Free Social Media Monitoring Tool ² Setup Guide


If you are looking for an overview before you actually start, please go thought my for a basic idea on how the tool works.

Setting up:

The setup process consists of two main steps. First, fetching the RSS feeds and second, adding it to the RSS reader () and organizing it for easy reference.

Step 1: Fetching RSS Feeds from different kinds of social networking websites


1.1. Go to 1.2. Enter the search term and hit ´Search Blogsµ (Tip: the search term can be your brand name, product, services or competitor·s brand) 1.3. Copy the feed URL and save it

2. Forums

2.1. Go to 2.2. Enter the search term 2.3. Select ´Discussionµ as type 2.4. Select email length ´50µ 2.5. Deliver to ´Feedµ 2.6. Hit ´Create Alertµ 2.7. Copy the Feed URL and save it

3. Video Websites

3.1. Go to 3.2. Enter the search term 3.3. Select ´Videoµ as type 3.4. Select email length ´50µ 3.5. Deliver to ´Feedµ 3.6. Hit ´Create Alertµ 3.7. Copy the Feed URL and save it

4. News

4.1. Go to 4.2. Enter the search term and hit ´Search Newsµ 4.3. Copy the RSS feed URL and save it

5. Twitter

5.1. Go to and login 5.2. Enter the keyword and search 5.3. Copy the RSS feed URL and save it 5.4. Refer the image to find the RSS feed

6. Facebook**

6.1. Go to 6.2. Enter the search term with this prefix (without quotes) ´ µ 6.3. Select ´Everythingµ as type 6.4. Select email length ´50µ 6.5. Deliver to ´Feedµ 6.6. Hit ´Create Alertµ 6.7. Copy the Feed URL and save it 6.8. Tip: Make sure you leave a space between the prefix and your search term

7. LinkedIn**

7.1. Go to 7.2. Enter the search term with this prefix (without quotes) ´ µ 7.3. Select ´Everythingµ as type 7.4. Select email length ´50µ 7.5. Deliver to ´Feedµ 7.6. Hit ´Create Alertµ 7.7. Copy the Feed URL and save it 7.8. Tip: Make sure you leave a space between the prefix and your search term

** - Facebook and LinkedIn tracking are still in experiment mode, it may not work properly.

Step 2: Setting up RSS feeds in Google Reader

If you have too many keywords to track, I recommend creating separate folder for each group of relevant keywords. Creating folder will help you manage the real-time RSS tracking efficiently.

1. Add all the RSS feeds which you have saved it from Step 1

2. Rename the feeds for easy identification 3. Once everything is set you have to wait for results to pop-in. It may take one hour or even a day to see the results based on your keyword search 4. Here is an example setup (folder structure) which I have created to track the activity for the keyword ´nokia e63µ across all social media websites

Step 3: Start Tracking

OK, I pause here. There is no step 3 from my side, now it is all yours.

Happy monitoring!


Contact me for further assistance in setting up the tool or if you are facing any problem while capturing RSS feeds from various social media websites.