City of Union City Hudson County, New Jersey Board of Commissioners
CITY OF UNION CITY HUDSON COUNTY, NEW JERSEY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS : : TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDED REGULAR MEETING : _ : PROCEEDINGS Colin Powell Elementary School 1500 New York Avenue Union City, New Jersey May 20, 2014 Commencing at 7:09 p.m. M E M B E R S P R E S E N T: BRIAN P. STACK, MAYOR LUCIO P. FERNANDEZ, COMMISSIONER MARYURY A. MARTINETTI, COMMISSIONER CELIN J. VALDIVIA, COMMISSIONER TILO E. RIVAS, COMMISSIONER M E M B E R S A B S E N T: A L S O P R E S E N T: DOMINICK CANTATORE, ACTING CITY CLERK SCARINCI HOLLENBECK BY: CHRISTINE M. VANEK, ESQ. Corporation Counsel GREGORY T. FARMER, ESQ. Attorney for the Union City Alcohol Beverage Control Commission 2 I N D E X PAGE CALL TO ORDER 3 SALUTE TO FLAG 5 CEREMONIAL ADMINISTRATION OF OATHS OF OFFICE 3 REGULAR AGENDA 27 CONSENT AGENDA 33 OPPORTUNITY FOR CITIZENS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD 30,35 ADJOURNMENT 36 3 1 ACTING CITY CLERK: Good evening, everyone. 2 This is the Regular Public Meeting of the 3 Union City Board of Commissioners, being held on 4 Tuesday, May 20th, 2014, at seven p.m., at the 5 Colin Powell Elementary School, 1500 New York 6 Avenue, Union City, New Jersey. 7 This meeting has been called in accordance 8 with Chapter 231, Public Law of 1975, the Open 9 Public Meeting Act. Adequate notice of this 10 meeting has been provided as follows: 11 Notice of the meeting setting forth the 12 time, date, location, and the agenda, to the 13 extent known, was forwarded to The Jersey 14 Journal, The Record, The Hudson Reporter, has 15 been posted on bulletin board in City Hall and 16 has been made available to the public in the 17 office of the Municipal Clerk.
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