School Election
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Glasgow runners prepare for Hands Across America/lh Uf.\R R Newark's 'boom boom girls'/8a Tonsina is a winner/lb Vol. 75, ~o. 48 May7,1986 School election by john Saturday Voters will select McWhorter two board members he prom. Webster's Dic For coverage of views of tionary defines the Christina Board of Education can T prom as a formal didates as expressed during Mon dance given by a high day night's League of Women school or college class, but Voters forum, see page 4a. to local high school students the prom is much more than Christina School District "a formal dance." residents will go to the polls To some, the prom is a Saturday, May 10 to select two time to dress their best. To school board members. others it is an opportunity to show the one they love that In District D, the northeastern they really care. But most Newark section of Christina, in of all, the prom is the final cumbent Alfred I. Daniel of Red celebration before gradua Mill Farms is being challenged tion and all of the respon by Charles " Ed" Hockersmith of sibilities that follow. the same development. The win For a period, the prom ner will gain a five-year term. had fallen out of favor with In District G, the school many young people. In the district's southeastern suburban late 1960s and early 1970s, it area, Dona B. Pl'ice of Eagle wasn't "cool" to attend the Glen is squaring off against prom and bynot attending Suzanne S. Burnette of Harmony one was rebelling against Hills. The winner will gain a one the traditions of their year term, filling out the term of parents. former board member Phillip In the late 1970s and early Darby who resigned in March 1980s, however, the prom because of increased respon began to return to favor. To sibilities as a Delaware State day it once again has great Police officer. meaning for local students, and young men and women . Models/Barbizon Photos/Mike Grubb Incumbent Cynthia E. Oates is are going all out to make it unopposed in Wilmington's the best experience of their District A. high school years. Christiana High senior Selecting Although candidates run in John McMullen said he specific districts, voting is at plans to spend about $200 for large so those who go to the polls the prom. That includes din will be making two choices. ner at the Fair Hill Inn, prom attire Polls will open at noon and prom tickets, flowers pic close at 9 p.m. Saturday. tures and - especially - the Since going to the prom may·be the tuxedo, which McMullen highlight of the high school ex Newark.area polling places said has got to have tails." perience, dressing to fit th~ occasion are: Brookside Elementary, Although most students · can be as important as showing up on Christina Salem Elementary, estimated prom costs at the right night. Cobbs Elementary, Downes $200, some are going to go These days, the standard "Sunday Elementary, Gallaher Elemen one better and hire a best" no longer fits the bill and it's tary, Leasure Elementary, limosine for the night, which gowns and tuxedos all the way, with Maclary Elementary, McVey can cost another $100. designer names at the top of the list. Elementary, Medill Intensive To these students, the For the men, the Miami Vice line is Learning Center, Smith Elemen prom is worth the expense, high on the list. Bill Roseman of Mur tary, Wilson Elementary, Chris especially if the night is ray's Clothiers near Prices Corner tiana High, Glasgow High and shared with someone said the Miami Vice line, with its bold Newark High. special. Christiana's Lisa colors of blue, pink, lavender and Philhower said "The prom white, are "going very well because To vote, residents of the is for sharing an experience of the consciousness of t'- ! Miami Christina School District must be with someone you care Vice actors," but added, ''It's also a 18 and must show identification about, not just a date." very nice tux." if asked. Identification can in clude a driver's license. See PROM/ 7a See DUDS/ 7a INDEX · FACT FILE . KEEP POSTED · Newarkers ........ 2a School hoard to meet News .............. 3a What's in Following are the original names The Christina Board of Education will hold its regular Schools ........ ... 4a of area towns and places as found monthly meeting Tuesday, May 13. The meeting will in the Delaware Tercentenary begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Martin J . Gauger Middle Community ........ 8a Almanack. Church ........... 12a a name? School on Gender Road in Scottfield. It is open to the public. Business .......... 13a Newark- New Ark. Entertainment .... 14a Stanton- Cuckoldstown. University ........ 16a Glasgow- Aikentown. Council in session Monday Christiana - Christeen, Chris- Campus .......... 19a tiana Bridge. Newark City Council will hold its next regular meeting Opinion ........... 20a Monday, May 12. The meeting will be held at 8 p.m. in St. George's- Quinquenium. the Newark Municipal Building, 220 Elkton Rd . Sports ............. lb Kirkwood- Kemp's Corner, St. Lifestyle ........... 8b George's Station. Weddings ......... lOb New Castle - Tamaconck, Correction Classified ......... llb Aresapa, Macherish Kitton, San It was reported incorrectly in the April 23 issue of The Forces .. ......... 18b dhoeck, Fort Casimir, Fort NewArk Post that students from the Medill Intensive Trefaldighet, New Amstel. Learning Center would be shifted to tht! Wallace Wallin School in New Castle. Christina School District of ficials said this week that the shift will not affect Medill students. Only students from Christina's Douglass School will be shifted to Wallin School. 2a The New Ark Post May7, 1986 NEWARKERS CORRECTION - In the April 30th editions of the Newark Post and Cecil Whig, the New Lumber Yard advertisement had an incorrect price for the Kelley "Big Four" Wheelbar row. It should have read: -------1 ~~ SPECIAL! "BIG FOUR" f . ~~~~~~~~~~!! I wheelbarrow. Drawn, aeamlesa sleel tray wjlh rolled edge. Hardwood handles. 4" • 8" lwo-ply raled pneumatic lire on 6" steel hub. 36'•' ' • 27 " • 8" tray. $1499 Model KB-4 Dr. John Mcintosh erijoys his work at Newark High School. For Mother's Day, '.'Duck'' Into John McintoshI Newark High School principal mistook contract-waving deputy superintendent for a mere well-wisher Laura D's •Gifts •Cards • Baskets •Swiss Chocolates again . As he was leavin g, he degree in guidance and counsel degrees for honor and by John McWhorter waved goodbye fr·om the inside of ing and worked as a guidance distingui shed scholars. the limo to the deputy counselor in Gary, Ind. In his pa r·t time, Mcintosh 64 E. Main Street superintendent, who he thought But after two years, he found serves as a medical technician in ith less than $100 in had come to wish him well. he could make a greater impact the Air Force Reserves and has Newark hi s pocket, Dr. John Then, when he was about to if he became an administrator. travelled to Central Amerjca and R. Mcintosh went board the fli ght back to Chicago, " The principal is the real agent E urope. Al so, he was recently 731-5140 W back to Chicago, he saw the man again. " He had of change," Mcintosh said. "so I elected King Lion in the Newark knowing that he had failed the in gotten in his car a nd driven to applied to Purdue University and Lions Club and is chairman of terview. However, just days the airport," Mcintosh said, obtained a doctora te in educa the Dela ware Boys State Basket before he was to leave for "and her·e he wa s waving me tional administration." ball Tournament. Alaska, a call came from goodbye a gain, so as I was get So fa r, he has lived up to However, hi s first commitment Delawar·c wi th an offer he ting on the plane I waved back becoming that agent of cha nge. is to Newark Hi gh, where he said wouldn 't refuse. and flew on to Chicago." In seven years as Newark High he still finrl s it fun to come ear·Jy ThP offer was for a position a~ It wa sn't until he arrived back School's principa l, he has a nd leave late. " It 's reall y a an assista nt principa l and in in Chi cago he heard from that authored the 2.0 r-ul e for student pleasure," Mcintosh said , " and stead of becoming an Al aska man again. The phone again athletic particip?.t ion, and has as long as the community will pipeline welder, Mcintosh came rang and the man explained he given the school the di stinction of allow me to serve them, I will to Newark to begin a career tha t wasn't chasing Mcintosh just to being the on ly one that offers stay." would make him principal of a be polite. He was actually wav school in a town he once didn't ing a contract for the educator· to even know existed. sign. " Wh en I heard a bout the job, I That was 14 years ago, and looked at the map and couldn't Mcintosh did sign the contract find Newark, Del..'' Mcintosh and is ver y pleased he did, even said . ''Th •n when I went to the though he hadn't planned to stay airport to buy a ticket. the agent more than three years. thought 1 meant ewar·k, N ..J." " I wasn't used to a small town Mcintosh knew that he wanted and I wa nted to use Newark as a to get to Delaware, and finally stepping stone to become prin found out that he would fi rst cipal in a larger city," Mcintosh have to fl y to Philadelphia a nd said.