South Coast 99
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SOUTH COAST 99 100 101 ugged and largely undeveloped, the south coast of Oregon lures birders to a Reedsport 102 Rplace where wildlife seldom encounters people. The highest density of off- mpqua River Lighthouse 38 shore rocks and islands, habitat for 1.2 million nesting seabirds and protected as 103 Eel Lake part of the Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge, is seen along this stretch N. Tenmile Lake of the coast. The area identified as America’s Wild Rivers Coast begins in Port Tenmile Lake Orford and extends 101 miles south to Klamath, California. This is a place where 101 106 eight of America’s most beautiful wild and scenic rivers tumble down through towering forests of Douglas-fir, Port Orford cedar, myrtlewood, and redwoods. 104 As these rivers flow to the Pacific Ocean, they pass through quiet, historic water- North Bend front towns with picturesque working ports, vibrant art communities, and more Coos River Cape Arago Lighthouse 105 parks per mile than anywhere in the country. The area is also home to the Siski- Coos you National Forest, which boasts habitats ranging from active sand dunes and 107-111 Bay tidally influenced estuaries to wind-swept headlands and ancient forests. Don’t miss the South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve near Charles- ton with its 5,000 acres of saltwater marshes and mixed conifer forest that attract 112 Coquille ork Band-tailed Pigeon and Wrentit. In April and August Bandon Marsh National 113 th F Coquille River 115 114 Nor Wildlife Refuge is a hotspot that attracts rare shorebirds in addition to providing Coquille River Lighthouse Coquille River a feeding and resting stopover for thousands of migrating Pacific Golden-Plo- 116-119 42s ver, Dunlin and Whimbrel. A journey through the majestic old-growth trees of Bandon Humbug Mountain to hear Hermit Warbler and a scan of the open ocean for Myrtle Point Red-throated Loon and White-winged Scoter from Cape Sebastian can be part 42 Remote 120 Middle F of your memorable birding experience. ork 101 To Roseburg 121 Floras Lake 99. Tahkenitch Dunes/ 100. Stowe Marsh/Smith South Cape Blanco Lighthouse Powers 122 Threemile Lake Trails River Road Fork 123 Sixes From Hwy 101 in Reedsport, drive From Hwy 101 in Reedsport, drive N Sixes River N 8 mi to MP 204, turn W (L) into and turn E(R) on Smith River Rd. Use e Tahkenitch Campground, and follow pullouts to view the mudflats and wet Port Orford signs to trailhead. pastures. Continue driving 6 mi, turn 124-132 Elk River A moderately difficult 6.5-mile loop R on South Smith River Rd, cross the ay 133 State Scenic Waterw trail begins in mature coniferous for- river, and access Stowe Marsh. est and meanders past Butterfly, El- During low tide the mudflats harbor Rogue River bow, and Threemile Lakes on the way Greater Yellowlegs, Killdeer, Long- Oregon Coast Rang to the ocean. Tahkenitch is a Native billed Dowitcher, and Great Blue MountainsKlamath American term for “many-armed”; Heron. In summer, Purple Martin use which refers to the lake fingers. nest boxes on the old pilings. Stowe ver Watch for Rufous Hummingbird, Vio- Marsh abounds with waterfowl fall- 134 Ri ue 138 Rog let-green and Tree Swallow, Vaux’s spring. Marsh Wren and Green Heron 137 Swift, Belted Kingfisher, Western Tan- are also common. 135 136 ager, Varied Thrush, Brown Creeper, 139 Gold Beach Olive-sided Flycatcher, Wrentit, Red EFGK Crossbill, Swainson’s Thrush, and Chestnut-backed Chickadee. Along 140 the beach look for Western Snowy 141 Plover. FFMAN O r e NE H v ABCDEFG i Y 101 R o c Sponsor: US Forest Service, t e h Siuslaw National Forest C Cape Ferrelo 147 PHOTO BY: WA PHOTO BY: 142 146 Pacific Wren 143 145 Brookings 144 148 149 28 To Crescent City 150 101. Umpqua Discovery Duck, Gadwall, and Canada Goose. In through a shorepine forest, active Center spring and summer, watch for Red- sand dunes and deflation plains. From Hwy 101 in Reedsport, take winged Blackbird, Red-tailed Hawk, Fall-spring the open water has Buf- Hwy 38 E, turn L on 3rd St, then R on Northern Harrier, Bald Eagle, Turkey flehead, Northern Pintail, American Water Ave, turn L on Riverfront Way, Vulture, Barn Swallow, Marsh Wren, Wigeon, Lesser Scaup, and Common Green Heron, and American Bittern. Merganser. Habitat around the lake and proceed to parking lot on L. M The Center provides an Oregon During winter, White-tailed Kites and attracts White-tailed Kite, Northern O “Tidewater Community” experience Canada Goose flocks are common Harrier, Violet-green Swallow, Downy PHY.C for visitors of all ages. Interactive with an occasional Snow Goose. Woodpecker, Great Horned Owl, GRA exhibits and programs illustrate how CEFG Great Egret and Hermit, Townsend’s, land, water, and people have shaped Black-throated Gray, Yellow, and PHOTO Orange-crowned Warbler. The defla- RE each other over time. Walk the TU 103. John Dellenback Dunes tion plains can harbor Fox, Song and NA E boardwalk along the Umpqua River L estuary to see Mallard, Belted King- Trail White-crowned Sparrow and occa- EE fisher, Double-crested Cormorant, From Hwy 101 in Reedsport, drive S sionally American Pipit. YST Great Blue Heron, Bald Eagle, Osprey 10 mi to MP 222.6, turn W (R) into ABCDEFG and Western, Glaucous-winged and trailhead parking lot. A moderate to difficult trail loops Sponsor: US Forest Service, Ring-billed Gull. In winter look for Siuslaw National Forest Bufflehead, Common Loon, Surf Sco- through shorepine forest, open sand TERR PHOTO BY: ter, Greater Yellowlegs, and Western dunes, and wetland deflation plain, 105. Millicoma Marsh Brown Pelican Sandpiper. culminating at a sandy beach. The From Hwy 101, on the south end of first part of the trail usually holds Coos Bay, turn E onto Coos River/Al- Hawk, and Black Phoebe. This is a CDEFG the most birds; watch for Hermit legany Rd, go 1.1 mi and turn L on Thrush, Spotted Towhee, Song and good location to find species rarely D St, continue two blocks and turn R seen in Oregon during winter, such 102. Dean Creek Elk Viewing Dark-eyed Junco in winter, Western on 4th Ave, go 500 ft and turn R on Tanager, Wilson’s, Orange-crowned as Orange-crowned Warbler, Com- Area gravel road going downhill to small mon Yellowthroat, Marbled Godwit, From Hwy 101 in Reedsport, take and Yellow-rumped Warbler in sum- parking lot adjacent to a football and American Bittern. Spring and fall Hwy 38 E 3.5 mi to viewing area on mer, and Hutton’s Vireo and Wrentit field. migrants include Willow Flycatcher, R (S). year-round. The trailhead is located on the south- Pectoral Sandpiper, Short-billed A pastoral setting on the Umpqua ABCDEFG east side of the football field, keep left Dowitcher, and Lesser Yellowlegs. River contains a mosaic of verdant Sponsor: US Forest Service, at each fork to complete a one mile Western and Least Sandpiper, Dun- fields, woodlands, and wetlands. The Siuslaw National Forest loop. Wander through cattail marsh lin, Black Turnstone, Greater Yel- Bureau of Land Management has a and woodlands in late fall and winter lowlegs, Long-billed Dowitcher, and large viewing deck and interpretive 104. Bluebill Loop to find Swamp and White-throated Black-bellied Plover can be seen in panels to share the story of Roosevelt From Hwy 101 S, 2 mi N of North sparrow with the occasional Clay- the bay. At dawn and dusk watch for elk, 60 to 100 of which are resident. Bend, turn W (L) onto Trans-Pacific colored and Harris’ Sparrow. Other Barn Owl hunting over the extensive At the west end of the viewing area Ln, drive 1 mi, veer R with road, turn wintering species include: Yellow- saltmarsh. is a boardwalk overlooking a tidal R onto Horsefall Rd, go 1.5 mi, and rumped Warbler, Golden-crowned slough and freshwater wetlands used turn L into trailhead parking lot. Kinglet, Hutton’s Vireo, Varied and AEFGH by Mallard, Northern Pintail, Hooded A 1.2 mile loop trail takes visitors Hermit Thrush, Northern Shrike, Sponsor: Oregon Field Merganser, Green-winged Teal, Wood around a marshy seasonal lake and White-tailed Kite, Red-shouldered Ornithologists BIRDING TIP IFE Fog usually settles on the LDL &WI H coast late in the evening IS F S and remains until FFMAN ER IG / U O D LL I morning. Expect it to M NE H Y IS O burn off by mid-morning during the summer. PHOTO BY: DAVE LE DAVE PHOTO BY: PHOTO BY: L PHOTO BY: WA PHOTO BY: Orange-crowned Warbler Steller’s Jay Aleutian Cackling Goose 2929 106. Golden and Silver Falls Glaucous-winged, Mew, and oc- 109. Shore Acres State Park and Steller’s and California sea lions. State Natural Area casionally Glaucous Gull. Scan the From Hwy 101 in North Bend, drive S The road ends at a scenic headland From Hwy 101 in Coos Bay, drive S, water of the bay for Pelagic, Brandt’s and follow signs to Charleston, turn long used by Native Americans, and turn L on Allegany/Coos River Hwy, and Double-crested Cormorant, W (R) onto Newmark St, go 3 mi, turn first sighted by Sir Francis Drakes’ drive 1 mi to dead end at D St, turn R. Horned, Red-necked, and Western L onto Empire Blvd/Cape Arago Hwy, expedition in the late 1500s. The Go 22.5 mi to parking lot; last 5 mi of Grebe, Common, Red-throated and and follow 9 mi to Shore Acres on L pristine rocky intertidal habitat at- road is graveled.