Geophys. J. Int. 12001) 144, 206±220

Source parameters and tectonic origin of the 1996 June 1 Tianzhu Mw=5.2) and 1995 July 21 Yongden Mw=5.6) earthquakes near the Haiyuan , China)

C. Lasserre,1 B. Bukchin,2 P. Bernard,3 P. Tapponnier,1 Y. Gaudemer,1 A. Mostinsky2 and RongDailu 4 1 Laboratoire de Tectonique et MeÂcanique de la LithospheÁre, CNRS UMR 7578, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Paris, . E-mail:[email protected] 2 International Institute of Earthquake Prediction and Mathematical Geophysics, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] 3 Laboratoire de Sismologie, CNRS UMR 7580, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Paris, France 4 Seismological Institute of , China Seismological Bureau, Lanzhou, Gansu, China

Accepted 2000 August 25. Received 2000 August 21; in original form 2000 February 22


The 1996 June 1 Tianzhu 1Mw=5.2, Ms=4.9) and the 1995 July 21 Yongden 1Mw=5.6, Ms=5.4) earthquakes are the two largest events recorded in the last 10 years between the 1990 October 20 Ms=5.8 and the recent 2000 June 6 Ms=5.6 earthquakes near the `Tianzhu seismic gap' on the Haiyuan fault in northeastern Tibet. We use frequency± time analysis 1FTAN) to extract the fundamental modes of Love and Rayleigh waves from digital records. A joint inversion of their amplitude spectra and of P-wave ®rst- motion polarities is then performed to calculate the source parameters 1focal mech-

anisms, depths and seismic moments) of these two Msc5 earthquakes. Such a joint inversion is tested for the ®rst time. We use IRIS and GEOSCOPE network records for period ranges of 20±40 s for the former event and 35±70 s for the latter. The inversion of the Tianzhu earthquake yields nodal planes with strike, dip and slip of 282u,72u and 3u and 191u,87u and 162u, respectively, a focal depth around 12 km and a seismic moment of 0.56r1017 N m, consistent with the Harvard CMT calculation, and the alignment and depths of the aftershocks recorded by a local network. We propose two possible tectonic interpretations for this off-fault event. The solution for the Yongden earth- quake is consistent with a thrust, with strike, dip and slip of 105u,45u and 75u, respectively, a focal depth around 6 km and a seismic moment of 2.4r1017 N m, also in agreement with the Harvard CMT mechanism, the distribution of the aftershocks recorded by a regional network, and the general tectonic setting that we re®ne. Key words: earthquake source mechanism, NE Tibet, P waves, seismic gap, seismotectonics, surface waves.

surface waves have recently been developed 1e.g. Braunmiller 1 INTRODUCTION et al. 1994; Arvidsson & EkstroÈm 1998, and references therein). The inversion of surface wave amplitude spectra, based on the Until now, the inversion of surface wave amplitude spectra has method described by Bukchin 11989, 1990, 1995), has already never been used for source studies of such small events. Using demonstrated its reliability in the source mechanism deter- surface wave amplitude spectra only, however, does not pro- mination of large earthquakes 1Msi6.5). In particular, three vide a unique focal mechanism solution 1Mendiguren 1977). major earthquakes of central Asia, the Ms=6.9 1988 Spitak Additional information is needed to constrain the uniqueness event 1Bukchin et al. 1994), the Ms=7.4 1992 Susamyr event of the solution; this was provided by long-period 1Ti100 s) 1Gomez et al. 1997a) and the Ms=6.5 1992 Barisakho event surface wave phase spectra in the aforementioned studies of 1Gomez et al. 1997b), have been studied with this method, which large earthquakes and by P-wave ®rst-motion polarities in proves to be a good complement to classical body wave modelling this study. We test, for the ®rst time, the feasibility of a joint 1Gomez 1998). To estimate the source parameters of relatively inversion of surface wave amplitude spectra and P-wave ®rst- weak earthquakes 1Mwc5), for which body wave inversion motion polarities to calculate the source parameters of two generally fails or reaches its limit, different methods using moderate-sized earthquakes 1Mwc5.5, Msc5).

206 # 2001 RAS Msc5 Tianzhu and Yongden events, China 207

The two earthquakes we investigate are located in north- Bukchin 1990). In the case of a ®nite source, eq. 11) describes eastern Tibet: the Tianzhu earthquake 11996 June 1, Mw=5.2, the spectrum of displacements for periods much longer than Ms=4.9) and the Yongden earthquake 11995 July 21, Mw=5.6, the source duration. The low-frequency displacement energy is Ms=5.4). Both of them occurred in regions adjacent to the mainly carried by surface waves. Only low-frequency displace- c1000 km longHaiyuan fault system, the principal left-lateral ments transported by the fundamental modes of the Love strike-slip fault accommodatingthe eastward component of and Rayleigh waves will be considered here. We assume that movement between Tibet and the Gobi-Ala Shan Platform due variations of medium properties in any horizontal direction are to India±Asia collision 1Fig. 1; Tapponnier & Molnar 1977; small over distances alongthe wave paths of the order of a Zhang et al. 1988a,b). In 1920 and 1927, this fault system wavelength, so that the structure of the medium can be well experienced two Mi8 earthquakes, 300 km apart 1Fig. 1; Deng approximated by a weak horizontally inhomogeneous model et al. 1986; Zhang et al. 1987; Gaudemer et al. 1995). The 1Woodhouse 1974; Babich et al. 1976). The scatteringof energy Tianzhu and Yongden events took place near the 220 km long at subvertical boundaries is considered negligible; this has been quiescent western segment of the Haiyuan faultÐknown as veri®ed for a large variety of models 1Levshin 1985). Under the `Tianzhu seismic gap', a site of signi®cant seismic hazard, these assumptions, the spectral parameters of the surface waves Mi7.5 1Gaudemer et al. 1995; Lasserre et al. 1999)Ðbetween can be determined locally. The spectrum of the Green's function the 1920 and 1927 ruptures. A better understandingof their for Love and Rayleigh waves in eq. 11) depends on 11) the mechanism, in relation to the current deformation of the area, velocity and density models in the source region and under the was thus required, which motivated this study. Between the seismic stations recordingthe earthquake, 12) the mean phase

1990 October 20 Ms=5.8 and the recent 2000 June 6 Ms=5.6 velocity of waves alongthe path between the source and the earthquakes, both at the eastern end of the gap 1Fig. 1), the receiver and 13) geometrical spreading 1Levshin 1985; Bukchin Tianzhu and Yongden events are in fact the largest ones 1990). If all of these characteristics are known, as well as the recorded near the gap. Furthermore, the Tianzhu earthquake is origin time of the earthquake and the hypocentre location, the largest event to occur less than 3 km from the Haiyuan fault recording ui1x, v) at different points x on the Earth's surface trace, almost at the centre of the gap, since 1920. Its epicentre for a set of frequencies v gives, from eq. 11), a system of linear lies next to a 10 km wide pull-apart step between two segments equations from which the elements of the seismic moment of the fault 1Tianzhu basin, Fig. 1) 1Gaudemer et al. 1995), which tensor Mij can be retrieved. The mean phase velocity of surface could act as a nucleation zone for a future large earthquake in waves, however, is usually poorly known. To calculate the the gap 1King & Nabelek 1985; Barka & Kadinsky-Cade 1988; source parameters, only the amplitude spectrum |u1x, v)|, that Nielsen & Knopoff 1998). The Yongden event is further away is, the absolute value of the displacement spectrum u1x, v) from the Haiyuan fault but located less than 50 km northeast described in eq. 11), is used, as its value does not depend on of Lanzhou, a city of three million people. The fault responsible this average phase velocity. It is important to note also that for this earthquake was previously unknown. the value of |u1x, v)| is not affected by any error in epicentre We retrieved the Love and Rayleigh fundamental modes location 1Bukchin 1990). from the IRIS and GEOSCOPE broad-band digital records. A We assume now that the velocity and density of the joint inversion of their amplitude spectrum and of P-wave ®rst- propagating medium are given near the source and under each motion polarities at worldwide stations or at Chinese regional station at the free surface recordingthe seismic event and that stations was then performed to calculate the focal mechanism all of the followinghypotheses are valid: an instant point source parameters 1nodal plane strike, dip and slip angles), the depths on an ideal plane fault, with known origin time and epicentre and the seismic moments of the Tianzhu and Yongden events. location, and a medium with weak lateral inhomogeneities. The The results are compared to available Harvard CMT solutions seismic source is then completely de®ned by its double-couple and, for the Tianzhu earthquake, to the Lanzhou Seismological depth, its focal mechanism parametersÐwhether expressed by Institute solution. The focal mechanisms of the Tianzhu and the strike, dip and slip angles of the nodal planes or by the two Yongden events are then discussed with regard to the distri- unit vectors P and T in the directions of principal compression bution of their aftershocks, recorded by a local network and by and the tension axes, respectivelyÐand its seismic moment M0. the Chinese regional network, respectively, and interpreted in To estimate these parameters, we construct a grid in the 4-D relation to the regional tectonics. space of axis depth, strike, dip and slip, and for each point of this grid, using eq. 11), we calculate the amplitude spectra of the fundamental modes of both Love and Rayleigh waves at all the 2 METHOD: JOINT INVERSION OF seismic stations used in the inversion for a set of frequencies v SURFACE WAVE AMPLITUDE SPECTRA 1Levshin 1985; Bukchin 1990). A normalized residual of surface AND P -WAVE FIRST-MOTION wave amplitude spectra e 1h, T, P) is de®ned as POLARITIES sw v u We consider an instantaneous pure double-couple point seismic u XN u i†2 source of coordinate vector y. The spectrum of displacements, u esw u u1x, v), generated by such a source at an observation point x is e h; T; P†ˆu iˆ1 ; 2) sw uXN related to the total moment tensor M by the eq. t i† 2  ju x; u†jobs 1 L iˆ1 un x; u†ˆ Mkl Gnk x; y; u† ; 1) iu Lyl where h is the double-couple depth, N is the number of where the summation convention for repeated subscripts is used, observations at seismic stations and n, k, l=1, 2, 3, and Gnk1x, y, v) is the spectrum of the Green's i† i† i† function for a given wave type and medium 1Levshin 1985; esw ˆju x; u†jobs Àju x; u†jcalc 3)

# 2001 RAS, GJI 144, 206±220 208 .Lasserre C.

100° 80° 90° 100° 110° 102° 104° 106° A N G S H O B I IEN O

T ALA al. et

SHAN R 40° QILIAN I M SHAN D T A R O Q Altyn Tagh FaultA Haiyuan Fault S I D L Karakorum Fault A IU M S P H A A N N 35° Kunlu n Fault QIN LING QILIAN SHAN T I B AN H E S T Xian N E Shui M G N H U e L 05/23/27 H Jiali Fault 30° 38° 38° i m a M=8-8.3 l a y SOUTH a n F r CHINA o n R t a e l T h d Fig. 8 r u s t R 10/20 /90 I N D I A fa iv u e lt r 25° Ms=5.8 08/26/86 Ms=5.9 LLL Tianzhu MMS Ml=5.3 LHS Elevation(m) Song shan strike-slip KOKO 06/01/96 Faults normal NOR Ms=4.9 thrust 2000 4000 6000 Ml=5 12/16/20 inferred Yongden 06/06 /00 M=8.7 LLL: Leng Long Ling segment 04/26/90 Fig. 14 Ms=5.6 Haiyuan MMS: Maomao Shan segment Ms=6.9 Hee LHS: Lao Hu Shan segment HHuanguang H

Tianzhu seismic gap LANZHOU Surface breaks associated with the 1920 & 1927 earthquakes 36° 36° 07/21/95 Ms=5.4

IPGP seismic stations:

Seismicity (ML ≥ 4.5): from 10/20/90 to 07/31/98 from 12/16/20 to 10/20/90 40 km 1920 and 1927 historical events

100° 106°

# 102° 104°

01RAS, 2001 Figure 1. Seismotectonic map of the Haiyuan fault system 1Gansu, China). Faults are from ®eldwork or Landsat and SPOT image interpretation. The Tianzhu seismic gap is outlined in grey. Locations of 1920, 1927, 1986 and 1990 earthquakes are from Gaudemer et al. 11995). Location of 2000 event is from Seismological Institute of Lanzhou 1SIL), focal mechanism from USGS. Other events are from Chen et al. 11991) 11920±1984), Center for analysis and Prediction, CSB 11989) 11984±1988) and SIL 11988±1998). White dots indicate events before the Ms=5.8 1990 event and black dots events after it. Topography is from 30 arc s Defense Mapping Agency DEM. Dashed black boxes show locations of Figs 8 and 14. Inset with box 1top left) shows the tectonic settingof the Haiyuan fault within the

GJI India±Asia collision zone; the small black box shows the location of Fig. 1. 144, 206±220 Msc5 Tianzhu and Yongden events, China 209 is the residual between the ith observed amplitude spectrum and calculate surface wave amplitude spectra is valid only for periods the computed one. M0 is calculated by minimizingthe residual much longer than the source duration. During FTAN, we thus esw1h, T, P) for each combination of all other parameters. selected, for each event, a period range in which surface waves If only absolute values of surface wave spectra are used, how- were clearly isolated, coveringthe longestperiods available. ever, an ambiguity in source parameter determination remains Signals showing polarization anomalies 1analysed according to and four equivalent solutions are obtained due to the sign the method described by Lander 1989b) that were too large ambiguity of moment tensor components and to the symmetry were rejected duringthe inversion process. The observed ampli- of the radiation patterns of surface wave amplitude spectra tude spectra at each station were corrected for attenuation with respect to the epicentre 1Mendiguren 1977). To resolve this duringpropagationand for instrumental response. Inversion of ambiguity, we also use in the inversion the polarities of P-wave the source parameters of both earthquakes proceeded according ®rst motions at observation stations. For shallow sources 1with to the hypotheses and technique described in Section 2. a depth much smaller than the observed signal wavelength), the surface wave excitation by the vertical dip-slip component of the moment tensor is small. When calculatingthe moment tensor 3.1 Tianzhu earthquake from surface wave analysis, this vertical dip-slip component is thus usually poorly resolved 1Dziewonski et al. 1981; Given 3.1.1 Results of inversion & Mellman 1986; EkstroÈm & Richards 1994; Braunmiller et al. 1994). Using P-wave ®rst-motion polarities as additional A total of 11 IRIS and GEOSCOPE stations were selected information in the inversion improves the resolution of this for inversion. Their azimuthal distribution is shown in Fig. 3. component and possibly of the source depth. A selection among Spectra of Love and Rayleigh fundamental modes, recorded at available P polarities is made followingthe method described 10 and seven stations 1Table 1), respectively, were used between in Appendix A. For each focal mechanism, we calculate the periods of 20 and 40 s. The epicentre location 1latitude: 37.283u, theoretical radiation pattern of P waves and compare predicted longitude: 102.75u) and the origin time 112:49:12.6 UT) of the and observed polarities. A residual epol is de®ned as the ratio earthquake chosen are those given by the Seismological Institute between the number of polarities inconsistent with the radiation of Lanzhou 1SIL), China Seismological Bureau, Gansu province. pattern and the total number of observed polarities. They were derived from records of the Gansu regional seismic Eventually, for each possible combination of source para- network and are thus better constrained than those estimated meters, we calculate a joint residual of surface wave amplitude by Harvard. In the source region, we used a regional velocity spectra and P-wave ®rst-motion polarities e1h, T, P) de®ned by model, also from SIL, for the four upper layers and the PREM model below 1Table 2). The crust in this SIL model is about e h; T; P†ˆ1 À 1 À e † 1 À e † : 4) pol sw 50 km thick, as expected in the shorteningand thicken- Minimizing e1h, T, P) by a systematic exploration of the 4-D ingcontext of northeastern Tibet 1Meyer et al. 1998), and is parameter space gives the best estimate of source parameters. comparable to the 47.7 km thick crust under the Gobi desert To estimate the resolution of these parameters, we calculate 1Ma 1987). Under the receivers, models were chosen among partial residual functions. Fixingone of the parameters, h for four classes: Gutenbergcontinental model, oceanic model and instance, the combination of the other parameters that mini- two `tectonic' models with thickened crust 1Tables 1 and 3) mizes e is searched for. This minimum value of e is taken as the followingprevious studies 1Gomez et al. 1997a,b). P-wave ®rst- motion polarities at some stations of the Gansu seismic net- value of the partial residual function eh1h), of scalar argument h, evaluated for each possible value of h. In the same way, work complemented the set of polarities at worldwide stations. Our best estimate of the double-couple focal mechanism shows partial residual functions of vectorial arguments T and P, eT1T) predominant strike-slip motion. The ®rst nodal plane has a and eP1P), are computed. The minimum of the partial residual functions corresponds to the best estimate of the associated strike, dip and slip of 282u,72u and 3u, respectively, and the parameter. These functions thus characterize the degree of resolution of each source parameter.

Table 1. Seismic stations, wave types and models used for the inversion of the Tianzhu earthquake. 3 DATA ANALYSIS Station Wave type* Model{ For both the Tianzhu event and the Yongden event, the fundamental modes of Love and Rayleigh waves were retrieved CHTO L 1 from broad-band digital records of the IRIS and GEOSCOPE HIA R, L 1 networks by frequency±time analysis 1FTAN) and ¯oating MDJ R, L 1 ®lteringof signals,as described by Lander 1989a and Levshin QIZ R, L 1 et al. 11994). An example of FTAN diagrams and seismograms SSE R, L 1 is shown in Fig. 2. This type of analysis and ®ltering allows one LSA R 2 to isolate the wave under study from the noise and to separate ENH R, L 3 different waves. In the same ®lteringband, ¯oating-®ltered KMI R, L 3 displacement amplitude spectra are smoother than classically TLY L 3 ULN L 3 ®ltered spectra and their inversion appears much more stable. WMQ L 3 The period range in which spectra of Love and Rayleigh wave fundamental modes were calculated depended on the event size. *R: Rayleigh; L: Love The instantaneous point source approximation considered to {See Table 3

# 2001 RAS, GJI 144, 206±220 210 C. Lasserre et al.

(a) (b)



3 Group velocity (km/s)

30 40 50 60 70 80 30 40 50 60 70 80

(c) (d)



3 Group velocity (km/s)

30 40 50 60 70 80 30 40 50 60 70 80 Period (s) Period (s) (e)

600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600


600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600

Time from origin (s) Figure 2. Example of FTAN analysis and ¯oating®lteringfor the Yongdenearthquake record at GEOSCOPE station HYB, isolating fundamental modes of Rayleigh and Love waves. FTAN diagrams for 1a) raw and 1b) ¯oating-®ltered vertical component, and for 1c) raw and 1d) ¯oating-®ltered transverse component. Solid line follows dispersion curve. 1e) Vertical and 1f) transverse components of raw record 1solid line) and ¯oating-®ltered record 1dashed line), normalized with respect to maximum observed amplitude.

Table 2. Source model. second, 191u,87u and 162u, respectively 1Figs 4a and b). This is in good agreement with the Harvard mechanism 1Figs 4c Source model and d). Available P-wave polarities in fact seem to match our hVP VS r focal mechanism better than the Harvard one 1Figs 4b and d). x1 x1 x3 1km) 1km s ) 1km s ) 1gcm ) For information, we present the SIL mechanism, computed from P polarities at Chinese regional stations 1the detailed 1.1 5.08 2.90 3.26 method of calculation is unknown): the strikes of the nodal 5.8 5.90 3.50 3.59 planes compare well with ours but dips, particularly for the 14.1 6.06 3.57 3.65 30.9 6.51 3.77 3.83 second nodal plane, differ signi®cantly 1Fig. 4e). The seismic moment we obtain is 0.56r1017 N m, somewhat smaller than

# 2001 RAS, GJI 144, 206±220 # 01RAS, 2001 GJI 144, 206±220

Table 3. Receiver models.

Model 1* Model 2{ Model 3´ Model 4" hVP VS r hVP VS r hVP VS r hVP VS r 1km) 1km sx1 ) 1km sx1 ) 1gcm x3 ) 1km) 1km sx1 ) 1km sx1 ) 1gcm x3 ) 1km) 1km sx1 ) 1km sx1 ) 1gcm x3 ) 1km) 1km sx1 ) 1km sx1 ) 1gcm x3 )

19 6.14 3.55 2.74 25 5.58 3.18 2.66 20 6.14 3.55 2.74 5 1.50 0.00 1.00 19 6.58 3.80 3.00 25 6.50 3.76 2.90 20 6.80 3.93 3.00 5 6.58 3.80 3.00 12 8.20 4.65 3.32 30 8.10 4.51 3.36 10 8.10 4.51 3.32 12 8.20 4.65 3.32 10 8.17 4.62 3.34 10 8.07 4.46 3.37 10 8.10 4.51 3.34 10 8.17 4.62 3.34 10 8.14 4.57 3.35 10 8.02 4.41 3.38 10 8.10 4.51 3.35 10 8.14 4.57 3.35 10 8.10 4.51 3.36 25 7.93 4.37 3.39 10 8.10 4.51 3.36 10 8.10 4.51 3.36 10 8.07 4.46 3.37 25 7.85 4.35 3.41 10 8.07 4.46 3.37 10 8.07 4.46 3.37 10 8.02 4.41 3.38 25 7.89 4.36 3.43 10 8.02 4.41 3.38 10 8.02 4.41 3.38 25 7.93 4.37 3.39 25 7.98 4.38 3.46 25 7.93 4.37 3.39 25 7.93 4.37 3.39 25 7.85 4.35 3.41 25 8.10 4.42 3.48 25 7.85 4.35 3.41 53 7.60 4.20 3.41 25 7.89 4.36 3.43 25 8.21 4.46 3.50 25 7.89 4.36 3.43 25 7.89 4.36 3.43 25 7.98 4.38 3.46 50 8.38 4.54 3.53 25 7.98 4.38 3.46 25 7.98 4.38 3.46 25 8.10 4.42 3.48 50 8.62 4.68 3.58 25 8.10 4.42 3.48 25 8.10 4.42 3.48 25 8.21 4.46 3.50 50 8.87 4.85 3.62 25 8.21 4.46 3.50 25 8.21 4.46 3.50 M 50 8.38 4.54 3.53 50 9.15 5.04 3.69 50 8.38 4.54 3.53 50 8.38 4.54 3.53 s 50 8.62 4.68 3.58 50 9.45 5.21 3.82 50 8.62 4.68 3.58 50 8.62 4.68 3.58 c 50 8.87 4.85 3.62 100 9.88 5.45 3.90 50 8.87 4.85 3.62 50 8.87 4.85 3.62 5 50 9.15 5.04 3.69 10.17 5.52 3.98 50 9.15 5.04 3.69 50 9.15 5.04 3.69 China events, Yongden and Tianzhu 50 9.45 5.21 3.82 50 9.45 5.21 3.82 50 9.45 5.21 3.82 100 9.88 5.45 3.90 100 9.88 5.45 3.90 100 9.88 5.45 3.90 10.17 5.52 3.98 10.17 5.52 3.98 10.17 5.52 3.98

* Continental model { From Model 2 in Gomez et al. 11997a); 50 km thick crust ´ From Model 3 in Gomez et al. 11997a); 40 km thick crust " Oceanic model 211 212 C. Lasserre et al.

N (a) (b) M0 = 0.56 x 1017 Nm

TLY First nodal plane: • HIA - strike: 282°, • - dip: 72°, - slip: 3°. • MDJ • WMQ ULN • Second nodal plane: - strike: 191°, - dip: 87°, E - slip: 162°. SSE (c) (d) • M0 = 0.74 x 1017 Nm • • LSA ENH KMI • First nodal plane: - strike: 278°, QIZ - dip: 79°, CHTO • • - slip: -11°.

Figure 3. Azimuthal distribution of broad-band seismic stations selected for surface wave analysis of the Tianzhu 11996 June 1, Mw=5.2) Second nodal plane: earthquake. Centre is epicentre location. Distance from centre is - strike: 10°, epicentral distance, maximum 121.5u) at MDJ. - dip: 79°, - slip: -169°.

Second nodal plane: 17 - strike: 15°, that estimated by Harvard 10.74r10 N m). To give an idea (e) - dip: 35°, of the resolution of the P 1or T) orientation estimates, values of - slip: -75°. the partial residual function eP1P) [or eT1T)] are plotted as a function of all possible orientations of the P compression 1or T tension) axis 1Fig. 5, lower-hemisphere stereographic projection). First nodal plane: We also compare radiation patterns of the observed and syn- - strike: 288°, - dip: 88°, thetic amplitude spectra of Love and Rayleigh fundamental - slip: -2°. modes, normalized to a unique source±receiver distance of 2000 km and a horizontally homogeneous propagating medium Figure 4. Tianzhu earthquake. 1a) Moment tensor solution from joint similar to the source medium 1Fig. 6 shows an example for a inversion of surface waves amplitude spectra and polarities of P-wave period of 27 s). Finally, the double-couple depth minimizing ®rst motions, superimposed in 1b) on selected 1see text) P-wave ®rst- the partial residual function e 1h) is around 12 km 1Fig. 7). The motion polarities from IRIS, GEOSCOPE and Chinese regional h stations. 1c) Moment tensor solution from Harvard, superimposed depths estimated by Harvard, USGS and SIL are 15, 10 and in 1d) on P polarities. 1e) Solution from SIL. 5 km, respectively.

network of six seismic stations 1three-component, broad-band) that we installed on 1996 July 15, 1.5 months after the main 3.1.2 Tectonic interpretation shock. These aftershocks were located usingthe hypo71 soft- Accordingto SIL, the main shock of the Tianzhu earthquake ware 1Lee & Lahr 1975). The method used to assess location was located c6 km west of the 10 km wide Tianzhu half-pull- uncertainties is inspired by that described in Jacques et al. 11999) apart basin and c4 km north of the LengLongLingsegment and brie¯y summarized in Appendix B. We note that the after- of the Haiyuan fault 1LLL in Figs 1 and 8a), which extends shocks are located in the same area as the SIL main-shock epi- westwards from the southwestern tip of the basin. This segment centre, which seems to validate the SIL location and con®rms is mainly strike-slip but ®eldwork shows clear evidence of a that the main Haiyuan fault did not rupture duringthe Tianzhu normal throw component on the SSW-dippingfault plane event 1Fig. 8a). The aftershock depths range between 10 and 1Gaudemer et al. 1995). Given this dip, as well as the SE dip of 16 km. Plottinghypocentres on vertical cross-sections perpen- the normal fault in the pull-apart basin, and assumingthat the dicular to the nodal planes of the main event does not reveal uncertainty on SIL's epicentre location is less than 4 km, we any clear structure. However, aftershocks do not necessarily can ®rst conclude that the earthquake did not occur on the activate a unique fault plane identical to that of the main shock; Haiyuan fault itself, and neither did it occur on the Gulang they can simply result from distributed deformation. fault system, as could be preliminarily inferred from the Harvard In the absence of a clear pattern in vertical section, we are centroid location of the main shock 1Fig. 8a). To verify this thus left with two plausible scenarios to explain the Tianzhu conclusion and pursue the interpretation further, we studied part rupture. The Maomao Shan segment of the Haiyuan fault of the aftershocks of the Tianzhu event, recorded by a local 1MMS, Figs 1 and 8a), northeast of the Tianzhu basin,

# 2001 RAS, GJI 144, 206±220 Msc5 Tianzhu and Yongden events, China 213

(a) (b)

0.27 0.30 0.33 0.36 0.39 0.42 0.45 0.48 0.51 0.54 0.57 0.60 (a): εP(P) and (b): εT(T) Figure 5. Tianzhu earthquake. Partial residual functions 1a) eP1P) as a function of P compression axis orientation and 1b) eT1T) as a function of T tension axis orientation. Each point is a stereographic projection of P 1or T) on the lower hemisphere. White dots indicate, for comparison, the orientation of the correspondingprincipal stress axis of the Harvard focal mechanism.

continues westwards for 10±15 km, past the junction with the location 3 km further north, within the error bars of this west Tianzhu normal fault. This 10 km longsplay limits the location, remains plausible, implyinga nearly vertical fault aftershock area to the north and its trend is consistent, within plane, again not in disagreement with the polarities and giving

10u±15u, with the N101uE-strikingnodal plane of our moment a minimum value of eP1P) 1Figs 4b and 5a). tensor solution. In the ®rst scenario, the rupture could thus The second scenario involves a dextral cross-fault, striking have been initiated on this splay, while the main Haiyuan fault cN25uE orthogonal to the fault plane considered above would still be locked 1model 1, Fig. 8b). Given the SIL location 1model 2, Fig. 8b), compatible within 15u with the other of the main event, this hypothesis would require a SSW-dipping N12uE-strikingnodal plane of the calculated focal mechanism. fault plane of about 70u, in apparent disagreement with the No surface trace attests to the existence of such a dextral correspondingNNE 72 u dip predicted by our mechanism. cross-fault, but given the magnitude and associated coseismic However, a SSW 70u-dippingfault plane would remain in displacement 1of the order of a few centimetres) of the event, a agreement with the observed polarities 1Fig. 4b) and the hidden fault at depth remains a possible candidate. The mech- associated P-axis would still correspond to a small value of anism involved here would be book-shelf faulting, compatible eP1P)1<0.4, compared with the 0.28 minimum value, Fig. 5a). with the main stress directions, duringthe interseismic period In the absence of relocation of the main shock, an epicentre when the main Haiyuan fault is locked, and counterclockwise

(a) (b) N N 0.57 • •

• • • • • 0.47

• E • E (h) • • • h • • ε


• • Figure 6. Tianzhu earthquake. Comparison, for a period of 27 s, of radiation patterns of observed 1dots) and synthetic 1solid line) 0.27 amplitude spectra of 1a) Love and 1b) Rayleigh fundamental modes. 2 4 6 8 10 12 1416 1820 22 24 Amplitudes are recalculated for a source±receiver distance of 2000 km Depth (km) and a laterally homogeneous velocity model, similar to the source Figure 7. Partial residual function eh1h) as a function of depth. region model. Circle radius is 0.02 cm s. Minimum is for a depth around 12 km.

# 2001 RAS, GJI 144, 206±220 214 C. Lasserre et al.

102˚ 30' 102˚ 45' 103˚ 00' (a)

3 km

37˚ 30' 37˚ 30'

Gulang fault



Haiyuan fault MMS 37˚ 15' Tianzhu 37˚ 15' basin


102˚ 30' 102˚ 45' 103˚ 00'

(b) Ruptured Ruptured fault plane fault plane

1. 2. ?

Locked faults Locked faults

Figure 8. 1a) Enlargement of the seismotectonic map of the Tianzhu earthquake area 1see location in Fig. 1). LLL and MMS indicate the Leng Long Lingand Maomao Shan segmentsof the Haiyuan fault, respectively, separated by the Tianzhu half-pull-apart basin. Microseismicity was recorded by a local IPGP network of six three-component stations 1®ve shown on map by triangles; see also Fig. 1) from July 1996 to July 1998. There are at least seven P and S arrival time readings. Estimated uncertainty on epicentre location is 2 km 1grey dots) or 5 km 1white dots). See Appendix B for details. The seismic swarm of March 1998 is encircled with a dashed white line. 1b) Two plausible interpretations of rupture 1see discussion in text).

block rotation might be favoured. The geometry and scenario of the Ms=6.6 event on the Superstition Hills fault; Hudnut of model 2 in Fig. 81b) are reminiscent of the fault geometry et al. 1989). Regardless of the sense of horizontal slip 1which and earthquake history observed southeast of the Salton Sea is opposite on the San Andreas fault), we thus propose that alongthe San Andreas fault system in southern California. the Tianzhu pull-apart, the dextral cross-fault involved in our Several parallel sinistral cross-faults, strikingNE, limit the second scenario and the Haiyuan fault system might be com- southeastern border of the right-stepping Salton Sea pull-apart. parable to the Salton Sea pull-apart, the Elmore Ranch fault Such cross-faults are perpendicular to the dextral Imperial, and the Superstition Hills San Andreas fault system. The after- Superstition Hills and Coyote Creek faults, south and south- shocks located may accommodate induced block deformation east of the Salton Sea, and to the San Andreas fault, north and and contribute to releasingpart of the stress 1the cross-fault northwest of the Salton Sea. They partly connect the two would limit the aftershocks to the west). Further west, a seismic dextral fault systems 1Fig. 1 in Hudnut & Sieh 1989). Several swarm that occurred in March 1998 1Fig. 8a) might have acti- earthquakes have ruptured these cross-faults, in 1979 1Johnson vated a second, cN25uE-strikingfracture plane, thus delimiting & Hutton 1982) and 1981 1Nicholson et al. 1986) and on the a second block, in a ®nal process of stress release 1model 2,

Elmore Ranch fault 11987 November 24, Ms=6.2, a foreshock Fig. 8b).

# 2001 RAS, GJI 144, 206±220 Msc5 Tianzhu and Yongden events, China 215

3.2 Yongden earthquake (a) (b) M0 = 2.4 x 1017 Nm 3.2.1 Results of inversion First nodal plane: We selected 16 stations to determine the source parameters - strike: 105°, of the Yongden earthquake 1Fig. 9) and inverted amplitude - dip: 45°, spectra of Love and Rayleigh fundamental modes, at 10 and - slip: 75°. 11 stations 1Table 4), respectively, for periods between 35 and 70 s. We ®xed the latitude of the epicentre at 36.367u, its longitude at 103.25u and its origin time at 22:44:4.4 UT Second nodal plane: 1data from SIL). The velocity model around the source is - strike: 306°, - dip: 47°, the same as for the Tianzhu earthquake 1Table 2). Under the - slip: 104°. receivers 1Table 4), models belongto the four classes de®ned in Table 3. P polarities are those read at IRIS and GEOSCOPE stations. We obtain a thrust focal mechanism with a ®rst nodal (c) (d) plane of strike, dip and slip 105u,45u and 75u, respectively, and M0 = 2.7 x 1017 Nm a second nodal plane of strike, dip and slip 306u,47u and 104u, respectively, again in good agreement with the Harvard CMT Second nodal plane: mechanism 1Fig. 10). However, we ®nd a more WNW±ESE - strike: 283°, orientation for the second nodal plane and a small strike-slip - dip: 49°, - slip: 89°. component. This slight difference remains within the limits of resolution of the method. Again, P-wave polarities seem to agree better with our solution than with the Harvard mech- First nodal plane: anism 1Fig. 10). Seismic moments of the two solutions compare - strike: 104°, 17 17 - dip: 41°, very well 1this study: 2.4r10 Nm;Harvard:2.7r10 Nm). - slip: 91°. The partial residual functions eP1P) and eT1T) are shown in Figure 10. Yongden earthquake. 1a) Moment tensor solution from Fig. 11. Observed and synthetic amplitude spectra of Love and joint inversion of surface wave amplitude spectra and polarities of Rayleigh radiation patterns, normalized to a source±receiver P-wave ®rst motions, superimposed in 1b) on selected P-wave ®rst- distance of 5000 km, are shown in Fig. 12. As signals at some motion polarities 1from IRIS and GEOSCOPE stations). 1c) Moment stations could not be used in the whole period interval tensor solution from Harvard, superimposed in 1d) on P polarities at [35 s, 70 s], examples are given for two periods 140 and 64 s) worldwide stations. samplingthe whole set of stations used for each wave type. The best estimate for the double-couple depth is around 6 km 3.2.2 Tectonic interpretation 1Fig. 13), shallower than the Harvard 115 km), USGS 112 km) and SIL 18 km) estimates. The Yongden epicentre location was, at ®rst sight, puzzling. None of the active faults mapped thus far in the area could N be convincingly associated with the earthquake. However, a detailed analysis of Landsat images and of the 30 arc s Defense MappingAgencyDEM reveals the existence, close to the epicentre, of uplifted surfaces mapped as Quaternary alluvial terraces 1Gansu Geological Bureau 1975), tilted towards the southwest and roughly aligned in a N100uE direction 1Figs 1 and 14). This direction is that of the ®rst nodal plane of our Yongden focal mechanism 1Fig. 10). West of the westernmost KEV uplifted fan, upstream from Minhe, the DatongHe becomes • KIP entrenched in a narrow gorge. We infer that this re¯ects incision LVZ • by the DatongHe in response to tectonic uplift, as do other • ASCN BRVK• TLY HIA • • gorges observed along the Huang He west and southwest of BNG• • INU E Lanzhou, where it crosses a succession of fast-risingmountain ATD • ranges 1Van der Woerd 1998; MeÂtivier et al. 1998; Meyer et al. HYB• • QIZ •AFI 1998). West of the Datong gorge, Precambrian basement crops •HNR out 1Fig. 14a). North of the uplifted Quaternary terraces, per- • • pendicular to the Datong valley, extant geological maps show a RER CTAO cN100uE-strikingcontact between Neogeneand Cretaceous red beds 1e.g. Gansu Geological Bureau 1975). The location, direction and extent of this contact, which crosses the Datong valley where it broadens upstream from the Minhe gorge, suggest that it might correspond to an active, SSW-dipping Figure 9. Azimuthal distribution of broad-band seismic stations selected thrust bringing Cretaceous on top of Neogene. This contact would thus be mostly tectonic rather than stratigraphic. Such for surface wave analysis of the Yongden 11995 July 21, Mw=5.6) earthquake. Centre is epicentre location. Distance from centre is a thrust might have ruptured during the Yongden event epicentral distance, maximum 1117u) at ASCN. and cumulative movement on it could be responsible for the

# 2001 RAS, GJI 144, 206±220 216 C. Lasserre et al.

(a) (b)

0.27 0.30 0.33 0.36 0.39 0.42 0.45 0.48 0.51 0.54 0.57 0.60 (a): εP(P) and (b): εT(T)

Figure 11. Yongden earthquake. Partial residual functions 1a) eP1P) as a function of P compression axis orientation and 1b) eT1T) as a function of T tension axis orientation on lower-hemisphere stereographic projections. White dots indicate, for comparison, the orientations of the corresponding principal stress axes of the Harvard focal mechanism.

Table 4. Seismic stations, wave types and models (a) (b) used for the inversion of the Yongden earthquake. N N • Station Wave type* Model{ • •

ATD R 1 • BNG L 1 • • • E BRVK R, L 1 • E • • • CTAO R, L 1 • • • HIA R 1 • HYB R, L 1 INU L 1 • KEV R 1 LVZ L 1 QIZ L 1 (c) (d) N N TLY R, L 3 • ASCN L 4 • AFI R 4 • HNR R, L 4 • • • KIP R 4 • • RER R 4 • • • E • E • * R: Rayleigh; L: Love • { See Table 3 • •

Figure 12. Yongden earthquake. Comparison, for a period of 40 s, observed local uplift, includingthat of the Precambrian base- of radiation patterns of observed 1dots) and synthetic 1solid line) ment 1Fig. 14a). Mapping of the aftershocks of the earthquake, amplitude spectra of 1a) Love and 1b) Rayleigh fundamental modes recorded at Chinese regional stations and compiled by the SIL, and comparison for a period of 64 s for 1c) Love and 1d) Rayleigh supports this interpretation 1Fig. 14b). We thus infer that the waves. Amplitudes are recalculated for a source±receiver distance of N105uE nodal plane of Fig. 10 corresponds to the fault plane 5000 km and a laterally homogeneous velocity model, similar to the ruptured by the Yongden event. source region model. Maximum amplitudes are 0.024 cm s at 40 s and Southeast of Lanzhou, a comparable SW-dippingthrust is 0.017 cm s at 64 s. mapped 1e.g. Tapponnier & Molnar 1977). It may branch at depth off the NNW±SSE left-lateral strike-slip fault south of it traces of the faults, the earthquake's depth and the dip of the 1Fig. 1). We infer that this strike-slip fault continues north- nodal plane we calculated are in overall agreement with this westwards alongthe HuangShui river, reachinga total length interpretation. Most of the aftershocks 12/3) projected on the of c150 km, and that the thrust associated with the Yongden N15uE cross-section of Fig. 141c) plot near or above the thrust earthquake also branches off it at depth 1Fig. 14c). The surface plane, which seems to be consistent with the inferred structure

# 2001 RAS, GJI 144, 206±220 Msc5 Tianzhu and Yongden events, China 217

0.47 reliability in source parameter determinations of Mwc5.5 and possibly even smaller events.

0.42 4.2 Tectonic implications This study sheds light on two interesting earthquakes in a major seismic gap area. The ®rst one, the Tianzhu earthquake,

(h) 0.37 is an off-fault event near a major fault step in the centre of the h ε gap, the Tianzhu pull-apart basin. From the strike-slip mech- anism we have calculated, the epicentre location from SIL, the locations of aftershocks recorded by a local network, which 0.32 signi®cantly differ from the Harvard centroid locations, and ®eldwork, we propose two scenarios. They involve secondary structures NW of the pull-apart, in a slip transfer zone between 0.27 two segments of the Haiyuan fault, which remains locked. Such 24 6810 12 1416 18 secondary faults are commonly observed at the ends of pull- Depth (km) aparts and dilational jogs, although geometries vary widely Figure 13. Partial residual function eh1h) as a function of depth. The 1see Zachariasen & Sieh 1995 and references therein). The minimum is for a depth around 6 km. occurrence of the earthquake close to a left step alongthe fault is probably not a coincidence. Previous studies 1most recently Kato et al. 1999) have shown that earthquakes can initiate where at depth. Some, however, are located as deep as 30 km. In any the fault trace has bends and jogs, particularly extensional case, the nearest regional seismic station likely to have recorded ones, such as pull-apart steps. We note that two other earth- these aftershocks being35±40 km distant from the Yongden quakes of Ml=5 and Ml=5.3 1the corresponding Ml for the epicentre, the aftershock depths are too poorly constrained to Tianzhu event is 5.6) occurred in 1956 and 1984, respectively help in either con®rmingor dismissingour interpretation. 1Chen et al. 1991), the former event c10 km southeast of the 1996 epicentre, possibly on another structure, and the latter c5 km north of it, possibly also on a cross-fault 1Fig. 1). Whether the Tianzhu event is due to a normal stress release in a 4 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS large fault bend area with no further implications, or whether it implies, together with the 2000 event, that the Haiyuan 4.1 Source parameters fault, after the 1986 and 1990 events 1Fig. 1), is already in the FTAN and joint inversion of surface wave amplitude spectra pre-seismic part of its seismic cycle 1Gaudemer et al. 1995), usingintermediate periods and polarities of P-wave ®rst motions precedinga future largerevent, remains unclear. prove remarkably ef®cient in calculatingthe focal mechanisms, We tentatively identify, for the ®rst time, a N100±105uE seismic moments and depths of the Tianzhu and Yongden south-dippingactive thrust north of the HuangShui river as moderate-sized earthquakes 1Mwc5.5, Msc5). We selected two the most likely source of the Yongden event, on the basis of the events for which Harvard CMT solutions had been calculated. calculated thrust focal mechanism, evidence of local tectonic The comparison between these CMT mechanisms and our uplift and of a N100uE geological contact, and the epicentral mechanisms is good. locations of the aftershocks recorded by the Chinese regional The in¯uence of velocity models on the estimates of source network. This thrust may be connected at depth with the strike- parameters has been tested. We repeated the inversion usingthe slip fault that runs south and west of Lanzhou over a total PREM model, instead of regional models, for all the receivers. length of perhaps 150 km, in part following the Huang Shui The results did not change signi®cantly, as already observed in river. Although further ®eld evidence of Holocene move- previous studies 1Gomez et al. 1997a). In order to estimate the ment on both faults is needed, attention should be paid to this separate contributions of surface wave amplitude spectra and secondary thrust±strike-slip fault system. While it cannot be P polarities on the ®nal solution, we performed the inversion compared, in terms of size and rate, to the Haiyuan fault usingsurface wave amplitude spectra only. For each event, system, it is much closer to Lanzhou, one of the largest cities of amongthe four equivalent solutions obtained in that case central China. A major historical event 1Mc7.2) is reported in 1Mendiguren 1977), one did not differ signi®cantly from the 1125 AD near Lanzhou 1Gu et al. 1989). This study suggests result of joint inversion of surface wave amplitude spectra that the fault system we have identi®ed could be associated and P-wave ®rst-motion polarities. Its resolution, however, was with this 1125 AD event. At a larger scale, the 1927 Mc8 much poorer than in the joint inversion. The azimuthal station earthquake 1Fig. 1) probably activated a similar system. It coverage was very good for both studied earthquakes. Finally, probably occurred on a deÂcollement, linkingat depth the the stability of our solutions in the case of a less favourable sinistral Haiyuan fault and the south-dippingthrusts bounding station distribution was tested. The inversion results did not the north ¯ank of the Qilian Shan 1Gaudemer et al. 1995). change signi®cantly by reducing by up to three the number of At an even greater scale, the whole Qilian Shan thrust system stations with good records of both Love and Rayleigh funda- branches off the strike-slip Kunlun fault at depth, through a mental modes, as longas the stations covered an azimuthal deÂcollement, before rootinginto a south-dippingsubduction range of at least 90u. zone 1Meyer et al. 1998). Such thrust±strike-slip systems thus The method presented here thus shows encouraging results. appear to be typical of the tectonics of northeastern Tibet at all It now has to be applied to a larger set of earthquakes to test its scales. The relationship between the Haiyuan and Lanzhou

# 2001 RAS, GJI 144, 206±220 218 C. Lasserre et al.

(a) 102˚ 30' 103˚ 30'

36˚ 30' 36˚ 30'

Datong He Gorge

MINHE Huang Shui



36˚ 00' 36˚ 00' 102˚ 30' 103˚ 30' Triassic Cambrian Quaternary Neogene - Jurassic - Precambrian Quaternary Cretaceous Magmatism uplifted terraces - Paleogene Ordovician - Metamorphism

(b) 102˚ 30' 102˚ 45' 103˚ 00' 103˚ 15' 103˚ 30' 103˚ 45'


36˚ 30' 36˚ 30'

36˚ 15' 36˚ 15'


36˚ 00' 36˚ 00' 102˚ 30' 102˚ 45' 103˚ 00' 103˚ 15' 103˚ 30' 103˚ 45' Depth ≠ 0 Harvard location: SIL location: Unknown depth

Distance along N15°E strike (km) (c) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 0 0 S-SW N-NE -5 -5

-10 -10

-15 ? -15 -20 -20 Depth (km) -25 ? -25 -30 -30

-35 -35 Figure 14. 1a) Geological map 1after Gansu Geological Bureau 1975) with active faults superimposed in the Yongden earthquake area 1see location in Fig. 1). 1b) Seismotectonic map of the same area. Black and white dots are aftershocks of the Yongden event located by SIL. Grey dot shows Harvard main shock location. White arrow points to narrow gorge 1see text). Topography is from 30 arc s Defense Mapping Agency DEM. 1c) Projection of aftershocks on N15uE-strikingvertical plane, perpendicular to ®rst nodal plane of our focal mechanism [point 10,0) is at latitude 36 uN, longitude 103uE]. View, in vertical section, of proposed model for rupture at depth, compatible with fault surface traces, our moment tensor solution and slip partitioningbetween coupled strike-slip and thrust faults. For consistency with aftershock depths, the main shock is plotted at the SIL depth of 8 km . fault systems, 100 km apart, needs further investigation. One ACKNOWLEDGMENTS may wonder whether triggering of the Yongden event might result from Coulomb stress increase due to the 20th century's This research was supported by the Institut Universitaire de major earthquakes alongthe Haiyuan fault, and what this France while BB and AM were visitingthe Institut de Physique might imply regarding the present seismic hazard near the du Globe de Paris. We thank the Institut National des Sciences Tianzhu seismic gap. de l'Univers, Centre National de la Recherche Scienti®que

# 2001 RAS, GJI 144, 206±220 Msc5 Tianzhu and Yongden events, China 219

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# 2001 RAS, GJI 144, 206±220 220 C. Lasserre et al.

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APPENDIX A: POLARITY SMOOTHING APPENDIX B: SELECTION AND BEFORE INVERSION UNCERTAINTY ON LOCATIONS OF TIANZHU EVENT AFTERSHOCKS We consider a set of nP-wave ®rst-motion polarities 1denoted +1 for compression and x1 for dilatation) observed at Three different velocity models were tested when running different seismic stations. We explore the space in all directions hypo71 1Lee & Lahr 1975): a reference regional velocity model from the source, by sectors of small solid angle, and count the from SIL and the same model but with the P and S velocities of number of compression and dilatation polarities in each sector. each layer increased by 5 per cent then decreased by 5 per cent. If the number of polarities of one of the two classes is In the end, we only kept aftershocks with at least seven P or S signi®cantly larger than the number of opposite polarities, traveltime readings available and call `best epicentres' those then the predominant polarity is attributed to the whole sector. whose epicentre locations remain stable within t2 km when If none of the two classes can be considered predominant changing the velocity structure, and for which the convergence 1the decision criteria for this are detailed below), no polarity criteria of hypo71 are low 1rms j0.25 s, erh and erz j2 km) is used in the source parameter inversion for this sector. This and `best hypocentres' those whose depths, in addition, remain procedure leads to smoothingof the initial polarity information. stable within t2 km. `Good epicentres' and `good hypocentres' We assume that, in each sector, polarities +1 and x1 are de®ned as above, replacing2 km by 5 km and 0.25 s rms by appear randomly with the same probability, 1/2. If this 0.4 s rms. Best and good epicentres are plotted in Fig. 81a).

# 2001 RAS, GJI 144, 206±220