Corps of Engineers personnel. Engineers of Corps

If violators are observed, report the violation immediately to the local authorities or to to or authorities local the to immediately violation the report observed, are violators If

and coastal our protect to helping in effective been has which square 217 include of rivers coastal himself.The man

reservations. accept Barview except parks *All (including vehicles) used in connection with a violation. a with connection in used vehicles) (including

program permit a administers also Corps nationally.The and to eventually and birds shore clams, insects, shrimp, worms, $100,000, imprisonment of not more than five years, and forfeiture of all equipment equipment all of forfeiture and years, five than more not of imprisonment $100,000,

remove artifacts from federal land. Violators are subject to a fine of not more than than more not of fine a to subject are Violators land. federal from artifacts remove

locally both research, in involved actively is Corps the addition, snails, through follows and organisms microscopic with starts Park State Beach Harris Brookings River Chetco Park State Memorial Honeyman Florence River Siuslaw

Under the Archeological Resources Protection Act of 1979, it is illegal to excavate or or excavate to illegal is it 1979, of Act Protection Resources Archeological the Under

In environment. natural the on dredging of impact the minimize chain The chain. food the in links important are that life marine Park State Mountain Humbug Beach Gold River Rogue Park State Beach South Newport Bay Yaquina

to followed are procedures Special habitat. life marine and of forms many for grounds spawning and feeding unique is also apply in Corps areas. Corps in apply also

Park State Mountain Humbug Orford Port Orford Port Park State Beach Beverly Bay Depoe Bay Depoe

the project most frequently used by the public. All other federal, state and local laws laws local and state federal, other All public. the by used frequently most project the

wildlife enhance or provide to utilized are materials dredging result The growth. vegitation abundant allow to waters tidal low

Park State Beach Bullards Bandon River Coquille (County) Park Jetty Barview Garibaldi Bay Tillamook

36, Chapter III, of the Code of Federal Regulations and are on display in the areas of of areas the in display on are and Regulations Federal of Code the of III, Chapter 36,

interest. possible, Whenever comment. and scrutiny public to open is - shal penetrates radiation solar places many In materials. waste

Federal rules and regulations concerning public use of this area are set forth in Title Title in forth set are area this of use public concerning regulations and rules Federal Park State Bay Sunset Empire Bay Coos Park State Bay Nehalem Wheeler River Nehalem

public the in be would permit the if determine to public, the by and agencies, fishery and environmental state and federal by removes flows water fresh the while ocean the from oxygen

Park State Lighthouse Umpqua Reedsport River Umpqua Park State Stevens Fort Astoria River Columbia

environment. natural our of conservation and agencies, local and state federal, by submitted comments reviewed carefully is Corps the by activity dredging proposed All and nutrients of supplies rich in pump tides the Here, water.

Nearest Overnight Park* Overnight Nearest town Nearest Location Project Park* Overnight Nearest town Nearest Location Project

with development balanced a providing to committed equally is including information, known the of light in evaluated is tion navigation. recreational and commercial to open harbors coastal fresh with mingles water salt ocean where area the all includes

Corps the resources, water nation’s our developing with Along - applica permit Each permit. a for Corps the to apply first must Oregon’s keep to program dredging Engineers’ of Corps the is estuary An animals. and plants of number large a of cycles

activities. outdoor other many and sunbathing

States, United the of waters into material fill or dredged place this accomplish to taken being actively efforts of example An life the in function vital often and unique a perform Estuaries

picnicking, allow jetties near Beaches areas. jetty many in

nationwide. projects resource water 2,000 nearly to or waters, navigable in dredge or build to wishing Anyone

boats from done be may crabs for Fishing flounder. and perch

manages Corps the Today, program. recreation extensive an considerations. environmental to extends now it only; interests ecosystems. unique development. their in stages ent

cod, include fish Year-round anchovy. and trout steelhead plus

operates and wetlands, and waters navigable in development navigational at aimed was authority original Corps’ The 1977. of these of use man-made and natural between reached be must - differ at ecosystems two these between move species marine

salmon, sockeye and coho chinook, of runs fish anadromous

regulates industry, and cities to water supplies hydropower, ates Act Water Clean the and waters, navigable in construction and balance considered carefully a therefore areas; recreation and Many rivers. coastal the of estuaries the in found is other the

includes This coast. the on found fishing onshore best the of

- gener Corps the missions, these with Along erosion. beach ling dredging with deals which 1899, of Act Harbor and River the harbors commercial important contains area same this of Much and Ocean, Pacific the of waters offshore vast the includes One

some provide jetties traffic, foot to hazardous often Although

- control and damage flood reducing navigation, river and ports from come program this for authorities The environments. river asset. ecological priceless a provide which estuaries of miles environments. marine distinct two embraces region coastal The


improving in involved been has Corps the then, Since gation.

- navi river improving for money appropriated first Congress U.S. environment


projects. jetty Corps to

the when 1824 in began program resource water Corps’ The

adjacent or near located are parks the of number A scenery. lar

- spectacu of sites at are these of Many camping. overnight and

emergencies. national

day-use both for coastline the on parks 50 than more maintains

during performance and capabilities Corps’ the to critical skills

Oregon of state The fishing. ocean to sightseeing from ranging

engineering of range broad a maintain to serve also program

pasttimes for annually visitors million 28 estimated an draws It

works civil its under projects water of challenge and variety The

beauty. rugged its for famous been long has coast Oregon The

agency. management and development resources water largest

government’s federal the is Engineers of Corps Army U.S. The recreation

recreation activities recreation the corps the about the corps the about

Public Information: Dredging U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Oregon Portland District Although jetties stabilize ocean entrances, they do not solve the P.O. Box 2946 Costal problem entirely. In order to keep them clear, dredging is neces- Portland, OR 97208-2946 sary. A navigation channel provides a deep water path through

2005 US Army Corps Harbors the river bar and upstream to port areas. Each year from May of Engineers R through October, the Corps removes ten million cubic yards of Portland District sediment from coastal river channels.

jettiesjetties and navigational channels Dredging is accomplished primarily with two types of vessels, In the early 1800s, navigation from the ocean into the coastal both of which vacuum sediment off the bottom with a powerful rivers was extremely dangerous and often impossible. Each suction device. Hopper dredges fill internal compartments with river accumulated large quantities of sand and sediment at its dredged material and dump it at sea or in deep-water areas. mouth, building up a very shallow area called a bar. The main Pipeline dredges transport the dredged material through large river channel shifted constantly through the bar, making it both pipes to sites on shore where the material is deposited. hazardous and difficult to find deep enough water for a safe safety tips crossing. At the Columbia River mouth alone, hundreds of A hopper dredge acts as a huge vacuum cleaner sucking mate- safety ships were lost when they ran aground trying to find the elusive rial off the harbor bottom. (1) The suction comes from large harbors, ports and commerce main channel. Obviously, this was a serious impediment to the dredge pumps which then route the material through pipes into Beaches and Jetties harbors growth of waterborne commerce on the coast. the hoppers. Here, the solid material sinks to the bottom of the • The seaward ends of jetties present danger from large waves, hoppers while the excess water runs off and is piped back to even in calm weather. A single ocean wave can hit with a The Army Corps of Engineers has been active on the waterways Typical Jetty Section sea. The hoppers are sealed off from the rest of the ship so force of 20 tons. Algae makes many of the rocks slippery. of the Oregon coast since 1866, when Congress initiated a se- The problem was reduced when the U.S. Army Corps of En- they can be opened from the bottom to deposit the material in • Swimming in the surf can be treacherous due to powerful ries of River and Harbor Acts which made the Corps responsible gineers constructed a series of jetties on all the major coastal pre-selected deep-water areas. (2) currents and extreme cold. Watch for deep water, sinkholes for developing and maintaining all officially designated federal rivers. The purpose of a jetty is to concentrate and accelerate and outgoing tides. waterways, including Oregon’s ten major coastal rivers. Early water flow at the mouth of a river. This concentrated water flow 1 • Many dangerous cliffs and dropoffs are not fenced, so be Corps works included fortifications as well as public works. Fort scours out shallow sand deposits and stabilizes the river chan- especially careful in these areas. Stevens was constructed just south of the Columbia River in nel. When combined with periodic dredging, jetties provide a • Don’t play on or near beach logs. Waves can move them 1963. It was shelled by a Japanese submarine in 1942, making safe route from ocean to river. quickly and unexpectedly. it the only U.S. continental fort to be fired on in the last 160 • The Oregon State Police has cadet policemen patrolling the years. The Corps also constructed several of the early light- beaches and state parks during the summer. Their vehicles houses on the coast. carry first aid equipment. To date, the Corps has constructed 22 jetties on the ten major Dredges rivers plus accompanying navigation channels on nine of them. Total length of these jetties is 28 miles. Individual lengths range • Pipeline dredges are held by anchor lines marked by buoys. Class B Stone Ground Line Avoid both the lines and the dredge itself. from the 6.6-mile long Columbia south jetty to the one-fourth- Class A Stone Class C Stone Bedding Material • Hopper dredges constantly maneuver. Do not pass in front or mile long north jetty at Chetco. The jetties contain more than 2 cut in close. Large vessels cannot stop or turn easily. 25 million tons of rock and concrete fill. The current value of Jetty construction starts with a bed of rocks being placed on the these projects is more than $150 million. The Corps has also ocean floor. Larger boulders are placed on top of this bed to Boating constructed breakwaters and entrance channels for 12 small form the main body of the jetty. Progressively larger boulders • Always consult weather information before departing. boat basins in various coastal harbors, a breakwater at Port are used toward the jetty’s seaward end where wave action is • Become familiar with all aids to navigation. Orford, and the harbor entrance and boat basin at Depoe Bay. most powerful. Here, rocks as heavy as 30 tons are placed to • Use extreme caution when crossing a bar. Consult tide tables Since the Corps plays an important role in the development of resist the perpetual onslaught of the sea. Prior to the 1950s, and try to cross on a flood tide or slack period. coastal waterways, it continually participates in environmental jetty rocks were hauled to the placement site by railroad dump • Know proper procedures for navigating in fog. planning for the coast region, both through its own studies and cars. Now, they are hauled by truck and placed by a large mov- • Know all the accepted ways of sending a distress signal. in cooperation with local, state, and federal agencies. able crane.

Corps of Engineers personnel. Engineers of Corps

If violators are observed, report the violation immediately to the local authorities or to to or authorities local the to immediately violation the report observed, are violators If

and coastal our protect to helping in effective been has which square 217 include Oregon of rivers coastal himself.The man

reservations. accept Barview except parks *All (including vehicles) used in connection with a violation. a with connection in used vehicles) (including

program permit a administers also Corps nationally.The and to eventually and birds shore clams, insects, shrimp, worms, $100,000, imprisonment of not more than five years, and forfeiture of all equipment equipment all of forfeiture and years, five than more not of imprisonment $100,000,

remove artifacts from federal land. Violators are subject to a fine of not more than than more not of fine a to subject are Violators land. federal from artifacts remove

locally both research, in involved actively is Corps the addition, snails, through follows and organisms microscopic with starts Park State Beach Harris Brookings River Chetco Park State Memorial Honeyman Florence River Siuslaw

Under the Archeological Resources Protection Act of 1979, it is illegal to excavate or or excavate to illegal is it 1979, of Act Protection Resources Archeological the Under

In environment. natural the on dredging of impact the minimize chain The chain. food the in links important are that life marine Park State Mountain Humbug Beach Gold River Rogue Park State Beach South Newport Bay Yaquina

to followed are procedures Special habitat. life marine and of forms many for grounds spawning and feeding unique is also apply in Corps areas. Corps in apply also

Park State Mountain Humbug Orford Port Orford Port Park State Beach Beverly Bay Depoe Bay Depoe

the project most frequently used by the public. All other federal, state and local laws laws local and state federal, other All public. the by used frequently most project the

wildlife enhance or provide to utilized are materials dredging result The growth. vegitation abundant allow to waters tidal low

Park State Beach Bullards Bandon River Coquille (County) Park Jetty Barview Garibaldi Bay Tillamook

36, Chapter III, of the Code of Federal Regulations and are on display in the areas of of areas the in display on are and Regulations Federal of Code the of III, Chapter 36,

interest. possible, Whenever comment. and scrutiny public to open is - shal penetrates radiation solar places many In materials. waste

Federal rules and regulations concerning public use of this area are set forth in Title Title in forth set are area this of use public concerning regulations and rules Federal Park State Bay Sunset Empire Bay Coos Park State Bay Nehalem Wheeler River Nehalem

public the in be would permit the if determine to public, the by and agencies, fishery and environmental state and federal by removes flows water fresh the while ocean the from oxygen

Park State Lighthouse Umpqua Reedsport River Umpqua Park State Stevens Fort Astoria River Columbia

environment. natural our of conservation and agencies, local and state federal, by submitted comments reviewed carefully is Corps the by activity dredging proposed All and nutrients of supplies rich in pump tides the Here, water.

Nearest Overnight Park* Overnight Nearest town Nearest Location Project Park* Overnight Nearest town Nearest Location Project

with development balanced a providing to committed equally is including information, known the of light in evaluated is tion navigation. recreational and commercial to open harbors coastal fresh with mingles water salt ocean where area the all includes

Corps the resources, water nation’s our developing with Along - applica permit Each permit. a for Corps the to apply first must Oregon’s keep to program dredging Engineers’ of Corps the is estuary An animals. and plants of number large a of cycles

activities. outdoor other many and sunbathing

States, United the of waters into material fill or dredged place this accomplish to taken being actively efforts of example An life the in function vital often and unique a perform Estuaries

picnicking, allow jetties near Beaches areas. jetty many in

nationwide. projects resource water 2,000 nearly to or waters, navigable in dredge or build to wishing Anyone

boats from done be may crabs for Fishing flounder. and perch

manages Corps the Today, program. recreation extensive an considerations. environmental to extends now it only; interests ecosystems. unique development. their in stages ent

cod, include fish Year-round anchovy. and trout steelhead plus

operates and wetlands, and waters navigable in development navigational at aimed was authority original Corps’ The 1977. of these of use man-made and natural between reached be must - differ at ecosystems two these between move species marine

salmon, sockeye and coho chinook, of runs fish anadromous

regulates industry, and cities to water supplies hydropower, ates Act Water Clean the and waters, navigable in construction and balance considered carefully a therefore areas; recreation and Many rivers. coastal the of estuaries the in found is other the

includes This coast. the on found fishing onshore best the of

- gener Corps the missions, these with Along erosion. beach ling dredging with deals which 1899, of Act Harbor and River the harbors commercial important contains area same this of Much and Ocean, Pacific the of waters offshore vast the includes One

some provide jetties traffic, foot to hazardous often Although

- control and damage flood reducing navigation, river and ports from come program this for authorities The environments. river asset. ecological priceless a provide which estuaries of miles environments. marine distinct two embraces region coastal The


improving in involved been has Corps the then, Since gation.

- navi river improving for money appropriated first Congress U.S. environment


projects. jetty Corps to

the when 1824 in began program resource water Corps’ The

adjacent or near located are parks the of number A scenery. lar

- spectacu of sites at are these of Many camping. overnight and

emergencies. national

day-use both for coastline the on parks 50 than more maintains

during performance and capabilities Corps’ the to critical skills

Oregon of state The fishing. ocean to sightseeing from ranging

engineering of range broad a maintain to serve also program

pasttimes for annually visitors million 28 estimated an draws It

works civil its under projects water of challenge and variety The

beauty. rugged its for famous been long has coast Oregon The

agency. management and development resources water largest

government’s federal the is Engineers of Corps Army U.S. The recreation

recreation activities recreation the corps the about the corps the about

Public Information: Dredging U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Oregon Portland District Although jetties stabilize ocean entrances, they do not solve the P.O. Box 2946 Costal problem entirely. In order to keep them clear, dredging is neces- Portland, OR 97208-2946 sary. A navigation channel provides a deep water path through

2005 US Army Corps Harbors the river bar and upstream to port areas. Each year from May of Engineers R through October, the Corps removes ten million cubic yards of Portland District sediment from coastal river channels.

jettiesjetties and navigational channels Dredging is accomplished primarily with two types of vessels, In the early 1800s, navigation from the ocean into the coastal both of which vacuum sediment off the bottom with a powerful rivers was extremely dangerous and often impossible. Each suction device. Hopper dredges fill internal compartments with river accumulated large quantities of sand and sediment at its dredged material and dump it at sea or in deep-water areas. mouth, building up a very shallow area called a bar. The main Pipeline dredges transport the dredged material through large river channel shifted constantly through the bar, making it both pipes to sites on shore where the material is deposited. hazardous and difficult to find deep enough water for a safe safety tips crossing. At the Columbia River mouth alone, hundreds of A hopper dredge acts as a huge vacuum cleaner sucking mate- safety ships were lost when they ran aground trying to find the elusive rial off the harbor bottom. (1) The suction comes from large harbors, ports and commerce main channel. Obviously, this was a serious impediment to the dredge pumps which then route the material through pipes into Beaches and Jetties harbors growth of waterborne commerce on the coast. the hoppers. Here, the solid material sinks to the bottom of the • The seaward ends of jetties present danger from large waves, hoppers while the excess water runs off and is piped back to even in calm weather. A single ocean wave can hit with a The Army Corps of Engineers has been active on the waterways Typical Jetty Section sea. The hoppers are sealed off from the rest of the ship so force of 20 tons. Algae makes many of the rocks slippery. of the Oregon coast since 1866, when Congress initiated a se- The problem was reduced when the U.S. Army Corps of En- they can be opened from the bottom to deposit the material in • Swimming in the surf can be treacherous due to powerful ries of River and Harbor Acts which made the Corps responsible gineers constructed a series of jetties on all the major coastal pre-selected deep-water areas. (2) currents and extreme cold. Watch for deep water, sinkholes for developing and maintaining all officially designated federal rivers. The purpose of a jetty is to concentrate and accelerate and outgoing tides. waterways, including Oregon’s ten major coastal rivers. Early water flow at the mouth of a river. This concentrated water flow 1 • Many dangerous cliffs and dropoffs are not fenced, so be Corps works included fortifications as well as public works. Fort scours out shallow sand deposits and stabilizes the river chan- especially careful in these areas. Stevens was constructed just south of the Columbia River in nel. When combined with periodic dredging, jetties provide a • Don’t play on or near beach logs. Waves can move them 1963. It was shelled by a Japanese submarine in 1942, making safe route from ocean to river. quickly and unexpectedly. it the only U.S. continental fort to be fired on in the last 160 • The Oregon State Police has cadet policemen patrolling the years. The Corps also constructed several of the early light- beaches and state parks during the summer. Their vehicles houses on the coast. carry first aid equipment. To date, the Corps has constructed 22 jetties on the ten major Dredges rivers plus accompanying navigation channels on nine of them. Total length of these jetties is 28 miles. Individual lengths range • Pipeline dredges are held by anchor lines marked by buoys. Class B Stone Ground Line Avoid both the lines and the dredge itself. from the 6.6-mile long Columbia south jetty to the one-fourth- Class A Stone Class C Stone Bedding Material • Hopper dredges constantly maneuver. Do not pass in front or mile long north jetty at Chetco. The jetties contain more than 2 cut in close. Large vessels cannot stop or turn easily. 25 million tons of rock and concrete fill. The current value of Jetty construction starts with a bed of rocks being placed on the these projects is more than $150 million. The Corps has also ocean floor. Larger boulders are placed on top of this bed to Boating constructed breakwaters and entrance channels for 12 small form the main body of the jetty. Progressively larger boulders • Always consult weather information before departing. boat basins in various coastal harbors, a breakwater at Port are used toward the jetty’s seaward end where wave action is • Become familiar with all aids to navigation. Orford, and the harbor entrance and boat basin at Depoe Bay. most powerful. Here, rocks as heavy as 30 tons are placed to • Use extreme caution when crossing a bar. Consult tide tables Since the Corps plays an important role in the development of resist the perpetual onslaught of the sea. Prior to the 1950s, and try to cross on a flood tide or slack period. coastal waterways, it continually participates in environmental jetty rocks were hauled to the placement site by railroad dump • Know proper procedures for navigating in fog. planning for the coast region, both through its own studies and cars. Now, they are hauled by truck and placed by a large mov- • Know all the accepted ways of sending a distress signal. in cooperation with local, state, and federal agencies. able crane. Baker Bay Nehalem Bay Nehalem Bay Barview Is. FEET FEET State Park Jetty Park 0 5,000 10,000 1 Columbia River 0 5,000 10,000 Lazarus Smith Lake

Ft. Canby Sand Island Oregon Astoria Garibaldi Lewis & Clark River Youngs River Peacock Spit 101 Klaskanine River Cape 401 Wheeler Coastal Seaside Disappointment Cannon Beach Washington

Necanicum Miami Cove

River Point e 101 o Harbors l 26 che Brighton n Bay City Ki Nehalem River 30 2 As er v t Clatsop oria Bridge 6 Spit Wilson Ri Pacific Ocean Columbia River 3 FEET 0 3,000 6,000 Tillamook Bay Trask River 8

Portland F Tillamook t. S tevens 101 101 Cape Mears Nestuc Hammond ca Riv er 18 5

L. Nestucc River Oregon Astoria a 18 Crescent Lake

Lincoln City Salem 1 Columbia River Warrenton Youngs Bay 2 Nehalem Bay 3 Tillamook Bay Tillamook 22 101

FEET FEET FEET 4 Depoe Bay 0 15 30 0 2,000 4,000 0 1,000 2,000 Siletz River Newport 5 Albany 20 Yaquina River

Depoe Bay 101 34 Waldport Yaquina Bay Sand 5 Dunes

Yachats River Marine Science Center Oregon State University


101 Lake Marie

Springfield South Beach 6 126 101 Florence Eugene Florence

Suislaw River Umpqua Depoe Lighthouse State Park Creek Pacific Ocean South Beach State Park 7 Reedsport Siuslaw River

38 Clear Lake

r Honeyman State Park r 4 Depoe Bay 5 Yaquina Bay FEET 6 Siuslaw River 7 Umpqua River e iv R 3 miles licoma Rive a North Mil qu 0 1,000 2,000 mp Bend U 8 FEET FEET FEET Coos 0 6,000 12,000 0 1,000 2,000 0 2,000 4,000 Bullards Beach Bay S.Fk. 101 State Park 101

Roseburg Coquille River Chetco Boat Basin Coquille River

9 Chetco River Bandon Pacific Ocean

42 101

North Slough

Sixes River Pacific Brookings Port Orford Coquille River 10 9 Bandon Ocean Elk River

FEET 101 North 0 7,500 15,000

ver Bend 101 Ri ue Port Orford g Ro North Spit Empire Rock Reef Grants Pass Gold Beach Gold Beach 11 The Heads Coos Bay Coos Bay Medford 101 Chetco River 199

Pacific Ocean MILES 0 15 30 12 Brookings Charleston 8 Coos Bay 10 Port Orford 11 Rogue River 12 Chetco River FEET Boat Basin 0 400 800 South Slough