A Survey on Legacy and Emerging Technologies for Public Safety Communications
1 A Survey on Legacy and Emerging Technologies for Public Safety Communications Abhaykumar Kumbhar1;2, Farshad Koohifar1, Ismail˙ Guvenc¸¨ 1, and Bruce Mueller2 1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Florida International University, Miami, FL 33174 2Motorola Solutions, Inc., Plantation, FL 33322 USA Email: fakumb004, fkooh001, iguvencg@fiu.edu, bruce.d.mueller@motorolasolutions.com Abstract—Effective emergency and natural disaster manage- policy have been discussed in [4] and [5], which study the ment depend on the efficient mission-critical voice and data decoupling of spectrum licenses for spectrum access, a new communication between first responders and victims. Land nationwide system built on open standards with consistent Mobile Radio System (LMRS) is a legacy narrowband technology used for critical voice communications with limited use for data architecture, and fund raising approach for the transition to a applications. Recently Long Term Evolution (LTE) emerged as new nationwide system. As explained in [6], communication of a broadband communication technology that has a potential time critical information is an important factor for emergency to transform the capabilities of public safety technologies by response. In [7] and [8], insights on cognitive radio technology providing broadband, ubiquitous, and mission-critical voice and are presented, which plays a significant role in making the best data support. For example, in the United States, FirstNet is building a nationwide coast-to-coast public safety network based use of scarce spectrum in public safety scenarios. Integration of LTE broadband technology. This paper presents a comparative of other wireless technologies into PSC is studied in [9], with survey of legacy and the LTE-based public safety networks, and a goal to provide faster and reliable communication capability discusses the LMRS-LTE convergence as well as mission-critical in a challenging environment where infrastructure is impacted push-to-talk over LTE.
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