SpinkScripophily:Layout 1 6/5/08 5:30 PM Page 1 S C R I P O P H I L Y JJUUNNEE 2008 L O N D O N tel: +44 (0)20 7563 4000 69 Southampton Row Bloomsbury, London WC1B 4ET N E W Y O R K tel: 800 622 1880 2 Rector Street, 12th Floor New York, New York 10006 www.spinksmythe.com www.spink.com Whether you are collecting, buying, or selling, names you have long known are now teamed up to bring M I K E V E I S S I D (U.K.) you all the benefits of the global marketplace. Let experts with a collective 100-plus years of expertise help
[email protected] you build your collection. Let a firm which holds the world’s record auction price for a security sell your holdings. Let the builders of the world’s premier scripophily library, with reference files on over a million C A L E B E S T E R L I N E (U.S.) global securities issues offer their unparalleled service and a century’s worth of securities research to you.
[email protected] Let a global client list and offices on three continents work for you. J O H N H E R ZO G (U.S.) To inquire about consigning your collection to auction or exploring private sale, to order catalogues for upcoming or previous auctions, to learn about our current scripophily inventory, or order publications,
[email protected] contact our experts today. INTERNATIONAL BOND & SHARE SOCIETY • YEAR 31 • ISSUE 1 Published by the International Bond & Share Society.