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PANJAB UNIVERSITY, CHANDIGARH-160014 (INDIA) (Estd PANJAB UNIVERSITY, CHANDIGARH-160014 (INDIA) (Estd. under the Panjab University Act VII of 1947—enacted by the Govt. of India) SYLLABI FOR B.A. & B.Sc. (GENERAL) THIRD YEAR (SEMESTER SYSTEM) EXAMINATIONS, 2020-2021 (SEMESTER : FIFTH AND SIXTH) i.e Fifth Semester : November/December, 2020 Sixth Semester : April/May, 2021 -- :⋇:-- © The Registrar, Panjab University, Chandigarh. All Rights Reserved. (i) CONTENTS Sr. No. Particulars Page No. 1 Eng lis h (Compuls ory) (f or B.A. Cand idat es on ly) 1 2 Pa njabi (Co mpuls ory) (f or B.A. Cand idat es on ly) 3 3 Hist ory and Cu lt ure of Pun ja b (f or B.A. Cand idat es on ly) 6 4 Eng lis h (Electi ve) 10 5 Hind i (Electi ve) 14 6 Sanskr it (Electi ve) 16 7 Pa njabi (Elec ti ve) (Pending) 21 8 Urdu (Electi ve) 24 9 Pers ian (Elec ti ve) 26 10 Fren ch (Electi ve) 28 11 Ge rman (Electi ve ) 32 12 Ru ssia n (Electi ve) 34 13 Ara bic (Elective) 14 Beng al i (Electi ve) 15 Tamil (Electi ve) 16 Kann ada (Elective) (Kept in Abeyance) 37 17 Mala yala m 18 Te(Ellecugtiuv (eE) lecti ve) 19 Physica l Edu cati on 38 20 Edu cati on 50 21 Adu lt Edu cati on 54 22 Musi c (Vo ca l) 60 23 Musi c (Instr umenta l ) 64 24 Music ( Tab la) 68 25 Music ( Ind ia n Class ical Dance) 72 26 Fine Art s 77 27 Hist ory of Art 81 28 An ci en t Ind ia n Hist ory, Cu lt ure & Arc haeo logy 85 29 De fen ce and Strat eg ic Stud ies 89 30 Hist ory 94 31 Polit ical Sc ien ce 100 32 Econ omic s 104 33 So ci ology 108 34 Publ ic Ad minist rati on 112 35 Phil osophy 116 36 Ps ycho logy 120 37 Geog raph y 124 38 Gandh ia n Stud ies 132 39 Jou rnalis m & M ass Com mun icati on 137 40 Polic e Ad ministr ati on 141 41 Women ’s Stud ies 145 42 Human Righ ts and Du ti es 149 43 Religious & Sikh Studies 153 44 Computer Sci en ce 157 45 Environment Con servation 163 46 Micr ob iology 166 47 Mat he matic s 173 48 Stat ist ics 179 49 App lied Stat ist ics 183 50 Physic s 187 51 Ch emistr y 197 52 Bota ny 211 53 Zoo log y 220 54 Bio-Che mistr y 236 55 Electr on ic s 241 56 Agriculture(Kept in 242 57 Home Science 247 (ii) B.A./B.SC.(GENERAL) THIRD YEAR (SEMESTER SYSTEM) 2020 -2021 SYLLABUS 1 PANJAB UNIVERSITY, CHANDIGARH OUTLINES OF TESTS, SYLLABI AND COURSES OF READING IN VARIOUS SUBJECTS FOR B.A./B.Sc. (GENERAL) THIRD YEAR (SEMESTER SYSTEM) i.e. FIFTH SEMESTER NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2020 AND SIXTH SEMESTER APRIL/MAY 2021, EXAMINATIONS. ENGLISH (Compulsory) (For B.A. Candidates Only) SEMESTER V Max. Marks : 50 Written : 45 Marks Int. Ass. : 05 Marks Time : 03 Hours Note: (i) The paper shall be divided into two sections i.e section A & B. The distribution of marks in each section shall be indicated separately against the questions. (ii) Section A shall deal with the text and Section B with composition and grammar. (iii) The questions should be set strictly in accordance with the pattern of question paper outlined in the syllabus. Text Prescribed: INSIGHTS: A Course in English Literature and Language (by K. Elango, Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan), Panjab University Edition. Unit I to III (Unit II- Chapter ‘Emotional Intelligence’ deleted) Section-A (Poetry & Prose) Q.1. Reference to the context only from Poetry. One out of two given stanzas 5 marks Q.2. The examiner will set eight short questions from Poetry & Prose Sections of the prescribed text, out of which a student shall be expected to attempt only five selecting, at least, two from each section (to be answered in not more than 60-80 words). These questions may be drawn from each of the units given in the text 10 Marks Q.3. The examiner shall set four questions (on the pattern of questions for Critical Analysis suggested in the prescribed text) again from Poetry & Prose Sections of the text, out of which a student is expected to attempt only two selecting, at least, one from each section (to be answered in not more than 150-180 words), The questions should be chosen in such a manner that all the units given in the text are covered . 10 Marks Section-B (Composition & Grammar) Q.4. Write an essay (in not more than 500 words), choosing one topic out of the given four . A wide range of topics should be given and in this respect ideas may be drawn from the prescribed text. 10Marks Q.5. (a) Antonyms –ten out of fifteen . 5 Marks (b) Correct the sentences- ten out of fifteen. 5 Marks ……………….. 2 B.A./B.SC.(GENERAL) THIRD YEAR (SEMESTER SYSTEM) 2020 -2021 SYLLABUS ENGLISH (Compulsory) (For B.A. Candidates Only) SEMESTER VI Max. Marks : 50 Written : 45 Marks Int. Ass. : 05 Marks Time : 03 Hours (i) The paper shall be divided into two sections i.e section A & B. The distribution of marks in each section shall be indicated separately against the questions. (ii) Section A shall deal with the text and Section B with composition and grammar. (iii) The questions should be set strictly in accordance with the pattern of question paper outlined in the syllabus. Text Prescribed : INSIGHTS: A Course in English Literature and Language (by K. Elango, Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan) , Panjab University Edition. Unit IV-VI Section-A (Poetry & Prose) Q.1. Reference to the context only from Poetry. One out of two given stanzas. 5 marks Q.2. The examiner will set eight short questions from Poetry & Prose Sections of the prescribed text, out of which a student shall be expected to attempt only five , selecting, at least, two from each section (to be answered in not more than 60-80 words). These questions may be drawn from each of the units given in the text 10 Marks Q.3. The examiner shall set four questions (on the pattern of questions for Critical Analysis suggested in the prescribed text) again from Poetry & Prose Sections of the text, out of which a student is expected to attempt only two selecting at least, one from each section (to be answered in not more than 150-180 words), The questions should be chosen in such a manner that all the units given in the text are covered . 10 Marks Section-B (Composition & Grammar) Q.4.A question on Précis writing shall be set, without any internal choice. For this purpose, the passage chosen should be simple, lucid and coherent and must not exceed 240-250 words. 10 Marks Q.5 (a) Idioms and Phrases to be used in sentences. ten out of fifteen 5 marks (b) One word substitution – ten out of fifteen 5 Marks ----------------------- B.A./B.SC.(GENERAL) THIRD YEAR (SEMESTER SYSTEM) 2020 -2021 SYLLABUS 3 gzikph (bk zwh)wh)wh) (((pha(phaphapha J/a Gkr qIsrw dsMbr 202020202020 d/ fJwfsjkB bJhbJh)))) (((phaJ/a( d/ ftfdnkoEhnK bJh ))) ;w?;No pMjvW e[Zb nzeL 50 fbyshL 45 fJzNoBb n;?;w?ANL 5 ;wKL3 xzN/ gkmeqw 1. m`DkwlIn gzikph eftsk dk nfXn?B 20 nze 2H pYrHw rcnw 8 nze 3H ilpI 7 nze 4H ftnkeoB L f;XKs s/ ftjko 10 nze e'o; 1. wZXekbhB gzikph ekft Xkok (;zgka) nso f;zx, gpbhe/SB fpT{o', gzikp :{Bhtof;Nh, uzvhrVQ. :{fBN ns/ Ehw 1. (T) wZXekbhB gzikph ekft Xkok pusqk ftu'A gq;zr ;fjs ftnkfynk (d' ftu'A fJe) 5 nze (n) eftsk dk ;ko qy e/Adoh Gkt (d' ftu'A fJe) 5+5= 10 nze 2 ekft-;zrqfj ftu'A sMKyp au`qrW vwly pRSn ( au`qr iqMn sqrW qoN v`D nw hovy) (nZm gqSBK ftu'A gzi d/ T[Zso fdU) 5O1 = 5 nze 3H pYrHw rcnw (lgpg 250 SbdW ivc ) 8 nze (mnu`KI suBwA, jIvn drSn Aqy jIvn dy hlky & ulky iviSAw nwl sMbMDq) (uko ftf SnK ftu'A e'Jh fJe eoBk) 4. ilpI dI mu`FlI jwx- pCwx: 7nze ilpI dI pirBwSw, jnm qy ivkws, 5H ivAwkrn: isDWq qy ivhwr (i) vwkMS, nWv vwkMS qy ikirAw vwkMS dI pirBwSw qy pCwx 6 AMk (do pRSnW ivcoN koeI iek pRSn krnw) (ii ) ivhwrk pRSn (cwr pRSnW ivcoN koeI do pRSn krny) 2+2=4 AMk not : pypr sYtr vloN auprokq sMklpW dy AwDwr qy hI sMKyp svwl pu`Cy jwx[ ……………….. 4 B.A./B.SC.(GENERAL) THIRD YEAR (SEMESTER SYSTEM) 2020 -2021 SYLLABUS gzikph (bk zwh)wh)wh) pha J/a Gkr qIsrw ApRYl/meI 202120212021 d/ fJwfsjkB bJh (ph aJ/a d/ ftfdnkoEhnK bJh) ;w?;No CyvW e[Zb nzeL 50 fbyshL 45 fJzNoBb n;?;w?ANL 5 ;wKL3 xzN/ gkmeqw 1. nwvl dw AiDAYn 20 AMk 2. A^bwr leI gq?; not 10 AMk 3. gurmuKI ilpI 5 AMk 4. ftnkeoB L f;XKs s/ ftjko 10 AMk e'o;e'o;e'o; 1. AMnHy GoVy dw dwn , guridAwl isMG, lokgIq pRkwSn, cMfIgVH[ :{fBN ns/ Ehw 1. (T) AMnHy GoVy dw dwn pusqk ftu'A gq;zr ;fjs ftnkfynk (d' ftu'A 5 AMk fJe) 10 AMk (n) nwvl dk ;ko, ivSw qy pwqr icqrn (d' ftu'A fJe) 2 nwvl ftu'A sMKyp au`qrW vwly pRSn (au`qr iqMn sqrW qoN v`D nw hovy) (nZm gqSBK ftu'A gzi d/ T[Zso fdU ) 5×1 = 5 AMk 3H A^bwrW leI pYR`s not iqAwr krny : kwlj dIAW swihqk, siBAwcwrk, 8 AMk KyfW Aqy Akwdimk Kyqr nwl sMbMDq srgrmIAW bwry[ (lgpg 200 SbdW ivc) not : isr& iek pRY`s not iqAwr krn leI hI ikhw jwvy 4.
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