General Index Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society ( 405 ) GENERAL INDEX. —«.— Abbot, Archbishop, 244; Mr., 209. Amye (plumber, A.D. 1565), 336. Abbye, Anthony, 195. Anderson, Jemys (Rainham, 1566), 336. Abel, Arms of Sir John, 18; Johanna, Andreu, John, 274; Matilda, 274. 291; John, 291; Katherine, 291; Annesley, Ann, 247; Arthur, Vis- Margaret, 291; Richard, 291. count Valentia, 245; Benjamin, Abelin, Arms of Nicole, 6, 8, 19, 22; 247 ; John, 245 ; Judith, 247; Rev. John, Mayor of Windsor, 21; Wil- Dr. Samuel, 218,245-7,250; Samuel, liam (Rouen), 21. 247. Abelyn, Arms, 17, 22; Isolda, 21; Antingham, Arms of, 14. Mary, 21; Nicholas, 21; Sir Tho- Apulderfield, Arms of Henry de, 10, mas, 21. 21, 29 ; Henry le fiz, 10; John de, Ablin, 22; see Abelin (St. Aubin ?). 10; William de, 10. Acolte, 300. Apulderfield, 13; Manor, 21. Aorise, 8, 9, 278. Apuldre (Appledore), 289. Adisham, Adsham, 36, 307, 356; Rec- Aquileia, Roman coins minted at, 324. tor of, 34, 37. Areas, 22; Arms of Sir Alexander, 22. Aillina (Alina), 307, 366. Archaeology (Kentish), Publications Akerman, J. T., 328, 372. relating to, reviewed by Canon Scott Alard, John, 297; Robert, 297. Robertson, 369-81. Albyn, Radulphus, 22; Sarah, 22. Arches Court, Dean of, 232; Registrar, Aldebrandini, Blasius, 307. 233. Aldelyn, Thomas, 21. Arelatum, see Aries. Aldermann, Thomas, 364. Aries, Council of, 40; Roman coins Aldermaston, Berks, 183. '(found at Cobham) minted at, 324, Aldham (in Wrotham), 8; Thomas 328-9. de, 8. Armory, Early Kentish; by W.
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