Wishaw, Newmains & Shotts Area Community Forum Minutes

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Wishaw, Newmains & Shotts Area Community Forum Minutes REPORT To: WISHAW AND DISTRICT AREA Subject: WISHAW, NEWMAINS & COMMITTEE SHOTTS COMMUNITY FORUM From: DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES Date: 27 OCTOBER 2005 I Ref: BP/PW 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to submit minutes of the Wishaw, Newmains & Shotts Community Forum meetings to the Area Committee. The minutes of 15 September and 20 October 2005 are attached as Appendix 1 to this report. 2. RECOMMENDATIONS Wishaw and District Area Committee is requested to note the Wishaw, Newmains & Shotts Community Forum minutes. H \ComForumRpt doc Minutes of Meeting of Wishaw, Newmains and Shotts Community Forum held on Thursday 15thSeptember, 2005 Present: Duncan Gray Chair Ian Glen Bonkle Church R Wilson Bonkle Thursday Club Francis Cain North Lanarkshire User/Carer Forum W Kennedy LFI Walter Potts Wishaw Methodist Church Alex Myles Wishaw Methodist Church Jane McMi Ilan Cambusnethan Independent Hugh McMillan Cambusnethan Independent James Napier Wishaw YMCA Iain Murdoch Cambusnethan Old & Morningside Parish Church Caroline Dunne Motherwell & Wishaw CAB Attending: John McGhee NLC D McKendrick NLC Iain Sinclair NLC Bob Brownlie NLC Nanette Keenan NLC Judith Hope Wishaw General Hospital Judith Hope General manager of Wishaw General Hospital gave an informative and enthusiastic talk about her work in the hospital. A general discussion followed. The main issues were: car parking; waiting times - in particular in Accident & Emergency and staffing levels. Iain Murdoch gave the vote of thanks. He expressed gratitude to Judith for her time and for the useful information she conveyed. The minutes of last meeting held on 2ndJune were read and approved. AOCB Iain Murdoch asked about refurbishment at Coltness High School. Councillor McGhee will speak to Councillor Holloway on this issue and report back. L Itwas reported that gardens in the Cambusnethan area were not being kept to good standard. The grass was not being cut and bin bags were being left in front gardens. Bob Brownlie replied that some of these houses are unoccupied and that the Housing Department have no power over this. Itwas reported that the bins at the back of Kirk Rd were not operational. Bob Brownlie will take this matter up. At the area committee held on 14thSeptember, it was reported that parking at Wishaw Library will be increased by 30 spaces. Duncan Gray will determine how many of these will be designated as disabled parking spaces. Bob Brownlie stated that the external rendering of houses were done in chronological order. He will find when this is due to be carried out in the Cambusnethan area. DONM 20th October 2005 At this meeting it is hoped that a speaker from the Recycling Unit will be available to attend. Minutes of Meeting of Wishaw, Newmains and Shotts Community Forum held on Thursday 20th October, 2005 Present: Councillor John McGhee G Harvie C Kirkwood Patricia Parvin Gertrude Kenmure Jamie Super I Glen Jas. Napier Walter Potts Alex Myles Zena Morton Carole Ann Foley lain Murdoch [Chair] Nanette Keenan [ M i nU tes] Alex McLaren Recycling Officer NLC Apologies: Duncan Gray Co un ci I lo r Love Councillor Martin Councillor Holloway lain Sinclair Mrs McAlpine Alex Myles Bill Kennedy Bob Brownlie M r McMill an Mrs McMillan Frank Cain Matters Arisinq: Councillor McGhee awaiting information re Coltness High refurbis hmen t . A letter of thanks was received from Judith Hope, General Manager of Wishaw General Hospital. Alex McLaren, Recvclina Officer from NLC gave a positive and encouraging presentation on the current activities and statistics of the Recycling Unit. George Harvie gave a vote of thanks. AOCB A letter was received from the Director of Planning re the Southern Area Pre Enquiry Plan consultation. It stated that copies of the plan were available for inspection at the Planning Dept in Brandon St. and also at any local library. It can also be downloaded from the Council website. Objections need to be with the Planning Dept by gthNovember. Carole Ann Foley advised the Forum of Greenhead Moss’s application to the Big Lottery Fund for an “Earthship” visitor centre. Their application has been shortlisted and is due to go to a public vote via Scottish TV on Wednesday 26‘h October. The Forum wished the group well and individual members pledged their support. It was agreed to contact Pauline Nicholas, Regeneration Manager, re presentation at next Forum meeting. DONM 24‘hNovember 2005 at 7.15pm in Social Work Offices, King St, Wishaw. .
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