US-CHINA REVIEW Spring 2015 Vol. XXXIX, No.2 ® • Jim Grantman Fund • Sister-City and Sister State-Province Relationships • What Is USCPFA Work? • 2015 USCPFA’S 25th National Convention: Many Faces of Friendship • Remembering Sidney Shapiro • Year of the Goat Letter from the President US-China Peoples Friendship Association Office of the National President ® 105 Treva Road, Sandston, VA 23150 804-310-6388 mobile -
[email protected] [email protected] Faces of Friendship Dear Friends of China, Greetings to all of you in the Chinese New Year of the Sheep! The Year 2014 seemed to pass quickly. I reflected on the ways USCPFA and Youxie were able to share and celebrate together our 40th anniversary and their 60th anniversary last year. Last year was such a milestone year for both China and the United States, the 35th anniversary of formal U.S.-China diplomatic relations. Barbara Harrison and I were honored to be in attendance at those celebrations in Washington, D.C. and in Beijing. We are fortunate to have made so many Chinese friends, along with many others worldwide, who realize the importance and the gravity of U.S.-China friendship. The U.S. and China must continue to demonstrate how two powerful nations can work together to find solutions to difficult problems that affect all of us together. Our resolve should be that we strengthen our connections and enliven our conversations with energetic and kind words that point us to a brighter future of better and deeper understanding between our two peoples. The 25th USCPFA National Convention, September 11–13, 2015, will be hosted by USCPFA National and the USCPFA-Atlanta chapter at the Emory University Conference Hotel.