Sacred Lyrics, Or Select Hymns
y S£r>^J&ru><X&^<-^nutsrts. (jj* I * /rt^c^^&y. SACRED iA RICS: OR sialic mir&tsroe PARTICULARLY ADAPTED TO REVIVALS OF RELIGION AND INTENDED AS A SUPPLEMENT TO WATTS. BY NATHAN S. S. BEMAN, 11 Praise thy God, O Zion."—Psalmist. TROY. I N. TUTTLE, PRIITTER, 225 RIVER-STREET. 1832, Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year I 1832, by Nathan S. S. Beman, in the Clerk's Office of the Court of the Northern District of the State of New-York. PREFACE The object of this publication is to furnish a suitable Collection of Sacred Songs for the use of Evening Lectures, Inquiry and Prayer Meetings, and other small Religious Circles, which are attend- ed witri so much interest at the present day. In making this compilation, the Author has had special reference to those seasons of God's mercy which are de- nominated Revivals of Religion. If it is true, as has been frequently remarked, thatrevivals,both with regard to their com- mencement and their progress, depend much on the character of preaching , it may be safely affirmed, that they are not much less affected by the character IV PREFACE. of singing. In too many instances, these blessed seasons have been brought into something like disrepute, and a bad re- ligious taste has been formed, and, per- haps, false hopes inspired and cherished by the use of Hymns destitute of lyric character, and, at the same time, er- roneous in sentiment. Another evil nearly allied to the one just named, and generally associated with it, is the in- troduction of tunes into religious wor- ship whose associations are entirely sec- ular, if not profane, and whose tenden- cy is to inspire any other feelings rath- er than those of devotion.
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