BJDW_guide_2019导览手册.indd 384-385 2019/8/28 下午8:59 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场

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怀柔分会场 渔唐精品民宿 怀柔福喜山 Pondlife Holiday hotel

Huairou Branch Venues Flourishings Mountain

福喜山,为人们提供的是怀柔短暂的乡野隐居场景的展 示,放松身心去感受自然之美。安静于傍水山林,席榻 于星空之下,洗去喧闹的铅华,回归天然的心境。 怀柔民宿的数量已超过350家之多。那里依山傍水, 紧邻长城。怀柔民风朴实,农产品资源丰富,吸引了 众多民宿主在此驻足。他们借助优美的山林、潺潺的 溪水、连绵的古长城等天然场景,全身心地打造各自 唯美的院落。他们将自己多年对生命的感悟、生活的 沉淀、毕生的心力。倾心打磨院落的每个细节,把对 生命的敬畏、未来美好生活的愿景、倾心山水的创意 渔唐,确切的说是渔唐隐居度假酒店 (The Pondlife Hotel),它坐落于静谧的景峪村中。 尽情地融入其中。 渔唐,推崇山水隐居和近郊度假的养生方式,注重客人居住体验的所有细节,满足用餐和住宿需求,承接有 从建筑的角度去体验艺术之美,感受乡居文化的传承, 情怀的公司和团队会议,为时间有限的城市小资提供自在乐活的放松角落,为需要安静的艺术创作者提供闭 感悟生命的神奇和伟大。 关思考的空间,为身心疲惫的人们提供放空养生的隐栖之所。

The Flourishing Mountain offers an exhibition, which The Pondlife Hotel, specifically the Pondlife Hotel, is located in the quiet Jingjing Village. is a short-term countryside reclusion in Huairou, to let people relax themselves to feel the real beauty The Pondlife Hotel, respecting the sanctuary of mountain retreat and suburban vacation, pays at- of nature. People hope and enjoy that lies near the tention to all the details of the guest’s living experience, meets the needs of dining and accommo- mountain and by the river quietly and sleeps under dation, undertakes the company and team meetings with feelings, and provides a relaxing corner for starry sky. They can go far away with the chaos free time for the city’s petty bourgeoisie. It provides a space for retreats and thoughts for quiet art from modern cities and return to the nature. creators, and provides a shelter for people who are physically and mentally exhausted. You can experience the beauty of art from the per- spective of architecture, to feel the heritage of rural residential culture, and to feel the magic and great- ness of life.

活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区渤海镇景峪村梁家峪49号 / NO.49 liangjiayu, Jingyu Village, Bohai Town, Huairou , BJ

BJDW_guide_2019导览手册.indd 386-387 2019/8/28 下午8:59 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场

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北京老木匠乡村民宿店 北京卡斯谷酒店有限公司 The Old Carpenter Chestnut Valley

北京老木匠乡村民宿店是一家以木工文化为特色、农 Old carpenter homestay, located in bohai 北京卡斯谷酒店作为2019年北京国际设计周怀柔主 As the main venue of International De- 民自主经营的精品民宿。民宿面山依水而居,500平 town of huairou district, is a boutique holiday 会场,本身也是具备优越设计理念和足够使用面积 sign Week Huairou in 2019, Beijing Kas Valley 方米的面积只设有4间客房,分别为“匠心”、“匠 homestay featuring woodworking culture. The 的度假区。怀柔,素有“京城后花园”之名,这里 Hotel is also a resort area with superior design 语”、“匠情”、“匠缘”。为满足宾客居住的舒适 area of 500 square meters has only 4 guest 山水有灵,空气宜人,是北京最宜居的地区。酒店 concept and sufficient use area. Huairou is 度,设立了独立的会客厅、娱乐(会议)厅、餐厅、 rooms. Each room has a poetic name with 度假村枕山傍水,背靠数十年栗树山林, known as the “backyard garden of Beijing”. 活动区、观景区、种植体验区等公共空间。民宿以 the woodworking culture, which is respective- 前临自然水生野生动物保护区-怀沙河,占地2万 It has a beautiful landscape and pleasant air. 木、石、砖、瓦为主要建筑材料,以黑、白、棕、灰 ly named “”craftsmanship””, “”crafts- It is the most livable area in Beijing. The resort 为主要色彩,既与周边山水融为一体,又突显风格; man language””, “”artisan sentiment”” 平方米。酒店主体为欧式托斯塔纳建筑风格,庭前 院后绿草如茵,恍惚踏入欧洲古 堡庄园。在这绝 resort is surrounded by mountains and rivers, 既体现了怀旧与古朴,又与现代生活相协调。民宿设 and “”artisan fringe””. With wood, stone, backed by decades of chestnut trees. 置了木工书籍和体验项目,游客来民宿,不仅可以学 brick and tile as the main building materials 佳的自然生态环境中,白鹭、松鼠常常到访。 本 习木工文化,还可以亲手体验木工产品制作。餐饮主 and black, white, brown and grey as the main 次设计周,卡斯谷将会以主场全程让各位领略这独 It is adjacent to the Natural Aquatic Wildlife 要以精品农家美食为主,并根据怀柔当地特产板栗和 colors, homestay not only integrates with sur- 有的位于庄园之美。卡斯谷酒店位于栗花沟卡斯谷 Sanctuary, Huaisha River, covering an area of ​​ 时令的各种蔬果提供定制服务。民宿最适宜入住10 rounding mountains and rivers, but also high- 度假区内,度假区拥有前后两块四百亩用地以及草 20,000 square meters. The main body of the 个成人或4个三口之家,最多可住15人。无论短期度 lights the style. 坪,并拥有山上2000亩以上的栗子林,切配备了 hotel is the European style of Tostana. After 齐全的住宿,餐饮,活动等等;其中活动包含木工 the grass in the front yard, you will step into the 假、精品会议、节日相聚,还是隐居休闲、亲子活 We aim at the quality of the room, and to 动,都能满足需求。 手作,丛林穿越,攀树等等多元化的户外和室内活 European castle estate. Egrets and squirrels maximize the room area to meet the needs of 动,专业能力极强的活动部也可以提供各式各样的 are often visited in this wonderful natural en- guests, we has set up a separate lounge, hall, 活动和团建方案。度假区距离慕田峪长城,水长 vironment. restaurant and entertainment activities area, 城,红螺寺,雁栖湖等景点也都很近,同时山林河 thus to satisfy both short vacations, meetings, 流的美景搭配着酒店的设施呈现了一个美妙的度假 or leisure, parent-child activities, and etc,. 胜地。优美的环境也能将各种精巧美丽的设计体现 的淋漓尽致。

活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区渤海镇六渡河村157号 / NO.157 Liuduhe Village,Bohai Town, 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区渤海镇六渡河村磨石峪1号 / NO.1 Moshiyu, Liuduhe Village, Huairou District, BJ Bohai Town,Huairou District,BJ

BJDW_guide_2019导览手册.indd 388-389 2019/8/28 下午8:59 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场

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和意小院 莲石山房 Heyi littleyard Lotus&Rock Mountain Lodge

关于和意小院的经营理念:和谐共赢 意在众生 莲石山房是一家以石头为缘起的山房,取名为莲 Lianshi Mountain House is a mountain house 第一部分:关于和意小院的定位--城市不远处的 石,寓意清雅、幽静,配上石头雕刻的恒久,也有 with stone as its origin. It is named Lotus Stone, 家。 亘古更今的传承。山房的居住概念是通过空间的开 which means elegant and quiet. It is matched 第二部分:关于小院的内容-小院不只住宿,还开 放与收和,室内的尺度与庭院水池的舒展,让人的 with stone carving for a long time, and it also 展了丰富的文化活动,搜索与积累可持续的文化交 精神得以自由,从而有归属感的居住体验。地处 has the inheritance of ancient times. The con- 流活动。 怀柔区雁栖镇莲花池村,枕山面水,周边野长城、 cept of living in the mountain house is through 关注在地区社区,并利益社区 神堂峪、雁栖湖、红螺寺等自然风景区亦是美不 the opening and closing of the space, the scale 胜收。 of the interior and the stretching of the courtyard (客人入住期间暂不开放) 山房共21间客房,房型有大床房、标间、亲子房、 pool, so that the spirit of the people can be free 榻榻米4种类型,另外两个会议室,餐厅酒吧咖啡俱 and thus have a sense of belonging. It is locat- He Yi mean? He, meaning “balance” in 全,山房不定期独立策划,并举办古物拓片、手工 ed in Lianhuachi Village, Yanqi Town, Huairou Chinese, is the way we operate our business 泥塑、扎染、香囊制作等室内亲子活动,是公司团 District. It is surrounded by natural waters such and lead our lives. Yi, meaning “empathy”, 建、居家旅行最佳的去处。山房节气美食遵循自然 as the Great Wall, Shentang Temple, Yanqi reflects our aim to benefit the people around Lake and Hongluo Temple. us. Built on these concepts, Little Yard seeks 古法,山家清供之味,更值得体验。 to provide products and service that honor our 莲石山房以石头为依托,以遗失的人文生活为梦 There are 21 rooms in the mountain house. environment and respect and involve our com- 想,在山谷长城下,触手自然生态,摆脱钢筋水泥 There are four types of room types: standard munity. 的束缚,回归天人合一的自在生活。 bed room, standard room, family room and When you stay with us, you will find that our tatami. The other two conference rooms, res- food is made of fresh, high quality ingredients taurants, bars and coffee are all available. The purchased from local farmers; our rooms are mountain houses are planned independent- decorated with natural materials and cultural ly from time to time, and antique rubbings and artifacts; our courtyard is filled with bamboo, hand-made clay sculptures are held. Indoor date trees, vegetable plants, and a stream parent-child activities such as tie dyeing and swimming with goldfish; and we offer trips and classes that engage our guests in local culture. sachet production are the best places for com- Little Yard is also home to our staff and dog, pany building and home travel. The mountain Yuanyuan, and on Sundays, provides a space house festival food follows the ancient ancient for the village’s children to participate in our method, and the taste of the mountain home is English Discovery workshop. more worthwhile. Whether you want to escape the city, need a place to rest after the Wall, bond with your work-mates, or just take a moment for yourself, we at Little Yard will do our best to accommo- date your needs, so that when you leave you feel refreshed and already planning your next visit!

活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区渤海镇三渡河村56号 / No. 56 Sandu River Village, Bohai Town, 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区雁栖镇莲花池村124号3门 / NO.124 Lianhuachi Village, Yanqi Huairou District, Beijing Town, Huairou District,BJ

BJDW_guide_2019导览手册.indd 390-391 2019/8/28 下午8:59 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场

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逸境佳里农家院餐厅 宜室怡趣精品民宿 Yijing Jiali littleyard Yishi Yiqu littleyard

逸境佳里,位于怀柔区渤海镇东渡河村,是一家建在半 Yijing Jiali, located in Dongduhe Village, 宜室怡趣项目位于素有“京郊明珠”、“北京 Yishi Yiqu Project is located in Huairou Dis- 山腰的民宿,三面环山,一层满屏翠绿,二层接着蓝 Bohai Town, Huairou District, is a B&B 后花园”美誉的北京市怀柔区,周边旅游资源 trict, Beijing, which is known as “Beijing Suburb 天,在深深浅浅的细微变化中,凭借对生活的感知,创 built on the mountainside. It is surround- 丰富,上行慕田峪长城、响水湖,下行红螺 Pearl” and “Beijing Back Garden”. It is sur- 造出不同的空间,是倡导随性生活态度和别致的美感的 ed by mountains on three sides, with a 寺、雁栖湖、圣泉寺,多处旅游胜地。交通便 rounded by tourism resources, and it goes up to 民宿部落营地。 green screen on the first floor and a blue 利,京承高速沿线,首都半小时经济圈内,三 Great Wall and Xiangshui Lake, down Hongluo Temple, Yanqi Lake and Sheng Quan- 逸境佳里有6间客房,可以容纳12-20人,每个房间各 sky on the second floor. In the subtle 小时车程轻松覆盖京津冀三地上亿城市消费人 changes of shallow depth, with respect 群。14公里即达怀柔城区,27公里直通北京首 quan Temple, many tourist attractions. Conven- 具特色,并且都能看到远处的山景。这里最适合包院开 ient transportation, along the Beijing-Chongqing Party,还有美式客厅、大餐厅、独立厨房、儿童活动 to life The perception, creating different 都国际机场,40公里可达北京市区。 spaces, is a B&B tribe camp that advo- 2 Expressway, within the half-hour economic circle 室、迷你KTV,麻将室等公共活动空间,wifi覆盖公共 项目地址怀柔区马道裕村134号,占地1300m of the capital, three hours drive to easily cover 区域,并且会不定期的举办各种小活动,如茶道、插 cates casual lifestyle attitudes and chic ,包含客房、茶室、酒屋、餐厅、露台等,集 aesthetics. the consumer groups in the hundreds of millions 花、服装制作、美食私宴、儿童夏、冬令营等等。 吃、住、游、玩于一体化,是周边唯一上千平 of cities in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. 14km ​​is the There are 6 rooms in Yijing Jiali, which 米的品质型民宿 。 Huairou District, 27km to Beijing Capital Interna- can accommodate 12-20 people. Each 客房区域以套间为主要房型,七套客房七种风 tional Airport and 40km to Beijing. room has its own characteristics and can 格,设计还原世界各地七种不同风格民居本 The project address is No. 134, Madaoyu Village, see the distant mountain views. It is most 色,装修采用实木、真皮等材质,科勒卫浴, suitable for the opening of the party, as Huairou District. It covers an area of ​​1,300 m2 and 细节精良品质卓越,主打体验式住宿,兼顾情 includes rooms, tea rooms, wine houses, res- well as the American-style living room, 侣、家庭、朋友、团建等多种住宿需求。 large dining room, separate kitchen, chil- taurants, terraces, etc. It is the only quality-style dren’s activity room, mini KTV, mahjong homestay with thousands of square meters. room and other public event spaces. The guest room area is mainly suite type, seven WiFi covers the public areas, and var- sets of seven styles, designed to restore seven ious small events are held from time to different styles of folk styles around the world, time, such as Tea ceremony, flower ar- decorated with solid wood, leather and other ma- rangement, clothing production, gourmet terials, Kohler bathroom, excellent quality and ex- private banquet, children’s summer, cellent quality, the main experience of accommo- winter camp and so on. dation, both lovers, Family, friends, group building and many other accommodation needs.

活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区渤海镇东四渡河村48号 / No. 48, Dongsiduhe Village, Bohai 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区渤海镇马道峪村134号 / 134 Madaoyu Village, Bohai Town, Town, Huairou District, Beijing Huairou District, Beijing

BJDW_guide_2019导览手册.indd 392-393 2019/8/28 下午8:59 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场

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乡品乡景 顶秀美泉小镇 Xiangpin&Xiangjing Lodge SPRING LEGEND

The Xiangpin&Xiangjing Lodge is transformed The SPRING LEGEND, is located in from the old factory of the rolling mill. Under the the beautiful Yanqi river, with elegant designer’s design, the original factory building internal environment, romantic Euro- is upgraded as much as possible to maintain the pean buliding. industrial structure and part of the machineries, Beijing Design Week is a series of which has combined with modern design to en- European culturally fantasy tour ac- sure comfort and modern beauty, at where people tivities, mainly including European can feel the historical culture of the river while en- architecture and sculpture apprecia- joying leisure. tion, virtual game experience, cultural Located at the foot of the Great Wall at Huairou tour, parent-child painting activities. River, the Xiangpin&Xiangjing Lodge has a large European culturally fantasy tour ac- internal space of 3132.7 square meters, of which tivities:(Sep.19-Oct.7) the courtyard covers an area of 1960 square me- ters and the indoor area covers 1392.51 square 顶秀美泉小镇,位于美丽的雁栖河畔,距离怀柔雁栖湖国际会 1. Appreciating European architec- 河防口536号院精品民宿坐落于怀柔河防口长城 meters. There are 14 indoor rooms, 4 activity 都约3公里,小镇内部环境优雅浪漫,欧式建筑错落有致,是 ture and sculpture;Taking a small 脚下,由原河防口轧钢厂改造升级而成,设计师 rooms, 2 courtyards, 2 terraces, 12 parking lots 一座以旅游为主线,文化创意为主题,兼顾主题酒店、高端餐 train to cruise the small town. 对轧钢厂的旧厂房及院落进行了重新设计,尽量 饮、体验式购物、会议会展、生态休闲、影视拍摄、创新娱乐 for vehicles, 12 special concrete rooms, and one 2. Experiencing virtual game 保持了工业化的结构及部分机械设备,结合现代 badminton court. The overall public area is de- 功能于一体的综合性文旅小镇。小镇积极响应怀柔政府发展文 3. Cultural tour and parent-child 简约及园林设计,在确保舒适性和现代美感的前 signed to accommodate 55 people. Activity areas 化创意产业,建设“文化新都”的战略目标,通过以欧洲文化 painting activities. 提下,让游客在休闲度假的同时可以感受到河防 and conference rooms for 100 people, which can 为主题,全面展示欧洲文化历史人文景观,集影视创作、文化 口的历史沉积。 suite for group activities and team building activ- 体验旅游、艺术欣赏、高端国际活动以及综合服务为一体,打 造人文、生态、创意的氛围,将文化导入建筑产品的规划设计 536号院总占地3000余平米,共设置客房14 ities. 以及整个社区生活氛围中去。小镇打造了以欧洲皇家文化为背 间,房型含景观房、庭院房及独立套房和小院, 景的顶秀美泉假日酒店和以欧洲精灵文化为背景的顶秀精灵堡 最多可满足58人居住需要,公共区域设置有 童话亲子酒店,汇集了英国、法国、德国、西班牙等各国美食 综合大厅一处,轰趴室一处,庭院2处,露台2 的顶秀酒吧街及中西美食文化餐饮组团,以未来科幻为主题的 处,停车场可停放车辆12辆,公共活动区域设 休闲娱乐新坐标——顶秀梦幻城,超高代入感的电影剧情高端 计较大,可开会、可团建、可满足百人活动的 密室——顶秀和平饭店·沉浸式剧场……集“吃住玩 游娱购” 需要。 为一体的文化旅游特色项目,使小镇成为了周边怀柔科学城、 影视基地、国际会都的生活、交流、娱乐、休闲“后花园”, 小镇还建造了喷泉、广场、雕塑、小品等一系列内涵丰富的景 观小品和配套休闲设施,展现出浓郁、纯正的欧洲人文艺术气 息以及丰富的文化内涵,为怀柔打造文化休闲旅游城市提供了 更为丰富精彩的元素。 本次设计周设计之旅项目为欧洲文化奇幻之旅系列活动,小镇 以本次活动为起点,聚集人气,吸引各界潮流人士畅游欧洲风 情文化。

活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区河防口村536号院 / No. 536 Courtyard, Hefangkou, Huairou 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区雁栖镇顶秀美泉小镇 / SPRING LEGEND, Yanqi Town,Huairou District, Beijing. District,BJ

BJDW_guide_2019导览手册.indd 394-395 2019/8/28 下午8:59 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场

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长 城·村 里 故 事 东篱精品民宿分享会 Great wall Village Story Sandy’s mountain yard

本项目在慕田峪五A级景区内有二处院 Sandy,之前十几年,一直在做欧美游客在北京的私人 落,可以承包各类沙龙,会议,团建,休 定制家庭旅游,深爱怀柔这 一片山水长城。2015 年 闲,度假,住宿,餐饮等多功能接待服 因为网络上乡村美好生活方式的影响,开始寻找自己的 务,风景秀美,环境优雅,此次为设计周 伊甸园。本 着“有山有水有长城”的理念,历时近一 准备场地。 年的寻找,2015 年的冬天,终于找到了一个喜欢 的院 子,又经过一年的时间,落成了“东篱山舍”——位于 怀柔渤海镇一处隐秘山谷中,依 山傍水、看得到长城 The curtyard has been transformed 的院子。从此落户怀柔,成为了一处闲庭雅园的主人。 into a beautiful and exquisite home 东篱山舍位于怀柔渤海镇一个私密隐逸的山谷中,有三 stay leisure resort by Taiwan designer 间套房:Loft 星空房、小老虎 房、仙人掌房。 Chen yingze from the former mutianyu village committee. The resort is less 东篱文旅,将怀柔有代表性的精品民宿,挑选15-20 than 700 meters away from the Great 家,策划成三天两晚的考察体验线路,通过组织民宿 Wall, which can directly overlook- 主、民宿爱好者参与体验整个吃住行,与民宿主的交流 ing the mutianyu Great Wall’s most 和互动,展示怀柔民宿的整体形象。其中第二天,以论 landscape - zhengguan tai. The plane 坛的形式,邀请北京民宿行业里的大咖、行业主管领 trees planted by qi jiguang were said 导、专家,进行分享,并且与设计周各会场、各活动有 to attract numerous of tourists. Green 机结合,将民宿的文化和创意多方位地展示。 grass and flowers can be seen every- where, with small vegetable gardens activity will select 15 to 20 typical lodges in huairou full of vitality. With 16 rooms in total, within 2 or 3 days to investigate and experience the hotel offers a five-star home stay through organizing hosts This and home stay fans experience for everyone. to participate in the whole food and lodging. The next day, in the form of BBS, we invited the big names, leaders and experts of Beijing homestay industry to share each activities of the design week to present the culture and creativity of homestay in multiple aspects.

活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动地点/Project Venue: 怀柔区渤海镇慕田峪村86号院 / NO.86 Yard,Mutianyu Village, Huairou 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区渤海镇小范马峪村 / Xiaomayu Village, Bohai Town,Huairou District,BJ District,BJ

BJDW_guide_2019导览手册.indd 396-397 2019/8/28 下午8:59 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场

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白鸟集 岑舍 WHITE BIRD CLUB His and Hers Lodge

WHITE BIRD CLUB lies in Huairou District, with “His and Hers Lodge was rebuilt from the own 白鸟集民宿位于北京怀柔区内,在选址时特意将“ special purpose of “natural customers” when 岑舍位于怀柔区栗花沟内东四渡河村,周围有成片 house, The costly, mortise-wood structure of 自然客流”这个属性列为头等关键属性,而白鸟集 select the site, while the WHITE BIRD CLUB 的板栗树林,怀沙河绕村流过。岑舍由自家宅基地 the house was specially built by the most expe- 所在的白河湾景区恰好满足了如上两条,这里不仅 where the lodge lies in the Baihe Bay con- 改建而成,耗资不菲,榫卯相交的木质结构是特地 rienced local artisans, which is a perfect combi- 有燕山山脉壮丽的自然环境地貌,还有丰富的各类 tains the above characters. There are not only 请的当地最有经验的匠人建造,古典和现代完美的 nation of classical and modern. 动植物资源,而“白河”贯穿景区,临水临河让这 magnificent natural environment and landform 结合了起来。 There are six rooms, a large living room, a large 里有了丰富的亲水娱乐,例如捉鱼钓鱼,河滩露营 of Yanshan mountain, but also various kinds kitchen and two terraces and a pool. In the of animal and plant resources. “Baihe” runs 岑舍一共有六间客房,一间大的起居室,一个大开方 野炊漂流等等。 式厨房以及两个露台一个游泳池。在厨房和煮茶的 kitchen and the two terraces where the tea is through the scenic area, and being near the riv- made, you can see the mountains, the villag- 白鸟集就坐落在本景区中央位置——白河北村,这 er brings abundant water-loving entertainment, 两个露台,可以看到远山,村庄和怀沙河,靠东的起 里不仅风景秀丽,而且私密性强,公共场地宽阔, 居室窗外视野开阔,阳光温暖。院落西侧房顶设有 es and the Huaisha river. There is a swimming such as catching fish and fishing, camping, pic- pool on the west side of the courtyard. Whether 好处众多。我们在项目内设计了大大小小室内室外5 nic and rafting, etc. 无边泳池一个,相信无论是孩童嬉戏或是团队轰趴,都 个公共区域,相比仅有7间客房的我们,这五个公共 会让您体验到不一样的乡村乐趣。 you are a child or a team, you will experience different rural fun. 区域可以满足所有对聚会的幻想。 岑舍是内敛的,有内涵底蕴的。如果想在京郊寻找 一座耐人寻味的新中式民宿,必是岑舍无疑了。 Peaceful Lodge is profound, If you’re looking for an intriguing new Chinese home in the sub- urbs of Beijing, there’s no doubt about it.

活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区琉璃庙镇白河北村35号 / NO.35 North Baihe village,Liu li miao 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区渤海镇东四渡河村12号 / NO.12 Eastern Four Duhe Village,Bo- Town,Huairou District,BJ hai Town, Huairou Distrct,BJ

BJDW_guide_2019导览手册.indd 398-399 2019/8/28 下午8:59 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场

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北京怡静乡村农家院餐厅 大隐于世·鲁西西的院子/大隐于世·半山小院 Yijing Lodge Hermitage·Lu Xixi’s Yard/Hermitage·Half-Hill Yard

本项目位于北京怀柔区慕田峪长城景区脚下,离怀 you can walk the Mutianyu Great Wall, find a 柔城区十余公里,交通便捷。这边景色怡人,可徒 long history, and enjoy the unique scenery of 步慕田峪长城,寻觅悠久历史,领略万里长城独 the Great Wall. You can also reach the Yanqi 秀,也可一刻钟到达雁栖湖,赏湖光山舍,也可祈 Lake in a quarter of an hour, enjoy the lake and 福红螺寺,聆听红螺仙娥故事,还可探险箭扣长 the mountain, or pray for the Hongluo Temple 城,游览响水湖,破解圣泉山神秘谜团。本项目一 to listen to the story of the red snail fairy. You 共十二余间客房,可包含客房、娱乐房、餐厅、露 can also explore the Great Wall of the Arrows, 台等,集吃、住、游、玩一体化,接待三十余人。 visit the Xiangshui Lake, and crack the Mys- 内设冷暖空调,现代式厨房,24小时热水,温馨舒 terious Mystery of the Holy Spring Mountains. 适,干净整洁。 The project has a total of more than 12 rooms, including rooms, entertainment rooms, restau- rants, terraces, etc. It integrates eating, living, The project is located at the foot of the Mu- traveling and playing, and receives more than “鲁西西的院子”位于长城脚下的大水峪村,庭院 “Lu Xixi’s Yard at the foot of the Great Wall, tianyu Great Wall Scenic Spot in Huairou 30 people. It is equipped with air conditioning, 和客房用木栅栏隔离开来,客房和庭院之间相互独 located in the village of Dashuiyu Village, guest District, Beijing. It is more than ten kilometers modern kitchen, 24-hour hot water, warm and 立但又相互连接,呆在屋内的伙伴们可以独享一份 rooms and courtyard are separated f by wood- away from Huairou City and has convenient comfortable, clean and tidy. 私密,透过木栅栏又能隐隐约约看到院中发生的一 en palisades. The partners in the house can transportation. The scenery here is pleasant, 切。 enjoy a private life. 半山小院位于怀柔慕田峪长城脚下,半山腰上,在 The Half-Hill Yard is located at the foot of the 这里可以找回那份淳朴的乡野气息。当院子的篱 Great Wall at Huairou mutianyu, halfway up the 笆,砖瓦房的淳朴,青石板小道,又重新在眼前, hill, here you can find that simple rural atmos- 儿时的记忆一幕幕的重演,仿佛当年的玩伴就在眼 phere. 前,仿佛听到了那时爽朗的笑声。 When the fence of the yard, the simplicity of the 在大隐于世·半山小院,虽然身处城市之中,但也 brick house, the path of the flagstone, is in front 能够拥抱千里之外,找到你想要的生活。 of me again, the memory of childhood replays, as if the playmate of that years is still in front of me, as if I heard the laugh of that time. In the courtyard, though in the city, you can embrace the lif of a thousand miles away and find the life you want.

活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区渤海镇苇店村76号 / No. 76 Weidian Village, Bohai Town, 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区怀北镇大水峪村174-1/北京市怀柔区渤海镇马道峪村61号 / Huairou District, Beijing NO.174-1 Dashuiyu Village, Huaibei Town, NO.61 Madaoyu Village, Bohai Town, Huairou Dis- trict,BJ

BJDW_guide_2019导览手册.indd 400-401 2019/8/28 下午8:59 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场

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节气山房 半山小院(玺室朴堂) JIE QI HOMESTAY Half-Hill Courtyard(XI SHI PU TANG)

节气山房坐落于慕田峪亓连关长城脚下,无墙博物 Purple sand hand-made experience, the pur- 玺室朴堂(Caravan Classics)染织艺术工作室创 玺室朴堂旗下现有“玺物”和“朴物”两个品牌, 馆山水人文聚落的【节气山房】工坊民宿,以简宋 ple sand mud rich in yixing, the famous ceramic 立于1999年,是世界上较早开始研究中国古毯,并 全部作品均坚持使用优选自世界各地的天然染料染 风格,书房文化风格,节气文化为主题,时令饮 capital of China, the purple sand pottery hand- 完全采用传统工艺织作手工地毯的机构。 色,手工制作。 食,涵盖了华夏琴棋书画诗酒花茶器,将文化植入 made experience, you can DIY various things,- 大约在上世纪七十年代,华盛顿的纺织博物馆最先 玺物:致力于中式手工艺术地毯的织作和传统地毯 现代文明建筑当中,设有汉唐榻榻米,大床房,家 such as making tea pets by ourselves. 开始尝试复制古典中式地毯;随后几家西方公司也 染织工艺的传承。 庭房以及罗汉床等简约舒适不失生活美学及文化气 Handmade aromatherapy candles, which can 在此领域做过尝试,但都没有获致令人满意的结 朴物:探讨将传统染织带入生活,应用于服装和家 息的客房, 七间主题客房 【春元】【夏亨】【秋 cultivate the aesthetics of life. The candle use 果,长久以来,以传统工艺复制古典中式地毯在国 利】【冬贞】【吉祥】【晴耕】【雨读】 涵盖了一 饰品;开展天然染色和手工编织的培训与教学,倡 natural flowers and trees and the combination 内是一个空白。十几年来,玺室朴堂已成功地复原 导人与自然、与自己的和谐相处之道。 年四季的变化为主题,围绕着二十四节气古人的劳 of candles, thus to make a favorite traditional 了几十块中国古毯杰作,这些古毯原件大多现存于 动作息生活饮食规律的空间体验。 fragrant candles. 国外的博物馆和私人收藏,在世界古毯界留下了不 朽的印迹。 Participants can choose a white handkerchief, Hand-made experience: 古毯之美,是与其制作工艺息息相关的;要重现古 and create a piece of artwork by themselves 典中式地毯之美,就必须要找回并重现这些传统工 or their relatives and friends. First, collect the There are Chinese Fragrance Tao, according corresponding leaf material in the courtyard to different solar term and decided, by dozens 艺。这是一个循序渐进的过程:研究不同的编织手 法,学习各地的植物染色技术,搜集不同地域的天 according to the creation idea, spread the of pure Chinese herbal medicine powder, pure handkerchief on the stone platform, crack the handmade fragrant token, which can speeden 然染材,研发地毯后处理工艺,等等,再将这些传 统手工艺的碎片重新组合到一起。 selected leaf or flower on it, and then conduct human blood circulation. the fixation treatment. Then the handkerchief is 这条探求古典完美的路似乎没有尽头,我们深深意 soaked in the blue indigo dye solution, removed 识到:古典艺术中的某些成就无法被超越,而只能 and oxidized in the air. Wash, dry and finish the 被重现。 work.

活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区雁栖镇莲花池11号 / NO.11 Lianhuachi,Yanqi Town, Huairou 活动地点/Project Venue: 怀柔雁栖镇莲花池村 / Lianhuachi Village, Yanqi Town,Huairou District,BJ District, BJ

BJDW_guide_2019导览手册.indd 402-403 2019/8/28 下午8:59 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场

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瓦蓝-永无乡 五彩幸福八宝堂 Wait Land Worth Waiting

“瓦蓝·永无乡”民宿负责人是70后的王全喜。创 The village of toudaoliang, where White land, 五彩幸福八宝堂民宿以“耕读传家”为方向,以“ Worth Waiting is designed with the direction of 始人“瓦蓝”和“别人”是一对70后的小夫妻,这 is located in the yanshan mountain range. At 琴棋书画诗酒茶”为主题对民宿进行设计,表达民 “reading through the family” and the theme 是他们的网名。 the beginning, people fell to the mountain and 宿美学生活;每个院落均有不同的风景,并且在每 of “lyre-playing, chess, calligraphy, painting, 永无乡所在的头道梁村地处燕山山脉,起初的人们 cultivated their farms. The ancient boundary of 一个客房都配备了独立庭院,让每一个来着这里的 poem, wine and tea” to express the aesthet- 因山就势,耕读传家,形成了“恍如隔世”的人居 life is melting, and the power of modern design 人真正置身于山水自然之中;在基础设施上全面提 ic life of the homestay. Each courtyard has 文化生态环境。古老的生活边界在消融,现代设计 break through the limitation of space. The gar- 升,现代化简约设计、全新升级客房、星级布草标 a different view, and each guest room has a 的力量使得生活的质感突破了空间的约限,城市的 den of the city only reaches the edge of the wall, 准、24小时热水,无论是独自一人前往、还是与伴 separate yard, so that everyone here is really 花园只到围墙边,但永无乡的院子一直延续到天 but the courtyard of the White land continues to 侣、亲朋好友同行,或是公司年会、团建的团队出 exposed to the natural landscape; There are 边。”一砖一石,一屋一瓦,无不透露出设计中的 reach the edge of the sky. 游,这里都会是您纵情沉醉的世外桃源、让您享受 comprehensive promotion in the infrastructure, 禅意与精神。 Different from the graceful school homestay, 异彩纷呈的假期。 modern minimalist design with a new upgrade the design style of White stone shows that the rooms, 24 hour hot water, whethe with a partner, 与南方飞檐翘角的婉约派民宿不同,永无乡的设计 family, friends, or the company annual meeting, 风格尽显北方院子的大气敞亮,高门大院,室内保 air of the courtyard in the north is clear, and the high gate courtyard retains the tenon and team building, here is your drunken xanadu live, 留了老房子的榫卯结构,将原有的柱子加固,黄泥 allowing you to enjoy a colorful holiday. 灌缝,用料厚实质朴。 mortise structure of the old house. The original pillars are strengthened and the yellow mud is 每处小院又有自己的特色,其中,一号院门型的“ filled with cracks. The materials are thick and 红屋顶”是永无乡的标志,王全喜说,想用它来代 simple. Each courtyard also has its own char- 表“朱门秀户”,也想用它提醒来这里的客人家在 acteristics, among them. Here, you can both 何方。在这里,既可以感受到儿时邻里的亲密,又 feel the closeness of your childhood and enjoy 可以享受独处的宁静 the tranquility of being alone.

活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区雁栖镇头道梁村 / Toudaoliang Village, Yanqi Town, Huairou 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区琉璃庙镇八宝堂村 / Babaotang Village,Liulimiao Town, Huairou District,BJ District,BJ

BJDW_guide_2019导览手册.indd 404-405 2019/8/28 下午8:59 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场

406 407

响水湖008 巷 上·院 子 XIANG SHUI Lake 008 Roseann’s Courtyard

生活方式是自己的,优质环境是全社会的,如果你 We are a professional team that makes camp- 爱上村居的巷上,把院子建在怀柔区慕田峪长城附 Fall in love with house, which was built in huai- 也认同我们的理念,请来响水008.响水008不属于 ing life” ,“We provide quality environment for 近的北沟村,那里依山傍水,别有一番清幽。 rou district mutianyu Great Wall near beigou 任何个人及公司,响水008承载了诸多机构、设计 each customer” ,“Enjoy life! Protect the envi- 在院子里,不仅可以享受朋友聚会、生日派对、散 village. 院、建设者、设备厂家、志愿者的共同情怀和辛勤 ronment! Please share with us! 养孩子、分享美食、手作器物的时光,也可以举办 In the yard, you can not only enjoy the time 汗水,自2015年设计启动至 2016年正式投入开发 XIANG SHUI Lake 008 bears the common feel- 小而美的婚礼,见证新人的幸福时刻。 of friends’ parties, birthday parties, children 建设,历时240天,初具规模! ings and hard work of many organizations, design 北沟村是艺术家的聚集地,各类风格建筑比比皆 playing, food sharing and handicrafts, but also 致力于如何在不破坏自然环境,保护生态的基础 institutes, constructors, equipment manufacturers 是。村内还可以直接上山爬长城,附近大型集市还 can hold small and beautiful weddings to wit- 上,让更多的公司、机构、家庭共同加入到008环 and volunteers, it lasted for 240 days and began 有山野鲜货售卖。您可以在院子体验慢下来的生 ness the happy moments of the new couple. 保为主题的大家庭中,这或许才是它真正的品牌与 to take shape! 活,原来城市的快节奏和高压,让身体和心灵都适 Beigou village is a gathering place for artists, 核心价值! It is committed to how to bring more companies, 应村居的闲暇和惬意。 and various styles of architecture around. You institutions and families into our environmental can also climb the wall directly, and near the protection without damaging the natural envi- large market there is also a mountain fresh sale. ronment and protecting the ecology, which may You can experience the slow down life in the be our real brand and core value! courtyard. The fast pace and high pressure of the city makes the body and mind adapt to the leisure and comfort of the village.

活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区渤海镇南冶村鑫绿垂钓园 / Nanye Village, Bohai Town, Huairou 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区渤海镇北沟村122号 / NO.122 Beigou Villiage, Bohai Town, District,BJ Huairou District, BJ

BJDW_guide_2019导览手册.indd 406-407 2019/8/28 下午8:59 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场

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杨门浆水豆腐传习所 逸境山水 The yangmen-water tofu study Meeting The Great Wall,Yi Jing·Ban Shan

杨门浆水豆腐由杨坤全的高祖杨秀林始创。并独创 The yangmen-water tofu was originated by 又见逸境是逸境山水旗下第一个项目,位于最著名 等能在此实现。拥有独特的建筑造型及气质,齐全 了8字点浆法,至今已经传承5代130多年的历史。 Yang kunquan. And the original creation of the 的野长城箭扣脚下,由老式民舍改造而来。四面环 的配套设施,以及精心雕刻的细节,全天候精心准 杨门浆水豆腐传习所是豆腐非物质文化遗产传承和 8-character point paste method, which has 山,南有雄伟险峻古长城衬托,是一处新近开发的 备的茶点饮料,餐饮特色为根据怀柔特产,与现代 研习的场所,旨在传播传统的农耕文化、石磨文 passed on more than 130 generations of histo- 寻幽、访古、探险、休闲、健身的绝佳去处。又见 人口味改良结合而成,并提供定制化服务。 化、豆腐文化,并将这些文化串联成一种的生活方 ry so far. It is the place where the non-material 逸境为美式乡村风,保留着最古朴的乡野气息,拥 式,用体验的方法展现出来,其核心就是慢、稳、 cultural heritage is being studied, designed to 有180°长城景观壁炉,超大异形观景露台,整体 专注,领悟,不同的体验者感受自然不同。 spread the traditional farming culture, the cul- 厨房等,躺在浴缸里就可以远眺箭扣,是一个隐藏 Yijing is located in xiangshui lake scenic area, at the foot of the wild wall. 四个小时的全程体验磨豆浆、过滤豆浆、煮豆浆、 ture of stone mill, tofu, culture. 于深山之中,充满着乡土气息,隐藏着历史痕迹的 制作油豆皮、点制豆腐,压豆腐。品自己亲手磨 The whole four-hour experience is to grind 民舍,风景独好,私密,安静。我们用心确保每一 Yijing is a mysterious garden, which is located 制的豆浆,吃自己点制的豆花,还有自己压制的 soybean milk, filter soybean milk, boil soy- 个房间都有不一样的呈现,每一扇窗都有不一样 halfway up the mountain and looks opposite to 豆腐,整个过程中穿插传统文化,小游戏,寓教于 bean milk, make soybean skin, point tofu and 的风景。又见逸境共有5间客房,彼此独立,可供 the Great Wall. It has the whole picture of sub- 乐,气氛欢乐融洽。 press tofu. The whole process is interspersed 12-14人居住,房间面积大小为15-84平米,整 stantial 270 ° mountain and 270 ° wild Great with traditional culture, small games, teaching 院面积为660平方米。 逸境伴山是逸境山水旗下第 Wall landscape. Industrial design and Med- through lively activities, and the atmosphere is 三个项目,位于响水湖景区内,北京结,九眼楼野 iterranean design mixing, makes you feel that joyful and harmonious. 长城脚下。逸境伴山是一个地处半山腰,与长城遥 you are surrounded by the Great Wall on three 想对望,独享野奢,放空自我的神秘书苑,由二层 sides, which makes you quiet and peaceful. 别墅改造而成,处在与世隔绝的村落。拥有整扇落 There are 7 rooms in the yard, which are inde- 地窗,可观270°山景,270°野长城景观,视野 pendent and can be used for 14 to 16 people. 及其开阔。工业风及地中海风混搭,原生态感觉。 The size of the rooms is 20-50 square meters 三面环长城,静谧安逸。院内共7间客房,彼此独 and the whole yard is 850 square meters. The 立,可供14-16人居住,房间面积大小为20-50平 public area has 200 square meters of balconies, 米,整院面积为850平方米。公共区域有200平方露 300 square meters of courtyards and sunken 台,300平米院落以及下沉式花园,水池,天窗, gardens, pools, skylights and glass terraces. 玻璃地台。近郊度假、隐居、老友相聚、家庭聚会

活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区怀北镇雁秀路6号 / NO.6 Yanxiu Road, Huaibei Town, Huairou 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区雁栖镇西栅子村43号/北京市怀柔区渤海镇庄户村 / “No.43, Old District, BJ Shuikeng, Xizhazi Village, Yanqi Zhuanghu Village, Bohai Town, Huairou District, BJ

BJDW_guide_2019导览手册.indd 408-409 2019/8/28 下午8:59 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场

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终于见到你 箭扣蜜家精品民宿 Worth Waiting Honey Home Boutique Residence

终于见到你精品民宿的公共区域和独立客房都是面 The public area and independent guest rooms 一壶清茶,几缕茶香,抬手品茗,意蕴无穷。一杯 family, bring a friend, and sit down in the small 朝山林,品尝山中佳肴或坐卧于客房,都能一览大 of the Worth Waiting are all facing the moun- 红酒,一份意面,唇齿之间,温情有余。一口入 courtyard. Harvest freedom, harvest friendship, 山大河,忘却城市喧嚣,找寻内心的宁静。一期的 tains and forests. You can enjoy the delicacies 喉,是柴米油盐酱醋茶,一口入心,是琴棋书画诗 and feel the time to slow down. Located at the 七间客房各有主题,不同人群都能获得量身定做的 in the mountains or sit in the guest rooms, ar 酒歌。带上家人,带上朋友,来小院儿坐坐。收获 foot of Mutianyu and Jianzhan Great Wall in 度假体验。 where You can look at the mountains and 自由,收获情谊,感受着时间放慢脚步。背靠卧佛 Huairou District, Jianjiao Boutique Homestay 爱情主题房的浴缸在玻璃天窗下,沐浴时可观星赏 rivers, forget the hustle and bustle of the city, 山的箭扣蜜家精品民宿坐落于怀柔区慕田峪和箭扣 is located in Huairou District. It is an old-fash- 月;亲子主题房,专为孩子搭建阁楼床、涂鸦墙和 and find your inner peace. Each of the sev- 长城脚下,是一座有近百年历史的老式古院落,4 ioned courtyard with nearly 100 years of histo- 游戏区,孩子们有独立空间且充满趣味;榻榻米客 en rooms in the first phase has a theme, and 个带独立卫生间的标准间房间,1个透明充气屋,1 ry, 4 standard rooms with separate bathrooms, 房是纳友聚会的理想之选,可同时容纳两个家庭或 different people can get a customized holiday 个罗马帐篷和高清晰度智能投影,每个房间均有空 and a transparent inflatable house. , a Roman 几个朋友的聚会度假。客房的景观视角和室内配 experience. The parent-child themed room is 调,无线WiFi,房间使用的均是环保竹炭牙刷,沐 tent and high-definition smart projection, each 饰都是精心定位和挑选的,力求将自然的质朴与品 designed for kids to build loft beds, graffiti walls 浴用品均采用欧舒丹品牌。厨房里面油、盐、酱、 room has air conditioning, wireless WiFi, the 质的细节完美融合,共同打造一个精致田园的生活 and game areas. Kids have independent space 醋、米、面、酱样样齐全,还有做西餐用的烤箱, room is using environmentally friendly bam- 之所。 and they will feel much fun here. The tatami 全自动咖啡机,面包机,榨汁机,豆浆机,电饭 boo charcoal toothbrush, bath products are room is an ideal place for a gathering of friends, 锅,电磁炉,微波炉,电饼档,超大鸳鸯锅和炭烧 using L’Occitan brand. The kitchen has oil, and can accommodate two families or several 铜火锅,室外还配有二组大烧烤架,在这里亲可以 salt, sauce, vinegar, rice, noodles and sauces, friends at the same time. Every landscape of 大展厨艺。 as well as an oven for western food, fully au- the guestroom are carefully selected, aiming to tomatic coffee machine, bread machine, juicer, perfectly integrate the natural simplicity, thus to soya-bean milk machine, rice cooker, induction jointly create an rural life here. A pot of tea, a few teas, and hand-picked, the cooker, microwave oven, Electric cake stalls, meaning is endless. A glass of red wine, a pas- oversized shabu-shabu and charcoal-hot ta, between the lips and teeth, more than warm. copper hot pot, and two large barbecue grills One mouth into the throat, is the rice, oil, salt are also available outside, where you can show and sauce vinegar tea, a heartfelt heart, is a pi- your cooking skills. ano songs and calligraphy poems. Bring your

活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区琉璃庙镇二台子村88号 / NO.88 Ertaizi Villige, Liulimiao Town, 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区渤海镇田仙峪国奥乡居20号院 / No.20 Hospital of Tianxianyu Huairou District, BJ Guoao Township, Bohai Town, Huairou District, Beijing

BJDW_guide_2019导览手册.indd 410-411 2019/8/28 下午8:59 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场

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花生民宿 国奥颐悦田仙峪(北京)养老投资有限责任公司 Peanut Boarding Guoao Yiyue Tianxianyu (Beijing) Pension Investment Co., Ltd.

After 85, Alice has been dedicated to the hotel 古朴自然、修旧如旧是长城别院的设计理念,别院 circle for more than ten years. Overseas resort 均为老房改造而成,门头采用全榆木设计,木纹质 hotels + Internet hotels have experienced many 朴,外表层増刷了桐油,提升了耐腐度,从细节之 national specialties in recent years, igniting 处兼顾观赏性和健康;院子里装饰大部分都采用 the love of the hotel, and the love of Huairou, 老房原有的木料。根据房间风格,从窗棂门窗, she came to Beijing. The first thing to do is to 到长桌、条案、厨房里的置物架,都是由当地的老 stay at Sanduhe Homestay to go to Mutianyu 师傅们手工改造出来的,因为国奥乡居相信,只要 Great Wall. In the village of Sanduhe, which is 用心,旧物也会散发不一样的光彩。别院建设过程 surrounded by mountains and waters, she has 中,全部保留原来的老房梁、旧砖瓦、木质门窗, her own peanut house. The name is the name 无论审美,还是居住功能上的实用性,都参照古 of the dog and peanuts accompanying her. 法,继承传统文化智慧,修旧最珍贵。纯天然健康 Around the theme of ‘Want to live’ quali- 是别院的自然肌理,在室内却采用酒店式精装,配 ty life, the old-fashioned courtyard building, 国奥乡居始于奥运建设者的美丽乡村梦国奥乡 备全套现代化品牌家电和无线覆盖的畅通网络,让 85后Alice一直执着于致力酒店圈十几年,海外度假 with an area of ​​more than 400 square meters, 居品牌始于奥运建设者——国奥集团的美丽乡村 质朴的乡野生活紧随时代潮流。 酒店+互联网酒店,近年来体验了不少国家的特色民 5 spacious rooms, 3 large event spaces, and 梦。2008年北京奥运,由国奥集团投资并承建的 宿,燃起对民宿的热爱,加上对怀柔山水的眷恋, spacious space; each room is designed with 国家体育馆、国奥村享誉世界。后奥运时代,国奥 她来到北京的第一件事情就是住三渡河民宿去慕田 the theme of ‘thinking’. Every detail of the 集团由传统地产向创新型文旅地产积极转型,在怀 “Guoao Township·Great Wall Courtyard 峪长城,在依山徬水的三渡河村子里,她有了自己 home, ‘I like it’, ‘I want to live’, every mat- 柔区政府的鼎力支持下,开发建设了乡村旅游项 is located in Tianxianyu Village, Bohai Town, 的花生民宿,名字是以陪伴她的狗狗花生起名,花 tress and pillow is the choice of the landlord to 目——国奥乡居·长城别院。 Huairou, Beijing. At the foot of Mutianyu and 生民宿的理念围绕着‘想住’品质生活为主题,老 Jiankou Great Wall, relying on Mutianyu Ji- personally test after sleep, the details determine 国奥乡居·长城别院位于北京怀柔渤海镇田仙峪 式四合院建筑,使用面积400多平,5间宽敞的客 ankou Great Wall can not replicate the advan- the quality of life. In addition to the sun shed, the 村,慕田峪、箭扣长城脚下,依托慕田峪箭扣长城 房,3个大的活动空间,空间宽敞;每间房都以‘想 tages of Chinese historical monuments, form- other large areas of the yard are filled with all 不可复制的中国历史古迹优势,形成旅游、度假、 住’为主题设计,民宿每一处细节,‘我喜欢的’ ing a tourism, holiday and leisure. The new kinds of flowers and plants. The upstairs ter- 休闲于一体的新型京郊度假生活方式,院中即可眺 ,‘我想住的’,每一张床垫、枕头均由房东亲自 Beijing suburban holiday lifestyle, you can look race can be seen in the distant mountains and 望长城,度假体验独一无二。 试睡后的选择,细节决定品质生活。院子里除了阳 the clear blue sky, letting go of fast-paced life. at the Great Wall in the courtyard, the holiday 光棚,其他一大片面积种满了各种花草,楼上露台 And the interest, sinking the well and drinking, experience is unique. 抬眼便可见远处连绵的群山与清透的蓝天,放下快 ploughing the fields and eating. Dili has nothing 节奏的生活,“日出而作,日入而息,凿井而饮, to do with me. This is the most primitive state 耕田而食。帝力于我何有哉”,这是一种最原始的 of life, but it has become the most extravagant 生活状态,却成了现代人最奢侈的愿望。厌倦了城 desire of modern people. Tired of the city’s 市灯火通明,日夜难分;来到花生民宿,重新体验 bright lights, day and night are hard to divide; 最简单的本真生活。 come to the peanut house, re-experience the simplest true life.

活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区渤海镇三渡河村 / Sandu River Village, Bohai Town, Huairou 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区渤海镇田仙峪村村委会西北侧15米 / 15m northwest of Tianxianyu District, Beijing Village Committee, Bohai Town, Huairou District, Beijing

BJDW_guide_2019导览手册.indd 412-413 2019/8/28 下午8:59 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场

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福 喜 山·东 店 The Flourishing Mountain

福喜山·东店,院落为老式四合院的风格。院 paved walks in the courtyard. 内有回廊和老瓦铺陈的步道。 The sofa under the large floor-to-ceiling window 午间的大落地窗下的沙发,慵懒自在的消磨时 in the afternoon, lazy and leisurely time, there is 光,没有比这更惬意的生活了。 no more comfortable life than this. 客厅与卧室舒适的空间氛围,品茶、阅书、闲 The comfortable atmosphere of the living room 聊、发呆,活在当下,心甘情愿地把时间浪费 and bedroom, tea, reading, chatting, daze, live in 在这里。 the moment, willingly waste time here. 泛着香气而华润的床品,古青墙砖旁温暖的灯 The bed of aroma and China Resources, the 光,让夜里的心情流淌着自然风雅。 warm lighting beside the ancient brick wall, let 东店的巴顿,非常喜欢在流出井水的老石槽中 the mood in the night flow naturally. 饮水和纳凉玩耍。 Barton in East Inn, who likes to drink and play in Flourishings Mountain·East Inn, the the old stone trough that flows out of the well.” courtyard is the style of the old-fashioned courtyard. There are cloisters and old

活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区渤海镇三渡河村55号 / No. 55 Sandu River Village, Bohai Town, Huairou District, Beijing.

BJDW_guide_2019导览手册.indd 414-415 2019/8/28 下午8:59