Widespread Warblers

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Widespread Warblers Widespread Warblers Yellow Warbler (M) Yellow Warbler (F) Wilson’s Warbler (M) Wilson’s Warbler (F) Nashville Warbler Common Yellowthroat (M) Common Yellowthroat (F) Palm Warbler Yellow-rumped Yellow-rumped (Myrtle) Warbler (M) (Myrtle) Warbler (F) Orange-crowned Warbler Blackpoll Warbler (M) Blackpoll Warbler (F) Black-and-white Warbler (M) Black-and-white Warbler (F) Northern Waterthrush American Redstart (M) American Redstart (F) Yellow-breasted Chat Yellow Warbler male, Yellow Warbler female, Wilson's Warbler male, Common Yellowthroat male, Common Yellowthroat female, Palm Warbler, Yellow-rumped (Myrtle) Warbler male, Yellow-rumped (Myrtle) Warbler, Orange-crowned Warbler, Black and white Warbler male, Northern Waterthrush, American Redstart male, American Redstart female: Kevin J. McGowan, Wilson's Warbler female: Ian Routeley/ML29261821, Nashville Warbler: Benjamin Hack/ML70542021, Blackpoll Warbler male: Dick Dionne/ML38369491, Blackpoll Warbler female: Larry Sirvio/ML47600211, Black and White Warbler female: Peter Hawrylyshyn/ML80064421, Yellow-breasted Chat: Paul Aucoin/ML45134551 Eastern Warblers 1 Kentucky Warbler Prairie Warbler (M) Prairie Warbler (F) Hooded Warbler (M) Hooded Warbler (F) Pine Warbler (M) Pine Warbler (F) Kirtland's Warbler (M) Kirtland's Warbler (F) Prothonotary Warbler Blue-winged Warbler Northern Parula (M) Northern Parula (F) Golden-winged Warbler (M) Golden-winged Warbler (F) Yellow-throated Warbler Worm-eating Warbler Swainson's Warbler Louisiana Waterthrush Prairie Warbler male, Prairie Warbler female, Pine Warbler female, Blue-winged warbler: Brendan Klick/ML57289371, Kentucky Warbler: Ryan Schain/ML40061541, Hooded Warbler male: Carlos Echeverria/ML47045341, Hooded Warbler female: Jay W. McGowan/ML37803211, Pine Warbler male: Will Stuart/GBBC08, Kirtland's Warbler male: Amanda Guercio/ML43546261, Kirtland's Warbler female: Caleb Putnam/ML41946461, Prothonotary Warbler: Jason Leifester/ML47579751, Northern Parula: Ryan Schain/ML40144451, Northern Parula: Sam Woods/ML28924091, Golden-winged Warbler male: Bob Saunders/ML59496631, Golden-winged Warbler female: Jay W. McGowan ML/28630221, Worm-eating Warbler: Gene Koziara/ML66227771, Swainson's Warbler: Sarah Lane/ML36635721, Louisiana Waterthrush: Arron Marshall/ML35364021 Eastern Warblers 2 Canada Warbler (M) Canada Warbler (F) Magnolia Warbler (M) Magnolia Warbler (F) Cerulean Warbler (M) Black-throated Black-throated Cape May Warbler (M) Cape May Warbler (F) Cerulean Warbler (F) Green Warbler (M) Green Warbler (F) Connecticut Warbler (M) Connecticut Warbler (F) Tennessee Warbler (M) Tennessee Warbler (F) Black-throated Blue Warbler (M) Mourning Warbler (M) Mourning Warbler (F) Blackburnian Warbler (M) Blackburnian Warbler (F) Black-throated Blue Warbler (F) Bay-breasted Warbler (M) Bay-breasted Warbler (F) Chestnut-sided Warbler (M) Chestnut-sided Warbler (F) Ovenbird Canada Warbler M/F, Magnolia Warbler M/F, Black-throated Green Warbler M/F,Cerulean Warbler female,Black-throated Blue Warbler male,Mourning Warbler female, Blackburnian Warbler M/F, Black-throated Blue Warbler female, Chestnut-sided Warbler M/F, Ovenbird: Kevin J. McGowan, Cerulean Warbler male: Edward Plumer/ML36378601, Cape May Warbler male: Keenan Yakola/ML63693631, Cape May Warbler female: Jeffrey Offermann/ML47443831, Connecticut Warbler: Andrew Spencer/ML32311441, Connecticut Warbler female: Jay W. McGowan/ML20438851, Tennessee Warbler male: Edward Plumer/ML28687821, Tennessee Warbler female: Jim Hully/ML49581011, Mourning Warbbler male: Felipe Pimentel/ML58565441, Bay-breasted Warbler male: Rohan van Twest/ML46223771, Bay-breasted Warbler female: Jeffrey Moore/ML38083281 Western Warblers MacGillivray's Warbler Townsend's Warbler (M) Townsend's Warbler (F) Hermit Warbler (M) Hermit Warbler (F) Golden-cheeked Warbler (M) Golden-cheeked Warbler (F) Yellow-rumped Yellow-rumped Grace's Warbler (Audubon's) Warbler (M) (Audubon's) Warbler (F) Virginia’s Warbler Lucy’s Warbler Black-throated Gray Warbler Olive Warbler (M) Olive Warbler (F) Colima Warbler Red-faced Warbler Painted Redstart MacGillivray's Warbler: Phil Kahler/ML57962281, Townsend's Warbler male: Brian L Sullivan, Townsend's Warbler female: Brian L Sullivan, Hermit Warbler: Brian L Sullivan, Hermit Warbler Female: John van Dort/ML37076281, Golden-cheeked Warbler male: Chris Bergmann/ML27694351, Golden-cheeked Warbler female: David Hollie/ML27335971, Yellow-rumped (Audubon's) Warbler: Greg Gillson/ML36717681, Yellow-rumped (Audubon's) Warbler female: Brian L Sullivan, Grace's Warbler: John van Dort/ML37074591, Virginia's Warbler: Greg Bodker/ML41248781, Lucy's Warbler: Scott Berglund/ML46786381, Black-throated Gray Warbler: Alan Schmierer/ML46988091, Olive Warbler: Carl Giometti/ML47809411, Olive Warbler: Bradley Hacker/ML31454521, Colima Warbler: Dick Dionne/ML36378981, Red-faced Warbler: Jason Leifester/ML30546531, Painted Redstart: John van Dort/ML37074411 .
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