony of human communities nature of the rendered services. largely depend on. The promotion of active citizenship The Manuel António da Mota Foundation and participation is a fundamental Volunteering, seen as a form of activity thus endeavours to be aware of the imperative of free and democratic via free participation in the resolution of major issues faced by the Portuguese societies and a necessary requirement social problems, inspired by a solidarity- contemporary society in compliance for the strengthening of the civil society. based relationship with others, is a full with its social aims and its mission Full citizenship, involving the exercise expression of the exercise of citizenship of contributing toward the integrated of constitutional and legal rights is also and the will and commitment of citizens in development of the national community, inextricably linked to the duties and contributing toward the general well-being seeking to honour the legacy of Manuel commitment of each one in relation to of society. António da Mota (1913-1995), founder

September 2011 42


The foundation is a vital of Mota & Companhia, paying homage persons, families, social groups and instrument of the social to the man the businessman and the communities in general in a situation responsibility policy philanthropist. of social, economic and emotional deprivation or in risk of poverty or social of the Mota-Engil Group The foundation is a vital instrument of exclusion. whilst an organised the social responsibility policy of the and systematised Mota-Engil Group whilst an organised and The candidate projects for the Award will manifestation of systematised manifestation of an ethically be subject to assessment according to a set and socially committed management of criteria of social, technical, institutional an ethically and socially on behalf of an active and participative and economic nature. Organisations that committed management on business citizenship. promote voluntary work which are private behalf of an active or legal persons and gather the conditions and participative The Manuel António da Mota Foundation to integrate volunteers and co-ordinate and TSF – Rádio Notícias formalised a their activity, which must be of social business citizenship. partnership to disclose the Award and or community interest can apply for the related initiatives. Award. The Award shall be publicized on the Manuel da Mota Foundation website The Rules of the Award aim mainly (www.fmam.pt), and on the Mota-Engil at projects whose beneficiaries are group website (www.mota-engil.pt) and elderly persons in situations of social on TSF (www.tsf.pt). and emotional isolation with no family support, ill persons, dependent or The deadline for applications was 15th with mobility difficulties; children and July. The latter will now be assessed by a youngsters from fragile or broken-down Selection Committee that will choose the families in risk of social exclusion or 10 top applications. presenting special learning difficulties, risk of leaving school or educational The selection Jury, comprising failure; disabled persons or in a situation individualities of recognised merit in the of temporary or permanent disability volunteering area will choose the winning and their families; sick adults and candidate. children hospitalised in a health care facility or in long-term care, outpatient The winner who will be announced at a or home care situation and their families; conference that will take place in Oporto persons suffering of mental or psychiatric as of the second half of November, will disorders and their families and still receive a €50.000 prize.

SINERGIA 38 Within the scope of its social responsibility policy the strategy aim of the WE INSPIRE Mota-Engil Group is to provide support for the social, educational, cultural and environmental development of those communities in which it is located. THE FUTURE Over the years it has provided support to a very diverse group of institutions of the tertiary sector in every segment of activity and in many parts of the country, helping them, in this way, to fulfil their mission in the service of a www.mota-engil.pt fairer, more cohesive and solidary country.


Principal institutions supported by the Mota-Engil Group:

Fundação Cidade de Lisboa

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The Group’s 2010 The Sustainability Publication succeeds corporate groups have chosen to prepare Sustainability Publication the Sustainability Reports prepared one single Report on their economic, in previous years. This year it shall social and environmental performance. has been published be published together with the 2010 The single Report also allows one to in the Mota-Engil site Consolidated Annual Report and shall avoid undesirable duplication resulting (www-mota-engil.pt) constitute an integral part of it. from the separation of the Reports. The Sustainability Publication follows closely This new reporting strategy which shall the structure of last year’s Sustainability be further developed and improved in Report, featuring the necessary subsequent years reflects a trend that adjustments resulting in the new has gained increasing expression and reporting strategy maintaining its ties to supporters within the international the Global Reporting Initiative Guidelines context where many companies and (GRI version 3.0).

M AM FoUNDation scholr a sHIP rar e dISEase S upports intellectually disabled Foundation gives scholarship The Manuel António da Mota young teenager to student from Cape Verde Foundation helps in the recovery of patient with rare disease The MAM Foundation contributed toward The Manuel António da Mota Foundation the acquisition of a wheelchair for a signed a protocol with a young student The MAM Foundation contributed toward teenage girl that suffers from cerebral from Cape Verde with a view to granting a the treatment of a child with a rare disease palsy with grade 1 impairment, living in scholarship to subsidize his stay in Portugal – congenital hydrocephalus, complicated Cinfães do Douro, and from a family of and the completion of his studies. This student by meningitis. The treatment was of the scarce economic resources. On 8th June, the is attending the 2nd year of Communication responsibility of Raríssimas Association, Foundation together with the Association Design at the School of Arts and Design and in its centre in Maia. Renascer, Liga Nacional Criança Esperança comes from a poor family living in Cape – institution that promotes the fund-raising Verde with no means to fund his studies and Following a month of intensive treatments campaign – delivered the wheelchair to the stay in Portugal. To promote education whilst the Foundation noted in loco significant girl’s parents. a vehicle for social inclusion is one of the progress achieved by the patient at motor strategic objectives of the Foundation. performance level.


Cap m aiGN “Responsible Consumption, Respects the Environment”

The Mota-Engil Group Eurest promoted the campaign course, dessert and bread) was presented carried out action in favour “Responsible Consumption, Respects the empty / with no leftovers, the consumer of the assocition25 de Abril Environment” which Mota-Engil joined would receive a ticket equivalent to 10g of thus sharing a concern which it extended non-perishable food to deposit in the box neighbourhood to all those that use the cafeteria of the placed there for this purpose. Mota-Engil Group in Linda-a-Velha, whose service is provided by Eurest. By the end of this campaign, from 21st March to 21st April, 31 kilos of food were The general aim of this campaign was to counted and given to the social solidarity By the end of this campaign, encourage the fight against the waste of institution - Associação de Moradores do food / leftovers and reduce the production Bairro 25 de Abril. st st from 21 March to 21 of waste associated to a social solidarity April, 31 kilos of food were action. This institution, with head office in Linda-a- counted and given to the -Velha, develops a very relevant social work social solidarity institution - So, the consumer was encouraged to put in favour of the youngsters and the elderly on his tray only the food strictly necessary and renders home care services to persons Associação de Moradores do to meet his nutritional needs and at the living alone and dependent and helps to Bairro 25 de Abril. end of the meal when the tray (soup, main mitigate the difficulties of families in need.

The Association of Schools of Torne and started being applied last year in October Ma nUEL ANTónio of Prado is a Private Social Solidarity and which has already supported dozens Institution from Vila Nova de Gaia which of persons and families, the Foundation da Mota covers infant day care, kindergarten and has decided to reinforce the initiative Foundation ATL (free-time activities) for around 130 with a donation for the supply of meals to children from 2 to 10 years of age. needy persons.

At the facilities of the Bom Pastor Social At a recent visit to the Bom Pastor Social Centre it also has a community canteen, Centre, the Foundation was able to learn laundry, home care and a social centre for about the social and educational work about 210 persons. developed by the Association of Schools of Torne and Prado and of its importance as Within the scope of the project “Ser pertains support to the local community. + Pessoa”, aimed at persons in the Community Centre and encompassed by the Social Integration Income which

September 2011 46 techog n lo y & innovation

MLFF-r Sta t of operations at ASCENDI

The MLFF system The fifteenth of October last year was identify the license plates of the vehicles. installed by ASCENDI the date chosen by the government to This way, the system allows, at the user’s is completely automatic start charging tolls via an exclusively choice, the use of tolls collection based on electronic system called Multi Lane Free an electronic device (commonly known as (electronic), supported Flow (MLFF) at the Costa de Prata and Via Verde) or based on the license plate. by Collection Points Grande Porto Concessions. installed on the lanes In order to adequately meet the needs and Back-Office The MLFF system installed by ASCENDI imposed by this new business model, is completely automatic (electronic), ASCENDI adapted and created a new Systems. supported by Collection Points installed support structure that supports the on the lanes and Back-Office Systems that processing and treatment of over half a ensure the processing of the transactions million toll transaction per day. made at the collection points. Activities such as the Call-Centre, the The 44 Collection Points, operating Manual Validation of Photographs (license as of 15th October are equipped with plates) and the Mobile Monitoring Brigades antennae which read the electronic – these last two function all year round – devices installed in the vehicles and video were created from scratch. Other activities cameras which are able to automatically such as the processing of expositions


In the following months ASCENDI will have 104 Collection Points distributed amongst 5 Concessions, making ASCENDI the largest private European operator and a worldwide leader in the operation of MLFF toll collection systems.

and the submission of notifications were all year round, validating an average of group operated by Ascendi, as is the subject to major restructuring due to the around 25 000 license plates per day. case of the Costa Prata and Grande Porto anticipated growth of these activities. Concessions. This way, in the following The Monitoring Brigades circulate on the months ASCENDI will have 104 Collection The main contact point with the user is highway in shifts in both Concessions Points distributed amongst 5 Concessions, made via the Call-Centre. It operates from from 06:00 till 22:00 all year round. The making ASCENDI the largest private 09:00 till 21:00 from Monday to Friday main purpose of this patrol is to identify European operator and a worldwide and from 09:30 till 18:30 on Saturdays. the offenders who do not pay the tolls leader in the operation of MLFF toll The Call Centre provides assistant as provided and takes the due action. collection systems. services to users who place questions. At Everyday in each Concession around 30 the moment it processes around 50 000 drivers are stopped. call per month. ASCENDI is now preparing to incorporate The Manual Validation of Photographs is three new toll collection operations. responsible for the validation of license There are over 58 Collection Points plates that the system considers may have being operated in MLFF regime in the a fault that can be automatically detected. Beiras Litoral and Alta, Pinhal Interior Due to the need of operating in real time and Interior Norte Concessions, the first this team operates from 08:00 till 02:00 concession with no participation of the

September 2011 48 pe ople

MOTA-E NGIL Active School started its activity as a corporate university of the Mota-Engil Group in September 2008. Over the two years it promoted 13 different development and training programmes MOT A-ENGIL for 1150 participants from the 59 Group companies and from 14 countries in which ACTIVE SCHOOL Mota-Engil operates. Totalling over 1850 attendances in initiatives carried out by Active School, this first activity cycle allowed to respond A new activity cycle to employees of all business areas of the Group, with particular focus on employees previously integrated in the MAP Project, whose skill development needs were previously identified.

Throughout this first activity cycle, MOTA-ENGIL Active School ensured close monitoring of the quality indicators pertaining to initiatives promoted, assessing in terms of quality the satisfaction of attendants at the end of these as well as, when appropriate, the level of applicability of the acquired knowledge and behaviour. The results obtained indicate the good performance of Active School, revealing a high level of satisfaction in relation to the initiatives and the impact of the latter on daily work and on the professional progress of participants. Having met and exceeded the goals set for the first activity cycle of MOTA-ENGIL Active School and also seeking to follow up on the work developed along the 2nd Edition of the MAP Project, the Group’s corporate university started a new activity cycle and approved a new two-year course dedicated to the development of skills to be transversally applied to the different Mota-Engil businesses and to the promotion of an ongoing learning spirit, knowledge of the Group and assimilation of Mota-Engil Culture and Values.

In this sense Active School Culture and Values has proved to be a particularly


active vehicle in the promotion and The 6th edition of the [entre nós] employees in sessions carried out in Oporto, development of the Group’s knowledge, Programme, with speaker Fiel Barbosa, in Linda-a-Velha and in Douro Interior. namely via the various editions of the addressed the issue “Central Europe: a [entre nós] Programme which have been strategic hub for the implementation of In order to meet the challenge of streamlined. Ambition 2013”, covering a total of 169 disseminating and reinforcing Mota-Engil participations in sessions carried out in Culture and Values and disclosing and Indeed, after a fourth edition of the Linda-a-Velha and in Oporto. extending the knowledge of the Group’s programme dedicated to the theme business areas, Active School Culture “MEAS – Diversity of businesses and The 7th Edition of the Programme, a joint and Values is currently developing new markets” led by Gonçalo Moura Martins initiative between Active School Culture initiatives, hoping until the end of the year and a 5th Edition promoted in Peru and Values and the Manuel António da to comprise in said initiatives employees by Pedro Costa under the theme “Ayer Mota Foundation gave voice to the “Legacy of the different business units of the Group. Translei – Hoy Mota-Engil Peru”, 2011 has of Manuel António da Mota in the past, already staged to more editions of this present and future of our Group”, which In this second cycle of activity of programme. counted with the participation of over 350 MOTA-ENGIL Active School, the

September 2011 50 pe ople

management and leadership school will placed a series of seminars for the With the start of this 2nd cycle of activity, play an active and very important role in training of behavioural skills, where MOTA-ENGIL Active School reinforces the the development of critical skills that add various participants are called to develop investment in the most important asset of value to business. their communication, leadership and the Group – its people -, thus complying management skills. with its motto: “We believe in the future. As a follow-up of the work developed We grow with our People.” during the first cycle of activity of the With the ultimate goal of capitalising the Mota-Engil group corporate university and potential of the participants involved, seeking to respond to the conclusions and Active School Management and Leadership needs identified within the scope of the nd2 is also investing in a series of new initiatives Edition of the MAP Project, Active School of leadership and management skills Management and Leadership has set the development. Its concerns focus on, ball rolling toward the enhancement of amongst other aspects, the expansion of the new editions of the General Management said skills to external markets in which the Programme and Advanced Management. group operates and the customised response At the same time, this school has also to employees in international mobility.


Coaeorp r t Performance Management Model (CPMM)

Implementation project for companies in the logistics sector

In accordance with the human capital › Tertir, SGPS person under assessment for the analysis, development priorities formulated as › Port terminals (Liscont, Sadoport, discussion and follow-up of the goals to be part of the 2013 Ambition Plan, Mota- Socarpor/Sealine, Sotagus and TCL) met, as well as to identify strong points and Engil has defined a set of corporate › Inter-modal transport (Takargo) areas for improvement in the performance of models and policies, which it aims to › Transit (Transitex Portugal) teams and employees. The implementation gradually implement in the group’s project was started last July in the Tertir companies. The final aim of CPMM is to promote group and it is planned that its preparation a culture of meritocracy through phase will last until January 2012. On this Based on these priorities, in this phase the implementation of differentiated date the annual assessment cycle will begin, the plans for the Corporate Performance performance based on quantitative and based on meetings between assessors and Management Model (CPMM) are currently transparent criteria. the people under assessment to inform them being drawn up for companies in the of the objectives and goals to be met during logistics sector. According to this model, the development the cycle in question. The implementation and management of employee performance of the Corporate Performance Management The initial schedule aimed to implement is guided by two components: objectives, Model in the Tertir group represents the this model in Engenharia e Construção encouraging the capacity to attain key launch of this model in the Environment and Portugal, where it is currently in its results; and skills, providing an incentive for Services Sub-Holding, thereby signalling the second year of implementation, as well as and clarifying the development of personal, extension of this model into new areas of the in Mota-Engil Central Europe and MESP, technical, management and corporate business. both in the 1st year of implementation. conduct and skills. The current intention is to extend this We firmly believe that this project will model to the Environment and Services CPMM includes an annual assessment cycle, constitute added value for all Tertir group sub-holding, specifically to some of the which is put into operation by a linked set of employees and that it will make an active companies forming part of the different 6 stages. These stages are aimed at promoting contribution to achieving the intervention areas of activity of the Tertir business: interaction between the Assessor and the priorities defined for this area.

September 2011 52 pe ople


Creating value through People

The Mota-Engil Frmheo t need to › Improving and Upgrading – to formulate HR Reporting Project the project recommendations and action proposals appears in line with The Mota-Engil HR Reporting Project that aim to boost the HR function in appears in line with the sustainable Group companies / businesses. the sustainable growth growth strategy, diversification, strategy, diversification, internationalisation and development Repo rtING plans of HR internationalisation of human capital of the Group. In this information and development last strategic point the need to measure The analysis of the information resulting and accompany key indicators related to from the project, will allow to annually of human capital human resources management practices characterize HR activity in three fronts: of the Group. that address the concerns of the Group and contribute toward its sustainability, was › How is the Mota-Engil Group noted. progressing in the implementation of the HR strategic indicators? T he fUNCTIONS of Mota-Engil This plan results from the balance of HR Reporting the performance of the Group in the In this sense the Human Resources indicators of Learning and Growth of the Corporate Department is implementing, Balanced Scorecard. starting this year, the HR Reporting project which shall have the following major › How does the HR corporate area functions: contribute toward value creation? This plan will comprise the disclosure › Controlling HR – to monitor, via a of the main principles, programmes and structured collecting and reporting corporate projects implemented in the model, a set of key indicators of the current year. HR activity of the Group companies/ businesses; › How are the companies progressing in terms of People Management? › Reporting and Sponsorship – to render This plan will give visibility to the HR available to COMEX and to the Boards key indicators of the different Group of the Group businesses, an annual companies/businesses, reflecting the report that systematise the progress progress of said indicators during the and contribution of human resources business year (for more information see management toward value creation. the supplementary box).


In the first year of in which the Mota-Engil HR Reporting project took off, it was decided to involve the companies covered by the reporting process of the Balanced Scorecard.

Te h p riMETEr of the companies involved H heow are t companies progressing In the first year of in which the Mota-Engil in terms of People Management? HR Reporting project took off, it was In order to ensure a systematic analysis focusing on key aspects of the RH activity decided to involve the companies covered of the companies, a structure of indicators transversal to Group companies and by the reporting process of the Balanced comprises the following breakdown: Scorecard, thus ensuring the representation of over 50 companies, distributed amongst the Engineering and Construction Sub- taet l n oPTIMIZation Holdings (in all markets), Environment Aim at measuring the value creation capacity of companies via the People and at and Services (in all business segments), reflecting the financial impacts of their performance Mota-Engil Serviços Partilhados and Mota-Engil SGPS. taet l n l p anNING E nTITIES iNVOLVED Aim to characterize the development of the People’s structure of the companies, in the Mota-Engil supporting the HR planning process in the medium/long term HR Reporting process In order to optimize the information reporting circuit and the reliability of the taet l n ta at r cTION reported data, Mota-Engil HR Reporting Aim to assess the frequency, type and quality of the talent attraction processes in will involve a vast series of entities with the companies, allowing for improvement in attraction means and processes following responsibilities:

› DCRH. To define, implement and taet l n dEVELOPMENT accompany the HR reporting model, Aim to portray the investment in employee training and development as well as establishing the rules, criteria and modus the level of underlying participation operandi.

Planning and Corporate Management taet l n mOTIVatION-retention ›  Control. To focus the indicator collecting Aim to reflect the capacity of generating internal motivation and the level process on companies, via the available of Employee retention and commitment, assessing the Group’s atmosphere management information reporting and culture platforms (namely Entry & Approval and Corporate Report).

September 2011 54 pe ople

The MESP RH Administrative Management, MESP Recruitment and Development and MESP Training areas intervene in the Mota-Engil HR Reporting.

› MESP RH. To collect and report RH › HR Manager. As it is a HR project, the indicators for the companies that have HR Manager involved in the project must As a primary benefit, SLA (service level agreement) agreed ensure, together with the Focal Point of we highlight the with the different areas. The MESP RH the respective company, compliance with Administrative Management, MESP the rules and procedures to calculate the annual submission Recruitment and Development and HR indicators. of a HR report to the MESP Training areas intervene in the various Mota-Engil Top Mota-Engil HR Reporting. B aeNEFITS nd outputs Management organs , of Mota-Engil HR Reporting. › Audit and Risk Bureau. To audit the The main benefits associated to this that allows, on the one conformity of the reported values, via project, to be implemented in the Group hand to accompany both the companies and the entities this year, comprise the following aspects: and monitor the that focus on collecting and reporting progress of HR practice information, namely, Management › Standardisation of the HR reporting Planning and Control and the intervening model, defining standards, rules and key indicators of Group areas of MESP RH. criteria to report HR activity-related data. companies and on the other hand to › Focal Point of the Company. To collect › Identification of a transversal structure of identify actions and report HR indicators of the respective HR key indicators, allowing to monitor companies which they integrate, critical aspects of the HR performance. to be implemented using for the purpose the reporting that contribute toward tools rendered available by Corporate › Ongoing availability of HR key indicators, the optimisation Management Planning and Control. allowing, via a dynamic interface, and development of Within the scope of Mota-Engil HR available at the Mota-Engil HR Reporting Reporting, the Focal Point constitutes community at on.me, the companies Human Capital and the element(s) identified for the purposes and entities involved to consult the HR value creation via of the remaining management reporting information. the People. processes, indicated by the companies to the Corporate Management Planning and Control Department.


meet the needs and contingencies related MOT A-ENGIL to dispersion and geographical mobility MOT A-ENGIL of employees from Group companies. GROUP CELEBRATES Therefore, it became necessary to resort training to New Opportunities Centres, namely centre COOPERATION via individual applications in externally PROTOCOL WITH organised processes. New training courses ANQ This new protocol with ANQ will allow a nationwide scope, integrating of the Work-Linked the network of New Opportunities Learning System Centres which will be made aware Mota-Engil and ANQ – National of the priority of candidates enrolled Agency for Qualification under this protocol, as well as of the development of processes at workplaces, signed protocol whenever possible. It will also allow us to adequately accompany these processes, supporting the resolution of difficulties In line with the Group’s Human Resources and monitoring their success level and strategy a protocol between Mota-Engil and the effective response quality of the This October, the Mota-Engil ANQ – National Agency for Qualification New Opportunities Centres. In order Training Centre will start the was recently signed. for this initiative to lead effectively to following two training courses the defined objectives, we count with as part of the Work-Linked This protocol falls under the New the cooperation of everyone both in the Learning System, with a Level IV Opportunities Initiative and encourages participation in the initiative, in the case qualification certificate, equivalent the development of a concerted strategy of the Group employees covered and via to the 12th year: that will promote the progression of the dissemination amongst potentially Project Management Technician qualification levels of employees of Group interested parties by HR managers Quality Technician companies, facilitating and monitoring and colleagues and by encouraging access to school and professional education and facilitating participation by the Candidates that are aged between and training devices. managers. 15 and 25, and who have completed their 9th year of school This protocol covers all employees of It is important that from now on all or equivalent, may register. All Mota-Engil group companies with enrollments of Mota-Engil Group students may benefit from social qualifications lower that 12th grade. employees in New Opportunities Centres support, such as: Grants for study The latter can be directed to obtain an be carried out via the MESP HR-Training materials, professional training equivalence of 4th, 5th, 9th or 12th grade, area ([email protected]) or that grants, food subsidies, transport depending on the entry level. during enrollment it is informed that the subsidies and care subsidies for latter is processed under this protocol, their children and/or dependents We have already carried out some work in so that this way it is possible to properly under their care. this field. In 2007, the Mota-Engil Group monitor it. signed cooperation protocols within the Anyone who is interested should scope of the New opportunities Initiative All those interested can obtain information register as soon as possible at the with Ciccopn and Cenfic, and has already on this initiative via the on.me portal - Mota-Engil Training Centre at Rua qualified over 500 employees, namely http://onme2.mota-engil.pt/sites/apps/ de Bonjóia, 185 (Quinta da Bonjóia via the organisation of processes of Communities/NovasOportunidades/ near Freixo), or contact us on recognition, validation and certification Paginas/HomePage.aspx - or via the HR Tel. 22 5194840 or e-mail centro. of skills at the actual workplace. Despite head of the company. Participate, enhance [email protected] this effort, it was not always possible to your skills!

September 2011 56 pe ople

CarlOS Santos Pato

A n symBOL i the Major Road Projects

Carlos Santos Pato, 57 years of age and working at the company for 32, is linked to the major Road Projects of the Mota-Engil Group. From Águeda where he was born to the World that he wants to get to know better – this is Carlos Santos Pato, successful and adventurous by nature

“Because I started my career He participated in major road projects of then there was the Colonial War and then in a fabulous project with the Group but even so when he is asked the Carnation Revolution. My generation a team of extraordinary which work or project he enjoyed the is in fact quite privileged because it most he always says that it is the next. crossed these important stages”. people, most of whom had come from Africa, namely “In terms of choices made along my life He joined Mota & Companhia when Angola and Mozambique. there is nothing that I would do differently he was 25 for the Baixo Mondego These people had an today that what I did in the past, in fact Regularisation work. quite the contrary, I would repeat most extraordinary zest for living of my professional experiences”, says Carlos Santos Pato says that he started with a prospect of life filled Carlos Santos Pato, today at the head of his career in a decisive project for the with courage. And this is the Division for Major Road Projects. company and the first major work in quite impressive.” Portugal when it came from Africa. Much Born in Águeda, 57 years ago, did his more than pride, it was luck and that’s High School studies in Aveiro and why he says that he had a very happy then a degree in Civil Engineering in “professional childhood”. Coimbra, during an historic moment for the Portuguese Universities and for the “Because I started my career in a fabulous country, in the midst of a revolution. project with a team of extraordinary people, most of whom had come from “It was an extremely important moment Africa, namely Angola and Mozambique. for my generation. It started in the 60’s, These people had an extraordinary zest


for living with a prospect of life filled with that his life was in danger, he did live After being in the courage. And this is quite impressive”. some rather delicate situations and he Mondego for two years was even arrested. he left for Angola where “This first work of mine was my first lesson of Human Resources management “A friend of mine from Benguela got me he participated in the and from then onward it became an some packs of cigarettes which I had first Mota & Companhia obsession which has followed me until in my car but I had no route plan and work paid in dollars after today”. so when I arrived at Barra de Kuanza, the independence – the a very young army officer who had just After being in the Mondego for two years come from the war in the South of Angola protection of the N’Gunza he left for Angola where he participated decided to arrest me for a few hours”. beach, former Novo Redondo in the first Mota & Companhia work paid and the current Sumbe. in dollars after the independence – the Carlos Santos Pato also tells us that the protection of the N’Gunza beach, former phone calls home were made via radio Novo Redondo and the current Sumbe. to Luanda and then via telephone line from Luanda to Portugal. This situation It was 1981 and he quickly understood required an appointment for a connection that the situation was not at all easy. which was not always possible at the “The country was at open war with agreed hour and this of course many South Africa and was crossing several times led to “a two-hour wait at the post difficulties, namely the lack of food and office for the connection to be made”, he tobacco”. Although he never really felt recalls.

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“The Perote-Xalapa highway It was during this period that Mr. there was an opportunity to move to the is perhaps one of the most Manuel Mota visited Angola after the other side” and so he went to manage two technically complex Works independence. Complementary Grouping of Companies, “His joy and satisfaction was contagious builders of the Greater Oporto Concession that I have participated in, allowing us very enjoyable moments and and of the North Concession - very but which fortunately boasts extremely interesting stories”. important in my professional life”. a great team that was able to overcome the difficulties In addition to Mr Mota, “in this first After two years and a half in Poland he phase of my life, there were two people returned with the perspective of staying encountered with a lot of who marked my frame of mind. António with some international markets and work and dedication and Figueiredo in the Mondego project and today he is connected to México with yet now it is running quite Mr. Baltazar in Angola who made me another major road project. smoothly.” grow in a healthy way”. “The Perote-Xalapa highway is perhaps IP5, A1 Pombal/Condeixa stretch, one of the most technically complex the Santa Eulália/Figueira da Foz Works that I have participated in, but highway or CREL are some of the main which fortunately boasts a great team road projects in Portugal which he that was able to overcome the difficulties participated in. Later as Production encountered with a lot of work and Manager he was also connected to the dedication and now it is running quite A2, A17 and others. smoothly”.

However, “tired of earthworks, ditches, Fascinated by the international area, he safety barriers and bituminous material, considers himself a compulsive traveller.


This passion started in the very beginning Pato highlights that still “the younger whom he considers to be a leader and not when he left to work in Angola. generation must start understanding the a boss. “People followed him and I think need to make sacrifices and to seek other that is what makes all the difference”. He revealed that he would love to travel countries and markets inside or outside round the world and that after Latin the company”. That is the big secret to manage Human America, Africa and Europe he wants to Resources. It is necessary to feel that the turn to Asia which he still does not know. And he adds: “the time has come for us to people are accompanying us”. He never travels as a tourist and he never pass on the baton to the new generation books anything in advance. He rents but I would like to advise more patience a car and off he goes on an adventure, and to learn how to do things in the choosing two favourite destinations: appropriate time. In my point of view Patagonia and Namibia. today everything happens too quickly. There is very little time to think”. António Mota has a concept Although he is a very dynamic person that I particularly like he is also able to spend two hours on António Mota has a concept that to apply to the perspective a terrace facing the sea and he loves I particularly like to apply to the of the future: “When people reading, sailing, skiing, off-road perspective of the future: “When people motorbikes and he enjoys being with his do not have a lighthouse in front of them do not have a lighthouse friends, “specially if round a table with a to guide them they should look at the in front of them to guide good red wine”. path and walk in that direction and they them they should look at will get there”. the path and walk in Despite being optimistic and believing that the new generations will be able to The other concept corresponds to the that direction and they fight the hard times ahead, Carlos Santos definition that he has of Mr. Manuel Mota will get there.”

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Created in 2004, this logistics operator is today a reference in Portuguese-speaking countries and Latin America, operating in the main world markets

THE COMPANY Founded in 2004, TRANSITEX was an integral part of the Alcântara Container Terminal, Liscont SA, and its main aim was to collect cargo for the group terminals and the consequent extension of the Porto of Lisbon hinterland to the Spanish border provinces.

With the acquisition of The benefit of this activity reached Tertir, the Mota-Engil the Alcântara terminal, with services Group sees TRANSITEX that allow direct connections to the American continent, Africa and Far as a product that although East and it was also noted at the Santa be easily replicated in other markets it continues to be a driver Apolónia terminal that affords the largest where the group has interests. It was also of the Lisbon terminals, it variety and frequency of connections possible to anticipate the entry in some would be easily replicated to the intra-European market – the markets, due to the existing expectations preferred destination of shipments from and the know-how provided by some of in other markets where the Portugal and Spain. For this reason, it the largest Iberian exporters that use Group has interests. started in Spain, in Extremadura and TRANSITEX as logistics partner for corresponding to the assumptions of the markets where the company has its existence it secured a market share installed itself. Referring to the Iberian that today exceeds 80% of the volume market, TRANSITEX is today the largest of containerised cargo shipped from this FCL (Full Container Load) cargo operator. province. Indeed, it will handle around 50.000 TEU, a number that places the company With the acquisition of Tertir, the on the top of the Iberian operators that Mota-Engil Group sees TRANSITEX as a perform within this market segment, product that although it continues to be a including the multinationals operating driver of the Lisbon terminals, it would in Portugal and in Spain.


not only the transport component The presence in this continent was but also aspects associated to its boosted by the commercial exchanges achievement, from customs clearance, between Portuguese-speaking countries cargo consolidation, warehousing, and Portugal. distribution, insurance and assessment of the documentary needs in relation to As a result of the evolution of global the transported goods, bearing in mind commerce and due to the fact of operating the markets of origin and destination of in countries where logistics is traditionally said goods. complex, the presence of TRANSITEX was rapidly used in the Far East, Brazil and GLOBAL PRESENCE Middle East and as these markets assumed Similarly to Mota & Cia., founding a growing weight in its activity than the company of the Mota-Engil Group, commercial exchanges with Portugal. The Mota-Engil Group, not only via MEEC TRANSITEX also started its international Likewise, the opening of TRANSITEX but also via the several group companies expansion with its arrival in Portugal. Brazil consolidated in the perspective of that internationalised its offer, conferred being a facilitating element and an added TRANSITEX the dimension and mainly Indeed, Spain continues to be its largest value in the offer that the company can the necessary visibility to perform as a market, not only due to its turnover give the Portuguese exporters. While global operator. but also because of the 6 offices in this fulfilling this function, it rapidly created country. Its presence in Southern Africa its own market, namely in the commercial COMPLETE SERVICE OFFER has also expanded: in addition to the exchanges with the other Mercosul states The network of offices in various offices of TRANSITEX Mozambique, and the inevitable Far East. markets associated to dedicated agents there is a delegation in Harare and some of which work exclusively as business in South Africa is expected to Offices in the East, in Vilnius and in representatives of the company, allow take off before the end of the year. In ; presence in México which will TRANSITEX to organise in a reliable Angola TRANSITEX is represented by later be the bridge to enter the Unites and competitive manner with any Sonauta, a partnership that has boosted States and partnerships in India and other logistics operator, the handling the company in this market and allowed China complete this company structure of cargo between two points on the Sonauta to significantly broaden its in terms of network and define its ability globe. The service offer includes customer and service portfolio. to offer.

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and in the destination of the goods to be handled. Its future is rooted in emerging markets, markets niches that the company has been discovering in Africa and in the growing opportunities afforded by Latin American markets and less in western markets, whether the North of Europe or North America, mature markets where the biggest operators of this sector are concentrated and where TRANSITEX does not want to move into at this moment.

A VISION OF THE FUTURE We believe in the success of TRANSITEX. TRAITE NS X wants to continue various operators involved in foreign It has the best production means possible growing. The type of business and the trade operations. To make a difference - its employees; the best concessions operations in which it is integrated it must continue investing in the in the market – its employees and a with no need for significant investment internationalisation process underway. differentiating element which is a group and relatively facilitated access to Some of the biggest traffic won this year of very professional employees that business via existing legislation was achieved due to the existence of a ensure the success of this company. encourages limitless aspiration of the TRANSITEX structure both in the origin At TRANSITEX WE ARE WHAT WE DO.

Are ca e r with over 20 years of experience in the ports sector

His professional activity has always been connected to the ports sector. It started in 1986 at COOMAPOR, a port labour Cooperative which was extinct due to the changes in the management of port spaces and operations.

In 1989 he started working at Liscont, where he stayed for 20 years. In 2004 he founded In 1989 he started Transitex in Spain and accumulated the working at Liscont, where management of the latter and the Logistics he stayed for 20 years. Division of the Alcântara Container terminal until 2007 – the year in which he In 2004 he founded chose to dedicate himself full time to the Transitex in Spain. TRANSITEX project. Along this path he › Executive Director of Transitex rd abandoned his Law studies in the 3 year. Fernando Lima






Mota-Engil celebrates 65th anniversary Interview António Mota Chairman of the Group

SOCIAL NETWORKS 1st Half results Group increases turnover and reinforces http://www.facebook.com/motaengil internationalisation

http://www.flickr.com/photos/mota_engil 2011 september 38 Moza mbique http://twitter.com/motaengil Olympic Village built in record time

http://www.youtube.com/motaengilsgps A scendi Opens two new stretches http://www.linkedin.com/company/mota-engil of the Douro Interior Subconcession