T. Koopman & Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir

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T. Koopman & Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir _crar ~cr- :xxh :2- -5: =-:.-:: 7' .ocr _o(ob -e __- ::Si2"a::-:cc--~ ,,::" JC' fC :::e;:: .--,: 2 Johann Sebastian BACH(1685-1750) COMPLETE CANTATAS/L'INTEGRALE DES CANTATES DAS KANTATENWERK . VOLUME 3 BARBARASCHLICK,CAROLINESTAM,RUTHHOLTON,ELSBONGERS,soprano ELISABETHYON MAGNUS, soprano If, alto ANDREASSCHOU,alto(BWV 54) PAULAGNEW,lenor KLAUSMERTENS,boss THE AMSTERDAM BAROQUE ORCHESTRA & CHOIR TON KOOPMAN 3 2 JohannSebastianBACH(1685-1750) COMPLETECANTATAS/L'INTEGRALEDESCANTATES DASKANTATENWERK VOLUME3 BARBARASCHLICK,CAROLINESTAM,RUTHHOLTON,ELSBONGERS,soprano ELISABETHVON MAGNUS,sopranoII, alto ANDREASSCHOU,alto (BWV 54) PAULAGNEW,lenor KLAUSMERTENS,boss THEAMSTERDAMBAROQUEORCHESTRA& CHOIR TON KOOPMAN 3 COMPACTDISC1 70'13 P~/ 5eite "Christen, iitzet diesen Tag" BWV 63 28'20 Feria 1 Nativitatis Christi For the 1st day. of Christmas/Pour Ie I~ jour de Noel/Erster Weihnachtstag Text: Anon., Johann Michael Heineccios (?). 171.8 Ruth Holton, soprano [I] Chorale (Chorus): "Christen, otzel diesen Ta~" £148 [43] Violins, Violas, Cel/o, Double bass, Oboes, Trumpets, Timpani, Bassoon, Organ W Recitative(Altol:"a seiger Tag! 0 ungemeines Heute" -< " [43J Violins, Violas, Cel/o, Double -bass, Organ OJ Duel (Soprano, Bassi: "Gott. du hast es wohl gefuget" v [45] Oboe, Cel/o, Organ ""':::,' m Recitative (Tenor): "So kehret sich nun heut das bange leid" [45] Cel/a, Organ []] Duet (Alto, Tenorl: "Run und flehl den Himmel an" [45] Violins, Violas, Cel/i, Double bass, Organ W Recitative(Bass): "Verdoppelt euch demnach" [45] Violins, Violas, Cel/i, Double bass, Oboes, Bassoon, Organ [[] Chorale (Chorus): "HOchsler,schau in Gnaden an" [47] Violins, Violas, Cel/i, Double bass, Oboes, Trumpets,Timpani Bossoor C>-F "Ach, ich sehe, ilzt, do ich zur Hachzeit gehe" BWV 162 16"22 Dominica 20 post Trinitatis For the 20th Sunday aner Trinity/Pour Ie 20' Dimanche ap<es Ie ~""" e. Am 20. Sonntag nach Trinitatis Text: Salomo Franck, 1715 (8-12); Johann Rosenmuller, '652 '3 Barbara Schlick, soprano rn Aria (Bass): "Ach, ich sehe, itzt, do ich zur Hochzeit gehe = _:: [47] Violins, Viola, Via/one, Bassoon, Organ m Recitative(Tenor):"a groBesHochzei~esl' :.: [47] Violone, Organ 4 UQJAria (Soprano): "Jesu, Brunnquell oller Gnaden" 3'25 (49] Violone, Organ [IT]Recitative IAltol: "Mein Jesu, loB mich nicht zur Hochzeil unbekleidet kommen" 1'38 [49] Violone, Organ [U] Aria [Duet] (Alto, Tenor): "In meinem Gall bin ich erfreut" 4'35 [51] Cel/o, Organ lliJ Chorale IChorusl "Ach, ich habe schon erblicket" 1'06 [51] Violins, Via/a, Cel/o, Violone, Bassoon, Organ "Mein Goff, wie lang', ach lange" BWV 155 13'14 Dominica 2 post Epiphanias , For the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany/Pour Ie 2' Dimanche apres l'Epiphanie Am 2 Sonnfag nach Epiphanias Text Salomon Franck, 1715 (14-17); Paul Speralus, 1524 (181 Caroline Stam, soprano [HJ Recitative ISopranal: "Mein GoII, wie lang, ach lange2" 1'55 [51] Coraline Stam, soprano Violins, Via/os, Via/one, Organ [li] Aria [DuetIIAlta, Tenarl: "Du muBt glauben, du muBt hoffen" 5'30 (53] Via/one, Bassoon, Organ ~ Recitative IBassl: "So sei, 0 Seele, sei zu!rieden" 1'57 [53] Via/one, Organ [j1] Aria ISopranol "Wirf, mein Herze, wir! dich noch" 2'51 [55J Via/ins, Via/a, Violone, Organ UID Chorale (Chorus) "Ob sichs anlieB, als wollt er nicht" 0'46 [55] Via/ins, Viola, Violone, Bassoon, Organ "Christen, alzet diesen Tag" (Appendix) BWV 63 U2J Duet (Soprano, Bass): "Christen, atzet diesen Tog" 6'42 [55] Ruth Holton, soprano Cel/o, Organ 5 "Ach, ich sehe, int, do ich zur Hochzeit gehe" (Appendix) 8WV 162 5'31 2CL Aria (Boss) "Ach, ich sehe, itzt,do ich zur Hochzeit gehe" 4'14 [57] Violins, Viola, Via/one, Como do lirarsi,Bas500n, Organ 121] Chorale IChorus}: "Ach, ich habe schon erblicket "1' 13 VIOlins, Via/a, Cello, Via/one, Como do lirarsi, Bassoon, Organ [57] COMPACT DISC 2 61'43 "Jesus nohm zu sich die Zwolfe" 8WV 22 DominicaEstomihi 16'24 For Quinquo~eSlmo/Pour Ie Dimanche Estomihi/Am Sonntag Estomihi Text:Anon. (2-4), luke 18, 31 and 34 II}; Elisabeth Creuziger, " HerrChrist, der einig Galles Sohn", 1524 (51 I Arioso & Chorus ITenor,BO$>,Chorusl: "Jesusnahm zu sich die Zwolle" 449 [57] Oboe, Vio/,ns, Via/os, Celli, Doub/e boss, Organ 2 i Aria(Altai:"MeinJesu,ziehemichnochdir" 44< [59] Oboe, Celli, Organ ! 3 J Recitative(Bossi: "Mein Jesu, ziehe mich" [59] Violins, V,olos, Celli, Double boss, Organ i 4 Aria ITenor): "Mein Alles in Allem" [59] Violins, Violas, Celli_ Doub/e boss, Organ Chorale IChorus} "Ertot uns durch dein G0te" [61J Oboe, V,olins, Via/os, Celli, Double boss, Bos500n, Organ "Du wohrer Gott und Davids Sohn" 8WV 23 16'40 Dominica estamihi For Quinquagcsima/Pour Ie Dimanche d'Estomihi/ Am Sonntag Estarn'" Text Anon. (6-81; Agnus dei, German, 1528 191 Barbaro Schlick, soprano ~ DuellSoprano, Altai: "Du wahrer Gall und Davids Sohn" ;611 Oboes d'ornore, Cello, Doub/e boss, Bassoon 6 --- 7 ! Recitative ITenor!: "Ach, gehe nicht voruber" 1'25 [61J Oboes d'amore, Violins, Violas, Celli, Double boss, Bassoon, Organ L§j (Tenor, Bass, Chorusl: "Aller Augen warten, Herr" 3'26 [63] Oboes d'omore, Violins, Violas, Celli, Double boss, Bossoon, Organ W Chorale IChorus): "Christe, du Lamm Golles" 4'25 [63] Oboes d'omore, Violins, Violas, Celli, Double boss, Bassoon, Cornett, Trombones, Organ "Nur Jedem dos Seine" 8WV 163 16'41 Dominica 23 post Trinitatis For the 23rd Sunday after Trinity/Pour Ie 23' Dimanche apres 10Trinile/ Am 23.. Sonntag nach Trinitalis Text Salomon Franck, 1715 110-14); Johann Heermann, 1630 (151 Els Bongers, soprano UQ: Aria (Tenor): "Nur jedem das Seine" 4'47 [63] Violins, Viola, Cello, Organ J.1J Recitative (Bass) "Du bist, mein Goll" 1'27 [65] Cello, Organ [IT Aria (Bass) "LaBmeinHerz die Munze sein" 3'46 [65] Cello, Violone, Organ 1131Recitative ISoprano, Altol: "Ich wellte dir, a Gall" 2'33 [65J Cello, Organ 3' 13 I ill Ana ISoprano, Altol "Nimm mich mir und gib mich dir" [671 Eis Bongers, soprano Violins, Viola, Cello, Organ OJ:: Chorale (Chorusl "Fuhr ouch mein Herz und Sinn" 0'42 [67J Violins, Viola, Cello, Violone, Organ "0 heilges Geist- und Wosserbad" 8WV 165 11'56 Festo Trinitalis For the Feast of Trinity/Pour 10Trinite/ Am Trinitotisfest Text: Salomon Franck, 1715 116-20); Ludwig Helmbold, 1575 (211 7 ~ Aria (Sopranol: "0 heilges Geist- und Wasserbod" 2'34 [67] Caroline Starn, soprano Violins, Viola, Cello, Bassoon ~ Recitative(Boss):"Die sundige Geburl verdammter Adorns Erben" 1'17 [691 Cel/o, Organ ~ Aria (Altai: "Jesu, der aus groBer Liebe" 2'12 [69] Cel/o, Organ ITIJ Recitative(Boss):"Ich habe, ia, mein Seelenbrduligam" 2'00 [69] Violins, Viola, Cel/o, Bassoon, Organ ~OJ Aria (Tenor: "Jesu, meines Todes Tod" 307 [71] Violin,Celo,!. Organ [1IJ Chorale (Chorus): "Sein Worl, sein Tauf,sein Nachtmahl" 04' [71] Violins, Viola, Cel/o, Bassoon, Organ COMPACT DISC 3 63'28 "Wiclerstehe doch der Siinde" BWV 54 11'06 Dominica Oculi For the 3rd Sunday in lent/Pour Ie Dimanche Oculi! Am Sonntag Oculi text: Georg Christian lehms, 171 1 Andreas Scholl, alto [I] Aria (Alto): "Widerstehe doch der Sunde" 65 :73J Via/ins, Violas, Violone, Organ , W Recitative (Altai: "Die Art verruchter Sunden" J3] Via/one, Organ ""'- CI: Aria (Alto): oWer Sunde tut, der ist vom Teufel" 73] Violins, Violas, Violone, Organ "Komm, du siiBe Todesstunde" BWV 161 18'48 Dominica 16 post Trinitatis/Festo Purificolionis Mariae For the 16th Sunday after Trinily/For the Feast of the Purification/Pour Ie '6 J ~:)-c-~ apres 10 Trinite et pour 10 Fete de 10 Purification de Marie/Am 16, Soootag nee" - - ':" , Zu Mariae Reinigung Text: Salomon Fronek, 1715 (4-8); Christoph Knoll, 1611 (91 8 W Aria IAltal: "Komm,du suBeTodesstunde" 4'57 [75J Recorders, Cel/o, Organ LIJRecitativoITenor):"Welt, deine LustistLost" ]'54 [75J Cel/o,Organ W Aria (Tenorl:"Mein Verlangenistden Heilandzu umfongen" 5'20 [75J Violins, Viola, Cel/o, Violone, Organ [L RecitativeIAltol "DerSchluBistschongemacht" 2'09 [77J Recorders, VIOlins,Viola, Cel/o, Violone, Orgon [8--,Chorus:"Wenn es meinesGalles Wille" 3'0] [77] Recorders, Vio/'ns, Violas, Cel/i, Violone, Organ [JJ Chorale IChorus): "Der Leib zwor in der Erden" ]'11 [77] Recorders, Violins, Viola, Cel/o, Violone, Organ "Wasmirbehag!,is!nurdie muntreJagd"BWV208 33'34 Hunting Cantata lor the Birthday 01 Duke Christian 01 Saxe-Weissenfels/Cantate de 10Chasse pour I'anniversaire du duc Christian de Saxe-Weissenfels/Jagdkantate zum Geburtstage des Herzog Chris- tian Zu Sachsen WeiBenfels Barbaro Schlick, soprano I/Elisabeth van Magnus, soprano/I UQJ Recitative ISoprano 'I: "Was mir behagt, is! nur die muntre Jagd" 0'32 [79J Cel/o, Harpsichord OJ]Aria (Soprano I): "Jagen ist die Lustder Goller ]'59 [79J Cel/o, Double-boss, Horns, Bassoon, Harpsichord ITI.J Recitative (Tenor): "Wie, schonste Gollin, wie?" ]'07 [79J Cel/o, Harpsichord ITIJ Aria ITenor}: "Wi list du dich nicht mehr ergotzen" 4'59 [79] Cel/o, Harpsichord ITiJ Recitative (Soprano, Tenorl "Ich liebe dich zwar nocht" 2']4 [81] Cel/o, Harpsichord 9 llsJ Recitative (Bass): "Ich, der ich sanst ein Gaff in diesen Feldern bin" {)'30 [81] Cel/o, Harpsichord ~ Aria (Bassi: "Ein Furstis! seines landes Pan" 2'59 [83] Oboes, Bassoon, Harpsichord JlJ RecitativeISopranoII): "Solidann der PalesOpfer hierdas letztesein?" 0'36 [83J Cel/o, Harpsichord ~ Aria (Soprano II): "Schafe k6nnen sicher weiden wo ein guter Hirte wacht" 4'OB [83J ,~ecorders, Cel/o, Harpsichord [li] Recitative ISoprano II: "So stimmt mit ein" 0'09 [831 Cel/o, Harpsichord :IQJ ChoruslSopranaI & II,Tenor,Bass,Chorus):"lebe, SonnedieserErden" 2'30 [83] Violins, Violas, Cel/i, Double bass, Oboes, Horns, Harpsichord
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