Section 4 County Profile
SECTION 4: COUNTY PROFILE SECTION 4 COUNTY PROFILE This profile describes the general information of the county (physical setting, population and demographics, general building stock, and land use and population trends) and critical facilities located in Hunterdon County. In Section 5, specific profile information is presented and analyzed to develop an understanding of the study area, including the economic, structural, and population assets at risk and the particular concerns that may be present related to hazards analyzed (for example, a high percentage of vulnerable persons in an area). 2016 HMP UPDATE CHANGES For the 2016 HMP update, the County Profile Section contains updated information regarding Hunterdon County's physical setting, population and demographics and trends, general building stock, land use and trends, and critical facilities. Additionally, future development trends in the county are now included in Section 4. 4.1 GENERAL INFORMATION Hunterdon County was established on March 11, 1714, separating from Burlington County (now known as Morris, Sussex, and Warren Counties). The county is located in western New Jersey, along the Delaware River and is made up of 26 municipalities that cover over 437 square miles. Hunterdon County is bordered to the north by Warren and Morris Counties, to the south by Mercer County, to the east by Somerset County, and to the west by the Delaware River and Pennsylvania. Figure 4-1 illustrates Hunterdon County, its municipalities, and the surrounding jurisdictions. 4.1.1 Physical Setting This section presents the physical setting of Hunterdon County, including: hydrography and hydrology, topography and geology, climate, and land use/land cover.
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