Acting irrespective of hope Fabian Freyenhagen (University of Essex);
[email protected] Kant, in 1793, responded to Mendelssohn’s denial that the human race has ever made (and will ever make) moral progress with a thesis about motivation: ‘hope for better times’ is required to do ‘something that is profitable for the general well-being’ (TP, 8:309/306).1 Indeed, Kant thinks that Mendelssohn, in publishing his tract criticising the idea of progress, ‘must have counted’ on that very hope (ibid.; my emphasis). For – Kant’s thought seems to be – what could this act of writing have been other than seeking to make the world a better place and how could one do this, irrespective of hoping for better times? This thesis about motivation stands in a wider context (both of the text of which it is part and Kant’s critical philosophy more generally), such that, according to Kant, the hope for better times presupposes moral faith in (the possibility of) human progress.2 And in this way, Kant takes himself to have revealed a kind of performative contradiction in Mendelssohn’s denial of progress – the latter’s very attempt at denial relied on presupposing what he aimed to deny. In this article, I am interested in this thesis about motivation, notably the must-claim just quoted, and its reoccurrence within the Frankfurt School tradition of Critical Theory. A debate about progress is, currently, raging within this tradition (see notably Allen 2016; Allen & Mendieta (eds.) 2018: Ch. 2, 8-10). Still, the issues extend back to its beginnings in the 1930s and in a sense also to the debate between Kant and Mendelssohn in the late 18th century.