BJDW Guide 2019导览手册.Indd 384-385 2019/8/28 下午8:59 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场

BJDW Guide 2019导览手册.Indd 384-385 2019/8/28 下午8:59 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场

BJDW_guide_2019导览手册.indd 384-385 2019/8/28 下午8:59 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场 386 387 怀柔分会场 渔唐精品民宿 怀柔福喜山 Pondlife Holiday hotel Huairou Branch Venues Flourishings Mountain 福喜山,为人们提供的是怀柔短暂的乡野隐居场景的展 示,放松身心去感受自然之美。安静于傍水山林,席榻 于星空之下,洗去喧闹的铅华,回归天然的心境。 怀柔民宿的数量已超过350家之多。那里依山傍水, 紧邻长城。怀柔民风朴实,农产品资源丰富,吸引了 众多民宿主在此驻足。他们借助优美的山林、潺潺的 溪水、连绵的古长城等天然场景,全身心地打造各自 唯美的院落。他们将自己多年对生命的感悟、生活的 沉淀、毕生的心力。倾心打磨院落的每个细节,把对 生命的敬畏、未来美好生活的愿景、倾心山水的创意 渔唐,确切的说是渔唐隐居度假酒店 (The Pondlife Hotel),它坐落于静谧的景峪村中。 尽情地融入其中。 渔唐,推崇山水隐居和近郊度假的养生方式,注重客人居住体验的所有细节,满足用餐和住宿需求,承接有 从建筑的角度去体验艺术之美,感受乡居文化的传承, 情怀的公司和团队会议,为时间有限的城市小资提供自在乐活的放松角落,为需要安静的艺术创作者提供闭 感悟生命的神奇和伟大。 关思考的空间,为身心疲惫的人们提供放空养生的隐栖之所。 The Flourishing Mountain offers an exhibition, which The Pondlife Hotel, specifically the Pondlife Hotel, is located in the quiet Jingjing Village. is a short-term countryside reclusion in Huairou, to let people relax themselves to feel the real beauty The Pondlife Hotel, respecting the sanctuary of mountain retreat and suburban vacation, pays at- of nature. People hope and enjoy that lies near the tention to all the details of the guest’s living experience, meets the needs of dining and accommo- mountain and by the river quietly and sleeps under dation, undertakes the company and team meetings with feelings, and provides a relaxing corner for starry sky. They can go far away with the chaos free time for the city’s petty bourgeoisie. It provides a space for retreats and thoughts for quiet art from modern cities and return to the nature. creators, and provides a shelter for people who are physically and mentally exhausted. You can experience the beauty of art from the per- spective of architecture, to feel the heritage of rural residential culture, and to feel the magic and great- ness of life. 活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区渤海镇景峪村梁家峪49号 / NO.49 liangjiayu, Jingyu Village, Bohai Town, Huairou District, BJ BJDW_guide_2019导览手册.indd 386-387 2019/8/28 下午8:59 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场 388 389 北京老木匠乡村民宿店 北京卡斯谷酒店有限公司 The Old Carpenter Chestnut Valley 北京老木匠乡村民宿店是一家以木工文化为特色、农 Old carpenter homestay, located in bohai 北京卡斯谷酒店作为2019年北京国际设计周怀柔主 As the main venue of Beijing International De- 民自主经营的精品民宿。民宿面山依水而居,500平 town of huairou district, is a boutique holiday 会场,本身也是具备优越设计理念和足够使用面积 sign Week Huairou in 2019, Beijing Kas Valley 方米的面积只设有4间客房,分别为“匠心”、“匠 homestay featuring woodworking culture. The 的度假区。怀柔,素有“京城后花园”之名,这里 Hotel is also a resort area with superior design 语”、“匠情”、“匠缘”。为满足宾客居住的舒适 area of 500 square meters has only 4 guest 山水有灵,空气宜人,是北京最宜居的地区。酒店 concept and sufficient use area. Huairou is 度,设立了独立的会客厅、娱乐(会议)厅、餐厅、 rooms. Each room has a poetic name with 度假村枕山傍水,背靠数十年栗树山林, known as the “backyard garden of Beijing”. 活动区、观景区、种植体验区等公共空间。民宿以 the woodworking culture, which is respective- 前临自然水生野生动物保护区-怀沙河,占地2万 It has a beautiful landscape and pleasant air. 木、石、砖、瓦为主要建筑材料,以黑、白、棕、灰 ly named “”craftsmanship””, “”crafts- It is the most livable area in Beijing. The resort 为主要色彩,既与周边山水融为一体,又突显风格; man language””, “”artisan sentiment”” 平方米。酒店主体为欧式托斯塔纳建筑风格,庭前 院后绿草如茵,恍惚踏入欧洲古 堡庄园。在这绝 resort is surrounded by mountains and rivers, 既体现了怀旧与古朴,又与现代生活相协调。民宿设 and “”artisan fringe””. With wood, stone, backed by decades of chestnut trees. 置了木工书籍和体验项目,游客来民宿,不仅可以学 brick and tile as the main building materials 佳的自然生态环境中,白鹭、松鼠常常到访。 本 习木工文化,还可以亲手体验木工产品制作。餐饮主 and black, white, brown and grey as the main 次设计周,卡斯谷将会以主场全程让各位领略这独 It is adjacent to the Natural Aquatic Wildlife 要以精品农家美食为主,并根据怀柔当地特产板栗和 colors, homestay not only integrates with sur- 有的位于庄园之美。卡斯谷酒店位于栗花沟卡斯谷 Sanctuary, Huaisha River, covering an area of ​​ 时令的各种蔬果提供定制服务。民宿最适宜入住10 rounding mountains and rivers, but also high- 度假区内,度假区拥有前后两块四百亩用地以及草 20,000 square meters. The main body of the 个成人或4个三口之家,最多可住15人。无论短期度 lights the style. 坪,并拥有山上2000亩以上的栗子林,切配备了 hotel is the European style of Tostana. After 齐全的住宿,餐饮,活动等等;其中活动包含木工 the grass in the front yard, you will step into the 假、精品会议、节日相聚,还是隐居休闲、亲子活 We aim at the quality of the room, and to 动,都能满足需求。 手作,丛林穿越,攀树等等多元化的户外和室内活 European castle estate. Egrets and squirrels maximize the room area to meet the needs of 动,专业能力极强的活动部也可以提供各式各样的 are often visited in this wonderful natural en- guests, we has set up a separate lounge, hall, 活动和团建方案。度假区距离慕田峪长城,水长 vironment. restaurant and entertainment activities area, 城,红螺寺,雁栖湖等景点也都很近,同时山林河 thus to satisfy both short vacations, meetings, 流的美景搭配着酒店的设施呈现了一个美妙的度假 or leisure, parent-child activities, and etc,. 胜地。优美的环境也能将各种精巧美丽的设计体现 的淋漓尽致。 活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区渤海镇六渡河村157号 / NO.157 Liuduhe Village,Bohai Town, 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区渤海镇六渡河村磨石峪1号 / NO.1 Moshiyu, Liuduhe Village, Huairou District, BJ Bohai Town,Huairou District,BJ BJDW_guide_2019导览手册.indd 388-389 2019/8/28 下午8:59 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场 390 391 和意小院 莲石山房 Heyi littleyard Lotus&Rock Mountain Lodge 关于和意小院的经营理念:和谐共赢 意在众生 莲石山房是一家以石头为缘起的山房,取名为莲 Lianshi Mountain House is a mountain house 第一部分:关于和意小院的定位--城市不远处的 石,寓意清雅、幽静,配上石头雕刻的恒久,也有 with stone as its origin. It is named Lotus Stone, 家。 亘古更今的传承。山房的居住概念是通过空间的开 which means elegant and quiet. It is matched 第二部分:关于小院的内容-小院不只住宿,还开 放与收和,室内的尺度与庭院水池的舒展,让人的 with stone carving for a long time, and it also 展了丰富的文化活动,搜索与积累可持续的文化交 精神得以自由,从而有归属感的居住体验。地处 has the inheritance of ancient times. The con- 流活动。 怀柔区雁栖镇莲花池村,枕山面水,周边野长城、 cept of living in the mountain house is through 关注在地区社区,并利益社区 神堂峪、雁栖湖、红螺寺等自然风景区亦是美不 the opening and closing of the space, the scale 胜收。 of the interior and the stretching of the courtyard (客人入住期间暂不开放) 山房共21间客房,房型有大床房、标间、亲子房、 pool, so that the spirit of the people can be free 榻榻米4种类型,另外两个会议室,餐厅酒吧咖啡俱 and thus have a sense of belonging. It is locat- He Yi mean? He, meaning “balance” in 全,山房不定期独立策划,并举办古物拓片、手工 ed in Lianhuachi Village, Yanqi Town, Huairou Chinese, is the way we operate our business 泥塑、扎染、香囊制作等室内亲子活动,是公司团 District. It is surrounded by natural waters such and lead our lives. Yi, meaning “empathy”, 建、居家旅行最佳的去处。山房节气美食遵循自然 as the Great Wall, Shentang Temple, Yanqi reflects our aim to benefit the people around Lake and Hongluo Temple. us. Built on these concepts, Little Yard seeks 古法,山家清供之味,更值得体验。 to provide products and service that honor our 莲石山房以石头为依托,以遗失的人文生活为梦 There are 21 rooms in the mountain house. environment and respect and involve our com- 想,在山谷长城下,触手自然生态,摆脱钢筋水泥 There are four types of room types: standard munity. 的束缚,回归天人合一的自在生活。 bed room, standard room, family room and When you stay with us, you will find that our tatami. The other two conference rooms, res- food is made of fresh, high quality ingredients taurants, bars and coffee are all available. The purchased from local farmers; our rooms are mountain houses are planned independent- decorated with natural materials and cultural ly from time to time, and antique rubbings and artifacts; our courtyard is filled with bamboo, hand-made clay sculptures are held. Indoor date trees, vegetable plants, and a stream parent-child activities such as tie dyeing and swimming with goldfish; and we offer trips and classes that engage our guests in local culture. sachet production are the best places for com- Little Yard is also home to our staff and dog, pany building and home travel. The mountain Yuanyuan, and on Sundays, provides a space house festival food follows the ancient ancient for the village’s children to participate in our method, and the taste of the mountain home is English Discovery workshop. more worthwhile. Whether you want to escape the city, need a place to rest after the Wall, bond with your work-mates, or just take a moment for yourself, we at Little Yard will do our best to accommo- date your needs, so that when you leave you feel refreshed and already planning your next visit! 活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动时间/Project Date:2019.9.5-10.15 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区渤海镇三渡河村56号 / No. 56 Sandu River Village, Bohai Town, 活动地点/Project Venue: 北京市怀柔区雁栖镇莲花池村124号3门 / NO.124 Lianhuachi Village, Yanqi Huairou District, Beijing Town, Huairou District,BJ BJDW_guide_2019导览手册.indd 390-391 2019/8/28 下午8:59 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场 设计之都 设计之旅 分会场 392 393 逸境佳里农家院餐厅 宜室怡趣精品民宿 Yijing Jiali littleyard Yishi Yiqu littleyard 逸境佳里,位于怀柔区渤海镇东渡河村,是一家建在半 Yijing Jiali, located in Dongduhe Village, 宜室怡趣项目位于素有“京郊明珠”、“北京 Yishi Yiqu Project is located in Huairou Dis- 山腰的民宿,三面环山,一层满屏翠绿,二层接着蓝 Bohai Town, Huairou District, is a B&B 后花园”美誉的北京市怀柔区,周边旅游资源 trict, Beijing, which is known as “Beijing Suburb 天,在深深浅浅的细微变化中,凭借对生活的感知,创 built on the mountainside. It is surround- 丰富,上行慕田峪长城、响水湖,下行红螺 Pearl” and “Beijing Back Garden”. It is sur- 造出不同的空间,是倡导随性生活态度和别致的美感的 ed by mountains on three sides, with a 寺、雁栖湖、圣泉寺,多处旅游胜地。交通便 rounded by tourism resources, and it goes up to 民宿部落营地。 green screen on the first floor and a blue 利,京承高速沿线,首都半小时经济圈内,三 Mutianyu Great Wall and Xiangshui Lake, down Hongluo Temple, Yanqi Lake and Sheng Quan- 逸境佳里有6间客房,可以容纳12-20人,每个房间各 sky on the second floor. In the subtle 小时车程轻松覆盖京津冀三地上亿城市消费人 changes of shallow depth, with respect 群。14公里即达怀柔城区,27公里直通北京首 quan Temple, many tourist attractions. Conven- 具特色,并且都能看到远处的山景。这里最适合包院开 ient transportation, along the Beijing-Chongqing Party,还有美式客厅、大餐厅、独立厨房、儿童活动 to life The perception, creating different 都国际机场,40公里可达北京市区。 spaces, is a B&B tribe camp that advo- 2 Expressway, within the half-hour economic circle 室、迷你KTV,麻将室等公共活动空间,wifi覆盖公共 项目地址怀柔区马道裕村134号,占地1300m of the capital, three hours drive to easily cover 区域,并且会不定期的举办各种小活动,如茶道、插 cates casual lifestyle attitudes and chic ,包含客房、茶室、酒屋、餐厅、露台等,集 aesthetics. the consumer groups in the hundreds of millions 花、服装制作、美食私宴、儿童夏、冬令营等等。 吃、住、游、玩于一体化,是周边唯一上千平 of cities in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. 14km ​​is the There are 6 rooms in Yijing Jiali, which 米的品质型民宿 。 Huairou District, 27km to Beijing Capital Interna- can accommodate 12-20 people. Each 客房区域以套间为主要房型,七套客房七种风 tional Airport and 40km to Beijing. room has its own characteristics and can 格,设计还原世界各地七种不同风格民居本 The project address is No. 134, Madaoyu Village, see the distant mountain views.

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