California Department of Parks and Recreation
California Department of Parks and Recreation Office of Grants and Local Services 1/29/2007 Habitat Conservation Fund Project Grant Number Project Name Agency Amount 2006/07 Deer Lion HD-27-007 Palo Corona Middle Ranch Acquisition Monterey Peninsula R.P.D. $1,500,000 HCF Anadromous HA-41-007 Lobitos Creek/Irish Ridge Acquisition Midpeninsula R.O.S.D. $500,000 HA-49-003 Pierson Reach Restoration City of Santa Rosa, Public Works $150,000 HCF Trails HT-01-003 Tehan Falls Acquisition East Bay R.P.D. $200,000 HT-01-004 Lion Creek Restoration Project Phase II City of Oakland, Public Works $200,000 HT-19-013 Arroyo Seco Interpretive Program City of Pasadena, Parks & Recreation $70,000 HT-30-006 Santiago Trailhead Enhancement City of Santa Ana $100,000 HT-37-013 Walnut Grove Park Phase III City of San Marcos $121,000 HT-42-002 Foothill Rec. Trail & Habitat Enhancement County of Santa Barbara, Public $50,000 HT-50-001 Jacob Myers Park Interpretation Program City of Riverbank $8,000 HT-50-002 Trees for Tots City of Modesto $23,000 2005/06 Deer Lion HD-27-006 Palo Corona Middle Ranch Acquisition Monterey Peninsula R.P.D. $1,500,000 HCF Anadromous HA-41-003 Lobitos Creek Headwaters Midpeninsula R.O.S.D. $325,000 HA-41-006 Rapley Ranch Addition Acquisition Midpeninsula R.O.S.D. $500,000 HA-48-003 Pleasants Valley Encinosa Acquisition City of Vacaville $250,000 HCF Riparian HR-01-002 Lion Creek Restoration City of Oakland, Public Works $500,000 HR-30-004 Santiago Creek Riparian Habitat City of Santa Ana $50,000 HR-34-002 Orchard Park Riparian Restoration City of Sacramento $75,000 HR-34-003 American River Parkway Invasive Plant County of Sacramento $100,000 HR-37-011 Mission Trails Reg Park Cedar Fire City of San Diego, Parks $60,000 HR-42-003 Arroyo Burro Estuary & Mesa Creek City of Santa Barbara $200,000 California Department of Parks and Recreation Office of Grants and Local Services 1/29/2007 Habitat Conservation Fund Project Grant Number Project Name Agency Amount HCF Trails HT-01-002 Las Trampas Reg.
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