F R O S T B U R G S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y StateLineswww.frostburg.edu/news/statelines.htm For and about FSU people A publication of the FSU Office of Advancement Volume 39, Number 2, Sept. 8, 2008 Copy deadline: noon Wednesday, 228 Hitchins or
[email protected] THIS WEEK Gibralter Honored with National Award for 8 BSA’s Get Acquainted Night at 7 p.m. in the ARMAH Role in Innovative Alcohol Prevention Work 8 BURG BAR-B-Q INFO DAY Stop by the Lower Quad for a juicy cheesebur- FSU Presi- effective ger and a mocktail! Grilling from 11 dent Jonathan partnerships a.m. – 3 p.m. Gibralter was with stu- 8 AUTHOR ED OCHESTER. Reading, honored on dents, staff, Cook Chapel (Frost Hall) 7:30 p.m. Sept. 3 with a faculty, city Spon- national award residents and sored by recognizing city officials. FSU’s his success in He provided Center for promoting a support for Creative vibrant student-led intellectual initiatives Writing President Jonathan Gibralter, center, and and social and was campus accepts the award and the $50,000 in personally Depart- donations to the University from Brandon climate that involved in ment. The Busteed, left, CEO of Outside the Class- reading is de-emphasizes room, and Michael Lanahan, of the Gordie bringing free and open to the public, and the role of Foundation. together on- followed by a book signing and alcohol. In the and off- reception. Ochester’s most recent midst of a debate among college presi- campus law enforcement agencies that books are “Unreconstructed: Poems dents around the legal drinking age, led to a dramatic improvement in the Selected and New,” “The Republic of Gibralter, along with the 17 other sharing of information.