Hhe heritage of the sags (saks). (Who is this sak?)

In the 1970th year on the suburb of the city of Isyk which is in fifty kilometers in the east from Almati the Kazakh archeologists under the leadership of Kamal Akishev one of sags imperial barrows was dug out. The barrow diameter which made 60 m and height of 6 m had a multilayered embankment under which it was found burial of the young man. The most buried later called "the gold soldier" as a helmet, the caftan, wide trousers. His boots were decorated with gold plates with the images of a snow leopard, horse, mountain goat and an arkhar executed in Scythian animal style. At it there was also a sword with the gold handle. Together with the young man to the burial ground also other objects in particular ornamented ware, a dish of a bowl from clay, bronze and silver were laid. On the external, that is convex party of one of silver bowls there was an inscription Turkic runic symbols. Finds are dated the 6-5th centuries BC. In our case we will mention only reading a runic inscription, traced on a silver bowl which in literature is also known under the name "Akishev's Bowl". The inscription consists of two lines where twenty five runic symbols which main part are even visually identified by Old Turkic runic signs are presented. A number of lines of a traced the rectangular pictogram divided inside into twenty four compartments. On a bowl surface there is also separately traced runic sign which is isolated from two lower case inscriptions.

Enjoy an oath (only Turkic peoples have this expression - the “Andes ich”)!!!!!!

The found Sagsky Oath Bowl with Turkic runic inscriptions!!!

OGJF SUN of Ang Ich of SAG SYoZ of Ereng Ogyunch sasy - uny arir uza (uze)

(Oğf SÜN Ang İç Sag Söz Ereng Ögünç ses-üni erir Üze)

Literal translation: Sag, enjoy you an oath for the sag of the people! The word will inform of a voice and glory of praise of Eren on heaven.

Little extensive translation: Sag, enjoy you an oath a name () people! The word (given at an oath) will uplift a voice and glory of praise of Eren on heaven. Approximate semantic translation: Sag, swear a name of the people! This word is oath uplifts a voice of praise and Eren's glory on heaven. The rectangular pictogram in which there are 24 compartments can symbolize the home ground where the patrimonial structure of Turkey - Oguz Ale (Il) which was called as OG/OG – the people (arrow) was located the 24th. Word meanings: og – a sort, the tribe, patrimonial structure, the breeding union, the people (literally an arrow). In this sense it is noted in a big epitaph in honor of Kyul-tegin (the political and military figure of the Second Turkic khaganate, (685-731)), included in " Ancient in the Turkic Dictionary" (DTS, p. 370). It is fixed in such Turkic patrimonial divisions as ON OK;; OK, BOZ OK. In our case it is noted in the form of a dative case – ogja. This proto-turkysh root sits in the term OGUZ. The verb uz is translated from proto-turkysh language how to follow someone, to join, adjoin (DTS 605, 620).

That is literally OG-UZ is etymologically removed as the integrated arrows of II; sen – you are (DTS 45);. The word uze, uzi is also found in the Ukrainian language as Uzviz, for example Andreyevsky descent (Andriivsky Uzviz) was earlier called Borichiv Uzviz (in Turkic Borichay Uzi) about this https://www.stihi.ru/2017/07/30/1014

Here, for some, the Türkic expression "to swear an oath" may seem strange. In fact, to this day, the verb - - "swear" - from the Turkic (Azerbaijani) language is literally translated as - "swear an oath" - - "and ich" "and Ich".

On this occasion, there are also some historical information. First of all, I give the evidence of Herodotus (book IV-Melmopen, Chapter 70): 70. All the treaties on friendship, consecrated by an oath, are performed by the Scythians in this way. In a large earthenware bowl, wine is poured, mixed with the blood of the contract participants (for this purpose, a stitch is made on the skin or a small incision with a knife). Then the sword, arrows, ax and spear are immersed in the bowl. After this ritual, long spells are uttered, and then both the participants of the treaty and the most respected of those present drink from the cup.

And also an excerpt from the historical work of Ibn al-Fakih al-Hamadani AHBAR AL-BULDAN - JOURNAL OF COUNTRIES (Chapters on Turks and some Turkic cities and their strange features) ... And when the Turks want to take an oath from any man, they bring a copper idol, hold it, then they prepare a wooden bowl into which water is poured, and put it between the idol's hands, then put a piece of gold and a handful of millet in the cup, women's trousers and put them under a bowl, and then they say to the sworn oath: "If you break your vow or change it, or turn out to be vicious, may Allah turn you into a woman, so that you wear her trousers, give you the power of what will tear you to pieces, like this millet, and yes you are yellow, like gold . Then after an oath he drinks this water ...

In addition, this is not the only oath-shaped bowl, such bowls were found in the late periods of the Proto-Turkic tribes, for example in the Avar burial mound in Hungary ... The inscriptions were Greek letters ... Avar inscription on a vessel from the treasure of Nagy-Sent-Miklos In 1799, in the Torontal area of the Hungarian Transylvania in the village of Nagy- Sainte-Miklos (Great St. Nicholas) on the bank of the Aronika River, while digging a pit at a depth of 1.5 m, a gold treasure was found, consisting of different vessels collected in an iron container. These are seven pitchers, eleven cups, two glasses, two cups and a horn. The vessels are decorated with inscriptions, ornamentation, relief images of hunting scenes, fantastic animals. Part of the vessels is inscribed with the so-called. "East- European runic "and Greek letters. Some inscriptions on the vessels are scratched, others - often repeating the first ones, are punched out by punchon and are an inseparable part of the ornament of the vessels. Greek letters inscriptions are found on two vessels and worked by a jeweler. The treasure is a single service with a set of close to each other inscriptions related to the nature of the performance with the ornament of this service. Vessels were made in the interval between the 5th and the 10th centuries AD. A detailed description of the items was made by Josef Hampel. http://www.altaica.ru/LIBRARY/mudrak/buyla-zoapan.pdf

The above references once again prove that the Scythians of Herodotus were Turks. After all, only from the Turkic language "to take an oath" is literally translated as "to swear an oath".

That is, more likely, this silver "Akishev bowl" was intended for a ritual oath- offering, which is also noted in no larger text on the very bowl. First of all, it becomes evident that the bulk of the Saga tribes were Turkic- speaking, and not Iranian-speaking in what the Iranists are stubbornly mistaken and do not want to recognize the Turkic content of the letter on Akishev's bowl. Secondly it turns out that the Turkic runic letter was already in use during the V-VI centuries. BC. This fact discredits the fictitious fable about the appearance of the Turkic letter at the turn of the V-VI centuries. AD And, of course, it is not connected with the Sogdian letter, but has an authentic origin. And in general, how can serious scientists believe that somewhere after the emergence (or copying) of a letter after some hundred years, it was built into a harmonious and harmonious grammatical system and spread to a huge geography. Those who are familiar with ancient Turkic runic texts know that this alphabet is very different in content from the others and should understand that this letter, grammar and stylistics has a long way of development before establishing itself in the Orkhono-Yenisei texts in a form known to us.

German runes completely copy the Turkic. This amazing fact was told by the British scientist Miles Ellis. The fact is that the Sags conquered Eastern Europe as far back as the 4th century BC. It was in the ancient era that the German priests borrowed the writing of Scythian nomads. It is noteworthy that the Germanic runes were attributed to the magical power: the pagans applied them to clothing in order to protect themselves from evil forces, and also used runes in magical rites.

By the way, for the first time the Turkic runes in the 19th century were deciphered by the Danish linguist Vilhelm Thomsen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vilhelm_Thomsen

Archaeologist Mark Aurel Stein brought him an ancient book found in the temple of "The Cave of a Thousand Buddhas" that is in the Takla-Makan Desert. The Danish linguist was extremely interested in this volume. Since Vilhelm Thomsen knew Germanic runes, it was not worth it to decipher the text. And later, thanks to him, he managed to read the message left on the stone on the bank of the Orkhon River by the co-ruler of the Turkic Kaganate Kul-Tagin.

The first experiments on the translation of the Orkhon and Yenisei monuments were published in 1894-95 by the well-known Orientalist VV Radlov.

Soviet Turkologist G. Kh. Akhatov explored the language of the ancient Orkhono- Yenisei monuments in relation to the lexical and grammatical community with the Turkic languages of the peoples of Siberia, in particular, with the dialect of Siberian Tatars (1955-1965). [10]

A recent discovery was made: the runic "inscription of the Vikings" found in the temple of Aya Sofia in Istanbul (Constantinople) is made in the Turkic language. About it: https://www.stihi.ru/2016/09/25/1483

In the study of the linguistics of modern nations, I found out that only in some people this expression appears as if "I swear an oath" - in the sense of swear! "and Ich" This is for the Azerbaijanis, and for part of the Crimean Tatars ... And one can not ignore linguistics by research, because genetic investigations always give different results, and ignore unique legacies preserved in the world from the Altai languages, which can not be confused with the legacies of Indo- European and Semitic linguistic origin.

The meaning of the word combination "Sag ol" - Be healthy, Hello, Good-bye, Thanks, (Be SAC) ... That is widely used both at the meeting and at parting, and with thanksgiving ... "Sag" has several meanings in modern Turkic words ... These meanings: Right, healthy, strong, right (bow) bow, bow, ....

Moreover, the word combination "Sag-ol", "Saul", "Sabul", "Sav-ul", Sag, Sag, ol ... is used in most peoples of the Caucasus and Central Asia, all Turkic and including not from the Turkic peoples, like the Avarians Be Healthy! - Saghliyald Tag! , - Thanks - Parasaggyul or chan sagrai, chan sag hhuy !, Laksky FAREWELL...... HIALAL SHAVU (Halal Savul) i.e. the Arab. (hal), halal - health, saq ol, (sav-ul), shavu ... EXCERPT...... BAGGISHLA SHAVU (bağışla - excuse the Turk.) Shavu - Sag ol. WELCOME...... YAHSHI-HASH BAVU

In the Ingush language there is no form of addressing one person to you. Respect for the elder is emphasized by the treatment itself. Sag - a form of respectful treatment.

VOKKHA SAG - the old man, the man of advanced age

Yokka SAG is an old woman, an elderly woman

Sag - in the Ingush language still means the soul, that in principle there is a semantic meaning of health, strength ...

One of the disappearing languages of the Caucasian Albania is the Udi language. be healthy (Udins) - chuckoock, or chakhchoch (chack - in the clattering pronunciation that same "SAH" "SAG")

Appeal (just-people's rude) -Alla (meaning boy, boy) (applies only in the north- eastern regions of Azerbaijan Appeal-Allan (in the meaning of an appeal to the Karachai! (Husband, women, etc.), more widely) among all Karachai peoples.

It is known that one of the units of the Saga tribes, there were Tochars, Duhar, Daharlu or Duger, this tribe recorded in the annals as part of the Turkoman of Azerbaijan (Iranian) Kara-goyunlu tribe ... -It is an affix of belonging. The meaning (dah, dag, tah, tau, toch, tou, tav) - mountain, toh-ar (dahar) - mountaineer (Turk). The name of Tokhars as ethnonyms is Tagar, the tversa is preserved among the Turkmens of the Ersara, Teke, Chovdur, Bayat, Shykh, Igdyr. Turkmen dahli units, dyali (Abdal, Alili, Arabachi, Ersary, Hexlen, Yomudy, Sagary, Salyry, Saryky, Chovdur, Esggi) go up to the name of the dakhs.

Eastern authors do not know the names "Scythian" and "Massaget". It is noteworthy that Herodotus specially noted: "... the Persians of all Scythians are called sags." Most likely the Greek pronunciation of the ethnonym "Ishguz" in Greek comes out - a “skuz”. A mashkut is a “Masaget”. gimmiri (gimirli) - the kimmer (or Cimmerian) A very important source is the inscription on the tomb of Darius, carved into the gorge of Naksh-i-Rustem, near Persepolis. Three Saga people are mentioned there: sagatigrahuda, saga-haumavarga and saga-tiai-daraya.

The very name saga-tiai-daraya says that they lived after a large river (Amu Darya or Syr Darya). The Saghov-hamvaraga artificially try to etymologize as "making hamomu". But Academician V.V. Struve (after VV Grigoriev) identified them with the "Amirgian" Sagas who lived on the bank of the Murgab, and from which they received their name. The Babylonian scribes, in turn, identify them with the people of "humirri", "hamirra", who invaded the end of the VIII century BC. in the Near East. This is the mysterious Cimmerians. It is interesting that Professor S.Tolstov considered the Ammygian Sags to be massagets, which explains the absence of their name in the inscription of Darius.

The names of the and Yasas (Asiyevs) are now worn by the Turkmen tribes Alili, Olam, as well as the clans of the Asa (chovdur and Igdir), Alam (Salir, Yomud), Tongue (Teke), etc. This name bore a large Oguz tribe of languages, nowadays karadashly.

Sagi or Sag-ar ar-man, a man (Turk), a pedigree of the Turkic Sagar family The great ethnonym ish-oguz (ichoguz) thanks to the Oguz epic "Dede Korkut" 12c. (description of the 10th century) has survived to the present day. 24 Oguz clans according to the epic were divided into two large associations - ish- oguz (ish-oguz) - "inner tribe" and tashoguz - "external tribe" (1). One of the epics is called: "A song about how the Tash-Oguzes revolted against the Ish-Oguzes." (The ideological scheme survived in the Kazakh name Bashkir išteghi - "inner race", and in the name of the Siberian Turks - "from traction"). I suppose the transition of the Turkic ish-oguz to the Assyrian spelling of "ich-guz". The vowel "o" is lost in the Semitic transmission consistently. Arabs, for example, "Oguz" turned into "Guz". On the map of Mahmud Kashkari litter, "the country of Oguzes" is given in the writing of "bilyadi al Guzia". Ichkeria - Ich-kery - (internal territory), , Daghistan (the land of mountains) - these Turkic names of the territories of the Caucasus are known from ancient times. Just like the names of the rivers and mountains Argun, Terek, Elbrus, Kazbek, Beshbarmak, Beshtau (Pyatigorsk), etc. They give us a reason to think about, and how much the Turkic element in the Caucasus came in ??? And the knows that 95% of the toponyms of the Crimea (Kyrim) are Türkic, and, besides, some are toponyms, the ancients have a two-ethnic origin - Greco- Türkic. For example: Pontikapay - Ponti Greek. - "sea", kapey - Turk. kapy "gates", the same is the name for example: Ai-Petri. Similar Turkic-Persian names are also found in the Caucasus for example: Bala-khans

Sagi is an ethnonym ... Until now (1931), the following units of the Sagar tribe (among the Turkmens) : 1. Merye, 2. Kizan, 3. Kara-Mahmud, 4. Khoja-Inebek (Siyadag-Sagar). Of the small units of the tribe, the following are known in the Merye tribe: 1. Altyn, 2. Khazarek, 3. Kurt, 4. Pette-Aryk, 5. Yaigi, 6. Uly-Aryk from Mangyshlak and Siyadag-Sagara, called in the old times Dag-Sagar. http://turkmenhistory.narod.ru/sagartribe.html

The most surprising thing is not finding a single Indo-European root of the ethnonym Sagar (Sag). The so-called "science" cites such versions: Stoen - a dog (in Ossetian), st (as it goes?) In sc and scen - puppy (an Ossetian dog and a puppy of Old Slavonic))) and how these words stoen and scenes (male and puppy) refer to the ethnonym Sag !!! !! (IES 1, 464 pages) "Scythian-European isoglosses" Authors: V.I. Abaev Not surprisingly, the Soviet Encyclopedia, a reference to the source indicates the work, the Stalin Prize laureate - Ossetian Abaev .....

Another version in Wikipedia: "Many scientists, including F. Justi, M. Fasmer, O. Semereni and V. I. Abaev, erect the word * skuta to the Indo-European root with the meaning of firing .In particular, V.Abaev compares the word skuta with the German * skuta- (archer, shoot). [4] KT Vitchak and SV Kullanda, in turn, explain the Scythian self-name as follows: al-Greek ;;;;;;;;;;; <* skula-ta <* sku; a-ta <* skuda-ta (that is, "archers")

Compare Sag - Turkic - onion, strong, ... and "skut" \ skut \ - shooter ... In the first, the Turkic word Sag in unchanged state also sounds, the expression "Be Sag" (Sag ol) is preserved ... And the skut preserved in the Anglo-Saxons only as a word of arrows ... Besides the famous Norwegian travel scientist Tour Heyerdahl who studied the runic inscriptions in the Caucasus came to a conclusion about the origin of the Scandinavian runes and peoples, and that the Scandinavians (ie the Saxons) descended from the Turks, I wrote about this in the article "Who are the Turks" http://www.stihi.ru/2016/09/25/1483

In addition, it is believed that the Scandinavian name of Gardarika is translated as Country of Cities. Norv. gardere, protect, protect, protect ". In ancient times, the Arabs referred to the tribes in the north as Sagalibs, and the country of the Bulgars was called Saglan. The Tatars. saglau, protect ". Saglah, sahla, saglau - in Turkic languages it matters - preserve, protect, protect ... And in the form of the sacrament of the past, it sounds like: saglanyp, saglanief, saglanma- (protected, saved), Saglanip-Oba, Saglau-Oba, Sagla -Oba (Protected country) is very consonant with Arabic - Sagaliba !!!

Not surprisingly, the Anglo-Saxons and Scandinavian Germanic peoples have many Turkic interrelations ... since the times of the Sags and gunas ...

For example, the word "it" in the Tatar -bu, Turkish-shu, Kumyk- sho "This's me" - Sho Men (Kumuks), Shu Men (Crimean-Tatar) – English - showman .. The book is a beech on the Altai book-buchik, a common Turkic buchik, a bookyk - folded, a bouqmak, a bookmaker, a buchmak - folded. \ Buck, Buch (bük, buç,) - fold. \ the verbs duration, delivery Dur - turk root to become, consist dal-ver - (turk) return

It is known that the Türkic word "chabat" (czabata, tsabat, Sabat, shabbat) came from the verb chabu, sab, sap, "cut, cut" and originally meant "shoes cut from a single piece of wood." Then it began to denote different types of wooden shoes, including wicker. With the release of most types of wooden shoes from use, this word in different Turkic languages began to denote different types of shoes. AT modern Tatar language the word chabat, chabat means "bast shoes", i.e. shoes, woven from bast. Chubuk - a stick, a cut, a branch ...

In English; sabot, saboteur, sabotage, there are a few more Turkisms - derived from the verb chabu. These are words like chabouk (chabuk, chawbuk) - "whip, long whip"; chibouk - "chibouk, tube"; saber (sabre) - "saber"; sjambok - "whip, scourge from the skin of a rhinoceros".

Among the most famous natural realities are such words as badian, beech, irbis, jougara, mammoth, sable, taiga, turkey and others. In the same group 18 names of minerals, for example, dashkesanite, turanite and others.

The most mastered socio-political realities: bashi-bazouk, begum, effendi, chiaus, cossack, ganch, horde, janissary, khan, lackey, mameluke, pasha, saber, uhlan.

Among ethnographic realities there are also words that have become an integral part of English vocabulary: caviar, coach, kiosk, kumiss, macrame, shabrack, shagreen, vampire, etc.

In addition to words, English, simplified in grammar, differs from German, just the Turkic type, there are no differences in endings; middle, masculine, feminine. Some other simplifications ... And this is precisely the Saga influence, because the gunas did not reach Scandinavia ...

The Turkic proper names of such formidable conquerors as Attila, dubbed the Scourge of God, Gengis Khan, Baber, Tamerlane, became household names. The same thing happened with the ethnonyms hun, saracen, Tartar, Turk. A stubborn, stubborn boy, the British can call young Tartar, a "Tatar boy". "Meet with a stronger opponent" sounds in English to catch a Tartar, i.e. "run into the Tatar".

I wish the editors of the Russian version of Wikipedia to carefully read the Arabic sources, and carefully study not only the Indo-European words, but also the Turkic-Altai ...

Sag toponyms:

Sakha-Yakutia settlement Sagar - Turkmenistan Sag-Dar - Turkmenistan Shaki - Azerbaijan Sag aul - Crimea (now Sagi) Sak - the river in Ireland. Sag is an island in Thailand. Sak-Aktun - a flooded cave system in Mexico; according to data for 2013 - the second longest cave in the world The Sag-Post-river in Russia flows into the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District. Sag-Elga is a river in the western part of the Chelyabinsk region of Russia, belonging to the smallest rivers. \ El, El - Turk - edge, country \ Asmasag- 'I am a shak / sag': the Azmashakh river in the Molokanova cave near Cape I (n) has been buried in Gelendzhik. As, - Türk As, Yaz, - Turkic ethnonym is preserved as Tukhum from Turkmens. (see above) - ma - Turkic affix. Saxony is a province in Germany .. Burgundy Province in France ...

Mount Savalan in Iranian Azerbaijan ... Sav, Sab, Saf - have the same meaning with the word "Sag" (see above) Alan, Olan - Turk. be, and the person.

Based on ancient Persian sources, it can be assumed that the Sags crossed the Araks River (Araz) from Iranian Azerbaijan and settled in the South Caucasus, the Black Sea region, the Caspian steppes, from where they partially migrated to the Altai and Siberia.

Who are the Turks and where did they come from? There is an opinion that the Turks descended from the Altai in the early 3-4th centuries AD. e ... However, studies of many sources, and logical reasoning give us to draw other conclusions: 1. It is enough facts (see above) proving that the Scythians (Sags, Tokhars, etc.) were Turks ... 2. The outcome of the Sags and Tokhars to Siberia and the Altai originates from the South Caucasus and Iranian Azerbaijan beyond the river. Araks (Araz) in 7-4 in BC. e .... 3. The Sags burial grounds BC do not prove that the Sagi were 100% mongloid, which gives us reason to argue that the early Turks were European Caucasians in the field of atropology in the majority ..... and as they moved eastward they mixed up with local Altaic-Mongolian (Dzungarian) tribes, with the Tibetans ... Having created an even more formidable East Turkic ethnos, which later conquered all of Europe, Asia, Egypt, India ... 5. Linguistic analysis of the peoples of the Caucasus gives us more than extensive material for research .... 6. Finally logic ... Siberia could never provide with pastures, so many Turkic ethnoses, especially since the climate of Siberia makes it possible only in the summer to graze livestock ... Perhaps the development of the Sagas, Tokhars, Siberia occurred during periods of global warming, then Sagi, Tokhary , mixed with the eastern tribes from where they took the R1a gene, and for the most part anthropologically they were already of a mixed type of mongoloid-europeide with a predominantly mongloid character. Then, even in the Bronze Age, the Saxo- Turkic invasions were constantly moving toward the West ... The main habitats of the Sags from the 5th to 3rd centuries BC. e. - this is the Caspian, Black Sea steppes. But the Sagi invaded and reached Europe (Germany, France, Scandinavia). The legacy of the Sags is very extensive, they left numerous burial mounds (burial grounds), stone monuments (Umai ana, Balabali) (Scythian women). Monuments mostly with the image of the Mongols. This legacy has for many centuries been haunting the "Indo-Europeans" worshipers of the Aryan theories, these "scientists" do not go into open discussion. Persistently repeat not to They persistently repeat the evidence, not supported by anything, mainly relying on the works of Miller, Abaev, and others.

Arab sources: http://elibrary.bsu.az/yenii/ebookspdf/oCyzDAOB.pdf

Historical and cultural heritage of Turkmenistan Edited by O. Gundogdyev and R. Muradov UNDP, Istanbul, 2000. http://turkmenhistory.narod.ru/massaget.html

Analysis of the Zelenchug inscription by Tina Dzokaeva https://vk.com/page-48144617_46487002

The runic "inscription of the Vikings" found in the temple of Aya Sofia in Istanbul (Constantinople) is made in the Turkic language. About it: https://www.stihi.ru/2016/09/25/1483

Anatoly Klyosov is a well-known Russian geneticist living in the USA. According to the scientist, the modern Turkic peoples are descendants of the ancient Scythians. He is the author of the publication "The Turks Through Thousands of Years," and I am sure that VI Abaev's concept of the Iranian search for Scythians has failed, this theory is only a political aspect ... in Yutoub, Anatoly Klyosov's interview ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7M5RWFNVZI

Myths of Origin Europe and the Aryan Homeland Quest

The Quest for the Origins of Vedic Culture The Indo-Aryan Migration Debate


OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2001 http://web.vu.lt/rstc/a.pazeraite/files/2014/10/The-Quest-for-the-Origins-of-Vedic- Culture.doc