||||||||III USOO5616618A United States Patent 19 11 Patent Number: 5,616,618 Takagi 45) Date of Patent: Apr
||||||||III USOO5616618A United States Patent 19 11 Patent Number: 5,616,618 Takagi 45) Date of Patent: Apr. 1, 1997 54) THREO-3-(3,4-DHYDROXYPHENYL)SERINE 56) References Cited ANALGESC COMPOSITION U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (75) Inventor: Hiroshi Takagi, Kyoto, Japan 4,529,603 7/1985 Mori et al. .............................. 514/565 4,647,587 3/1987 Katsube et al. ......................... 514/567 73 Assignee: Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals Company, Limited, Osaka, Japan FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 32540 9/1974 Japan. 21 Appl. No.: 495,480 125630 10/1977 Japan. 22, PCT Filed: Jan. 28, 1994 67420 4/1985 Japan. Primary Examiner-Rebecca Cook 86 PCT No.: PCT/P94/00120 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Sughrue, Mion, Zinn, Macpeak & S371 Date: Jul. 24, 1995 Seas S 102(e) Date: Jul. 24, 1995 57 ABSTRACT 87 PCT Pub. No.: WO94/16689 Threo-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)serine exhibits an analgesic effect against acute pains and chronic or continuous pains. PCT Pub. Date: Aug. 4, 1994 Therefore, threo-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)serine is effective for the treatment of diseases with pains such as postopera (30) Foreign Application Priority Data tive pain, headache, migraine, pains accompanied by rheu Jan. 29, 1993 JP Japan .................................... 5-034366 matism, post-herpes neuralgia, cancerous pain, pains asso ciated with cervico-omo-brachial syndrome, shoulder (51] Int. Cl." ......................... AON 37/12; A61K 31/195 periarthritis, spinal distortion, and spondylosis deformans. I52 U.S. Cl. ...................................................... 54/567 58 Field of Search ............................................... 514/567 4 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Apr. 1, 1997 Sheet 1 of 5 5,616,618 - 4 Tes r 3 r Gld 2 > 3 s s-d 2- (n-3) (ries) (n=5) (n5) O - 22,Y --'os-to-air 22 TIME AFTER DOPS D O P S C mg/kg ) ADMINISTRATION (hour) F.
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