Volume 133, Number 28
Established 1881 WEATHER, p. 2 MIT’s Oldest and FRI: 67°F | 53°F Largest Newspaper Rain SAT: 80°F | 57°F Sunny tech.mit.edu SUN: 82°F | 61°F Partly cloudy Established 1881 Volume 133, Number 28 Friday, June 14, 2013 Bexley Hall vandalized on night before move-out date Facing a 3-year closure for renovation, residents elect representatives, contraryEstablished to dorm 1881 tradition By Laura E. Forte damage, although several resi- the vandalism, no extensions or and Anthony Yu dents replied to Nolan’s email to exceptions would be granted to StAFF REPORTERS express their dismay at the events. the senior move-out deadline at “It is unfortunate that it occurred,” noon on June 8, the same day he This past Saturday morning, wrote Bexley GRT Matthew Getz sent out the email announcing the Bexley Hall House Manager Jon G in an email to The Tech, “and I vandalism. There are now no stu- Nolan notified Bexley residents of hope it doesn’t affect the way the dents still residing in Bexley. GRTs vandalism done to the dorm’s 50 administration treats the Bexley and housemasters were instruct- entry the night of Friday, June 7. community in the future.” ed to move out as soon as possible According to the email, the dam- Over the past several weeks, following the final exam period. age was significant, including bro- Bexley has been at the center of Getz wrote that the GRTs ken glass strewn across the floor, much discussion due to its clo- have signed contracts with MIT fixtures torn from the walls and sure, announced on May 7.
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