Realising the benefits of , and in the East of England A Woodlandforlife Publication Contents

Contents 2 6. Woodland and the Environment 22

Biodiversity 23 1. Introduction 3 Landscape 23 Background 3 Soils 24 Why plan for trees, woodland and forests? 4 Water quality, water management and supply, air quality 24 Vision 4 Current policy drivers 4 7. Support, advice and opportunities 26 2. East of England Woodland and Trees Monitoring Progress 26 – valuable assets 5 Business and Corporate Planning 26

Ecosystems services – natural benefits 6 Follow up process 27 History and Heritage 8 Opportunities for realising the benefits of trees and woodland 27 Threats 8

8. Case Studies 29 3. Trees and the Climate Change 10 Woodfuel – pioneering green firm launched 29 Impact of climate change 10 Center Parcs 29 Mitigation 10 Branching Out 30 Adaptation 11 Recreation – get fit and go green Renewable energy 11 city park project 30 Khush dil (happy heart) 30 4. Woodland – The Economic benefits 13 for Peterborough 30 Timber and products 13 Torbay – putting a value on trees 31 Recreation and Tourism 15 Thetford loops 31 Field sports and game 16 Marston Vale – Community Forest 32 Housing and industry 16 Clinks Care Farm – Norfolk County Council 32 Flooding 16 Slowing the flow 33

5. Woodland and Communities 17 Annex 1 34 Health and wellbeing 17 Recreation and access 18 Annex 2 34 Green Infrastructure 18 References 35 Education 19 Equality and diversity 19 Footnotes 35 Community Engagement – Big society 20 Built environment 20 Monitoring and Action Group members and advisors 36

Credits 36

Please use the buttons above to navigate to the relevant section 2 1. Introduction

1 Trees and woodland provide Background 5 Much of the content has been significant benefits to the social, economic This document follows on from Woodland underpinned by an updated Woodland and environmental fabric of the East For Life (2003) the Woodland Strategy for Wealth Appraisal undertaken by Dr John of England and have an increasingly the East of England1 (an area consisting Powell and his team of the Countryside important role in climate change mitigation of the counties of Cambridgeshire, Essex, and Community Research Unit of the and adaptation. Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk and the University of Gloucestershire. Their original Unitary Authorities of Bedford, Central report was published as the “Wood Bank” n The social benefits relate Bedfordshire, Luton, Peterborough, of the East of England to improved physical and Southend-on-Sea and Thurrock). The mental health, enhanced living Strategy stimulated over 150 successful 6 The MAG has determined that environments, increased community projects with beneficial economic, social although the six themes reflected in the pride, recreation, education and and environmental outcomes, some of 2003 document are still valid, policy and community engagement. which are summarised in the Progress priorities have changed; climate change n Economic benefits, in addition Report 2007. and economic growth are now seen as to employment and the value of 4 The Monitoring and Action group key priorities. With the East of England timber, include positive influences (MAG) is the partnership steering the likely to be most affected by climate on inward investment, increased Woodland for Life project. The partnership change, communities will need to find property values, reduced energy involves the Country Land and Business ways of addressing this challenge through costs, assist in transition to low Association, COVER, Department of adaptation and mitigation. Several recent carbon economy, regeneration of Health, East of England Local Government Government and other publications such derelict and damaged land, and Association. East of England Development as the Low Carbon Transition Plan2, the tourism. Agency, English Heritage, Environment “Read Report”3 and the Carbon Plan n The environmental benefits include Agency, Commission, FC set out quite clearly the important role that , renewable Regional Advisory Committee, Green Light trees have to play. energy, biodiversity, the historic Trust, Natural England, Norfolk County 7 This draft paper has set out to reflect environment, landscape, pollution Council, RSPB, Suffolk County Council, some of the existing six themes from the abatement, soil conservation and Writtle College. protection of water resources. Woodland For Life document, albeit with some differing emphasis and to bring into 2 These benefits are frequently focus how trees can help with the issue not fully recognised and there is great of climate change. potential to bring increased benefits to more people.

3 This document sets out the kind of benefits that can be delivered by trees woodland and forests and suggest ways or provide case studies of how benefits may be realised or widened. The intended audience is anyone who seeks to help communities garner the potential from existing or proposed woodland. It should also be an aid to help enable those with specific duties relating to climate change adaptation or biodiversity to meet those duties. It is not intended to be prescriptive in any way, but to provide pointers to opportunities and possible partnerships which may be generated between woodland managers and landowners, local communities and non-governmental organisations, forestry and woodland businesses, local authorities and the wider public sector.

Click here to return to Contents 3 8 Vision Throughout this document the The benefits of trees basis of all suggestions will remain 11 The vision behind this document sustainable woodland management, the and woodland is that: communities, businesses, and overall term used for describing how the a. Recreational opportunities, local authorities in the East of England use of woodlands can best contribute b. Health improvement, make the most of the benefits that trees towards the Government’s strategies for and woodland bring to the economy, c. Enhancement of the beauty of the sustainable development. to society, for the environment and countryside, addressing climate change. 9 4 The UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) d. Protection of historic assets, sets out the criteria and standards for the sustainable management of all e. Revitalisation of derelict and Current policy drivers forests and woodlands in the UK. It is degraded landscapes, 12 There is a plethora of legislation, the centrepiece of a system to guide f. Improved settings for housing and agreements and policies at global, and monitor forestry. It is linked to the industry creating a sense of place European and national levels related developing international protocols for g. Supply of timber and other to trees, woods and forests. Whilst it sustainable forestry; see Annex 1. products, is not possible to list all those relevant they cover a range of subjects including h. Exploitation of food resources, Why plan for trees, forestry, rural and urban living, sustainable i. Opportunities for tourism and sport, woodland and forests? development, renewable energy, j. Employment generation, environmental issues and land use. 10 Trees and woodlands provide a Policy documents that have a bearing on k. A source of renewable energy, wide range of benefits, more than any woodland and woodland management other land use can boast. However to get l. Educational resources, are listed in Annex 2. the most benefits out of these valuable m. Habitat and wildlife conservation, assets it is worth looking at the different 13 There has been recognition of the ways they can be used and in what n. Pollution reduction, importance of ecosystems services as circumstances they may add value to a o. Removal of carbon dioxide from the highlighted in the consultation document, project or community – economically, atmosphere and carbon storage “An invitation to shape the Nature of socially and environmentally. England”5; this could prompt a genuine p. Protection and improvement of soil boost to valuing trees and the contribution and water quality they make to our well being. q. Flood attenuation r. Climate change adaptation in urban areas

Click here to return to Contents 4 2. East of England Woodland and Trees – valuable assets Table 1. Summary of Woodland Wealth as at 2010 14 The recent Woodland Wealth Appraisal 20106 updated and built on the Market benefits £ millions ‘Woodbank’ published in 2003 which Field sports and game 81.0 attempted to put a monetary value on Timber and wood products 345.5 the ‘natural benefits’ which the existing Recreation and tourism 550 woodland in the East of England provide. These natural benefits provided by Housing and industry 30.6 environmental assets are often difficult to Other benefits quantify, but they underpin the welfare of Air quality and water management 33.5 society and its supporting economy. Biodiversity 71 15 Woodland has a role in providing Carbon sequestration (annual figure) 41 valuable opportunities to benefit human Health costs avoided (19.5) health and well being, our economic Education costs avoided (1.23) sustainability, maintaining environmental assets and addressing the imperatives Landscape 124 driven by climate change. The estimated TOTAL WEALTH £1,297.3 or 1.3 billion value of woodland in the East of England Carbon asset stocks 3,306 is put at £1.3 billion; this is a midpoint value estimate and represents the level of wealth generated by forest and woodland 18 There are a large number of 20 The percentage of this that has been each year. designated and undesignated parklands, designated as ancient semi-natural areas of wood-pasture and historic (i.e. it has existed relatively unchanged in 16 There are about 144,000 hectares landscapes, in which trees and species composition since at least 1600) of woodland in the East of England, or woodlands play a major part, many are of is higher than the national average. As 7.6% of the total land area. In addition, international importance. English Heritage well as being a very important nature there are approximately 13.5 million trees maintains a register of parks and gardens. conservation resource, ancient woodland outside woodland in the countryside, is the repository of significant quantities 14,000 kilometres of hedgerows with a caring/listing/registered-parks-and- of archaeological artefacts and ancient high proportion of trees and an immense gardens woodland often preserves evidence of but unquantified urban stock. All told, pre wooded landscape and historic trees and woodlands are a vital part of 19 The East of England has a diverse woodland management practices. the character of the East of England, both woodland resource with broadleaved rural and urban. The area of woodland woodland the dominant forest type 21 Woodlands of nature conservation has increased steadily and significantly representing 6 % of all woodland. Conifer significance are not limited to those that over the last 100 years, with the most woodland represents 22%, mixed are ancient semi-natural. For example, the obvious examples being the mainly woodland 11% and open space within coniferous areas of Thetford and on the coniferous woodlands established from woodlands and felled areas 6%. Corsican Suffolk coast, where Corsican and Scots the middle of the 20th century. Since 1980 pine is the main conifer species and pine predominate, are of international there has been over a 25% increase in the main broadleaf species. importance having been designated as area, over half of this has been through Special Protection Areas for woodlark planting small woodland blocks of and nightjar. predominantly broadleaved species.

17 Whilst the extensive coniferous of Thetford Forest are the largest blocks, 38% of the total woodland area consists of woodland less than ten hectares in size with 19% being less than two hectares.

Click here to return to Contents 5 22 The woodlands encompass a rich Distribution of woodland diversity for example; Cambridgeshire’s (over 2 ha) in theEast of England 2010. woodlands of particular interest are oak-ash on the clay soils and ash-hazel- field maple on the chalkier soils, both of which are associated with distinctive ground flora. Norfolk has important wet woodlands and rare woodland species such as the spotted flycatcher. Suffolk has a heritage of wood-pasture and parkland, Staverton Thicks being the prime example. Essex is noted for its ancient hunting forests of Epping, Hatfield and Hainault, as well as native black poplar. Bedfordshire has a series of ancient woodlands along the Greensand Ridge and Hertfordshire includes part of the Chilterns beech woods and is important for many species that depend on a long continuity of woodland cover, particularly plants, fungi and invertebrates.

23 The woodlands of the region provide a very important recreational resource, with an estimated 21.2 million leisure visits per year (ELV survey 2005 ).Of the total woodland area of the East of England, about 70% is privately owned, 18% © Crown copyright and database right 2010. managed by the Ordnance Survey Licence number 100025498. with the remainder owned by charities and local authorities. Ecosystems services 27 This approach recognises the way in which the physical and biological 24 Trees associated with public green –natural benefits components of the environment work space, streets and private gardens are a 26 In 2000 the United Nations together as a single functioning ecological vital part of the character of all the towns developed the Millennium Ecosystems system i.e. an ‘ecosystem’. An ecosystem and cities and affect many more people Services approach7, which brought will include the plants and animals which on a daily basis than do rural woodlands. together the variety of ways in which make up a habitat as well as the other In many cases, potentially very harsh nature delivers benefits and support to elements which enable the habitat to townscapes have been dramatically humans called ecosystem services or function; including soils, water, climate, softened by the presence of trees; they ‘natural benefits’. This approach could human management etc. A whole also provide much needed shade in be used by decision makers, planners planet, a forest or a single tree can be an summer and help improve air quality. and policy makers to help them take ecosystem. account of those services when making 25 Of the national Community Forests development decisions so as to ensure 28 Ecosystems provide a range of three – Marston Vale, Thames Chase continuity or increase in services. benefits some of these are essential for and Watling Chase have been established life e.g. if taken on a planetary scale the in the East of England, which have regulation of the climate (see diagram encouraged the creation of multi-benefit overleaf). woodland in areas that had suffered considerable landscape degradation close to urban centres. There are also other important local initiatives such as the Norfolk County Council community woodland scheme.

Click here to return to Contents 6 Figure 1. Example of eco-systems services provided by woodland

Provisioning services Regulating services Cultural services Climate regulation – Recreation and tourism carbon sequestration and Fibre moderating local climate Aesthetics – landscape Timber Water regulation – Education – forest schools Biodiversity – flood attenuation Health benefits – mental Genetic resources Water purification – and physical Biochemicals filtration of water Cultural Heritage – The historic environment Fruits, nuts, meat, fungi Pollution absorption Shelter Sense of place – ‘our wood’ Spiritual and religious Inspirational, Employment

Supporting services Vital for all other ecosystems services Nutrient cycling – Water cycling – Soil formation

Click here to return to Contents 7 History and Heritage 29 Trees and woodlands are an integral part of the landscape and history of the East of England. Many of the woodlands have existed for hundreds of years, and as such they help define historic landscapes. In parts of the East of England, the rural landscape pattern has remained relatively unchanged since mediaeval times. The East of England also has many internationally important parks and gardens designed by some of the greatest landscape designers – Holkham and Wimpole estates being good examples.

30 Individual trees can be very long lived, in some cases extending to many centuries. They can be cultural features all regions of England8. Looking at ways in their own right, for example Kett’s oak 33 The woodlands of the East of development can incorporate woodland in Norfolk. Norfolk County Council has England have long provided materials can lead to innovative developments and developed a database of over 5000 for construction purposes and there are more sustainable communities. such trees which can be found on their many very fine examples of wooden church roofs and timber framed houses, biodiversity information service website. 36 The fact that trees and woodlands a prime case being the village of would need to form an integral part 31 As well as being part of the Lavenham in Suffolk. These illustrate of these developments is accepted by heritage, woodlands are frequently the the extreme durability of wood as a Government: in the consultation draft – repositories of some of its best-preserved construction material, with many being ‘an invitation to shape the Nature of the archaeological features. They may over 500 years old. Environment’9 it states: contain features relating to woodland 34 Sustainable woodland management management, including wood banks 37 ”England’s Trees woods and forests, and saw pits, and many other land-use practices respect the cultural heritage ranging from individual trees to networks artefacts. The general lack of cultivation of the East of England encouraging of woodlands in the countryside are within woodlands has meant that a the creation of new woodland that a unique asset –rich in biodiversity, variety of archaeological remains are to be is in keeping with local landscape popular places for recreation and leisure, found in relatively undisturbed condition. character and avoiding damage to any producers of products such as fuel and Examples include Bronze Age burial sites subterranean archaeological sites. The wood for use in our daily lives and an and villages, Roman field systems and Forestry Commission publishes a series of important part of our response to climate mediaeval houses. The apparently ancient guidelines on this and other subjects. change. We need to manage and expand woodlands to the south of Grafham this resource sustainably – for our Water, for example, contain perfectly Threats generation and for future generations preserved ridge and furrow – evidence of recognising all of these multiple benefits” mediaeval agriculture. Development 38 There is huge potential to use local 35 32 In many cases, the presence of such Development is one of the biggest wood for a range of construction related sites is unknown as few woods have threats to woodland and its biodiversity products. With the UK currently the world’s been subject to systematic survey and and despite the financial crisis and the largest importer per capita of timber and recording. The archaeological features slump in the housing market there will second only to China in value, some surviving in woodlands have great continue to be a need to house the £11 billion, there is enormous potential. educational and recreational potential. increasing population and maintain the Thetford Forest masks the remains of economic buoyancy enjoyed by the 39 Wood forms a valuable habitat for a an internationally important warrening East of England. Development pressure, number of key species and although the industry that thrived for centuries on poor whether for housing, industry or transport total area of woodland in the region has Breckland soils before the forest was infrastructure, can result in of trees continued to increase, there are situations planted. and woodlands. The population of the where woodlands may be lost to create warrens-project/ East of England is projected to grow from other habitats and there are other threats 5.7 million to 6.3 million, growth of 10 per such as deer. cent over the period 2008 to 2018, the highest percentage growth rate of

Click here to return to Contents 8 Habitat restoration to Pests and disease Excessive browsing non-woodland habitats 42 Climate change and the expansion 41 The very high deer population in 40 The removal of recent plantations of international trade are likely to the region continues to threaten the from important semi-natural habitats increase the threat posed to Britain’s success of woodland regeneration (particularly lowland heath) and wet woodlands by tree pests . In response and a number of SSSIs are in poor woodland to create reed beds has the Forestry Commission, with Private or unfavourable condition due to increased in recent years. This removal is Sector support, has set up a Biosecurity this. Although, in the majority of in response to the UK Biodiversity Action Programme which aims to “Preserve the cases woodlands will continue to Plan and it is likely that there will be health and vitality of our forests, trees exist, their structure and composition continued pressure in the future. and woodlands through strategies which are likely to be significantly altered. The recently published Open Habitats exclude, detect, and respond to, existing The Deer Initiative, a partnership Policy of the Forestry Commission sets and new pests and pathogens of trees, of organisations involved in the out a process for establishing open whether of native or exotic origin.” management of land, is responding habitats such as that of heathland in the to this threat and with the support 43 Biosecurity Programme Board will Brecks. The policy can be found here: of EU funding through the Rural include representatives from across the Development Programme for Forestry Commission, Forest Research openhabitats England, Defra and the Forestry and the forestry and wood using sectors. Commission has established the Wild Venison Project in the East 44 As there is a possibility that disease of England. This project provides and pests become a greater threat to grants to stimulate the development trees, species choice and provenance of a wild venison supply chain of trees for planting new woodlands will to ensure a number of beneficial become an important consideration. For outcomes: reduce habitat loss and example we may still be planting oak but enable woodland regeneration by it may be we need to plant genetic stock removing deer, reduce road traffic from Southern Europe. accidents caused by deer and bring unmanaged woodland back into management.

Click here to return to Contents 9 3. Trees and the Climate Change

Trees can help enable the East 46 Changes to the climate over the of England to move to a creative next 40-50 years are largely inevitable. and competitive low carbon Mean annual temperatures for the UK economy and help communities are expected to rise by between 3 and 6 to become more sustainable by degrees by 2080, winters will get warmer. Summer rainfall may fall by 50% whilst managing resources. winter rainfall may increase by up to 40%, so summer drought and winter flooding Impact of climate change may become more common. We also know that summer soil moisture levels will 45 The East of England is likely to feel reduce. the impacts of climate change more than most given the soft coastline and low 47 These changes will have an impact lying nature of the land and because it is on our trees and it will be necessary already one of the driest regions in the UK. to plan for the future to help trees and By the end of the century, it is forecast10 forests cope and at the same time help that there will be. communities adapt. Trees can help in three ways – mitigation, adaptation and n Hotter, drier summers (between renewable energy. 2˚ and 5˚C warmer and 30% to 60% drier), Mitigation n Milder, wetter winters (between 50 Trees have a crucial role in regulating 48 The concept of trading in carbon 1.5˚ and 3.5˚C warmer and 15% to our climate. Through photosynthesis they offsets (whereby businesses or individuals 35% wetter), remove CO2 from the atmosphere, binding offset the carbon dioxide -CO2 they it and storing it as carbon. The carbon n More frequent extreme high produce by engaging in CO2 saving or is held in the forest , the trunks, summer temperatures and winter sequestering activities) is gaining ground. branches, foliage and roots. There it will rainfall, and Although sequestration projects are remain until the tree is felled for fuel or not included at present in the official EU n An extended thermal growing for timber. If for timber it may well get Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)11, season of up to 50 days. locked away in a building or product for a number of voluntary schemes include n Reduction in summer moisture may years. In young forests carbon is taken up woodland planting. prevent tree growth on very thin, quickly and in mature forests a balance free-draining soils, 49 Increased woodland cover for social, is reached where carbon sequestration balances that lost by decay reaching n Increasing soil-moisture deficit environmental and economic reasons will a steady state. At this point the forest may limit species choice, especially also bring carbon sequestration benefits becomes carbon store – a reservoir of where a species is at the limit of in the short and medium term – and carbon which can be released when its range because of moisture an attractive way of helping to meet trees are destroyed. By protecting and availability, national targets as well as providing other significant benefits. managing forests we can maintain the n Growth rates may be enhanced or carbon already locked in. reduced dependent on species, and population densities of mammalian 51 One estimate suggests the pests are likely to increase due to maximum rate of carbon accumulation milder winters and increased forage in woodland in the UK is 10 tonnes of availability during spring – the carbon per hectare per year (tC/ha/yr), critical period. and the average over a full commercial rotation is closer to 3tC/ha/yr. Forest and n Disease and insect pests may woodlands account for around 80% of increase as trees are subjected to the vegetation carbon stock in the UK. greater environmental stresses. Forest soils sequester a large amount of carbon and plant matter is the single most important source of carbon in the soil. This soil carbon can be increased by planting native hardwood species.

Click here to return to Contents 10 52 Carbon uptake in the East of England Adaptation 58 To encourage this various incentives associated with existing woodland, 55 Whilst carbon storage or have been established: Renewables (assuming a uniform age distribution) is sequestration forms part of the drive to Obligation, Renewable transport fuel estimated12 to be 484 thousand tonnes reduce greenhouse gas emissions that obligation, feed in tariffs, permission for of carbon dioxide per year (kt/CO2/yr) the climate is set to change is inevitable Local Authorities to sell electricity to the for conifer woodland, and 527 kt/CO2/ due to the level of CO2 already in the Grid and a Renewable Heat Incentive has yr for broadleaf woodland (or, a total of atmosphere. just been introduced. 1.1 million tonnes CO2/yr), excluding soil carbon sequestration. In 2010 the value13 56 The value of trees and woodland Renewable energy for the annual increment in carbon for adaptation needs to be more widely 59 Wood is a clean renewable carbon sequestration in the East of England is recognised. Urban trees have a cooling neutral energy source. Biomass, which just under £60 million per year, rising in effect, remove pollutant particles from the includes wood and short rotation value to £342 million per year by 2070. air and trees can also slow down flooding coppice, is seen as an essential element The estimated stock of carbon locked up and provide shade along river banks, in the delivery of the 12% of heat from in the woodlands and trees is estimated which as weather may be warmer will be renewables, and the second most to have a total present value of £3.534 important for fish. Wood is important as an significant renewable resource for the billion based on the current stocking level energy source and is vital for displacing country behind wind. with values rising over time in line with the use of carbon intensive materials such the predicted increases in the value of as iron, steel and concrete in construction. 15 60 Renewables East estimates that Every cubic metre of timber used as a the traded price of carbon. This is only an currently 8.1% of the East of England’s substitute for other materials such as illustrative figure as this carbon value is consumed electricity comes from concrete or steel in construction saves unlikely to be realised. renewables both on and off-shore with approximately 2 tonnes of CO2. on-shore contributing 7.3%. Woodfuel is a 53 The recently published Carbon valuable source of energy in particular as Code 57 The Climate Change Act14 has set heat. Woodfuel was identified in 200316 as provides rigorous carbon measurement legally-binding targets for the UK to reduce a major opportunity, especially for private protocols and outlines how to encourage its greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per woodland owners based on the estimates a consistent approach to woodland cent by 2050, and CO2 by at least 26 per of undermanaged woodland in the East carbon projects, helping to offer clarity cent by 2020. The key mechanisms to of England and poor quality roundwood and transparency to customers, reassure achieve a reduction in carbon emissions production. the market and investors about voluntary are to reduce energy consumption woodland carbon projects, and help to through increased energy efficiency construct a framework that may support e.g. developing low carbon homes and a mandatory market for woodland carbon moving to renewable energy sources. The credits in the future UK’s legally binding target to ensure 15% of energy comes from renewable sources 54 The expansion of schemes following by 2020 – a seven fold increase in just 10 the Code may provide opportunities to years. The UK Renewable Energy Strategy bring more investment into woodlands. (July 2009) supports a scenario where It would also be appropriate to keep a more than 30% of electricity, 12% of heat range of sequestration options (like the and 10% of transport energy comes from “Green Fund” project sponsored by the renewables. Dutch government) under review for opportunities to link them into the wider ETS.

Click here to return to Contents 11 61 Evidence suggests the market for 63 With the support of funding from 65 The technology for burning wood woodfuel has expanded since 2003 and the Rural Development Programme for to produce heat and power is well will continue to grow into the future based England, Woodfuel East17 was established developed, tried and tested throughout on grants for wood heating and concerns in 2008 to encourage the supply chain Europe and increasingly so in the UK. over fossil fuel price rises. The 2003 for wood fuel. The project aims to Here in the East of England a number study indicated the major market was stimulate the woodfuels industry in order of landowners are installing boilers to firewood, but more recent developments to encourage woodland management use fuel wood from their own forests, suggest the market for wood pellets and and has a target of 110,000 green tonnes on some of the larger estates woodchip woodchips is growing. timber harvested per year (log value of district heating systems are being installed approximately £11 million/annum gross) to heat tenants properties. There are 62 At the local level there is a great and a target of stimulating 120 full time also a developing range of boilers on the deal of opportunity to benefit from equivalents (FTE) jobs. It is estimated that market for domestic use such as using using woodfuel in the generation of woodfuel currently adds around £5.2 pyrolysis which are extremely efficient. heat, or combined heat and power and million to the regional economy. Woodfuel potential for communities to benefit from East have been able to offer grants 66 Woodfuel East has been this market in the longer term making for boilers, equipment for sustainably instrumental in helping to remove a woodfuel a locally owned and managed harvesting wood fuel and for supporting number of constraints which were product helping to generate jobs and the log sector. Figures show that a outlined in the 2003 Woodlandforlife reducing fossil fuel use. substantial number of wood burning document18 namely: stoves have been installed over the last couple of years and the value of woodfuel n Small woodland size, has increased significantly as current n Diverse ownership, suppliers are unable to meet demand. n Alternative uses, particularly sporting and nature conservation, 64 The market for heating is actually larger than that for electricity in the n Uneven distribution, and UK, accounting for 45% of total energy n Lack of skills and supply chain use. Moreover, wood fuelled heating is infrastructure to get fuel from wood probably the lowest cost of all renewables to end user. both in terms of capital and delivered energy costs. 67 Guidance on issues surrounding planning applications for biomass can be found in the Woodfuel Development Guidance on the Biomass Energy Centre website19.

Click here to return to Contents 12 4. Woodland – The Economic benefits Trees can offer significant opportunities for economic development, especially in rural area through developing the timber, tourism, recreation and game and associated industries

68 The economic value of woodland to the East of England economy is estimated to be in the region of £1.0 billion per year20. This is made up from the direct value to the timber industry and the more indirect values such as, increases in house prices, inward business investment, recreation and tourism activity which generate real spend in the region but for which there is no market transaction with the woodland owner.

69 A healthy, viable and competitive woodland business sector underpins the provision of the wide range of benefits of 71 In fact the UK is the second largest 74 Other wood using industries trees and woodlands to the people of the net importer of timber in the world, by apart from construction include East of England. value, at US $11 billion per annum. Overall manufacturers of: timber related industry supports 2,789 full n Furniture, time equivalent jobs, arising from direct or n Timber and wood products indirect effects of timber production. Fencing, 70 The production of wood as the £115 million is added to the economy n Garden furniture and buildings, from timber processing, £49 million from raw material for the timber industry has n Craft products, been the main reason for the continued , and £33.5 million from wood n Cricket bat blanks (the East of existence of woodland over the centuries, products including wood fuel (believed to England provides the raw material and for most of the last century was the be an under estimate). for many of the world’s cricket bats). prime rationale for . Wood is a All together a total economic input to the very versatile, renewable raw material that East of England of £345.5 million. 75 Given that the UK is the second is being used in ever increasing quantities largest importer of timber next to China, at global and national levels; Britain There is huge potential to use local imports 85% of requirements. Low carbon economy potential wood for a range of construction related products. 72 A report published by InCrops 76 in 2010 looks at the potential for The value of the market for sawn low carbon supply chains for timber in softwood in construction in the East of construction, identifying the resource, the England is estimated to exceed market potential and the constraints. £100 million per annum. UK softwood usage in housing construction in 2007, 73 Woodland and its forest products totalled 6.4 million m3 of which only 15%, have a significant role in a low carbon or just below 1 million m3, was produced economy. The use of timber in buildings in the UK. or other long service life products locks up carbon. In addition, the benefit of the substitution effect of not using carbon intensive materials outweighs the carbon stored in the products21.

Click here to return to Contents 13 Opportunities 81 In terms of ownership, the 144,000 77 Estimates from the Forestry hectares of woodland in the East of Commission and the Private Sector England, represent 7.6% of the land suggest that from 2022 to 2026 there is area. Approximately 26,000 hectares approximately 365,000m3 roundwood (18%) of this is managed by the Forestry softwood available per annum. In 2009 Commission with the majority (82%) the softwood consumption by the existing owned by other public bodies, charities was 146,000 green tonnes (for or private companies and individuals. It pine it is reasonable to say that 1 green is further estimated that about 61,000 tonne is equivalent to 1 m3). Some of this hectares of the woodlands of the East 83 Even where markets are present, capacity will be imported from other parts of England are currently under managed. there is often a lack of information of the UK and abroad; some regional This fragmented often small sized exchange between those markets timber will be exported. Thus there is at woodlands is a hindrance to management. and timber growers. Many wood using least 200,000m3 of additional softwood In some cases it may be necessary to businesses do not even consider using theoretically available by 2022-26 than encourage the better management of local timber and many growers are very currently milled. If 120,000 green tonnes these areas if important benefits they conservative in their marketing, relying were used for biomass energy the provide are under threat. on traditional buyers and not seeking remaining sawn softwood would provide 82 Whilst the climate and soils of the alternatives. timber for almost 19,000 new houses per East of England should facilitate the annum if those homes were traditional 84 growth of high quality broadleaved and Any increase in the rate of woodland brick and block houses22. coniferous timber, past management establishment, woodland management and timber harvesting would all have 78 Conservative estimates of hardwood practices and exploitation have frequently positive impacts on woodland economics (broadleaved) timber indicate that there militated against this. There is common and therefore employment; the greatest is at least 100,000m3 of unutilised agreement that effort should be expended resulting from harvesting operations hardwood timber in the East of England to improve the quality of timber grown plus a similar volume of wood that could in the region. Such material will always 85 What is of particular concern in have greater saleability, but will require a be used sustainably for woodfuel. the region, however, is the decline in the very long-term commitment to sustained number of experienced woodland workers 79 Estimates of timber availability management which will need to address and contractors. It is predicted that the exclude all street and garden trees and some key issues: situation will worsen as the industry is small copses. There is no reason why failing to attract sufficient young people wood and timber should not be produced n The issue of pests and diseases. with a resultant increase in average age of from these trees; doing so would raise the For example the very high the workforce. It is feared that many of the awareness of a much larger population to populations of deer and grey skills required to manage small, lowland the realities of the sustainability of wood squirrels have in the past resulted broadleaved woodland will decline, just at production. in further reduction in value due the point when the importance of these to browsing and bark stripping woods for the multitude of benefits they damage. Limitations provide is being fully recognised n 80 A number of factors prevent the The nature of woodland ownership realisation of the full economic potential of is such that the economies of scale Reasons for optimism the woodlands of the region: required for cost-effective wood 86 On a more positive note, timber production are only occasionally prices appear to have stabilised at a n A perceived poor quality of much of achievable. higher level than in recent years and the wood resource, n Other than in Forestry Commission improving market conditions have n Damage by pests, woodlands, rarely is there adequate encouraged contractors to return to the access for lorries of the size n Fragmented, small ownership, industry. now commonly used for timber n Accessibility to woodland for transportation. 87 The woodfuel market is particularly management and harvesting, buoyant. After only two years the n The implications of climate change n Woodfuel East initiative has encouraged Lack of market information, and species choice. an additional 51,000 green tonnes of n Diminishing skills base in woodland woodfuel to come to market by the end of management, harvesting and 2013, reflecting a carbon saving in Carbon haulage. Dioxide (C02eq) of 43,000 tonnes. This will bring an estimated 14700 hectares23 of woodland into management over a projected 10 year period, much of which will have been previously unmanaged.

Click here to return to Contents 14 88 There are a number of primary wood processors, almost entirely sawmills, in the East of England ranging in size from medium sized industries to micro businesses. Of particular importance are those that process softwood grown in the region. Some of these have invested to improve productivity and so are providing important opportunities for growers to supply them with timber. The larger businesses and those processing high-grade timber mainly obtain their raw material from outside the region; many associated with ports.

89 There is a wide range of products, apart from wood and timber that can be harvested from the woodlands of the East of England including:

n , n Venison, 91 Woodlands form an integral part in 93 Holiday destinations which use over 100 tourist attractions in the East of forests as a backdrop such as Centre n Other animals (game birds), England, either as attractive settings (such Parcs at Elveden generate considerable n Fungi, as Dedham Vale and the Chilterns) or in indirect value to the economy of the n Fruit and berries, and their own right. Numerous tourist venues East of England – adding some £15 within the East of England are largely or million from wages and £2.5 million from n Foliage for floristry. partially associated with woodlands. It has contracts locally and within the East of been estimated that woodland contributes England. Given the considerable value of There are thriving ‘cottage industries’ significantly to about 20% of the region’s tourism, it would seem that interventions based on some of these products, ‘out of town’ attractions, as well as to enable more areas to benefit or derive although they rarely generate any income contributing more generally to the visitors’ greater value from this sector would for the woodland owner. experiences of a day out or holiday in the provide a good return on investment.(ROI) region. Some wooded areas are already and increase employment especially in Recreation and Tourism major tourism magnets: Thetford Forest rural areas. Whilst tourism is a significant (part of the Public Forest estate managed sector for rural economic growth it also 90 Recreation and tourism are major by the Forestry Commission) is the third has the potential to benefit biodiversity industries for the East of England, most visited attraction in the region with and enable management of currently according to the 2005 England Leisure over 1.5 million visitors annually. unmanaged woodland. visits survey report24 there were some 17.5 million leisure visits to woods and forests in 92 As well as being attractive places to the East of England (5.4 million of these are visit, woodlands can provide a range of Case Study categorised as tourism visits). The average tourism facilities including: Center Parcs spend on these visits to woods and forests generated an average spend per trip of n Heritage trails, £35.69, this provides an estimated overall n Camping and caravan sites, spend of some £193 million. However this forms just a small part of the overall n Cabins and cottages, recreation spend generated by woods and n Organised, specialist sports, forest which is estimated to be around n Cycling, £550 million annually. n Concert venues, n Visitor centres, n ‘Safaris’ and bird/mammal watching.

Click here to return to Contents 15 Field sports and game 97 The provision of pheasant shooting Housing and industry 94 Pheasants and venison production and deer stalking are principal woodland 99 The contribution of green are likely to be the most significant of management considerations for many infrastructure, which includes trees and these products. Deer are currently culled woodland owners. These activities woodland to land and property values, to reduce damage to tree crops and generate significant income, and thus local economic regeneration and making biodiversity interest and a Wild Venison strongly influence management decisions an area more attractive to inward project has been set up to support the and provide considerable contributions to investment has been demonstrated by processing supply chain. local rural economies and employment. a number of studies. The creation of the Contribution to the economy is estimated National Forest for example increased 95 A number of other animals can be at £81 million (WWA 2010). the number of local jobs by 4.1% and local reared within woodland to mutual benefit regeneration using green infrastructure 98 Some concerns have been raised at if properly managed. These include pigs, attracted £96 million of investment the potential adverse impact of intensive wild boar, cattle and hens, and sheep and (Centre for Economic and Social pheasant raising on ecologically important horses within wood pasture. Silvopastoral Regeneration, 2004). For every 1% added woodlands. The Forestry Commission has systems involving all these species have to the tax base by well designed and published guidance in association with been traditional management practices in located tree cover, an additional the Game Conservancy on woodland many parts of the East of England £15.9 million of annual revenue could management practices to limit such be created. 96 On average, shooting holdings impacts. have: three times as much woodland as non-shooting, and three and a half Flooding times the average level of woodland for 100 In the East of England as many England. The importance of woodland as 125,000 properties are at risk from appears to increase in direct proportion flooding, woodland has the potential to to the commitment to game, in many ameliorate flooding by slowing down run cases all woodland management is off. If the woodland in the East of England related to the sport. On holdings where were to reduce this risk by 1%, this would woodland is used for game shooting, have an annual worth of £880,000. positive management practices such as , ride management and shrub planting have been introduced, these are especially noticeable where sport is the main objective. Management for pheasant shooting tends to lead to greater woodland retention and planting

Click here to return to Contents 16 5. Woodland and Communities

benefit to health. Through improvements Trees are an important part in 103 The health impacts are likely to in physical activity, restorative effects, the development of new and be greater in well-designed, variable promotion of psychological health and existing communities to deliver a woodland. The major benefits are: mental wellbeing and directly by reducing sense of place to enable a better n pollution through trees acting as filters, quality of life through – better Psychological well being. Looking at, or travelling through, treed capturing particulates on leaves and health and wellbeing. landscapes reduces states of stress needles. and anxiety; 101 Woodlands have an important 106 Cardio Vascular Disease cost role on the agenda for communities, n Regular moderate exercise in well- the UK economy £29.1 billion in 2004, for development, culture and identity, designed, accessible woods can with coronary heart disease (CHD) and education, local economy, health, lead to a reduction in heart disease cerebrovascular disease accounting for recreation, for a sense of place, in and other physical illnesses; 29% (£8.5 billion) and 27% (£8.0 billion) summary – for the quality of life. Leisure n Strenuous exercise, such as of the total respectively. Only the cost visits to woodlands are made for a variety mountain biking and orienteering, of mental illness surpassed the cost of of reasons, from quiet contemplation to can have greater beneficial health Cardio Vascular Disease. noisy, adventurous activities. Many health effects; and wellbeing benefits are provided by 107 By increasing the level of activity, n moderate but sustained physical exercise Some evidence for improved post- avoided health care costs in the East and psychological well being. For many operative recovery rates in hospital of England could lie in the range £6-14 people there are spiritual benefits which wards overlooking wooded settings; million/yr, and if the non-health care costs can be gained by walking and taking n Improvements in air quality as trees are included the total avoided costs are in activity in a woodland setting. filter pollutants; the range £12-£27 (mid point 19.5million/ yr). This is a conservative estimate as it n Provision of shade in urban areas only takes into account one disease (CVD) Health and wellbeing so reducing ultraviolet radiation and does not account for the potential of exposure. physical activity in woodlands to cause 102 The quality of the environment is a vital factor in health, wellbeing and reduction in costs associated with a wide 104 A leading example of light outdoor quality of life. The quality of the urban range of other illnesses such as mental exercise for health benefits is the ‘Green environment and the wider landscape illnesses which costs the economy an Gym’ promoted by the British Trust and countryside in which it sits has an estimated £26.1 billion a year. There are for Conservation Volunteers (BTCV). effect even though we may not realise it. number of organisations that either focus This uses the countryside as a health The cleanliness of our water, the air and on, or include projects using walking resource, involves the local community in the character of our neighbourhoods are therapy to promote good mental health. practical conservation work and promotes important to our health and trees play For example the Discovery Quest Project conservation activities as beneficial an important part in maintaining these for Julian Housing based in Norwich to physical and mental health and as qualities which we rely on. They also play occupational therapy. an important part in physical, mental and discovery_A5.pdf spiritual wellbeing. 105 A considerable body of evidence has gathered over the past few years about Case Study Case Study the importance of green infrastructure Branching out (of which woodland is a part) and its Clinks Care Farm, Norfolk County Council

Click here to return to Contents 17 Recreation and access 108 Given the benefits of woodland for health and wellbeing the issue of access becomes very important. Local communities are at the heart of determining what is needed in a local area and there is an appetite for an increase recreational opportunities and the greenspace to achieve them. These may also be linked to energy production, economic development and biodiversity targets.

109 The Countryside and Rights of Way (CRoW) Act 2000, as well as providing the “right to roam” on heath, down and registered common land, requires local highway authorities develop Rights of Way Green Infrastructure Living Landscapes area whilst developing Improvement plans and sets the scene for a Recreation Strategy for the current and 113 The benefits of green infrastructure proposed Haven Gateway population. strategic access. have been well researched 117 110 The Forestry Commission has a GreenArc is a strategic Landscape policy of open access and many of the as multi functional space which performs Partnership located in the North West woodlands also are numerous roles from transport links quadrant of the of London. accessible. Anyone in receipt of Forestry (cycling and walking) to wildlife corridors.. The GreenArc founded in 2004 is a Commission grant usually has to make In 2010 the Forestry Commission partnership of local authorities in Essex provision for access, however there are launched “The Case for Trees in and Hertfordshire whose aim is ‘bringing many wood for which access is denied to Development and the Urban Environment” the BIG OUTDOORS closer to everyone the general public. this document sets out the case for more – by creating, linking and managing trees in order to fulfil Climate Change, extensive and valued landscapes for 111 The Woodland Trusts ‘Wood for Environment, Economic and Social people and wildlife around London’ People’ project began in 2002 with the objectives. aim of producing as comprehensive 114 There are several examples in the an inventory of accessible woodland 118 The GreenArc extends from the East of England where the role of green across the UK as possible, an ongoing urban suburbs of London to rural infrastructure has been seen as integral programme developed by the Woodland landscape of Essex and Hertfordshire to the development of sustainable Trust and Forestry Commission England, along strategic landscape corridors such communities. supported by Forestry Commission Wales as the Lee Valley and Stort Valley. and Scotland, and the Northern Ireland The GreenArc has a high density of 115 For example, Haven Gateway has ancient woodlands and there are Environment Agency. Woodland is defined been designated as a Growth Point, opportunities for buffering of these ancient as “land under stands of trees with, or the Haven Gateway Partnership was woodlands, wet woodland creation along the potential to achieve, tree crown cover established in 2001 and aims to enable the Stort and Lee Valleys and creation of of more than 20 per cent”. This is taken the development of 65,100 homes and urban woodlands around Growth Points from the Forestry Commission’s National 49,700 jobs by 2021. The partnership such as Harlow. The current GreenArc Inventory of Woodland and Trees15, (now aims to establish a framework for strategy is being reviewed and in the National ). the delivery of high quality green Hertfordshire the new GreenArc Strategy infrastructure over the next 20 years, 112 Accessible woodland is defined as will be incorporated into all the Local complementing and supporting planned “any site that is permissively accessible Development Frameworks. to the general public for recreational housing and development. purposes”. This includes sites with 116 Within the Haven Gateway unrestricted open access and restricted, but ‘The Living Landscapes’ is a concept permissive, access (e.g. fee-payable, fixed- developed by the Wildlife Trusts to deliver hours access). integrated habitat and recreational about-us/publications/key-publications/space- management at the landscape scale. for-people/pages/space-for-people.aspx A partnership with the Wildlife Trust, Suffolk County Council, Natural England, Case Study Suffolk Coastal District Council Forestry Recreation – get fit and Commission and the Suffolk Coast and go green city park project Heaths AONB Unit are working to develop an integrated biodiversity audit of the

Click here to return to Contents 18 Education to increase the understanding and Equality and diversity appreciation, particularly among young 119 Forest Schools which began in 127 The pattern of recreation usage people, of the environmental, social, and Scandinavia have become well established raises issues of social inclusion. economic potential of trees, woodlands in the East of England. These use the A disproportionately small percentage and forests and of the link between the forest as classrooms for regular trips for of people from multi-ethnic, low-income tree and everyday wood products. It acts over 150 schools in the East of England. areas and less than half of those without as a facilitator and works with teachers The benefits of these open air classrooms cars are involved in woodland recreation. and others to produce resources that have been well researched but are difficult With careful siting, design, planning and help to deliver the requirements of the to express in monetary terms. management it should be possible to National Curriculum for schools. There are adopt measures to balance participation now many more opportunities to look at 120 Profound links have been rates, although there are also issues of education and learning for young people demonstrated between the quality of play people’s perception and confidence that outside the curriculum but still through the space and grounds, and the observed must be tackled. behaviour relationships and attitudes formal education process, for example through after school activities. Learning is of the pupils who use them. Evidence 128 Increasingly activity may be more suggests that improving the quality of a lifelong process. Trees and woodlands organised and require travel to larger the space in which learning takes place can play an important role in this. sites. Of particular relevance is the will bring about dramatic changes in growth in interest in woodland cycling, 124 Through well-designed programmes, behaviour and relationships, reduce paintball, archery and horse riding but it is possible to increase public awareness accidents, ease tensions, reduce bullying also organised forest walks, forest drives, of their environment, heritage and and confrontation and provide increased visitor centres and picnic sites. The use of history within woodlands. Relationships opportunities for learning. woodlands as a setting for art is becoming to and with nature can be changed and increasingly common and includes such awareness of global environmental issues 121 Research in Norway suggests that events as concerts, plays and sculpture. spending part of school time in small with local implications increased, illustrate such topics as the carbon and water woodlands has a positive influence 129 Publicly accessible woodlands, both on children’s (5 to 7 years) motor cycles. Woodlands can provide settings for urban and rural, are key places where development skills. It was found that adult learning, particularly those who don’t people feel they can ‘get away from it natural landscapes provided a stimulating learn in formal educational environments. all’, and there may be a desire by some and varied play environment, with a to get more actively involved with local 125 The range of opportunities is positive relationship between landscape woodlands. The great variety of well- considerable but includes; guided walks, components and play activities. Enabling preserved archaeological monuments interpretative material in woodlands, children to develop more fully in a range and features within woodlands merit workshops, training courses, working of ways, both as individuals and as part of presentation and interpretation as holidays, and woodland craft holidays. society. educational assets and visitor attractions. 126 Although the real value of education 122 Each Forest School provides a 130 There is a lot of scope for attracting is difficult to estimate in monetary terms permanent, natural, but safe, setting which more families to woods, although as the aim is to develop the individual, children visit throughout the year in all individual requirements vary. For example enabling an individual to gain a wide weathers. This provides freedom to roam mothers with young children want secure, number of skills that will benefit both them and experience the natural world through low cost, accessible opportunities in which and society. However, a conservative practical activities. Although Forest School play facilities are provided whilst families figure of £0.82-£1.64 million per year has sessions are mainly run for pre-school with older children seek more strenuous been estimated for East of England for age children, both older disaffected activities. educational benefits. children and those with learning difficulties can thrive in the positive atmosphere. Case Study Participants learn and explore in a Khush Dil constructive way encouraging them to be active. Giving confidence in the outdoors and the tools to develop healthy lifestyles as well as providing a unique and unforgettable learning experience.

123 The Forest Education Initiative (FEI) is a partnership between the Forestry Commission, Woodland Trust, Timber Trades Federation, Forest Industries Development Council, BTCV, Local Authorities, Field Studies Council, Tree Council and Groundwork. It aims

Click here to return to Contents 19 Community Engagement – Built environment Urban fringe Big society 137 Trees in the built environment and land restoration (urban trees) can radically transform 131 One of the most important indicators 141 The urban fringe is an important of quality of life is the extent to which the appearance of urban areas adding element to the perceived quality of life in people feel that they have a stake in the to property value and creating a more many urban areas though it may also be community in which they live and work. people friendly setting, but they do more an area of degraded landscape quality. Engaged communities are much more likely than this. Around London the majority is designated to take pride in their neighbourhood, which as ‘Metropolitan greenbelt’ and the 138 Trees help combat the effects of in turn can reduce vandalism and antisocial Government is committed to continued climate change by shading and cooling, behaviour. This may include an attachment protection of this designated land. for example the London Plan proposes to a particular settlement or neighbourhood, an extensive programme of opportunities for involvement in local 142 The improvement of such areas which it is estimated will eventually reduce decision making, or direct involvement in could provide a number of key benefits. the city’s surface temperature by 3-4 community based activities. Tree and woodland establishment, in degrees. Trees act as natural filters for association with other habitat types, in 132 A sense of place and community airborne pollutants, they help reduce noise such areas can make a very positive can be greatly influenced by a clear and can affect the behaviours of drivers contribution to all of these aims. As understanding of the local historic reducing speed. Dutch research shows discussed in other sections, trees environment which may be influenced by neighbourhoods with good tree cover are and woodlands can provide a superb tree and woodland cover. statistically healthier than less green urban recreational resource, encourage areas. Trees have a measurable amenity 133 The establishment and management community engagement, greatly enhance value and there are several methods of trees and woodland are prime activities amenity values and increase biodiversity. of calculating this the four well known in which people can be involved and It is also important, however, to ensure methods are CAVAT, i-Tree, Helliwell and are frequently their first experience of existing woodland is protected. DRC method; each of these look at community engagement. Opportunities different things. 143 Among the benefits provided by exist for participation from the initial trees and woodlands in urban and urban planning of woodland creation, through 139 Trees and woodlands in and around fringe areas are: planting and subsequent management to the built environment can contribute utilisation of woodland products. towards creating places where people n The establishment of a green want to live and work and help define the 134 The Big Tree Plant launched on the framework within which new 2nd December 2010, aims is to plant one cultural identity of urban areas. There is a developments can be merged with million trees by April 2015, in England’s danger that if urban trees and woodlands minimal visual intrusion; are taken for granted they will decline in towns, cities and neighbourhoods. Delivery n Reduction of polluting particulates is through a partnership approach: vitality and number. They can suffer from n civil society partners and conservation a range of threats including salt spray, Reduction of heat island effect; organisations working with the Department aerial pollution, high temperatures and n Through integrated planning, for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs trenching for services. It is of equal, if not housing can be linked to informal (Defra) and the Forestry Commission. more, importance to manage urban trees recreation opportunities with and woods as those in rural areas. woodland providing safe and index.html attractive settings for footpaths and 140 The Big Tree Plant campaign may cycleways; 135 Local involvement is not just not just be a catalyst for engaging with a benefit in itself. Particularly where communities and developing volunteers, n High quality environments increase woodlands are to be created or managed but for encouraging enterprises to partner property values and attract primarily for the public benefits they with communities to develop urban tree industry quality surroundings can provide, the input and engagement and woodland management plans and help reduce stress and improve of local people can greatly enhance energy schemes. There may also be productivity in the workplace; those benefits and engender a sense of opportunities for Local Authorities and n They can act as wildlife corridors ownership and responsibility. Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) to addressing concerns raised in the think strategically about where woodland 136 Greatest benefits can accrue where Lawton report. will bring the most benefit. there is a sense of ownership of the resource being managed. This can be achieved by delegating responsibility, Case Study particularly of publicly owned woodland, to Torbay – putting a a local community, or by direct ownership value on trees of land.

Case Study Forest for Peterborough

Click here to return to Contents 20 144 There may be opportunities to improve the quality of the urban fringe by tree planting to provide a wide range of benefits for local communities. The Green grid idea could be transferred to other urban areas. Adding connectivity to habitats and enabling access for communities – Green byways linking urban populations to prime recreational greenspace.

145 The planting of trees and woodlands along roads can help mitigate noise and pollution and woodland belts can provide very good visual screens. Belts of evergreen species, in particular, between residential areas and busy roads can act as air filters and result in improved air quality as well as dampening noise. The presence of trees can also reduce the likelihood of fog. Land restoration 150 The Land Trust provides 146 It is important to have the right tree 148 The Community Woodland Network long-term sustainable management of in the right place. Any negative impact is an interactive network for community open spaces across the country. It was can be mitigated by careful planning and woodland groups to share information formed in June 2010 as a charity – with management. All highway authorities and resources. There are three influential members and trustees – and a manage urban trees within their Community Forests in the East company limited by guarantee. Woodland responsibility, but detailed management of England: establishment can be an important means proposals including phased removal and of regenerating urban and industrial replacement strategies are rare, there n Marston Vale wasteland, and it is considered one of may be scope for using the outcome the most cost-effective and technically of management regimes to produce n Thames Chase successful ‘soft’ end-uses. Continued woodchip. n Watling Chase landscape enhancement of degraded areas can build on the experience and 147 If we assume that woodland is 149 Since their inception, the community a valuable resource and all evidence expertise of the Community Forests. forests have played a key role in points to this, then wherever possible the revitalising the areas around many 151 There are places where other chance to increase woodland cover can of England’s towns and cities. The habitats may be more appropriate, but provide opportunities for future wood use. three Community Forests are directly there are a number of benefits that would Transport corridors can offer areas for implementing landscape enhancement accrue from woodland establishment: planting, rest stops can be made more schemes in some of the most degraded attractive as in France. parts of the East of England. They have n Pollution amelioration; also helped deliver a successful balance n Improvement of land and property Case Study of economic, social and environmental values and the stimulation of inward Thetford loops benefits to those communities. Because investment; of the community forest programme, n Shelter and energy conservation; half of England’s population now lives in, or is within easy reach of, a community n Improved community perceptions; forest. Woodland is being established on n Mitigation of liabilities; degraded land of all types around the n region, especially within the Community Savings in the management of Forests. Local Authorities are encouraging landscaping schemes. woodland as the after use of some landfill sites. Case Study Marston Vale Community Forest

Click here to return to Contents 21 6. Woodland and the Environment

A high quality environment is essential for all aspects of human endeavour and for its own sake, it is essential that is protected and enhanced and resilient to the impact of climate change.

152 The environment, our biosphere and all its resources is fundamental to all that human society does, the economy is the method by which we distribute those resources. Trees and woodlands are a vital part of our environment. They are important and diverse habitats invaluable in their own right but they also can have 156 Making Space for Nature made 158 The East of England supports a rich impacts on other components of the a number of key proposals: ‘that the and diverse natural environment with environment and climate. overarching aim for England’s ecological many rare habitats and species. This 153 The Government has produced a network should be to deliver a natural biodiversity is important as it benefits us biodiversity strategy for England “Working environment where: Compared to the all in so many ways. Quality environment with the Grain of Nature”. Amongst other situation in 2000, biodiversity is enhanced allows the potential of a number of measures set out in the Strategy is the and the diversity, functioning and ecosystems to benefit and in turn they commitment to develop and support resilience of ecosystems re-established in provide economic and social dividends biodiversity partnerships in the English a network of spaces for nature that can through an improved quality of life. regions and at more local levels. sustain these levels into the future, even given continuing environmental change 159 The key challenges for the East of 154 The Natural Environment and Rural and human pressures. England are: Communities Act 2006 requires all public bodies to have regard to 157 The report also recommended that n Increasing the extent of semi- biodiversity conservation when carrying this be underpinned by three objectives: natural woodland cover, out their functions. It is sometimes n Bringing more ancient woodland referred to as the ‘biodiversity duty’. It 1. To restore species and habitats into active management, aims to raise the profile of biodiversity and appropriate to England’s physical n Creating woodland where it will link embed consideration of biodiversity in and geographical context to or buffer existing habitat, decision making across the public sector levels that are sustainable in a changing climate, and enhanced in n Better recording of heritage 155 An independent review of England’s comparison with those in 2000. woodland resources, wildlife sites and ecological network was 2. To restore and secure the long-term n Better protection for veteran trees, launched in September 2009. The review sustainability of the ecological and considered whether England’s collection n Restoration of coniferised ASNW, physical processes that underpin of wildlife areas (both the legally protected the way ecosystems work, thereby n More universal application of the UK areas and others) represents a coherent enhancing the capacity of our Forestry Standard, and and robust ecological network that will be natural environment to provide n Encouraging traditional industries capable of responding to the challenges ecosystem services such as clean that will give economic purpose to of climate change and other pressures. water, climate regulation and crop coppice and wood-pasture systems. The review was chaired by Professor Sir pollination, as well as providing John Lawton who was supported by a habitats for wildlife. panel of 14 members, his report called “Making Space for Nature”, was published 3. To provide accessible natural by the Secretary of State for Environment, environments rich in wildlife for Food and Rural Affairs and Defra, on the people to enjoy and experience. 24 September 2010.

Click here to return to Contents 22 Biodiversity Native woodland: Components n Restore 3200 hectares of non- native plantations on ancient 160 Woodland is an important element of woodland sites to native woodland. landscape and vital for its role as habitat for a number of species of flora, fauna n Create 6400 hectares of new and fungi. Woodland forms an essential native woodland. part of many Sites of Special Scientific Wood-pasture and parkland: Interest (SSSIs). n Restore 40 sites of derelict wood- 161 Trees and woodlands contribute pasture and parkland to favourable greatly to the biodiversity of the East condition. of England. Of greatest importance are n Expand 12 sites of wood-pasture those woodlands that are Special Areas and parkland, in appropriate areas, for Conservation (SAC), Special Protection to help reverse fragmentation and Areas (SPA), Sites of Special Scientific reduce the generation gap between Interest (SSSI), or Ancient Semi-Natural veteran trees. Woodland (ASNW). An ASNW has been continuously wooded since at least 1600 and consists of site native species of Contribution Landscape trees and shrubs. They are the closest 165 All woodlands provide habitats for 169 Trees and woodland help to define to truly natural woodlands that exist in a range of flora, fauna and fungi. Even the landscape and also provide the Great Britain having been managed by small, recently established, woodlands backdrop for our villages and towns in the traditional and sustainable means and within otherwise intensively cultivated East of England. The value of landscape as such are irreplaceable ecological and land can be useful although their scope in the East of England is estimated to be cultural assets. The region has a higher is limited by their isolation and, in certain worth £124million per year, this is based percentage of ASNW than the national circumstances, can harbour pest species. on the value that people are prepared to average, and the designated woodlands It is vital to consider the interaction and pay for a view of woodland. are an underestimate of the true interdependency of woodland and other resource as wood-pasture was generally habitats (e.g. unimproved grassland, 170 Perhaps the most widespread public omitted from the original list, as were all fenland and hedgerows). Trees and benefit of trees and woodlands is their woodlands under two hectares in area. small woodlands can bring aspects of contribution to landscape. Attractive the countryside, particularly birds and landscapes benefit the general quality of 162 Ancient woodlands that have been mammals, into the heart of urban areas, life of local residents, can influence inward converted from site-native to other where they can contribute to quality of life investment and underpin a significant species, generally conifers, are termed by bringing people into daily contact with part of the tourism industry. Whilst there on Ancient Woodland Sites nature. are some places where attractiveness is (PAWS). These woodlands frequently partially dependent on the absence of tree retain remnants of the original ancient 166 Local Biodiversity Action Plans cover, landscape evaluation techniques woodland communities, including under- (LBAPs) provide local guidance to enable generally view trees and woodland as storey, ground flora and dead-wood fauna. them to play their part in delivering UKBAP. major positive components. By careful and judicious restoration of Some LBAPs were developed ahead of these woods to site-native tree species, the national Habitat and Species Action 171 Ancient woodlands are important it may be possible to recreate the Plans (HAPs and SAPs). features in a number of areas; existing characteristics of ASNW. plantations, for example in Brecks and 167 A series of UK Habitat and Species along the Greensand Ridge, are of major 163 The biodiversity interest is not Action Plans (HAPs and SAPs) have been regional significance; tree presence limited however to these two woodland agreed for nationally important habitats is critical in terms of defining certain categories. The extensive conifer and species. A large number of these are landscape types, such as parkland, river plantations of the Sandlings and Thetford relevant to woodland (40% of habitats valley with wet woodlands and the Forest have been designated as SPAs and 30% of species). carr woodland of fen edges; woodland due to their international importance for and hedgerows can be of considerable woodlark and nightjar. 168 The first set of Habitat Action Plans importance as historic features, while (HAPs) contained measurable UK targets 164 farmland shelterbelts/tree lines and Hedgerow and other non-woodland to maintain, restore or create habitat, wooded areas are of importance in trees are also of great importance for usually for the period 1996-2010. A more giving character to the more open parts biodiversity and landscape. In many cases comprehensive list of HAPs have now of the region; there are several specific they are under threat from agricultural been extended to cover the period from landscape types affording opportunities intensification and climate change. 1996 to 2015. The relevant woodland for new/regenerated woodland areas. related targets for the East of England are:

Click here to return to Contents 23 of water in the region is likely to become 172 The scenic quality of the East of 177 In areas with heavy clays, woodland ever more significant; particularly when England is very diverse, The Landscape soils tend to suffer less compaction in viewed against climate change predictions. Forum in the East of England (Landscape comparison to agricultural uses due to With the East of England being the driest East) which has been in existence since lower levels of ‘traffic’ and other negative area of the country and climate change spring 2004, originally as a county council effects. The exception to this norm predictions indicating that this is likely to officer networking group. Has over the last may be caused by tree harvesting and get worse, the resultant demand on water few years commissioned studies including extraction using unsuitable machinery in will impact on all uses including domestic development of a Regional Landscape wet conditions. and agricultural production. Framework based on an agreed typology. 178 Consideration of soil suitability for 183 The Environment Agency, the body woodland expansion, and protection of responsible for maintaining and improving 173 To protect the landscape from soil function and diversity in management, the quality and quantity of water supply, damaging changes, Environmental is central to the delivery of all other has developed a number approaches to Impact Assessments are required for new benefits. Good soil management is the water management, including Catchment woodland planting or clearance that may foundation for the healthy functioning of Abstraction Management Strategies and have significant environmental effects. the region’s woodland River Basin Management Plans. This ensures the effect on the landscape and biodiversity can be taken fully into Water quality, water 184 Trees have an important and account in the decision making process increasing role in water management. and opportunities taken to mitigate management and supply, Water entering streams and rivers from adverse impacts. air quality agricultural land may be contaminated 179 The water resource cannot be by fertiliser and pesticide residues, Soils divorced from the soil resource – indeed and the effects of soil erosion. Trees it is imperative that the soil is managed planted as permanent buffer strips along 174 Sustaining our soil resource is of in an effective way in order to ensure watercourses can help remove these fundamental importance, as the optimal delivery of sustainable water resource pollutants operation and functioning of other benefits (in terms of water quality, water environmental resources, such as water, 185 Water abstracted from beneath supply and flood management). These are dependent on soil health. Soil is a forest areas tends to have much lower types of eco systems services need to medium for plant growth underpinning levels of contamination than that beneath be taken into consideration to ensure habitat and ecosystem functioning and agricultural land due primarily to the much communities and industry gets the best food and fibre production. lower levels of fertiliser and pesticide from the assets available. application to the crops and improved soil 175 Woodland soils tend to have a 180 Woodlands help to: quality. structure that greatly enhances their ability to perform these functions compared to n Modulate the water cycle, 186 There is some debate about the arable land. The lack of cultivation results quantity of water used by woodland in n in a more open texture, increased organic Affect biogeochemical cycles comparison to agricultural land. There matter content and greater activity of soil (including the carbon cycle), is general agreement that deciduous fauna. The presence of tree roots tends to n Buffer and reduce pollutants. woodland is largely inactive in water make the soils more stable and less prone use until mid to late May, which allows to erosion. The tree canopy and litter layer 181 Examples of water management for an extended period of ground water reduces the impact of heavy rain thereby and other tree related effects include: recharge. When in full leaf, however, there limiting the likelihood of erosion due to attenuation of downstream peak water is no argument that woodland uses more flash flooding. flows, reduction in water temperature (and water than grassland and most arable protection of fish populations) through crops. It may be that replacing grassland 176 The East of England has extensive shading by riparian woodland, reductions or arable crops with trees could increase areas of soils that are very vulnerable in soil erosion (which could become the overall water availability. Some tree to wind and water erosion (sands and greater through drier summers and species, including willow and poplar, peat) and compaction (heavy clays). wetter winters), shade and reductions of have particularly high water demands, The establishment of shelter-belts or ‘heat island’ effects in built up areas, and which may have a bearing on their future hedgerows can reduce wind erosion by removal of pollutants. planting in areas where water may moderating wind speeds and acting as become an increasingly scarce resource. physical barriers against which blown soil 182 The East of England is one of the There is a need for further research into accumulates. Riparian woodland prevents fastest growing areas of the country the relationship between tree species and water-eroded soil entering rivers and in terms of population, with a resultant water use. streams. increasing demand on natural resources such as water. The impact of trees and woodlands on the future management

Click here to return to Contents 24 Flood Management 189 Opportunities to restore floodplain 192 Recent developments in information 187 An increasing risk of flooding is woodland and to assess its ability to aid technology and river modelling mean one of the most firmly predicted impacts flood control, however, are hampered it should now be possible to determine of climate change. With flood events by a number of related concerns. These the most suitable location of floodplain apparently on the increase (it is estimated include the threat of such woodland woodland. Geographical Information that 125,000 households in the region are actually increasing flooding due to Systems provide a means by which susceptible) the issues of flood prevention backing-up of floodwaters upstream and suitability maps could be produced. Such and mitigation measures are becoming the blockage of downstream bridges and maps would indicate the scope for future increasingly important. It is becoming culverts by woody debris. The risk of such planting in river catchments and thus clear that that there are other approaches problems arising depends on local factors help to determine the extent to which to solving the problem than by building such as the presence of housing and woodland could contribute to flood control ever-higher flood defences. The emphasis transportation links, and the capacity and in the future. is turning to pursuing more sustainable location of flow controlling structures. means of flood control. Case Study 190 Other constraints on planting within Slowing the flow 188 One option is for woodland to help floodplains include: alleviate damaging floods, particularly though the planting or restoration of a. Maintenance of appropriate access Air quality to the main river channel, floodplain and riparian woodland in 193 A 2008 study by Lovasi et al association with the development of more b. Protection of buried archaeology, founds that tree lined streets have been natural river flows. It has been shown that associated with a lower prevalence of c. Maintenance of a navigable channel these types of woodland can retain more asthma in children, even after adjusting for boat traffic, and water on the floodplain, principally due to for other factors. In the same year the the trees, ground vegetation and fallen d. Making sure that summer water Sustainable Development Commission dead wood forming a significant physical flows will not be significantly reported that admissions to hospital barrier to flood flows. Woodland higher reduced. linked to air pollution cost the NHS up the catchment could also have a role between 17 million and 60 million a year in reducing peaks and troughs in flow 191 The East of England is characterised (Sustainable Development Commission rates (by reducing infiltration and acting by a high proportion of the area being 2008). as ‘buffering’ water storage). There is also flood plain, but the built-up nature of the attraction of other benefits floodplain much of this, plus the large number of woodland provides, including enhanced; potential constraints mean that there protection of other important wetland are likely to be relatively few locations habitats, recreation, more attractive where extensive areas of floodplain landscape, greater biodiversity, and woodland could be appropriate. There improved water quality. could be, however, considerable scope for planting a network of smaller riparian and floodplain woods, which collectively could aid downstream flood control.

Click here to return to Contents 25 7. Support, advice and opportunities

194 Many of the opportunities offered Monitoring Progress 198 Companies that measure, manage by woodland creation, which are listed 196 Local Authorities have a statutory and communicate their environmental in this Chapter, will only be realised in duty concerning adaptation to climate performance are inherently well placed. partnerships between Local Authorities, change, the government also published They understand how to: communities, business and the charity in the Local growth White Paper its and voluntary sector intention to make a national presumption n Improve their processes, for sustainable development. Creating n Reduce their costs, 195 There are a number of supportive woodland, using woodland, encouraging mechanisms for woodland creation and n Comply with regulatory urban trees and managing the products the management of woodland: requirements and stakeholder and benefits of those trees can help expectations, with adaptation and this in turn is part of a. Direct action by public sector bodies sustainable development. n Take advantages of new market on land they own or manage. opportunities. The Forestry Commission has been a major player in this respect with Business and 199 Failure to plan for a future in which both existing woodland areas and Corporate Planning environmental factors are likely to be land acquisition, as has happened in increasingly significant may risk the long- Thames Gateway; Narrative reporting term future of a business uncertainties b. Use of the planning system to requirements impact to some extent on all companies, achieve woodland management and affect investment decisions, 197 The Companies Act (2006), recently and planting in association with consumer behavior and Government made changes to the narrative reporting development; policy. requirements for UK companies. c. Targeted grant assistance, both All companies, other than small 200 Corporate social responsibility geographical and by objective, enterprises, are already required to (CSR), CSR-focused businesses particularly to the private sector; produce a business review. In the case of proactively promote the public interest d. Partnership development and quoted companies, the directors will be by encouraging community growth and working; combining expertise, effort required – to the extent necessary for an development, and voluntarily eliminating and resources may improve the understanding of the business – to report practices that harm the public sphere, ability to implement proposals and on environmental matters, employees regardless of legality. Essentially, CSR is attract enhanced funding sources; and social/community issues. the deliberate inclusion of public interest Further information is available on the into corporate decision-making, and the e. Community involvement in decision BIS website. honouring of a triple bottom line: people, making and implementation; planet, profit. f. Extension services (i.e. advice and support networks); g. Market development to improve economic viability, and h. Personal enjoyment and philanthropy (i.e. people plant and manage trees and woodland because they enjoy it, or because they want to contribute to society in some way.

Click here to return to Contents 26 Follow up process n Provision of training, skills Tourism and recreation 201 Any feedback about the how the development, business advice to 205 Recreaton and tourism as a major information has been used or if you can make businesses more innovative part of the economy offers significant offer further case studies please email to and competitive. opportunities: [email protected]. n Development of silvopastoral n Have you considered woodland systems in suitable woodlands. settings for tourism and recreation Opportunities for realising n Development of niche markets for related business? fungi, fruit and berries and licensed the benefits of trees and n What kind of training would provide collection of fungi, fruit and berries. woodland an enterprise base? n Raise awareness of the local timber 202 There are numerous ways that n Are there opportunities for suppliers resource and its use in sustainable communities, local authorities and to support tourist endeavours? businesses can derive benefits from procurement practices. n Are there opportunities to link woodland. Some of these are covered in n Develop market outlets to facilitate attractions together in a package? the case studies, this section provides a purchase of local products. brief overview under the main headings. n Is there a business case for n Encourage craft workers and other providing new woodland for wood users to use local wood. Woodland produce, timber ‘green burials’ or other business n Develop local branding. opportunities where there aren’t any production and marketing at present? 203 Timber production for the UK market Renewable energy n Can long term timber production offers a number of opportunities: be linked to other tourist/recreation 204 Have you considered if you have based businesses? n Silvicultural systems and woodland woodland or are there wood residues management practices aimed at from arboriculture activities in your n Has your business considered the production of high quality timber area? Or is your community considering contributing to the carbon saving of could be promoted and supported. establishing a community forest/ the country? woodland? There may be opportunities to n Encouragement of co-operation n Providing formal recreation facilities earn from energy production using wood. between owners to facilitate more in larger woodland areas; offering economic management, awareness economic opportunities for local n Are there opportunities for heat and of market needs and joint marketing businesses ensuring self-financing power generation or to develop of produce. or gain for local communities. district biomass (woodchip) heating? n The development of advisory and n Have you considered producing information services for woodland your own energy? Health management and marketing, 206 A wide range of initiatives could including publication of regional n Is there a potential business be undertaken that would have timber prices. opportunity for woodchip or log health benefits; production? n Encouragement of co-operation between growers to agree long- n Can you use trees to help n Projects which promote moderate term supply contracts with markets. communities to adapt to climate outdoor exercise and conservation change? work for health, n Pooling of timber to allow better market segmentation. n Are there particular communities n Opportunities for expansion of the that would benefit? NHS forest, n Continued awareness raising programmes fully supported by n When looking at planning n Increase the availability of accessible timber growers. applications is there scope for woodland near to where people biomass heating? live and work, thereby increasing n Increased use of local timber by accessibility to a wider range of craftsmen. Although this is likely n Are you concerned about ‘peak oil’ socio-economic and other groups. to utilise only a small quantity of n Would your community benefit from the timber produced in the region, a community forest or woodland? it would raise the profile of the n Do you have a community facility material. such as a hall where heating could be converted to a biomass boiler?

Click here to return to Contents 27 Access Restoration Biodiversity 207 To deliver recreation, health and 208 There may be scope for increasing 209 Most opportunities for biodiversity economic returns there needs to be woodland on land which requires are included in existing Local Biodiversity accessible woodland. Some suggested remediation. Action. Some activities however could be opportunities for increasing access are: instigated at the East of England level: n Operational land – in active working n Information on the location of (especially mineral working and n By developing opportunity maps for accessible woodlands. waste disposal) by planting around habitat restoration and re-creation n Increasing access in existing the operational area to provide that include both woodland and woodlands, particularly those screening. non-woodland habitats. in leasehold by the Forestry n Vacant land – previously used but n Through heightening awareness Commission or in private ownership. inactive for a significant period of of the importance of trees This may require financial support time; derelict or poorly restored land and woodlands in biodiversity, and guidance on how to manage – previously used but damaged particularly within urban areas. public access. and incapable of future use without n By actions to help ensure woodland n Planting of new woodland where treatment; contaminated land – SPAs, SACs and SSSIs are brought existing accessible woodland is represents an actual or potential into favourable condition. hazard to health or the environment. unavailable. This will particularly be n By raising awareness of the Wild in urban-fringe areas. Potential to Venison project and the Deer build on the expertise developed Initiative. within the Community Forests. n Through promoting awareness n Engagement with local communities of the importance of woodland enabling public participation management for biodiversity. in woodland creation and management to foster a sense of involvement and responsibility. Opportunities to n Good design to ensure reduce flooding developments incorporate publicly 210 There may be opportunities to use accessible green space with trees to reduce the flow of water and substantial tree cover. therefore reducing flooding. n Archaeological surveys which could involving volunteers, aimed at identifying pre wooded land use e.g. medieval warrening and Neolithic flint mining in the Brecklands.

Click here to return to Contents 28 8. Case Studies These are just a small selection of case studies for more examples Center Parcs please access them on the website: Center Parcs at Elvedon (Elveden Forest Park) is a major holiday centre Woodfuel – pioneering green firm launched in a woodland setting, employing up Staffordshire Wood Fuel, a trading arm Staffordshire Wood Fuel’s arrival will help to 1700 staff at full capacity, and adds of Staffordshire Council is a pioneering the biomass fuel market in the Midlands an estimated £11 million to the new company which will cut costs and to expand, generating more green local economy. carbon emissions in Staffordshire by jobs and a sustainable economy going A report by Hallam Environmental supplying public and private sectors with forward. Consultants and Sheffield Hallam woodchip sourced as a by product from looked at the value to the Bedford its countryside management operations. The company will also offer impartial economy of a proposed new Staffordshire Wood Fuel, which is a advice on biomass system design, fuel Center Parc in their study. The study trading arm of Staffordshire County specification and fuel handling. concluded that Center Parcs’ Cyclical Council, will supply high quality, stable and The technology will be of particular Refurbishment Programme aims to sustainable renewable energy. interest to big energy users – companies, spend a minimum of approximately The business will provide the public leisure centres, schools and commercial £2.5 million per year per Village (at and private sectors with woodchip developments – offering them the chance 2004/5 prices). sourced as a by-product from the county to invest to save. The proportion of this expenditure council’s own countryside management that is likely to be paid to local operations, and private sustainably woodfuel/ contractors is £1.54 million. managed woodlands in Staffordshire. Application of multipliers produces That’s double value for the tax payer – expenditure impact of £1.7 million properly managed wildlife rich landscapes, Also; locally and £2.3 million regionally, and a major boost to Staffordshire’s low- According to a report by Wardle arising from this local expenditure. carbon economy. Armstrong Stoke Council has It is estimated that the Programme approximately 1,150 dry tonnes equivalent creates or safeguards approximately It’s guaranteed quality – that’s why biomass material available purely from 24 jobs locally. the operation will be supplying the within the city boundary; This would county council’s flagship Tipping Street supply four 500kWe Biomass CHP plants The direct economic effect of development where it will provide 500kWe Biomass CHP plants. a Center Parcs Forest Holiday heating and hot water for 1,500 people. Village is therefore the creation of The offices will save taxpayers around approximately 900 to over 1000 FTE £250,000 per annum for 40 years. jobs. The multiplier effect means that the villages each support a total of 990 to 1100 jobs locally, and 1350 to 1500 jobs regionally. In addition to those directly employed by Center Parcs, therefore, a village supports an additional 90 to 100 local jobs indirectly.

The average wage bill is £10.5 million. This is a substantial economic impact.. Applying the Local and regional Multipliers to a net wage payment of £10 million, gives sums of £11 million and £15 million of net wages payment effect injected into the local and regional economies respectively, each year.

Click here to return to Contents 29 Branching Out Recreation – get fit and go Forest for Peterborough Branching Out – greenspace and green city park project The Forest for Peterborough, project conservation on referral, is an award This is Lancaster City Council’s health is aiming to plant a tree for every winning innovative partnership and fitness joint project with the Forestry person in Peterborough this will result development for adults who use Commission at Williamson Park: Where in around 170,000 trees being planted mental health services within Greater volunteers are involved with a health and over the next fifteen years. The idea Glasgow and Clyde. fitness project. is not to create a single woodland in one place, but It will increase tree For each client, the service consists of Lancaster City Council is going to use coverage, and other types of habitat, approximately three hours of activities volunteers with ‘green fingers ‘to take part in different areas all over the city. per week in a woodland setting over in a health and fitness project that is being launched on 22nd November 2010 a 12 week period. The clients take part developed for Williamson Park by the council the project is about more than just in a variety of activities during the and the University of Cumbria. planting trees – the aim is to increase 12 weeks, including: The volunteers will be tasked with physical the range of habitats in the city such n Physical activity e.g. health walks activities in the park that will improve their as grassland and hedgerow as well and tai chi health and also give them the opportunity as woodland creating green corridors throughout Peterborough to allow n Conservation activities e.g. to meet new friends. The project will also wildlife to flourish. rhododendron clearance and willow improve the landscape of the park and could involve clearing an area in Fenham Carr or coppicing, The project is looking to get local working on a joint project with the Forestry n Bushcraft, e.g. fire lighting and people, businesses, and landowners Commission. shelter building to come forward and show their Students from the Sports Studies degree support for the project both for n Environmental art e.g. photography programme at the University of Cumbria are donations of funding and also and willow sculptures planning the project with assistance from landowners that could provide space Lancaster City Council staff at Williamson Park. for planting, and volunteers to help On completion of the course there is The project starts later this year (2010) and plant. a graduation ceremony where clients volunteers will need to be available to attend receive certificates of completion, tool sessions every Thursday for ten weeks. The Forest for Peterborough will handling and achievement. Evaluation involve lots of partners working of the project showed that it can be The students will benefit from gaining together. Local schools and used effectively as an additional form experience from planning the sessions, community groups will be involved of treatment in a secondary and creating risk assessments and work with the project to help people learn tertiary care mental health population. programmes with guidance from experienced about the importance of biodiversity. The cost per head was under £50 park staff. This work will be officially assessed The long-term vision for this project per day offering excellent value for by the university and will contribute to the spans 15 years and beyond. Some money. student’s degree. of the partners already backing the project include the Forestry Branching Out has won two awards: Commission, Peterborough City n The UKPHA Michael Varnam Khush dil (happy heart) Council, Natural England, RSPB, Health, Humanity and Environment This initiative was set up to encourage black Nene Park Trust, the Woodland Award 2010. and ethnic minority families and community Trust, and the Wildlife Trust. All these n Best Green Healthcare Provider’ at groups to enjoy the health benefits of using organisations, along with PECT, are the Scottish Green Awards 2010. woodland. The Khush Dil Active Woods members of the Natural Networks initiative encourages all Asian families and Partnership. This group makes sure The service was developed as a result community groups to enjoy the health that there are common goals for of a partnership between Forestry benefits of woodlands. protecting and enhancing the green Commission Scotland, NHS Greater Open spaces and woodland provide free spaces in Peterborough.(You can find Glasgow and Clyde, Glasgow & Clyde and natural venues for regular exercise out more about the Natural Networks Valley Green Network Partnership, and physical activity to keep a healthy Partnership by visiting Glasgow Centre for Population Health and happy heart. Supported by Awaz FM, and Glasgow City Council. Khush Dil Active Woods is working closely For details of how the project through community groups across Mandirs, was set up, see Branching Out – Gurudwaras and Mosques. Greenspace on referral (PDF 310k). A promotional leaflet was distributed in community venues to advertise ranger led woodland visits.

Click here to return to Contents 30 Torbay – putting a Thetford loops value on trees The town of Thetford on the Norfolk/ Torbay has adopted a new computer Suffolk border faces significant challenge software package developed in the due to its designation as a growth point US which puts a financial value on the and the need for significant regeneration. ecosystem services trees perform, Yet its setting is beside the East of from reduced air pollution to the England’s largest lowland forest (Thetford amount of carbon dioxide removed. Forest Park) which itself is a major The i-Tree software, developed by tourism and recreation centre and has the United States Forest Service, is SPA and SAC designations. The town designed to quantify the economic, itself is cut off from this forest by the A11 environmental and social value of by-pass which is a major route and safe trees in towns and cities – in short access to the forest by means other than put a dollar sign in front of them. vehicle is non-existent. Facing significant growth of at elast 5000 new homes , The project, at Torbay, in south Breckland District Council and the Moving Devon, is the first time i-Tree has been Thetford Forward partnership looked at used in the UK and aims to adapt how growth could be linked to this major the software to British currency and green infrastructure on the doorstep to conditions. bring benefits to the town.

The senior tree officer Neil Coish said Following partnership work, which that ‘What we are trying to do is get included the Forestry Commission, on The Forest Loops element includes all the our trees on the local authority’s the town’s green infrastructure needs, a forest routes in Thetford Warren, and the general ledger, then they become plan was formulated which has become area to the west and southwest of the assets. That is when we might start part of the transport plan in the Local Area town. The Forestry Commission actively getting political support. They benefit Action Plan. Key drivers for this were to promotes public access, but there is no us all, but we just take them for encourage healthier lifestyles (Thetford official route between forest and town. granted.’ receives money under the healthy Town The Loops will link into existing cycle initiative) and modal shift. Surveying all the borough’s 28,000 routes which are of varying quality and ‘rideability’. The priority routes are based trees, in manicured parks and Having found the majority of travel was on the use of the highest quality existing gardens, orchards, hedgerows, less than 10 km, it was determined that forest routes designated by the Forestry surviving stands of gnarled ancient one of the keys to linking the Forest to Commission as their ‘easy, family routes’ woodland, or clinging to the side of the town for the multiple benefits this tracks which already have an adequate sea cliffs, (the ) would be would bring and to deliver modal shift walking and cycling surface. impossible. Instead, a small survey was via a cycle way – the Thetford site was chosen at random in each Loops. The Loops will be multi-purpose, Thetford is also planning to plant 10,000 of 250 squares drawn on a map, with high quality routes for pedestrians trees along its routes as part of its green where everything was recorded: how and cyclists for leisure and utility trips. infrastructure plan. many trees, their species, their size, Masterplans and subsequent planning the vegetation growing alongside, or applications for areas that include parts of whether the plot was entirely covered the Loops network either running through by bricks and concrete. or adjacent should provide details to accompany any Planning Application and Currently urban trees are undervalued provision for sections of the Loops will only 5% of local authorities do any be required as part of the development. cost benefit analysis. On average The Council will seek a legal agreement to councils spend £1.38 per person on enable the subsequent handing over at nil trees per year. charge to the appropriate body. environment-planning/planning/ planningservice/arboriculture/itree.htm

Click here to return to Contents 31 Marston Vale – Community Forest Clinks Care Farm – Community Forests cover large areas The Forest of Marston Vale began Norfolk County Council around the edges of towns and cities as a joint initiative of Bedfordshire Clinks Care Farm is a 143-acre Norfolk the challenge is to use trees and County Council, Mid-Bedfordshire County farm in Toft Monks, Norfolk. It allows woodlands to transform 61 square District Council, Bedford Borough GPs’ patients to spend time on this working miles between Bedford and Milton Council, the Countryside Agency and farm as part of their treatment through the Keynes, repairing a landscape scarred the Forestry Commission. Originally groundbreaking ‘Farming on Prescription’ by decades of clay extraction, brick the initiative was administered through project. This uses farmland to promote making and landfill. The overall vision Bedfordshire County Council with the physical and mental health. The Centre for is to create well-wooded landscapes Forest Team being employed by the mental health estimated that in 2009/10 the for wildlife, work and education, with authority. Following a successful bid economic and social costs of mental health new opportunities for recreation, all from the Millennium Commission for problems in England came to £105.2 million. on the doorstep of half of England’s the Millennium Country Park, it was population. decided to establish a charity – the This project is funded through the Innovation Marston Vale Trust to hold the land Grant from NHS East of England and works The project aims to achieve 30% and develop the site and Marston Vale in partnership with NHS Great Yarmouth and woodland cover by securing Services Limited, a charitable trading Waveney, Norfolk and the Waveney Mental opportunities as they arise, promoting company wholly owned by the Trust to Health Foundation Trust. stewardship of the land and run the centre and site. This company One project on the farm is to plan and plant obtaining the resources to deliver operates the Millennium Country Park edible woodland, more commonly known viable woodland creation and other including the Forest Centre a purpose- as a ‘forest garden’. This forest garden has countryside management projects to built venue for conferences, seminars the capacity to provide a wide range of improve the landscape and physical etc. Funds raised contribute to Forest crops, such as fruits, nuts, berries, edible links between the urban areas and work reducing reliance on external leaves, fibres, medicinal plants, honey etc sites within the Vale. Identifying and funding. maximising the opportunities for and mimics the vegetation layers found in a attracting investment to the area The Millennium Park has won the wood, e.g. canopy layer, shrub layer, ground including that from sponsorship, the Green Flag award twice. cover, climbers. This garden, as well as being Lottery, partnerships, grants, the private a potential place for relaxation, also provides sector and landfill tax to deliver the produce that may not be grown elsewhere community forest and also to on the farm, providing an environment for create jobs. education with links to health and wellbeing, the natural environment and engagement By promoting awareness and with growing healthy food in a rural setting. enjoyment of the countryside to help boost a sense of ownership and caring The forest garden was designed by the for the area. Through increasing the Environment Section at Norfolk County number of attractive spaces, places Council and the planting – which they helped and routes for people to enjoy in organise – is undertaken by the patients, the countryside of the Marston Vale known as farm workers, along with Norfolk on foot, cycle or horseback thereby County Council. Several farm workers are promoting access for all. now employed on a voluntary basis to act as helpers to the other farm workers.

The project is ongoing with the tree planting, groundcover, herb layers and shrub layers near completion. The other planting is scheduled to fit in with seasonality and growing times, to deliver a long-term project. If successful the garden could be extended, together with the planting of a hazel coppice to provide hurdle making and craft material for use on the farm.

Click here to return to Contents 32 Slowing the flow Slowing the Flow at Pickering is a project that seeks to demonstrate how better land management can help to tackle the flooding problem faced by Pickering in North Yorkshire, in common with many other towns and cities across the country.

Flooding appears to be an increasingly common event and one that could get even worse with climate change. Pickering has been flooded four times in the last 10 years (1999, 2000, 2002 and 2007), with the last flood the most serious to date, causing damage to homes and businesses valued at approximately £7 million. The impact of the 2007 floods was particularly severe across the whole of the Yorkshire and the Humber Region, with the total damage estimated at £2.1 billion.

‘Slowing the Flow at Pickering’ (Yorkshire) is an experiment exploring a new approach to flood management using woody dams to slow the flow in the forest water courses. It is about working with nature to try and store more water in the landscape and slow its passage downstream. Whilst this will not prevent all flooding, it is expected to reduce the frequency of future floods in Pickering, as well as deliver a range of other benefits to the local environment and community.

Slowing the Flow at Pickering is a partnership project. It is led by Forest Research, closely supported by Forestry Commission England, The Environment Agency, The North York Moors National Park Authority, Durham University, Natural England and the wider community. The lead funder is Defra.

Click here to return to Contents 33 Annex 1 Annex 2

The management cycle of timber Securing the future: delivering UK Most recently the Environment production in accordance with the UKFS sustainable development strategy Consultation paper – an invitation to has a key role to play in sustainable (HMG 2005). shape the Nature of England states that… woodland management: A series England’s trees, woods and forests, of indicators of sustainable forestry, UK Biodiversity Action Plan (HMG 1994b). ranging from individual street trees to against which it is possible to assess Ensures the UK meets its obligations networks of woodland in the countryside management practices, have been under the Rio (earth summit) Declaration. are a unique asset-rich in bio-diversity, established for the UK which are linked to These are in turn reinforced by general popular places for recreation and leisure, wider sustainable development indicators. guidance given in Planning Policy producers of products such as fuel and Statement (PPS) 9 (CLG 2005) and wood for use in our daily lives and an The UK Woodland Assurance Standard ‘A Strategy for England’s Trees, Woods important part of our response to climate (UKWAS) has been developed jointly by and Forests’ (DEFRA 2007). change. We need to manage and expand Government and forestry, environmental this resource sustainably – for our The UK Low Carbon Transition Plan: and social interests for the independent generation and for future generations National Strategy for Climate and Energy certification of . UKWAS recognising all of these multiple benefits’. is based on the UK Forestry Standard (HMG 2009). Published by central and enables timber sourced from certified government it includes a commitment to Sustainable Futures-Integrated woodland to access markets which plant 15,000 ha of woodland per annum Sustainability Framework published in are increasingly demanding credible in England for the next 15 years. This January 2009 although now out of independent assurance that timber products equates to something in the order of 250 date the key challenges still remain valid come from sustainably managed sources. ha a year of new woodland in Essex. for communities, local Authorities and Timber from UKWAS certified woodland Businesses in the East of England. By Woodfuel Strategy for England (FC 2007). can carry the Forest Stewardship making the best use of woodland, trees This contains a national target of bringing Council’s internationally recognised label and forests maximising the benefit they to market an additional 2 million tonnes of of sustainability. can bring it will help to address several wood, annually, by 2020. This represents of these: The UK Forestry Standard (UKFS)25 sets approximately 50% of the currently unharvested sustainable yield in English out the criteria and standards for the n Promote sustainable growth within woodlands and would save 400,000 sustainable management of all forests and environmental limits woodlands in the UK. It is the centrepiece tonnes of carbon emissions annually. n Reduce greenhouse gas emissions of a system to guide and monitor forestry. Policy Planning Statement (PPS) 9: It is linked to the developing international n Adapt to impacts of climate change Biodiversity and Geological Conservation protocols for sustainable forestry; (CLG 2005). Specifically identifies Veteran n Increase resource efficiency and trees and ancient woodlands as being reduce recourse use and waste Sustainable management of woodlands: matters for special consideration and n Conserve and restore the regions n Protects natural resources and protection, when being considered by the natural and built environment the cultural environment (for planning process. n Promote employment learning, skills example by protecting soils and and innovation archaeological artefacts); PPS 3: Housing (CLG 2006). The Government expects local planning n Creates and sustains biodiversity authorities to have greening initiatives. The Carbon Plan, first published in March e.g. to delivering specific public The planting of trees/woodlands and care 2011, is a Government-wide plan of action benefits (for example the habitat for of existing trees/woodlands near new on climate change, including domestic woodlark and nightjar populations); developments and existing buildings can and international activity, which sets out department by department, actions n Provides funding which can be used help meet these requirements. and deadlines for the next 5 years. The to offset the cost of providing public Planning Policy Guidance (PPG) 17: Carbon Plan has been published initially benefits (for example the sale of Planning for open space, sport and as a ‘draft’ that takes account of the first firewood from a coppicing operation recreation (CLG 2001). Advises that three UK carbon budgets. It outlines the that is carried out for dormouse local authorities develop strategies for importance of increasing woodland cover conservation reduces the net cost delivering open spaces that meet the and sustainable forest management. of the conservation operation); needs of local communities. The planting n Helps to implement international and maintenance of woodlands can help commitments by promoting the use to improve existing sites as well as helping what_we_do/lc_uk/carbon_plan/carbon_ of timber from sustainably managed to increase the number of sites within plan.aspx resources (and in the process the area. reduces our reliance on imported wood and wood products).

Click here to return to Contents 34 References Footnotes

D. Egan, Sheffield Hallam University, 1. 19. K. Harrison, Hallam Environmental Consultants Ltd & I.D. Rotherham, Sheffield 2. 20. Woodland Wealth Appraisal 2010, Hallam University, December 2005 – what_we_do/lc_uk/lc_trans_plan/ in press The local economic impact of Center lc_trans_plan.aspx 21. Combating climate Change – a Role Parcs holiday villages, with particular 3. for UK Forests: reference to the potential local impact of a FO=1159966&Action=Book&Product readreport proposed holiday village at Warren Woods ID=9780114973513&From=SearchRe Bedfordshire. sults 22. This estimate is conservative as the 120,000 green tonnes for biomass CESR(2004) Much more than trees2: 4. energy may be met in part or measuring the social and economic majority by the processing impact of the national Forest, Staffordshire 5. co-product from sawmilling and from University Centre for Economic and Social natural/whitepaper forest management. regeneration. 6. 23. To assess volume figures from Companies Act 2006 Wfl_Reappraisal%208pp.pdf both owner occupied estates and contractors felling over multiple Countryside Agency 2005, English Leisure 7. Visits Survey ownerships, we assumed 1ha of 8. hardwood YC4 thinned at 70% nugget.asp?id=2001 marginal intensity will yield 28 m3 on a 10 year rotation from thinning. 9. Where actual figures from estates are natural/whitepaper/ available and lower (or volumes are known to come from high volume 10. interventions such as poplar CF or 79ek5z overstood coppice), the lower hectare 11. figures are used. Also assumes 1 3 cms/what_we_do/change_energy/ green tonne = 1m tackling_clima/ccas/uk_ets/uk_ets. 24. aspx ourwork/enjoying/research/monitor/ 12. Mark Broadmeadow, FC, personal leisurevisits/default.aspx communication 25. 13. Wfl_Reappraisal%208pp.pdf

14. legislation/cc_act_08/cc_act_08. aspx


16. woodbank/DisplayArticle_2304. html


18. default.html

Click here to return to Contents 35 Woodlandforlife: Credits

Monitoring and Action Group Photography members and advisors Front Cover: Bottom Left: Forestry Commission Members have come and gone as jobs have changed, but all those Top Left: Forestry Commission listed here have contributed in some way to the latest piece of work. Top Right: Forestry Commission Bottom Right: Michael Murray MAG members Advisors Page 2: Michael Murray Gerry Barnes, Chair of the FC Regional Mark Broadmeadow, Forestry Page 3: Forestry Commission Advisory Committee (RAC) & Norfolk Commission Page 4: Steve Scott County Council Steve Scott, Forestry Commission Page 7: Forestry Commission Gary Battell, Suffolk County Council Jim Smith, Forestry Commission Page 8: Isobel Cameron Natalie Bennett, Natural England Edwin Van Ek, Woodfuel East Adrian Cannard, East of England Local Page 9 (Left): Forestry Commission Government Association (EELGA) Page 9 (Right): Forestry Commission Katy Harbottle, COVER Page 10: Michael Murray Dr Peter Hobson, Writtle College Page 11: Michael Murray Nigel Hughes, Green Light Trust Page 12: Forestry Commission David Kenny, English Heritage Page 13: Forestry Commission Jeff Kew, RSPB Page 14: Michael Murray Corinne Meakins, Forestry Commission Page 15: Forestry Commission (Project Manager) Page 16: Robert Rush Giovanna Pisano, Environment Agency Page 17: Forestry Commission Richard Powell, OBE, National Trust (Chair) Page 18: Forestry Commission Margaret Read , GO East Page 19: Forestry Commission Mike Seville, CLA Page 21: Forestry Commission David Sillett, East of England Development Page 22: Forestry Commission Agency Page 23: Chris Knight Neil Wood, Department for Health Page 25: Forestry Commission Page 26: Forestry Commission Page 28: Forestry Commission Page 29: Forestry Commission Page 31: Forestry Commission

Contact Design Dynamic Creative Tel: 01842 819 089 Prepared for the Monitoring and Action Group by Corinne Meakins, Regional Development Advisor, Forestry Commission

Woodlandforlife Publication 2011

Click here to return to Contents 36