Essex. Sch 689
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TRADES DIRECTORY.] ESSEX. SCH 689 Billericay Endowed Grammar School Little IHord School of :Music (Samuel tBaker Mrs. Mary, 12 Aldborough (William Matthews, master), Billeri Cullis Leopold, manager), Church gardens, Ilford cay RS.O road, Manor Park Ballard Misses Phrebe <& Emily, 63 Brentwood Free Grammar School(Rev. Maldon Grammar School (Robert P.A. Marine par. ea.Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O E:clwin Bean M.A. head master; Mumford M.A. head master), Lon- Bannester Miss Elizabeth Sumner B.A. Archibald M. Stnart B.Sc., Herr don road, Maldon Lond. & Miss Rose Brown, Grow Gerber & Messrs. R. E. Rogers, G.L. Marconi's 'Vireless Telegraph Training stone road, Southend Woodman & G. E. Griffin, assistant ColleQ:e (Thomas Bowden, manager), tBarker Miss Rosa Ellen, Beadel's hall, masters) ; Miss E. Powell, lady Third av. Frinton-on-Sea, Colohester Chignal, Chelmsford teacher in charge of PreparatOTY Newport Grammar School (William Barnard Edward, 6 Church villas, Wal department, Ingrave rd. Brentwood Waterhouse ~LA. head master), ton-on-the-Naze RS.O Brentwood High School (James Bin Newport RO §Barnes Mrs. A.S4 Woodlands rd.nfI'd more Kennel' B.A.Lond. head Priory School (Catholic) (ChristopheI' tBarrett Miss Annie, .AIma house,York master), Rose valley, Brentwood Sclater Millard ~.A. head master), hill, Loughton S.O Brentwood High School (Catholic), Woodford Green tBeard Misses Emily & Rosa,IS Marine (under the charge of the Ursuline Rettendon Technical Instruction Class parade east, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O. Nuns from Upton),Fair view,Queen's (Charles J. Langley, sec.), Retten- See advert road, Brentwood don, Chehnsford Beddall Mrs. S. High street, Witham British & Foreign Training College Royal Grammar School (Percy Shaw tBennett Miss Sarah Ennor, I Vic- (Miss Jessie M. Dunlop, principal; Jeffrey M.A. head master), Lexden toria road, Colchester Miss Edith Shaw, matron; Miss Toad, Colchester :::Bewley Mrs. Eveline, Grove house,. Brown-Smith, head mistress of kin Saffron 'Valden Grammar School (M. London road, Braintree dergarten ; for names of governesses, Thompson B.A. head master), Ash- tBiddell Miss Elizabeth,Il7 York road•. see p. 347), South rd. Saffron Waldn don road, Saffron Walden· Southend Burnham Division Technical Education St. Mary's College (Rev. Lyndhurst B t*§Bidwell Miss Rose, 7 Orwell ter-- Committee (Joseph Cook, sec.), Towne, principal), Harlow race Dovercourt Burnham S.O Technical School (Joseph Hitchcock, tBird 'Miss Anna, 25 New London rd.. Chelmsford Grammar School (Frank head master), Olarence road, South- Chehnsford William Rogers M.A. head master; end-on-Sea t Bishop The Misses Amy & Edith,. Bert·ram H. Keall B.A. second mas~ Wanste~d Colle~e .(Mr.& Mrs.Beecham Roden house, Ongar S.O ter; for assistant masters, see p. Martm, prmcIpals), Woodlands, t*Dlyth Miss Kitty & Marian, Prospect 87), Grammar school, Chelmsford Wo?dford road, South Woodford house, Rayleigh S.O Chigwell Granunar School (Rev.Richd. WarwIck. (Countess of) Secondary & "tBosustow Mrs.Maria L.43 Fredericka Dawson Swallow M.A. head master), Techmcal School (E.. E. Hennesey, road, Chingford Ohigwell master), Dunmow, BIshop Stortford tBotwright Horace Henry Havelock. Olacton College for Boys(Harold Picton The College, Spring-field, Chelmsford B.Sc.Lond. principal), Carnarvon SCHOOLS INDUSTRIAL. tBoughtwood Miss Annie E. Billeri road, Olacton-on-Sea cay R.S.O Oolchester Technical &; University Ex E'ssex Industrial School &; Home for .tBraintree College for Boys (Lennore tension College &; .AIbert School of Destitute Boys (J. Brittain Pash, Rodney Philip Cowper Amott Mus. Science & Art (H. C. Wankly, hon. sec.; Wm. Smith, sec. ; Philip Lake member of the council & manager), Doc. principal), London rd.Braintree . M.A. principal; F. O. Wilson RA. Rainsford road, Chehnsford tBrannon Miss Emma, 17. Saville st.. head master of pupil teachers' Halstead Industrial School (Miss Walton-on-the-Naze RS.O centre; Chas. E. Baskett, art head Harriet Mary Newman,supt.),School lBroughton Miss Eva, 3 Florence vils._ master), High street, Colchester lane, Halstead High road, Woodford Wells Oranbrook College, high school for St. Charles Diocesan Catholie Schools §Brown Mrs. E. 19 A1exandra road~. boys (W. H. Carte B.A.Lond. prin (Mother Superior, Sister Josephine Colchester cipal), Oranbrook gardens, Iliord Murphy), Weald lane, Brentwood tBryan Miss Kate, Montpelier house~ Earls Colne Grammar School (Arthur St. Nicholas (Rev. Patrick Pahner. Queen's road, Brentwood John Appleton B.A. head master; chaplain; Hugh McGreehin, head tBush Mrs.S.A.High Roothing,Dunmw E. H. Scott (science), J. Stead & master; A. St. Leger Westall, ttOatholic High School (Rev. Mother- L. L. Barber (music) assistant superintendent), Gladding road, Superior, principal), St. Mary's- masters), Earls Colne R.S.O Manor Park E Convent, I Milton road, Southend Educational Institute (John William "Shaftesbury" Industrial Training Champion Miss Sarah, Wickford S.O Park, principal), Assembly Rooms, Ship (William Scriven R.N. captain; t*Chaplin Miss Clara, 7 St. Vincent's·. 81\ Southchurch road, Southend Daniel Murphy, chief officer; John road, Southend Alfred Ward M.R.C.S. surgeon; ttChaplin Miss R. 10 West Cliff par.. Epping Forest School of the Science &; Art Department, South Kensington .Tames George Hugill, paymaster; Southend (Woodford & Buckhurst Hill dis William T. Litton, schoolmaster; *Chisholm Kenneth, 15 Oambridge· trict) (Miss Jane Eliza Cole, head Miss Emma Wilson, infirmary road, Iliord mistress), Springfield, Epping road, matron; Robert M. Beale, captain Chitham Misses J. M. &; E. H. Colville Buckhurst Hill of tender" Themis "), Grays house, Wellesley road, Colchester " Exmouth " Training Ship, Staff West Ham School Board Truant In- Clacton College for Boys(Harold Picton Oaptain Arthur J. Loane R.N. capt. dustrial School (.T. B. G. Gidley- B. Sc.Lond. principal), Carnarvon Moore L.RC.P.Lond. medical road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O supt. ; WaIter Wellman, chief M~s. officer; Alfred Thompson,paymast<er officer; . Ancel Culling, supt.; *.tClacton Grammar School (F. W. A. Culling, matron; George WIll. Hille B.A. principal), Edith road,. &; storekeeper; Rev. Fredk. Haslock, chaplain; Arthur John Partridge goose, schoolmaster), Fyfield, On- CIacton-on-Sea R.S.O M.B., Ch.B. surgeon; Mrs. F. M. gar S.O *:::CIark Oswald W., M.A. Ongar S.O· Catton, matron; William Hollamby, tCloud Miss Sarah Ann, 49 Meanley road, Manor Park schoolmaster, Grays SCHOOLS-PRIVATE. Felstead School (Rev. HeTbert Andrew tCoats Miss Susan, II Orsett rd.Grays Dalton M.A. head master; for assis- Marked thus t are for Girls. Colchester High School for Girls (Fer tant masters, see p. 180), Felstead, Marked thus * are for Boys. dinand & Miss M. Grone,principals)" Chelmsford Marked thus :I: are Boarding Schools. W ellesley road, Colchester Friends' School (John Edwd. Walker, Marked thus § are Preparatory Sehools. Connal AlIan, Anglo-French College, head master; C. Beightwen Rown- 38 Cambridge road, IHord tree B. A. head teacher; Miss L. t Abbatt Miss C. Church hill, Epping tCooper Miss Charlotte, Nelson street, Fairhrother, head mistress), Mount A.bbott Miss A. M. 10 Crouch street, Brightlingsea, Colchester Pleasant road, Saffron Walden Colchester t*Oordoza Miss,38 Western rd.Romfrd Halstead District Technical Instruction t Abbott Miss F.Colchester rd.Halstead tCowell Misses Laura & Rose, 16 High Committee (E. J. Potter, sec.), tAllen Misses, 59 De Vere gdns.Ilford street, Saffron Walden Blue bridge, Colchester road A.ndrews Mrs. Rosina, 4 York gardens, tCrane Miss Matilda, Eversleigh, Halstead Grammar School (Samuel York road, Ilford Newport S.O Savery B.A. master), High street, tArundel Charles Ernest,Milton house, tCromer Miss Kate, i Hill side,Market Halstead Fredricka road, Chingford hill, Maldon Leigh Hall College for Boys (John *tAscham College (A. S. Wilson,prin- tCutliffe Miss Mary, II Church road, Henry Howell M.A.), Cliff road, pal), Holland road, Clacton-on- Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Leigh S.O Sea RS.O. See advertisement Davis Rev. Leonard, Burnham S.O • • ESSEX 44:.