Penn Institute for Economic Research Department of Economics University of Pennsylvania 3718 Locust Walk Philadelphia, PA 19104-6297
[email protected] PIER Working Paper 11-035 “Identification and Estimation of Stochastic Bargaining Models Fourth Version” by Antonio Merlo and Xun Tang Identification and Estimation of Stochastic Bargaining Models∗ Antonio Merlo† Xun Tang‡ Revised, October 2011 Abstract Stochastic sequential bargaining models (Merlo and Wilson (1995, 1998)) have found wide applications in different fields including political economy and macroeconomics due to their flexibility in explaining delays in reaching an agreement. This paper presents new results in nonparametric identification and estimation of such models under different data scenarios. Key words: Nonparametric identification and estimation, non-cooperative bargaining, stochastic sequential bargaining, rationalizable counterfactual outcomes. JEL codes: C14, C35, C73, C78. ∗We thank co-editor Jean-Marc Robin and three anonymous referees for their helpful suggestions. Steven Berry, Herman Bierens, Hanming Fang, Philip Haile, Isabelle Perrigne, Katja Seim, Elie Tamer, Petra Todd, Quang Vuong, Ken Wolpin and seminar and conference participants at several institutions provided useful comments. We thank Hulya Eraslan for sharing her data with us and Chamna Yoon for providing excellent research assistance. The usual disclaimer applies. †Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania, CEPR, CESifo and NBER,
[email protected]. ‡Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania,
[email protected]. 1 1 Introduction Starting with the seminal contributions of Stahl (1972) and Rubinstein (1982), noncooper- ative (or strategic) bargaining theory has flourished in the past thirty years. The original model of bilateral bargaining with alternating offers and complete information has been extended in a number of directions allowing for more general extensive forms, information structure and more than two players (e.g.