Indian Army’S Dhruv Helicopter the Ministry of Defence (Mod) Considers As India’S Official Defence Budget
SEE PAge 16 February-March 2017 Volume 14 No. 1 `100.00 (India-Based Buyer Only) EDITION Now Available AERO INDIA 2017 SPECIAL NEW AN SP GUIDE P UBLICATION MEET US AT SP’s HALL AB (AB3.46) Reserve Your Own Copies, Now! WWW.SPSLANDFORCES.COM ROUNDUP Ear panel 2016-17.indd 1 08/02/17 9:40 AMTHE ONLY MAGAZINE IN ASIA-PACIFIC DEDICATED TO LAND FORCES IN THIS ISSUE >> LEAD STORY PAGE 5 PHoToGrAPH: SP Guide Pubns EXCLUSIVEE Interview Ashok Kumar Gupta Secretary, Defence Production PAGE 6 Army Air Defence — an update Army Air Defence (AAD) has the responsibility of providing Point AD to the national strategic assets like nuclear plants, oil refineries, military airbases, military industrial complexes, communication nodes, logistic nodes, gun areas, surface- to-surface missiles and so on. Lt General Naresh Chand (Retd) PAGE 8 India’sI Defence Budget 2017-18 The Finance Minister’s overall stated figure of `2,74,114 crore is, however, not what Indian Army’s Dhruv helicopter the Ministry of Defence (MoD) considers as India’s official defence budget. The difference amount between Finance Minister’s and MoD’s figures of `11,724 crore is allocated under what is considered Defence (Civil Estimates) which, inclusive of defence pension of `85,740 crore, does not Army Aviation Turns 30 form part of the official defence budget. Laxman Kumar Behera PAGE 10 A Reality Check ModernisationM of Artillery and Infantry in the Indian Army Lt General V.K. Kapoor (Retd) The Cheetah fatal accident on December
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