Box Folder 55 14 University Study Mission. 1967-1968
MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series H: United Jewish Appeal, 1945-1995. Subseries 4: Administrative Files, 1945-1994. Box Folder 55 14 University Study Mission. 1967-1968. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 FACT SHEET ON THE SECOND UJA UNIVERSITY STUDY MISSION June 18 - August 13 1968 The United Jewish Appeal is conducting the second University Study Mission in the summer of 1968. Participants in the Mission will be selected on the basis of potential for leadership on the campus or in the community. The Mission is limited to forty male students from the entire country who have completed their freshman year of college and who are under the age of 24. The group is scheduled to meet in New York City for briefing on Tuesday morning, June 18th and to depart that evening, returning on Tuesday, -e· August 13, 1968. The first month will be spent in France, Switzerland, I Germany, Austria and Italy; the remaining four weeks will be devoted to Israel. .. The program will include meetings with the leadership of Jewish com munities overseas, dialogues with your contemporaries in the countries visited, and first hand observations of the Jewish Agency, JDC, ORT and United Hias Service in Europe and Israel. The cos~ per person, including all air travel, meals and hotels for eight weeks, is $1300. 00. Applications for participation in the Mission should be forwarded to: J Director, UJA University Program j United Jewish Appeal 1290 Avenue of the Americas e.
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